Handy Handy Men

by Luke

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As I watched Josh skim the pool in just his boots, I sat at the kitchen island, scanning the websites I’d been sent that morning. At ten past the hour, the doorbell flagged Dan’s arrival.

“Hey,” I greeted as he stepped in.

“Hey back,” he smiled, “Fucken hot out here, there had better be beer.” I just looked at him, not entertaining his bullshit. “Ok, ok,” he backed off. Then grinned again.

As I turned from collecting said beers, I heard the glass sliding patio doors open.

“Boss, I’ve finished the… Sorry Sir,” he said, looking directly at me and quickly shifting to Display. He stayed silent, shifting his gaze to nothing in the middle distance. I was proud of his execution. First time in front of a stranger.

“Ah, so this is the boy?” Dan asked, looking to me and raising himself from his island stool.

I nodded as he turned and made his way towards Josh.

I held up two inverted fingers to Josh, spreading them. Like remote control, the boy opened his legs a few inches wider. We were getting good at this, I smiled.

“May I?” asked Dan of me. I nodded, as he examined the boy, hands on body, head to toe.

He finished up at Josh’s junk, holding the boy’s nuts as he turned to speak to me.

“Hank did a good job of this.” He commented, as I nodded, agreeing. “Did he show you, his boys?”

“One of them,” I replied, “more metal than a Cadillac Eldorado.” He laughed, agreeing.

“This one is good stock.” He started, “I can place him in the house tonight! You both could be making money tomorrow.” He pressed.

“Nah,” I begged off, “I just own his balls, not him outright.” I understated the truth.

“Yeah, but he’s a dumb fuck? You could swing full ownership before he knew which way was up!”

“Yes, he’s a dumb fuck.” I agreed, “But, he’s pure.”

“Jeepers! you bleeding heart. If he’d stumbled onto anyone else, he’d already be collared and arse up.”

I shrugged.

He studied the metal nut ring.

“He likes being owned, right?” I nodded.

“Yeah, but he’s just a dumb kid.”

“That’s the best time to give them what they think they want.” Dan smiled.

“Maybe, not this one though.” I sigh, “he’s like virgin snow inside.”

“Ok, ok, but I tell you, if he likes being owned, you’re going to be back at Hank’s once more, if not twice.”

“Do you think I was born yesterday?” I retorted, “I know that.”

Dan looked down at the metal looped balls he held, one last time, then released.


As we sat, reclined in the den, Josh had just finished blowing Dan’s cock, and mind.

“I can see why you want to keep him to yourself,” he smiled, after he’d recovered. 

I nodded contentedly; Josh had blown me first.

“Go take a shower, then order the pizzas on the list near the phone.” I directed the boy, who now sat on his haunches, awaiting instructions.

“Yes Sir,” he said, leaving.

“Let me get this straight,” Dan started, “you want me to match him up with one of the girls. To teach him how to fuck?” I nodded.

“So, he’s pure, but neither of you mind him losing his virginity in a brothel?”

“Drop the ‘pure’ jibe. It’s just so he can get over this sex shit, so he can get on with meeting a decent woman.” I pled, “You know what twenty-year-old virgin guys are like, the longer it takes to pop their cherry, the bigger deal it becomes.”

“And this mythical woman he plans to meet, he’s comfortable to tell her he’s being fucked by his boss?” Dan asked, disbelieving.

“In an ideal world,” I replied, “but, let me deal with one hurdle at a time.”

“Fuck, this boy is like your personal development project. Where’s the guy’s father?”

“His whole family is fucken useless, loving, but no fucken idea,” I answered.

“Now you’re too far the other way." he scolded, instantly. "If they’re loving, they’re not fucken useless!” He held, embarrassing me. 

“Yeah, you’re right. I’ll shut the fuck up about that.”

He just nodded, knowing he’d made his point.

He then stayed quiet. I knew him well enough, to know something was ticking over in his brain.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Nothing yet, but a weird thought has just popped up.” He answered, “Let me mull it over.”

As I heard Josh returning, I did just that.


As the clock ticked to nine, Dan had left to get back to his business on its busiest night of the week. He hadn’t revealed his mull thought, but he would in good time.

“Boss,” Josh started, as I generously handed him his second beer. “Please don’t sell me to one of these guys.” He paused. “I know you’d find a way if you wanted to. And, I’m not smart enough to notice until it’s too late!” He was almost panting.

“I’m not fucken selling you, to Hank, or Dan, or any fucken one!” I let out a breath.

“I’m not talking about this again!”

“Yes Sir.”

