Halloween Treats

by Alex Cunning

11 Nov 2023 696 readers Score 9.2 (14 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It was a long two weeks of waiting and preparing for the big event. I was standing in front of the full-length mirror in our bathroom. Wearing nothing but a white jock strap. Trying to be as still as possible while Ethan applied the prosthetics.

Being practically naked around each other like this, and the excitement in the air, had us both on edge. We were constantly fighting each other off. Fighting the urge to just bend the other one over the counter and have our way with each other’s bodies. Especially when applying the white base coat. Thankfully Ethan found something that that doesn’t come off easily. He came home one day with a bag full of different kinds, then spent the next hour painting spots on his body with each of them, in a similar manner to an allergen test. He was a patchwork of various shades of white when he finished. He then spent the entire evening moving around, touching parts, touching it with fabric. Essentially, to make sure it didn’t smear or come off. He wanted to make sure it would last all night long. The final test, was how did it come off in the shower? Thankfully, with some soap, it came off fairly easily. 

I have to admit, I might have gone a bit overboard with the scissors, slashing hole after hole into my slacks. Originally, I hadn't planned on painting my legs at all, but as I continued crafting the costume, it became a necessary step to pull off the look I envisioned. Ethan only needed white paint in a few spots. I couldn't help but admire how Ethan's costume had just the right amount of damage. It looked eerily natural on him. Guess it helps, his wasn’t the first one I did. 

In preparation for this spooky soirée, I bought not two but three pairs of slacks, just in case I needed to start over. It helps that we wear the same size. Yet, as I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't deny that the extra slashes added a touch of seductive sex appeal that I hadn't anticipated but somehow couldn't resist. Together the two of us were bound to turn some heads. 

“You my love,” I told him. “Are the sexiest ghosts I’ve ever seen.” 

Ethan chuckled, his eyes locked onto mine. "And you, Lucas, my love,“ he stretched it out. “are the sexiest vampire I’ve ever seen." And then blew me a kiss. "Well, are we ready to dazzle the guests?"

I nodded, the costumes had turned out better than I had imagined. They lived up to the theme, “Underworld Uprising.” And they revealed just enough of our sculpted bodies to make a statement, leaving the rest to the imagination.

We took an Uber to the venue, knowing full well neither of us would be sober enough to drive home. When I saw the address on the invitation, I looked it up online. A large empty warehouse with an attached office space. I suspected we would be using the office space for the event. So imagine my surprise when I saw the entrance was actually to the warehouse portion of the building. 

He went all out. The parking lot was already starting to fill up. There were plenty of extra lights set up to make sure it was well-lit when everyone left. A valet service for those who didn’t want to walk. 

Flanking the entrance were a pair of imposing figures dressed as dead army soldiers. One appeared as if they had taken a barrage of bullet fire, the intricate details of the costume lending it a disturbingly authentic feel. The realism was uncanny, with carefully crafted wear and tear that mirrored the harsh realities of combat. The other guard, in stark contrast, bore the marks of an explosion, with tattered clothing and artfully applied makeup creating the illusion of burns and shrapnel wounds. 

As guests approached, these somber sentinels took on a more interactive role. They meticulously checked each attendee's invitation and ID with a surprising level of efficiency. Upon verification, they fitted each guest with an RFID wristband, a sleek yet conspicuous band that glowed faintly in the dim light. The soldiers, never breaking character, firmly instructed guests to keep the wristbands on throughout the night. They made it clear in a grave tone that anyone found without one would be promptly asked to leave, adding an underlying layer of order and security to the evening's mysterious proceedings. Let the mystery begin.

Stepping into the venue was like being transported into another realm entirely. A significant portion of the warehouse had been cleverly walled off with curtains, creating an intimate yet expansive space for the guests. This deliberate limitation of the area enhanced the atmosphere, concentrating the energy and excitement of the partygoers.

The interior had been transformed to evoke the essence of the underworld. It was a meticulously crafted environment, with dim, moody lighting casting shadows that danced along the walls. The decorations were both lavish and ominous, with deep reds and blacks dominating the palette, suggestive of Hades' Palace itself. Flickering torches and strategically placed LED lights mimicked the flickering flames of the mythical underworld, while ethereal, smoky mists swirled at ankle height, adding to the otherworldly ambiance.

