Lust at First Sight

by Barney Bumpkin

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7. A Jog in the Park

Thinking our encounter was over, I was about to dash to the locker room to empty my bladder, only for my Master to take me by surprise by issuing a further command.

“Hold on, slave boy! I’m not finished with you yet!” 

“I’m taking you out for a run!” 

“May I go to the loo first, Sir? I’ve been desperate for a piss for over an hour!” I pleaded.

“You can piss outside later!” Leo replied dismissively, becoming aware of my discomfort for the first time and clearly relishing it.

“Here, use this to clean yourself up!” he added, throwing the sweat-towel at me that he had just used to wipe himself down, “Put on your shorts and trainers and wait for me at the top of the stairs, while I lock up.”

“Just shorts, Sir?” I queried, but he had already turned his back on me and headed off to the changing room.

*  *  *  *  *  *

Thankfully, darkness had fallen by the time I emerged from the gym and the absence of noise indicated the traffic was now light.

While Leo proceeded to close the door and lock the rest of my clothes and possessions out of my reach, I stood self-consciously at the end of the alley, hopping from foot to foot, with my almost naked body lit up by the glow of the street lamps, checking out the road in both directions for potential witnesses to my humiliation.

“Off we go!” Leo then announced, setting off down the alley at a brisk pace and turning right into the road as though a late-night run with a barely clothed companion was an everyday occurrence, as far as he was concerned.

Okay for him, I thought, as I summoned up the courage to follow, only too aware that the shorts I wore for our workouts were especially revealing, as a result of my on-going attempts to seduce my personal trainer. Was I being punished for my previous lechery, I wondered?

In contrast with my pared-down running outfit, my Master had dressed modestly in his sweatpants and vest and wore a base-ball cap on his head, no doubt to ensure the attention of passers-by would not be focussed on him, for once, but instead on my own pallid form and minimal attire! I also noticed he had a small backpack hooked over his shoulders, which set me wondering what might be concealed inside it.

Facing the prospect of being abandoned in a place I didn’t know very well, without a penny to my name and no clothes to speak off, I hurriedly followed in my Master’s wake, only for the pain from my over-full bladder to bring me to a halt a few yards short of him.

“Please, can I take a piss now Sir?” I gasped, with one hand clasped to my aching abdomen.

“Okay! Okay!” Leo sighed irritably, returning to my side, “I’d planned on having you piss in the woods, but if it’s stopping you from running, you best do it now!”

“What you waiting for? Get on with it!” he added, as I looked around for somewhere secluded to relieve myself in, but found nowhere.

Deciding I’d have to settle for pissing up against a lamppost if I wasn’t to annoy my Master any further, I was in the process of extracting my cock from the hem of my shorts when he interrupted me to add to my humiliation yet further.

“Take the shorts off completely! We don’t wanna risk you getting ‘em wet!” he added straight-faced.

Half excited and half freaked-out by the audacity of his latest demand, but desperate to finally relieve myself, I quickly glanced around to check if anyone was approaching and, when I saw the coast was clear, hurriedly did as I was told.

“Hand ‘em over!” he then demanded.

After rendering up my shorts to Master, I hid my nakedness from passing cars behind the base of the lamppost as best I could and, with a huge sigh of relief, pointed my dick at it and let go my flow. Only to have Leo immediately sprint off to put as much distance between us as he could, leaving me the difficult choice between emptying my aching bladder and being abandoned without a stitch to wear without a clue where I was!

Thankfully, he came to halt when he reached the next junction, where he opened up his backpack to stow away my last item of clothing, enabling me to relax sufficiently to expel the final drops of urine from my dick before setting off to catch him up, leaving behind a river of piss running across the pavement and trickling down into the gutter.

Hugely relieved, in more ways than one, I sped along the pavement after him, only to receive wolf-whistles from a group of teenagers I had not spotted waiting at a bus-stop on the opposite side of the road, followed by a bemused smile from an old lady who suddenly emerged from her parked car directly in my path.

Luckily, I encountered no one else after that, as Master led me through a maze of deserted side streets until we eventually arrived at our destination - a secluded wooded area which backed onto a park. By which time, I had completely lost my bearings and had no clue as to which direction to head in to retrieve my car. Not that I had the key to get into it, in any case!

“Take off the trainers!” Leo demanded, as soon as we were hidden beneath the leafy canopy of a large oak tree, pausing to slide his bag from his shoulders.

Aroused by the idea of being rendered completely naked in a public place, I didn’t hesitate to demonstrate my obedience by wrenching off both items of footwear without bothering to unfasten their laces and posting them through the open top of his bag.

As I stood beside him with my cock swelling rapidly, Master went on to add to my excitement by extracting a dog collar with a chain leash attached to, from its front pocket, which he then proceeded to fasten around my neck!

“On all fours, doggy!” he chuckled, returning the bag to his back and prising my head downwards until I was in the canine position he deemed appropriate for me.

Having fantasied about such a scenario and wanked off over pics of guys degraded in this fashion for years, I happily went along with my latest humiliation and obediently crouched down at my Master’s feet.

“Now we’re going walkies!” he announced, giving the leash a tug.

*  *  *  *  *  *

We didn’t have to go far, before I realised that the wood was far from deserted. However, its paths were not populated by fellow late-night dog-walkers or joggers but by a motley collection of gay guys on the lookout for sex!

