Halloween Treats

by Alex Cunning

10 Nov 2023 711 readers Score 9.1 (13 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Walking into the café with Ethan, my initial focus was on finding his cousin, Isaac. We originally planned to surprise him with the guest invites to the Halloween party. But now, we would both get a surprise. Isaac would be bringing his new boyfriend, Mason. 

As we scanned the café, my eyes landed on a familiar face, Isaac. Every time I see him it surprises me how similar he and Ethan are. From their looks to their personalities. Even their ages, only a few months separate them. They were both only children, and their dads are brothers, so they grew up together. More like brothers themselves than cousins. They work out together, regularly, so Isaac has the same built physique. I’ve wondered many times if they were hung the same way too. My money is, they are. It has to be a family thing. 

And yes, seeing the twink next to him, made me a bit jealous. Mason was obviously younger, maybe about 25. Very cute, I won’t deny it. He has a confidence that surrounds him. You can see it. I bet those two have the kind of sex I just dream about. The way he eyed Ethan up and down when he and Isaac hugged hello. I know exactly what went through his head. Because I’ve thought about it myself on multiple occasions. How do I get both of these guys at the same time? 

Isaac hugged me too, as he always does. Which made me smile a bit when he only got a handshake from Ethan. I know, I shouldn’t be an ass to him. If Isaac is dating him, he’s a good guy. So I need to give him the benefit of the doubt. 

The boys took their usual 10 minutes or so to catch up, as they always do. Forgetting anyone else was in the area as they did it. 

“So, what’s up?” Isaac asked as we took our seats. 

“You know the Big Halloween party I went to last year.” Ethan began. 


“Well, we have 2 extra tickets this year and wanted to know if you would like to go?”

“Wow. Thanks, But.” He replied. “We already have tickets.”

“How?” I asked. 

“Mason.” He answered like it clarified everything. 

“I can’t wait.” Mason chimed in. “It will be my first time going.”

“Mason got an invite, and I’ll be going as his guest.”

Ethan leaned back in his chair, his expression still inquisitive. "Friends, huh?” The spoken question and the real question were two different things entirely. Ethan is aware that Liam has a bit of a slutty reputation. So it was a reasonable assumption. He was just looking out for his cousin.  

“Don’t worry Ethan,” Isaac replied, stepping in to protect his younger boyfriend from his now overprotective cousin. “It’s not what you think.”

Mason let out a hearty laugh, breaking the tension in the room. "Oh, it's nothing like that, really. Oh god, my cousin would cut my balls off if that happened. There's just a family connection."

“So your family?” Ethan asked. 

“Nope. Not directly.” He answered, looking at Ethan. “You obviously know Liam pretty well, which means you know the people who surround him.”

“Yes.” He answered. 

“I’ll give you one guess.” He laughed. “Just take a good look at me.”

Ethan was eyeing him up and down, taking the measure of him. “It was you?” He started laughing. “Oh man, this is awesome. Isaac man. Good job. You have no idea what you just stepped into. Mason, you do realize, he is going to push every button of yours that you pushed of his, right?”

Isaac and I just looked at each other, completely lost.  I sort of injected myself into their conversation. “Um guys, explanation please.” 

Ethan tried his best to stop laughing and explain. Mason for his part just sat back with a knowing smile. His confidence coming out. 

“So.” Ethan began. “Chris, and Calvin.”

“Umm Ethan,” Mason interrupted. “You’re right, he is going to extract every ounce of revenge he can muster. However, if my cousin had grown some balls earlier on. It never would have happened. It’s probably best we don’t tell everyone the story and rub it in Chris’s face even more.” He turned his attention to me. “It was completely innocent. A series of unlikely events. Which would not have been possible had my cousin Chris been honest with himself from the beginning. I love him dearly but the boy was being stupid. If you want to know the story, you need to hear it from Chris.”

I turned to Ethan. “Babe?”

“He’s right babe. It’s not my story to tell, but he speaks the truth. I heard the story from Calvin. Ask them at the Halloween Party.”

“Do me a favor?” Mason asked, and then looked at Isaac as he continued. “None of them know I have a boyfriend yet. I planned to introduce them at the party. Would you please keep this quiet for now?”

I was a bit frustrated, not getting to hear the story. BUT, I get it. If Ethan wasn’t worried about him. Then I won’t be either. “Of course,” I answered Mason’s request.  

“Well,” Ethan said to me. “It looks like our plans have been thwarted.” He chuckled. “Any other suggestions?”

