Coming of Age

by AJ

5 Jun 2022 1460 readers Score 9.3 (57 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

AJ snickered to himself; he was certainly not getting in the middle of this conversation.

He made his way to the kitchen to get the boys a snack and find something for the rest of them as well. He put some cheerios and bananas in a bowl for Conor and cheerios and strawberries in a bowl for Caleb.

The 5 men had not said a word since Scott’s inadvertent confession about AJ’s dick and Brett’s question about AJ’s skills in bed. AJ continued in the kitchen – he threw together some chips, covered them in cheese and popped them into the oven. He grabbed six beers and sat them down for the guys – “Scott there are some shorts and t-shirts in my room, you probably should change unless you like having pee all over you. Bring down a t-shirt for Brent when you are changed. Nachos will be done in a few minutes.”

AJ went back to the kitchen and cut up some tomatoes, jalapenos, onions and olives for the top of the nachos. He got down plates, napkins and silverware. The 4 faces that had been staring at Scott were now staring at him. “For fuck’s sake what do you want?”

Brett waded in – “So was it good? You keep this pace up and you will get to be known as the virgin ass wrecker.”

AJ did not bat and eye – “I only have hot salsa and sour cream. I don’t have any avocados or mild salsa. As for your last comment, I told you before I am not talking about my sex life with you. Not now, not ever. Oh no you don’t, any details you have about me and Trav came from badgering him. Scott only said he knew my dick was huge. That’s it so fucking drop it or I will kick your ass, got me?”

Brett smiled – “As with all things AJ, we will let you be. That doesn’t mean we will leave Popo alone.”

Scott was standing right behind Brett – “So skinny, you aren’t going to leave Popo alone, maybe I should arrest you for harassment and public nuisance. I think I could make those charges stick.” Scott put his hand in the middle of Brett’s back and pushed him up against the wall. He leaned his mouth next to Brett’s ear and whispered so only he could hear – “He is a fucking rock star in bed. I have never cum so many times in my life. He was gentle, kind and loving. I can’t wait for him to take me again tonight. You can spread the word but I will deny everything I just said. So, Brett you ready for the jail cell or are you going to lighten the fuck up?”

Brett chuckled and thought to himself that hot fucker has me all boned up. “No to the jail cell, yes to you breathing in my ear some more, fuck you got me all boned up.”

Steve smacked Brett in the head – “Put it away, small fry. You might hurt yourself.”

Brett – “Fuck you, dick head. I guess you are bucking to not get any for some time.” Steve kissed his neck and whispered in his ear – “Not my intent and I was not talking about your dick, just your skinny ass next to Popo. I love everything about you.” Steve ground his cock into Brett’s ass, eliciting small moans from both of them.

AJ quipped – “Not in front of the boys. You two want to fuck, go home otherwise put it away.” He pulled the nachos out of the oven and put the toppings on them, placing the dish on the dining table with the plates, silverware and spatula to serve.

Scott was duly impressed with the product – “Damn, you made that look easy. I think we need to get hitched so you can cook for me all the time.”

AJ slapped his ass – “Fair trade, cooking for you seeing to my huge dick.” Scott was beet red and the others were completely caught off guard. “Oh my god you guys are such idiots; you never listen to me. I never said he saw to my huge dick, I just proposed that I would cook for him if he were up to seeing to my huge dick. Get your minds out of Scott’s ass already. The only mind that gets to go there is mine, when the time is right.”

The men dished up and started to eat and drink, the conversation drifted to things that did not include AJ’s dick and Scott’s ass. Not that they did not go there occasionally but the conversation was on the upcoming school year and where AJ thought he would go to medical school. AJ and Syd had planned on attending Duke medical school. They both had been accepted to – University of Washington, Harvard, Yale, Northwestern, John Hopkins and Stanford. AJ was not certain if he wanted to go to Duke without Syd. He would have to think that through and quickly – he would be starting in January.