That night he found himself staying over, and sleeping in my bed. I wanted to introduce the concept of him being fucked, when I was ready. I was planning on being ready tomorrow, but he didn’t have to deal with that tonight.

As I laid in bed, back propped up with pillows, he was giving me my second excellent suck job for the day.

His skill was genuinely special.

In a twist, I’d pulled my legs up to my chest. He immediately went down and began rimming one-o-one. His gay porn research was flawless. He was a little rough at the start, but refined, and excelled quickly. He even took over pushing and holding my legs back, freeing my arms. He was definitely trying to push his tongue into me. I love being rimmed. He was going to be doing this a lot more from now on.

When he started to tire, I released him and raised myself to my knees. I straddled his lower mid-section and sat deeply on his washboard stomach. As his bulging muscled arms lay pinned at his sides, I worked my spit slicked meat, slowly and deliberately. Two minutes later as my breath started to quicken, I blew my second load for the day. I covered his chest, throat, chin and face. White globules of my cream dotted or dripped from his body; it was very hot.

When I had calmed, I rolled to the side. He remained in place, not being presumptuous to move. It was good to see these tiny signs of him knowing his place, his purpose.

“Ok, your turn,” I said, as I lent to the side table to find the lube. “Pull your knees to your chest, same as I did.” He complied as I took in his butt plug filled arse.

“You wash out this arvo?” I asked, double checking.

“Yes Sir,”

I worked the plug free, which left his hole gaping a half-inch. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.

I generously lubed a finger, and worked it in to his internals. I added a second digit, and at last, began to stretch him. I took my time, working his ring to expand and contract with its invaders.

I made and effort to search deep, eventually finding his nut.

As I brushed his prostrate, his dick had responded as only dicks could. His facial expressions told me I was on target, and having an impact. He was starting to half thrash, automatically knowing he didn’t have permission to touch. I set about driving him to distraction.

His go to strategy was to take deeper and deeper breaths. This only made the situation worse as his over oxygenated blood circulated faster, heating his body and increasing its sensitivity. He started making whimpering noises, it was excellent to watch, and feel.

As I specifically concentrated on his G-spot, he simply couldn’t stand it any longer.

“Please Sir,” he began to beg through gritted teeth, “Can I cum?”

“We have another hour of this before then boy,” I scared him.

He let out a half squeal, utterly desperate.

“Please Sir, please Sir.” He really did plead.

“So, tomorrow you’re going to beg me to fuck you?” I asked, reasonably.

“Yes Sir, yes Sir,” he replied, tossing his head back and forth.

“Ok,” I released, “you can cum.”

He grabbed his cock, pumping it desperately. Not more than twenty seconds later he exploded, tripling the amount of cum covering his torso. He’d never blown like that.


The next morning, I woke before Josh.

Beside me, deep asleep on his back, his chest expanded and dipped as he slumbered. His skin still bore the remnants of our loads. Now dried to white crusted markings. I hadn’t allowed him to wash. He slept straight away regardless.

As I studied his profile, I again took in his natural manly beauty. He was a genuinely good-looking guy. I was lucky to have him as a sex toy, even if he was straight. I intended to use him, for years to come.

I suddenly contemplated Jamie, growing hard at the thought of fucking his surfer boy virgin arse. I could tell he was bound to be more trouble, but just as worth it.

I slipped out of bed and made my way down to my gym, in the corner of the basement garage. Energised, I pushed through a forty-minute, shirt off workout, sticking to the major muscle groups. As I was on my last set, the door opened cautiously.

I finished, and sat catching my breath. The room was steaming.

Josh slipped in and sat on the leg curl. I looked him over; his work kept him muscled; I needed a gym.

“Morning,” I greeted quietly, giving him permission to speak.

“Morning Sir.” He returned, “Thank you for last night, would you like to fuck me now?”

“No, we can do that later.” I begged off, as a wicked horny thought took grip. “You can lick my back dry though, while I catch my breath.”

I turned to face the weight stack I’d been seat rowing, I was dripping in moisture.

Seconds later, I felt a wide tongue strip, slide up my back, kidneys to shoulders, then another.

It was like having a huge cat lick me. I was almost dizzy with delight!

This boy was almost unrecognizable, he hadn’t hesitated.

The physical sensation, and the very thought of what my boy was doing, drove my horniness into top gear.

I stood, surprising him.

"On your back," I directed urgently, pointing to the gym bench beside us, "hold your legs in the air."

He moved to comply. I was rock hard.

"It's happening Sir?" he asked, shocked.

"Yes boy, you're being fucked." I guaranteed. 

