The Holy Fountain

by Hunknown

4 Nov 2022 2774 readers Score 9.2 (31 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


Who’s Who in this chapter

Shay is a straight, shy, anal-virgin 17-y.o. novice; we left him at the Asylum’s hot pool, with Ewan (his roommate and mentor) and Gaynor (a gigantic monk in his 40s who has unexpectedly let young Shay fuck him). We’ll also meet Uncle Orren, one of the Lost Cousins, a former Uncle who betrayed his vows.

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~ Men and Women ~

Shay and Ewan jumped in the hot pool, soon joined by the massive Gaynor, who playfully splashed water all around, laughing and playing with childish joy. Shay looked at Gaynor, still in disbelief for having been given the chance to make love to the older and experienced monk. Shay still couldn’t get a grip on the fleeting fear he saw in Gaynor’s eyes, a moment before penetrating him, but he thought better than ask him: sure enough it was a very personal matter. And anyway, now Gaynor looked on cloud nine, laughing and playing in the water.

When they were leisurely lying in the warm water, Gaynor turned to Shay: “Man, it was epic! You know how to work a man’s ass!”

“Do I?” – Shay asked, finding hard to believe that his inexperienced fuck could deserve such a praise – “I’d rather call it a lucky first try…”

“What? You mean I was… your first? Man, you’re a natural, and I’m… flattered!”

Shay flashed an uneasy grin. Gaynor just wanted to praise him, but being ‘a natural’ in fucking a male ass is not what the straight boy longed to be. And the fact that he enjoyed very much making love to Gaynor made him feel even worse: “So, in the end, my first time was with a man… I dreamt so many times to lose my virginity to a girl… I wonder how it feels lying a girl…”

“Well, not bad, to tell the truth” – Gaynor replied matter-of-factly, and Shay gasped for the surprise: “Do you… know how it feels making love to a woman?”

“Why shouldn’t I? I took my vows when I was twenty-seven. Not all the Novices are as young as you. Before coming here I laid many girls, and I loved it. Besides, the Holy Fountain doesn’t ask us to take a vow of celibacy, I could go find a girl even now, if I wanted to…”

“But… But then…” – Shay stuttered – “…why don’t you do it?”

Gaynor stood silent for a long moment and then replied, thoughtfully: “Because women don’t know anything about us. They expect us to give them pleasure, but leave to us seeking for our own pleasure. They open their legs and for them that’s enough. No matter how hard they try, if ever they try, they just can’t understand what a man feels, what a man craves, what really gives pleasure to a man.

Here, with my fellow monks, I found out what real intimacy is, and I never felt the need to look for a woman again. Though, at first, I was afraid that coming here I had to force myself to bend my desires and my nature, and I fought hard not to give up to what I believed was my true self, to my natural inclinations. I was even… punished because of that.”

“Punished?” – Shay exclaimed – “Do we get punished for our faults?”

“No!” – Gaynor exclaimed, seriously – “The Holy Fountain doesn’t punish, it loves and forgives. It wasn’t a righteous punishment, and this doubled the pain I had to suffer. But my Cousins were wonderful, they supported me, taught me to forgive. That was when I understood that only a man can truly understand another man. Sexually, emotionally, at every possible level. I could look for womanly love… but what for? My Cousins and my Uncles take care of me much better than any woman. You too, Shay, helped me a lot, even if probably you were not aware of it.”

“M… Me?” – Shay murmured – “How could I take care of you? I’m only a Novice and you are… you!”

Gaynor lowered his eyes and wore a tender smile on his face: “Earlier, when you fucked me, you gave me much more than your youthful ardor and your blessing seed…”

“Holy Fountain…!” – Shay exclaimed, listening to Gaynor’s story; he still wasn’t sure of what he’d done, to gain Gaynor’s affection, but the monk’s words warmed his heart. Smiling, Shay turned to Ewan: “And what about you? You too have found man-love more satisfying than laying women?”

“Laying women?” – Ewan laughed – “Thanks, but no, thanks! No, I felt attracted by men since… I don’t even remember when. Here at the Asylum I found my personal heaven. I mean, look at him!” – he added, pointing at Gaynor – “Where can you find a sexier hunk of a man?”

“You mean… you’ve been fucked by Gaynor, too?”

“Uh! Who do you think taught him that Submission doesn’t just mean obeying orders?”

“Watch your mouth” – Gaynor replied amidst the laughter – because out of that door I’m still your Older Cousin!”


