Civic Experiment

by Derekhello

3 Oct 2023 2016 readers Score 9.7 (22 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Tyler and Zac

Two weeks have passed since spring break and the two boys had fallen into a nice routine. Zac was still strict on Tyler but had eased off on the humiliation. He was satisfied with the money they had raised so far. Zac hasn't received any new tasks for Tyler on the Ipad since their trip to the beach.

'This is Dr Sampson. Today you will have two visitors who will spend the afternoon with you. I expect you both to be very respectful. The visitors will arrive in one hour'.

Tyler and Zac both exchanged looks. Tyler knew better than to be excited. A part of him was though. Spending so much time with just one person is hard. He fully expected that these visitors would not be kind to him. Zac had no nerves as expected.

'Make me a coffee and I'll get your breakfast ready' Zac said to Tyler. He went to the press and retrieved a can of slave slop. He opened it up and poured in into a dog bowl on the ground. Tyler made Zac's coffee and got down on his knees and started to eat the gruel from the bowl without using his hands.

The gruel tastes fine but the humiliation of eating like a dog is the worst part for Tyler. As he chews down the slop like an animal his face is inches from Zac's bare feet. He knows Zac positions his feet there to add to his humiliation.

'Shower time, come wash me Filth ' Zac orders. 'Yes Sir' Tyler replies.

While Tyler hated it at first he now loves washing Zac. For one thing he gets partially washed himself. He also likes to touch his friends toned body. Zac strips naked and steps into the shower. Tyler grabs a soft sponge and lathers up his Masters naked body.

Once his body is lathered up Zac orders Tyler to leave the shower and kneel in front of it. He leaves the door open. As the soap runs off Zac's body he brings his hand to his hard cock. He slowly starts to move it up and down. Tyler is cold kneeling on the tiles but completely memorised.

He watches as Zac rubs his cock slowly. His Master has no intention of rushing the moment. Tyler's dick is now hard in his cage and its starting to hurt. He can't take his eyes off the display as Zac starts to moan, lightly at first then heavily. Zac steps closer to Tyler and shoots his load all over his face and body.

'Stay there' Zac grabs a towel and walks out of the bathroom. A moment later, Tyler feels his hands move towards his collar. They are know locked either side of his collar. Tyler locks his fingers together behind his head, his Masters favourite position for him to be in.

'Stand up and follow me' Zac says after returning to the bathroom. Tyler follows him to the entrance of the apartment complex. 'Get on your knee's, you will wait like that for our guests. I want to make a good impression'.

Tyler kneels facing the door. Naked with cum coated in what little hair he has and rolling down his face. He wanted to wipe it off so much is was unable to. He wonders who the visitors will be. He didn't want anyone to see him like this covered in cum. He kneels there for twenty minutes before the doors opened.

Zac comes behind Tyler they were both eager for different reasons to meet their guests. After a moment, two guys walked through the door. Tyler's eyes went wide. It was Conor and Brian, brothers from the hostel they used to park their van behind.

'Conor, Brian how are you guys?' Zac says excitedly. He walked over and hugged them. Tyler stayed on his knee's unable to move.

Conor the older brother to Brian is over 6 feet tall. He has medium length black hair, a chiselled chin and brown eyes. He is incredibly handsome. He has broad shoulders from swimming and surfing. His torso is all muscle, his arms are big and well defined.

Brian is equally as handsome, his hair is short and sandy brown. He is not quite 6 foot. He is slim and has a baby face. He has a little moustache to make him look his age. He has broad shoulders like his brother but a tiny waist that when shirtless shows off his abs and V-line.

'Fucking hell, I didn't believe it to be true, through look at him. Is that cum in his hair' Conor said loudly. Zac nodded and everyone except Tyler burst out laughing.

'Yep, its true he is my slave for the next half a year. Grab us some beers slave Filth.' Zac released Tyler's hands from his collar. Tyler walked to the kitchen knowing three of his friends were looking at his bare ass as he did it. When Tyler returns the three guys are sat on the sofa he hands them each a beer.

'Kneel' Tyler kneels naked in front of his friends as they open and sip their beers.

'How have you guys being, how did the surf competition go' Zac

'Not great, the other hostel won, Jack beat me in the final. It was very close' Conor.

