Trial Of Strength (Book 14)

by Rob Williams

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The two blond lovers, Danny and Tommy, seem like the ideal couple – until they’re not. They hit a rough patch and are not even talking. Boss Randy takes care of that – he has ways of making men talk.  After Randy’s caveman treatment, the young lovers Brian and Brandon take over and show by example that making love is better than war.  But are the blond lovers speaking the same language?

<><>    Trouble In Paradise?    <><>

It was the second morning of the Grady House weekend party for the tribe.  The hosts – movie star Grady and his Italian lover Mario – had slept in late, but they were not alone for long.  As people came in and out of the master bedroom to visit, Grady laughed, “Jesus, it’s like Grand Central Station in here today.”

Bob, the co-leader of the tribe and Grady’s manager and financial advisor smiled, “Sorry, Grady, but I gotta spend a little time with Mario going over the accounts while I’m up here.”

Grady pouted.  “I don’t have to be there, do I?  I never understand figures.”

“No, Grady,” Bob said.  “You make the money, and Mario and I will count it – in the office down the hall.”

Mario smiled, “Grady, you should be nice to Bob.  He’s your manager who negotiated with the studio that unheard of 5 percent of the first-dollar gross – in addition to your salary. And your movies gross a fortune worldwide. Besides, Grady, you have your own accounts to go over with your pal Brian – his lurid accounts of the goings on so far at the party.”

“That’s true,” said Grady eagerly.  “We haven’t had a good gossip session since the party began yesterday, and a whole lot has already happened.  OK, just Brian and me.  The rest of you, out … out.”

As they left, Grady reached over, hauled Brian up out of his wheelchair and planted him on the bed next to him – a position any fan, all over the world, would long to be in.

“OK, kiddo we’ve a lot to catch up on. I want all the lurid details, no matter how long it takes. If we get hungry we can always send down for more food. 

“And by the way, when you’re finished. kiddo, I want your predictions about what comes next “

“Oh, I have plenty of those, sir, and they’ll make your hair curl.  Er, except your hair’s already curly.”

“Never mind the hair, kid.  Just give me the goods”.

Grady flashed his megawatt smile.  It was a smile known all over the world, but this time it was just for Brian.  He hugged his boy and kissed him on the cheek.

Young Brian was a prime example of a boy who loves a man just for himself.  He didn’t care about Grady’s wealth and glamor.  Their love for each other was – purely and simply – for each other.

“OK, kiddo, we’re off.  First of all, tell me the juiciest thing that happened.”

“Oh, that’s easy,” Brian grinned.  “Like I said, I wasn’t in the gym for the group workout, but I got all the dirt from Larry.  And the best part was … wait for it … when Randy blindfolded Charlie and tricked him into fucking Noah up the butt.”

Grady sputtered into the coffee he was drinking.  “He what?  He tricked the cowboy into shoving his dick up Noah’s ass?  How in hell did he do that?  No, wait, don’t give me the short version, this is too good.  We’re in this for the long haul, so go right back to the beginning.

So, Brian dutifully began at the beginning and told his story, including Cowboy Charlie and his two boys, Uncle Mike’s life story, and all the other ups and downs.  It took a long time, and wide-eyed Grady hung on to every word.  They went through several fresh pots of coffee, and still Grady wasn’t satisfied.  “You did great, kiddo,” he grinned, “so now let’s hear your predictions for today and tomorrow.  In this crowd of horny men and boys there must be some juicy dramas brewing.

“There are several promising ones, sir, but one of them in particular has me a bit troubled.”

“Really?  That don’t sound good.  Who’s it about?”

“It’ll surprise you, sir, but I’m concerned about Danny and his lover Tommy.

“The two gorgeous young blonds?” Grady said. “That is a surprise, they always seem to me to be an ideal couple, totally in love.  Danny loves his job here as house manager and chef, and Tommy does a great job managing that grand house in the hills for Doc Steve and his lover Lloyd.  It’s not far from here so they get to see each other a lot and spend nights together. And this weekend they’re working together here. Sounds ideal to me.”

