
by jeff1

20 Dec 2021 1291 readers Score 9.6 (45 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

So that was a first for me.

Eddie seemed to be shooting, but nothing was coming out, except maybe some precum.

Wow. Had I actually drained him?

He almost seemed to be working harder to shoot. I had no idea there was anything like this.

So of course I sucked harder, and somehow even deeper.

I wasn’t really gloating, but I have to admit, it felt pretty good. I may actually have the upper hand here, for once. Even if only for a few minutes. And even if I didn’t really want it.

Plus this dark horny mood seemed to be lifting. From some kind of desperately wanting him before he disappeared to actually starting to believe all these little hints he had been giving me, for such a long time already.

We really had never ever had this kind of time for each other before.

Eddie easily rolled me over, and certainly would have gagged me had I not sucked so much out of him already.

So there I was, pinned down on the bed, easily, with his beautiful cock in my mouth, as his sparkling green eyes nailed me. Damn. I may actually even be getting used to his eyes. Intense, almost always, even if it didn’t seem like it. Playful, never. Either of us, as far as I knew.

So when he turned the intensity of him pinning me down to a tight tight hug, of course I lost my breath. And of course the fucker loved it.

So in seconds I went from feeling entirely in control to feeling even more than entirely controlled.

“So is there a time when you’re finally going to stop making it so damned hard for me to get to know you?”

Huh? Says the man who has almost fucked the life out of me, and stolen my soul? And probably has known me better than me, for who knows how long?

He laughed. Even playfully slapped my face. “Let’s get out in the wild and explore this place you’ve been keeping from me.”

I started getting dressed. He laughed again. “What the fuck are you putting on underwear for? I don’t want you freezing, but I sure as hell don’t want any more clothes on you than you absolutely have to have.” He was still laughing. “Deprive me of that ass even for a second and I swear I’ll have to kill you.”

Out of nowhere, I grabbed him, and bit him right in the middle of his chest. “I wish I could just reach in and grab your damned heart out, and switch it with mine.”

“Shit. Deal.”

We threw on as little as possible and headed out. Of course after he made sure he left one more hickey on my lower lip.

“Damn. How the crap am I supposed to explain all these marks?”

Eddie laughed, such an adorably cute laugh that I swear I had never heard before. “You have all sorts of options. Tell people I own you? Tell them you sold your soul to me? I’m sure there are plenty more.”

And then he looked a bit more quizzically: “Or of course do that damned thing you always do, which is turn it on them, and get them to expose more of themselves to you, while you continue to play it close and never reveal anything. I may need to get a lock for you to wear around your neck, and wear the key around mine. Just to keep you reminded that I am no longer one of the others.”

Then he dove down into my chest and bit my right nipple. “God I love you.”

“Fuckkk.” I held him close, and almost teared up. But for a first time, not entirely.

I went to open the door. Of course he stopped me, and did it for me.

“I can’t wait to explore this bit of wilderness that must have made you the freak you really are.”

I smiled at him. “You and those damned blue eyes.”

He slipped his hand down my unbelted pants and fingered my hole as we walked outside.

I tried not to tremble. But of course I failed. And of course he noticed. “Mine, dear. And don’t ever forget it.”

The cool mountain air almost covered us, and he grabbed my hand and held me close. Then he brought me even closer and kissed me in the late morning light. He laughed again: “Hallelujah. God finally knows about us. About time, since satan seems to have had an upper hand for plenty of time already. Too bad some angel doesn’t appear and marry us.”

Standing outside in the wild light was somehow amazing, beyond belief. The air, the chilliness, having him right there next to me, nothing but the sounds of nature, and what looked like some frost here and there. And he threw out the m word right there in front of the whole world?

Damn. Was he serious? Even his playfulness went deeper than I ever would have expected, as we quietly walked up the hill, through the trees. “This was seriously the best idea you’ve ever come up with.” And he squoze my hand.

I breathed in. “You’re really not going to leave anything to just me, are you?”

He looked at me so seriously. “Hell no. Not a single damned thing. You may end up being lucky if I even let you wipe your ass by yourself anymore.”

I hugged him. “Thank you.”

He laughed again. “Yayy! I’m the winner!” He can’t be both that cute and that gorgeous.

I felt his having conquered me all the way to the deepest part of my ass, almost at the same time I felt it deep in my heart. “It is beautiful out here. I love the wild.”

“Shit. Like I never would have dreamed. Just remember, the more you let me into this damned personal castle of yours, the more I’ll be able to protect you. And us.”

Fuck. I loved him so much.

by jeff1

Email: [email protected]

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