Going Home

by Lee Obrien

8 May 2022 999 readers Score 9.6 (61 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


I arrived in North Bluff on the Thursday before I was to take over the hardware store. I spent Thursday and Friday unpacking and setting up my house. I stopped into the store a couple times and talked with the Clark Brothers, getting last minute info and advice before my first day on Monday. I also took the time to meet Beth, the only other employee at the store. She was in her mid-thirties, married with three boys, she had started working there after her youngest started school. Her husband, Matt worked for the local nursing home as a maintenance man. She was very pleasant and as I watched her interact with the customers I was impressed and knew I needed to keep her around.

I opened the store on Monday and Beth greeted me with a smile, “are you ready for this boss?”

“I think so, but I am going to count on you for a lot of help.”

“You got it, anything I can do, just ask.”

The business club showed up and did a ribbon cutting, complete with the newspaper on hand to take a picture of the newest business owner in North Bluff. A lot of the other business owners in town stopped by throughout the day to introduce themselves and wish me good luck. Business was steady all morning and we finally got a little breather around noon. I asked Beth what she usually did for lunch, she said she would either bring something from home or call the café down the street for takeout. I told her if she went and picked it up, I would buy. We finished our lunch as a few more customers came in, just I was finishing waiting on my customer, Beth was helping another. I noticed a young guy off to side, not really looking for anything he just seemed to be waiting.

I asked, “can I help you find anything?”

“I don’t know, maybe, are you the boss?”

“Yes, I am, what can I do for you?”

“I stopped last week, the old dude said I should come back today and talk to the new guy. I was kind of looking for a job.”

“Oh, I see, well I think I am going to need someone to help out around here, but today is my first day, so I haven’t had time to think about it.”

“Ok, I can come some other time, sorry to bother you.”

“No, wait, we can talk a little bit. What is your name?”

“Heath Harding.”

“Nice to meet you Heath, I am AJ.” I reached out to shake his hand. He stood about 6’, had shoulder length dirty blonde hair, wearing an oversized t shirt and a pair of baggy jeans giving him a skater sort of look. His hair was half covering his face as he gave me a weak handshake.

“So, tell me a little bit about yourself, where have you worked before?”

“I graduated high school last year, then I went to college for a semester, but it didn’t work out so now I just need to find a job to make some money.”

“Well, if you work here, it would, loading lumber, keeping the lumber shed clean, making deliveries and unloading trucks. Is that something that you would be interested in?”

“Yes, I could do all of that.”

I sort felt sorry for Heath, he just seemed like he needed a break, maybe I would regret it.

“Well Heath, I tell you what, be here tomorrow morning at 8 and I will put you to work.”

He stood up a little straighter, pushed the hair from his eyes to behind his ear and I think I even saw a slight smile, as he reached and gave me a much firmer handshake, “thank you so much, I’ll be here.”

After he left, I asked Beth if she knew anything about Heath.

She answered, “I don’t think he has had the best life, his dad was an alcoholic and left when he little, his mom remarried and I heard his stepdad used to beat him, so he came to live with his uncle. It was better, but they didn’t really treat him like their other kids. He ended up getting a girl pregnant and her parents were pissed and made her stop seeing him. He did try college, but I guess he flunked out.”

I suddenly thought I knew why I felt the connection with Heath, I could relate to being in a family where you didn’t think you were wanted.

“Well, I just hired him to work here.”

Heath showed up bright and early the next morning, I showed him around and he got to work cleaning and organizing the lumber storage shed. Beth was busy with reorganizing the rest of the store and we all started to paint the walls as we had time. Things were going well, and I was proud of the little team that we had become.

I was meeting more people from town and made a few new friends. Beth’s husband even talked me into joining his bowling team. I showed up the first night and to my surprise I saw those incredible eyes that I saw on my first visit to North Bluff. Matt introduced us and I finally had name to go with the eyes. I thought he was checking me out as I bowled but wasn’t sure, so I started to talk with him as he tended bar. I even stuck around and had a beer with him after the other bowlers had left. When he asked me to go fishing with him, I could hardly contain my excitement. When the chance came, I suggested that we go skinny dipping and I thought he would take the hint, but he never really made a move. When we decided to get out of the water and my half hard dick didn’t cause a reaction, I just figured I was reading the situation wrong. After I dropped him off at his house, I went home and decided to wait for him to make the next move.

The next week at work, Beth and I were talking about somethings that were going on around town, Heath was standing nearby scrolling on his phone. I casually brought up Ty, asking if Beth knew anything about him. She gave me no new information, just that he lost his dad when he was young, his mom raised him and sister alone and he had moved back home to take care of her when she got sick. All things that Ty had told me on our fishing trip.

Heath had been listening to us talk and without looking up from his phone he said, “the dude is gay.”

Beth and I both looked at him in astonishment.

He looked up from his phone, “what? It’s no big deal. Shit, my roommate in college used to suck my dick.”

We were still speechless, “What? He came home one night and caught me jacking to some porn and offered to help me out. I let him, hell he would even bring a friend home with him once in a while, and they would both blow me. No big deal.”

My dick twitched at the thought of Heath getting serviced by his roommate.

Beth said, “well that was a little bit more than I needed to know. How do know Ty is gay?”

“His sister was in my cousin’s class in school, she told me.”

I thought, “shit I missed my chance, I wish Heath would have told me this sooner.”

