Born to Bottom

by Clark Wayne

21 Apr 2023 9997 readers Score 9.6 (90 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Sean woke up, jumped out of bed and headed to the gym. He had four hours of sleep, but he was used to that. He didn’t need much sleep. He could party all night and still show up in the morning for a hard workout in the gym. 

The reason Sean could workout at the drop of a hat was because he loved the way he looked. Simple as that. Knowing he was going to be developing his body, making it more desirable and erotic for dudes like Rob and Brian to fuck made him excited to workout. He felt a high, a euphoria when working out, especially when squatting. He loved to work his ass. His ass was bulbous, high and tight with a deep dimple on either side of his glutes. He loved to show it off. In the gym he wore the tightest tights, and, on the street, he wore the tightest jeans. His built, ripped jock body stretching his clothes to their max, muscles threatening to break the seams and explode out, enticed other men. No one could resist an ass attached to that body. His light skin he got from his interracial parents, black father and white mother. The combination made his skin tone light brown, and his blue/green eyes were magnetic, glowing.

At the gym, Sean was vain, primping and flexing in the gym mirrors, always keeping his eyes out for another hot muscle jock to flaunt himself in front of. He was so ripped and proportionate that it wasn’t uncommon for guys to walk up to him almost daily and prod him with questions about his workout and diet. Normally, he would get pissed if someone interrupted his workout but, if they were hot, he’d gladly take a break to chat.

The bi-curious guys at the gym who were married or single were drawn to Sean. He was their type of guy, the type who if they were to fool around with another guy, it would be him. He was butch, masculine, rough around the edges but still very attractive. He wasn’t the stereotypical effeminate gay dude they see on TV or in porn. He was a physical specimen, someone they wanted to look like and be like. Finding out he was gay was a fantasy fulfilled. Sean made more than one straight/bi-curious man turn to the dark side or at least stick around as a fuck buddy when the wife or girlfriend wasn’t putting out.

Sean was a master at identifying the closet cases, the ones on the DL, not bi, but living a double life. They were usually the hot guys with the best bodies in the gym hitting him up with questions about working out, just to get close to him. Right, like THEY needed advice, Sean would muse. He knew the dude was game for some ass. Once that was established, Sean was bold and blunt. Quietly, he would lean in and whisper “Fuck me.” After the shock of Sean’s bluntness wore off, they would leave, and Sean was full of muscle cum within the hour.

Ever since the first time he had sex his freshman year with his swim coach, he has been addicted to dick. Sean had traded blowjobs with a few guys his own age, so he wasn’t a stranger to guy-on-guy but nothing hardcore until the coach. Coach Thompson had a speedo fetish and wanted to see Sean’s muscular bubble ass sporting one. He talked Sean into joining the swim team. Even in ninth-grade Sean had an amazing ass. The first time Thompson had him slide into that red speedo, feeling the tight slick material sliding up his freshly shaved muscular legs and feeling the tightness of the suit compress around his muscular bubble ass, he was hooked. Sean soon found himself bent over a desk in Thompson’s office. For the next year, Sean was used to showing up during his free period and getting nailed Thompson’s office. Sean was a superior athlete and excelled in swimming, but his first love was football.

So far Sean’s high school career had been filled with swimmers, wrestlers, football players, a certain male cheerleader and a few other guys who weren’t jocks, but they were hot. Sean even put out for a teammate’s gorgeous, closeted dad in exchange for huge donations to the team to buy new uniforms. If the other guys on the team knew their new uniforms were made possible because Sean was pimping himself out to a buddy’s dad, they would never believe it. After all, who would suspect a gorgeous football player with a beautiful girlfriend of taking cock in his ass like a common whore. His girlfriend didn’t know she was his cover. He fucked her constantly to put up a good front and it worked, he just had to visualize a hot guy fucking him to stay hard. He built a reputation as a womanizer and a tough guy. He liked to brawl, often seen limping from a fight with a cut lip or a black eye. Once again, who could imagine the cocky jock begging a guy to nut inside his tight ass.

Today, Sean was a little distracted. He found he had to sit down a few times because every time he would think about last night with Grant, he would start to stiffen. It’s hard to hide a boner in compression tights.

He kept remembering watching Grant sucking cock like a man obsessed, watching him on all fours, his beautiful ass in the air being spit-roasted by two muscular older men or two football trainers. The way he looked while on his back, ripped muscular legs shooting up in the air, resting on built shoulders, his knees to his chest as his ass was pummeled by a guy who thought he must be dreaming to be fucking a hot stud like Grant. His deep voice breaking as he hit higher registers with every slam against his ass. He had finally met a dude who was just like him, young, cocky, built, masculine and horny for man-cock up his jock ass.

