Trial Of Strength (Book 14)

by Rob Williams

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The three dominant men – the gypsy boss Randy, his lover Bob, and the cop Mark – are originally known as the Tortured Trio as their sexual cravings are so tangled. But after they all fall in mutual love the Triumphant Trio proves its three-way passion at the inauguration of the new construction site, where pounding brass and pounding ass become the same muscular obsession.

<><>    Recalling That Walk In The Park    <><>

The Grady House party had been full of dramatic events, the last one involving the cop, Mark.  He had responded to an emergency back-up call to assist in a domestic disturbance and had been slightly injured in the process.

Doctor Chad had said it was a small fracture to his right forearm, a fairly minor injury that required a few days’ rest with minimal activity.  Fortunately Mark and Jamie had a guestroom at the Grady House party with a private garden and jacuzzi – ideal for rest and recuperation. Of course, Jamie’s concept of nursing his lover back to health involved more lovemaking than nursing – not exactly doctor’s orders but it helped.

And a couple of visitors dropped in too, including the Grady House houseboy, Brian.

“Hello, sirs, just dropped in to check on you.  Thought you might need a pot of coffee and some drinks.”

Mark ruffled Brian’s hair.  “You are the perfect host, kiddo, with perfect timing.  We just got out of the Jacuzzi.”

“So I see, sir,” Brian said with an admiring, cheeky smile.  You two are the ultimate fantasy couple here – a uniformed cop and a muscular young lifeguard.  Don’t get me wrong, naked is gorgeous, but those uniforms add that special touch of fantasy. 

Brian stuck around for quite a while, so he got to see the handsome blonds make love in uniform and naked.  But finally, duty called and he reluctantly left them to resume his work caring for the Grady House guests.

They were not left alone for long before they were joined by one of their favorite men – Bob, the sexy business executive and co-founder of the tribe.

The cop Mark flashed a smile. “Hey dude, glad you could swing by, though I’m a bit surprised that lover of yours – tough dark gypsy Randy – let you off the leash.”

“I know, me too,” Bob laughed.  “There’s been so much talk in the air of couples loosening the reins and having sex outside the relationship. We have my twins to thank for that.  Whoever thought those two would start having sex outside that rock-solid thing they’ve had going for so many years.”

“How’s that coming by the way, sir?” Jamie asked.

“Oh, they seem to have found a formula that works for them.  They still live together and sleep together, of course, tight in each other’s arms so they haven’t split up in any real sense of the word.  But they have already made love with the Marine Hassan and his boy Eddie, after which they fled back to their bed, arms wrapped round each other, and swapped stories about it.  If anything, it seems to have brought them closer than ever.

“Well,” Mark smiled, “if it works for them that’s all that counts.  But somehow, I can’t see your man Randy taking such a liberal stance with you.”

“You’re right,” Bob chuckled.  “You know, Randy has never got over falling in love with me all those years ago.  He’s still crazy about me and very possessive – still can’t quite believe it’s true.”

“I know,” Mark said. “And he still sees me as threat number one.  I still get the evil eye when he sees me get close to you.”

Bob laughed, “And this from a guy who eventually fell in love with you too, making us the tribe’s ultimate threesome.”

“Yeah, but don’t let’s kid ourselves, Bob.  If it ever came to a point where Randy would have to make a choice, he’d choose you, we all know that.”

“But he’ll never have to make that choice, Mark, we all know that too,” Bob grinned.

“Do you recall how it all went down?” Jamie asked.

“Do we remember?” Bob grinned, “Of course we do – a day that will live in infamy, I still remember the day you first laid eyes on me.  Remember?  You had pulled me over for driving drunk in Griffith Park.  I was desperate for you not to write me a ticket – drunk driving was not something I could have on my record.”

“Yeah,” Mark grinned, “and I was blown away by such a handsome hunk as you, fantasized about how great you would look naked, without that expensive business suit. So I ordered you to go into a small clearing hidden behind bushes, and slowly ordered you to strip.”