'I hate that guy. What else is new in the world the few months. We have had no contact with the outside world' Zac said genuinely interested in the news for the first time in his life.

'A lot has happened, there was a few prison breaks. A few other incidents. People aren't happy at the moment. If things don't change there might be a revolution or rebellion. We need a new president' Conor said sarcastically. Tyler hated being so out of touch he was very into politics before all this began.

'Seems like each one is the worst than the previous one' Zac replied trying to hide his lack of political knowledge.

The three guys drank a few more beers completely ignoring Tyler. Conor and Brian's father is high up in the army so they mostly talked about that. Conor intends on joining the army after his travels and Brian always admired him for this. Tyler knew this was the lull before the storm.

'Dr Sampson told us about your experiment. Tanner and Mr Hicks are good friends with my Dad, he promised us we could have some fun. Can we have some fun with Filth' Conor asked. Zac nodded his approval. Tyler hated that not only one of his former friends but now a second was referring to him as Filth.

'What do you have in mind' Zac asked.

Conor reached into his bag and pulled out a bunch of small beam bags used for practising juggling. They are about the size of a tennis ball. 'Lets play a game, Tyler sits in the corner legs spread wide and we take turns in trying to hit his balls with these. The first to five wins' Conor suggested.

'Brilliant sounds like fun. Filth crawl over to the corner of the room and spread your legs as wide as possible' Tyler did as ordered and when he reached the corner he spread his legs he felt his arms moving to his collar again. He locked his fingers behind his head for the second time today.

'Before we start, I have another idea' Conor said while talking his shoe off. He reached into bag and pulled out some tape. He walked over to Tyler and put his shoe to Tyler's mouth and nose. So his mouth was in his shoe and rolled tape around his head holding the shoe in place.

Tyler couldn't move his hands, he was blinded by the shoe in front of his face. Every breath he took, he took in a whiff of Conor shoes. It was musky and overpowering. He had forgotten about the game his three friends where playing until he felt one of the beam bags hit him square in the nuts.

He doubled over in pain. They are a lot heavier than they look. The distance the guys are away adds to the pain. He can hear cheering and laughter and Zac congratulating Conor on a great shot.

The next shot hits his chest and rolled down over his chastity cage. 'Wow, very close, Brian' Zac said. His three friends, people who he lived with in a hostel are throwing beam bags at his balls, while he sits naked, legs spread and arms bound to his collar, with a smelly shoe taped to his face.

Another hit, then another miss. He could hear them counting up the scores but he had no interest in paying attention. He heard footsteps come toward him and could notice Brian picking up the balls. He then leaned over him and dropped a long line of spit onto his face.

The game continued, the guys started to get a lot better at their throws and more often then not he felt a sharp pain to his balls. They sounded like they were having a lot of fun. Tyler wanted the game to end. His balls were in so much pain.

'We have a winner, well done Conor. I guess you have the greatest skills at this game' He heard Zac say and then the sound of beer bottles clinking against one another. A moment later he felt the tape being ripped from his head and taking a what bit of hair he had from his head. The shoe landed on his chastity cage.

'Stand up Filth' Conor said, despite not needing to follow his orders he felt like he must, after all Zac would just order to him anyway. Conor walked over to him kicking one of the balls through the living room and into the kitchen. He picked up his shoe and tied the laces around Tyler's balls and let it fall.

More pain, as the shoe swung back and forth. He then added his second shoe. It was so heavy tugging his balls down. Brian walked over removed his shoes and started to tie them around his balls. Tyler noticed that Brian was lightly caressing his balls as he did it. It tickled but also felt good. The two brothers returned to the sofa.

'Back down on your knees, Filth. We want you to return the 6 beam bags to us. But no hands. Use your mouth and crawl to us.' Tyler felt his hands being released from his collar. He looked at the three boys on the sofa, two wearing socks and Zac is barefoot.

He leaned down and picked up the first beam bag in his mouth. It was big but as he bit into it he found it easy to hold in his mouth. He began to crawl towards their feet, naked with 4 shoes swinging back and forth tied to his balls. It made it difficult to crawl and painful.

As he got closer, Conor said to drop it at his feet. Then to kiss both his socks and kneel in front of him. Tyler did as he was told and when he dropped the ball he kissed both of Conor's socked feet. He knelt up and Conor came close to his face and spat at him. It landed on his nose.