Leo had taken me to a gay cruising area just at the point when it was starting to get busy!

“Hurry up!” my Master demanded, tugging harder on the leash, as I slowed to scan the path for hazards before placing my soft-skinned hands and knees down on it. Thankfully, he soon brought me to a halt in a grassy clearing, where he paused to take a look around.

I followed his example, and even from my position amid the long grass, spotted scattered along its perimeter several clusters of gay guys having sex, urged on by others, some of whom were flitting from one group to the other in search of something more to their sexual taste or a better opportunity to join in the action.

But Master didn’t attempt to approach any of the groups. Instead, he chose to lead me across to the centre of the clearing on all fours, on the end of his leash, as though I were an entrant in a dog show!

Pretty soon, guys emerged from the bushes to check me out, with one large Black guy bold enough to say hello to Leo and stroke me as he paused to chat with him, as though I actually were his pet dog!

Master grinned and watched approvingly as he took advantage of my nakedness by fondling my arse and checking out my cock, the latter inevitably responding to his touches by becoming stiffer than ever!

“What you think of my new puppy?” Leo chuckled.

“Very nice!” the guy replied with a hearty laugh, patting me on the head.

“Sit up, boy!” Master demanded, “Let my friend get a good look at you!”

Guessing I was expected to adopt dog-like behaviour, I sat up with my paws extended.

“My, aren’t we excited!” the guy snickered when I raised myself up from the ground and revealed my hard cock thumping up against my belly.

The big guy reached down and proceeded to fondle my genitals as though it were the most natural thing in the world for him to do, while my Master proceeded to confide my biggest turn-on to him, and to all the other guys within earshot!

“He just loves having his nipples tweaked!” Master revealed, encouraging my public molestation by taking hold of one of them and pinching it to make me gasp, persuading an Arabic-looking guy who had just joined our party to risk doing the same to my other one.

Hardly able to believe their luck, the duo were soon running their hands all over my exposed body while Master stood back and looked on approvingly from the opposite end of my leash with a big grin on his face.

How demeaning was this, I reflected to myself, gazing up in gratitude at Master as the last vestiges of my dignity were stripped away from me by my coterie of lust-filled admirers, whose eager hands soon had me squirming and whimpering in response to the intense physical stimulation they were imposing on almost every part of my anatomy.

This was my wildest public humiliation fantasies made real and totally blew my mind! Incredibly, it topped what had taken place in the seclusion of Master’s dungeon earlier, though I realised my enjoyment of it was completely dependent on his safeguarding presence and the reassurance it provided me with.

“He been naughty?” the Black guy enquired, after spotting the dark marks adorning my otherwise pale arse as a result of my spanking.

“Very!” Master replied, before adding reassuringly, “But he’s been punished enough for one night!”

Interpreting this as a red light as far as spanking me was concerned, his companion broke off examining my arse and instead pulled out his meaty dick from the front of his pants and began jerking on it as he looked down at me.

“Okay if I fuck him?” he enquired, “Like when we teamed up with your American buddy a few weeks back?”

“Sure!” Master agreed, slipping his pal two of the packs of condom and lube he’d had the forethought to bring along with him for him to tear open. “You fuck him up the ass, while he sucks my dick!” he added, “I’ve fucked him once tonight already!”

“This one’s reserved for Black guys only!” Leo explained to the other guys, tongue in cheek, warding them off as he reeled me in with the leash until my face was positioned opposite his groin, then pushing down his sweatpants to unveil his erect dick and slide it into my, already salivating, mouth.

But of course, the watching crowd didn’t hold back for long, and once the pair’s fucking of me had got into its stride and they were focussed on obtaining their pleasure, its members resumed reaching out to fondle as many parts of my exposed body they could reach, including my flailing dick.

It didn’t take long for my Master and his mate to cum, after which he told off the horny mob, intent on further molesting me and had me lie down flat on my back on the grass at his feet.

“Wank yourself off!” he commanded, then, much to his mate’s amusement, lowered his sweatpants to his ankles and squatted down with the crack of his ass positioned directly above my face.

“Lick it!” he demanded, as I began to accelerate the pace of my wanking and for the second time that night eagerly slid my tongue inside his hole - except this time in front of a crowd of jeering spectators!

Needless to say, I experienced the most thunderous of orgasms, as did a great many of the witnesses to my degradation, going by the amount of spunk that splattered down on me from above, before my Master helped me to my feet and led me from the clearing.

When we reached the edge of the woods, Leo paused to open up his bag and take out my trainers, then, while I stepped back into them, extracted my skimpy shorts.

Noticing, after I straightened up, that my body was still smeared with cum, he handed them over to me and told me to use them to clean myself up.

That done, he then pointed out the dirt and grass stains adorning my knees and told me to wipe that off with them as well, while he closed up his bag.

Without giving me the opportunity to put them back on, he took hold of my leash and led me back toward the park entrance, only to bring me to a halt just 30 seconds later.

“Put ‘em in the bin!” he instructed.

*  *  *  *  *  *

After my second naked run of the night, we got back to Leo’s gym shortly after twelve, where I was permitted to take a shower and dress before extracting my car from the two it was crammed in between.

After triggering the alarm once again, but this time at a far more anti-social hour, I got out of there as fast as I could and headed off home on roads devoid of traffic in something approaching a state of complete sexual bliss.

To be continued….

by Barney Bumpkin

Email: [email protected]

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