Born to Bottom

by Clark Wayne

27 Feb 2022 8913 readers Score 9.6 (108 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

An hour earlier…

Rob led the two marines into the “red room” as it was called. A room decked out in red velvet, every inch of it. I’m the center of the room was a very large circular bed with red satin sheets, a small side table held bottles of lube and poppers.

Mason wasn’t sure he trusted Rob, he was too cocky and arrogant. He wasn’t sure he liked the way Rob stared at him like he was fresh meat. Still, there was something in the jock’s eyes that were not only hungry but passionate. He paid more attention to Mason than he did Tyler.

Rob knew the two came as a pair and he was ok with that. He would get to Tyler first and then work Mason down. Rob wasn’t stupid. He knew Tyler was a cock whore. He could tell just by watching him that the boy would much rather get fucked than top. And it was obvious Tyler was putting up a front for his buddy. He was a follower and Mason was the leader. Tyler might have been in love with Mason as some point, but then who wouldn’t be.

“What are we doing in here?” Mason asked, looking around at the red tapestries and red velvet. “I think I saw this room in a vampire movie,” he said sarcastically. Tyler laughed.

Rob sat down on the bed. “This room is just a little less crowded tonight. Have a seat.”

Mason looked at him suspiciously. Tyler, on the other hand, plopped right down next to Rob.

“I need a drink,” Mason said, avoiding the bed. He walked over to a fridge with a glass door, took out a water bottle and chugged it down. Rob watched the gorgeous, naked marine drink the water, the kid’s abs were tight, his whole-body flexing. He was sure Mason was flexing for his benefit. Mason crumpled up the bottle and tossed it aside.

Rob leaned back against Tyler, his head resting on the boy’s abdomen, feeling the blonde marine’s hard quads with one hand, the other reaching up, pulling the kid’s head down, meeting in a kiss.

“Fuck you’re hot, kid,” Rob said to Tyler.

“I fucking love your body,” Tyler replied.

Mason watched the two feel each other, watched them kiss, admired Rob’s long, fat cock. The marine was a little jealous watching his buddy make himself comfortable with the college jock. He felt a connection with Rob but didn’t understand what it was. Mason had known he was into dudes since he was in high school. He didn’t act on it until he enlisted in the corp. There, he felt he had the confidence and swagger to finally venture into the gay unknown. Sure, he fucked women but that was a front. The first night out to his first gay bar, he met Tyler, recognized him from the post and they became fast friends. They tagged a cute little muscle bottom that night. They both were attractive with killer bodies and started prowling the bars together because two marines always got more attention.

Mason was brought up in a strict, Christian household to an Asian mother and his retired, Caucasian, marine father. The man was an asshole and raised him to be one as well. Mason was conditioned to be the alpha, the most masculine, the most athletic, the most confident man in the room. What his dad didn’t know was that his uber-masculine son was really into dudes. Being raised the way he was he believed that if he was going to fuck dudes, he was only going to top. In his mind, only faggots, not real men got fucked. He still saw gender roles but was only attracted to masculine men. Deep down he was curious as to what it felt like to bottom, but there is no way he was going to give in to that curiosity. He was a real man, after all. Tyler knew Mason’s views on guys who bottom so he never told him that he loves to get fucked. He liked Mason too much and didn’t want Mason to think less of him. Mason kept his sexuality hidden from his family to this day. Now that he was stationed far from home, he could experiment with his sexuality and see what it was all about. Now, with Tyler, he was fucking his way through San Diego and wherever else he finds ass. The marines trained him and Tyler to be recruiters, using their marine poster boy looks to recruit high schoolers and college students who were graduating soon.

“Dude, at ease,” Tyler said to Mason with a roll of his eyes. “You’re fucking with my vibe.”

“Yeah, marine,” Rob inserted his comment. “There’s other things more fun to fuck with.”

Mason scowled. Damn, he thought Rob was sexy as fuck. He knew the guy was all top but something about the alpha aura he gave off was enticing and it made him even more attractive.

Mason sat down next to Tyler.

“God, you make my dick so hard,” Tyler moaned to Rob who was now stroking his cock.

“Yeah, I see that. Normally, I don’t do this, but I thought tonight I would support the troops,” Rob said as he spun his body over and engulfed Tyler’s cock in his mouth.

