
by jeff1

17 Dec 2021 1612 readers Score 9.8 (48 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


Yet one more of those fascinatingly new smiles from Eddie as I pulled off from giving the first serious hickey I had ever given in my life.

It was almost like he wanted even more, although I was worried I had made him way too sore.

How was he smiling like that?

So either as a show of my confidence, or my insecurity, I had to venture at least one question, even if my plan really had been to just spend quiet time with this man out of my dreams.

“So is it ok if I throw one request out there?”

Eddie laughed: “So there was more to this than just quietly hanging out?” He put way too much emphasis the quiet bit, as he blew me an adorable kiss.

Damn. He already caught me. But we talked like this so seldom: “Honestly, no. But I kind of want to try it out anyway?”

He kissed me, more informally and playfully than ever before. I felt owned. And I have to admit it felt pretty cool: “Go for it.” It was like the mood had opened up. I was both excited and worried about what this new world might feel like.

Fuck. This dude was never going to allow me to get settled anywhere, before whisking me off to yet another world.

“So what would happen if I wanted to talk about some kind of minimum contact agreement?”

Eddie burst out laughing yet again: “Please do, mister planner. Although I do expect you to catch up with me at some point, since you are the tutor, after all.”

Damn again. What was he talking about? But I still wanted to see where this would go.

“Ok. So don’t get mad at me, but what if I wanted to make sure we had at least some kind of physical contact at least once a day?”

“Kiss me, just so I will never forget this moment. You mean fucking? You want a written agreement?”

I turned red.

“Because just in case you haven’t been paying attention, there have only been two days I haven’t touched you since my birthday a year ago. One when you were out of town, and the other on a day when I was sick and for some reason you refused to come over and check on me. But it’s ok. I forgave you a long time ago.”

Fuck. Had I really been that blind? Or should I actually go down the path of getting an agreement on fucking?

“Oh. And on the fucking side, since it’s only been a few days, you might be able to remember that since that started, we haven’t gone 12 hours without a fuck. Although I’m happy to move it up to 8 if you can handle that. I know I can. Although you do have me a bit concerned that you might be a bit too demanding on all this cum that you keep insisting on milking out of me.”

The fucker just kept laughing.

“Wow. Are you always going to be so far ahead of me?”

“Shit, kid. If I don’t, how will I make sure you stay attached to me?”

I hugged him close. And of course started getting emotional.

“You really still don’t understand how long I’ve been trying to win you over, do you?”

I was working hard to get up to speed, but once again he really did catch me. Even as the fucker’s cock started growing. Was there anything that didn’t make him horny?

“We really don’t need to get into it too much. Especially since even the sound of your voice is starting to make me horny now. Probably because your spell over my cock probably won’t let us. But a couple of points, teacher. One. The number of times I’ve written a note like that note I wrote to you? One. And the number of times I’ve ever made plans like you seem to make me make—like touching you every fucking day? One.”

He actually seemed serious.

“Don’t get me wrong. I am actually a bit concerned you might be a hornier fuck than me, even if I never dreamed that might be possible, but this horny bit has tried my patience more than anything. In my whole life. For months already.”

And now his cock was throbbing.

“You are so so adorable, though. So should we talk about a maximum as well?”

The evil fucker.

“No. No. No.”

“You sure?”

But of course I was already moving down to take care of his huge evil partner in this game of ripping my heart out and doing god knows what with it.

Fuck. That gorgeous dickhead was already leaking precum. And it was light enough outside now that I could even see it as I rubbed some of it on my nose before I stuck my tongue ever so gently inside.

I licked around and around his cockhead, both ways. Then slowly down around the rim of the head, even nibbling on it. And I just barely got my tongue back up to that piss slit before that magical cum was flowing, once again, as I kissed deep and swallowed, keeping as much in my mouth as I could, to use to lubricate that thick shaft as I worked up and down it.

I looked up at him, with bits of cum all around my lips and tongue.

I did the best I could at an evil look his way for a change: “I promise there will never be a maximum. Even if you try to beat me into it. So doesn’t that make the real question whether you’ll be able to keep up with me, even if I may be a slow learner?”

I squoze the base of his huge shaft, at the same time I tugged on his huge balls.

His cock’s answer was a massive cumshot that hit me, right in the left eye.

“There is no challenge you can come up with that I won’t happily accept. None.”

Damn. I just kept wanting more and more of him.

I went all the way down.

Fuck. Nothing felt better than when his cock was all the way inside me.

And nothing sounded better than hearing him moan while I was preoccupied…

by jeff1

Email: [email protected]

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