Scott made a mental note to figure out where AJ was leaning and get his application in for law school. He knew the U of W in Seattle would be the least expensive but he had not used his law school funds, they were just earning interest as he worked. He had about 250k set aside for law school and was certain he could pay his tuition and fees regardless of where AJ wound up. The question was whether he could get in. He needed to get his LSAT taken again, he had his old scores which were decent at 178, his grade point average was a 3.98 and he had law enforcement experience which he hoped that would help his application process.

Brent nudged Scott – “Hey, where did you go? Brett was asking you how you were doing with the confessions you and AJ shared yesterday.”

Scott laughed – “Well I went to the future – taking the LSAT again, getting applications into the schools that AJ has been accepted at, trying to steer him away from Harvard and Yale as they are way to stuffy. Northwestern and Johns Hopkins because the closest law schools are horrible. Duke and Stanford are great schools and I was accepted at Stanford when I applied a few years ago. U of W is probably the least expensive, so that’s appealing but it is the U of W and I’m not sure I can go from being a Coug to a dog. As far as the last day or so – I’m all in to make this work. I love AJ with every fiber of my being. Those boys are the best and I would defend all three with everything I am and have.”

Steve smiled – “AJ, Sam has your back. It’s great to see.”

Scott shook his head – “What?”

AJ smiled at him – “While you were checked out, I relayed the story of Syd screwing with my head about ‘Sam’ and you showing us your Sam the Sheepdog tattoo. You truly were in your own little world for a time.”

Scott held AJ’s gaze as he rose from his seat and walked to him. Scott leaned over and pulled him into a deep, passionate and all-consuming kiss. AJ pulled him into his lap and the two men lost themselves in each other. Scott shifted his position so he was straddling AJ’s lap, he was grinding his ass into AJ’s cock and his cock into AJ’s abdomen. He was so turned on, he lost himself in AJ. AJ was grinding into Scott as well and grabbing Scott’s ass, squeezing and massaging it with abandon.

The four men sat and watched the floor show, all were caught up in the love and passion they were seeing. They were all hard as rocks and taken with what they saw. AJ and Scott pulled apart and just stared at each other. Conor and Caleb had pulled themselves up to their Dada and were doing their best to get his attention.

Chase was the first to gain his bearings – “Fuck me that was hotter than hell. For newbies to gay love, you two sure know how to put us all to shame. I do remember you saying earlier that sort of thing should not happen in front of the little guys.” The rest of the guys joined in; they were a bit jealous of the two hunks.

Brent finally brought it back around to Trav – “So when Nanny called Trav out about his sexual appetite, she made it clear he was very much a screamer. I’m now inclined to believe after that kiss AJ you are a master in the bedroom.”

Scott smiled at AJ, winked and without taking his eyes off his man – “Brent you have absolutely no idea. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. AJ is a giver, a tease, a maestro, a virtuoso and frankly the best lover I have ever had. I believe I came five times and the most all-consuming, over the top and absolutely best orgasm was the last when he filled my ass with his baby batter.” Scott leaned in and kissed AJ passionately for the briefest of moments. He stood up, grabbed the boys and placed them on the table in front of AJ and returned to his seat.

Scott smiled at AJ – “By the way babe, the nachos are to die for.”

Everyone around the table was now in hysterics. Brett did find his voice – “Scott you are priceless. That performance, those words and then the freaking quip about the food. AJ don’t let this one go, he is a keeper – funny, sexy, down to earth, kind and fucking hot as hell. Yes, I did say that out loud – everyone here is thinking it but I have the balls to say it.”

AJ chuckled – “I have no intentions of letting him go and you are right he is all of those things but you left one out – modest as they come.” Scott’s ears were turning beet red. AJ winked at him making them even darker. He truly hated to be the center of attention but AJ was not one to avoid praising someone that hated it especially when it was someone he was in love with.