Mason’s jaw dropped and Tyler sucked in a big breath of air. “Oh, my fucking god!” Tyler called out as Rob gave him an expert blow job.

Rob knew how to suck cock and he was good at it. He didn’t do it often because he felt that was an act of submission. But now, he was doing it to gain trust and break down Tyler, the slut of the two.

Mason watched in awe as the gorgeous athlete deep throated his buddy. The muscles in his body flexing, his forearms were corded with muscle, his big hand formed a firm grip on Tyler’s long cock as he stroked it while he sucked.

“You like that, marine?” Rob asked after he pulled off the cock with a pop.

“Oh, fuck yeah, dude,” Tyler yelled out. He put his hands on Rob’s head and pushed it down onto his cock. Rob let him. There’s no way he would ever normally let a dude force his head down on a cock. This was part of his plan as he slobbered on his fingers to get them nice and wet.

Rob snaked his hand down between the blonde’s legs as he sucked, a distraction. Mason watched and never said anything. Rob’s fingers found the marine’s smooth hole. “He shaves his hole,” Rob thought. “Perfect.” He pushed in slightly, making Tyler jump. He pushed again with his wet finger until it popped past the outer ring. Tyler let out a loud groan. Rob continued to suck the kid while he inserted his finger farther inside the boy’s hole. Tyler’s legs spread wide suddenly. Rob inserted another finger and began fingering the kid, making Tyler thrust his ass down onto Rob’s hand.

Mason watched Rob work and was envious and intimidated at the same time. Rob was so good at manipulation. This was a bold move for this college kid to assume he could finger his buddy and have his way with him. But it was working. He watched Tyler thrashing himself around, he was in ecstasy having his ass played with. Rob now had three fingers inside Tyler. Mason was licking his lips, hungry for his buddy’s tight ass and also hungry for Rob as he watched the expert alpha take control of Tyler.

Rob stopped sucking but continued fingering. “Like that, marine?” he asked Tyler. “Like your marine pussy being played with?”

“Fuck yeah! Finger my pussy!” Tyler replied.

Mason’s jaw dropped in disbelief at hearing his stud best friend begging a dude to finger his “pussy?”

Rob grinned at Mason while speaking to Tyler, “I’m going to do more then finger your pussy.”

Tyler spread his legs even wider for the handsome college jock and panted, “Do it! Get that ass!”

Again, Mason was taken aback but was turned on at seeing his gorgeous muscular best friend beg like a faggot to be fucked.

“Pretty boy,” Rob said to Mason, “Hand me the lube,” he said pointing at the lube on the table.

In a daze, Mason did as he was directed. Rob squeezed a glob onto his cock and then another on Tyler’s hole. He crawled between the blonde’s muscular legs, lifted his ankles onto his own shoulders, took aim and touched his cock head to the tight hole and held there. He looked down into Tyler’s face and said, “I’m coming in, slut,”

Before Tyler could say anything, Rob sank straight down into the tight confines of the marine’s hole. Tyler howled out in both pleasure and pain. Mason was stunned at how easy Rob’s cock sank in without resistance. He watched Rob waste no time in moving to push up position and slam-fuck his best friend.

Mason watched Rob’s muscular ass flex and dimple at the sides. The man’s enormous muscular, tanned body took control and possessed his buddy’s ass. Tyler’s voice became hoarse with grunts and groans and yelps.

But what affected Mason the most was Rob’s eyes as he stared into Mason’s the whole time, he was fucking Tyler. They two lasered in and didn’t break eye contact, Rob fucking hard, but giving all his attention to Mason. Suddenly, Mason wanted to know what Tyler felt, he wanted to know what it was like to be under the control of a man like Rob. His buddy seemed to love it so much, Mason wanted to love it too.

Rob leaned back, held out Tyler’s legs wide by the ankles. Mason scooted closer to Rob, never losing eye contact. Tyler kept screaming out, moaning in pleasure. Mason’s cock was rock hard, red, pre-cum dripping. He looked down to see Rob’s cock sawing in and out of the marine’s ass. Then he felt Rob’s hand on the back of his neck, it brought him close, and Rob kissed his plump lips. Mason didn’t hold back and savagely attacked the man’s mouth with his own. The wrestled with each other’s mouths, slurping and licking while Rob kept fucking.

Mason pulled away and whispered to Rob, “Fuck him. Fuck him so hard.”

