Fucking The Fitty From Across The Road

by Gazzaq

12 Oct 2022 578 readers Score 9.0 (4 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Stef received a call out of the blue that grandad George was in hospital and in serious condition. He was on a job in another part of town, and his face went pale as he listened to Len’s panicked voice on the phone. “Hey slow down, what hospital is he at?” Kevin, Sorin and Sebi all looked at him in alarm, hearing the panic in his voice.

“Ok Len we are on our way right now, see you as soon as we alright. Don’t cry mate, please you granddad, is a tough old man!” He put the phone down and tears fell down his face, and Sebi and the other hugged him and asked “what’s wrong Stef, what happen to old George?”

“I don’t know but Len said that he is in hospital and it is not looking good!”

Taking control Sebi said calmly “ok pack up you guys and let get to the hospital and see what is going on with George?”  And they did quick time, leave the house they were renovating 10 minutes later, and jumped in the work van and set off, to the hospital grim faced.

As they drove Stef kept on hearing Lens panicked voice, and he was saying something about Benas and George, and his mind drifted back to the day that Len and the older Lithuanian man met, then got together and the rest was history. Also Andre his old mate who was working with him again at the main site was now living with James.

Stef had noted though that James family, his dad, three brothers and two brother in laws all football loving burly white English blokes, for a while after Andre and he got together, that they were showing an keen interest in Len and Benas and wondered why. Then by chance, he overheard Harry, James younger brother speaking to Tony in the pub gardens one night.

He ascertained that Tony had been in the toilets, that night Len and Benas got together, (which by now had been 9 months), and as stated in the last chapter, unbeknown to James and Len, had  overheard the two of them speaking.

Harry was laughing about the video and saying that “Len was big old gay ass whore, shoving that big black dildo up his butt so easily. And that Benas 11 inches was breeding the little slut out all the time and I am surprised he aint pregnant!”

Stef waited for the right moment and the following week, confronted them, both saying that he would report them, if he heard them saying that again and that “yous tows are well out of order for talking about Len and Benas like that. And also that your James would not be happy that you had spied on him, would he guys?”

They tried to style it out and he told them that he was going to call James and Len and tell them about the video. They begged him not to and he said “ah that’s why your family members, are showing a keen interest in Len! I swear if any of your family hurt those two nice guys?”

Harry assured him, that they would not and he exclaimed “I don’t believe you!”

Harry asked “why not Stef mate?”

He replied “because I notice the way that you big blokes, keep going over to Len and checking his bubble butt, and hugging him, whilst his boyfriend Benas looks on amused by all their attention!

“Are they planning to hurt them two, as I am not worried for my friends, as I know you straight blokes?”

Harry looked shocked and said “no mate never, look if it make a difference I will call them so that can all speak to you. I don’t want our James think that were are taking the piss out of him Stef, as he would so hurt. Please for goodness sake, don’t tell him about this please!”

So he called his family, and they met all met in Stef home, as Sebi was away and he had the house to himself. There once they sat down with couple of beers, he asked them being direct if they planned to hurt his pal Len and his boyfriend Benas. Or used the video against Len, and by now he knew thy all had a copy and he show then it on his large television having gain a copy from Tony who was not there with them.

They said no and he said good and noted their hard on as their eyes were glued to the scene. They were squirming in embarrassment. One thing led to another and he blew them all, and slurped, licked, teased, kissed, and suckled on the various sized cock head and went down to the base on their thick pulsating shafts.

James father and brother in law were hung and were soon balls deep screwing him senselessly, separately, and together. All 6 screwed him, some only one other multiple times. One by one, they all left him fully satisfied, now knowing why their James and Len loved the dick so much!

Finally Harry and his Dad stayed over and as he turn over were planted fully inside him, before unloading and exiting him and making him turn over and take their cock sucking them inside his spasming man snatch. They left the next day and James and Len were none the wiser! 

So things as they say always happen for reason, and another 9 months had passed, and George was at work going through some contracts were he felt unwell and collapsed. It was by chance that Benas found George as he was about to go out for his tea break and said to himself, “I will just see if George needs a cup of tea from the café.

He walked into his office and found him collapsed at work. George had suffer a severe heart attack!

