Fucking The Fitty From Across The Road

by Gazzaq

23 Jun 2022 853 readers Score 8.8 (13 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Dana was back in her home with her boyfriend Stef. Her extended trip to Romania was over and she was enjoying life back in the England. She had return to her job, but quickly reduced her hours significantly, due to her loving boyfriend Stef having managed to save a shed load of cash, by doing ‘extra work’ and his having also gained another part time role week after she came home.

When she arrived back, that first day, was on Saturday morning and within 30 minutes of Cary’s departed. She was hours earlier than expected as she had told her boyfriend that she was not due in to the early evening. However eager to get back to him, she caught an dawn flight instead.

She called Stef from the local train station to come and pick her up. It was 10.15am and he sounded like he had just woken up, and she could hear the panic in his voice.  “Where are you” he asked her and when she told him, that she was waiting at their local station he said “oh fuck!” He was swearing and stammering in shock.

“Oh babe I mean that’s fucking brilliant, that great surprise, wait there I will come and get you.” “Give me 15 minutes ok?” “Yeah sure” she said but could not be bothered to wait, so she walked across the road to see when the next bus would and it would be in less than 10 minutes.

Back in the house, the place was a completed mess looking like a bomb had hit it, with food and booze littering the place. Stef had smoke a ton of weed and was still high from the 48 hours brutal fucking that he had received. His colons was still full of Cary’s cum loads and his throat and ass pussy was wrecked and gaping. Stef breath stank of almost fresh jizz, and his tongue and all around the inside his mouth was still coated with the cum cream.

He looked round in completed panic not sure what to do first and savouring the taste which was like an aphrodisiac!

A few day ago on Monday night, the older black man said to himself “yeah I will fucking him so hard and will be cunting the little fitty out. Yeah I will make sure that I end up leaving the messy sweaty sheets behind, as present for that bitch girlfriend of his!”

As he thought this he was beyond excited and wreaked havoc on the younger guys body leaving him cover with bites and bruises, and very neatly put his back out and was attempting to break his asshole. “Jesus Cary Fuckkkkkkkkkkk Meeeeeee!!!

Stef had screamed and bawled this throughout that encounter, completely surrendering himself to the older black man, as his fit body was wracked with multiple anal orgasms. The older man was insatiable for him, and he could not stop even if he wanted to completely cunted the younger fitty out.

He was allowed to use him as he pleased and they never slept a wink that night , just like the previous 48 hours plus hours.

Stef thought rubbing his hands over his sweat soaked body, “shit ok think you fool” and in record time he stripped the bed and dump the soiled sheets, which stank of body sweat and both of their combined jizz loads in the washing machine. He raced back upstirs into the bedroom and open all of the windows and sprayed the room with air fresher.

He quickly made the bed and carried his ripped clothes and shoved them into his gym bag. All round the house, in every room there were items of clothing which had been with tore off him or were used to wipe up the excessive cum loads. He hid them in biner liner and drop these outside the back door.

The bottles and the takeout food, he threw in the bin and he placed all of the glasses, plate’s, and cutlery in the dishwasher. Stef did a quick wipe round and after that he ran into the bathroom and jumped in the shower and dump out a load of thick creamy baby batter, out of his battered asshole,  frantically washed it down the plug hole.

He used a strong mouth wash and did not bother to dry himself and rang to put on pair of his usual football shorts and a vest. He took a quick look around and looked in the mirror at his hair which had grown out  bit and he open the door. He was just about to get into his car when he heard Dana say “hello stranger” and he jumped in shock and hugged and kissed her.

“Oh darling you should have waited I was on my way to pick you up!” She replied “no I could not bothered to wait. Hey, whose car is this” she asked? “Surprise its ours babe” he said and she screamed “what no way, Stef this is so nice, why did you not tell me about this great new car?” And they were hugging and kissing like any other loved up couple.

