Easy Money

by Jack Parker

16 Dec 2021 6949 readers Score 9.6 (142 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I woke up feeling like shit.

My mouth felt like it had been as a litterbox, the light coming through the curtains felt like they were laser beams and my whole body was sore like I had gotten into several fights and lost them all. It took me a second to even realize I was in Nash’s bed I was so out of it.

I tried to sit up and instantly fell back into the bed, Jesus Christ what happened?

It took another five minutes before I had to piss so bad that I there was no choice, get up or piss myself. Groaning I got up and padded to the bathroom, holy shit…why was everything sore? I fished my cock out of my boxers and shit it was sore too! It felt like all I did was cum last night and it was just done…

How many times did I cum last night? I vaguely remember Nash getting home and then…

Where was my phone?

I finished and wandered around the house looking for my phone, Nash was at work so I couldn’t even ask him if he’d seen it. I finally found it in the couch and saw I had like fifty texts from Onlyfans, each one a money amount.

I unlocked it and opened my account…

There was 4 grand in there!

Holy shit! Four grand in one night! That was more money than I made in a month at my other job! There were a ton of comments here, people went apeshit! I went to the VOD and watched, my memories of last night were hazy at best…

I watched as Nash began to eat me out and it was like remembering a dream. Images, feelings, flashes of sensations…my cock was already hardening as more and more of it came back to me.  

I watched as he began to fuck me, how I begged him…moaning like a whore as he plowed my pussy…

My whole body froze as the word slipped into my brain, I shook my head trying to clear it but it stuck there, staring me in the face.

I watched as he plowed my ass, I have an ass…and I was amazed on how much I seemed to like it. Nash had a big cock, and I took it like it was nothing. My hips came off the bed, like I wanted more of it…harder…more…needed more…

I dropped my phone as I felt my cock throb, what the hell had they done to me?

The sounds of me pleading daddy to fuck my pussy filled the room and the feeling his cock wrecking my hole came back to me…I wanted to jerk off so bad it was insane.

“NOI!” I snapped, reaching down, and closing the video.

I was not a fag, what the fuck had they done to me last night? My head, the way I was acting at the start of the video…they had given me something! I tried to remember but my memories were so clouded…all I could remember was the sex…the fucking mind-blowing sex and the way I screamed for more…

“FUCK ME!” I raged standing up, pulling at my hair, I couldn’t get it out of my head! They had to have done something to me, I wasn’t a fag, I didn’t like guys! I grabbed a beer from the fridge and downed it as I tried to banish last night…but it wouldn’t fade.

Why had I let them do that? I had to have been drugged or something, there was no way I would have gone along with that. Never.

I was four beers in when Greyson walked in with a set of his own keys, “Hey man,” he said with a smile.

“What the fuck did you do to me?” I screamed, coming off the couch.

His eyes widened but that was about it.

“I know you gave me something last night, so fucking tell me now or…”

“Or?” he asked, interrupting me, “Or what? You’re gonna kick my ass? Take a swing at me? Is that what’s going through your mind Dallas?”

His attitude threw me, and I nodded, “I just might.”

He scoffed, “No you won’t and let me tell you why. One, I’m the only guy who knows how to withdraw your money. I set up the account not you, so you need to sit the fuck down and I mean now.”

I opened my mouth and then realized he was right, he had set the whole thing up, I honestly had no idea how to withdraw shit. He saw the realization dawn on me, and he pointed to the couch. I slowly sat down.

“Two, you knew what the fuck was going to happen last night and if you didn’t you a retard. So don’t be screaming that you were raped or some shit. And three, yeah, I gave you some X last night so you wouldn’t look so freaked out on camera because no one wants to watch a straight guy screaming as he gets fucked. Anything else?”

I shook my head, suddenly all my anger gone replaced with confusion, I mean he wasn’t lying.

“What was the first thing I said about this,” he said walking over to me, “What was the one thing you had to do?”

I thought about for it a moment and then sighed, “Do what you say.”

He nodded, “You make money last night?”

