Going Home

by Lee Obrien

2 May 2022 1294 readers Score 9.7 (68 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


Well, I now had a girlfriend. We were nearing the end of our first year of college, Jake and I began to talk about finding an apartment off campus. We were both working our jobs and could work full time through the summer, besides I really didn’t have any place to go home to. The girls were also looking for place as they both were going to take some summer classes. We even talked about getting a place with them, but Jen’s parents told her that they would not be giving her any rent money if we did. Sky’s folks were not too keen on the idea either, so we decided to each get our own place to keep the peace.

With our jobs, classes and dating the years flew right by, suddenly we were in our fourth year and a semester away from graduation. Jake had proposed to Sky over Christmas break and were planning their wedding. Jen and I had talked a little bit about marriage, but decided we weren’t quite ready, we would wait until after graduation and see where we got jobs. Jen knew that I wanted to move out of the city, but she thought we could get better jobs if we stayed. We would talk more about that later.

Jake was a civil engineer major and would be starting an internship at the start of the semester, Sky would be student teaching. Jen would also be doing an internship at a large insurance company and the construction department I was in would be building a complete house as our final project.

When Easter rolled around, Jake’s mom called and invited me to come stay with them, just as she had done for all holidays the past three years. We got to Jake's folks house Friday night, Sky and her mom would be busy with wedding planning and shopping on Saturday. Jen and Jake’s mom were going along them to look for dresses. Jake called some of his high school friends and we made plans to meet them at the basketball court in the morning to shoot hoops. Jake’s brother Josh heard him on the phone and asked if he could go along, Jake told him that there were already enough of us going. I could tell Josh was a little disappointed, I pulled Jake aside and told him he should let Josh come with us. I told him how I felt when my brother wouldn’t include me and that once he was married, he would have even less time to spent with Josh. He said, yes, I guess you are right, and he told Josh to be ready at eight tomorrow morning.

Jake and I got up the next morning and were getting ready, when his phone rang, it was Sky. As they were talking, he told me to go wake Josh up, the rest of the guys would be here in ten minutes. I walked down the hall to Josh’s room, the door was opened a little crack. I pushed it open, and I stopped in my tracks when I saw Josh laying in his bed. Just like Jake, Josh slept in the nude, he was lying on his back with his arms above his head and his legs spread with one knee slightly bent. He had the same uncut cock that I saw on Jake that first day of school and so many times since. I also noticed that Josh had filled out nicely since I had first met him four years ago. I shook my head, damn it, I hadn’t had thoughts like this since Jen and I had been dating, why were they coming back? I decided I needed to wake Josh up and get out of there, I grabbed a rolled-up pair of socks that his mom had left in the laundry basket sitting on his dresser. I threw the socks at him and said, hey shithead, time to get up if you want to come with us. He sat up startled, oh yeah, I’ll be out in a minute. Like Jake, he wasn’t shy and made no attempt to cover himself, I snuck one last look as he stood up tugging at his cock and nuts.

We enjoyed the rest of the weekend and headed back to school on Sunday evening. We were down to our last month of classes. My construction class was putting the finishing touches on the house we were building, Jen finished her internship and was offered a job. Jake’s internship had the same result as Jen’s, and Sky got a job teaching 1st grade at a school that was near where her and Jake were going to be living. I was still not liking the idea of staying in the city, but since Jen already had a job, I was kind of stuck. My boss at Lowes asked I had found a job yet, I told him that I hadn’t, he said that he had a spot for me in contractor sales. It was a nice raise, I was eligible for benefits and it would be regular daytime hours. With the raise I would be getting I would be able to stay in the apartment when Jake moved out after the wedding. Jen was still trying to convince her parents that it would make sense for her to move in with me, she said she had until the wedding to get them to come around.

