Easy Money

by Jack Parker

15 Dec 2021 6529 readers Score 9.4 (149 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I woke up and only had one thought.

Did I really let my little brother finger me yesterday?

"Fuck," I moaned as I sat up, looking around Nash's apartment and wondering how the fuck had I got here? I had to stop this, no money in the world was worth this. I picked up my phone, ready to delete my account and I saw the messages.

I had gained a thousand subs overnight!

Holy shit! I was pulling down almost 12k a month now! I mean once I started getting paid, but fuck...Greyson had been right, I was set! I texted him to come over after school, he obviously knew what he was doing. He texted back he'd be over cause he had some ideas.

I was fucking rich!

I took a shower, went to the gym, and worked on my body, since this was my money maker now, I had a great reason to stay in shape. More than a few guys checked me out as I walked by, yeah take a good look boys, for cash you can see the whole thing. By the time I got home I was pumped, this was the fucking life for sure.

I wanted to jerk off, as always, but I knew now I needed to save my loads for paying customers now. So instead, I watched ESPN and waited for Greyson to show up. I must have dozed off cause next thing I knew someone was knocking on my door. I got up and opened it and my little brother was standing there with a shit eating grin, "Who's the man?" he asked.

"Shut up and get in here," I said pulling him in. I showed him my phone, "Look at this!"

He glanced at it and nodded, "Not bad, I told you I know what they want to see. Now, now you're ready for a private show."

I flexed for him, "Damn right I am, I worked out all day."

He rolled his eyes and tossed my phone back, "Yeah, they aren't going to pay you to show off, they want more of the same. Emphasis on more."

"More what?" I asked confused.

He sighed and sat down, "Look dude, your jacking off got you what, a hundred? Them watching you last night got ten times that! You have to put out what they want, or they will leave, especially with a live show. They will pay a flat fee to watch but your money comes from tips and your tips come from doing what they say."

"Like what?"

"What do you think you did to get a thousand subs overnight?"

I scratched my head, "Look hot?"

"No, you idiot! They liked seeing you get turned on, a lot of them love ass play."

"Wait, you mean you want to play with my ass more?" I asked outraged, "Dude that was bad enough as it was!"

He handed me back my phone, "Fine, do what you want man, I've just been right about everything so far."

I watched him grab his backpack and head to the door, "Wait," I said hating every second, "I didn't say no."

"You didn't say yes Greyson, you are smart and wise, and I will do everything you say either."

I scowled, hating he had me over a barrel, "Fine, explain."

"Look, you need to accept most, if not all, your clients are either gay or bisexual. They like seeing hot guys push limits. Now you can bitch and moan, but the fact is there are a million other hot guys who just stand there and jerk off and they aren't pulling down what you can. I mean what's the damage, you obviously liked it."

"I didn't!" I raged, but we both knew that was a lie. I came like a fucking firehouse yesterday, just from my little brother's fingers and it was...well I couldn't explain it.

"You did and if you want the kind of money, you've only dreamed of, you're going to need to get over it. Now I have an idea to make it easier, but I want to hear from you that you're taking this serious and not going to fight with me every fucking time."

I hated how stern he sounded, and how fucking right he was. I nodded and he shook his head.

"Nope, need to hear it. You will do everything I say."

Sighing I nodded, "I will do everything you say."

"Better, when's Nash get home?"

"Um Nash? Why?"

He glared at me.

"After five," I said quickly.

He nodded, "Ok," he said pulling his phone out, "The let's chill until he shows up and see what he says."


He glanced over at me, "You want me to help you or film you?"

My mind froze, and I had to admit I didn't know how to answer that.

"Right, that's what I thought. Let's wait for him to show up and see where we are," he said, texting someone.

"We're going to tell him what's going on?" I asked.

He nodded, not even looking up, "We need one more if we're going to make this work."

And I was back to thinking this was spiraling out of control.

We played COD until Nash got home. My brother kept getting texts through the game, I had no idea he was this popular. Growing up he was just this little punk, but I was seeing him in a new light after all this. Nash walked in and you could tell he was in a mood, "You guys have a party and not invite me?" he asked.

Greyson looked up from his phone, "Hey Nash, sup?"

"What's up baby Yoda?" he said taking his shoes off and sitting down.

"You still like the ultimate cheeseburger from Jack in the Box right?"

He nodded, "Yeah why?"

Greyson looked at me, "I just put an order in for us, you wanna go grab it?"

"Me?" I asked confused.

Greyson nodded and handed me a twenty, "Yeah, I can't drive, and Nash just got home."

I took the money, not sure when I started taking orders from my little brother.