I nodded.

“A lot?”

Another nod.

“And you have the fucking nerve to be pissed?” he raged, What the fuck Dallas?”

Now I felt like shit, “I’m sorry! I just…I mean…”

“You know what your problem is?” he said, standing right in front of me, trapping me on the couch, “You are so full of yourself you think you’re fucking entitled to shit. You came to me! Begged me for help and I did and you wanna beat my ass?”

I looked down, now I did feel like shit.

He straddled my waist and pulled my head up, “You watched the video, didn’t you?”

I nodded, wondering when my little brother got to be so bold.

He smiled, “So that’s the problem.”


“You’re pissed you liked it so much…”

I tried to look away, but he forced my head back.

“Right? You get hard watching?”


“Can you remember how good it felt?”

Small nod.

“Yeah, you’re not mad at me…” he said, leaning down, “You’re mad at yourself.”

“Why?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“Because you didn’t think you were a jock slut,” he said, leaning down and kissing me.

His words were like a slap in the face, and I felt something in my mind react, a moment of Nash fucking me, my body writhing under him, the feeling of submission as I let him breed me…

His tongue moved past my lips, and I felt him start to kiss me, he grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled my head back and I heard myself moan as I began to kiss him back. It wasn’t that he was a guy or even my brother, he was just so forceful, we weren’t kissing, he was kissing me and, on some level…I was responding to it.

He broke the kiss and looked down at me, “Yeah you liked being used, didn’t you? That fucking hot body on display as you were fucked like a whore…whining, crying for more…

I just looked up and him and nodded, his words burned like they were a hot brand, and he was pressing it into my thoughts, marking me internally.

“How much we make last night?” he asked.

“Four grand,” I said.

He smiled, “What if I told you we could make three times that much tonight?”

That got my attention, “How?”

“After the show I was talking with the audience, asking them what they thought and what they wanted next. When they found out I was your little brother, the answer was unanimous.”


He gave me a grin, “They said they’d pay double to see me fuck you tonight, we had nearly everyone watching preorder on the spot. That’s twice what we made right there, by the time tonight rolls around it will be triple, maybe more.”

I was equal parts horrified and turned on. My little brother…fuck me?

“With a haul like that you’d be set for the month easy…maybe longer.”

I nodded, “But…”

He grabbed my chin and made me look him in the eyes, “You want that money, we have to do that show. You want that money, right?” I nodded. “And…” he got closer, “Don’t you want your little brother to own your pussy?”

I felt my body shiver and my head nod all by itself.

“I’m out of X…so we’re gonna have to do this sober…you ok with that?”

I nodded again, but I was nervous as shit.

“Go soak in a hot bath, use Epson salt…clean yourself out and then we’ll get you mentally ready.”

He got off me and I stood up, “Thanks for helping me,” I said, not believing I was thanking him for helping me to get fucked.

He laughed, “You’ll thank me tonight when we’re done…trust me.”

Why did that statement make my cock so hard?

I went and started a hot bath, I found some Epson salt under the faucet and added it in and lowered myself into the tub. The soreness of my body seemed to fade as I tried to relax and let the fact, I was going to let my little brother fuck me later sink in. The thought began to fester, and I could feel the panic start to rise in my chest.

What was I thinking? I wasn’t a fag; I didn’t want this! I fucked women and I fucked a lot of them. I had always been a stud, what the hell was I thinking?

Once I was feeling better, I got out of the tub and dried off, I took a long look at myself in the mirror. I was hot, fucking hot. I worked hard on my body, and it showed, I ran a hand down my abs, my cock swung low…yeah I wasn’t a fag and I surely wasn’t the one to get fucked. I wrapped the towel around my waist and charged out of the bathroom, ready to set Grey straight.

I came face to face with Nash.

“Hey Stud,” he said smiling and I felt my body react to him. My cock twitched; my ass opened…what the…

He slammed me back against the wall, “You have fun last night?” he asked, his mouth next to my ear, “You like being my girl?”

All of my bravado, ego…everything that made up my self just fled as I nodded nervously.