“Anything to avoid a ticket, eh, officer?  The main thing I was worried about was when I got down to the shorts you would see the huge erection I had just from looking at you. But the whole thing didn’t last long ‘cos we were both nervous about someone seeing us.  So, when I was down to my shorts, you jacked off looking at me – and spurted a massive eruption on the grass at the feet of the naked business executive.”

“Yeah, I remember how nervous I was and mumbled something inane like ‘being more careful next time, sir’ – as if there would be a next time. I jumped on my bike and high-tailed it out of there.  My thoughts were racing, and it was only when I got home that I realized I had forgotten to hand you back your driver’s license that I had originally asked for when I pulled you over.

“Of course, it had you address, and I decided to find you and give it back in person.”

Bob said, “I had told Randy what happened in the park, and he was furious that a cop could humiliate his man like that. Of course, I never thought I would see you again, but there you were, standing at the door … and that’s when Randy first laid eyes on you.

“We somehow avoided a fist fight – not then, anyway, that was to come later – several of them.  But, inevitably I suppose – with two beautiful macho men like you – you fell in love with each other.  Not that it was smooth sailing, there were plenty of tense moments.  But here we still are, against all the odds, the tribe’s ultimate threesome.

Mark pulled Bob into a tight man hug.  “Dammit, man.  Reliving that whole story has given me such a hardon.  If we had more time …”

But we don’t, Mark, and besides, you are supposed to be taken care of by your handsome young lifeguard – if he hasn’t done it already.”

“We’ve had our moments,” Jamie grinned.  “And you’ve no Idea how careful you have to be making love with a cop with a dodgy forearm.”

Bob laughed.  “I hope I get the chance.  But I gotta get back to Randy and Zack.  They were going over plans for work next week.  This is the first time the company has opened two new construction sites at once.  It’s great that the company’s growing so fast, but the pressure will be on everyone next week.  I still have to complete a cost analysis on Randy’s site, ‘cos his is the most complex.”

“Yeah, security too,” Mark added. “I’ve looked at most of the sites, but not Randy’s yet. His government contracts are a bitch, so picky and bureaucratic. I’ll be getting to that next.”

“Hm,” Jamie grinned.  “The construction boss, the business executive, and the security cop in action again.  Only this time it won’t be a walk in the park like last time.”

“Not even in jest, dude.”

<><>    That Question – Again    <><>

When Bob got back to the guestroom he shared with Randy, Zack was still there deep in conversation.  As the senior construction managers they were the bosses of the two Government Contract sites, which brought in the most money.  Seth oversaw Commercial construction and Darius had Residential.

Randy scarcely looked up from the drawing board, just long enough to say, “You been with Mark all this time?”

“Yeah, his arm is coming along fine.”

“Did he fuck you?”

Randy!” Bob snapped, hearing that time-worn question.

“Well, did he?”

“I can’t believe you’re asking that, Randy. I thought all that was a thing of the past.”

“So did I.” Zack grinned.  “But as you still seem to be hammering it to death, I’m outa here.  I gotta go talk to Darius.” Zack determinedly rolled up a large blueprint and headed for the door.  As he left his raised his foot, gently kicked Bob’s ass and grinned, “Well, did he?”

Zack left and Bob said angrily, “Randy, do you realize how that question demeans me?”

Randy looked up with a half grin. “Dude, you come in with a boner as long as my forearm, what am I supposed think?

“Anything but that, Randy.  Even in jest.”

“Ah, don’t be so touchy.  Just checking to make sure I’m still your main man.”  Randy went back to checking blueprints.  But Bob wouldn’t let the subject go. 

“Randy, in the past few days here at the Grady House there’s been a lot of talk among the boys about having sex outside the relationship and I’ve been trying to work out who is the most insecure adolescent of them all. And I’ve worked it out.  It’s you … big bad boss Randy is more nervous than any of the boys.  So let me spell it out for you one last time …

“I am in love with you and always will be. Sure, Mark is a big factor in our l lives because we are both in love with him.  But you are my ‘main man’ as you call it and always will be. You got that?”

