Coming of Age

by AJ

17 Jul 2022 854 readers Score 9.7 (48 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

AJ smiled at Scott – “God, I love you.” Scott winked at him – “Are you trying to get laid? You definitely could with that smile and confessing your love. Come to think of it, you could get laid pretty much anytime you want – I love you too.” 

When AJ and Scott came back into the kitchen after checking that the boys were indeed in bed, they found their siblings rooting around for cupcakes. AJ dangled the key to the storage pantry and told them all to vacate or he would donate them to the local food bank. Gina walked up to him with her sweetest smile, until she noticed a bit of frosting on the corner of AJ’s mouth – “You sneaky little shit, how many cupcakes did you, Scott and the boys consume and why are you denying us access?”

AJ licked the corner of his mouth – “We taste tested one of each of the flavors and we were the ones that spent 10 hours making cupcakes. What did you contribute to the effort? Oh, that’s right, nothing.”

Gina was hungry and knew how tasty AJ’s treats would be – “Come on, you are going to taunt a pregnant lady, that’s not nice?” His siblings were trying to gang up on him and Scott now. They were making attempts to grab the key, so AJ dropped it down the front of Scott’s pants. AJ knew his siblings would not hesitate to go down his pants as they knew he was a nudist at heart. He was hoping they would not do that to Scott.

Scott looked extremely panicked but so did everyone else. AJ stood directly in front of Scott – “You all want cupcakes; I’ll make you a deal since Sam seems like he is going to birth kittens right now. You can each select 2 mini cupcakes and I will get them for you and you will agree to wait until tomorrow for any more or this will get ugly.”

They all quickly agreed, even though Teddy was certain they could take them both. AJ turned around and slid his hands down Scott’s pants searching for the key. It took longer than it should have as AJ spent a bit of time playing with Scott’s rising cock – “Found it…”

Mel called out – “Wash your hands.”

AJ winked at her and headed for the pantry and disappeared with Scott behind the closed door. Mel asked the group – “He is going to wash his hands, right? I don’t need to have my brother's sweaty ball sack on my cupcakes.”

Gina had to behave – “There is a sink in the pantry and AJ is not one to mess around with food he creates. He is likely going to try and make you think he didn’t wash his hands but he did.”

When AJ and Scott emerged there was a tray of the cupcakes that were requested and it was placed on the counter. AJ was tired and, in a mood, so he slid his hand back down Scott’s pants, rummaged around a bit and then went to grab Mel’s cupcakes. She shrieked – “Don’t you dare put my brother's sweaty ball sack on my cupcakes.”

AJ winked at Scott, took his hand and they headed off to bed. As they left the kitchen moans and groans could be heard from their siblings. It was like the cookies all over again. Scott turned around and went back into the kitchen – “Good lord, you all sound like you are having great sex. Food doesn’t do that for me but…” Scott turned around and as he was leaving, he said loudly – “AJ you do, are you ready for some hot sex? Our siblings turned me on with their moans and groans.”

When they made it to their bedroom both men were exhausted. They locked the door, stripped down, brushed their teeth and took a quick shower. They crawled into bed, cuddled and were out like lights. 5:30 AM rolled around and AJ was pulling Scott out of bed – he had his wet suit on and was putting one on Scott as he was getting out of bed. “What the hell are you doing to me?”

AJ bit Scott’s left nipple – “I’m dressing you inappropriate attire for our swim. Get your butt moving.”

Scott was not amused – “It’s Thanksgiving Day and I’m thankful that I have the day off and don’t have to get up at the butt crack of dawn.”

AJ playfully pinched Scott’s non-existent love handles – “Alright, I’m going to go make myself desirable for my man.”

Scott groaned – “Dick. That was below the belt and you know it.” Scott got up and pulled the shorty wet suit on and zipped it up as they headed for the dock. Evie was heading to the garage to grab the second turkey – “Skeeter, don’t drown my son-in-law and play nice, ok?”

