Handy Handy Men

by Luke

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As I recovered to stand, I reached forward and scruffed his hair.

“That was fucken excellent boy!” I declared, meaning it. I took a few more breaths.

“Staying in place, not wiping, keeping quiet. You’ve done your homework. Great job!” I praised. He was grinning a cum covered smile, from ear to ear.

“We’re going to get along perfectly. For years!” I finished.

Oh my god that was fucken awesome head!

“Ok, clean yourself up, bring a beer each out to the pool deck.”

Forty seconds later I was settling into a reclined sun lounge. 

As Josh arrived with beer, I nodded to the lounge next door. He kicked his boots aside and sat down. I cracked my second can.

I hadn’t bothered to redress, and he remained in just his socks.

“Was that your first head job?” I asked, after an extended comfortable silence.

“First real cock I’ve had in my mouth,” he admitted, sheepishly.

“You’ve practiced hard, watched some gay porn, made it something to learn?” I questioned. He nodded.

“What did you think?” I quizzed.

“Um,” he paused.

“Be honest,” I encouraged, “you’ve sucked my dick, there’s not going to be much unsaid between us,” he nodded slowly.

“Um, I guess I don’t really think anything.” He replied, which I thought was a good start. “I sucked a dick, I didn’t die. I’ll be sucking more, I won’t die then.” He paused, as I stayed quiet. “I wanted to do the best I could, sounds like I did.” he smiled. My turn to nod.

“It’s not something I enjoyed, but I didn’t hate it. It’s just a job.” He shrugged.

“Can I say some other stuff?” he asked, making me curious.

“Sure, I like the way you’re thinking.” I acknowledged.

“I think I can learn other stuff, stuff that could get me out of living in Crawford.”

“You don’t like living in the neighborhood? With your folks?” I asked, surprised by the direction this was going.

“It’s ok, not as bad as Beddon, but not like living around here.” He gestured around the horizon.

“Boss,” he started earnestly, “we both know, I’m not so smart,” he revealed, holding solid eye contact, and then specifically waiting for a response.

“Yeah, I know that.” I said, not sugar coating. He dipped his head in appreciation of the honesty.

“But, I do know when I’ve found a way, I might get a head.”

“So a dumb fuck, but smart enough to know it?”

He nodded, agreeing.

“So, what’s some other stuff you want to learn?” I asked.

Now he put his head down, and struggled.

“Um, are you gay?” he asked, throwing me. I nodded. “So, you only like men and stuff?”

“Well, I’m not sure what ‘stuff’ means, but yes, I’m only into men.”

“Do you think you can still teach me how to talk to a woman?” he blurted out, “you know, how I can get a girlfriend?”

Now he had surprised me.

“Ok,” I said cautiously, “but you’ll still be sucking cock on the side.”

He suddenly brightened, if that was the biggest hurdle, bring it on.

“Yeah, but, that’s just my job, I still like women.”

“I either keep my side job to myself, or I find one who doesn’t care.” He prophesied, showing me a depth I’d only previously glimpsed. “Either way, I find a woman.”

“Um, can I tell you something else?” I shrugged. “I haven’t really had sex twice. I’ve never had sex at all.”

Now he did put his head down.

I let him stew for a few moments.

“Personally, I don’t think that means shit,” I replied bluntly. “You want to hook up, then fine, we can work on that.”

Now he grinned, I mean genuinely smiled.

“Thanks, I knew this whole thing was going to be good.”

My turn.

“So, Mr. Dumb, but not so dumb.” I paused, making sure he’d refocused. “Where is this arrangement going?”

I gestured to my softened cock, his mouth, his overall nakedness. He followed what I meant.

“Um, I figure, before long you’ll be fucking me in the arse.” He replied without skipping a beat.

“And, what do you think about that?” I quizzed.

“Probably like that less than giving head,” he answered, “but, that’s the job, so I’ll be living with it.”

“Not going to die from that either,” he added, as he up-ended his can. We both took a moment.

“You want I should skim the pool?” he asked suddenly, nodding towards the water.

“Yeah, it’s not going to do it itself.” I directed.

He slipped off the lounge, put his boots on and spent the next hour cleaning.”

He had unexpectedly given me some content to think about.


The next morning at work, the new guy Jamie sat in front of me. After a thirty-minute chat, I decided Jarrod was right. He’d start at seven the next day. I thought the guy was going to hug me when I confirmed he had a job.

He was nineteen, cute, and surfer muscled. If nothing else, he’d be nice eye candy to have around the place.

I had planned to be out on the road again today, but found myself unmotivated. I think I was utterly relaxed from having my balls thoroughly emptied twice. After Josh had finished the pool, he’d crawled up between my wide spread legs and delivered another stunning head job. At the rate he was progressing, it wouldn’t be long before he was deep throating me to my root. I firmed in my jeans as I contemplated it.

The afternoon had been a great distraction. Sure, the chat had diverted to depth, but the fact he had more brains, and more practicality than I’d expected, wasn’t a bad thing, just a different thing. Of course, I planned to fuck him all along, but the fact he was on board with the concept, was a pleasant twist. Fucking self-aware straight boys, isn’t as much fun as reluctants, but the arrangements tend to last longer, years sometimes.

I thought about Josh’s desire to land himself a girl. I knew what the first few lessons could look like. After that, we’d see how we went.


Two months down the track, the extra help Jamie had delivered, had been completely consumed by how busy we had become. So much so, we had started to knock back work. I hated to walk away from revenue. I hired another guy, and put yet another on two days a week casual.

In the background Josh and I had established a solid routine of head once or twice a week. As predicted, he had progressed to now easily deep throating my entire length. Although he’d lost his gag reflex, every session was utterly satisfying.