"Pick up some beer," Nash said tossing another twenty at me, "I could use a cold one or five."

I took the money and grabbed my keys, I felt like I was missing something but couldn't figure it out. I looked at Greyson, "You wanna come with?"

"Nah," he said going back to his phone, "I'm good."

I shook my head and walked out, what the fuck just happened?

The drive to Jack in the Box was annoying, I mean since when did my little brother send me out for fucking food? I got the food and then grabbed some beer from the 7-11 across the street and headed back. By the time I walked in they seemed in the middle of a conversation where they were both laughing their asses off.

"I miss anything?"

They looked at each and then laughed, "Nah bro just chillin."

Just chillin my ass.

We sat down and started eating while we downed a couple of beers. Out of nowhere Greyson says, "Nash is in, he said he's help you out."

I almost choked.

"Yeah man, it's cool. Too much money to pass up right?"

I nodded and finished my beer in one gulp, "Yeah man, you're ok with it?"

"I told him he'd get a cut," Greyson explained, "But we're gonna rake in more than enough for the three of us."

I nodded, opening another beer, "So, when you wanna do this?"

"Tomorrow," Greyson answered, "I need to get some stuff set up. May a Toktik tonight saying a live show is coming...hype it up."

"What kinda of stuff do you need?" I asked, not liking the sound of that at all.

He looked at me and winked, "Trust me, you'll love it."

I was not going to love it.

We ate and talked and as it got later, I drove Greyson home, on the way I asked him, "So how did you convince Nash?"

He was still looking at his phone, "Was easy, showed him the number and the cash involved and he was in."

I nodded, that made sense, "So how much did you promise him?"

He glanced over at me, Me and Nash are taking fifty between us, you get the other fifty percent."

I was upset I had lost half my money already, but I knew I couldn't do this alone, and if Greyson was right, this was going to be a lot of money. We pulled up in front of the house and he was about to get out, "Remember what I said," he reminded me, "Just listen to what I say, and you're set."

I nodded, "I got it."

"I hope so," he said and got out.

Stupid punk ass kid.

Nash was already crashed out by the time I got home, which meant I couldn't ask him what the hell was up. All I could do was wait until tomorrow and see what they had in store. God, I hated the way that sounded.

When I woke up Nash was gone to work, there was a note left telling me to get a good workout in for tonight. Great, so even working out was dictated now, this was bullshit. I got dressed and went to the gym, the workout would clear my mind and hopefully make me look my best tonight. I could see more than a few guys checking me out, and instead of pride I was upset...I was a piece of meat to them...and that's how I was feeling.

A piece of meat.

The anger made me push myself hard, by the time I was done I was exhausted, but I looked damn good.

When I got back home, I dropped dead on the couch, I was beat and needed a nap if I was going to do anything later. I drifted off, wondering if I was just making too much out of this.

My dreams were all of sex. Where normally I was fucking the best-looking girls I could imagine, this time I was being fucked, fucked by everyone. Greyson, Nash, the guys at the gym...I tried to get away, but I couldn't move. All I could do was get fucked and fucked hard. I moaned out loud, my body succumbing to it while my mind screamed for someone to help me.

Knocking on the door woke me up, my cock seconds away from shooting by itself.

"Jesus Christ," I muttered, trying to calm myself, I hadn't had a wet dream in years, what the fuck was wrong with me?

More pounding.

"I'm coming!" I screamed and walked over to the door and opened it.

"Dude I've been knocking for five minutes," Greyson complained walking in, "What the hell?"

"Was asleep," I said, trying to wake up.

"Well grab a Monster, take a cold shower, you need to be up and around."

"Yeah, yeah get off my ass," I complained.

He put his backpack down and started pulling stuff out of it, a couple of bottles, "Do everyone a favor, go clean yourself."

"I took a shower today," I said going to the fridge to find caffeine.

"I mean clean your ass dumbass, it's gonna be a night."

I felt my stomach lurch as his words hit home.

"Hey," he said seeing the look on my face, "This is what you wanted, don't start chickening out now."

He was right, no matter how much I hated it. Sighing I got up and walked to the bathroom, when exactly did my life spiral out of control?

I did as he said, I washed out my ass, doing my best to clean it out...trying not to think what was coming When I got out Greyson had found a Monster and the fridge and had it waiting in a glass for me, "Drink up," he said handing it to me.

I downed it in one gulp, knowing I needed to get my head in the game if we were going to do this. He watched me swallow it all with a grin on his face.

"What?" I asked when I was done.

He shook his head, "Nothing, just excited about tonight."

"Makes one of us," I muttered.

We sat there and waited for Nash to get home.