Watching them were Cary and Bert. Bert was still on the street and looking at Stef with disgust saying “you cheating scumbag, that poor girl she knows fuck all about your ass being fucked pal!” Cary was giving Dana ‘daggers2 and could have wrung the stupid dumb blond bitches neck, saying “she god damn had my man” he said bitterly. “Fucking Cunt!”

Dana of course had no idea what had been going on and walked back into the house. “Stef honey did you have a party in here or something” she cried screwing her face up, “as the place smells really bad!” He said matter of factly “yes I had the boys in here.” She said “yes I can tell, as the place smells of feet, armpits and is just funky, it horrible urgh!”

Stef laughed and said “yeah like I just said, I had a few guys for work in here not our usual friends though,” who he had not seen for a while now, being too busy getting his fat ass pussy stuffed with multiple fat dicks over the last few weeks. He was kind of sad to se this come to an abrupt end!

As she walked around the house,  he spotted a few more his clothes from the last few days flung all over the place. Cary’s wallet and several other items that he had forgotten were on the sofa and chairs and sitting room table. It was almost as if his secret lover wanted his girl to find out that he had been cheating with the neighbour from across the road.

“No he wouldn’t, would he?” No as he knew that would cause Stef big time problems. Then he spotted his large underpants, hanging the back of the door and knew this was deliberate. Inwardly he was cursing the asshole. “Fuck how am I going to explain this away?” he said to himself and luckily the doorbell went and Dana went to answer it.

In her absence, he ran round gathering all of the stuff, and threw it the cupboard under the stairs. Looking round, he sighed with relief as all of the evidence was removed. Dana came back and said “here this came for you” and it was a large parcel. He had no idea what it was and dared not open it, dreading what it could be.

Instead, he put in on the table not wanting to draw too much attention to it. To which Dana cried “what is it then?” And he said “I can’t remember, I was drinking so much, over the few days, as I could not wait for you to come home and I remember last night, I was ordering a few things I think. Anyway you know what I am like, I will open it later, how is you grandma doing?”

She said little bit and then excused herself and went to the bathroom, and he took the box and shook it and placed it under the table. She came out of the bathroom, and they were talking some more, and he felt himself starting to leak. “Shit” he said to himself desperately holding a fart in. he had grabbed the first thing which had caught his eye which was a pair of thin cream sweat shorts.

His fat buttocks barely contain them and he knew that he would be busted if he did not get to the bathroom soon. So he said “Dana I must have eaten something bad yesterday, as my stomach is sore” and with that stated, he ran to the toilet and dumped out several more loads. Throughout, he was he as farting them out in large gushes.

Stef was making so much noise, but passing the ‘trade winds’, he could not stop, and after long while he flushed the toilet bowl three times, as there was so much of it and he clean himself up. He opened the bath room window wide, to try and hide the cummy stink which perminated the room.  

He spray the room desperately, and eventually came out of the bathroom red faced, and his girlfriend looked at him and by now had put the radio on to cover the noise emulating around the house. “You ok babe, as your stomach sound bad?” “Yes it is bit I feel much better now honey.”

Her phone went and she was talking to his mother in the sitting room, for ages, and he took the opportunity to quickly open his parcel. Stef nearly combusted as he pulled out a quadruple set of life like sized, black vibrating dildos. 7, 9, 11, and 13 inches, all of which resembled the man fat prick. The man being Cary, with card which said “thinking of you and me together always XXX!”

“That Fucking Bastard!” Stef said to himself going crimson with embarrassment and anger. He was mortified as what was the cunt thinking, doing this to him. Yet as his mind was racing, his asshole was fluttering, thinking when and how could he use them. He quickly placed all of these items with the other stuff under the stairs, which was just in time as Dana came out of the sitting room.  

“What you doing under there” she asked? And was about to go to open the door and Stef shouted panicking “Don’t!” “Why Not! What you hiding in there love?” Think he said to himself and said knowing that she was afraid of rodents and spiders, “I have just see a mouse run in there, and there are load of hairy spiders in there as well. Dana shuddered and cried “urgh thanks for telling me” and backed away shaking.