“I know, right?  But I still think there’s trouble in paradise.  See, I’ve worked with Danny for a long time, and I know his moods well.”

Just then Mario came in after his meeting with Bob, and Grady said, “Hey Mario, you should hear about this.  Brian seems to think there’s a problem between Danny and Tommy.”

“Really?” Mario frowned, “that is a surprise.  But you know Danny better than anyone, Brian.  “What do you think their problem is, bambino?”

“Hard to pin down, sir.  It seems to have come to a head working this party together.”

“But they usually love working together in the same house.”

“Agreed, sir, but that’s the point.  See, they’re not really together, are they?  I mean Danny is head chef, running the kitchens with the other chefs.  Tommy, as usual, is in charge of the outdoor bar.  They both love their jobs, but it does keep them apart.”

“I thought it would bring them together.”

“No really, sir.  Danny’s in the kitchen all the time, and Tommy’s outside behind the bar.  There’s usually a crowd round the bar and Tommy loves being the star of the show – you know how he flirts. Danny doesn’t even take his scheduled breaks from the kitchen.”

“Oh dear,” Mario said, “ė colpa mia, this is my fault.  I should have been paying more attention.  I must go and talk to Danny right away.  Grazie, bambino.  You were right to tell me about this.”

With a worried look Mario left the room, and Grady smiled at Brian.  “We can leave this to Mario, kiddo, he’s great at stuff like this.  But you and me are not finished here.  What else is brewing down there?"

<><>    Randy Has Ways Of Making Men Talk    <><>

When Mario walked into the kitchen he realized the truth of Brian’s concerns.  Danny was in the thick of things, multi-tasking, and he barely raised his head when Mario came in.  Mario cast a general smile over everyone, then approached Danny.  “Could you spare a few minutes?”

“Just a few, sir, I’m real busy right now.”

“You’re too busy, Danny, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.  When’s your next break?”

“I, er, don’t really take breaks, sir.”

“Well, you must, Danny, I’ve always been very clear about that.  “You must enjoy the party like everyone else.  After all, your lover Tommy is here, you should be spending time with him.”

“Oh, he don’t care, sir, he’s having his own fun working the bar out there.  He loves being the center of attention.”

Mario noticed an edge of bitterness in Danny’s voice and decided to take matters into his own hands.  “OK, that does it.  You are taking a break right now, and Tommy too.  I’ll arrange for someone to cover for you.”

Mario had a quiet word with Bob’s boys, the twins Kyle and Kevin.  They were second only to Danny in seniority (as this was Danny’s kitchen) and told them of his concerns.  Kevin said, “It’s a relief to hear you say that, sir, ‘cos we’ve had the same concerns.  Danny works like crazy and he’s due a long break.”

Kyle added, “We can easily cover for him, and if we need extra help we can call on young Ossie.  He hangs around the kitchen a lot and he’d be thrilled to be part of the action for a while.  Er, what about Tommy, sir?  It would be great if those two could be together.  They’ve barely seen each other this weekend, and Danny never even mentions him.”

“Don’t worry about Tommy,” Mario smiled, “I have plans for him too.”

So Mario ordered Danny outside, leaving the kitchen in capable hands.  Danny went to sit with Grady by the pool, while Mario sought out Mike and Larry and explained the situation to them.  “But that means I need a relief bartender for a while.”

Larry beamed.  “Look no farther, Mario, you’ve found him.  Tell you the truth I rather envy Tommy being the star of the show out here.  The action is centered around the bar – always is at parties.”

Uncle Mike laughed.  “You should see him in our bar in Palm Springs, Mario, standing shirtless behind the bar under those spotlights.  Everyone wants him, it’s hard for me to compete.  Larry flirts like crazy, just as Tommy is doing right now.  Larry does it mostly for tips, but there are no tips here, of course, it’s an open bar.  Tommy flirts just to show off his gorgeous gymnast body.”

So the deal was made.  Mario joined Grady and Danny, while Larry went over to relieve Tommy.