As he lent back, I took in the visual of his perfectly muscled arse. Oh my god!

The black end of his butt plug, protruded from him slightly. Its edges, and his hole itself, glistened with recently applied lube. Clearly, he'd recharged, when he'd washed and loaded, earlier.

What a bonus! The moisture, and our sweat would give more than enough lubrication. I was suddenly desperate to be in him.

"Oh Sir, Oh Sir," he kept repeating, as he pulled his thick thighs to his chest. His expression, one of apprehensive excitement.

I eased the plug out, to the point where his internal pressure sprung it free, into my hand. I reached forward and reinserted it, this time into his open mouth. He kept muttering around it.

I lined up my seven inches to his still gaping hole. Dripping with pre-cum, I found myself so fucken horny, I could hardly function. I pressed my cock head to his rose, his ring nestling to meet me perfectly, skin to skin.

I pushed inwards, his hole opening beautifully to accept me. It was amazing to watch. If possible, I hardened even more.

I’d wanted him on his back so I could watch his face, he didn’t disappoint. A half dozen emotions flashed across his profile, almost all at the same time. He was being fucked!

His internals sucked against my shaft; it was like pressing my cock into a freshly baked sponge cake.

I stopped halfway in, allowing his ring expansion to catch up. I'd only ever permitted a small plug, for the very reason I was now experiencing.

I reversed an inch, giving him a tiny entrée, of what was coming, I pushed two back in.

When I'd achieved balls deep, I was pressed up against his internal second hole, I knew I'd be expanding it as well. There was enough dick back pressure to confirm it.

I began to fuck the hottest virgin straight boy I'd ever nailed. I started slow, savoring the push and pull along my shaft. The lube, and sweat were just warming up, friction still at the point of driving my nerve ends crazy. Holy fuck!

I studied Josh who was dealing with the physicality of being impaled for the first time, and the mental load of being fucked by a guy. His look betrayed he was close to being overwhelmed, and somehow knowing if he 'checked out', his fucking would continue anyway. It was a ‘holy fuck’ moment for him too.

I picked up my rhythm, and began to work his ring for all it was worth. The boy had started emitting cute half squeals, and groans. He was surprisingly vocal, it was fucken hot!

I held eye contact, as I drilled him. I had no intentions of kissing, but I wanted him deeply aware, I was fucking his body, and brain, and that I knew it.

I slowed. I needed to reset my cum count-down clock. He took the opportunity to work his cock, also rock hard. I pushed his hand to the side.

“Mind on your job,” I corrected. “Always.” I added. Although uncoordinated, he nodded back.

I stopped deep inside him. I’d worked his second hole, in the normal cut and thrust of fucking. Now I concentrated on really stretching it open, and holding it so. He half whimpered, half squealed, as I pushed as deep as I could. He arched his back upwards, trying to get some relief. He tossed his head, unsure if he was enduring pleasure, or pain.

I held my ground, as he attempted to get his now involuntary breathing under control. He’d broken out in major sweat, it was dripping from him.

“I’m about to fill you boy,” I predicted. “Fill your dumb fuck boy hole with real man DNA”

“Sir,” he came back breathlessly, “Sir, please fuck your hole!”

“Please Sir, take what’s already yours!”

I unleashed, and went to town, I fucked like a last gasp madman. I filled him from second hole, to newly inflamed ring.

He was mine, owned!


Thirty-five minutes later we sat at the breakfast table. It was almost surreal. I was confident Josh was still in awe of the experience. To tell you the truth, I was high level impressed myself.

As I downed a second piece of toast, I looked out to the pool. We were in for another hot day.

“What did you think of that?” I asked, lightly. Trusting he’d know exactly what I was meaning.

“Sir, I didn’t know man sex was like that.” He paused, “I mean, I don’t really know what sex is like anyway, but everything was so intense.”

I stayed quiet for moment.

“Well, to be honest, I’m not sure you’re going to get sex much better than that,” I responded, truthfully. The session had to be in my top ten.

“Will I turn gay?” he asked.

“Nah, you’ll always be straight,” I replied, “but, I can tell you. You’ll know your way around your own body.”

He nodded.

“Do we have more sex today?” he asked, as if talking about the weather.

“No, were done for this weekend,” I advised, surprising him, “and you’ll be taking tomorrow, and possibly Tuesday off sick.”

“Sick Sir? I feel fine,” he replied.

“Yeah, but tomorrow your arse will feel the fuck its just endured. You’re not working, period.”

“I will tell Jarrod you called,” I informed, “I’ll say you’ve hurt your back.”

by Luke

Email: [email protected]

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