The walls were adorned with elaborate murals depicting scenes from ancient myths, each telling a story of heroes, gods, and monsters. The furniture had been replaced or altered to fit the theme, with thrones that resembled those of ancient deities and seating areas that felt like they were carved out of stone. The air was filled with a subtle, incense-like fragrance, further immersing the guests in this fantastical setting.

In this spectacularly transformed space, partygoers mingled and moved as if they were characters out of legend, contributing to the illusion that they had indeed stepped into a realm that was both haunting and magnificent - a true embodiment of an underworld uprising.

Many of the walls were adorned with what initially appeared to be paintings, but upon closer inspection, revealed themselves to be cleverly disguised digital screens displaying dynamic artwork. These screens, seamlessly integrated into the decor, lent a magical, Hogwarts-style ambiance to the setting, with each 'painting' befitting the underworld theme and subtly coming to life.

One screen portrayed the mythical River Styx, where the water flowed gently, and the ferryman, Charon, slowly moved his boat across the river, occasionally turning his hooded head towards the partygoers as if beckoning them. Another displayed a forest scene with trees whose leaves rustled in a nonexistent breeze and shadows that seemed to move of their own accord, hinting at unseen creatures lurking within.

In another captivating display, a digital painting showed the fiery realms of the underworld, where flames flickered and danced, casting a warm, eerie glow that reflected off the faces of the guests. Here, silhouettes of mythical creatures could be seen moving within the fire, adding to the feeling of an enchanted, living painting.

One particularly striking screen was set up to look like a grand hall in Hades' palace. The figures in this scene moved with regal grace, engaging in ghostly dances and silent conversations, their expressions changing subtly as if reacting to the merriment of the party.

These animated artworks, blending technology and art, created an immersive, interactive environment. They served as conversation starters and photo backdrops, drawing guests in with their enchanting, lifelike movements, and perfectly encapsulating the magical, otherworldly theme of the party.

Ethan and I glanced around for Liam and TJ as we entered the uniquely transformed warehouse. Not spotting them in the crowd of early arrivals, we headed towards the bar, where the bartender, a striking figure dressed as a shirtless dead soldier, immediately caught our attention with his impressive physique and mock battle scars.

I asked for two mojitos, and the bartender raised an eyebrow, asking, "What kind do you want?" I started to inquire about the options, but Ethan, with a flirtatious edge to his voice, cut in, "Surprise us." The bartender flashed a mischievous smile, his eyes playfully darting between the two of us, adding a charge of flirtatious energy to the air.

"Together or separate?" he asked with a hint of a smirk, his eyes twinkling with mischief. I responded, "Together," and he directed me to tap my RFID wristband against a reader. The display lit up showing "4 drinks remaining."

Intrigued, I asked, "What happens when I run out?" His reply was laced with flirtation, "You can always pay for more yourself, or maybe someone will be generous enough to buy a handsome couple like you a drink." Ethan and I exchanged amused glances, the bartender's charm adding an extra layer of excitement to our night at the party.

As Ethan and I navigated through the growing crowd around the bar, he suddenly spotted Alex and Calvin. "Come on, I want to say hi," he urged, pulling me along. As we approached, I saw Alex and Calvin in their full costumes, embodying their roles as mythological figures.

Calvin, as Hades, was a commanding presence. His costume was a deep, shadowy black, accented with hints of fiery red. A dark, majestic cape flowed behind him, and his makeup was subtly done to give him a pallor of the underworld. His eyes, underlined with a smoky effect, seemed to hold centuries of wisdom and secrets.

Alex, dressed as Poseidon, contrasted Alex with a costume of oceanic blues and greens. His trident was a work of art, shimmering like the sea under the party lights. His beard was dusted with silver, like sea foam, and his eyes sparkled with the mischief of the ocean's depths.

Ethan greeted them with a warm hug, catching me off guard with his familiarity. "How are you guys? Where are Blake and Chris?" he asked cheerfully.

Alex laughed. “You know how Liam loves his theatrics. They'll make their entrance together.” 

I stood there, taking it all in. Ethan chatting so easily with Liam's dads, the grandeur of their costumes, and the anticipation of more theatrics to come. It was shaping up to be a night full of surprises.