On his wider curriculum of learning, he was doing well. I’d originally lent him eight thousand, he’d spent six on his car. Together we’d examined what he could invest the extra two in to. Money was turning out to be a key part of his education, he embraced it, but it was going to take time.

In his quest to be able to attract a woman, we headed out to a restaurant every now and then. He didn’t pretend that I was a female, but at every step of the evening, I’d have him explain what he’d do, or say to the girl he might bring. Then we’d make corrections, and he’d have another go. In the beginning he was fucken hopeless, I could only assume his father was equally as incompetent. How he’d ever been born, remained a mystery to me.

Little by little he gained confidence, and that generated more daring. It was good to see. We started with the basics, don’t go to a place he couldn’t afford, talk about the girl seventy percent of the time, about himself the remaining thirty. Be himself, don’t bullshit, and laugh easily. In truth he was like a duck to water. We did a few movie nights, and twice to a park for an afternoon sit and snack. All in all, it gave him three solid ‘date’ options. Now he understood what to look for, he could generate other places to on his own.

Actually meeting a woman, was more tricky. Most of his peers spoke of on-line dating options. Given his nature, I thought the risk of things going wrong would set him back too far. I decided to speak with Dan, he’d have some ideas.


With the warmer months on us, I’d taken to having the pool skimmed once a week, and deep cleaned once a month. I had Jarrod schedule Josh on the task, week in, week out. I usually didn’t like assigning hands permanently to specific jobs, but my pool, and what we did before and after, was an exception. Jarrod never questioned it.

“Here,” I said, handing josh a small latex dildo. He’d just finished delivering excellent head, for the second time this sunny pool day. He took it and rolled it round in his grip, examining it.

“For my arse?” he asked, matter-of-factly. I nodded, then handed him a small butt plug.

“Once you’ve stretched for a few days, leave this in.”

“All the time,” he quizzed, asking as if it was as ordinary as ‘how to wind a watch’.

“Each week, we’ll go up a size.” He nodded and set them aside, picking up a fresh beer.

I returned to relax in my post-cum afterglow.

“Um,” he started, as he did when he had something related to cock, or arse, or our arrangement. “Back at the start, you said, I’d ask for an ‘upgrade’ of my ball padlock.”

I nodded, recalling what I’d said, and happy to respond.

“What did you mean?”

“I’ll tell you, but first let me ask this,” he was used of my style by now, “what do you think about having your balls locked up?”

He blinked, I’d clearly surprised him.

“Before you answer, remember your training.” I prompted.

“When someone asks me a question, take my time, give a quality answer, even if it takes a little longer.” He repeated, almost to himself.


“Because, people will know I’ve listened, and I’ll be taken more seriously.”

“Very good,” I praised. He was starting to integrate the approach.

Then he did take his time.

“Um, I don’t really think about my balls being locked, not since right back at the start,” he responded. “I guess I’m used of it, I don’t notice then weight, I can still jack-off, so its sort of nothing.” He paused, now devoting some focus to it.

“When I look at myself in a mirror, I see my balls have stretched lower, they seem a bit bigger.”

“Is that what you mean?” he asked.

“Keep going.” I pushed.

Now he did take his time.

“To be honest, I think I like having my balls owned.” He said brightly, as if verbalizing something he’d known, but not contemplated.

“I like that they’re owned by you,” he specified, “but, having them ‘owned’ full stop, is pretty horny for me.”

“I was going to ask if you wanted to add a second lock?’

It was good that his trust was so strong, I’m not sure he even realised, he had so few self-limits on conversation topics.

“But,” he continued, now with his head slightly dipped, “I’m worried what a woman might think, when we get to that part.” He added.

“That was all very good,” I commended, “strong considered answers, you’re doing well.” He smiled, happy with himself.

“Ok, to answer your ‘upgrade’ question, and it also might help with your woman worry.” I suddenly had his full attention.

“The lock is about me owning your balls, for the life of the loan. At least another two and a half years.” He nodded. “It’s somewhat symbolic, but, it doesn’t have to be a padlock.”

“When I said upgrade, I meant shifting from a lock, to a metal band.” I advised, “same weight, but no lock. Looks much better, sort of like body jewellery, but for balls.”

“Do you have a picture?” he asked, clearly enthused.

I took some time to find a pic on line.

“Like this,” I handed him the phone, “it’s pressure pressed around your nuts.”

“That looks heaps better! Can I get one of these instead of this,” he pointed to his lock.

“If you want.” I shrugged. “But, other, bigger things change.”


“Well, it doesn’t come off.” I said evenly, then stayed quiet.

He thought about it. Then his eyebrows rose in alarm.

“I will be paying the loan forever?”

For fuck sake!

“No! and stop being so fucken dumb!” I admonished, annoyed. “You pay your loan back as agreed, but?”

Another pause.

“But you own my nuts forever!” he said proudly, taking a relieved breath, “that’s ok then.”

I shrugged, it didn’t seem to be a big deal.

“But, it won’t be forever,” I added,”just until I choose to hand them back.”

“Ok, that’s ok too then,” he added.

“When can I get one?” he asked, already moving on, betraying his real motivation.

“It will be heaps easier for me to show a woman,” he continued, “I mean, sure maybe a bit odd, but like you said, I could say its jewellery.”

“I’ll arrange it, I’ll let you know when,” I responded to his actual question, ignoring the fact he was beaming.

“I will say one thing,” his beam faulted for a second. “You’ll find having a band a bit addictive.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you will come back and ask for a second band, which I’ll probably be happy to support.” I paused. “But, I’m not going to agree to a third though. Understand.”

“Sure,” he said, nonplussed.

We’d see.

by Luke

Email: [email protected]

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