By the time they were done talking and poking at Scott and AJ it was time for dinner. The guys went and grabbed food at a local Thai restaurant and brought it back to AJ’s home. Conor and Caleb were in their highchairs hanging from the counter eating their dinner – they were eating diced chicken, rice and diced green beans. They loved their chicken and green beans. They really loved pasta but AJ had rice already cooked so he put a little chicken sauce over it and they decided then that they would eat it.

Scott and AJ switched back and forth between boys as they both wanted their dada and were tolerating Scott for the most part. If he gave them too many bites of rice, they pitched a fit – it really wasn’t fair because he was following the exact same pattern AJ was but he wasn’t their Dada. He didn’t make a big deal out of the fit, he just went with it – kissed the fit throwers head and moved on.

As the guys got the food on the table, AJ and Scott were wrapping up and told them to not wait on them to start. Chase was watching intently as they switched back and forth. He was amused – “Scott next time don’t kiss the offender’s head when you switch. I think it has less to do with Dada and more to do with you kissing their head. They seem to like the attention.”

Scott was indignant – “How dare you suggest I not kiss the head of the upset boy. It’s part of the game and you will ruin it. Off with your head for the suggestion.”

The guys were in hysterics – Scott had picked up the games quickly and was part of the little boys’ club. AJ had noticed as well and thought it hilarious and grateful that Scott was playing along. His boys were the only thing that could ruin what he had started with Scott – they were the long pole in this tent. It was good to see he was engaging with them and having fun.

AJ and Scott cleaned up Conor, Caleb and their dishes. AJ went to take Caleb from Scott but he brushed him off and said he was fine to hold him and eat. Chase reached for Conor and AJ relinquished him immediately, he wanted the boys to not be afraid of other people and it also gave him two hands to dish up both Scott and his plates. It was clear Scott was struggling one handed, so when AJ took over Scott smiled and winked at him.

Scott thought to himself – ‘I’m so fucked. This man is so awesome, he doesn’t seem to let anything phase him, he rolls with the punches, is an AWESOME dad and knows when to let his friends help him. I just hope the boys grow to love me too, if not that could screw this whole thing up.’ Scott kissed the top of Caleb’s head, he reached up and grabbed his cheeks and kissed his nose. His little fingers were digging into Scott’s cheeks but he wasn’t going to complain. He hugged the little guy tightly until he heard a little grunt, he put his hands under his arms and held him up over his head.

AJ warned him that if he was too rambunctious, he would get a gift of food he did not want. Scott laughed and started tossing Caleb in the air and catching him. He tossed him several times and AJ warned him a couple of more times. His hands hit Caleb’s tummy just right and up came part of his dinner right in Scott’s face with some of it in his mouth.

AJ was trying his damndest to not laugh his head off. Caleb was crying, Scott was retching, the guys were laughing and Conor was becoming agitated. AJ was biting his lip as he took Caleb from Scott, he immediately stopped crying. He took a towel and threw it to Scott, he told him to clean up quick, run a cloth from a particular drawer under cold water and ring it out. AJ put Caleb back in Scott’s arms and he started to cry again. AJ instructed him to ‘coo’ at him, rock him and place the cold cloth on the back of his neck.

Scott was telling AJ to take him; he had screwed up bad and didn’t want to permanently traumatize the little guy. AJ laughed out loud on that one – “You did traumatize him; it won’t be the last time but you are the one who will remember it not him. You need to calm him down or it is going to be an uphill battle with the two of you.”

Scott was near tears as he followed every instruction AJ gave him. He learned his lesson not to dismiss the master. AJ wrapped them both in his arms from behind Scott, he whispered in his ear – ‘Thank you for trying with my boys. I know you know this but they are the one area where I won’t compromise. You love them too or we won’t work; getting puked on and being willing to fix it tells me you are a good man. I think I’m screwed – I can’t really imagine anything better than holding you holding my son(s) – I love you, Sam.’

Now Scott was in tears. The guys were looking at him like he was nuts. Steve smiled and asked Scott if AJ had slipped him the big salami and that’s what the tears were about or was it something bigger, did he realize he was fucked because not only had he fallen in love with AJ but Conor and Caleb as well. Scott quipped – “nailed it.”