As Ethan finished his greetings and inquiries, Alex turned his attention towards me. His gaze, previously embodying the depth of the sea, softened slightly with recognition.

"Lucas, right?" he said, his voice carrying the hint of a smile. "Good to see you again."

I was taken aback that Alex remembered my name. My interactions with him had been few and far between, mostly brief exchanges at past events. His acknowledgment caught me off guard but in a pleasant way.

"Yes, Alex, that's right. It's great to see you too," I replied, feeling a mix of surprise and appreciation. His recollection added a personal touch to the evening, making me feel more connected to the festivities and the people around me.

As I stood there, slightly awestruck by the grandeur of Alex’s Poseidon costume, he surprised me further with his next question.

"How's your photography business going, Lucas?" he asked, a genuine interest in his tone. "I hope Reiley is keeping you busy. Do you do product shots as well?"

His knowledge of my work with Reiley, a mutual acquaintance, and his inquiry about my services made me realize how interconnected our worlds were. I felt a surge of eagerness, happy to discuss my passion.

"Yes, absolutely," I replied enthusiastically. "I've got a home studio set up for product photography and other projects. It's been going really well."

The conversation flowed easily, and I appreciated the chance to talk about my work. It was unexpected but welcome to have this connection with Alex, especially given our rare interactions. His interest in my business felt like a nod of approval and encouragement.

As we continued our conversation with Alex and Calvin, Ethan's attention shifted to a new couple approaching. The woman was elegantly dressed as Hera, the goddess of marriage, while her companion sported a minotaur costume, complete with a collar and leash that Hera held firmly. The contrast between their costumes was striking and bold.

Ethan, always keen on introductions, turned to me. "Lucas, let me introduce you to Kaitlyn and her husband Benjamin," he said, gesturing toward the couple.

Kaitlyn's portrayal of Hera was both commanding and graceful, a stark contrast to her husband's more submissive minotaur guise. Benjamin played his part well, adding a layer of intrigue to their ensemble.

Ethan, with a playful tone, couldn't resist commenting on the irony of their costumes. "Isn't Hera supposed to be the goddess of marital harmony and the sanctity of marriage?" he joked, a twinkle in his eye.

Kaitlyn, with a sparkle in her eye, responded in kind. "Oh, Ethan," she began, her voice carrying a mix of jest and assertion, "haven't you heard? Tonight's theme is 'Underworld Uprising.' It's about breaking norms, and exploring the unexplored. Even Hera needs a night off from being the paradigm of marriage. Tonight, we're rewriting the myths, embracing the unexpected. It's all about being who or what we want, even if it's just for one night."

Her response, clever and spirited, reflected the essence of the evening – a chance to step out of everyday roles and embrace a more daring side. It was fascinating to see Kaitlyn, our usually composed CEO, in such a different light, adding yet another layer of intrigue to an already captivating night.

As Kaitlyn finished her spirited response, a new voice chimed in with an approving "Here here!" We turned to see a man impeccably dressed as Ares, the god of war. He had silver hair and a sculpted physique that truly embodied the 'silver daddy' archetype. I found myself immediately taken by his striking presence.

Standing there, amidst these influential figures, I felt a sudden realization of the opportunity before me. Ethan worked with some truly impressive people, and here I was, right in the midst of them. Reiley's words from our earlier conversation about the games these people play. "They give me the opportunity. So yes, I'll play their games." 

"What do I have to lose? What do I have to hide? Those aren’t the questions," Reiley had said. "What do I have to gain? That’s the question."

As I pondered this, I felt a newfound determination. This was more than just a social gathering; it was a rare chance to make connections, to show a bit of who I was and what I could bring to the table. With a subtle shift in my mindset, I engaged in the conversation, ready to embrace whatever the night had to offer.

Ethan smoothly facilitated the introduction. "Lucas, this is Lance. Lance, my boyfriend Lucas," he said with a casual ease that belied the significance of the moment. I reached out to shake Lance's hand, and as our eyes met, I was struck by their captivating light blue hue, complemented by a charming and equally attractive smile.