Finals week arrived, we passed all our exams, and we were all set to graduate on Saturday. We were ushered to our seats in alphabetical order for the ceremony, Jake was about twelve people in front of me. The time came for us to receive our diplomas, we all stood and lined up at to walk on the stage, as names were being called, I started to realize that they were using everybody’s full name. After four years of guessing, Jake was going to find out what AJ stood for. I made it up to the stage and as the guy in front of took his diploma and walked off, I heard, “Artimus Julian Nelson” I felt my face turn red and went to get my diploma, as it was handed to me, I heard Jake yell, “oh my God, Artimus?” followed by a large round of laughter. I walked off the stage and rushed back to my seat with my head down. After the ceremony we met all our parents, except mine of course, and Jake was still laughing. "Alright now you know, I hope you are happy. After a few more jokes at my expense, Jake’s mom said alright Jake, that is enough, leave the poor guy alone. Of course, that only worked until we were out of ear shot from his mom.

The next week we all started our new jobs, except Sky, who wouldn’t start until the end of August. She spent the summer getting ready for her wedding that was to take place on the first weekend of August. She and Jake found a house to rent, Jen and I would go over to help them paint and do some minor repairs so they could move in the first of July. Jen was still trying to talk her folks into letting her move in with me.

After about a month of one of my classmates, Tom was picking up lumber, and we started talking. His dad was a contractor who sometimes would by an older house, fix it up and try to sell for a profit. He told me that his dad had a small house that just need some minor updating and didn’t have enough time to get it done. He had talked his dad into letting him do it, His dad told him that he would let him go ahead do the project. He already had made a list of improvements that needed to be completed, put a budget together and gave him three months to finish. His dad had already paid for the house and would finance the materials, when the house was sold his dad would take the cost of the house and materials and we would split whatever profit there was. He said that he would need a hand to meet the deadline that his father had given. I agreed and we started working on the house in the evenings after work and every weekend.

Jen had begun to work late more often, I just figured it was due to her being new and was trying to get settled in. It gave me more time to work on the house with Tom, so I didn’t think too much about it. We finished the house one month ahead of schedule, and it sold quickly, after we paid the expenses, we both cleared about $8000.00. Tom and I quickly talked his dad into another house, he said he was impressed with how well we did on the first house, so he agreed, and we were soon back to work.

Jen was still working a lot, but one night when she was off, we decided to get some groceries. Since we were still living in our own places, we both grabbed our own shopping cart. While I was picking out a few things, Jen had gone to next aisle to get something she wanted, I heard her talking to someone as I came around the corner.

The girl she was talking said, “yes, I ran into Todd last week, he said that he was glad he had moved here too.”

Jen replied, “he likes his new job and has finally got in into his apartment.”

Jen then noticed me coming down the aisle and quickly ended the conversation and we finished our shopping. I thought Jen was hiding something, but I didn’t bring it up on our way home.

Later that week I was talking with Jake, I told him I was concerned that Jen and I weren’t spending as much time together and wasn’t sure what I should do.

He asked, “Have you talked to Jen about it?”

“No not yet, Jake do you know a Todd?”

“Well, the only Todd I know is Todd Banks, we went to high school together, why?”

I told him about what I heard in the grocery store.

He sighed, “oh shit, I heard he had moved to town. He and Jen dated for a while in high school.”

I changed the subject, The wedding was next week, I was to be Jake’s best man and Jen was Sky’s maid of honor, I didn’t wasn’t to spoil the big day.

The day of the wedding I put a smile on my face for the sake of my friendship with Jake and Sky. The ceremony was very nice, but all my suspicions were confirmed at the reception and dance. I noticed Jen spending a lot of time talking to a guy across the room. I went to the bar to get myself a beer, Jake came over to me and said, “Dude, I am sorry, “I didn’t know Sky had invited him.”


“Todd, that is who Jen is talking to,”

“So, that’s him. Hey Jake, don’t worry I am not going to do anything to ruin your day. Would you be mad at me if I left early?”

“No, I don’t blame you for being upset.”

“I am just going to tell Jen that I am leaving.”

I gave him a hug and walked toward Jen, she saw me coming and I could see her starting to get uncomfortable. She faked a smile, “hey AJ, this is Todd, one of my high school friends.”

I ignored him and looked her in the eye and said, “I just wanted to let you know that I am leaving, I will bring anything that you have left at my place tomorrow afternoon, and I will pick up anything that I have at yours.” I turned and walked toward the door.

“AJ, wait …”

I didn’t turn around I got in my truck and headed home. The next afternoon, I carried the box of Jen’s thing to her door. She answered the door, “AJ can we talk about this?”