Randy took a deep breath to reply but they were saved by Ryan who burst in.  “Hello, sirs, I came to make sure we are still on for our visit to the new construction site.  The Grady House chefs were wondering if we’d be back before lunch.”

“Yes, and yes, Ryan,” Bob smiled.  This is only a preliminary look at how things stand over there.  Randy wants to get a feel for the project – you know he works from gut instinct – and I want to get a sense of how the cost analysis will pan out. And for that I need my trusty assistant and his trusty computer to take the guesswork out of it with real hard figures.  So, you ready, kiddo?”

“Ready when you and Randy are, sir.”  He glanced at Randy.  “Er… are you ready, sir?”

I’m always ready, kid. I just needed to clear the air of a couple of minor questions first.  So let’s go.  As he strode out of the room Bob followed him, with a quick eyeroll to the grinning Ryan.

<><>    Somersault    <><>

It was always a special moment, first setting foot on a new site after the contracts had been signed and the project was a go.  This site was impressive by its size, the largest they had ever undertaken. The foundation and parts of the old building were still intact and Randy muttered comments, as if to himself, about the necessary demolition. 

As Bob had told Ryan, Randy worked by gut instinct.  He was a construction man down to his fingertips and ‘felt’ a building before the first hole had been dug.  Bob and Randy were not only opposites in themselves, but their approach to a project was also different.  While Randy ’felt’ a building in his gut, Bob was a head man, his brain full of figures and cost analyses.  These he relayed to Ryan who transformed them into the hard-figure tidiness of the computer programs he had devised.

And so all three went to work, each in his own way an expert.   And they loved it.  They worked well together as a tight, trusting team.  They became immersed in the arcane world of transforming a bare field into an elegant building for city workers to spend their days.

At first, the most intense conversations were between Randy and Bob, trying to mesh their vastly different views of the project.  But later Bob needed to make sure Ryan’s computer was accurately recording the financial details that Bob would later use in budget planning.

Randy wandered off – physically and mentally – into his own world of creating a building from earth and dust.  He lost track of time until he looked up and was surprised to find himself staring at Bob and Ryan, a short distance away, still deep in conversation.  And he couldn’t take his eyes off Bob.

As usual, Bob was dressed simply in jeans and a white V-neck T-shirt.  And he looked gorgeous.  That’s all Randy could think of – totally gorgeous. He always found Bob at his most handsome when he was concentrating at work, his brow slightly furrowed, big brown eyes staring at a file or a computer screen. In their home office Randy would stare at him – at his square-cut features, his thick dark hair, at his muscular body straining against his white T-shirt. 

And now, focusing on the earnest Ryan, Bob suddenly looked up – straight at Randy – and smiled.

Randy then understood the meaning of that strange phrase – ‘his heart somersaulted’.  This was the man he loved, would always love.  Bob concentrated back on Ryan, but Randy couldn’t stop staring at the man he loved.  He recalled their former conversation and flinched.  Why had he behaved so strangely to Bob, all that ‘did-he-fuck-you’ nonsense.  He had no idea, but he had to do something now.  He didn’t know what, though.  

Then once again he was saved by Ryan, who came running up to him.  “Sir, if it’s OK with you, I would like to walk round the perimeter of the site and make some measurements and scale them down to my computer programs.  I always like to do that – it makes it much easier going forward when I’m entering all the numbers for Bob. Do you mind if …?”

Randy cut him off eagerly.  “No … no, kiddo, I don’t mind at all. Go do your thing.  I’ll be talking to Bob over there.  See those trees?    Used to be a garden for the former building.  I’ll be over there with Bob.”

“Might take a while for me to finish my work, sir.”

“That’s fine, that’s good.  Take as long as you like.”

Ryan smiled and scampered off.  

<><>    Pounding Ass Or Pounding Brass    <><>

 Randy walked over to Bob and flashed his gleaming smile.  “Ain’t this terrific Bob?”