Randy and Bob had been splashing noisily in the pool and now pulled themselves out and sat naked with their hosts.  Danny still didn’t look too thrilled by the whole idea and sat sullenly a little apart out of earshot.

“Delicate situation,” Mario said quietly to Bob and Randy.  “I don’t want to push too hard, they need to sort this out together.”

“Delicate, schmelicate,” Randy grunted.  “It’s all a bunch of bullshit.  I could get them talking.”

“Randy no, please,” Bob cautioned.  “Mario said it’s delicate, and we all know you don’t do delicate … ever.”

They looked over to the bar where Larry seemed to be having a hard time selling the idea of a break to Tommy, who seemed more intent on showing off to the guys grouped round him.

“Look at that,” Randy huffed.  “Golden Boy is more interested on flashing his perfect gymnast ass to everyone, rather than talking to Danny.  See him bend over like that to pull bottles from the cooler?  Flashing his ass is a trick he used to pull on me.”

“And it always worked, buddy,” Bob smiled.

“Of course it did … that kid has one primo bubble butt – thanks to all those years as an ice skater and gymnast.  His ass and my dick – a match made in heaven.”  Randy cupped his hand round his mouth and shouted, “Hey Tommy, get that ass of yours over here, pronto.”

Randy’s guttural voice had an instant effect on Tommy.  He looked up, gave Larry a few final notes about the bar and they shook hands.

“Randy,” Bob cautioned again, “this really doesn’t concern us. Mario just wanted to bring the two boys together and let them talk it out. It’s all very subtle.”

“There ain’t nothing subtle about that kid’s ass.  He’s in no mood to talk, you won’t get a word out of him.  He lets his butt do the talking for him … and believe me, the language ain’t subtle.  Look at the way he’s sashaying over here.”

“Hello, sir,” Tommy said with a seductive smile, ignoring Danny, Mario and Bob. “Did you want something?”

“Well you sure as hell do, kid, that’s obvious.  Mario here wants you to talk to your boyfriend, but my guess is you ain’t big on talking right now.”

“Nothing to talk about,” Tommy said, ignoring the downcast look on Danny’s face.  “Guess it depends on whether you speak the language.”

“Ah, don’t fuck around with me, kid, we all know what we’re talking about here, so let’s cut to the chase.  Drop those skin-tight pants.”

Bob started to protest again but Randy and Tommy ignored him.  Mario whispered to Danny, “Sorry about this, Danny.  You don’t have to stay here and watch.”

“But I want to, sir.  I’d like to know what turns Tommy on these days, ‘cos it sure ain’t me.”

Tommy turned his back to Randy and jerked his pants down over his ass. The perfect twin globes flexed, white against the golden tan line of his body.  Randy slapped the ass cheeks and grinned.  “Yup, you’re right not to talk, dude, that fucking ass says all that needs to be said.  My guess is you came over here to get it ploughed, right?”

“You guessed right, dude,” Tommy said insolently.  His tone was meant to make Randy mad, and it succeeded.”

“Fuck you, you arrogant young prick.” Randy stood naked before him stroking his massive cock that was already rock hard.  Having whetted Tommy’s appetite for cock, Randy walked behind him, grabbed his hips and pulled him hard against him so his cock plunged deep inside him.

Tommy howled and Randy said, “Remember that, boy?  Pisses me off to see a guy ignoring his lover and making him miserable, so this time you’re gonna get it good.”  His next thrust pushed them both forward on the ground – Tommy face-down on the grass, Randy pounding on top of him.

Randy’s fucks were legendary, and he was especially tough on smartass guys who talk back to him.  Tommy groaned in surprise at the force of the attack on his ass.  “Not too hard, sir …”

That was just the wrong thing to say.  “You telling me how to fuck your sorry ass, boy?” Randy barked.  “OK, you asked for it.” 

Randy spun Tommy over on his back, grabbed his ankles and pulled his legs up in a high V.  His dry cock rammed into him again and Tommy gritted his teeth.  He stared up in awe at the savage, muscular gypsy, his body flexing, shaggy black hair falling forward round his neck, hypnotic pale blue eyes piercing Tommy’s.