I paused, my mind drifting to the potential guests for the upcoming Halloween party. Then, a sudden idea dawned on me. "What about my sister?" I suggested. "She's bisexual, not that it's a prerequisite, but she and her girlfriend would likely be enthusiastic about joining the party."

Ethan raised a valid point, countering with, "She can be quite unreliable at times. I'd hate to give her the tickets only for them to go to waste." He was spot-on, describing my sister to a tee.

I pulled out my phone and started flipping through recent text messages, pathetic I know, but it’s the method I used. One by one I considered each name, and then dismissed it just as quickly for a variety of reasons. 

"Reiley?" I mumbled, my attention still focused on my phone.

Mason, still processing the suggestion, suddenly became more alert. "Wait a minute. Are you talking about Reiley Turner, the realtor?"

I was surprised by Mason mentioning Reiley's full name as if they were personally acquainted. "Yeah, that's the one. How do you know Reiley?"

Mason's response hinted at some connections with Liam's family. "Oh, I think they might already have an invite. Reiley was the realtor for Connor and Ryan when they moved into their new place and Connor helps plan the event.”

I couldn't help but playfully tease Mason, saying, "Damn it, Mason, you're not helping today," before returning my attention to my phone.

“Aiden and Kai?” I asked. Ethan laughed. “Nope. Best friends with Cael. And He’s close to Noah and Talon, not to mention Liam himself. Guaranteed Aiden has tickets. Especially since Liam wants in both their pants.”

“And now I’m back to Emily. What if we just like. Super emphasizes that if she ditches out on these. We… “ I let it hang out there.

“If she ditches out on them. We tell your mother. No better yet. We give them the ticket in front of your mother.” Ethan offered. And he was right. If anyone would make sure my sister didn’t flake on it, she would. Especially if she knew how difficult it is to get tickets. 

"Works for me," I replied before shifting my focus back to Mason. "So, Mason, considering you're likely the closest one here to Liam, what can you tell us about the event?"

Mason chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh no, I'm afraid I can't help you there. First of all, I don't have any inside information on the event. While there is a family connection, I'm not that intimately connected to the group. And secondly, even if I did know, there's no way I would spill the beans on that one. Liam is not someone I want to get on the bad side of."

“What are you guys going as?” Ethan asked. “Vampire ghosts for us.”

“Cool idea, I see the connection to the theme. Demons for us,” Answered Mason.

Ethan was at the gym, engaging in his bi-weekly martial arts sparring session with TJ. It’s like a ritual, or more like an obsession, for them in addition to Ethan’s regular gym sessions with Isaac and myself. So I had plenty of time to pay Reiley a visit to ensure he didn't already have tickets before giving them to my sister. Plus, it was a good excuse to catch up with him. Reiley was hosting an open house for a new listing he signed, so I knew where he would be. 

As I pulled up to the house, I noticed two cars parked outside, one of them belonging to Reiley. The front door was standing wide open, inviting potential buyers inside. The photographs I had taken of the house for Reiley's listing came to mind, showcasing its open floor plan, inviting pool area, and secluded spa. 

I found them in the backyard. Reiley was standing on the patio showing it to a potential buyer. The guy was hot. Muscular, big build, wearing a 3-piece suit with a fantastic waistline. Which is hot just on its own. So I was not surprised to see Reiley was not-so-subtly flirting with him. 

It was best to not interrupt. So I chose instead to watch from the sanctity of the kitchen. If it looked like Reiley was going to succeed once again in seducing a client. I could quietly exit, and close the door on my way out. I was legitimately curious, and secretly hoping for his success. I’m not opposed to watching that man strip. I might even be jealous of Reiley in that situation. 

Reiley and I have been friends for many years. We’ve seen each other through the best and the worst times. And yes, we’ve hooked up on a rare occasion. That’s how I know his track record of hooking up with clients. It’s a thrill for him. And honestly, seeing this guy. I was hoping he would succeed. I understand the thrill for him. 

I was disappointed when the guy’s phone rang. I imagined Reiley cursing whoever was on the other end of that phone call for being an unintentional cock block. He left the guy outside and came in to greet me with a hug. “Lucas, how are you.”

“Great,” I replied while taking a seat in one of the bar stools nearby. “You were so close, that guy was more interested in your ass than the pool or spa.”

“I know.” He replied. “That’s ok. I’ll be seeing him again soon. So will you. In the first week of November, we need to photograph his house.”

“So he’s a seller?” I observed. “And a buyer. Don’t you usually try and avoid doing that? To avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest?”

“He insisted. And for him, I’ll make an exception.” I saw that look in his eyes. A look of hunger, and determination. 