Sean has never really had strong feelings for anyone, not even his girlfriend. Not really, except for one guy. When he was a sophomore, he started hooking up with Donny Carrington. Now, on the outside this seemed like the biggest mismatch in history. Sure, Donny was hot. He was a gymnast, so his body was tight and muscular. He was smaller, 5’6, 150lbs but all muscle, ripped smooth vascular muscle. He was a handsome kid too like a ken doll. He didn’t really look gay, but one could tell, it was the way he carried himself and his voice was a little effeminate. All his friends were girls, so their mannerisms were rubbing off on him. Sean thought it was such a waste of a very hot, beautiful boy and Donny was too gay to be around, and Sean had a rep to protect. The problem was that Sean was attracted to him like no other. The kid was so hot, his small body powerful and strong. Sean would sneak into gymnastics practice all the time to watch the kid on the parallel bars and was always amazed at his upper body strength. He wanted the kid, but he was worried Donny’s mannerisms would turn him off. The crazy thing was that all he could think of was Donny on top of him, fucking the crap out of him. The smaller, effeminate boy dominating him and taking control. He didn’t even know if the kid was a top, and chances were that he was a raging bottom, another reason they were mismatched. Still, he wanted to touch him, kiss him, hold him. Sean couldn’t explain his attraction to a stereotypical effeminate boy, nor the attraction to being taken by the smaller, less manly kid.

One night Sean was watching Donny doing his floor exercise. The gymnast’s tight leotard snug tight over his muscular body, his abs prominent through the material. The kid’s short practice shorts exposing ripped muscular legs. When Donny was working out his routine, when he was being athletic, his demeanor was serious, masculine, almost straight acting. Sean watched until Donny was finished. The team was leaving, and the coach was turning out the lights. Sean turned to leave the gym before he could be seen when his phone buzzed. It was a text from one of his fuck buddies. After a few minutes of texting, he figured he better start walking home. He forgot he was trying to sneak away unseen, but it was too late. He made his way to a side exit to slip out when he heard a voice behind him.


Sean turned and found himself within a few yards of the boy he’d been stalking.

Sean looked around nervously. “Huh?” Sean replied as he stood up straight, stuck out his chest and took an aggressive stance. He looked around again to see if anyone was lingering.

“What are you doing here so late?” Donny asked with a smirk.

“None of your fucking business,” Sean said defensively, hoping to scare the little guy away. “What do you want, fag?” he added to seem extra butch.

Donny laughed and shook his head. “Sean,” he said in an accusatory tone like he knew what Sean was doing.

Sean didn’t know why he was surprised Donny knew his name. Everyone knew who the football player was. He still wasn’t going to let this fag find out about him. Admiring him from afar was ok but taking the chance of someone seeing him talk to Donny was not.

He turned up his “inner asshole” a notch. “WHAT?” Sean replied with a sneer.

Donny stood silently in front of him.

“What?” Sean asked again, suddenly self-conscious, not so forceful this time.

“Why are you here?” asked Donny as he crossed his muscular arms over his chest and walked slowly closer to Sean. His face like stone, his eyes staring into Sean’s.

“What the fuck do you care, little homo?” Sean asked with a forced frown, still nervously looking around down the dark hallway.

Again, Donny, undeterred, shook his head and smirked. “Sean, I’ve seen you.”

“Seen me what?”

“I’ve seen you watching me.”

“Watching you? What the fuck are you talking about?” Sean’s heart skipped a beat, scared he had been found out.

Donny dropped his backpack on the floor and took a few steps closer to Sean. He stood there silently, looking up at the six-foot-three jock. Donny’s eyes narrowed and his demeanor took a more dominant stance.

“You’ve been watching me this whole year. You don’t think I can see you, but I do. You’ve been at my practices every day of the season too, not to mention my meets. I watch video of my practices and competitions and the video has caught you in the background many times. Many times.”

Sean was speechless. He absolutely had been caught. His mouth was suddenly dry.

“So, Sean. You wanna tell me why you’re stalking me?”

“I... I... uh...,” Sean stammered. His body posture had become less aggressive and more defensive.

“Really?” Donny said condescendingly, his voice became less flamboyant and deeper. He stepped closer to the jock, just a foot apart. Sean looked down at him, Donny’s tight spandex uniform showing the cut, ripped muscle of his arms and shoulders.

“I’m not,” replied Sean, looking away from the hot blue eyes of the little stud before him.

Donny laughed and then said in an evil tone. “I wonder if Rusty Wells knows the reason?”