Tommy always craved getting fucked by boss Randy, who was expert at bringing a boy to the edge of pain before easing off and making him beg for more.  But this was the savage Randy, and this time he didn’t ease off.  It wasn’t long before Tommy’s pleas for more action changed to begging for mercy.

“Please, sir, I’m sorry I talked back.  Please, you’re hurting my ass.  I can’t take much more.  Please let me cum, sir.”

“Who’s stopping you, kid?”

“Thank you, sir … I’m gonna cum … I’m gonna cum …”  His cock erupted with jizz that splashed down on his sculpted chest and agonized face.  But it brought no relief, as Randy kept up the pressure and fucked as hard as before. “I’ll cum inside your sorry ass when you shoot again, boy, when you’re ready to apologize to me and to the lover you’ve been treating so bad.”

“OK, sir.  I’m sorry I was rude to you.  I was trying to show off.  Danny, I love you man, and I’ve treated you like shit.  Help me, dude, make him stop … make him cum.  I give up … I submit.”

“Please, sir,” Danny said, “he’s had enough …Please cum inside him … please, sir.  I love him.”

That’s all it took, and Randy and Tommy howled together as Tommy shot a second load and felt the gypsy’s cock gushing jizz deep inside his shattered ass.

<><>    Making Love With A Caveman     <><>

The onlookers breathed sighs of relief to see Randy pull out, with an arrogant smile.  “Now you ready to talk to your guy Danny over there who you’ve been ignoring so far?”

“Yes, sir.  Thank you, sir.”

“Good.  I knew that would loosen your tongue as well as loosen your ass.  OK, my work here is done.”  He grinned at Bob.  “You’re next, handsome.  This punk here has put me in the mood for a real man – one I love and respect.  So, I’m taking you upstairs.”

The two naked lovers got to their feet and Randy’s roguish smile settled on Grady.  “And I ain’t tangled with you yet, big guy.  Later, dude.  You may be a hotshot movie hero to the rest of the world, but to me you’re a primo fuck.  You ready to loan him out, Mario?”

Certamente, amico.  I know Grady is ready for you.  It’s always one of the highlights of these parties.” 

With a self-satisfied smile, Randy threw his arm over Bob’s shoulder and the two naked hunks went to the house. 

Upstairs in their guestroom Randy threw himself on his back on the bed and grinned up at his lover.  Bob said, “I hope you’re not planning on giving me the same caveman treatment you just gave Tommy.”

“Nah, I sent the caveman back to his lair. Tommy’s just a show-off kid who needs to be cut down to size sometimes.  You are the man I love.”

“Don’t you think you were a bit too hard on Tommy, though?”

“Nah, he loved every minute of it, in spite of his squealing.  He loves to hear himself beg for mercy, it’s part of his deal.”

Bob laughed, “He would do anything for you, Randy.  And at least he seems to be ready to talk to Danny.”

“Yeah, don’t know how much good it’ll do.  I can make him squeal, but making him talk sense is more my brother Doc Steve’s line.  I do caveman – brother Steve does shrink.”

“And which one do I get,” Bob smiled.

“Dude, you get love.  Playing the savage always makes me wanna make love afterwards … and that would be you, kid.  You’re the guy I love.”  Randy held his arms up, Bob fell into them and   Randy wrapped his arms tight round him.  “You know, I sometimes think this here, you and me, is the only thing that’s real.  All the rest is so much bullshit.  It’s kinda fun to play around with kids like Tommy, but making love to you is in a whole different world – our world, just you and me.”

Randy proceeded to prove it.  He was transformed from caveman to lover as he kissed Bob tenderly on the eyes, the forehead, the cheeks and lips.  Then he explored his naked body, running his tongue down the cleft between his solid pecs, then his eight-pack abs and finally buried his face in Bob’s black mass of pubic hair, and licked his cock.

Randy sighed, “Dude, you are so damn beautiful.  I could make love to you all day – all my life.  I don’t understand how lovers like Danny and Tommy could grow apart.  You’re stuck with me, dude … forever.”

