Lust at First Sight

by Barney Bumpkin

24 Oct 2022 768 readers Score 9.2 (9 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

8. Gym Buddies + Fuck Buddies

To my surprise, in the gym sessions immediately following our landmark sexual encounter, Leo had no difficulty maintaining the same professional distance between us as he had before it had taken place. From which I deduced that he was disinclined to repeat the experience any time soon. After all, business is business, I concluded, and I was the one who had enticed him into mixing business with pleasure.

However, after discovering how well Leo played the role of dom, I opted to modify my own behaviour toward him by treating him with much greater respect than I had in the past. But, however much I may have liked to, I stopped short of addressing him as “Sir” for fear it would embarrass him in front of his other clients. I also ceasing flirting with him, acknowledging that it was up to him to decide if, when, and how, he wished to take my sexual humiliation further.

My new subservient attitude toward him was noted however, and when no one else was around and he was feeling horny, I found myself rewarded for my obsequiousness by Leo sexing-up our workouts by fondling me, having me workout naked and service his dick. But sadly, there were no more naked jogs to the park or late-night walks around the gay cruising ground!

Despite the reversal of the power-dynamics between us, Leo continued to confide in me about his personal life and confessed that he was still pursuing his Trans-Atlantic relationship with his Californian admirer. To his frustration, this was largely via WhatsApp, interspersed with heady face to face meets whenever the guy visited London on business, plus most recently, by them spending their vacations together in California or elsewhere. Fortunately for me, their arrangement left them both free to play the field in their respective home towns in the other’s absence.

In return, I had confided in him that my own love-life had also taken a turn for the better, when my trawling of gay dating websites had eventually paid off and I’d succeeded in finding myself a new boyfriend. The guy was called Nilan and he was of South Indian ancestry. I had fallen for his handsome moustached face, slender, ebony-skinned body and jet-black hair the moment I had seen his pics on-line and was flattered to find he was equally enamoured of my red hair, pale complexion and, by this time, lithe, muscular appearance, despite me being over five years his senior.

Although we had both described ourselves as “versatile” in our cautious on-line profiles, I quickly conceded to him the role of top, and in the weeks of sexual passion that had followed our meeting, I’d been more than happy to settle for conventional sex with him, without adding the complication of informing him that what really floated my boat was public sex and sub/dom role play. Considering the basis of the relationship was purely sexual, we got along pretty well together and, despite our very different backgrounds, found we had an enormous amount in common.

Although gaining a promotion, in the years since I’d split with my last partner, my huge mortgage had continued to soak up most of my income, leaving me struggling to repay my credit card bills each month. So, after discovering Nilan was living in a dilapidated rental flat at the other side of London at enormous cost, despite only knowing him for just a couple of months, I’d offered him his own room for half of what he was currently paying his landlord in a deal that made us both instantly better off.

Although Nilan was aware that I had a personal trainer, through me explaining to him how I came to have the great body that he liked fucking so much, while we had lived apart and met mostly at the weekends, he had never had the opportunity to meet him. However, when he moved in with me, I encouraged my new housemate to follow my example and take up regular exercise – but, like me, he had no experience of using a gym so preferred to accompany me when I went swimming instead.

But after finding himself home alone two evenings a week, Nilan soon started to become curious about my visits to see Leo. So, I suggested he accompany me on one of them with a view to him joining in our regular sessions which, given my instructor had paired me up with another guy in the past to save me money, I thought he’d be more than happy to do.

Already aware of my new boyfriend from my confidences and probably keen to retain my custom, Leo had willingly agreed and I had arranged for Nilan to join us for our next session so he could see what he was letting himself in for.

Although I'd been fearful that they might not get on when I first introduced them to each other, to my great relief, the two men in my life had immediately hit it off! However, after meeting Leo, Nilan had not only realised just how handsome he was, but over the course of our workout session, noticed not only the high degree of intimacy that existed between the two of us, but also the amount of deference with which I treated him.

Afterwards, as we had enjoyed a meal together at the burger joint near the station that I habitually visited on my way home, he had demanded to know if I had ever slept with my charismatic gym instructor.

I took a deep breath and decided it was best to make a clean breast of it and admit that I had lusted after Leo for years but had only succeeded in having sex with him very recently.

 “Tell me more!” Nilan had then demanded.

As I went on to describe the nature of my sexual encounter with my gym instructor and the visit to the park afterwards, to my surprise, far from being jealous, Nilan had got really excited! The thought of sexually humiliating me alongside my confident Black gym instructor seemed to turn him on, big-time!

 “You realise you’re going to have to be punished for not telling me about this, don’t you?” he teased, after I had confessed all, displaying a degree of sexual self-confidence and playfulness I had not witnessed before.

 “Yes Sir!” I replied, switching to submissive mode, as I instantly became aroused by my new boyfriend’s unexpected assertiveness.

“Go to the toilet and change back into your workout gear!” he demanded as soon as we had finished eating, “You’re travelling home in it!”

While Nilan had sat reading the evening newspaper on our lengthy tube journey home, as punishment I had stood at the opposite end of the carriage guarding our luggage with my head bowed in shame - with an erection tenting out the front of my shorts as I speculated what would lay in store for me when we arrived back home!

But I didn’t have to wait that long! As when the carriage emptied a stop before we reached our destination, Nilan quickly cast aside his newspaper, took out his mobile phone and demanded I strip completely while he videoed me!

 “Pull your pants down and bend over!” he demanded, ten minutes later seconds after we entered my front door.

“I was wondering where those marks on your backside came from a couple of weeks back!” he added, as he proceeded to tan my arse with the palm of his hand for the first time. After which, he fucked my me with even greater enthusiasm than on the night we’d first met!

*  *  *  *  *  *

The next thing I knew, Nilan had given Leo a call and not only confirmed that he would be joining us for our future workout sessions, but also arranged for us to meet for a drink that Saturday night, so he could get to know him better.

Needless to say, I was even more excited at the prospect of being dominated by both of them at the same time, but noted with dismay that Leo had suggested we meet up at a gay pub in Islington which had once been a regular haunt of mine.

 “Why there?” I had moaned, when Nilan had revealed the venue to me, as I had avoided the place for years because I knew it remained a favourite watering hole of my ex-boyfriend and his cronies, whom I’d had little to do with since our acrimonious break-up.

Now, if a obtained what I so desperately longed for, I faced the prospect not only of my preference for Black and Indian guys becoming known to my ex but my long-supressed desire for domination and public humiliation being revealed to him as well!

However, I didn’t want to thwart Nilan’s move to take the initiative as I knew there was a high risk if I stepped out of my submissive role to impose a different venue on Leo, our threesome might never happen.

So, I held my tongue and thought again about proposing an alternative, despite being aware of the malicious gossip that was likely to result from our encounter being witnessed by my former friends - especially if it turned out to be as raunchy as I hoped it would!

To be continued...

by Barney Bumpkin

Email: [email protected]

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