
by jeff1

3 Jan 2022 775 readers Score 9.5 (22 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Down to Town

The ride down to town went way quicker than I would have liked it to go. I guess that’s not really correct. My preference would have been never to go back down again. But I knew I had to be strong for Jordan.

It wasn’t that he was weak at all. It was way more like I knew he expected me to be strong, once again in ways no one I had ever known had ever expected. And I knew I had to measure up. Even doing that, I swear, made me stand taller. It may have even made my cock longer.

So the increasingly odd thing was that I was somehow both a top and a bottom here. I knew I had actually anticipated this happening way longer than he had, although I generally knew he was smarter than me. Just not emotionally. I knew I was physically stronger than almost anyone I knew, so of course including Jordan. Just don’t tell my sore ass that, while Jordan keeps being happy every single damn time I fuck him.

I also knew Jordan’s heart was bigger than mine. But there was no way I wasn’t going to work to measure up there. I knew he was showing more emotion than me. But fuck, even that was almost hard for me to control at times.

And fuck, the town was coming into view, and my head had been wandering around all these seemingly impossible issues, rather than focusing on the tasks at hand. So I had to be the quarterback that I was, and quickly figure out what the hell to do here, no matter how much I loved just letting my mind wander in and about this crazy man I loved. And even loved me back. Fuck.

Shit. First, there was no way in hell I was going to drop him off on the fucking street. True, I hadn’t figured out where this goes long term yet, but I had to drop him off at his fucking home. If people saw, oh well. Had I just been through the morning with him, or not?

Damn. And that’s about as far as I got. As I had guessed, it was about 1:30, and our deal was that I was going to see him again at 3:30. We hadn’t figured out those details yet, but I assumed we could do that along the way.

Do I make him get out of my door at his parents’ home? Fucking tempting, to be honest. Does it depend on whether anyone’s there? So many fucking questions. And now my cock is getting worried that he’s not going to be around for a couple of hours. My cock worries, goes hard to get noticed. Fuck. My lips are worried he’s not going to be around to kiss for a couple of hours. My damned heart is worried.

Ok dude. I had to get ahold of myself.

I sighed, just before we entered town. Fuck. I had to ask: “May sound stupid, but can you please kiss my cock once more before we get into town?”

Of course he didn’t really let me get pulled over, or let me get the whole sentence out, before he was down on me. Fuckk. How did he go down that deep, that easily? It was almost like my dick was tiny as he swallowed it. All the way to my pubes.

So of course I fed him one more load. Of course he so easily swallowed it. I so much wanted to fuck him, but I had to settle with three fingers in his ass.

And he kissed me so damned gently. No matter how hard I tried to play offense, he always put me so quickly into defense mode. I would have loved to cry with the adorable fucker, as he quietly said how much he would miss me, all but driving my three fingers even deeper into his swollen hole.

I still had to figure out how the hell he didn’t seem sore. But we were running out of time for that too, so now everything would have to wait.

Fuck. “You gonna be ok until 3:30?”

I could see his blue eyes welling up, but he told me yes.

“Thank you so much for this morning, Eddie.”

Shit. I was not going to cry. We were all but in town. I had to lighten things up somehow: “It was a great quiet little time together.” He knew I was joking, especially as I emphasized “quiet”.

“So next time we’re going to be noisy?”

“I really didn’t fuck you hard enough, did I?”

Those fucking blue eyes took over: “Or long enough. But I’ll try to forgive you?”

I drove a fourth finger in. “Don’t. I swear I’ll make up for it.”

And so much for the lightness. “I love you.”

I quickly bit his neck as we stopped at a stop sign. I was sure I broke the skin, but I didn’t care. And apparently neither did he. As I drove to where we had met early that morning.

Jordan almost started getting out. “You can’t possibly think that’s gonna happen, right?”

I drove on. Drove into his driveway. Even as his mom was getting ready to leave. “I should kiss you right in front of her.”

His heart skipped a beat so badly I swear I saw it.

“Next time.”

He slid out, getting himself together somehow as he got out, and left my fingers dripping. Of course my cock was half out, and half hard, even if no one could really tell, as I rolled down my window and said hi to his mom.

How were we going to make this happen the way it needed to?

Oh, and fuck: “Thanks Jordan. And by the way, she knows.”

He looked at me. I knew he wasn’t sure I was talking about my girl. Did he really think I was talking about his mom?

As I was hoping my one last little scheme would come through shortly when he got up to his room. I was certain his mind was preoccupied when I left it there in the corner of his desk last time I had been up there.

Damn. I was wishing I was upstairs in his bed waiting for him already.

But I pulled out. Of the driveway. Looked down at my wet fingers. Of course I had to lick them off.

Fuck. How was I going to make it to 3:30? What was I going to do until then?

As I had to act like I was in control, and pulled away.

I tried to put myself back together. But I was certain I didn’t want there to be any way back.

It was 1:37.

by jeff1

Email: [email protected]

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