Brent looked at him with a questioning face – “Which, the salami or the O’Brien family stole your heart?”

AJ kissed Scott’s cheek – “Why do you 4 always beat things up until they are bloodied to hell? Brent, there is no way I’m railing his ass fully clothed.

Since you all have the need to know – I am well and truly fucked because I can’t imagine not having Scott next to me until I’m well into my 100s, which means he will live until he is at least 150 because he is an old man. Ouch, that hurt.

My heart dances when he is near, my head gets fuzzy when he whispers in my ear, I get totally lost when we kiss and my being aches when he is not nearby. I watch him when we are in the same space but not near, my heart races as he approaches and I melt when he touches me. I am once again well and truly fucked by my love for Scott Jonathan Reed aka Scooter aka Sam.”

Caleb had settled down into Scott’s arms and was not trying to get away any longer. Conor was calling for his Dada, AJ tucked him into his lap while he sat and ate. Conor picked at AJ’s food – the noodles he liked until the he hit something spicy, then he made a face and reached for a banana, which Chase peeled for him and broke off a piece. He ate it and then went back to AJ’s plate – which had been rearranged to keep the spicy stuff away from his reach.

The 6 guys and 2 boys finished dinner, cleaned the kitchen, bathed the boys and had them ready for bed when they all sat down to watch ‘Walking Tall’. The boys were crawling all over the 6 guys to try and stay awake. AJ grabbed both boys and told the guys he was going to take them upstairs and settled in for the night. Before he could get to the stairs, Scott was taking Conor out of his arms. AJ and Scott both heard Steve – “He’s so fucking done for, not only is he dick whipped he is baby whipped. I should be so lucky.” Brett punched him in the ribs and gave him a dirty look.

As the two climbed the stairs, Scott leaned into AJ and whispered – “He is so right, I’m a gonner.” AJ smiled and agreed – “I think I did a pretty decent job of telling you earlier how I felt. If I wasn’t clear, I am head over heels for you.”

Brett got up and got another beer, ignoring Steve’s request for one. When he sat back down, he took a seat as far from Steve as he could. The move did not go unnoticed. Steve started to speak but was interrupted by Chase – “You best choose your words carefully. You screwed the pooch my friend.”

Steve was not sure what he had done and just stared at Chase.

The guys got the boys settled into bed, grabbed the monitor and headed for the door. They rejoined the guys in the family room and noticed the tension and stares from Steve to Brett.

Scott sat next to Brett as AJ went to the fridge for two beers – “Hey, I don’t think Steve is a total douche. Throw that and I’ll beat your ass. He is definitely an idiot when it comes to thinking before he speaks. I see how he looks at you and normally how he treats you – he loves you. I get it the quip about ‘I should be so lucky’ was not thought through, but if I were a betting man, I would say he wants babies with you Skinny.”

Steve was immediately out of his chair and on his knees between Brett’s legs – “I’m a total dick – hearing it said by someone else was clearly what I needed to get it through my head, that is not what I intended with my dumb ass comment. Brett, I love you with all my heart, if we could marry, I would do that tomorrow. I should tell you that more and I’m sorry you are stuck with a moron for a life partner but you are stuck with one. Just like AJ, I want you until I’m 150 if you’ll have me.”

Brett leaned forward and kissed Steve on the lips – “You are a moron but you are my moron for life. If you say shit like that again – I’ll bury you where they will never find the body, got me?” He winked at Steve and kissed him again.

AJ whispered to Scott – “Nice save. You are making this beyond impossible for me to ever let you go. May I restart the movie, there has been way too much drama and I think we all missed a lot of good stuff.” AJ didn’t wait for anyone to say a thing he restarted the DVD.