AJ just smiled at his mama and motored onto the dock. Scott was dragging still so AJ took a long run down the dock and dove off slicing into the water. Scott was more than a little intimidated. Yes, he could swim very well but he was realizing that AJ was indeed a very good swimmer as he surfaced about 50 ft from where he went into the water. “Shit…” Scott ran down the dock and dove in.

AJ watched him and was kinda turned on that his man was so freaking hot and looked like a model in that wet suit. Scott surfaced and swam the last 20 feet to where AJ was treading water – “Sam where do you want to go from here? Never mind, we are going that way to swim against the current first and have it with us on the way back. Mama did say I had to be nice and not drown you.”

Before AJ took off Scott asked – “So the other day you swam with the current on your initial leg and then when you were tired you were swimming against the current? What are you a robot?”

AJ chuckled – “You are such a dork. It isn’t that much of current but I have not seen you swim much since we have been together and I wanted to get a workout in with you.” AJ kissed him on the cheek and took off up the lake. Scott fell in behind him and the two swam out for about 45 minutes and made the turn to head home. The swim back went by in about 30 minutes. Scott was tired but felt incredible.

They made their way to the dock. AJ let Scott get out first and was right there in the event his legs gave out, which they did a bit but Scott quickly righted himself. AJ popped out of the water and led Scott to the outdoor shower. They rinsed off with warm water and AJ stripped down, soaping up and getting ready for the day.

Scott stood there and stared at AJ – “You are an exhibitionist.” AJ grabbed the zipper of Scott’s suit and pulled it down and tugged it off of his body. Scott was covering up his bits and pieces. AJ slapped his hand – “Sam you have a beautiful body don’t hide it. No one in this family is shy about being nude and it's 6:45 AM no one is going to see you. Even if they do, they are not going to care other than to admire that fucking hot ass body of yours.”

AJ handed him the bar of ivory, rinsed off and grabbed a towel as he shut his shower off. AJ watched Scott shower and chubbed up a bit but kept things PG. He was staring intently at the dark-haired stud’s blue eyes – “Fuck me, Syd, you sure know how to pick ‘em.”

There was a giggle from just behind AJ. Eva had gone for a run – “Skeeter if I were a few years younger I would give you a run for your money with that one. He is beautiful.” .

AJ hugged Eva – “How are you doing? You look better and seem lighter now that the, never mind Mat is out of your life.”

AJ and Eva talked as Scott dried off and Eva stripped to take a quick shower. Scott was looking everywhere but at Eva. AJ smacked his ass – “Stop being an idiot. Eva is beautiful and is not offended by us being here or she would not have stripped. What am I going to do with you?”

Eva wrapped up quickly and wrapped a towel around her, kissed AJ’s cheek and squeezed Scott’s ass as she headed back to Nanny’s. AJ and Scott headed into the house, Scott headed to the bedroom and AJ headed to the kitchen.

Evie was all smiles when AJ walked in – “So I see you have figured out how to wrap a towel around your body. I’m so proud you have learned a few things in college.” AJ ignored the smart-ass comment and grabbed a cup of coffee.

AJ was looking around for his siblings – “Where the hell are my siblings and their spouses? Scott and I made all the desserts last night, the least they could do is get their butts up and help you out. This will simply not do.” He was out the door and headed next door.

He got to Gams/Gramps' house and headed in. The house was quiet so he went hunting for the adults that were there. He threw open the master suite door and found Steph and Jim asleep. He immediately started bouncing on the bed – “Get your butts up. Scott and I made dessert for everyone last night, you need to get out of bed and help mom get the rest of the meal started. If you are not up by the time I get back, it will be cold water for you both.”

AJ repeated that in Cheryl and Max’s room. Neither couple was exactly happy but they got up and headed over to Mama and Pops’ house. AJ was heading across the street in a towel and with his cup of coffee as Steph, Jim, Cheryl and Max made their way in to help.

AJ repeated the efforts in the barn. JT, Mo and Teddy were grumpy. Becca was awake and dressed when he arrived. He kissed her cheek and hugged her. She squeezed his ass – “Max is right you have the finest ass in all the land.” AJ winked at her and yelled at the others – “If I have to come back over here, there will be ice water involved.”