'Brian's turn next now fetch another one Filth' Tyler turned around and crawled back to retrieve another ball. His balls were aching and it was a slow process. He got the second ball and came back and dropped the ball in front of Brian. He then kissed his feet and once again got spat on.

He retrieved the three balls that where still in the living room. Kissing Zac's bare feet seemed nicer than kissing feet with socks on. Seemed less disgusting. He now had cum in his hair and on his face and 4 volleys of spit drying from his three friends.

'Last one' Tyler almost forgot about the sixth ball that Conor had kicked into the kitchen. He started crawling, the kitchen tiles hurt under his knee's. He couldn't find where it had gone and spent ten minutes crawling around looking for it before finding it. He crawled back to Zac and kissed his feet again.

'Take of our socks, no hands' Conor ordered. As he crawled to Conor his hands started moving to his collar again. He gripped his teeth at the toes of Conor's socks. It was hard to get a proper grip and when he did he had to pull really hard to get them all the way off. The second sock went only slightly easier.

Brian's socks were a lot easier, maybe the practise had helped. Another skill he never expected to learn. Brian picked up his socks and started to slap Tyler's face with them. Conor and Zac started laughing. It didn't hurt in anyway it was just the embarrassment that hurt.

'Suck on my toes now, Filth' Conor ordered. As much as Tyler has come to like kissing Zac's feet he hates licking his toes. He has always had a crush on Conor. He is pretty sure any gay guy would. Tyler know realised he was gay. Despite this he didn't want to lower himself to this.

He waddled on his knees with his hands connected to his collar to Conor. He knelt down but as he was about to begin Conor slapped him in the face with his foot. He ten held it in the air. Tyler knew what he wanted to do. He got back into a kneeling position.

He took his big toe in his mouth and started to suck on it. It was very sweaty and his feet tasted like salt water. Conor must have had a surf earlier. He made his way down his toes licking each one and in between them. He then did the same with both Brian and Zac's feet.

'Lie on your back, Filth' Brian said. Tyler was surprised he always expected this behaviour from Conor, not that Conor didn't seem to like him. He just seemed like the type that would get off on this. He always bragged about being an alpha male.

Tyler lay on his back, still with the shoes tied around his balls. Brian then sat on his crotch and brought his feet to his face. He was lying there with the full weight of Brian on his chastity cage and the soles of his feet resting on his face. He feels so humiliated.

'My turn, Brian rolls off Tyler but within seconds is replaced with Conor sitting on him. Conor is nowhere near as light as Brian and the weight mostly muscle is hurting his cage. Tyler licked Conor's feet for 30 minutes. Conor just sat there making moaning sounds as he did it.

Then eventually Conor removed his feet, leaned forward and spat in his face. This was a massive glob of spit. Brian walked over and stood balancing on his chest, he stuck his left foot into Tyler's face and shoved his big toe in. Tyler was sucking on his toe as Brian stood on his naked body.

It hurt but not as much as Tyler would have thought. Eventually Brian got bored and sat beside his brother and his Master. Conor removed his shirt. Tyler loved looking at his chiselled chest. He did usually like, slim toned abs but Conor's torso was a work of art.

How did it take him so long to realise he was gay. He always had suspicions, he lusted after Conor, Brian and even Zac at times. But since this experiment started his true feelings have come to light. He is gay and he likes being submissive. Although he still hated some of the humiliation.

'Come over here and sniff my armpits' Conor ordered. Tyler tried to manoeuvrer his body with his hands bound to his collar. Tyler stuck his nose deep into Conor's manly, hairy armpits. It smelt good, musky just like a real man.

'Now, kiss and lick them' Tyler brought his mouth to Conor's armpit and kissed it lightly. There was no question despite, the pain and humiliation that he was enjoying himself. He tongue coated Conor's armpit hair and he licked the sweat of it. He swirled his tongue around the inside of his armpit.

'Brian this is your chance, you can sow some wild oats and nobody will know' Conor said.

'What do you mean' Brian

'Come on, don't play coy, I'm your older brother. I see were your eyes go when we are at the beach. You don't have to pretend today, none of our army friends are around. Let the slave suck your dick. Then go back to your girlfriend. This is your chance' Conor said.