“Not really anything to talk about is there, do you have my things?”

“Yes, they are in that box on the table. AJ, I didn’t mean for this to happen, it just that…”

I grabbed the box, “thanks, good luck with Todd.” I walked out the door.

For the next few months, I spent all my time with Tom, working on our flip house. We finished our second one and bought a third. We made even more than we made on the first.

I just walked in my door, when Jake called. “Hey, are you up for a beer.”

“Hell Yeah.”

“I just bought a six-pack I will at your place in ten minutes.”

Jake walked in the door, I said, “good to see you buddy, what is the occasion?”

“Can’t I just have a beer with a friend.”

“Sure, come on in there is a game on.”

We opened our beers and sat down to watch the game.

I asked, “So what’s going on? I haven’t seen in a while.”

Well, Sky and I did get some news last week. I am going to be a dad.”

“Jake, that is awesome, I am so happy for you.”

“We are both excited. We hadn’t planned on this so soon, but after the shock wore off, we decided we were ready.”

“That’s great man, congrats.”

“AJ, I do have another reason for stopping by, I have a favor to ask of you.”

“Sure Jake, anything you know that.”

“Well, my brother Josh just got a job here and he found an apartment to rent, but it won’t ready for a few weeks, the landlord wants to paint and install some new carpet. Would it be ok if Josh stayed here, Sky and I really don’t have enough room and he is starting his job on Monday?”

“Of course, no problem, he can stay as long as he needs to.”

“Great, I will let him know. Now for the big favor, can we use your truck to move his things down here this coming Saturday?”

“I will do you one better, I will go with you and help you and Josh load up his stuff. It will give me a chance to see your folks and tell them that I am sorry for leaving your wedding without saying goodbye.”

“They would love to see you too, but don’t worry, they understand.”

We left early and were pulling into the driveway by mid-morning. We had my truck and Josh’s car loaded by noon, after lunch with Jake’s parents we were back on the road. We had driven about thirty miles, when Josh called Jake, he told us that some of things had shifted in the back of my truck. We pulled over to get things straightened out, after a few minutes we decided we would need rope to hold everything secure. Jake said, “I think there is a hardware store just a few miles ahead in North Bluff.” We got to North Bluff and drove down Main Street and pulled in front of Clark Bros. Hardware and Lumber. As we walked into the store a “For Sale” sign caught my eye. I walked around to check out the whole store as Jake and Josh found a salesclerk help them get a length of rope. I walked back to front counter just as they were finishing paying for their purchase. We got things tied up and were back on the road. We got back to the city, dropped Josh’s things at the storage unit he rented and went to my apartment. I showed Josh his bedroom and he brought his clothes in and put them away. We called and ordered a pizza, Sky picked it and some beer up and came over to join us. After we ate and finished off the beer, Jake and sky headed home and Josh and I went to bed.

Josh had been staying for about a week and it was going well, I was busy working on the flip house with Tom and Josh was busy getting settled into his new job. I came Saturday night after working on the house, Josh was sitting on the couch with his laptop. I said, “hey roomy, how was your first week?”

“It went well, there is a lot learn, but I really like it so far.”

“That’s great, you will do fine.”

“Yeah, you look beat, do you want a beer?”

“That would be great, but I am filthy, I am going to grab a shower first, I will drink a beer with you right after I clean up.”

“Sounds good.”

I went to my room and stripped down, I was used to living alone and thought nothing of walking down the hall from my room to the bathroom naked. As went into the bathroom I saw Josh out of the corner of my eye. Shit, I have to get used to having a roommate, I should have stripped in the bathroom, I hope he wasn't upset. I turned on the water, crawled into the shower and rinsed the dirt and sweat off. I squeezed some shampoo into my hand and soaped up my hair. Just as I was starting to rinse my hair, I heard the curtain open and felt a hand wrap around my waist. I tried to get soap out of my eyes to see what was going on.

Josh said, “do you need any help?” as he wrapped his arms around me, and he started rubbing my chest.

“Josh what the hell?” as he stepped in close to me. I felt his bare chest against my back and his dick was sliding along my ass crack.

“Relax, I am just going to help you wash up.”