Lance's presence was commanding, and his voice carried both warmth and authority. "So this is the talented photographer I keep hearing about," he began, his tone rich with genuine interest. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Let me ask you, son," he continued, and I felt a momentary weakness in my knees, his use of 'son' resonating with my earlier assessment of him as the quintessential 'silver daddy'.

"Do you only photograph homes? What about people?" he inquired.

His question caught me slightly off-guard but also piqued my interest. It was a chance to talk about a broader aspect of my work, to showcase the versatility of my photography. I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness, eager to make a good impression on someone as influential as Lance.

Lance turned his attention to Ethan, his tone polite yet assertive. "Ethan, would you mind if I borrowed Lucas here for a moment? That is if Lucas doesn’t mind talking shop for a brief moment."

Before Ethan or I could respond, Alex chimed in, a hint of caution in his voice. "Lance. We agreed, no business tonight," he commented, reminding Lance of their earlier agreement to keep the evening free from work discussions.

Lance, however, was undeterred. "Relax, Alex, it’s not about us," he reassured with a calm demeanor. His gaze then shifted back to me, and without waiting for a response, he gestured for me to join him off to the side. I felt a mix of curiosity and a slight apprehension but decided to follow. Ethan gave me an encouraging nod, and I stepped away with Lance, wondering what this unexpected aside might entail.

Lance and I found a nearby bar top to sit at. He positioned himself quite close to me, and I must admit, his presence was somewhat intoxicating, slightly distracting me from the conversation at hand.

"You see," Lance began, his voice carrying a mix of seriousness and casual ease, "one of my spoiled children is insisting on starting a clothing line. Athletic gear, bathing suits, underwear. But he has no mind for business. I've agreed to help under certain conditions.” 

I wanted to jump at the chance. This sounded awesome. I love working with people. It’s so much more exciting than photographing houses. Trying to force character where none exists.

“No need to agree to anything tonight, of course. We would have to come up with a contract and a compensation plan. But I was wondering, is this something you'd be interested in helping with?"

“It sounds great," I replied, trying to maintain a composed demeanor, not wanting to come across as overly eager. I ventured a guess about his conditions. "I'm guessing one of the many conditions you have established with your son is that you have the final say?"

Lance nodded, appreciating that I was seeing the bigger picture. "Exactly. I want to approve all sets and final photos. My son may have an eye for clothing, but he has no idea how to sell it."

"Perfect," I responded. "I'll run all set decisions by you prior, and then I can set up an online repository for you to review the images, or we can meet in person."

Lance considered this for a moment before responding. "I think in person would be best. It will allow me to relay my thoughts directly, and we can establish a working relationship."

The way he said 'working relationship' seemed laced with an undercurrent of flirtation. I was both intrigued and a bit flustered by the implication. Lance’s offer was an exciting prospect for my career, and his personal interest added an unexpected dimension to the evening.

As our conversation wound down, Lance and I exchanged digital contact cards. He mentioned contacting his assistant to arrange a meeting for next week. Then, casually, he rested his hand on my wrist, which lay on the table. His thumb playfully stroked my skin, sending tingles up my spine. For a moment, I questioned the wisdom of working with him, but I quickly dismissed my doubts, echoing Riley's words in my mind: "I'll play their games."

With a hint of flirtation, I replied, "I'm looking forward to working with you," emphasizing the word 'you' and deliberately omitting any reference to his son.

Lance caught the nuance, responding in a seductively low tone, "As am I, with you." Then, with a hint of reluctance, he added, "Well, as much as I would love to monopolize your time tonight, I should let you get back to Ethan. Thank you."

With that, Lance stood up and walked away, heading towards the bar. I found myself watching him leave, my eyes inadvertently following the lines of his well-sculpted body, especially his ass, as he moved through the crowd. There was an undeniable allure to his presence, one that I couldn't quite shake off. I quickly chastised myself for the lingering gaze and turned my attention back to the task at hand, finding Ethan.

I scanned the room and spotted Ethan still engaged in conversation with Alex. The two of them seemed deep in discussion, animated and lively. Shaking off the remnants of my encounter with Lance, I made my way back to Ethan, ready to rejoin the festivities and share the exciting opportunity that had just presented itself. The night was proving to be full of surprises, and I was eager to see what else was in store.

by Alex Cunning

Email: [email protected]

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