Sean’s eyes grew wide, and he started sweating. Rusty was a senior who was boning Sean on a regular basis under the guise of tutoring him after football practice but actually, they were fucking in Rusty’s truck.

“Rusty? What....what did… he tell you?”

Donny grinned, and a demonic laugh came from his cute mouth. He placed his hand on Sean’s chest and roughly pushed him against the wall.

“Follow me and I’ll tell you,” Donny taunted the jock, turned and walked away. Sean stood frozen to the spot. What should he do?

Donny turned and said, “Chop, chop, fuck boy.”

Sean almost pissed himself but found his legs moving as he followed the smaller, muscular wide back and broad shoulders of the kid ahead of him.

Sean followed the gymnast into a door. The lights were out in the room save for the light of a parking lot lamp outside the window. Sean noticed all the cars in the lot were gone except for one, a shiny black Tesla, which he knew was Donny’s since he was stalking the kid.

Donny locked the door, turned and slowly walked to Sean like a tiger hunting is prey and said, “What did Rusty tell me? Nothing special except for the fact that big, tough guy and all around asshole, Sean Johnston, loves to get fucked like a little bitch.” Donny was becoming more aggressive, poking Sean in the chest with each syllable of the last sentence.

Sean was stunned. First, the little faggot pushed him against a wall and now he was poking him in the chest and calling him a bitch.

Sean stepped back and rubbed the point on his chest where Donny had poked him. “If you fucking tell anyone I’ll...”

“You’ll what, fuck boy? What are you going to do?”

“Fuck you, you little fucking faggot,” Sean said in a threatening tone hoping that would finally scare the smaller athlete, but it didn’t.

Donny stepped forward and again pushed Sean against the wall. Sean hit the wall with a grunt and was silent, in shock. Donny was only a few inches away.

“You must look really hot,” Donny began as he began to stroke Sean’s bicep with is index finger, “all studly and muscly laying on your back, legs up, taking Rusty’s cock up your ass,” Donny’s finger moved up Sean’s arm to his shoulder and down to his nipple, “asking him to call you a bitch. Begging him to shoot in your...pussy.”

Sean twitched at the word “pussy.” He felt his heart skip when he heard the word. It was one thing when Rusty called him a bitch during sex but hearing Donny say it, this small, cute athlete, the object of his obsession for a year, it made his dick hard.

“That’s right. He told me everything and I mean EVERYTHING. You’re quite the cock-slut, aren’t you?”

Donny moved his hand down to Sean’s abs.

“Why… why haven’t you said anything until now?” Sean asked.

“At first, I thought you were straight, off limits, but when Rusty told me about you and that you liked to get fucked, my interest was piqued. You started stalking me and I was just waiting for the right time. Rusty told me you were a submissive little bitch too.”

“Is Rusty fucking you too?” Sean asked quietly.

Donny laughed, “Fuck no. I’m fucking HIM. But I do like to suck cock and as you know, Rusty has a huge stick.”

“You’re...You’re a top?” Sean asked with surprise.

“Yeah, pussy-boy. I’m a top. Hard to believe, huh? Donny the faggot cheerleader is a top?”

Donny reached down and cupped Sean’s hardening cock and squeezed. Sean grunted.

“Of course, it’s hard to believe. I mean, come on. I’m just a little faggot, right?”

Donny started to massage Sean’s now rock-hard cock through his jeans.

“You know what I think?” Donny asked seductively.

Sean had his eyes closed, breathing hard, trying not to cum. “What?”

“I think I’m going to fuck you,” the cheerleader said matter-of-factly.

Sean looked down at the hot gymnast. Donny’s voice and demeanor had changed 100% since they started their encounter. He wanted the kid in the worst way. His dick was so hard, and Donny was squeezing it so tight.

Donny smiled. He took his hand off Sean’s cock and and wrapped his arms around Sean’s waist. He cupped the big jock’s muscular globes of his ass and roughly pulled him forward. He squeezed Sean’s ass, his head only coming up to Sean’s chest.

He massaged the athlete’s ass aggressively. “Yeah, that’s it. There’s that meaty ass I’ve heard so much about.”

Sean’s pulse was pounding. His breathing was fast. The boy of his dreams was now in front of him, telling him he was going to fuck him. He was so turned on.

Donny reached up with both arms and wrapped them around Sean’s thick neck. He pulled, Sean’s head dropped down, his face centimeters from Donny’s.

“Is that what you want, fuck boy? You want me to load you up?”

Before he could answer, the little stud pulled him in for a kiss and then released him.