Teddy was rubbing his eyes and pulling on a shirt – “How can you be so damn chipper already this fucking morning.” Before AJ could respond JT piped in – “I’m sure he was up at 5:30 and in the water at 5:32 dragging Scott’s ass with him.” Teddy grabbed AJ’s towel and pulled it off. Both Teddy and Becca gasped – “Holy shit, you guys weren’t kidding.”

AJ held his hand out for the towel and Mo grabbed it from Teddy, handed it to AJ and apologized for the inappropriate banter. AJ flung the towel over his shoulder and headed out. He heard Teddy exclaim – “I guess when you look like that you don’t give a shit who sees you.” As the door closed AJ wrapped the towel around himself and headed out.

In the barn, JT slugged Teddy in the shoulder – “That was a dick move.” He grabbed Teddy by the shirt and hauled him over to the window. “See he has it wrapped around him again. He is not embarrassed about his body and could give two shits about anyone being nude but he is a modest kid through and through. I know it’s a contradiction in terms but he knows when he can and can’t be naked.”

They checked on the kids, left a note for the older ones and locked the door as they headed across the road. When they arrived at Mama and Pops’ place Teddy found AJ coming out of his room – “Skeeter, I’m sorry that locker room prank was a dick move and I’m sorry.” He hugged AJ and kissed his cheek and headed to the kitchen to figure out what he needed to help with.

AJ heard a thud from down the hall. He headed to where the boys were staying and found both boys trying to get clothes out of the drawers their clothes had been put in. AJ stood in the doorway watching and smiling. Scott came up behind him and wrapped him in a hug and watched the boys over his shoulder.

When Conor and Caleb finally saw AJ and then Scott they started chanting – “Dada, Dada, Sam, Sam, Dada and on and on…” Scott squeezed past AJ and kissed the boys on the cheek, grabbed the wet wipes and diapers and started changing Conor. AJ grabbed Caleb and got him changed. Scott was dressing Conor when AJ finished diapering. AJ leaned in and kissed Scott’s cheek – “Sam, that was impressive work.”

They took the boys into the kitchen for some cheerios, fruit and milk for breakfast. When they were sitting with the boys, Scott and AJ realized Mel and Grant and Gina and Kevin were not down here helping. So, they slipped upstairs and woke them up.

Scott took care of Mel and Grant – “You two need to get your lazy butts out of bed and get downstairs and help. You are the only ones not down there.”

Grant jumped out of bed before he realized he was nude. Scott smiled at him and quipped at his sister – “Not bad Mel now who’s sweaty ball sack are you dealing with this morning?” Scott chuckled and headed back downstairs as he called over his shoulder – “Don’t make me come back up here.”

AJ quickly woke Gina and Kevin up by crawling into bed with them and kissing Kevin on the cheek, who responded by kissing him on the mouth until he realized the person, he was kissing had a 2-day growth on his face – “AJ, fuck.” AJ pecked his cheek – “Bear he is a pretty good kisser; you both need to get downstairs and help with dinner. Don’t make me come back up, pregnant or not cold water will wake your ass up.”

When Scott entered the kitchen, it was clear he was in a good mood. AJ had beat him back downstairs, he told AJ what happened and they were both laughing hysterically when Grant and Mel came into the kitchen. They grabbed mugs of coffee and asked where they could help. Evie started to wave them off but caught AJ’s annoyance and put them to work getting vegetables ready for veggie trays as well as for side dishes. Gina and Kevin followed them shortly after. Kevin walked up to AJ and pulled him into an embrace and kissed him full on the mouth – “That one was better, minty fresh and everything. AJ, you are a pretty good kisser too.”

Their nieces and nephews were coming into the kitchen looking for breakfast. Their siblings began to peel off and deal with the kids’ breakfasts. When that was taken care of, several were taking seats around the kitchen. Before AJ could say anything, Amanda piped up – “So why are you slacking now? I believe AJ and Scott made nearly 600 cupcakes last night and I know for a fact you all had samples so the least you could do is contribute to the family meal.”