I began to protest, “but I am not…” as he grabbed my suddenly hard cock. Damn it, my dick has betrayed me. It felt so good, I just relaxed and leaned back into Josh as he started to nibble on my neck. I reached back to put my hands on his thighs, mostly for balance as I was getting a little weak in the knees. He released my dick and turned me around, as our cocks rubbed against each other he came in to kiss me. It caught me off guard and I pulled back. He just looked me in the eyes and said, “relax I promise you will like it. He once again brought his lips to mine, it had never occurred to me that men would kiss, but once we started, Josh’s promise was correct. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled myself as tight as I could to him.

He broke our kiss, “see I told you that you would like it.” He started stroking my raging hardon again, looking down at it, “looks like this is still a little dirty.” He went to his knees and wrapped his lips around my cock.

“Holy shit.” As I almost jumped out of the tub.

He looked up at me, “you like that?”

“Fuck yes.” I grabbed his head and began to fuck his mouth as he started to rub a finger over my asshole.

Just as I was about ready to cum, he pulled of my dick, “I think this needs a little cleaning too,” as he spun me around and pushed his tongue into my virgin pucker.

I let out another gasp as he held me tight so I wouldn’t fall over. After a few minutes he stood up and I turned back toward to resume our making out.

He looked at me, “I think you are clean, do you want to continue this in the bed?”

Speechless, I just shook my head yes. We dried each other off and crawled onto my bed.

“Can I suck your dick now?” Shit, I sounded like a little kid asking for candy.

“God yes.” As he flipped around so his cock was pointed right at my face. I grabbed his dick and moved in for a taste, just as I wrapped my lips around the head, Josh sucked my dick back into his mouth. I sucked Josh as deep as I could and tried to match what he was doing to my own cock. Just as I was once on the brink of cuming, Josh released his lip lock on me and jumped out of the bed, “I will be right back.” Fuck, what did I do wrong?

Within a couple of seconds, he was back in my room with a bottle in his hand.

He asked, “will you fuck me?”

“Well, I have never done…”

He cut me off, “don’t worry I will show you what to do.” As he rubbed the lube on his ass, he put some lube in his hand and spread it all over my cock. I was laying on my back and he straddle my waist as aimed my cock at his hole. He lowered himself down and after a short pause when my head penetrated his sphincter, his ass cheeks were tight against my nuts. I just moaned, it was so warm and tight, it was the most intense thing that I had ever felt. Josh started to bounce up and down as his hard cock flopped against my stomach. My instincts kicked in and I began to thrust to match Josh’s movements.

“That’s it AJ, you are a fast learner.” A groan would come each time he bottomed out on my dick, “That’s the spot, oh yes.”

He leaned forward for another deep kiss. He sat back up and continued riding up and down and his breath began to quicken. I looked down at his cock bouncing against my abs, Josh let out an “oh God” as he squirted all over my chest and stomach. The contractions in his ass pushed me over the edge and I shot my seed deep inside that tight little hole. Josh collapsed on top of me giving me another deep kiss as my softening dick slipped out of his ass. Josh’s cum coating our chests and stomachs.

Josh smiled at me, “how about another shower?”

“Yes, I think that is good idea.”

We cleaned up and got back on the bed with my arm around Josh and his head on my chest. I asked him, “What made you do that?”

“Shit AJ, I have had a crush on you since the first time you came home with Jake.”

“What made you think that I would let you do that or that I wouldn’t kick the shit out of you?”

“Well, I would have never tried anything until after last Easter.”

“Why what does that have to do with anything?”

“Do you really think that I still sleeping when you came into my room to wake me up?”

“You weren’t sleeping?”

“Ha, no I heard you walk by my room earlier, so I opened my door slightly so you wouldn’t have to knock. You took forever to wake me, I figured you were getting a good look. Then I saw you sneak another peek as you walked out, didn’t you think it was odd that I didn’t cover myself up?”

I just thought back to that morning and smiled.

“Oh, and you were checking me out all day when were playing basketball. Why do you think I was the first one to take my shirt off when we decided to play shirts and skins?”

“Damn, you are a devious little shit, aren’t you?”

 We talked for a while longer and drifted off to sleep in other’s arms.

by Lee Obrien

Email: [email protected]

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