“Say it.”

Sean looked down to him. He wanted it in the worst way. Sean had been through this before, dudes taking control of him. Why was it hard with this guy?

Sean swallowed hard. “I want you to fuck me. I want your load,” he admitted and then added, “Pull my hair and fuck me like a bitch.”

“Good boy,” Donny said with a light smack to Sean’s jaw.

Sean was rewarded with a hot deep kiss from the dominant gymnast.

“Let’s go fuck-boy. I’m driving.” Donny said with another few light slaps on Sean’s jaw. “I know you don’t have a car.”

“Where...where are we going.”

“My house.”

“What about your parents?”

“Stop worrying, fuck boy. My parents are in Europe. I got the house to myself. Good thing too because you’re going to be making a lot of fucking noise.

They walked out to Donny’s BMW. Donny opened the door for Sean and closed the door for him after he was inside. He felt like Donny was taking him on a date or something. As they started to drive away Donny put his hand behind Sean’s neck and pulled him down towards his lap.

“Don’t be shy, fuck boy. Suck my dick.”

Sean wasted no time pulling down Donny’s shorts and he sucked in the gymnast’s big dick, Donny grabbing onto the top of the jock’s head and holding him down on his cock, choking the gorgeous boy.

“Fucking choke on it!” Donny would growl.

Sean gagged, finding it hard to breath at times. He fisted the kid’s thick cock as he plunged his head down onto it over and over. Donny kept his hand on Sean’s head with forceful pressure.

“Fuck,” Donny moaned. “Rusty was right. You’re a great cocksucker.”

Sean sucked him all the way to Donny’s house before the gymnast yanked the football player’s head up and smothered his mouth with his own.

The house was a mansion. Huge. Sean followed the boy through the labyrinth of halls and rooms. They entered Donny’s bedroom and Sean was surprised by a hard shove from Donny. He landed on his back on the bed. Donny leapt up and landed, straddling Sean’s waist. He looked down at the big jock.

“You’re my bitch. Right, fuck boy?”

“YES.” Sean answered quickly.

“Good boy.”

Donny reached over to his bedside table and retrieved a bottle of lube. “I know Rusty fucked you today.”

Sean looked at him, amazed. How did he know?

“Oh please. I fucked him an hour later. The cunt tells me everything.”

“Yeah, he fucked me after the lunch period.”

“Good. We may not need the lube.”

Twenty minutes later, after multiple positions on the bed, Sean found himself bent over against a wall as the tiny gymnast was tearing him another asshole. Donny moved him over to a full-length mirror on the wall next to them. Sean put his hands on either side of the mirror and looked at himself in it. He saw the face of a jock, a masculine, handsome jock. His face contorted, mouth open, eyes wide. Loud grunts and groans emanating from his throat. His shoulders and biceps flexed and pumped. His chest sweaty and flushed. The best thing, the hottest thing, was the image of the short gymnast behind him. Sean had to lean down lower to see Donny’s torso. The kid had his hands on Sean’s small waist, grabbing hold and pulling back hard. He watched the boy have his way with him. He kept telling Sean how hot he was, and he couldn’t believe he was finally getting to fuck his tight ass.

“Look in the mirror,” Donny said to him.

Sean looked up at himself.

“Look at yourself. You’re pathetic. Big tough guy. Big strong football player getting fucked in the ass by a guy half his size. Look at yourself,” he taunted the bigger athlete.

Sean continued to watch his muscular body get ravaged.

“If only all your buddies could see you now. Giving up your ass to me. You love watching yourself get fucked, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Sean grunted.

“Man, you are a whore. Look at yourself. You gorgeous fucking whore. You’re no good for anything else, you know that? All you’ll ever be is a cum-dump for guys like me.”

The fuck talk was turning Sean on so much. He felt his balls tighten up. He was right. Sean was nothing but a cum-dump for guys to unload in. His body got him this far, all he had to do was continue the progress and he would survive by using his body to get him ahead in the world. He felt his body tighten; his muscles stiffened as he shot a huge thick load all over the mirror. He screamed so loud that he was sure he lost his voice.

Donny felt Sean’s hole tighten up, he couldn’t hold it anymore and he let out a loud roar as he unloaded into the tight jock hole. When he was done, he pulled out and slapped the big muscle-ass still bent over in front of him. Sean was bent over, leaning an arm on the wall with his head resting on it.

“Alright, fuck boy. Take a rest. We’ll go again in a few minutes.”

Sean stood up. He looked at himself again in the mirror. He stared into his own eyes and slowly a smile formed on his face.

by Clark Wayne

Email: [email protected]

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