Bob had a sense that Randy was not talking about the new construction site – and he was right, as Randy continued, “Us working together like this. It all seems so right, just as it should be…. being together … I love you, buddy.  I am so damn in love with you.”

“I know what you mean, Randy.”  And he did.  Randy’s sudden impulsive gush of passion was the only way he could express himself.  And in his quiet way, Bob understood – because he felt it too.

“See that gassy area there under those trees?  Will you come there with me?  Please, buddy.”

“Of course, Randy.  Of course I will.’

Bob followed him across the site to the trees, where they stopped and turned to face each other.  They stared into each other’s eyes; Bob opened his mouth to speak but Randy was on him in a second.  He scooped his lover into a muscle-crunching hug, so forceful that Bob staggered backward and caught his heel on a tuft of grass.  They crashed to the ground, rolling over and over, joined as one. 

In fact, they were one – the same creature, with the same fiery needs, their eyes reflecting the same animal cravings to love and protect.  Randy pinned Bob on his back and their eyes locked, reflecting each other in an enchanted world exclusive to them, where they expressed their innermost selves, physically, spiritually and of course, sexually.  

Randy kissed and licked Bob’s chiseled features – his deep-set eyes, his lantern jaw. and. angular cheekbones. “We’re gonna create a new building, buddy – me and the man I love, and Ryan and our guys.”  For Randy the intense love he felt for Bob, and the joy of starting a new construction, merged into the same high intensity euphoria, which he could express in only one way.

Lost in the hypnotic gaze of the swarthy gypsy, Bob was carried along on the same tide of desire and physical. lust    Randy ripped open Bob’s jeans and yanked them down below his ass. “Yeaahh, I fucking love you, man …!”  He pushed Bob’s legs back, pressed the head of his cock against his hole … and drove in hard.  Bob’s shout was one of joy, not pain, as the man he loved took possession of his body.

And so the project was born, in the middle of a deserted field, in an act of sexual passion.  The fuck was long and strong, and Randy’s body flexed with the same muscular strength he used at work.  He was even wearing the same clothes he wore at work – dirt-streaked jeans, muddy work boots and a loose sweaty tank-top.

Whenever Bob visited Randy on a construction site he would watch Randy work – pounding, hammering, just as he was now.  Except that now he was pounding his lover’s ass.   But the passion was the same – the same intensity, the same sense of control, of mastery. 

On an active worksite the crew felt it and stopped to watch.  Now Bob felt it and stared up into the hypnotic blue eyes set in the dark chiseled features. The man had a pile-driving strength at work and a demonic obsession when making love.

And at work or in love Randy was always the winner.  Bob watched his muscles flex and his veins bulge, and waited for the triumphant roar when the master’s cock erupted deed inside his ass and forced Bob’s own simultaneous climax.

The two men lay in the grass for some time in each other’s arms, oblivious of anything except the feel of each other’s muscular body and the breeze that blew lightly over them. 

They naturally assumed they were alone in the field, except for Ryan on the remote perimeter.  But even Ryan heard their noise and watched from a distance, his lips curved in an admiring smile.  He loved his bosses and felt excited to witness the dramatic initiation of their new project, performed with a flair unique to the big gypsy and his handsome lover.

Bob’s head fell back on the grass, he smiled up at the triumphant gypsy and panted, “Wow, Randy, this is gonna be one helluva building.”

<><>   The Cop Joins In    <><>

No one was aware of another pair of smiling eyes watching this elaborate inauguration from a distance.  Mark had decided to begin his preliminary security inspection of the new site.  Mark was a member of the construction company’s board and, with his law enforcement background, was in overall charge of security.  

This did not involve a daily presence on the various sites, leaving him free to work his regular job as cop on the beat.  But security was of crucial importance. Many construction companies had cut corners there, to their later regret.  A growing construction site was an ideal target for vandalism, theft and fire, and other outfits had been heartbroken to watch a nearly-completed building go up in smoke.

