Civic Experiment

by Derekhello

11 Sep 2023 3269 readers Score 9.2 (31 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


Max tried to sleep in the dirty shed for the second night in a row. He hadn't showered in days and could smell the stale piss and sweat coming from his body. He was filthy and covered in dust. It brought his mind back to the incident that lead him to this place.

Two Years Ago

Max and his boyfriend Todd were driving towards a high school party. They just finished final exams. They had being together for about 6 months. Todd is Scottish and had moved with his family the previous fall or autumn as they call it in Scotland. At the time he was 18 a year older than Max.

Todd has long blond hair that is almost white. He is very athletic and fit. He plays for the schools soccer team. His abs are defined and his skin is so clear and perfect. His lips are slim and tender showing of his perfect teeth. His green eyes sparkle under his long eye lashes.

Max watches Todd play with his head band, pulling it up and down over his forehead as he drives. This will be the first time that Max will drink. He is nervous but Todd said he will look after him and stay sober for the night. Max feels like he is falling in love with him.

The party is only for a few close friends. Max and Todd haven't come out as gay yet to many people but three or four of their friends know. Tonight they will be able to relax and be open without hiding their relationship.

'Since I'm being the sober man tonight, and driving you around, I think you should reward me on the journey over' Todd said a cheeky grin appearing on his face.

'Oh really, what have you in mind' Max asked. Todd looked down at his crotch. A growing bulge was forming. He moved his hand down and pulled his dick out from his tracksuit bottoms. It was about 8 inches hard and stood straight up.

'What, here as we drive' Max said shocked. Todd nodded. 'But I'm the top'

'Not tonight' He said flashing his beautiful smile.

Max thought about it for a second. His dick was growing in his pants. It was dark out and the streets were almost empty. He had already had two vodkas and was feeling adventurous. He leaned over Todd s dick and pursed his lips around it.

He started slowly moving up and down no longer self conscious. He could hear Todd's breathing starting to deepen as they drove to their party. As he heard Todd begin to moan he quickened up the pace. He could feel precum leaking down his leg.

'Faster' Todd ordered.

Max had only sucked dick once before and he didn't get very deep. He was usually the one getting sucked. He began to gag before relaxing his throat and taking it all the way down. Todd started to moan heavily before shooting his load down his boyfriends throat.

'Just in time. We are about to arrive' Todd said. Max wiped some of the cum that had dripped out of his mouth. He noticed the familiar drive way of Jack's house.

I said earlier they had three or four friends. Three friends and Jack. Max and Jack didn't really like each other but they kept things amicable for the sake of the group. The three others Timotee, Bryce and Shawn all get along really well. All six of the guys are gay. Though Jack swears he isn't.

'Hey, you two' Jack said welcoming the couple in. Todd and Max walked in holding hands. It felt good to both of them to be able to hold hands in front of others. The six guys all embraced each other. They sat down and Bryce brought in 6 beers.

'None for me, I'm the designated driver, just going to drink some Coke tonight' Todd said. The guys all booed him but quickly accepted, except Jack who tried to convince Todd to change his mind. He stood strong though. The guys chatted and made jokes for a couple of hours getting slowly more drunk.

'OK' lets have some fun' Jack suggested.

'What have you in mind' Timotee asked.

'Well since, most of us are drunk and probably horny, lets play a game of strip poker' Jack.

The six lads looked around and smiled. They are all very horny Jack was right. Every guy had come to the thoughts of one of the others at some point in the last year. Bryce was the first to agree, followed by Shawn, Todd and Timotee, Max didn't want to be a spoil sport so said yes.

The guys sat at a round table and Jack laid the cards down. 'OK, so here is how it works, Shoes count as one item of clothing, socks another, T-shirt, Pants and underwear, so we all have five lives. That sound fair' The group nodded its approval.

'Texas hold em is the game, the winner of each round, gets to nominate who he wants to remove an item of clothing. So the winner holds all the power' Jack added.