I could feel his tongue touch my outer ear and I shivered as he asked, “You gonna let me do it again?”

Another nod and he pushed his tongue into my ear, and I moaned slightly.

“Yeah, I can’t wait to see Grey tear your pussy up…you’re excited, aren’t you?”

Another nod and he moved down to my neck making me gasp.

“Your little brother is a stud, you’re gonna love it.”

He was feeling me up now and I felt my body just move under his hands, loving the way it made me feel cheap and used…dirty…oh god what the fuck was this?

“Now get in there and show me how much you like being a whore.”

He took a step back and looked down at the tent in my towel and laughed, “Yeah, he’s ready!” he called to Grey.

Leaving me alone with a pounding heart and racing mind.

I walked into the bedroom and saw Grey showing Nash how to work the camera. Another burst of fear but then they looked over at me and Nash winked…and I felt myself melt again.

Grey looked me up and down, “Looking good bro, you wanna drink a beer or two before we start?”

Part of me wanted to run from the room while the other part wanted to just jump on the bed, I nodded, not trusting one impulse over the other. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and slammed it and then grabbed another and sat down in the living room and drank.

Greyson walked in and tossed some clothes down next to me, “Get into those, we can start by chatting up the viewers, giving people time to join. Means more money.”

I nodded as he sat down next to me.

“You doing ok?”

I nodded, not sure if I was lying or not.

He leaned in, “Dude, you’re hot as fuck, they love you.” I looked at him and I could see what Nash was saying, he was hot. Greyson had always been a little shit to me, annoying, always trying to tag along…but I was looking at him with new eyes and I could see the truth.

He was just a smaller me.

The realization turned me on, I could see my features in his face, he was in good shape…and now I was curious if he was hung like me. I wasn’t so unaware that I didn’t know I was narcissistic, I mean just look at me and tell me you wouldn’t be too. So, realizing my little brother was just a smaller me…made him a million time more attractive out of nowhere.

“You gonna be gentle?” I asked, half joking.

His voice got low, “Do you want me to?”

I was shocked to find myself shaking my head.

He laughed, “Didn’t think so.”

“Ok I’m ready,” Nash said from the bedroom.

Grey looked at me and I finished the rest of my beer, “Let’s do this.”

He smiled and I got dressed, he watched me pull my clothes on, taking a good, long look at my cock. His interest started to turn me on. Once I was dressed, we walked into the bedroom, both of us knowing nothing was ever going to be the same between us.

Nash had the camera set up as we got on the bed, Greyson aske, “How many?”

Nash, who was looking at the live feed, “300 plus and still rising.”

He nudged me, “You’re gonna be able to buy a car after tonight.”

“Seriously?” I asked, that was a lot of money.

He nodded, “Just follow my lead and you’re golden.”

“You guys ready?” Nash asked, we nodded, and he pushed a button and pointed at us.

“Hey guys,” Grey said smiling at the camera, “You all remember Austin,” he said looking at me. I gave a small wave, “And I’m his little brother Beau.”

Beau? Well, I mean I am named Dallas, so I suppose our parents could have named us after cities.

“So, you guys were screaming for me to join Ausin here last night, so here I am. We’re taking questions now if you all have any.”

Nash said, “Dreamingnotdead asked if you guy have ever done anything before?”

We looked at each other and shook our head, “Nope,” I said, “I mean outside of him fingering me in that one video.”

Grey nodded, “Yeah before that, nothing more than hugs at Christmas.”

“Howmuchforthedog asks are you straight?”

Grey pointed at himself, and Nash nodded, “Let’s say I’m an omnisexual, I will fuck anything I want.”

That made me glance at my little brother, say what?

“Same question to you Austin.”

I nodded, “Well I was before all this, I mean…” I rubbed the top of my head as I thought, “I still like girls but all this…”

“He’s straight,” Grey said saving me, “At least for now.”

“Tiemeupdaddy says kiss already!”