The guys watched the movie. Everyone was asleep by the end but AJ, he woke Scott and guided him to his room. They got ready for bed. Scott hesitated for a moment as they were getting ready to crawl under the covers. AJ stripped and crawled in, he noticed the slight hesitation and tried to put Scott’s mind to rest – “Scott I haven’t worn anything to bed since I got out of diapers, I hate clothes. I will behave myself as I’m utterly exhausted. I’m hoping you are ok with just cuddling tonight.” Scott had stripped and climbed in with AJ, he kissed him deeply and then rolled over on his side away from AJ, pulling him in close to his back. Both men sighed with the comfort, warmth and love they felt. Scott was talking about the day and telling AJ he was so thankful they had met, when he asked him a question about what they were up to tomorrow he looked over his shoulder and realized that AJ was fast asleep.

Damn that was quick, he would have to ask him about that tomorrow. One minute he was awake and the next he was out. Scott turned to face AJ and watched him sleep for a while – he truly was a beautiful soul and the packaging took his breath away. Scott finally fell asleep after watching his man sleep for some time, he slept like a log through the night. When he woke up, he was alone and it was after 9 AM, there was a note on AJ’s pillow – ‘could not bring myself to wake you up. You are so freaking adorable. I wanted to stay in bed but I had some things I had to do this morning. They boys are with me and we should be back home around 10 AM.

Scott stared at the note. He was a little bummed, he so wanted to wake up in AJ’s arms but he had to acknowledge that it was great waking up knowing he would see his love in less than an hour. I’m such a sap, he makes me hot and bothered and he isn’t even here. Scott got up, showered and dressed in some clothes he had brought over the day before. He headed downstairs put finding nemo into the dvd player and ordered a pizza for delivery. He heard the distinct, tsk, tsk, tsk from Syd. He ignored her and turned up the volume on the TV.

He felt 4 little hands grab his face, he almost jumped out of his skin. AJ chuckled in his ear – “Your pizza just arrived. I’m hoping that you turned up the TV to drown out Syd’s badgering of your eating habits and not that you like it this loud.”

Scott was red with embarrassment he immediately turned the volume down – “I’m so sorry. She was badgering me about ordering pizza and I didn’t want to hear it so I turned up the volume to drown her out.”

AJ put the boys down on a blanket while Scott headed to the door to get the pizza. AJ was in the kitchen putting together a snack for the boys when Scott sat at the bar and started in on his pizza. AJ shook his head and kept up with the fruit and cheerio bowls. Scott scowled at him – “What are you shaking your head at? I like pizza and I’m not any good in the kitchen so sue me.”

AJ smiled and winked at Scott. He put the bowls on the counter and grabbed the boys from the floor. He put them in their highchairs as Scott slid the bowls to the boys. He made the mistake of putting the bananas in front of Caleb and there was a shriek when he looked in the bowl. Conor was less dramatic with the strawberries but pushed the bowl away. AJ quickly fixed the debacle and all was right with the world again.

AJ made sure to let Scott know that bananas and Caleb did not mix. If he got them on him, it was World War 3 and the battle was on.

Over the next 3 months, Scott did indeed wrap up his time at the Pullman Police department. He wound up working for 2 months not 2 weeks. He and his dad had mostly resolved their issues and JR had committed to being a more balanced dad. Scott and Teddy were still not 100% right but at the end of the day that was going to take some time. Scott had taken the LSATs again and scored another 178 and been accepted at Stanford and Duke. The guys had decided to go to Duke but had told no one – it was clear across the country and they would be leaving the last week of the year.

AJ had powered through his last two classes and worked ahead to the point where he would actually be done with the course work the week of Thanksgiving. He and JT were making progress but they needed time face to face which could prove interesting at Thanksgiving. AJ had put 15 of the 25 pound back on and was happy with where he was – 180 / 4.5% body fat.

The boys were walking and into everything. Scott had moved in with AJ and the boys. They had moved the things that Scott did not want to sell or rent with the house to AJs house until they could be moved to Hunt’s Point. Scott and AJ had both rented their homes to AJ’s fraternity brothers. The seniors renting Scott’s house were moving in on December 1 and the seniors renting AJ’s house were moving in on January 1. It was made perfectly clear that damage would not be tolerated and a reminder of who Scott’s dad set everyone straight.