“So you’ll have another chance then, that’s good. Good Luck?”

“Luck. You think I need Luck?” He teased while leaning in and kissing me on the cheek. “He’s already fucked me.” 

“Tramp.” I joked.


“Honestly, with a stud like that. Yes.” I confessed while looking at him through the window. It was like he could feel me looking at him. For he turned in my direction right at that moment and just waved. He dropped the phone into his pocket and started walking towards us. 

“Reiley, Sorry about that.” He said while moving to kiss Riley on the cheek. “I need to go. As for the house. It’s nice, but it’s just not what I’m looking for.” He left his hand on Reiley’s shoulder as he spoke. At the same time, I saw and even felt him give me the once over. 

“Declan, this is my friend Lucas, the photographer I was telling you about.”

He extended his hand. I reached out and shook it. He had a firm grip, but the softest hands. Far softer than I was expecting. “Nice to meet you. Sooner than expected.”

“I needed to talk to Reiley, so I thought I would drop in.”

“Perfect timing then.” He turned his attention back to Reiley. “I would love to stay and talk business, but I have other pressing matters to attend to.”

“No problem, we will be in touch soon.” He kissed Reiley on the cheek again and then did the same to me before heading out the door. I was a bit shocked by it. Feeling both his hands on my shoulders as he leaned in. It left me a bit flushed if I am being honest. 

“He likes you,” Reiley said with a mischievous smile. 

“What’s not to like?”

“Seriously Lucas, the way he was checking you out. He likes you.”

“I have a boyfriend.”

“So. Tell me you weren’t tempted.” He challenged. 

“Temped. Absolutely.”

“He has a nice cock. You would love it. Not as nice as the picture of Ethan that you showed me, but still very nice. I still swear you only showed me, to make me jealous.”

I wanted to tell him he had nothing to be jealous about. Even though Ethan has a huge cock, he is too timid when using it. Instead, I just went along with the fun. “It worked, didn’t it.”

Reiley stepped up to me, standing between my legs. “One day, I’ll find a way to convince you to let me take a ride on it.” He teased. 

“Maybe one day, but we aren’t there yet,” I replied, patting him on his ass. 

He laughed, “HA. I’m wearing you down. You didn’t say no. That’s the first time you said maybe. You know what that means.”

“That one day it will be a yes? Keep wishing.”

“It’s harmless fun. You riding Declan, Me riding Ethan. It wouldn’t even be cheating by your definition if it was in the same room.” I laughed in a pathetic attempt to hide my legitimate interest in his idea. 

“You so sure Declan would go for it?” I asked, before realizing the message it sent Reiley. 

“See, you’re interested. YES. I’m gonna get that cock.” 

“Speaking of open relationships, how’s your man?” I asked, hoping to change the subject. 

“Away on another trip.” He answered. “It’s a good thing he isn’t a monogamous snob, we never would have lasted otherwise. He’s gone too much.” He spoke again, but it seemed more like he was talking to himself than to me. “But, I can’t blame him or hold it against him. It’s his job, and he had it when we met. “

“Sounds like you’re still a little miffed over it.” 

“Maybe,” he replied, taking a seat next to me. “I mean, I love that he is fine with me hooking up with others. We have our rules. I can hook up when he’s gone, and he can too. But, no sleepovers.” I knew instantly where his frustrations came from. Reiley is a cuddle after sex. He wants to Curl up and fall asleep next to the person. And then hopefully wake up and do it again. 

“I’m sorry baby,” I said in my best patronizing tone while patting him on the knee. “When does he get back?” 

“Two more days. Anyways, what brings you by?”

“I wanted to confirm you had tickets to Liam’s Halloween party, I have two guest passes.”

“And you thought about me? Thank you.” He replied, “But yes, I already have tickets.”

“Honestly, you were my second option. Ethan’s cousin Isaac had first dibs. But he already had tickets too. Nevertheless, after family, you are my first pick. And you’re higher on the list than my sister. How is it, tickets to a coveted invite-only party would be so hard to give away?”

“Lucas, I know it’s frustrating but, let me explain something to you,” He said. “That’s a good thing. It means you aren’t willing to hand them out indiscriminately. You understand the significance of receiving extra passes. That’s something he usually only reserves for people he trusts.”

“I thought everyone gets to bring a guest,” I asked. Confused by his comment. 

“Yeah, like me. I get to bring my man. I didn’t get two extra passes to give to someone else. I get to bring one person, my partner. Held to the same standard, Ethan would get to bring one person, you. But, this isn’t the same standard. You guys got two extra.”