Grey laughed, “Ok, let’s start at 50 for a kiss?” I looked at him in confusion and he leaned in, “We put a price on an action, and they can bid to make us do it.”

Whoa, for real?

“And we got 50 bucks from Eatthatfrog!” Nash said.

I was about to say something then Grey grabbed my head and pulled me into a kiss, a real fucking aggressive one. Normally I was the one that started kisses but fuck me…this kid could kiss! He pushed me down onto the bed as he dominated my mouth, literally taking my breath away. My arms went around his back as I kinda went with it, when did he learn to do this?

He came up and I laid there for a second, eyes closed, tongue out.

“Kiss complete!” he said sitting up.

I slowly joined him, feeling a little lightheaded.

“User1402 asks Austin how many girls have you fucked?”

“Um, lots,” I answered automatically, “Way over fifty.”

“Pussyboi4U asks Austin what sports did you play?”

“All of them?” I said with a chuckle, feeling a little more comfortable, “Football, baseball, lacrosse and a year of basketball.”

“You played Soccer that one year,” Grey reminded me.

“Right, and a year of soccer.”

“Spitonme asks if you ever thought of fucking any of your teammates?”

I shook my head, “I never thought of doing anything with a guy before this.”

“Pittsniffer wants to know what you thought of last night.”

I sat there and thought about it, cause I wasn’t sure what I thought yet. Finally, I said, “Well it was different, and…I mean I was on X so I liked it. I guess…I’m still processing.”

“Tracker1226 says get naked already!”

Grey laughed, “50 bucks and we undress each other.”

“Sold to Bigdickwilltravel!” Nash exclaimed.

Grey turned to me with an evil grin, “Show time.”

He grabbed my t shirt and pulled it up, I raised my hands and felt him stop at my head. His teeth nipped at my nipples, and I cried out as he began to suck on one, my cry turning into a moan. Fuck why didn’t anyone tell me my nips were this fucking sensitive? He moved to the other one and I felt myself panting his name, my arms trapped up in my shirt. I felt my cock start to harden as he pinched them both, “How you doing Austin?” he asked.

My answer was muffled by the shirt, and he laughed. He pulled it off, revealing my red and flushed face.

“What was that?” he asked with a grin.

“I said you’re driving me crazy…” I was out of breath…

“Kinda the point,” he said grabbing my jeans, “Lift your ass.”

I raised my hips as he stripped me down, he hadn’t given me any underwear so my half hard cock slipped out and hit my thigh.

“Well, someone is having fun,” he said tossing my jeans off the bed.

“Ok my turn!” I said, reaching for his shirt. “Let’s see your shit.”

I pulled his shirt up and was stunned by what I saw.

Holy shit my little brother was fucking jacked!

He had solid pecs, a fucking cut ass 6-pac and a serious set of lats…oh my god when did he get to looking like this.

“Like what you see?” he asked under his breath, and I nodded as I tossed the shirt aside.

My hands moved up his chest, marveling at how fucking defined he was. He looked like me at that age and fuck…it was seriously turning me on. I pushed him back and licked the ridges of his abs, I had always wanted to feel what mine felt like, so I was taking the opportunity now.

“Shit,” he hissed as he felt my tongue roll over his smooth skin, fuck that was hot! No wonder chicks fucking loved doing it to me. I undid his belt and sat up to pull his jeans off, our eyes locked, and we could both feel how turned on we were.

He was going commando as well and when I slipped them off his cock slapped up to his abs and my mouth fell open.

“What’s wrong bro?” Grey said wryly, “Did you think you were the big brother?”

Holy fuck his cock…he was bigger than me? He was half hard and it was just…Jesus Christ…

“Touch it,” he said, barely above a whisper…my hand reached out and I grabbed it firmly…it felt like my cock only…bigger!

“Rapeandrun just donated 100 bucks for you to kiss it,” Nash said.