'Yeah, OK, seems fair, I'm going to pee first give me five' Max said, he left to go to the bathroom, as he was out of sight Jack nodded to Todd. He poured some vodka into his glass of Coke. Max returned a few moments later and the game began.

The first round was a nervous affair. All the guys wanted to win very badly. They all wanted to see the other naked. Bryce likes Jack, Shawn likes Todd, Timotee likes everyone. They all wanted to win to see some skin and eventually somebody naked.

The winner of the first round was Shawn. He chose Bryce. He removed his shoes and smiled at Shawn. The group was getting more and more drunk. They were all having fun, and enjoying their end of year celebrations.

Max started to feel drunk, his head wasn't quite spinning but he was definitely getting close to being drunk. He didn't notice Jack continuously adding Vodka to Todd's Coke. He wasn't losing and was excited as more and more of his friends were revealing their bodies.

After the next four rounds Bryce was left barefoot, Timotee, Shawn and Jack where in there socks. Only Todd and Max had not being chosen to remove an item of clothing yet. Max was feeling good. He loved seeing bare feet and Bryce's are lovely. He also really wanted to try and humiliate Jack.

The next round didn't go as well as Max wanted and Jack won. To nobodies surprise he told Max to remove his shoes. It went further down hill from here, Jack won the next two rounds and Max was now shirtless showing the most amount of skin of everybody around the table.

Timotee won the next two rounds and chose Todd both times. The game was starting to get intense, Max was drawn good cards and was sure he was about to win but Jack beat him on the river card. Max was now in his boxers and one piece of clothing away from being naked.

He was beginning to get hard again but noticed that only Jack was choosing him to lose clothing. As long as Jack didn't win he would be safe for at least a few rounds. Another round played out and for the first time in the evening Todd won a round. Max felt relieved, he would surely choose Jack.

'So who do you choose' Shawn asked.

'Max' Todd answered. Everyone started to laugh and Jack and Todd gave each other a high five. Max couldn't believe his ears. The five other boys start chanting strip. Max felt he had no choice and stood up, put his fingers in the waste band of his boxers and pulled them down. His hard cock flopped upward.

Max stood naked in front of his five friends, he was drunk and embarrassed but he felt slightly betrayed. Todd convinced him that they were just having fun which calmed him down. The drink helped, I mean they are all his friends he just didn't expect Todd to go that way.

'OK, lets continue to play, another few rounds, Max can still play but if he loses the next round he has to do a punishment. If he is chosen of course' Jack said.

'No' I'll just watch the last few rounds, naked' Max said.

'Come on we are having fun' Todd said to a clearly nervous Max. He thought about it for a moment and then thought why not. He smiled and another round began. Another two rounds went by Timotee and Shawn won and they both chose Bryce. He was now down to his boxers.

Max felt good now, he was naked but Bryce in his skimpy boxers was practically naked. He wanted the game to end. He was now starting to feel very drunk. Todd noticed his boyfriend was getting drunk and said they will play one last round and he will take Max home.

It did feel odd being the only one of the group naked but was happy he wasn't chosen to do a punishment. He wanted to see Jack's slim body naked. He also wanted him to feel the embarrassment of stripping in front of everyone. Especially since Jack chose him so many times.

Max hoped to see Jack naked, he also really wanted to go home and sleep. He was very drunk at this point. The final game played and Max was happy to see he had a good hand. An Ace king, the flop showed a king, queen and a four.

He knew he had a great chance of winning, he started to get cocky in his drunken state and said he will do a double punishment if he loses but if he wins. I get to choose somebody to strip. He wanted so much to humiliate Jack and see him naked. Get a sort of revenge.

The turn card showed another 4 and he was sure he was going to win. Bryce suggested everyone turn their cards up for the final card to be drawn. They all did and as Max scanned around the cards disappointment grew, Jack had a four. Which meant he had three of them. He needed a King to win.