Brian seemed shocked at first but then he started to think. As this conversation was happening Tyler was still licking Conor's pits. He was being spoken about as if he wasn't even there and not just general chat. But about him sucking the second dick, another friend.

'Yes, OK, yes I should do it' Conor gave Brian and then Zac a high five.

'Get on your knee's Filth' Zac ordered.

Tyler went to the centre of the room and got on his knees. He is now naked, covered in cum and spit and 4 shoes hanging from his balls awaiting his friend Brian to have his first gay experience. He never even suspected Brian of being gay before. In fairness he mostly thought about Conor.

Brian walked over to him, he was clearly nervous. He rubbed Tyler's head like a dog and lifted him to his feet. He lightly bit Tyler's lips and then started to kiss him. Tyler kissed him back. This went went on for a few minutes before Brian pushed him to his knee's and started to unzip his fly.

'No you should be naked for it too. Experience the moment properly'. Conor suggested almost ordered. Brian hesitated for a moment before pulling of his shirt. He unbuckled his belt and pulled his denim shorts down along with his underwear. He is rock hard.

Tyler never thought of Brian in this way but looking at the naked twink in front of him was turning him on. There were definitely parts other than the money that made this experiment worthwhile. He took the 7 inch dick in his mouth and started to suck.

He sucked up and down his shaft, licking his balls. He wished he could use his hands to cup his balls. Brian began to moan, then he put his hands behind Tyler's head and started to thrust faster and faster into his mouth.

He was now deep in Tyler's throat, he was making him gag as his moaning got louder and louder. Zac and Conor watched on as Brian's ass bounced back and forth. Then the word I'm going to cum boomed through the room before Brian unleashed, ropes of cum down Tyler's throat.

Brian fell to his knees out of breath holding Tyler as he did. He kissed Tyler's forehead and wrapped his arms around him. The two naked guys lay beside each other, making eye contact. Brian gave Tyler a peck on the cheek before standing up and dressing. A buzzer sounded.

'This is Dr Sampson. Visiting day is over. You have ten minutes to say your goodbyes and the door will be unlocked'. The three free men finished the rest of their beers. Zac looked at the money counter and a huge grin appeared on his face.

'Thanks guys, you have mad me a lot of money, I will get you guys some beers when this is all over' Zac. Tyler did thin as Zac said it that he should have said you made us a lot of money but he didn't feel like saying anything.

'No problem, I had a great day' Brian responded.

Brian walked over to Tyler and untied the shoes from his balls. He did it very gently not breaking eye contact with Tyler as he did it. The door clicked open and then Zac gave the two brothers a hug and walked them to the door. They said their goodbyes and the two brothers left. Zac turned to Tyler.

'You earned us a lot of money today. I think we can afford to lose some. I am going to reward you with allowing you to shower. The rest of the day, we will watch TV and relax. Zac walked over to his friend. He picked him patted him on the ass and undid his wrists. 'Go shower, the hot water is on, Tyler'


Max has being told he has the day off work. He really needs it. As much as he like the work his muscles need a rest. Tanner is in the office for the day so it's just him and Jordan. He is on the patio, lying next to Jordan's dirty feet.

Tanner's cousin will be here soon. He is staying the night. We told him about you. I expect you to treat him with the same respect you show me and Tanner' Jordan warned.

'Of course' Max responds, he is enjoying lying by Jordan's feet the sun on his body is very relaxing. He can hear a car approaching in the distance. He hopes that Tanner's cousin is as hot as he is. Having three hot guys order him around would be nice.

'I want you to get on your hands and knees, eyes to the ground. If you lift them, I will punish you heavily don't look up'. Max did as he was told. He could hear the car more distinctly now, who ever was driving it was speeding. He heard the brakes screech.

'Hello Jordan' He wanted so much to look up but didn't want to face the consequences if he did. He could faintly hear the two guys speak over the sound of the engine that was still running. He knelt there naked on his hands and knees for what seemed like and age before he heard Jordan's voice.

'This is our slave. I believe you know him. Why don't you go up and say hi, Max' Jordan said.

The car engine turns off and Max can hear footsteps approach him. He knows its not his Master who is always barefoot. He is nervous but also excited. For the most part he has being treated well. He is hoping that Tanner's cousin will act the same way.