Rob grinned, “Anything for you.” Mason felt a jolt of electricity shoot through his chest because he knew Rob was telling the truth. He didn’t know how he knew; he just did.

Mason turned and leaned over Tyler’s sweaty face. “Hey! You fucking faggot! You like getting fucked?”

Tyler swallowed hard and replied, “FUCK YES! I love getting fucked.”

Mason slapped him upside the head and moved back to Rob. “Destroy his cunt,” he growled before kissing his new friend.

“I’m going to destroy it and then I’m going to cum in it,” Rob told him, eye contact intense. “You want me to?”

“Yes. Breed his cunt.”

After a few minutes of heavy pounding, Rob reared up, threw back his head and released his load into the blonde muscle boy under him.

“That was so hot,” Mason said as he kissed Rob again.

Rob pulled back from the kiss and took Mason’s handsome face in his hands.

“I want you,” Rob said in all seriousness to Mason.

Mason pulled back and asked, confused, “What do you mean?”

“It means what I said. I want you.”

“You mean you want to…”

“Fuck you? Yeah.”

Mason scoffed and said, “Nah. Sorry, dude. You’re hot as fuck and everything but there’s no way you’re doing to me what you just did to him,” Mason said nodding towards Tyler who was lying back exhausted.

“I wouldn’t do that to you, Mason,” Rob told him, scooting closer to him. “Not at first.”

“Not at first?” Mason laughed. “How about not at all, bro?”

“Rob. Call me Rob, not bro,” Rob said gently.

“Ok. ROB. How about not at all?”

Rob took Mason into his arms, and they made out, their hands all over each other.

“You’ll love it,” Rob said quietly.

“Yeah dude, you’ll love it, Mase,” Tyler ringed in.

“No, dude,” he said to Tyler. “Shut up or else I’ll fuck you until you bleed!” Mason snapped.

“Finally!” Tyler exclaimed.

Mason rolled his eyes at his buddy. “Yeah, we need to talk about shit later.”

Rob tackled Mason down to the bed and climbed on top of him, covering his body with his own. Mason loved the feel of the smooth muscular athlete’s weight on top of him. The hard smooth muscle, powerful and aggression as it took over his body. He was letting Rob get the better of him, letting him take control, letting his worship his body. This had never happened before. They kissed again.

“I want to be inside you,” Rob whispered.

Mason swallowed hard, his mouth dry. He turned his head to Tyler who was laying on his side, watching the two studs. Tyler thought seeing his alpha buddy give in to the beautiful man on top of him was the hottest thing he’d every seen. Tyler shrugged his shoulders and smiled a tight-lipped smile.

“Give in, Mase. For once in your fucking life, give in.”

Mason looked back up into Rob’s blue eyes, searching for some kind of answer. Rob wrestled the marine’s knees apart, settled down between them. Rob lifted one of Mason’s legs behind the knee and set it up around his waist. Reluctantly, Rob lifted the other one and wrapped both legs around Rob’s small waist. He liked to feeling of Rob between his open legs, he felt vulnerable for the first time in his life, but he was ok with it.

Rob started to hump his cock against Mason’s, he leaned forward to kiss the handsome marine. It was a passionate kiss.

“I have to be inside you, Mason. It’s going to happen,” Rob told the marine.

Mason let out a soft whimper. His heart was pounding, and he felt himself tremble.

“God, you’re so perfect, Mason. You’re everything I want in a man,” Rob cooed in his ear. This was a far cry from the arrogant, cocky asshole Mason had witnessed all night. He couldn’t tell if he was being played but he wanted it to be real. “I want to be inside you, feel your hole wrap around my cock. I want you to feel me inside you, throbbing, making love to you.”

Normally, Mason would laugh at such gooey, gay talk but it was working on him. Rob was everything he wanted in a man as well. This was all happening so quick. What kind of man would he be to lose his cherry to a dude after knowing him for only a few hours?

Rob took the lube, reached down with the bottle, and squeezed some onto Mason’s hole. Mason flinched at the coldness. Rob kissed him as his finger swirled around Mason’s hole, gently pushing in.

“Relax, Mason. I’ve got you,” Rob whispered. Mason just nodded his head while wincing.