So Randy insisted on working closely with Mark, a task they enjoyed, given their personal feelings for each other.  Now, watching from a distance, Mark had a broad smile seeing Randy and Bob give their personal stamp of approval to the project.  He regretted not getting there half an hour sooner, when he would certainly have joined in the inaugural celebration.

So now he strode purposefully across the dusty waste with a cheerful, “Hi, guys, how’s the construction going so far? Except that, from where I stood it looked more like demolition.  Maybe I’m at the wrong location.”

“I don’t think so, officer,” Randy beamed, still kneeling over Bob.  “What other new construction site would feature a bare-chested gypsy butt-fucking the company’s financial analyst?”

Mark chuckled.  “I get your point, Randy.   A big red ribbon and a pair of scissors would be more appropriate.”

Bob smiled. “Er, you wouldn’t by chance have any scissors and a reel of red ribbon handy would you, officer?”

“Sorry, sir, I can’t oblige.  I’m supposed to be in charge of security and I’m not even wearing a uniform, as you see, sir.  So, ribbon-cutting … security.  I can’t help with either.”

“Hmm,”” Bob said rubbing his chin, “I ain’t so sure.  The security can come later, but inauguration is time sensitive.  Has to be at the start.   But hell – cargo shorts showing off muscular legs, a tight cop T-shirt displaying an even more muscular chest. Does that look like inauguration gear to you?”

“Well …” Randy mused. “I guess we could lose the ribbon   Who needs ribbon?  But the shorts and shirt are still a distraction.”

Mark smiled.  “OK , so we’ve already lost the ribbon.”  He pulled off the T-shirt and flung it aside.  “So much for the shirt.”   He unbuckled his belt and dropped the shorts.  “No shorts … no more distraction.”    

Randy roared with laughter.  “The blond muscle-cop is buck naked, and says ‘no distraction’. Get your bare ass down here, dude.”  Randy reached up and pulled Mark down on Bob.

 By now Ryan had given up measuring the site perimeter and had come closer to watch the strangest of site inaugurations, as Mark fell on Bob and the three men squirmed for position.  Ryan’s mathematical mind was curious who would end up fucking whom. 

He was aware of Randy’s earlier angry words, featuring the inflammable “did Mark fuck you?” so he doubted Randy would actually allow Mark to do that to Bob – like rubbing salt in a wound. And in any case, it seemed to Ryan that Bob was not headed in that direction. He ended up kneeling between Mark’s raised legs, with Mark lying on his back smiling up at him.

That should do the trick, Ryan thought, his precision mind slotting in Lego blocks where they fit best. That should keep everyone happy.  Ryan did the equation … he knew Bob loved butt-fucking the cop … Mark was in love with Bob … and most important of all, Randy had the pleasure of watching Bob topping Mark without the humiliation of the dreaded, “did-he-fuck-you?” getting a “yes” answer.

There were satisfied sighs all round.  But Ryan was not allowed to play the impassive observer. Randy ruffled his hair.  “What do you think, kiddo?  I think you should share in the fun, don’t you?  These two are pretty much their own team so that just leaves you and me.  Talking of common questions, there’s one question boys ask me a lot.  Can you guess.?”

Ryan flashed a smile.  “I don’t need a computer for that one.  Would you fuck me, sir?”

“Thought you’d never ask me, kid.”

And so the inauguration happened in the most satisfactory way.  The company’s financial boss topped the company’s security advisor, and big boss Randy topped the computer whizz, who for once had something different on his mind from juggling figures.

And in the end, it had the mathematical satisfaction of both columns adding up to the same total.

A beaming Randy threw his arm over Ryan’s shoulder and extended his other arm to the non-existent audience.  “So, kiddo, you wanna do the honors?”  Ryan cleared his throat noisily. 

“Gentlemen, I declare this construction site well and truly open.” 


TO BE CONTINUED IN “A Trial Of Strength” – Book 14: Chapter 22 

by Rob Williams

Email: [email protected]

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