I leaned down and kissed the head, feeling myself slowly start to get lost in lust…my lips touched the head of my little brother’s cock, and I felt a thrill move through me…

“Lick it…” Grey said, and my tongue complied as if he controlled it. My tongue darted out and I began to lap at the head of his cock, it was massive…my mouth slowly covered it and I felt it just fill me up…holy shit! My jaw was as wide as it could get…

“You got it…come on bro…” he said, his hand stroking my hair.

How did he get so fucking big? As I licked his head, I held his shaft with my hand and…God I couldn’t even get my hand around it. It looked just like my cock…only on steroids! As I worshipped his meat, I felt my ego shrinking, I had always assumed I was bigger than him, in every way. But seeing this monster…holy shit.

“200 bucks to choke him with it,” Nash said quietly.

I felt both hands press down on my head, and I began to gag.

“Fucking take it big brother!” he raged, mocking the word big. I felt my eyes water as his fucking horse dick hit the back of my throat. Shit! There was no way this fucker could hit down my throat...I couldn’t breathe! Shit! I struggled to get off his cock, but he held me down, and I felt my vision blur.

I slapped at his legs, but he just chuckled, “You gonna listen to me now?” he asked, “You my bitch?”

There was no way for me to nod so I just gave a thumbs up and he let me go.

I pulled back, holding my throat as I looked at him shocked.

He was sitting there slowly stroking his cock, “So now we know who the big brother is don’t we?”

I nodded, watching his cock slowly move was hypnotic…what the hell?

“We got multiple bids for you to fuck him,” Nash told Grey,

“500 and I’ll rim him,” he answered, never breaking eye contact.

Small pause, “Iknowthemuffinman bids 600 and says to make sure he can’t touch himself.”

He reached down and grabbed the belt off his jeans, “Hands,” he snapped.

I was about to protest but the look on his face and his swollen cock just made me nod and hold them out. He wrapped the belt around my wrists and then brought them over my head. He attached the end of his belt to the headboard, and I was held.

He spread my legs and tucked a pillow under my ass, I felt like I was a toy being played with. He winked as he lowered himself between my legs, I tried not to whimper when I felt him spread my ass cheeks. I felt the panic return and I let out a blubbering, “Wait…don’t…”

His tongue touched my and I gasped as I felt my little brother push into me.

“Ohh….” I moaned as I felt the warmness enter me and send fucking bolts of raw sex through my body. My toes curled as I felt him begin to lick inside my hole and my head fell back as I felt my thoughts get fuzzy…

“How’s that feel Austin?” Nash asked, bringing the camera to my face, “You like your little brother eating your pussy out?”

I nodded as my head thrashed back and forth, fuck where did this kid learn to fucking eat pussy? His hands held my thighs apart as he fucking went to down on me, I was biting my bottom lip to stop myself from screaming out his fucking name.

“Yeah, you do,” he laughed, “Hey Beau, why don’t you hum your bro a tune?”

I had no idea what he was talking about until I felt vibrations shoot through my ass as Grey started to hum deeply in my hole.

“FUCK!” I cried as I felt my whole body shake. My cock was rock hard, and my cock smeared precum over my abs, “Oh shit…oh god…” I moaned as I felt my hole get destroyed by this kid’s tongue.

“Beakme12 says 300 bucks if you call your little brother daddy…”

I shook my head, but Grey went deeper and touched something…


“Cha ching,” Nash said as he went back to showing Grey work my ass over.

My legs were shaking as my little brother worked me over like I was a cheap whore. When he finally pulled back and lowered my legs, I felt like there was a huge hole in me that needed to be filled. I looked on Grey with awe, I had never felt like this before.

He wiped his mouth, “Like that?”

I nodded, unable to talk.

He winked, “What’s next?”

“JCallday says he’ll pay a grand for you to milk him like that.”

Grey looked back at me and crawled over, “You wanna get milked bro? You wanna be my cum cow?”

I had no idea what he was talking about as he grabbed my cock, “Tell me when you’re close…” I nodded as he began to stroke me, a moan escaping my mouth as he started.

His hand worked my cock like a fucking master, it made sense since our cocks were so similar, in fact since he was bigger than me it might be easier to handle my cock than his own. The fact my little brother was more than a man than me humiliated me as much as it turned me on. I felt my mind on fire as I realized how much of a bitch he was making me.