AJ’s place was all packed except those things that would be needed for the two weeks they would be back for finals and a few going away parties. Caleb and Conor would spend a week with AJ’s Mama and Pops in Chelan and then a week with AJ’s Mom and Dad on Mercer Island. AJ had been clear with his 4 parents that the boys were everywhere at once and that they needed to be ready for anything.

AJ had brought down the suitcases from upstairs and placed them by the door to the garage when there was a knock on the door. Conor and Caleb ran to the door yelling Dada, Dada, Dada. AJ stepped between the boys and the door and opened it finding two attractive women on the porch. One of them started in on AJ – “You are a disgusting faggot; how dare you steal my fiancé. I can’t believe you were able to turn him into a faggot too. I sure hope those boys’ grandparents take them from you before you turn them faggot too.” AJ was stunned to say the least, he had put 2 and 2 together to know that the woman yelling at him was Maureen. What he did not see coming was the slap to his face as she turned and stormed off.

Scott and his partner, Officer Diaz, had stopped by on his last shift and saw the incident. Officer Diaz was out of the car and in front of Maureen before Scott could get out of the car. She had Maureen spun around and up against the squad car when Scott stepped up to her. He asked his partner to release her and see if they could get through this without an arrest. Officer Diaz agreed but she was not certain it was the right thing to do given her agitated state.

When Maureen turned on Scott, she slapped him across the face and kicked his shins. Officer Diaz had her back up against the car, in handcuffs and in the back of the cruiser in a matter of seconds. Maureen’s friend Emily started to interfere and Officer Diaz let her know if she did not step back, she would be under arrest as well. Scott was out of options, Maureen not only hit a civilian in front of a police officer she had physically assaulted an on-duty police officer.

Officer Maria Diaz was a close friend of Scott’s off the force as well. She pulled him close and whispered in his ear – “You my friend need to let me take lead on this one. I will talk with AJ and get his statement. You can observe but need to stay out of it, got me?” Scott nodded his head and followed Maria up to AJ’s door.

They knocked and AJ opened the door and stepped out onto the porch with the storm door closed and the boys pressed up against the glass. Maria took a photo of AJ’s cheek that clearly had a red handprint on the left side of his face. She asked questions and wrote down the answers as he conveyed what happened. She asked him to come down to the station and sign the statement later that day. He reluctantly agreed.

Scott and Maria headed back to the car and headed to the station with Maureen in the back. She started spewing her hate and calling Scott every derogatory name in the book. Maria turned to her and said as a reminder of her Miranda Rights – “You have the right to remain silent as everything you spew will be held against you in a court of law. Given my body cam is on, everything you have said has been recorded and will be entered into evidence. You have admitted to striking Aaron O’Brien and Officer Scott Reed, which cuts down your defense opportunities.

Maureen finally got the gravity of the situation as they pulled into the station and Maria removed her from the back of the car. Maureen’s parents were there, trying to intervene on her behalf but JR had stepped out as the police chief. He convinced them to let the officers to do their job unimpeded as it would get them into hot water if they interfered.

While Officer Diaz was booking Maureen into custody, Scott made his way to his Dad’s office where Maureen’s Mom and Dad were waiting. When Scott entered, John and Stephanie stood and hugged Scott. John spoke first – “Scott, I for one don’t understand what happened with you but I am not going to judge your choices or your lifestyle. I would rather have you be happy with your friend than unhappy married to Maureen. I don’t understand her hate in this situation, other than I know she truly loved you and was devastated by the broken engagement.”

Scott smiled – “John, Stephanie – all I can tell you is this, she broke the engagement before I realized I had fallen in love with someone else. She was not happy with me spending time with a friend that lost his wife and had decided I wasn’t paying enough attention to her. Ultimately it was the right thing for both of us as I have definitely fallen for Aaron – I can’t explain it as I never had feelings for another man before but I fell head over heels in love with him and know he is mine forever.