He grinned and cuddled her and said “I’ll protect you” and they laughed.

After that they settle back into their usual routine, and he return Cary items dumping them at his front door and sent him a furious text warning him to stay away from him. However he kept the dildos and used them when he could and thought about his stuffing his hungry asshole, when his girlfriend was at work. He hid them in his secret place.

As Dana’s mother had stay behind in Romania to help look after her grandmother, it was just the two of them. At first all was well and then the cracks started to appear. A few thing had happened since Stef’s return home which she had not spoken to him about, as she was unsure of his response as he appeared to be distant recently.

The first was his brother Sebi back home became distant as well and then and appear to avoid her. She had no idea what she had done. The other was that she remember when he had come home, that he had disappeared with Sebi for ages. And when he came back he as exhausted and slept heavily and they hardly made love which was bit strange.

He appeared distracted and left from the airport so early yet did not catch flight until the next day. She even drove to the airport and spotted Sebi’s car and the located the hotel, but as she got to the floor of the hotel they were staying in, she could hear the sound of two men fucking, one of which sound familiar, but she could not be sure.

As phone rang at that point, she was approached by hotel security and marched out of there. She did not attempt to go back in and drove home as her grandma had taken turn for the worse. So with that she forgot about the sound of two men fucking each other in the ass.

She did overheard one of the employees laughing about two guys who looked like brothers who were dicking each other down inside one of the rooms on the 5th floor. But as Stef and Sebi were staying on the 6th floor, she did not suspect it was her boyfriend, let alone his elder brother, screwing him senselessly all through that night.

Then the fact that all the time she was there she heard from him intermittently. When she asked him back in chapter 8 “is everything ok Stef, as I keep on calling you and you don’t answer your phone and out friends say they hardly see you?” His response sounded convincing at the time “sorry Dana I am tired from work and always sleeping, it’s my new boss they keep me working late and I gets lots of over time now.”

Her response was “good as I am not getting paid being here, so I don’t want the rent not to be paid” and his response which comforted her was “don’t worry darling, I pay everything including all of my fines.” When she asked how is it that  you have so much money ?” Stef replied convincingly, “I did a private job for my boss Stefan remember the new boss, and he gave me and another worker electrician Andre, a real big bonus!”

“Dana it was cash and off the books. Please don’t tell the others, our friends or their girlfriend and wives. They are not involved and you know how they can be a bit funny if they think we get more than them ok?” She agreed to do this knowing that this was true, as some of their friend could be a bit nasty, if they felt that someone was doing much better than them.

She was so happy as being off for so long, she was not being paid, which was stressing her out and she said joyfully, “Stef this is so good that you make all of this money now as I so worried, please can you send me some money if you can, not much, but as we are staying, as we don’t what to be short whilst we are here?”

He sent her a large amount of cash which she did not question, but her mother raised her eye brows and said nothing, But  something did not sound right and with all of the new clothes, and the car which he had purchased. She thought he was up to no good and was selling drugs or steroids as she noticed his built up physique and the fact that he was preening all the time.

She quite like him as he was good for her daughter, so she kept her mouth shut at first. However when her daughter started talking about her boyfriend spending a lot of cash and was buying even more new clothes and was spending a lot of time at work. She thought he is having an affair. The he got an evening job as a security guard and had to work over night sometimes, which she questioned?

Her mother dropped subtle hints and slowly Dana was starting to get suspicious that and things were not adding up, with what her boyfriend was stating. The fact that her boyfriend was spending less time with their old friends and a lot of time in his new gym, which he tried to put her off going, did not help.

Stef said to her that “it was his time with the boys from his work!” That was not quite the case as when she did eventually go, there no one from his work was there, which was a bit strange and he was almost on edge. Plus the gym was expensive and Stef said he got a massive discount due to his friendship with  this Australian man called Matt.