AJ and Scott were laughing again – “What she said.” Small pieces of broccoli and carrot hit Conor and Caleb in the head. They started crying from the shock. None of the other kids around the kitchen were happy with the parental units and let them know that they were tyrants and needed to be destroyed for abusing the babies.

Chandler and Ali walked in with JT & Mo’s kids as well as Becca and Teddy’s. They got them set up in the high chairs and at the table for their breakfast. Becca and Mo thanked the girls for bringing them over. It was clear they had been woken up but they were changed and dressed.

Steph and Cheryl were doing their level best to apologize for hitting Conor and Caleb with food. The boys were having nothing to do with them. They were both buried in AJ’s neck and were not in the mood to deal with their aunts. Nanny, Aoife, Eva, Carrie, Maddie, Charlene and Elliot entered through the kitchen door. Charlene and Elliott took one look at Conor and Caleb and wanted to cuddle. They were still in moods so it took a bit of coaxing to get them transferred but they went and quickly were showered in hugs and kisses.

Nanny and the ladies had been up early to make pies. They had gotten 21 baked of varying types – apple, blackberry, huckleberry, marionberry, pumpkin, lemon meringue and chocolate cream. AJ had his hand on the knob when Nanny called out – “Skeeter if one slice of pie is missing you will not get anymore today.”

AJ turned the knob and made to run next door – “That’s ok, I can eat a whole pie before anyone can catch me.” He turned to run and ran right into JR. He turned around and went back into the kitchen. JR wiggled his index finger at AJ – “You can be such a little kid at times but you can wait right along with everyone else.” AJ sulked a bit as his Nanny’s pies were to die for and he would have some before dinner – “What’s wrong with being a kid? It certainly beats acting like an old person all the time.”

AJ ducked the smack to the head and danced his way through the kitchen. When he arrived on the other side of the kitchen he ran into Ray, Jeff and the rest of their kids. AJ grabbed Mackenzie in a big hug – “Mac you are quite the little lady nowadays. Mac this is my boyfriend, Scott. Scott this is my cousin/niece Mac. AJ greeted Colt and Jay while Scott was talking with Mac. Ray was on his best behavior this morning – Jeff winked at Scott when Ray shook his hand – “He has gone to obedience school this week. His trainers Colt and Ali are brilliant taskmasters. Ouch, that wasn’t called for.”

Ray elbowed Jeff in the ribs – “Scott/AJ hope you are both enjoying the morning. It looks like you have the family hard at work already.”

Scott still didn’t care for Ray – “They are. AJ and I made nearly 600 cupcakes last night, what is it that you are bringing?”

Ray smirked – “Wine.” Scott laughed – “So you are bringing something the family makes?”

Ray winked at Scott – “Scott, I am one of the three master winemakers in the family. Evie is the other active and…” AJ interrupted before he could give further family secrets – “Sam, Ray’s contribution is two family-only wines for this occasion. He ensures we have a reserve Red and White that is specifically for our Thanksgiving every year and we each get to take a case of each home.”

Scott nodded, duly impressed – “Ray, I apologize for assuming you were skating yet again. My view of you is slightly skewed based on your abhorrent behavior this week. I am behaving no better than you did on Sunday. I apologize. By the way, who is the third family master winemaker?”

Ray, Jeff, Colt, Ali, Jay and Mac stood staring at Scott. AJ started – “What do you want…” Mac interrupted – “Hold the phone here. So why is it a secret that you are this family’s best winemaker? I don’t understand, you have a gift – Gramps and Papa both passed their skills down through the family – you are a grandson to both so it makes sense that you or one of your siblings would be that person.”

Before AJ could respond Scott started – “Mac, AJ is doing his level best not to overwhelm me with his talents right now. I’m not sure why but he wants to appear to be a mere mortal like the rest of us.”

Jeff choked on that one – “Scott, shut it. You are in AJ’s league, stop playing the awe-shucks routine – no one here is buying it. You two are as striking a couple as AJ and Syd and the fact that neither version of Mr. and Mrs. or Mr. Aaron Jonathan O’Brien sees the beauty they possess inside and out just makes it that much hotter. So, stop talking and let’s get some breakfast.