And how much I loved it.

“It’s a nice cock bro,” he said, seeing me unraveling, “Not as nice as mine,” he said moving around and placing his cock against mine. Holy crap! Feeling his meet press against mine, seeing how much bigger it was…I felt my lust grow for him as he rubbed our cocks together. “Yeah, you like that? You like feeling a real cock?”

“Fuck!” I cried, “It’s so big…”

He smiled, “Yeah it is…feel that meat, feel it just smother you…”

I closed my eyes as his cock just smashed itself against mine, sending burst of fucking erotic electricity through me. He went back to stroking me, but I kept my eyes closed and just pushed my cock into his hand, loving every second.

And then I felt his finger slip into my ass.

My eyes flew open as he began to finger me.

“Oh, feel that tight pussy…my bro has the tightest pussy…”

“Ooohhh….” I cried as I felt him stab into me, fuck he was fingering me like I was some drunk cunt he picked up…

“Yeah, that feel good? Your pussy feel good bro?”

I nodded and he jabbed me harder, “Oh fuck yeah…shit…fuck my hole…shit…oh god…”

A second finger pushed in and I felt my whole frame quiver.

“You close bro? You close to cumming?”

I nodded frantically, slamming my hole back onto his fingers.

And just like that he stopped stroking me.

“Wha?” I asked shocked, his fingers still plowing into me.

“Can’t have you cum yet,” Grey said smiling, “What do I get?”

“Oh shit…please…”

“Please what Austin?” he asked, “Tell me what you want?”

“Please let me cum…” I cried, not caring who was watching.

“You gonna give me your pussy?” he asked, and I nodded, “You gonna let your little brother fuck you?”

“Oh god yes,” I cried, needing to cum, “I will…please…please…”

He lightly touched my cock, “You gonna be my jock slut?”

“Fuck yeah, please…I’m your slut…please…”

He looked back at Nash, “We good?”

Nash read the screen and nodded.

“Cum for me bitch,” he growled, “Shoot your tiny dick…”

The shame of my little brother bitching me about my cock pushed me over the edge and I felt my cock explode everywhere, splashing my abs and chest with cum. I was screaming as my whole body shook. It took me several minutes to come back to reality and see that Nash had kept the camera on me the whole time.

He winked at me and went back to the screen, “Ok…we have more.”

Greyson looked at him, “What we got?”

“They want you to fuck him,” Nash said.

“Let’s say two grand, two grand and I’ll plow him silly.”

Nash read the screen, “1200, 1400…I got two grand from Friday88, but he wants him to ride you and make himself cum.”

Grey looked at me, “You wanna ride little bro’s cock?”

It was a rhetorical question I knew, but I was shocked to find part of me did. I was looking at his cock and I wanted…no needed to know what it felt like. I nodded and he smiled and undid the belt. Once my arms were free, I moved forward and kissed him, how had I not seen how fucking hot and sexy my own brother was this whole time? He kissed me back and for a few moments I had forgotten we were being filmed.

We fell back onto the bed as we made out, our bodies pressed against each other, I could feel his muscles rub against mine and I was as turned on as I ever had. His hands moved down my muscled back and I arched my back like a fucking cat in heat. I had girls act like this, fucking whores that just rubbed on my body, pleasuring themselves on me like I wasn’t even there.

And now I was the whore, grinding against my little brother’s tight body, feeling his horse cock rub against mine as we kissed. I was moaning as he felt me up and I knew I was losing my mind. As we laid there, I straddled his waist, looking down at his fucking jock body that looked like mine and felt instant lust.

“You my bitch?” he asked, holding my waist, I nodded, “You wanna ride my cock?”

I felt his cock slide through my cheeks and my eyes fluttered as I felt my mind just start to want this so bad. He trolled my crack slowly, letting me know exactly what was to come, giving me all the time to run if I wanted. But I wanted this, no I think I needed this. I had been in control for so long, fronted so long as an alpha guy…no idea I needed to be fucked so bad.