“You mean Ethan got two extra passes,” I said, wondering about the reason for the special treatment. 

“No. That is not what I mean.” He was quick to correct me. “Even I know Ethan well enough to say he wouldn’t give those passes out without consulting you first. Liam knows that as well as I do. This was a gift to you both.” He paused for a moment, looking me right in the eyes, and spoke. “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

He returned to his previous explanation. “Alex taught Liam to keep his friends close and to take care of those they care about. He also taught him to always be on the lookout for talented and influential people. To expand their sphere of influence. This party isn’t just a way for Liam to blow off steam and have fun. It’s a dance of personal relationships and politics. In many ways, it’s a test as well.”

“A test? How?”

“The games.” He said as if it should be obvious. “Last year’s game wasn’t just about trading cards. It was about understanding how people think. How they value certain things. Do they see connections where others don’t? Mark my words, this year’s game will tell them something about each of us who participates.” 

I wasn’t sure how I felt about this. I mean, it makes sense. And it fits with what I know of Liam’s personality. “So you know it’s a test, and you’ll still play the game?”

“Absolutely. What do I have to lose? What do I have to hide? Those aren’t the questions. What do I have to gain? That’s the question. Do you know how many clients I’ve met through them? And thus, your clients as well. You’re the only photographer I use.” 

I hadn’t thought about that, but I’m kind of grateful now. My photography business has been doing great, especially with all the work Reiley and his other friends have been sending me. It’s easy work too. They take care of staging the place, I bring my equipment. And a few hour’s worth of post-processing. 

“Call it nepotism, favoritism, or whatever you want. They use it to help their friends. They gain people’s loyalty through actions, not bribery, the way it should be. They aren’t giving me money. They gave me the opportunity. So yes, I’ll play their games.”

Something occurred to me about the tickets themselves. “Is Liam giving us the two extra tickets a test?” 

“With Liam, you never know. He is every bit as calculating, strategic, and mysterious as Alex. And, you know the rumors, they don’t look at the world the same way as the rest of us. But that’s not a bad thing.”

“So what is it they look for in someone? How you can help them?” 

“Yes, and no. It’s your character first and foremost. They will always be on the lookout for influential and talented people to bring into the circle. But, they will test their character first. You could have nothing to offer them, but good character, and they are just as likely to accept you.”

“So they test for things like Loyalty and Trust?” I asked. 

“Yes, but not how you think.”


“Ok. Here’s an easy one. You know the rules of my relationship.” I nodded. “ You also know I occasionally break our rules.” 

I laughed. “Probably more than you should.”

“So what does that say about me, Loyalty and Trust wise?” He asked. “Here’s a hint. Don’t go for the immediate answer. Don’t give the one the masses would give.” 

I was about to say, it would depend on the topic. Would I trust him as a boyfriend to be loyal? No. Not at all. But yet, even that isn’t so simple. Would I trust him to not sleep with others? No. Would I trust him not to sleep with someone that would truly bother me? Yes. And that’s the test that matters. It’s about priorities and context. At the end of the day, when everything is out on the table, what side are you on? And that’s the answer. I sat up and did my best to mimic Liam when he got into his computer geek mode. “In true Liam style. My answer is, There’s not enough data. Or maybe. It’s a non sequitur question.”

“You nailed it.” Reiley laughed. “Both the form and the answer. My breaking the rules of my relationship says nothing about my loyalty or my trustability. Because there is so much more to it. Variables as Liam would say. Loyalty and Trust are general terms that can’t be applied globally. I can be trustworthy in one area, and not in another. I can be fiercely loyal to my partner, and still get crazy drunk one night and fuck his best friend.”

“I still can’t believe you did that.” I laughed. “You were so freaked out he would find out.”

“He did find out. The next day.” 

“And he let you stew on it for two weeks before finally confronting you about it.” I laughed. 

“And I learned my lesson. Don’t get drunk and hook up with the loudmouth. Choose the shy quiet one instead.”

“Reiley, I don’t think that’s the lesson you were supposed to learn.”

“I think it was,” he replied, brushing it off as if it were nothing. 

“How do you know so much about Liam? Last I remember, you met him around the same time I did, and I only know him through Ethan.”

“I got my tickets through Connor and Ryan. Connor helps plan the event. And Ryan is like Liam’s overprotective adopted uncle. Liam’s boyfriend Josh is Connor’s younger brother. The simple answer is, that I keep my eyes and ears open. I’m perceptive.”

by Alex Cunning

Email: [email protected]

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