Rob’s finger popped through, Mason grunted and hissed. Rob held it there until the marine got used to it. Then he slowly pushed it in and pulled it out, building up speed as he went. Mason thought it was a very strange feeling, having another dude’s finger up his ass but after the initial pain, it felt pretty good.

“Good boy,” Rob said to him. Mason liked that. “Here comes another one,” Rob announced to him as he added another finger. Mason winced again; his hole being stretched wide. Rob kissed him while he double fingered the tight ass. Mason was starting to enjoy the feeling in his ass. He liked looking up at Rob who was receiving so much joy from Mason’s perfect body. Mason was proud of his body and the fact that another man was obsessed with it, made Mason want to please Rob even more.

Soon, there were three fingers. Rob loosened the kid up, making sure his first time was a painless as possible. “It’s time,” Rob told him as he lifted Mason’s legs, resting his calves on his shoulders. Mason looked up and saw his own legs on another man’s shoulders, knowing what was about to happen but feeling good it was going to be Rob to be his first top.

Mason felt the tip being pushed against his asshole. He looked up at Rob, took his head and brought it down to his and whispered, “Don’t play me, dude. I’m serious. Don’t bitch me and then boot me out.”

Rob had a serious expression on his face, a softness in his eyes. “I won’t, Mason. I promise.” Rob pushed though the tight ring with his cock. Mason lost his breath, clenched his teeth, and groaned. He pushed back on Rob’s pelvis, so Rob stopped and let the marine get used to it.

“Oh god,” Mason whimpered. “THIS is what it feels like? Fuck, dude,” he said looking at Tyler. “How do you do this all the time?”

Tyler laughed and replied, “Trust me, Mase. It gets so much better.”

“You ok?” Rob asked.

Mason just groaned again, tears forming in his eyes. He was pushing back harder now but Rob wasn’t having it. It was time for some tough love.

“No. Don’t push away. You’re a fucking United States Marine, take it like a fucking man! You’re not a fucking pussy, are you?”

Mason wasn’t used to being talked to like this but also, it was a language he understood.

“Are you? Are you a fucking pussy? Because I don’t have time for fucking pussies!” Rob said sternly. That woke Mason from his hesitancy.

Mason furrowed his brow, a look of utter determination on his face. Rob could tell he had got to him and now, the marine was about to show him what kind of man he was.

Mason took a few deep breaths and said, “Don’t ever call me a pussy.” He curled himself up in a crunch, reaching back behind Rob’s ass and pulled the man all the way inside in one pull. Mason’s eyes went wide, his jaw dropped, and he groaned inside his closed mouth. He heard Tyler gasp.

Rob smiled and reveled in the feeling of his cock deep to the root inside the marine’s ass. “That’s my boy.” He kissed Mason. “That’s my beautiful, tough marine.”

“God, you’re so amazing,” Mason said, his voice strained. “Fuck me, Rob. Fuck me.”

Rob slowly screwed the kid, eventually, speeding up and fucking the kid with gusto. Mason was shocked at how good it felt being fucked. He now understood every bottom he’d ever fucked and how much they said they loved getting fucked.

By now, Brian and a few other guys had sauntered in, hearing the moans from the impaled marine. They gathered around and watched the show, stroking their cocks, kissing, and fondling.

They watched Rob rut inside the handsome marine. Tyler lay back with his legs spread, fingering his hole. He looked around the bed at all the men and said, “Who wants some marine pussy?”

Rob continued to fuck Mason while Tyler hosted a slew of men in his ass. It turned out Tyler was quite the whore when it came to cock. He begged for more, taunted the men to fuck him harder, and they obliged. Brian stepped up and buried his cock inside the slutty marine’s cunt. That’s when Doug walked in with Grant and Sean.

Back to the present…

Rob and Mason were in a close lock, Rob fucking Mason as if his life depending on it.

Doug was right next to them fucking Tyler with the same fervor.

Sean looked at Brian and winked at him. “I know my boy here is done for the night,” he said nodding to Grant. “But I’m not about to pass up getting fucked between two hot marines.”

“Is that an invitation?” Brian laughed.

Sean lay down between Mason and Tyler. He looked over at the two marines and with a grin he met each one in a fist bump. They all three laughed as they did.

Brian looked at Grant. “Well, here goes nothing.”

He stepped up between Sean’s legs, slid in and went to town.

by Clark Wayne

Email: [email protected]

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