AJ – if you try and hide anything further, I’m going to sit Scott down and talk about your talents – Brains, singing, musical instruments, water skiing, swimming, baking, cooking, winemaking, humanity, freakishly good father, should I continue? No, ok then let’s enjoy the day.”

AJ stepped aside to let the newcomers into the kitchen. Scott poked him in the side – “I’m glad he doesn’t know how insanely talented you are in the sack.” Scott winked and kissed AJ’s cheek. “I love you to the moon and back Taz.”

AJ chuckled and kissed Scott on the mouth – “Always and forever Sam.” The rest of the morning was spent getting ready for the annual Turkey Trot run. Everyone that was old enough was registered, those that were too young would be in strollers with their parents. The entire family – all 81 members loaded up in vehicles and headed to the start, the 5k was for fun and to raise money for the local food bank.

On the ride there, Scott was visibly nervous, he would not engage in a conversation so AJ finally hit him between the eyes – “Sam, what is wrong with you? It can’t be about us being out in public, so why are you acting like a cat in a room of rocking chairs?”

JR was sitting in the back this time – “AJ, for being so smart you are such a dumb ass. I can think of a dozen reasons, but let’s just go to the one that I think matters the most – this is the first time Scott will be in front of your high school friends and not only as your boyfriend but your fiancé. That is kind of a big deal from a formerly straight man.”

AJ smiled and nodded – “If that’s it, I am a dumb ass. I didn’t think that would be an issue here. Pullman, yes as that’s where most of your friends are. Sam, I’m not convinced that is the reason you are nervous. I think there is something else going on here. Time will tell. Just know I love you to the moon and back.”

Scott smiled and winked at AJ – “Always and forever.”

They all headed downtown for the run. As they lined up to run, Scott strolled up in the shortest pair of shorts and no shirt on. On his chest was written – ‘Turns out I’m’ and then on his back ‘gay for AJ’ with an arrow pointing to his right. JR chuckled – “AJ, I guess I’m the dumbass. You knew there was something else going on and my formerly straight son is showing off most of his assets and his love for you. I will never second guess your instincts again.”

The run was fun for everyone. Scott and AJ got lots of attention as they ran side by side pushing the boys in the running strollers. When they finished the race there were a lot of AJ’s classmates there to greet them. Most were extremely supportive but there were a couple of them that had derogatory things to say. AJ put them in their place quite easily and they stalked off. 

Back to the house to shower and get ready for dinner. When they walked into Evie and JJ’s home the house smelled like turkey and it was an overwhelming situation for AJ who was doing his best to hide his emotions and headed for the shower with Conor in his arms. He stripped them both down and got in the shower. He was all business and was done by the time Scott had he and Caleb stripped.

AJ dried them both off and took Conor to his bedroom for clothes. He grabbed clothes for both Conor and Caleb and headed back to his room. Scott joined him with Caleb and they got the boys dressed and then started dressing for dinner. Scott was on edge but waded in – “Taz, it is obvious that your level of anxiety went up when we came in the door. What can I do to help make today easier? The smells bring back memories of my mom and grandparents. I’m sure they do the same for you and throw in Syd – it has got to be a lot.”

AJ half smiled – “Sam, it was like someone hit me with an emotional bat. After our anniversary I knew the holidays were going to be a mess for me. I thought I had turned a corner the other day but in reality, it is so far from the truth. You have been my rock and I love you more each day for that, just be here for me to lean on. I will make it through this because of you Con and Cale.” AJ kissed Scott deeply and passionately.

Scott came up for air – “You keep that up and we will miss dinner and the boys will see their dada sink his big stick into his Sam.” Scott kissed AJ deeply but with much less urgency than the last one. They grabbed the boys and headed to the kitchen to help transport the food across the road.