“No one I’d rather be stuck to, Randy,” Bob smiled.  They stared at each other and saw themselves reflected in each other’s eyes.  Randy’s blues eyes sparkled.  “Here we go, lover.  Welcome to my world.”

They stayed in bed for a long, long time, oblivious of that other world, just downstairs but so far away.

<><>    The Language Of Love    <><>

Randy had left that downstairs world in an unsettled state. Grady said quietly, “Say what you like, Mario, Randy sure knows how to get a guy like Tommy talking, whatever you think of his methods.”

“Oh, I approve of his methods one hundred percent,” Grady grinned.  “Sure works for me every time.  What do you think they’re doing right now?”

“Making love, of course.  That’s the thing about Randy.  The savage gypsy can turn on a dime and become Bob’s tender lover.  No one fucks like him, and no one makes love like him.”

Grady grinned.  “I seem to recall a certain gorgeous Italian who makes love like nobody else.  You wanna go upstairs and prove me right?  All this rough, tough action makes me want some tender loving care from the guy I love and care for most in the world.”

“We speak the same language, Grady.”

“Er not exactly, amico, with that Italianized English you use.  Another thing I love about you.”

“We certainly cannot do any more for Danny and Tommy.  It’s up to them, now.”

Brian came racing over to them in his wheelchair.  “Hey, sirs, do you think I should give Tommy and Danny the key to the Secret Garden? Looks like they could use a little magic right now.”. 

“Can’t do any harm, bambino.  But even the Secret Garden can’t work miracles if there isn’t love there to begin with.”

“Oh, they still love each other, sir, I’m sure of it.  There’s a lot of love going around right now.  Bob and Randy are making love upstairs, and you and Grady soon will be.  So I’m gonna go find my boyfriend Brandon. Love is in the air, so grab it while you can, that’s what I always say.

Assolutamente, bambino,” that’s what I always say too, broken English or not.  It’s the same in any language, eh Grady?”

They kissed and went upstairs.

<><>    A Tough Question    <><>

 Left alone at last, Danny and Tommy didn’t know what to say to each other, or how to start.  So it was something of a relief when Brian rolled toward them and broke the silence.  “Guys, I wondered if you two would like the key to the Secret Garden.” 

Tommy gave an affectionate smile.  “Thanks, but no thanks, kiddo.  We gotta sort out our own problems without the help of a magic garden.”

“I understand, Tommy.”  Brian blushed and hesitated. “Er, guys, I just wanna say one thing.  I love you guys, you’re two of my best friends … and … and … I think you love each other.  You fit so well together.  So, er, all I’m saying is please try to sort this all out.  I hate to see you … well, you know …”  Tears came to Brian’s eyes.  “I guess that’s all I wanted to say.”

Danny said, “Brian, no matter what happens to us, you will always be our best buddy, that’s for sure. 

“Thanks Danny, that means a lot.  I really love you guys.”  Brian grinned shyly.  “I guess I already said that didn’t I? I gotta go find Brandon.”

He rolled away and Danny smiled at Tommy.  “He is such a sweet kid.”

Tommy hesitated.  “You just said ‘no matter what happens to us’.  So what has happened to us, Danny?”

“I don’t know, dude.  Do you think we’ve fallen out of love?”

“I … I don’t know what that means … what it feels like?”  They started to stroll over the grounds, headed for a small grassy clearing that used to be a favorite spot of theirs.  “I mean, Danny, we haven’t spent enough time together lately to know how we feel. Like, er, is there anything that irritates you about me, that makes you avoid me?”

“I don’t want us to fight over this, Tommy.”

“Me neither, but we gotta be honest with each other.  You go first.”

“OK, well … ‘course I’ve been spending most of my time in the kitchen lately, but whenever I do come out and look over at you, you’re always surrounded by admiring guys.”

“Well, I am the bartender, dude, and there’s always a crowd of guys around the bar, it goes with the territory.”