He was rather vague as to where and when they had met, which was unusual in itself, as he was not usually as vague. She put it down to him wanting to impress his new buddies, and she understood this so said nothing. He spent lot of his time talking to the man, quite intimately and he claim to be getting tips on how to build his physique up. He was looking good she admitted and she loved being seen with him.

Matt the blond 6ft 3 muscle mary, was stacked with a fantastic body, and even Dana was impressed. She also noted the changes in her man body which was looking great. His ass was pure muscle and growing phatter every week, and his upper body with his six pack was looking great.

She went a few times to the gym with him. but realised that he prefer to go himself almost ignoring her, so she stopped going. Plus it was mostly men there and she felt uncomfortable and made an excuse that she was too tired, which he appeared reliefs to hear. She was not happy about this but said ‘whatever’!

Then one night, they had all gone out on double date with her and Stef and Matt and his ‘girlfriend Tania a glamourous older women. And although they got on Dana was not 100% comfortable with her. She could not put her finger on what it was.

 Also Matt was always joking and going on about the size of guys dicks and wondering if they took it up the ass and said this laughing at Stef who blushed and looked at him.  She thought it was because he was conservative and homophobic remembering his previous comment about gay men, and how mad was he caught the black man their neighbour spying on him.

She and was shocked when he told her he had confronted him and call him ‘a black gay cunt’ and to keep your eyes to yourself, she was not impressed and told I’m off. See Chapter 3. So later on, when Dana was told by one of Stef friends back home that “an old black man neighbour who was queer, had help her man out a few times’, she spoke to him.

She cried “Stef why did you not tell me about this?” His response was truthfully “because I know he likes me and so it’s embarrassing, Dana, the way that old black Englishman looks at me that way, it creeps me out!”

Dana had not idea, that upon her conservative homophobic loving boyfriends return to England, that Cary had told him as they were having sex, in the man’s big bed, just a few meters across the road, “well this black cunt is going to turn your asshole into white gay pussy cunt!”  

Then the much older Afro Caribbean man, plow straight into her the 22 year old fit blond Romanian boyfriends, gaping mushy slack ass pussy, full length and started to own him and cunt him out for hours!” By the end of that first session, it was trued that her man felt as his asshole had literally turned into a wet sloppy pussy!

Yes Dana was in for shock when she finally ascertain the truth re how her loving boyfriend, actually earned his wad of cash, using both of his talented holes to his advantage, which changed his life for the better, he reckoned!

They great night out, went to few high class bars, and then onto a posh night club. Stef and Matt disappeared for long while and she said “where they” and Tania are said “oh you know those two are always talking about ‘business!”

“Business what do you mean? And Tania response was “oh the gym  and stuff” and change the subject. After half an hour Stef return and his clothes were askew and he said” oh me and some idiot loud mouth had fight not a big thing though!”

“Are you ok” she asked concerned and he smelt a bit strange and she pulled a face. He said 2oh he spill something on me love sorry about the smell!”  She did not see the large love bites that he had on his shoulders, but Tania did and raise her eyebrows and looked at Matt who was grinning like crazy.

“Yep him and that little fitty have been fucking again!” She should know as she had come round on day to find Matt screwing Stef for long while in his bed with his 10 inch prick and she left them to it only to return hours to find that another two guys had join them. Matt was double penetrating Stef with a third guy was plated balls deep into his gullet!

Now Stef was leaking and looking at her man with shiny eager eyes, a fact that his girlfriend did not pick up on. He took huge gulp of beer and said “delicious, come and dance” he shouted and they all got up and were moving on the floor and they had a fantastic night, finally leaving them after Matt and he disappeared again for shorter time this time.

Dana was drunk when they got home and wanted to have sex, but Stef said he was too tired which was becoming a habit now. She was not happy and said so loudly. He “ok” and as per usual he felt himself coming to quickly and determined to hold back this time, his mind drifted to how that old black bloke gay Cary was able to hold back from shooting off his load, for so long.                                          

He remembered the old man taking his anal virginity and rocking full length in and out of his squelching ass pussy, making him groaned loudly as he shot off his second load. It was if the older man knew he had him hooked on the sensation of being fucked in the ass, and was mauling, biting, and sucking him, marking him, and dominating him with his bigger body and taking him much more energetically.