He keeps his head down making an extra effort not to look up. As the foot steps get closer he sees something that sends a chill down his spine. He has to look closely to make sure he is correct. He can only see shoes his old shoes, his white Nike runners, the pair that were taken from him before the prison break.

'Well, well well. Look who we have here. Posh little rich boy all naked and collared' Owen, the prison bully says. Max can't believe it. He was excited but now he is terrified. He knows that Owen hates him. How is he here, he is supposed to be in prison.

'I believe you two know each other. Owen my Tanner's cousin has being released from prison early. On good behaviour. He was one of few, who didn't decide to try and escape. He has being rewarded with his freedom' Max couldn't believe his ears.

Owens runners, that used to be Max's are now directly under his nose. Max couldn't help the urge and looked up at the blonde bully from prison. He hoped he would never see him again. Owen is smiling as he looks down at the naked Max.

'My shoes have got dirty, I want you to lick them clean'. Max heard his tormentors words as he looked down at his former property. The day he handed Owen his shoes was the last day he wore any. He has being barefoot ever since.

He notices the mud marks on the white Nike trainers, he leans over and starts to lick the mud off his shoes. It's a different felling to licking bare feet. It kinda hurts his tongue. After a couple of minutes he feels a warm licked being sprayed on his back. Owen is pissing on him as he is licking shoes that used to be his.

'The barn is all set up, enjoy, I'm going to go for a nap' Jordan says leaving Owen with Max.

Owen attaches a leash to Max's collar. 'Crawl behind me' Max has never being in the barn. He was curious as to what was in there. Once when he was alone on the plantation he considered going in but feared the consequences if he got caught.

Owen pulls open the doors to the barn. It is a wide open space. There is all sort of BDSM gear. There is a pillory, chains hang from the roof connected to motors. There are whips of many varieties. There is also some stuff that Max Doesn't even recognise. The floor is wooden and dusty.

'Get Into the centre of the room and get on your knees' Owen orders. Max crawls to the centre of the room he can see dust and dirt gathering on his knees. When he is on his knees Owen approaches him and pulls his arms behind his back. He cuffs them together. He lifts him to his feet.

Owen attaches two leather straps around each of Max's ankles. He removes the chain from Max's collar and attaches another one that is hanging from the roof. There is enough slack that he won't choke but he won't be able to move very far from his position.

The prison bully walks over to the corner of the room and pulls a chain connected to motorised pulley system. He connects the chain to his left ankle. He then walks to the adjacent wall and connects a similar chain to his right ankle. Max now can't move.

Owen stands in front of him holding a small electronic box. He spits in Max's face and smiles. 'You always thought you were above all of us. Trading your commissary food for small favours. You made us all feel inferior and you enjoyed it. But now look at you' Owen said while pressing a button on the box.

Max can hear a motor start and then both his feet started to separate. The chains are pulling his feet apart. He tries to stop his feet from moving but the motor is too strong. He feet are now stretched wide apart. It is starting to hurt when Owen stops the chains from moving.

He walks behind Max, he gives him a slap on the ass as he does. Max can hear him rummaging around behind him. After a few minutes Owen to the front of Max. He attaches two nipple clamps to him. He inserts a spider gag to his mouth and then chains two weights to Max's Balls.

'We need to stretch you for the next part' Owen says as he pushes a butt plug into Max. Max is now chained naked, feet spread wide apart, wearing nipple clamps, a spider gag, with heaving weights swinging from his balls and a butt plug in his ass. The chain around his neck prevents any movement.

Owen has a flogger whip in his hand. He teases Max by gently rubbing across his face. It tickles but Max knows that wont be the worst part. Owen raises the whip and brings it down on Max's upper chest directly on the nipple clamps. Max tries to scream through the spider gag.

Whack. Another strike against Max's chest. The pain is immense. Another three strikes and Max feels drool rolling out of his mouth. He looks down at the drool rolling over his bright red chest. Then more strikes to his chest. There is no way for Max to defend himself.

Owen moves behind him and starts to wail on his ass. Each strike is painful and Max has no idea when its coming. He really hates Owen at this stage. He can't believe Jordan is allowing this to happen. He felt Jordan was his friend. Maybe he doesn't now what is going on.