“But you love the attention, Tommy.  You flirt like mad with them, showing off that flawless ass.”

“Sure, I like to be admired.  I haven’t got much from you lately.”

“That’s ‘cos I couldn’t get close through the crowd.  I wasn’t about to line up to talk to my own boyfriend.  Anyway, it’s not just the attention.  I mean, face it, you fuck with a lot of those guys too.  Look at you and Randy.”

“Oh, c’mon, Danny, Randy fucks everyone, you included.”

“OK, OK bad example.  But you know, up at your house you and Lloyd make love all the time – your boss Steve too.”

Tommy flushed with annoyance. “Can I help it if I have the kind of ass everyone wants to fuck?”

“And the kind of ass you spread around to all takers.   Do you know, Tommy, that since we became lovers, I’ve had sex with very few other guys.”

Tommy bristled. “Are you saying you want this to be a monogamous relationship?  Is that what this is all about?”

“No, of course not … well … maybe a bit more monogamous than it has been.  Even the score a bit.”

“Oh right, so how does this work, Danny?  We keep a list of everyone we sleep with, and at the end of the month we compare lists?  If I’m in the lead I slacken off a bit, eh?”

“Tommy this is getting ridiculous.  I think we’re arguing about the wrong things here.  I mean, like, when it comes right down to it, do you still love me, Tommy?”

“Do I still love you …?”  The directness of that question floored Tommy, who answered with another question.  “Back at ya, dude.  Do you still love me?”

There was an uneasy silence and Tommy grinned, “See, not so easy is it?  If the answer’s yes, what’s all the problem about?  If it’s no, if you don’t love me, that’s so final.  We go our own separate ways and that’s it – game over.  And I don’t want that.”

“I don’t want it either, Tommy.”

“So what are we arguing about?”

“Look, Tommy, the problem is, we haven’t had enough information lately to answer the question.  We hardly get a chance to speak.   We catch a glimpse of each other through the crowd, and that’s love?  Who knows?  It don’t look like love to me.”

“You’re right, Danny.  The distance between us has been physical more than emotional, so how do we know how we feel?  Even at night. Last night you worked late in the kitchen prepping for the next day, and I was busy restocking the bar.  So when we got into bed we hardly touched before we were asleep.”

Danny smiled for the first time.  “Oh; I was aware when we touched.   I had a hardon on for a minute and a half, then lost it ‘cos I was thinking about bacon and eggs, and whether I had enough for the breakfast rush.  Nothing like a limp slice of raw bacon to kill a hardon. That’s about the only contact we have all day, in bed, and we’re too tired to even kiss. You know what scares me, dude?  What’s our future?  Loving and being close like we used to be – or too distant even to kiss?”

“You’re right, Danny.  And it’s not just this party – naturally, the party keeps us busy and apart.  But lately, at the Mulholland house, Steve’s been so busy, with a long list of patients that he’s needed me there, so I haven’t been down here so much, to be with you.  I either get here late in the evening, or several nights I didn’t come at all.”

“Tell me about it.  And sleeping alone is not my thing at all.  Er, does that mean that tonight you still wanna share my room with me here, Tommy?  I was scared you’d tell me you want a room of your own.  I’m sure Brian could find you one.”

“Brian could what?”  Brian had wheeled himself up with wine and sandwiches on his tray table.  “So spill, dudes.  Brian could find you one what, Tommy?  A room of your own?  Things are that bad, uh?”

“No, Brian, looks like the opposite … we think.  We could use another opinion here, kiddo, so stick around.”

“Sure, I make a good referee. But my rule is, gloves off, no fisticuffs.”

Tommy grinned.  “We’ve avoided that so far, kiddo.  OK, Brian’s rules it is.  Pop the wine, dude, and start pouring.”

<><>    Brian’s Rules    <><>

Brian settled into his new role easily.  He was younger than the other two, but Grady’s love for him gave him confidence beyond his years.  Now, as he poured the wine, he said, “As I see it, your problem comes down to a case of all work and no play.  Ah, here comes Brandon, he would know all about that.”