Bryce dealt the last card it was a queen. he had two pair but it wasn't enough to beat Jack. To Max's surprise losing made him very horny. Jack sat there smiling. He had barely lost the entire night and now could give a double punishment to Max.

'Well Scotty you know him best. Give me an idea for punishment number one, what will it be Scotty?' Jack asked Max's boyfriend using the nickname Todd was given when he first arrived from Scotland.

'You know he is very ticklish, maybe use that' Todd said, it felt like a betrayal to Max. He reminded himself though they were just having fun.

'Alright then, Bryce tie his hands behind his back. For the next ten minutes we are all going to tickle him' Max's head dropped. Todd would tease him in bed by tickling him. It made him go nuts. Max was convinced every part of his body was ticklish.

Bryce used a tie to bound Max's arms behind his back. It wasn't too tight and Max decided not to struggle. They are his friends and the worse they are going to do is tickle him. Even though he thought that this would be a torturous ten minutes.

The five friends surrounded Max and started to tickle every part of his body. He wriggled and laughed, and begged for mercy within seconds. They were all tickling his sides, legs and armpits. His dick was rock hard as was that of his five friends. The more he begged the more it seemed to turn everyone on.

Max fell on his back from all the wriggling and then the group went after his feet. Everyone was now laughing very hard and having a good time. He couldn't resist begging which was turning everyone on more. After the ten minutes finished, Todd dragged to him to his knees. Max was out of breath.

'I don't know about you guys but I am very turned on right now. What about all of you' Jack asked. The entire group nodded their agreement.

'For the final punishment, lets all relieve our hard dicks. We are all going to come and watch each other come on Max's face and naked body'. Max was still trying to catch his breath so didn't notice the smiles on all four of his friends faces and Jack's.

The five mostly dressed guys took their hard dicks out and started to slowly move their hands up and down. They formed a circle around Max. His dick must have been the hardest as he watched his five friends pumping their meat.

Bryce's eyes were on Jack, Shawn's on Todd's, Timotee eyes darted around at everyone's dick. Todd and Jack both stared down at the naked and bound Max on his knees. All the guys were now starting to moan deeply. Todd had only come a few hours earlier but he was still getting close and quickly.

Max watched in anticipation memorised by what he was witnessing. He thought this was the sexiest moment of his life. He was brought out of his daze when Shawn's cum hit him on the forehead. He could feel the cum rolling down his face.

Timothee was the next to cum, it hits Max's chest. The long curly haired twink leaned down and kissed Max on the forehead licking some of Shawn's cum off. Bryce then came Just as Timotee was licking Max's face some hit the left side of Timothee's face. They both smiled at one another.

Todd came on his boyfriends face, right between the eyes. It rolled down his cheeks. Jack was pumping hard and watching Max closely. As he got very close he aimed for Max's now open mouth. He let loose rope after rope of cum that all went into Max's mouth.

Max was now on his knees, cum all over his body and face. He swallowed a lot of Jack's cum but not all. Come was dripping from his lips and down his chin. All the boys were sweaty and out of breath. They patted Max on the back and called him a good sport. Max was now feeling very drunk and horny.

Max stumbled to his feet and picked up his cloths. 'No, stay naked, it will make the drive home even sexier' Todd suggested. Max had by know lost all inhibitions so just nodded his agreement.

The 6 friends said goodbye to one another. Todd and Max were the last to leave Jack's house. Max's legs felt wobbly as he walked to the car. Todd wrapped his arms around his naked shoulders and helped him to the car.

Once inside they kissed for a few minutes. Max could swear he could taste alcohol of his lovers breath but since he had drank so much he assumed it was his owns. He rubbed Todd's thigh and leant back in the passenger chair.

'OK, let's go' Todd said his words slightly slurred but Max didn't register as he was half asleep.

Max could feel the car speeding. Todd was always a bit of a boy racer. Max hated how much he liked to speed. He always wondered what Todd's parents would say if he ever crashed the expensive car they gave him as an incentive to pass his exams.