Fortunately back in Lithuania ,Benas had been a fire fighter, but had experience some trauma, so gave it up. However as he had full medical emergency training and did CPR Compressions managed to save Georges life. He yelled for the others to call for an ambulance and continued to work on him with one of the other workers assistance, who was also first aid trained.

Len was crying seeing his old grandad looking so helpless and frail. His brother Tommy was distraught holding him in tears as they were so frighten, and the other workers were at loss as to what to do. After the ambulance took George to hospital, Andre stepped up and took control of the site, and asked the others to pack up and to go home and to await their contact.

Then he went to the hospital with James, Stef who had been called by Len as aforementioned turn up, still in shock and was beside himself, as he and George were close. When he arrived the hospital George was in surgery, undergoing an emergency operation, and the rest of the family were all there.

The doctor came and spoke to Georges wife Betty and told her, that he was lucky that Benas had found him, and treated him so quickly and effectively, which had saved his life. She thanks Benas as did the rest of the family, and Len in turn hugged his boyfriend holding him closed, say “thank for saving my grandad’s life” and was crying.

Len had told his gran and mum, a week after they got together that he was his boyfriend. Doing so he was nervous as hell, stammering and stuttering, afraid of what they were going to say. He knew there was possibility that they would reject him, and they were surprised at this news. Len had given, bi indication that he was gay in that he like other men, as like his older brother Tommy he had a number of girlfriends.

They talked about it . The following week, they knew though that as soon as they met Benas and could see instantly that the older eastern european man, who old enough to be their son/grandsons father, were serious. Benas face and body language reveal his trued intent to love their lad and  that were smitten with each other. Soon after that they moved into together.

When was Betty introduced to Stef, Len noted that she looked at his mum Anita, and raised her eyebrows and then looked him up and down and said loudly “oh you must be Stef then?

“Yes I am Stef madame” he said not sure what she was going to say.

At that point, all of the men who had been intimate with him including bridegroom Ollie who had rushed to the hospital, when he heard the news, looked apprehensive. Ollie still lived next door to George and his wife, in his parents rented home with his wife and young family. He alongside the others, held their breath, not sure what Betty was going to say to Stef. 

Back in chapter 28, Ollie insisted that grandad George came to his Stag weekend, where upon, he was introduced to the pleasures of gay man sex with Romanian fitty Stef. Ollie now 28, was a naïve 24 year old at the time, 5ft 10 a solid built bloke, with a big personality to match, with thick black hair and thicker large thighs and flat square man butt and had a few girlfriends before he decide to marry his bride.

He was blindfolded and was shouting, “oh great the stripper is here!” As Stef  oral skills was working its usual magic, as he slurped, licked, teased, kissed, and suckled on the large prick. He was thrilled to find that the man who hung at 10 ½ inches. He was soon sucking and deep throated the blokes  meaty dick absolutely enjoying the savour the aromas of the bridegroom musky sweaty crotch.

As he was burying his face in the thick  black sweaty pubes, Ollie was crying “bloody hell she is good aint she, at sucking dick?” “Yep she sure is they cried and he was not impressed, when he came with thick loads of cum sauce erupting from his dick and removed his blindfold, to see it was blond bloke who was doing him so good.

Never the less he screwed Stef all that weekend and later on he and George had regular sex, which he felt guilty about each time he encounter Betty next door. So when he heard ‘grandma’ Betty as he called her, saying “ah Stef, you must be very special young man as my husband can’t stop talking about all of the time.” His almost stop breathing.

Betty carried on “Oh my grandson Len says you are really good and skilled at your tasks is that correct Stef?”

“Yes I am skilled” Stef replied.

Georges wise old wife of many years looked at him and said “come outside son, I want to talk to you for bit. You lot say here and me, as me and this young man need to have long chat!”  So they did and knew it was serious as grandma Betty did not entertain fools gladly!

So they went for walk outside in the hospital grounds and sat down on nearby bench. She said, “Stef where are you from son?” And he told her and she said “ah my good friend is from Romanian and I hear that it’s a beautiful country.”