When all was said and done there was one whole turkey for carving at the table if needed, the other 4 had been sliced up and put into warming trays along with the ham, the greens and mashed potatoes. Nanny welcomed the entire family to the feast, then Evie talked through how the meal was going to be dished up. JT snarked that everyone knew the routine but was quickly taken to task by his siblings – there were 17 plus people that had not been to Thanksgiving with the clan.

Evie went on to explain that Everyone over the age of 10 in attendance would be expected to tell the others one thing they were thankful for. If they were under 10 then they could if they wanted to but were not required.

The protocol for the family was by generation and not age. Four of those in attendance were actually from a generation before Nanny and Aoife, so they would proceed to get their plates. Then Nanny, Aoife and 4 more in-laws of JJ and Evie’s siblings would be next, with Evie, JJ and their siblings’ generation. Followed by AJ and his siblings’ generation – which is where age played a part – Cheryl and Steph with 2 other cousins were older than Evie & JJ’s youngest siblings.

When AJ didn’t get up with his siblings, Scott asked him what was up. AJ indicated he would wait for the next generation as his boys could not serve themselves and he was more in tune with the next generation anyway. Colt, Ali, Jay and Mac waited as well even though they were like AJ.

The ribbing started in from JT and Teddy when Scott and AJ hit the line with the boys. AJ did everything he could to ignore it and just before he hit the breaking point their spouses cuffed them in the back of the head. Becca made a side comment – “Maybe we could all learn something from AJ and Scott. They knew their kids were too young to serve themselves and instead of jumping the line they waited with their kiddos before filling their stomachs.”

Nanny rose and grabbed a microphone, she talked about the next part of the day – ‘What am I the most thankful for.’ She started – “I’m breaking protocol but wanted to make sure those of you that have not done this before would likely want to see something in action first, so here goes. This year I am incredibly thankful for having a grandson, even with everything going on in his life saw, pain in others and took decisive action to make sure that they were safe and taken care of. Thank you, God, for giving me, Aaron Jonathan O’Brien. I will try and do my best to guide the rest of you through this part as we do by generation and age within the generation.”

When they got to Eva she took a microphone – “I’m most thankful for my nephew, who is like a brother, father, son and best friend rolled into one person. He saw my pain and made it ok to be vulnerable and deal with it directly. Skeeter, you are my north star and I love you with my whole heart.” There were tears around the room as Eva hugged AJ tightly and the two sobbed together. Most in the room didn’t understand what had happened all they saw was the emotion that was being shared.

Teddy was stuck, he had the microphone in his hand and didn’t know what to say and looked like a lost little kid. AJ made his way over to Teddy and whispered something in his ear which elicited a huge laugh from Teddy. He started in as AJ sat down – “Ok so our AJ is a bit inappropriate sometimes but he knows when to use humor to help his family out. I was not sure what to say until that moment.” Teddy walked over to AJ and gave him a big hug, kissed his cheek and whispered ‘thank you for saving my family’ in his ear. He asked who was next. Nanny let him know that he had not told everyone what he was most thankful for.

Scott piped up – “Nanny if folks were paying attention he certainly did.”

When it got to Scott, he was more nervous than he thought he would be, he introduced himself and how he was involved with the family. Ray yelled out – “hey gorgeous, we all know who you are and expect you to be around forever so get to it.”

Scott chuckled – “God help me, I don’t like him. Anyway, what I’m most thankful for is – Sydney Marie O’Reilly O’Brien, that is a mouthful. She has been my north star since May of this year – she has taunted me, kicked me in the butt, encouraged me, driven me nuts, pushed me to be a better man and made me see that it doesn’t matter who/what the person you love is, it matters only that you love them with your whole heart. She Devil, thank you for bringing me to our Taz.”

He kissed AJ openly and with all the love in his heart. AJ was next. “I’m taking a pass for now. Hold on, I will do mine but I would prefer that everyone else finishes so the little ones can leave the room and not have to listen to my mouth – I will likely have some very colorful language and some that Mama will call me simple-minded for, which is ok.”

Maddie who was 6 stood up and yelled – “Uncle AJ, you say what you gotta say, we will survive.” Cheers from the little ones rose.