Brandon wheeled himself up with a big smile.  “Hi guys, can anyone join this group therapy session?”

“Sure, Brandon,” Danny grinned.  “Seems we need all the help we can get.  Four heads are better than two.”

“OK,” Brandon said.  “That thing about all work and no play – sure I know about that ‘cos it happened to me.  Some time ago we got real busy in the office when Randy opened a new construction site.  I was working a ton of overtime and I got real crabby with Pete.  He saw the writing on the wall and spoke to my boss Bob. 

“One of the problems was I didn’t delegate tasks to my staff.  I guess I thought that I was the captain of the ship and, if it went down, I would go down with it.  Crazy, right?  Actually, I was real close to a nervous breakdown and Pete made me take a long break and spend time with him instead.  I realized how close I had come to losing Pete, but he saved the day.  He’s not the kind of guy you say no to.”

“Yeah,” Danny said, “easy for you to say.  But if I wasn’t in charge of the kitchen it would go to hell in a handbasket.”

Brian grinned, “I guess we’re about to find out about that, ‘cos Mario told me to tell you to take the rest of the day off – the night too.  Boss’s orders.  By the way, I just took a look in the kitchen and – I don’t wanna deflate your ego, or crush your chef’s hat, whatever – but everything’s working perfectly.  The twins know what they’re doing, and young Ossie is having a blast playing junior chef.

“As for the bar, Tommy, Larry is running it like a skilled bartender, which of course he is, and he loves being in the spotlight as much as you do.  He even took his shirt off.  He knows how to play the game.  Only difference from his own bar is – no tips.”

They all laughed and relaxed.  The former tension between Danny and Tommy melted away and they were eager for the next step.  Their cue came again from the boys in the wheelchairs when Brandon grinned at Brian.  “Hey, dude, I didn’t come over here to sort out these guys’ lives but to spice up our own.  Do you realize we haven’t made love yet today.”

“You’re right, buddy.  I guess I was too busy playing shrink to these two.”

“Hey,” Tommy laughed, “you know what they say – all shrink and no play makes Brian a poor lover.”

“Which is why we’re going up to Brian’s room right now,” Brandon laughed, “cos this ain’t something I can delegate.”  He leaned over from his chair and kissed Brian.  Race you to the elevator, kiddo.  Our work here is done.”

“That’s just what Randy said,” Brian laughed, “after he butt-fucked Tommy and started the ball rolling.”

“And we just pointed the ball in the right direction – up.  Upstairs, that is.”

Brian and Brandon sped away and Tommy smiled at Danny.  “Great kids.  And I guess they gave us our marching orders.

<><>    Hard As A Sausage    <><>

In Danny’s room they smiled at each other, and Tommy said, “Kinda makes you feel humble don’t it, kiddo.  Here they are, two boys in wheelchairs, loving life and finding their bliss as long as they can be together.

“Yeah, we’re lucky to have so many guys on our side.  Randy gives you the shock-jock treatment and starts us talking.  Then Brian takes over and helps us sort out our priorities, which I think deep down we knew all along.  Then the two boyfriends lead by example.”

“You think they’re making love already?”

“Duh!” Danny laughed.  “What do you think?”  He and Tommy soon found themselves upstairs in Danny’s room.  It was just like old times as they peeled off their shirts and pants and climbed into bed naked. 

For a while they didn’t touch, a throwback to the recent bad old days.  Then they touched, tentatively at first, then folded their arms round each other.

“Mm, feels good, and no nervous shrinking away this time,” Danny said.

“And this time don’t let your hardon get interrupted by thoughts of eggs and bacon, right?”

“Promise.  I got more tasty things than breakfast on my mind.  Instead of a limp slice of raw bacon I’ll change the image to eggs and sausage.”

Tommy laughed, “Now you’re talking my language, Danny.”

“At lease we’re talking, dude.  And it’s just us two.  That’s progress.”


TO BE CONTINUED IN “A Trial Of Strength” – Book 14: Chapter 18 

by Rob Williams

Email: [email protected]

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