He felt the car starting to swerve and opened his eyes. It all happened so fast. He could see headlights in the distance and noticed they were on the wrong side of the road. A moment later a crashing sound, his head banged against the back of the seat and he passed out.

His eyes opened a while later. It took them a while to readjust. He thought of Todd and looked to his left but only saw faint signs of siren lights through a window. He looked to his right and saw an empty passenger seat. He was so groggy and confused he couldn't at this point remember anything.

He was in the driver seat. How did he get there. Did he drive after the beers, where was Todd. He hoped he was OK. He tried to move but his legs but they felt numb. Then the drivers door opened and he was dragged out by a police officer. He was handcuffed naked covered in cum and put in a police car.

He was taken to a police station naked and interrogated. He wasn't sure what had happened and since he loved Todd so much he tried to protect him. He said he must have being driving, but it would all be cleared up soon. He just needed to get in contact with Todd.

He was charged with manslaughter and reckless endangerment and drinking under the influence. He was waiting for Todd to come and tell what really happened. But Todd could not be reached. He tried contacting his friends, Bryce, Timothee and Shawn all said they had not heard from him. Jack never responded.

When he stood in court in front of the family and friends of the victims he sobbed. He tried to tell how he was innocent how he didn't drive that night. But not the Jury, Judge or family believed him. They all applauded as he was sentenced to life in prison.

Tyler and Zac

Tyler awoke after about 4 hours sleep he felt ashamed, degraded and humiliated. He didn't sleep for most of the night. Just lay there trying to sleep with the boxers in his mouth. He felt betrayed but a part of him knew he enjoyed it. Zac controlling him felt natural he felt good submitting.

Zac woke around a similar time he too enjoyed what was happening although he had no trouble in sleeping. He thought long and hard about what to do next. Since the experiment started he had made an extra 15,000 dollars but was beginning to wonder if money was worth betraying his best friend.

Tyler would understand, after all if the roles were reversed. He fully expected him to be doing the same thing. Zac was in the mood to explore the grounds he needed some fresh air. Zac went over to Tyler opened the cage and uncuffed him using the Ipad and removed the gag from his mouth. 'Morning boi'

Tyler just stared back lack of sleep had made him cranky and he wasn’t in the mood to be polite. 'Piss off dude' Tyler said it without even thinking and knew that Zac would be forced to respond firmly .He grabbed Tyler's arm and pulled him up. Tyler didn't even fight it. 'Sorry dude... I was joking ... please I'm sorry'

Zac pulled him over to the bed. `Don't struggle I swear boi or you will regret it' He sat down and pulled Tyler over his knees and started to spank him. He hit him twenty times before he even realized what he had done.

The power was going to his head. He in no way regretted what he was doing it just wasn't a coherent decision. Tyler's ass was now bright red. He had tears running down his face. He wanted to get up and run away but his legs betrayed him.

After the twentieth spank he continued but not quite as hard. He started to remember that Tyler was his best friend. He usually protected his friends. Here he was though hurting him, humiliating him. He thought of himself in the reverse position.

He was about to stop when he looked at the numbers spinning upward on the prize fund. He then started to go faster. Tyler was begging him to stop. He felt so humiliated and low. Zac pushed him off he pulled him up by his collar and connected a leash to it.

'Let's go for a walk' Zac led Tyler who was crawling on his knees out the door and towards the back door that lead to the outside.

'We both need some fresh air and some exercise' Zac had received a task on the Ipad when he awoke. It said simply show him how he is nothing more than a filthy animal. Make him crawl through the grounds. We left it muddy to add to his humiliation.

This will be the first time they will leave the building since the experiment began. The whole yard is covered in mud. It has being raining a lot lately and the grounds are poorly kept. There are puddles of water surrounded by inches of mud.

'Can I stand up Sir?' with this question Zac pulled the leash choking his best friend.