As time passed, I got more relaxed, I mean this was going to happen, and I needed the money. If anything, it was kinda funny...I mean here I was...a fucking stud...having to whore himself out for cash...

"What's so funny?" Greyson asked and I realized I had been giggling in my chair.

The question just made me laugh even more.

He smiled, "Yeah you're feeling no pain."

Even that made me laugh hysterically, man I was in a good mood.

After awhile Nash came in, I turned around and nearly screamed, "Nash! You're home!!"

He nodded as he closed the door and then looked to Greyson, "It's working I see."

Ausin nodded, "Oh yeah, he's a happy boy, aren't you Dallas?"

I turned and looked at my little brother, "Huh?"

"Yeah, he's fine," Greyson said to Nash.

Nash looked down at me, "How ya feeling stud?"

"Soooo good!" I said laughing.

"You wanna make some money?" he asked.

I nodded, not sure what he was talking about, but it sounded cool...

"Go change," Greyson told Nash, "I'll get him ready."

Nash gave me a smile, "Oh this is gonna be fun."

"Cool!" I said, breaking out into more laughing.

He walked off and Greyson held his hand out, "Come on big guy, let's get ready."

I took it and he led me to Nash's room and pushed me back on the bed.

"Take your shirt off," Greyson said, began to peel my shirt off, the feel of the cool air on my skin was amazing.

"Oh yeah!" I sighed.

"Let's get your jeans off," he said pulling at them. I lifted my ass and let him slip them off me, leaving me in the jock I had worn to the gym.

"This bed is soft..." I said moving around, the comfortable underneath me was amazing, it was like nothing I had ever felt.

Nash walked in, drying his hair, "What's he doing?" he asked Greyson.

"It's the X, it makes everything feel amazing," Greyson said.

"You look like you're happy," he asked Greyson.

"You know what it's like to live in his shadow? To be his little brother instead of my own person? If I wasn't holding this camera, I'd be fucking him."

"Ha, maybe next time I'll hold the camera."

"Don't tease me," Greyson said as Nash moved towards me.

"I'm not, I'm teasing him," then to me he said, "Hey stud," tossing the towel aside, "You ready?"

I looked up at him and smiled, he was wearing only a pair of boxer briefs, showing his body off which was not bad at all. I mean he wasn't me; I had always been better looking that Nash, he was hot enough. Tight abs, smooth skin, lean muscle...yeah, he was hot.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said turning to Greyson, "You got your shit setup?"

He nodded and pulled out his phone.

"Nice, you wanna start?"

Greyson turned the phone on and brought it up to me, "Say hi Austin..."

I had to think who he was talking to for a second and then I remembered that was the name I was using, I giggled, "Hey Austin!"

"You ready to have some fun?" he asked me, and I nodded.

"Let's do it!!" I screamed, not sure what I was agreeing to do but not really caring.

Greyson backed up, "And this is Brad," he said pointing the camera at him, "Say hey Brad."

"Hey," he nodded at the camera.

"What you doing tonight?" Grey asked him.

"I'm taking Austin's cheery," he said with a huge grin.

He's doing what?

Nash came over to the bed, "Ain't that right big guy?"

"Wait," I said shaking my head, "What's going..."

His hands moved up the inside of my thighs and I moaned, throwing my head back as my body literally quivered under his touch. "Yeah, you like that huh?"

I felt myself trying to resist but my brain was just flooded with pleasure, it was like trying to walk on ice as my resolved slipped out from underneath me and I nodded slightly.

"Yeah, you're gonna love this..." he said in a growl.

"Wait..." I said, realizing how fucked up I was, "I don't..."

He began to kiss the inside of my thighs and I whimpered as my eyes closed and I felt back onto the bed. He nibbled up one tight and I could feel my cock throbbing in my jock. Oh god no...not with a guy, not with Nash!

"Open your legs slut..." he whispered, the insult shocking me for a moment before his mouth began to nibble on me and I felt my legs spread on their own, my mind screaming at me as I felt him move farther and father up my thighs.

I squirmed under his mouth, when I looked up I could see Gray filming my reaction and I closed my eyes again, trying to hide from this. Nash moved upwards, licking just below my balls. He paused and I heard him say, "Wider, show me that pussy..."

I wanted to tell him to fuck off, I almost got the first word out of my mouth when I felt the tip of his tongue move against my ballsac and I arched my back, spreading my legs as wide as they could.

"Good girl," he said, putting his hands one either thigh and kept them open as he began lightly lapped at my balls.

"Oh god..." I moaned, my mind on fire from just the tip of his tongue. I couldn't imagine how his entire mouth would feel.