We all went back to work and over the next few weeks, Ty was coming back into the store more often as he was doing more work fixing up the greenhouse. We would always talk and tease each other on his visits, and I even was beginning to think he was flirting with me a bit. We must have been a little bit too obvious one day and Heath and Beth were standing near me at the checkout counter as Ty walked out the door.

Again, without looking up from his phone, Heath said, “dude, just go tap that shit already.”

Beth just burst into laughter, “you know he’s right, it is getting excruciating watching you two.”

I thought what the hell, how did they know? Shit I might as well just come clean, “well, I don’t know if he feels the same way about me. What if he doesn’t?”

Heath said, “Man, you will never know unless you try.”

Beth said, “the great lover over there is right again, just invite him over and see where it goes.”

“Alright you slackers, get back to work and stop worrying about my love life.”

Heath said, “just trying to help boss man.” As he walked to the back room.

The next Saturday I was working the store alone, Ty came in to get a few things for a project he was working on. We finished up the sale and we were chatting as we always did, I thought well it’s now or never.

“Hey Ty, if you aren’t doing anything tonight, why don’t you come over to my place, I will grill a couple steaks and we can drink a few beers.”

“That sounds good, I would love to.”

“Around 7 then?”

“Sure, I’ll see you then.”

After I closed the store, I stopped by the grocery store, picked up some steaks and went home to get ready for my company.

I showered after I tidied up around the house, I threw on V-neck t-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts, trying for a not too casual and not too dressy look. I thought about Beth and Heath telling me to take a chance, so I decided to go commando.

I lit the grill so it would be ready when Ty arrived. He pulled up right at 7, I let him and handed him a beer.

“I have the grill going out on the deck, come on out and we can talk while I cook the steaks.”

We talk about anything and everything as we ate, I have never been able to talk to anyone as easily as a could with Ty, he seemed to be at ease with me too.

I was giving Ty every opportunity to make a move, but he just kept his poker face intact. I went to get us another beer and as I walked back out to the deck, Heath’s words just played over and over in my head, “you will never know unless you try”. So, as I handed Ty his beer, I leaned in and planted a kiss square on his lips. I stood back up, Ty gave me a stunned look as I looked into those eyes of his.

I smiled, “I hope that was ok, it is up to you if would like some more.”

“God yes, I want more.” As he practically threw himself on top of me and tried to suck my whole mouth into his.

It was like we melted into one, neither of us had said another word as we went into the house and to my bedroom, dropping all of our clothes as we made our way down the hall. We kissed until our lips were raw, Ty moved down to my neck, giving me love bites along the way. He stopped at my nipples licking and sucking them until they were erect, continuing down my abs until he reached my cock that seemed harder than it had ever been before. A few licks of my cock head then in one motion my dick disappeared, and Ty’s chin was resting on my nuts. I felt like every nerve in my body was activated at the same time. Ty never released his lips from my cock as he maneuvered his legs, so his dick was inches from my own mouth, I happily latched on like a newborn.

We continued our love making without a word, we just instinctively knew how to pleasure each other. Before I knew it Ty was sitting my lap and pointing my erect member at his waiting hole, a quick squirt of lube and he was riding me like his life depended on it. Ty leaned forward far a deep passionate kiss until his breath began to quicken, he sat back up threw his head back as his cock flopped up and down on my stomach. I could see by looking at Ty’s face that he was feeling the same ecstasy that I was. Ty let out an “oh God” and without even touching his cock, he exploded, squirting cum all over himself, me and the bed, one shot even landing on my cheek. His orgasm caused his ass muscles to contract around my dick which of course, sent me over the edge and I shoot the biggest load I have ever shot in my life right up Ty’s guts. He collapsed on top of me as we kissed until our dicks finally softened and mine slipped from Ty’s ass.

Ty rolled of me and snuggled up against my side, “well that was intense.”

“Yes, it was. Can I make a confession?”

“Sure AJ, you can tell me anything.”

“This is only the third time that I have had sex with a man. The first two were great, but they were not even half as good as this was.”

“Really, only twice?”

I felt myself blush, “Yes, just twice, and you?”

“Well, a few more than twice, but only with one guy, well, technically one guy.”

“What does that mean?”

Ty explained that Will was who he had sex with, and just exchanged hand jobs with Adam.

He asked, “so what about the two guys you were with?”

“Well, to use your word, technically I was with the same guy twice, he just brought a friend the second time.”

“A three-way, you are one up on me, I have never… anyway I bet that was hot.”

I thought it odd the way he paused, but I let it slide, “not near as hot as it was tonight.”

“Yes, we are even there, this is also my hottest.” As he snuggled in closer, “oh damn, I am on a wet spot.”

“Shit man, the way you exploded, the whole bed is one big wet spot.”

We both laughed and shared another kiss.

“How about a shower?”

“Lead the way.”

After we showered, Ty helped me change the bedding and we spent the night in each other’s arms. After a quick morning session, Ty made us some breakfast and finally headed home at noon.

We began seeing each other every night after work and Ty would spend most weekends at my place. I finally felt like I had the same thing that I had seen between Jake and Sky, someone to talk to, do things with and just be with. Business was good, I had Ty, and I was even happy that Ty’s mom was feeling better, and her prognosis was good.

It all came crashing down one day when I opened an email from someone that I didn’t recognize.

“Just wanted to congratulate you for dating a porn star”

There was a video file attached, my gut sank as I clicked on the link.

by Lee Obrien

Email: [email protected]

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