'No, this is an assigned task, I don't have a choice' He start walking and Tyler was crawling through mud. His hands were completely covered in dirt. As were his knees down to his feet. Despite the fact that Zac's feet were covered in mud he didn't care and was determined to continue walking to add to Tyler's humiliation.

'Let's go further'. Mud splashed onto Tyler's chest and stomach. He felt filthy and wanted this to end. The thought of the money, it didn't seem to matter any more all he wanted was to have control again.

Zac was taking great amusement in watching his friend get covered in more and more mud. He wanted his friend to know how low he was. He wanted him to feel like a dirty pig crawling around in filth. He surprised himself at how much he was enjoying being a Master.

Tyler wanted to say something but was too afraid . He didn't even realize what was happening but Zac was straddling him on his back and simply said eat dirt boi. He grabbed Tyler's long hair and shoved his face into the mud and pulled it out he gave him a few seconds and then shoved it back in.

‘OK, you must need to pee by now’ Tyler nodded. He hadn’t peed since the night before and really needed to go.

‘Then go’ Zac ordered. Tyler tried to get up but Zac put his hand on his shoulder preventing him from rising.

‘No, here now as you are’.

Tyler shook his head but knew he had to comply. He needed to go badly but it was difficult with his friend staring down at him. After a minute or two he started forming a puddle in the mud below him. It felt good to relieve himself. Zac pulled on the leash forcing Tyler to crawl through the puddle of his own piss.

'OK, roll around in your piss' Tyler as he had since the experiment began doing as he was ordered within a few seconds. He felt utterly humiliated.

Zac was laughing pretty hard and he twirled him on to his back and spat in his face. He was now lying in mud and his own piss. 'You're a filthy boi' he stuck his mud covered toe into Tyler's mouth and he tried to spit it out but couldn't.

Tyler’s chest and upper legs is now the only thing not covered in mud. Zac told him to get on his chest as he did he gave five hard slaps to his ass that stung more than anything else. ‘OK let's continue walking’, they continued for about 30mins Tyler's knees are getting very sore. Zac had decided that he had had enough.

'OK you earned a break lets go back'

They got back to the building and Tyler was covered in mud. OK stand there hands on head. He took out the hose and started to hose down Tyler. The water was fast and extremely cold, Tyler could barely breath. He didn't dare say a word though. He felt like an animal being cleaned by its owner.

When he was finished Zac said good boi which actually made Tyler feel pretty good. Zac made the water warm and filled up a bucket he walked over sat down and told Tyler to clean his feet. He hated washing his feet like most things Zac had made him do but he was just relieved that he wasn't licking the mud off.

He washed his shins and ankles and then moved on to his feet he was surprised by how smooth they were. Zac felt relaxed he could see through the window the money had gone up another couple of grand and felt even better he started to notice his dick was beginning to stir a little bit. 'Come on hurry up man'

They re- entered the apartment and Zac ordered Tyler to cook some food for them both. Tyler didn’t realise how hungry he was before he started to chop onions for some pasta. Zac watched TV and flicked through the Ipad as his slave cooked him his meal.

Tyler brought two bowls of pasta and offered one to Zac. He went to sit beside his friend but was told to sit on the floor. He did so and didn’t really care. He was so hungry all he wanted to do was eat, feeling humiliated could wait.

‘Look at the screen and the money Tyler’ Zac said softly.

Tyler did so as he was eating. He noticed the money going down slowly and was confused.

‘You see I’m not such a bad guy. It says if you are given food you will enjoy the money will go down. But I thought you deserved a nice meal for all the money you earned us. It’s worth it and we can always replenish what we lose’ as Zac said this he rubbed his friend’s long hair like a dog.

‘What does it say I should be eating’ Tyler asked.

‘Slave slop, but don’t worry unless you piss me off I am not going to do that. You have done well boi’. This made Tyler feel very proud and also a lot happier with his current situation. The money though falling was now at $117,567. This was the first time he was happy with his friend in days.