Max's balls chest and ass are now in extreme pain. The whipping stopped but then to his horror his legs started to move apart again. They kept getting wider and wider. Max feared his legs would be ripped off. When Owen eventually stopped the motor Max was basically doing the splits.

Owen sat down on a garden chair and just watched Max. He put his hands into pants and started to slowly jerk himself off. Max was so helpless and in so much pain. Then to Max's relief Owen gave the signal and his legs came closer together.

He was uncuffed and the chain hanging from the ceiling was removed from his collar as were the chains connected to his feet. Max fell to his knees exhausted. Owen walked over to him his crotch directly in front of Max's gagged mouth. He picked him up and walked him over to a bench and lay him down.

As he lay there trying to catch his breath he barely noticed what was happening. Max's arms were spread apart and attached to a wooden plank. He was still gagged so couldn't ask what was happening. He felt Owen caress his feet and then rope being tied around them. Max looked down.

It finally came to him what was happening. His feet were now tied to a wooden plank. His hands tied to another. He was attached to a cross. He heard the motor beginning again and could feel himself being hoisted up. Owen was crucifying him.

The cross raised up. Max is now naked, tied to a cross with nipple clamps on his nipples and a spider gag in his mouth. The cross raised all the way up and he is now hanging there in front of Owen. He wants this to end so much. He looks into Owens eyes who just smiles at him.

Owen lifts up the whip once again. Max mouths no through the spider gag, but no words come out. Owen delivers more blows to Max's chest before moving down to his chastity belt, legs and feet. Max just wants the pain to end.

'Lets get you all stretched out' Owen says as he pulls the butt plug from Max's ass. He walks behind the cross and Max can hear him attaching something underneath the cross. He doesn't want to look but can't help him self, He notices just under his ass a dildo is attached.

Max's feet are untied from the bottom of the cross and handcuffed behind the plank. He has no way of standing and his body and ass begin to slump towards the dildo. He readjusted his arms as best he can to stop his body from slipping towards the dildo.

His arms are beginning to weaken and he is getting closer and closer to the dildo. Owen has sits back down on the seat and is watching intently. Max eventually gives in, his arms are to tired. His body lowers, his ass onto the dildo. He has never being fucked before and it hurts.

The dildo is massaging his prostate and he can feel an orgasm growing. He really needs to cum, as painful as this is, if he gets to cum it will be worth it. He in now moaning as drool falls from his mouth. Owen is loving every minute. Max is getting close, it is starting to feel very good.

Just as Max thinks he is about to cum, he feels the dildo being pulled from within him. He is so frustrated. Owen brings the dildo to his open mouth and shoves it in. He can taste his own ass juices. The cross begins to lower and Max hopes his ordeal is over. Owen unties him and Max slumps to the floor.

'One more thing, you made me so horny. I need to fuck you now' Owen says while lifting Max up. He directs him over to a wooden pillory and attaches his neck and and hands to it. Max is stood in the wooden stocks with his ass pointed straight out in the air.

Owen walks behind him and drops his pants. Max is about to be fucked for the first time. He gets a slap across the ass. He can feel Owen's hard cock touching his ass crack. He wishes he could get out. Then as Owen is about to thrust in, the barn door opens and Jordan walks in.

'OK,OK, that's enough for tonight. Max needs a rest' Owen was clearly disappointed by Jordan's word.

/My cousin promised me I could do what I want with it' Owen said to Jordan.

'And, I'm telling you that's enough for tonight' Jordan said as he stood face to face with Owen. Jordan looked into Owens eyes. He didn't blink.

'OK, next time so. I need to get home any way my Father needs help with something tomorrow' He smacks Max on the ass and leaves the barn. Jordan undid the stocks and released Max. He lifted him up and carried him to the outhouse that is now Max's bedroom. He laid him down on a mattress.

'I convinced Tanner since you have worked so well on the farm to let you have a mattress. I will speak to him about a blanket if you keep up the good work' Jordan said.

Thank you Sir' Max said to the Master he was falling in love with.

'I'm sorry he was so mean' Jordan said while running his finger through Max's hair. Jordan got some cream and applied it to Max's chest. It soothed the pain somewhat. Both guys made eye contact that lingered in Max's mind. He considered kissing Jordan before he got up and walked to the door.

'Sleep well, you must be exhausted' Jordan said before turning off the light and locking the door to the outhouse.