"How's that feel bro?" I heard Grey ask.

"Sooo good..." I admitted, not able to focus on what I was saying.

"You want more?"

I nodded but that wasn't good enough.

"Beg him, beg him for more..."

I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from talking but I felt him take one ball into his mouth and I broke.

"More...oh fuck please...more..."

I heard them chuckle as he began to roll my balls around in his mouth, making me cry out like I was a fucking girl.

"Shit...oh yeah...fuck..." I was whining as he worked my ballsac over like he was a pro.

My little brother was not helping things, "How you like that bro? You like his mouth? You like a guy licking your balls?"

I didn't, I hated it, but it felt SO fucking good...

"I do...fuck..." I admitted.

"He's getting close," Grey said, and I felt Nash's mouth move off my balls. I groaned in disappointment as I looked down at him between my legs.

"What's wrong stud?" he said, crawling up my torso, "You want more?"

I nodded, panic in my chest as I saw him get closer...his skin on mine felt so good! My hips moved up and I felt his hard cock slide over mine, making me moan again.

"Someone is excited," he said, pausing at my chest, "Did I ever tell you how much I love your tits?"

His bit one and I gasped, my whole body shaking as he nibbled on it for a second.

"OOOHHH!" I cried, feeling his tongue move over the hard nub, my whole fucking brain just losing it. He moved to the other and I was just babbling.

"Oh yeah...please...more...oh fuck...yeah..."

"You like your tits being played with?" Grey asked from above.

"Oh, I do...oh yeah...play with my tits...oh fuck..." my own words shocking me with the neediness in my voice.

He had both of them in his fingertips as his face moved over mine, "Beg me, beg me to play with your titties..."

"OH please...oh fuck...yeah...more...harder...oh fuck..."

"What am I playing with Austin?"

"My titties...oh fuck you're playing with my titties..." I cried out, mentally screaming at myself to shut up.

"Yeah, you got that jock slut look," he said, moving down to my neck. "Breedable and submissive..."

I wanted to argue but he began to chew on my neck, and I felt my head roll back, giving him access to make me like a fucking cunt! I felt him leave hickey after hickey as he kept torturing my nipples, sending me into a frenzy as my body slowly surrendered to the ecstasy.

He moved up to my ear and his tongue rolled around the outside, "You want me to fuck you?" he whispered, and I felt my mind seize up. "You want my cock up in your jock pussy? You want me to make you feel so good? Is that what you want Dallas? Is it?"

The camera couldn't hear him, but the use of my real name shocked me, and I felt a part of myself acknowledge this was actually happening to me. I wanted to stop this, push him off me, run as fast as fuck away...but I couldn't. He was playing my nipples like they were fucking radio dials and I felt myself push my hips up again, pressing my leaking cock against his.

"You know how long I've wanted to take you down?" he said, still just to me, "Watching you walk around like you were god's gift to women, when you had this pussy the whole time?"

My mind was unspooling, his words, his touch...was fucking me up.

"You've been dying for this Dallas, so say it," he whispered, making me squeal with his fingertips, "Ask me to fuck you..."

"N-no..." I stammered, trying to resist the best I could.

"Say it," he repeated.

I shook my head and he growled, "Fine, have it your way."

And he sat up.

His fingers were gone, his cock, his body...he just sat over me and my body...ached for him to return. I looked up at him in a panic and he just stared down at me, waiting. He didn't ask again, he just stared.

My body shook, where he had been touching me felt like it was in pain...because the pleasure was gone. My panic was overcome by the need and even as I pleaded with myself not to say anything...my mouth still opened.


"Please what?"

Grey got close with the camera.

Sighing I closed my eyes, "Please fuck me..."

"That's my girl," he said moving back down between my legs. I craned my neck as he lowered his head, and spread my legs, lifting my ass a little...he wouldn't! There was no way Nash would...

"Gonna eat that pussy," he said with a smile and dived between my ass cheeks.

"FUCK!" I screamed as I felt his tongue probe at my virgin hole. I had never let anyone touch me there, girlfriends had tried to play with my ass, but I shut that shit down fast. So, this was the first time anyone had ever played with my ass and fuck...I had been an idiot.

His tongue was pushing into me, touching places I didn't even know I had. I could feel my eyes rolling back in my head as I let out a strained squeak of pleasure. I had two handful of bedsheets in my hand as my body trembled in response, Grey filmed my body, a fine sheen of sweat covering my body, my eight-pack writhing as I let another man tongue fuck me...

"How's the feel Austin? You like that?"

I nodded, knowing if I opened my mouth, I'd be screaming Nash's name.