Tyler cleaned up and they watched more TV and played video games for a few hours. The hours passed by but Zac didn't do anything more to Tyler who he thought looked tired. Tyler was yawning after his lack of sleep the night before.

'I was looking through the pad and found the option to give you a slave name. I think you exhibited today what your slave name should be. For the next 6 months I am going to refer to you as Filth. I think it is appropriate' Zac said while laughing.

'Lets go to your bedroom Filth' they entered Tyler's bedroom and Zac ordered his friend to lie on the bed he tied his feet and hands to each corner of the bed so he was spread eagle face up. 'No dog cage for you tonight Filth, I'll let you sleep in the your bed'

Tyler was delighted he was getting to go asleep in a much more comfortable position. Even with his hands and arms tied he felt he could get comfortable. It also meant he was finished for the day. It was only 6 PM but Tyler felt exhausted.

To his horror Zac came back in with an electric razor, cream and a blade. 'What are you going to do Sir?' Zac smiled only men can have body hair. 'OK man let me go and I'll shave myself' Zac just grinned

'it's much more humiliating to have someone else do it, don't you agree Filth'.

He used the electric razor to shave his pubes, armpits and legs. Then lathered him up completely and used the blade. Tyler realized he liked the lathering up part and his dick was straining in his cage. When he was finished he untied Tyler turned him over and shaved the back of him.

He lifted him up and told him to look at his pathetic body in the mirror. Tyler couldn't even look at his body he felt abused. He pulled a chair for Tyler to sit on in front of the mirror. He taped his hands to the arms of chair and did the same with his feet. He walked behind him and slowly caressed his long hair.

'I know how much you love your long hair, how often you would wash it. I was, I must admit very jealous of it. It just shines better than mine' Tyler felt a shudder go down his spine. He feared what was about to come.

'Please no Sir, please don't do this' Tyler pleaded before Zac had even threatened anything. Zac picked up the torn boxers once more and shoved them into Tyler's mouth and put some tape over it keeping them in place.

'Shhh, it won't take long.' Zac said while running his finger down Tyler's face ever so gently. He picked up the electric razor and walked in front of Tyler. He sat on Tyler's lap straddling him. The pressure on Tyler's cage felt good under Zac's weight. He so needed to cum.

Zac brought the razor to to the front of Tyler's head and ran it upward. Tyler could feel the heat of the razor as it ran through his hair. He noticed clumps of hair falling onto his smooth chest. He couldn't believe what was happening. It took him years to get his hair just right.

More and more clumps of hair fell from Tyler's head. Zac got of his lap and moved around behind him. Tyler could now see his reflection in the mirror. The centre of his head was now shaved leaving long hair either side. Zac continued to shave him from behind.

Tyler now had a perfect view as ball after ball of hair fell to the ground. He felt like crying but didn't want to give him the satisfaction. Zac continued until Tyler now had a skinhead. He hated the look of his head shaved. There was nothing he could do about it now though.

'Will we shave your eyebrows.' Zac teased and Tyler frantically shook his head. 'Don't worry I won't do that.' Zac left the room leaving Tyler to look at himself in the mirror. His body was completely smooth and his hair was now gone. Zac returned with a huge smile on his face.

'You won't believe this but that just made us $1,000. And you know Filth it will grow back in a year, we will be on some beach in South America outside our rented villa and we will know this was worth it. Just wait and see'

Tyler promised himself in that moment that when this was over he would take his half of the money and never see Zac again. Zac undid the tape around his arms and Legs and lifted him up. Tyler was standing naked in a pile of his own hair, completely devoid of any body hair.

Zac tied his hands behind his back and said that's enough for tonight good night and pushed him onto his bed. He turned the light out and left the room leaving Tyler uncomfortable and utterly humiliated. How could Zac shave his head like that he thought as he tried to sleep still gagged with the underwear.

'Get some sleep you will need it Filth'