I tried to keep this from ending in an arrest but when she hit me in front of my partner it was effectively out of my hands. It was recorded on both mine and Officer Diaz’s body cameras. She spewed some very hateful, awful things and admitted to going to Aaron’s house to confront and attack him. I’m not sure if he plans on pressing charges but as for assaulting a police officer those are out of mine or Dad’s hands.”

At that moment there was a knock on the door. Sergeant Andrews opened the door and asked for Scott so he could take Aaron’s statement. JR stood and said he would handle it. John asked if he could speak to Aaron and was told that would not be a good idea until things settled down. AJ heard the comments and stepped into the office before anyone could stop him.

He stuck his hand out to John – “Good afternoon, John, my name is Aaron. I heard your request to talk to me. I also understand the police are discouraging it but I’m not much on being told what I can and can’t do. What can I do for you?”

Everyone was caught completely off guard but what’s new where AJ is concerned. JR started to speak but was cut off by AJ, “Chief, I understand you and the other officers here may be uncomfortable with the situation but you know me well enough by now to know that I’m not one to shy away from anything. John, what can I help you with?”

John found his voice – “I know we don’t have the right to ask you this but I’m hoping you can find your way clear to not add to Maureen’s charges. She is…”

AJ interrupted John at this point – “I have no intention of…” Caleb let out a shriek and screamed ‘Dada’. “Just one moment please.” AJ went and retrieved the boys from the stroller. Scott had made his way to AJ’s side to help – “What are you doing?”

AJ gave Scott one of his, I don’t know what you mean grins – “I’m taking my boys out of the stroller so I can speak to John.”

Scott was flustered – “You know that’s not what I meant. This is a weird situation for me, my fiancé with my former fiancé’s parents. What?”

AJ discreetly kissed Scott’s cheek – “You called me your fiancé. I didn’t realize you thought of us as engaged. Hold on, I am all for it but I didn’t want to rush it. And by the way, welcome to my world. I didn’t get a lot of warning either when Syd’s parents were thrust into the picture with my then crush, future boyfriend, future fiancé, future husband. So, suck it up Reed.”

AJ took the boys by the hand and led them back into JR’s office. “John, Stephanie I apologize for that. I just know how they get when they are left in the stroller too long. Back to what we were talking about – I have absolutely no intention of pressing charges. I would suggest though that Maureen should talk to a therapist. It helped me after my wife died and I continue to see him once a month now.”

Stephanie hugged AJ – “Thank you for understanding. We are trying to get her to talk to someone but she has refused. This may be the thing that will get her to relent.”

AJ smiled at her – “Well, if I were a betting man, I would expect that the judge will require it given her assault on a police officer. Boys, stop bothering. boys have at it, just don’t break anything. John, Stephanie – I know this situation has to be hard on you as well as Maureen. Scott and I did not see this coming and were caught off guard as well. We are still working our way through all of the changes but know that I love him with every part of my being.”

Scott spoke up – “I feel the same way. Just know that even if AJ were not in the picture, I don’t believe Maureen and I are meant to be together. We both have changed in the years we have been together and want different things out of life. I will speak on her behalf in court but will suggest that mandatory counseling should be her sentence.”

There was a loud noise, with breaking glass from across the office. JR spoke up – “That was me not the boys so settle down Dada.”

John and Stephanie left the office with the Sergeant to talk with their daughter. AJ put the boys in the stroller and called out over his shoulder – “Chief are you riding with us or taking your own car to my parents’ house?”

JR shook his head and smiled – “AJ I’m driving separately. I don’t think it would be a good idea for you and me to be locked in a car for four hours.”

AJ smiled – “I knew you would not be brave enough. You talk tough but you certainly seem to be afraid of little ole me and I for one have absolutely no idea why that would be, I’m perfectly charming just ask your son.”