"Your pussy like being eaten out?"

I was straining not to answer, but fuck his tongue was so deep in me...

"Answer, do you like him eating your pussy?"

I was shaking my head, refusing to talk and Nash began to hum as he licked me.


Greyson seemed to love this, "Yeah you got a jock pussy bro? He eating your little, jock pussy up?"

I was losing it, I just nodded, "Oh god it feels so good...oh my pussy...fuck more...oh more..."

I was horrified but I didn't care anymore, I wanted this, I needed this, I pushed back on his face, spreading my muscular legs willingly. He dug in there, causing me to scream out loud each time he went deeper but I just couldn't stop. After a few minutes of this I was begging him to fuck me...almost crying for it.

He sat up, his face red with exertion and smiled at me, "What you want baby?"

"Fuck me, please..." I begged.

He winked and took an ankle in each hand, "I gotcha."

I felt the thick head of his cock push against my abused hole, still slick with his spit and I felt my ego scream as my body relaxed. Our eyes were locked as he leaned forward, both of us groaning as he shoved his cock into my no longer virgin hole.

"FUCKING tight pussy..." he roared, as he slammed his cock into me.

My mouth was frozen open in a silent scream as I felt my manhood taken from me...my ass spasmed around his thick ass shaft as it struggled to come to terms, I was being fucked. It should have hurt, I should have been screaming but even the pain of it tearing me past felt good, he just kept going and going, filling me up in a way I never knew I needed.

"Oh...oh god...you're in me!" I panted, my mind reeling from my deflowerment, "You're fucking me...you're really fucking me!"

I felt his pubes rest against my ass, and he leaned down to look at me, "No, this is me fucking you!"

He slid half of his cock back and I moaned as I felt my ass muscles try to keep the intruder in place before he slammed it back, lights flashing in front of my eyes as my cock burped out precum. All I could do was grunt, my body quivering from the impact as he slid it back and did it again, I can feel the drool slip down my chin as he began to pump into me faster and faster.

"I always knew you'd have a tight cunt," he said as he as he began to get into a rhythm, "Little, tight jock cunt for me to fuck...right bud? Is this what you dreamed of? Is this what you craved?"

My breath was catching every time he slammed into me, it was like my whole body was resetting each time that cock impacted my ass. And each time I was reset, the less I cared that I was getting fucked. The alpha jock I was hours ago seemed like a stranger as I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled my ass up to meet his thrusts. The guy who had slain pussy after pussy through high school wouldn't even look at me as I just screamed, "FUCK ME! FUCK MY JOCK PUSSY! OH GOD FUCK ME HARDER!"

He leaned in and did just that, really pushing into me as hard as he could. The room was filled with the sound of our flesh slapping and my constant moans as I begged him to keep fucking my pussy...

"I'm gonna wreck your cunt," he said with a wicked grin, "You gonna give me this pussy Austin? I own this hole?"

"It's yours!" I cried, pushing back into his cock harder and harder, "Fuck me, wreck me...oh god..."

"How are we?" Nash asked Grey.

"They want him to beg to cum," he said.

Nash looked down at me, "You wanna cum baby?"

I nodded, desperate to get off.

"Beg me, beg me to let you cum!" he said stopping his thrusts.

"Oh please..." I pleaded, fucking myself on his cock but it wasn't enough...

"Beg me," he demanded, "Beg daddy to let you cum..."

I felt the last of my ego crumble as my need to cum overrode my identity, knowing I was never going to live this down...


Greyson nodded and Nash slammed into me, and I felt my mind just crumble. He began to rabbit fuck me, no longer caring if I was enjoying myself or liking it. I was a hole; I was his hole and he was going to dump his load into me no matter what I wanted. My pussy sang and I felt my cock throb as he punched into me over and over and over...

"FUCK!" I screamed as cum began to shoot from my cock, painting my abs and pecs with my load as my ass spasmed around his cock.

"FUCKING BITCH!" he roared as my cumming ass made his own cock explode. I felt his cock throb and a warmness filled my cunt as I was bred for the first time. I was so humiliated as I was turned on, I had never came so hard before and even as the last of my cum dribbled out of my cock...I knew if I could I would beg him to fuck me again.

But I was so exhausted, so spent...as he slipped his cock out of my abused hole he looked down and chuckled, "Smile for the camera you fucking slut."

I looked up at my little brother, who was filming the spent loads draining out of my once virgin hole...and I smiled...as the world went dark.

What had I done?

Thank you for reading my stories. Comments and questions are welcome at [email protected] If you'd like to tip my venmo is @jack-parker-109

by Jack Parker

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024