Then she said  without batting an eye lid, “Stef, I know you got great skills, but keep your hands of my husband ok, as I know you and him have been having it away for a long while now but 3 years nearly I think, if I am correct!”

“Also I know you been having sex with my son, my son in laws, and my grandson’s as well, haven’t you Stef son?”

Stef nodded flushing crimson not sure, if this old women who was staring at him with an unreadable expression, was going slap him or curse him or do both. Instead he breathed a sigh of relief, when he Betty said being direct “it’s quite simple Stef son, I cannot have you having sex with my old man George again, as he will certainly die of another heart attack!”

“So are we clear young man!”

“No More Sex With My Husband George!”

Stef looked at his friend/lover Georges wife of many years, no knowing what to say except “I am so sorry for having sex with your husband and yes of course madame, I will not do it again!”

“Call me Betty please young man, as madame sounds like I run a brothel!”

“Now Stef, dont say word to anyone, but you can visit my husband, when he is better in here and at our home, but Stef let me be clear, your taking my husband fat little 6 inch prick in your ‘cock sucking mouth and deep within you greedy whore bum hole’, is not gonna happen again, as it’s a bloody liberty son!”

Know some of the others was watching them she patted his bare knee, as per usual he was wearing a pair of tight footie shorts and said “son, just smile and act as if we have not had this conversation, as I don’t want any more drama today ok?”

Stef was stunned by her last comment re her knowledge of his ‘taking my husband fat little 6 inch prick in your ‘cock sucking mouth and deep within you greedy whore bum hole.’ This was a shock to him as many of the men that he had sex with over the years, had never bother to consider the impact that his having sex with other women’s husband.

He recalled his ex-girlfriends Dana anger finding out his betrayal and he had pushed the guilt of that out of his mind, but it troubled him, sometimes when he thought about her and their previous relationship.

So hearing this, made his mouth open like a goldfish, and his face was full of shame. He replied “yes Betty I will do as you say and not have sex with your husband or any of your family members again!” Sorry I disrespect you, I go now and get my brother, and leave you and your family!”

“Ok madam, ergh Betty I am truly sorry to do this!”

Stef looked concerned wondering why she had not kicked his backside thus far as Dana had gone crazy?

As he went to get up, Betty touched him and said “sit down son, and hang on. You can still have it off with the others, me son in law Mick as he is nice bloke and it gives my daughter break. But hands off me grandson Len, as he is with that bloke Benas now and is smitten with him, just like me and his grandad George where, we first met. Stef he looked just like our grandson Tommy does now, so handsome!”

“Also I know Tommy’s got a girl and is getting married, but I suppose like young Ollie next, door he will still be having it off with blokes. Yes I do know about Ollie and my George and that Stag weekend stuff,  and that will also have to stop as he will kill him by having it off with the old horny bastard! “And Stef you can still sort my son Nick out, as since he started having sex with you, he has mellowed a lot.”

That was trued as when Nick (aged 40, 6ft 1 dark blond hair, with a beefy build and mean face and temper to match) first met Stef he was blowing Ollies dick, so the man was not impressed. He was all brawn, aggression starting on Stef, and the others rounded on him and he left. Later though Stef sorted him out, and Nick, draining his potent fat nuts, and thus promoted some positive change.

“Yes my Nick, he is so much more relaxed and less angry now and he and his father get on so much better thanks to you young Stef.” Betty meant it. Stef influence was positive on the family but not to the expense of her old husband life!

“So like I said no more sex with my George agreed?”

“Yes mam agreed” Stef replied and hugged her and she said “send Ollie out to see me will you son!”

Betty calm stance re her husband of many years having sex with Stef and other men was a surprise to Stef nd Sebi, when he told him what had occurred. But like she said to her daughter Anita, “Love men are like dogs, once they get the scent they are off!”

This was true and readers, I aware that in most cases in this series, that the women appear to live with ‘man hungry cheaters’ but as you well know, life is little more complicated than that.

For all of the women life had changed and more about that in future chapters.

So with that all said and done, finally Stef heard Sebi shouting “brother it time to get ready for the party, come on get out of the bath now ok Stef!”

Stef then pulled himself out of bath, getting ready to party!”

To Be Continued..

The final few chapters concluding this series will be in due course.