“Shit that  is not as bad as I thought” and he remember crying  as he was penetrated just bit too deep and winched. He was pulled over and his legs were hooked behind Cary arms, who was started to fucked full length into the now open, slick slack straight boys asshole. In turn Stef heard his asshole starting to make loud farting noises and he was so embarrassed.

Now with Dana thinking about this, he was fucking her roughly and had his eyes closed and was kissing her, holding her long hair in his hands. He heard her crying out and calling his name and he opened his eyes and saw her looking at him questionably. This resulted in his losing his erection just like he had with Cary all that time again!

“Shit” he said and tried to continue and lay on top of her kissing he sensually. His 6 inches was shrinking and he felt her body tense as a result. “Give me a minute please” he said and suddenly remember sucking Matts fat cut cock in the club tonight and grew hard. Then he visualised his tight pants being ripped down and his tight undershorts being ripped open at the ass and the man plowing into him for 15 minutes straight, and he was stiff as fuck.

He was shaking and started to plow into his unsuspecting girlfriend pussy, which was open for him, even though he barely touch the sides. He said into her ear without thinking, “stick your fingers in my ass hole” she said “what” and he said “stick you fucking fingers in my asshole” and she did so tentively.

Stef said in an assertive tone, “just do it babe” and she did and to her surprise her boyfriend ass hole was moist and wet with a stick substance. “What the hell” she said in shock as her man asshole felt wetter than her own moist pussy hole. Due to her work Dana had to keep her finger nails short so this was fortunate for him, and she place one inside him, and he demanded more and she added another and a third one and a fourth one.

His girlfriend taken aback, how easily her four fingers entered her heterosexual boyfriend asshole.  And doing so, made him groaned and started to fuck into her wildly. Stef was biting and sucking on her neck and she was wet as a result and going all creamy inside. Despite her reservations and she was still drunk, as they had consumed a shed load of shots, vodka, and champagne. Dana got into it.

She was pinching her man’s love button which she had read about. To her surprise, her Stef lasted for much longer than he normally did, and he came twice. Both times a few minutes apart and immediately went down on her and brought her off a few times. He came back up and was kissing her, before telling her he loved her so much and rolled over and fell fast asleep.  

She on the other hand did not fall asleep and got up and washed her hand, which was covered with a white stick slime which she did not smell, looking disgusted. She  and washed her hand thoroughly. Her mind was racing and she had sobered up somewhat and took shower. Later she sat in the kitchen and had a drink of water and went back to bed.

Stef was on his back and snoring and she pushed him over and cuddle him and he was talking in his sleep in both hi native tongue and in English.

“Yeah Cary just like that man! Shit you are too big!

“Fuckkkkk Meeeeee! Man your dick is amazing in my ass pussy jeez!”

“Hell Robin you are so good and are bringing me off and you are so much better than Suresh! “Damn his dick is small and does not do it for me like you man!

“Oh boss Stefan you are too much, but you need a mans dick in your fat ass!”

“Andre bloody hell, my toes are curling you bastard just like you told me and you are so right man. Sorry me and your man Cajka had sex but his cock is so big 11 inches and fat and makes me cum so many times!”

“Matt take me man this is so good, you big dick Aussie bastard! Where are your friend with their big dick to double fuck my ass! I need you in mouth as well Matt!”

“Ah Sebi my brother I love us being so close. I miss you come visit me!”

“Damn it Cary ,you are killing me I want and need more anal orgasms. Fuck you are my first man. You are special! Fuckkkkk no one cunts me like you do! Arghhhhhhhh!”

As he was saying all of the above, he was shaking and his cock exploded all over the sheets.

“WTF is going on?” Dana said this to herself, determine to get to the bottom of all this!

To Be Continued..