
by jeff1

10 Dec 2021 1095 readers Score 9.7 (29 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

We only had a couple of miles to go.

Everything couldn’t have felt more right. We still hadn’t even seen a single car on the road since we left. The entire world seemed to be ours.

Honestly, I was pretty surprised at how horny it made me to be out in the wild, as well as early in the morning. Jordan had more tricks up his sleeve than I ever would have imagined, for the brainiac that everyone saw him as. I was so happy at how much of him he had exposed to me so far this week. It was almost like it was finally becoming clear why I had been so drawn to him, for so long.

I was finally pretty calm, as we rounded the bend to the entrance to the cabin. I was glad we had had the two kisses along the way, and that he had already drained me, twice. I remembered that I had noticed the cabin before, although there seemed to be something behind the cabin that had never caught my eye.

Jordan was about to hop out to unlock the gate. I am sure I sighed out loud at how hard it was to control him—as I thought “no, not out of your side. You’re my date, you fool, so you need me to let you out.”

The dude was like a wild pony I was trying to train. But the lighter it got, the more I could see that wild gleam in those beautiful blue eyes, so I was quietly happy for the challenge. Especially since, maybe for the first time ever, I was beginning to feel like he was quietly giving me the upper hand here.

What an interesting journey so far. And how hopeful I was for the future, as Jordan unlocked the gate, then relocked it (after I reminded him, of course).

Now we were both in the middle of nowhere and locked away. I quietly smiled. Maybe I could finally be the master now?

Jordan helped me figure out how to park my truck behind the cabin, so even if someone did happen to pass by, they still wouldn’t notice anything. Leaving the world behind, even for a few hours, seemed like such a luxury.

Wow. The early morning smell of the mountains was amazing. There was a nearby juniper tree, some sagebrush, and some other smells that I’m not sure I had ever even paid attention to before.

It was crazy, but I did feel half animal, with my probably more than half animal man with me. It had never felt so right to just be alone with a man before. It would occur to me later that I still hadn’t given a second thought to there even being women in the world so far this morning…

I was sure the plan was to go into the cabin, but this trailer house hidden behind it seemed even more interesting to me, plus it was one more chance to see how far Jordan was willing to go with submitting to me. So of course I was excited as he agreed that we’d go into the trailer, giving me one of his adorable looks. I stole a tiny kiss just because he was looking so fucking adorable.

Damn. I was so happy I had already shot twice for him today already. Even my cock was almost feeling content. I even halfway felt like I could feel my balls working to get more cum ready. I knew I was going to need it, even as it occurred to me that it was increasingly feeling like Jordan had even given my cock a life of its own this morning. Fuck. I was a lucky man.

So of course Jordan went about just opening the door to the trailer as if it were just a door.

I was even loving it when he was being stupid, for such a change. Of course it wasn’t just a door. It was a place where I was going to take my man, for the first sex I was ever going to have in my whole life without a thousand other things to think about. Without a practice to worry about, without a game to worry about. And we were even going to flee the daybreak before the sun broke out upon us over the mountains.

I swooped him up and carried him over the threshold. Fuck. What would it be like if life really were just the two of us?

My own thought almost overwhelmed me, as I carried him inside to the couch, and made sure he locked yet another door behind us. I can’t even express how happy I was that we were so far removed from anyone finding us.

Jordan continued to be so quiet, but it almost seemed like the more quiet he was, the closer the two of us became. I slowly undressed him, and he slowly undressed me. I was sure there had to be a bedroom in the back of the trailer.

I was surprised at how many sports images went through my mind. Getting him in bed was going to be my touchdown. Pinning him under the covers was going to be my winning move.

I really couldn’t take my eyes off of him, as we both stripped, and just let our clothes fall wherever.

Wow. It was like the first time I was actually looking at Jordan naked. Sure, my horniness was always lurking. But for the first time it seemed, I admired his body. Hi big thighs, his big chest. That adorable head of hair. I even thought how much I loved his cock. Damn. Who would have ever thought that would happen? Plus all my cum in him. Everywhere I could imagine, at least so far. For the first time, it seemed like I looked at him as mine. All mine. I was so proud of all the hickeys he had let me give him this week.

Of course I didn’t say anything, but I was sure Jordan knew what I was thinking. And at the same time I was hoping he was thinking the same about me, as we each stripped other entirely naked. Probably for the first time ever I actually felt vulnerable in my nakedness, as opposed to my general cockiness. Had he really paid attention to my body before? Or had he also just been driven mostly by lust?

Now no socks, no nothing. I loved it as he took my last sock off my foot. I even kissed his foot as I did the same to him. No need to run to a shower, no sweatiness from working out. Not even any worries about whether one of us would dare to make the next move.

The sexual tension actually made both of us smile, as I held his hand: “I can’t wait to just be in bed with you. Just let me at least pretend to be the one who’s leading things here.” As I almost said “you sexy freak.”

Damn. It was such a sweet moment. But I still wondered about the depths of this dude’s horniness. Was that his biggest secret from me? I was sure he had been a virgin, up until this week. I would have bet anyone, at least a million dollars.

But it was hard not to have at least a couple of questions. How could he possibly have known how to suck me so well? Let alone in so many different ways. Made me cum so fast, and so often? Taken me so deep, in such a tight virgin hole, with barely a noise? And even this morning, actually swallowing my entire cock? And eating my ass? How would he have ever just come up with any of that?

He had always gone silent whenever anyone even randomly brought up sex. Almost to the point of embarrassing the one talking. But now, for the first time, it actually seemed that that may have been once again because he was embarrassed at how little the talkers actually knew…

Wow. The stories I could tell. That no one I knew would believe.

God. I had no idea how much more there was to him. But right now I didn’t care. I was so happy as he quietly held my hand, and let me lead him back to the quiet, dark bedroom in the back of the locked trailer. And of course I even locked the bedroom door behind us. Inside the locked mountain property.

It couldn’t have been much past 7. We still had hours before we had to worry about going anywhere.

And I still had at least one trick up my sleeve. I knew already he would be pleased.

As he opened the covers and helped me climb in.

by jeff1

Email: [email protected]

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