He shifted his hips, and I felt the tip nudge my hole…

“Oh…” I said, freezing.

“Push back,” he said firmly, “Push back and sit on my cock.”

He looked deep into my eyes as he pushed me back and his donkey dick forced its way into my little, jock hole. I groaned as I felt it pop into me and my eyes bugged out as I felt him destroy my ass. My head fell as the walls of my cunt just quivered around his dick, trying to come to terms with its new existence.

As a jock pussy.

“Fuck,” Greyson said, pausing to give me time to adjust, “So fucking tight!”

“Oh god,” I whimpered as I felt him pus into me, smashing my pussy walls apart…he was so big…Jesus is this what the girl’s I fucked felt? I was panting as I struggled to take him in…

“Oh god you’re so big…” I cried.

“Yeah, you feel that cock, that’s a real cock…a real fucking dick and not the tiny little shit you got.”

“Oh god! Fuck…oh shit…”

“That’s my girl,” he said, praising me as he wrecks me, “Take my cock…take your little brother’s dick.”

“Shit, you’re filling me up!” I screamed, feeling that fat dick move deeper and deeper into my cunt. “Oh fuck…”

He held my waist down, until his pubes were pressed up against my ass. It felt like his cock was so big it went all the way through me. I just sat here, feeling that meat completely own me, head hung down, breath coming in ragged bursts.

“You look so hot,” he said looking up at me, “My fucking slut brother taking my cock…: he pushed up a little and I gasped, feeling my guts move, “You want that? You want more?”

Part of me didn’t, I was stretched to the limit, it hurt like fuck and…and I had my little brother’s cock lodged in my ass and I was being watched do it by hundreds of strangers. But there was something deep in me, in the darkest part of my mind…did want it…more than that needed it. I wanted to be fucked, I wanted my little brother to fuck me hard.

I nodded and he slowly pulled me off his cock, I gasped as I felt almost ten inches of jock dick move out of my pussy and then slam back in, making my head spin. He hit me again and again…each time my own cock burped up on his six pack, making me moan louder each time.

“Come on bitch,” he said speeding up, “Ride that cock…fucking ride that motherfucking cock!”

“Oh god…oh shit…” I sobbed, feeling myself push back into his thrusts.

“Come on bro…show your little brother how much you want this…”

Each thrust pushed me further and further over the edge until I was just babbling like a madman…begging for more cock.

“Oh God fuck me…please…harder…please fuck me harder…”

“Beg me slut…beg for that cock…”

I felt my balls tingle as I realized I was getting close, “I’m a slut…I’m your jock slut…please…please little bro fuck me…fuck me with your elephant cock!”

“Louder…” he commanded, “I wanna hear you cry…”

“FUCK I NEED YOUR COCK!” I bellowed, feeling that cock just undo me from the inside out.

“You gonna be my whore bro?”

I was really slamming back fast now, “I’m your whore, I’m your good whore…please…please fuck your girl…”

He was pushing me down onto his cock so hard the sound of our flesh slapping were like gunshots in the bedroom. Seeing my little brother’s sweaty jock body just glistened under me just set me off and I felt my cock begin to pulse.

“I’m gonna cum!” I whimpered, feeling my cock about to explode.

“Shoot for me cunt!” he yelled, and I felt my cock explode.

My load just rained cum down over my little brother, my pussy tightening set his off and I felt his cock begin to shoot into me.

“Breeding you bro,” he said as his cock flooded my cunt with his seed, “Gonna get my girl pregnant!”

The fact my little brother was shooting his load into me was like a wildfire in my brain and I felt myself just shatter…and rode his cock until the last drop was emptied.

I collapsed onto him, our sweat and cum soaked bodies pressing together as I rest my head on his chest.

“So hot,” he said, holding me tight, “Such a hot slut…”

I smiled as I felt myself doze off…my brother’s cum leaking out my destroyed cunt.

by Jack Parker

Email: [email protected]

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