~ Wrong turn ~

The small group soon disbanded, and Ewan urged Shay to go back to their room, to get ready for the evening meal.

At dinner, as usual, the entire Cousinhood reunited around the large table, but this time there weren’t sideway glances to Shay and comments whispered in the ears, like at lunch. Now Shay exchanged many friendly and affectionate glances with the monks he’d come to know intimately: Devin, Quinn, Gaynor, Blain, and even Uncle Roderick. But the Lost Cousins, with their penetrating and lascivious glances, still made Shay feel uneasy.

When they went back to their room, Ewan and Shay chatted lively for a while, commenting what happened at the Springs, and then Ewan lay on his bed, yawning: “I’m totally exhausted, Shay” – he said with half-closed eyes – “but I should bring the dirty towels to the laundry…”

“Oh, let me!” – Shay soon exclaimed – “You need to rest. Only… can you please tell me where is the laundry? The Asylum is still a maze for me.”

“It’s easy, turn right at the first hallway, then left and left again, and you’re there.”

“I’ll be back in a minute” – Shay said, taking the towels, and went out to the hallway. All the monks were in their cells, no one was around. The boy walked down the hallway and stopped: «Was it right-left-left? Or Left-right-right? Uhm… Left, he said left…»

Shay turned left, and then right, entering a darker hallway; he walked all the way to the end, but there were no turns, the hallway ended there.

«I must have taken a wrong turn…» –Shay thought, a bit anxious – «I’ll go back and will turn… left? Or right? It should be…”

“AAAAAGGHHH!!!” – a muffled scream of pain echoed in the long corridor, making Shay wince – “NO! NOOO!!”

Shay was about to run away, scared shitless, but it seemed like a Cousin was in deep pain, maybe he needed help, and there was only him around the Asylum… He saw some light shining from under a door and got closer, silently, not to be heard, listening intently.

“AAAAGGHH!!” – the man screamed again, and Shay didn’t think twice: he quickly opened the door and rushed inside… and froze, unable to fully understand what he was looking at, and too scared to even try.

Two Lost Cousins were in the room, and were looking back at him with surprised eyes. One of them was naked and tied to a wide X-shaped wooden cross bolted to the wall, his cock as hard as steel; he had what seemed heavy weights hanging from his balls and his nipples, and several reddened marks glowed on his skin drenched with sweat.

The other Lost Cousin, still wearing his long black habit, was standing in front of him, holding what seemed a riding crop with a few short lashes on the tip. Apart from the heavy breaths of the hanging Cousin, the silence in the room was complete and oppressing. Shay was rooted to the floor, his mind screamed him to run away, but his feet couldn’t move.

“What a pleasant surprise…” – came a voice from the opposite corner of the ample room, and Shay turned his head, gasping hard: “Uncle Orren!!”

“Don’t stay on the door, come in, boy…” – the man said with honeyed voice, coming closer. He, too, was wearing a long habit, but it seemed more a cassock, as it was completely open on the front, exposing the man’s muscular hairy body… and his stiff, scaring erection.

“I… I have to… go…” – Shay stuttered, turning around to run away, but Orren’s stentorian voice froze him: “Stop, Novice! Submit to my command!”

Shay remembered what Ewan told him, about the Lost Cousins still retaining their prerogatives: though Lost, Orren was an Uncle, and the vow of Submission bound Shay to a total obedience.

“Come inside and close the door” – Orren ordered, and Shay quickly complied, scared. The man grabbed him by his arm and pulled him to the center of the room, in front of the hanging man: “You’re lucky, Novice, as tonight you will learn something that no one else will teach you in the Asylum. Torrance, here” – he explained, pointing to bound man – “is putting his Temperance at test. Because Temperance, boy, is not just a matter of keeping your member limp or hold back your semen: it’s the art of controlling your orgasm at will, restraining it and letting it explode according to your mind’s command, not your manhood’s needs!”

“I… I didn’t know…” – Shay murmured with a cracking, faint voice.

“Of course you don’t know!” – Uncle Orren exclaimed – “Because Uncle Roderick is an evil man, and rejoices in your ignorance! But tonight you will witness what Temperance really means. Drake!” – he said aloud, looking at the Cousin with the crop – “Explain to our Novice what you’re doing to Torrance…”


~ Unholy, depraved acts ~

“Look, boy” – Drake said, turning his gaze to the bound man – “Now Torrance is requested to exert his Temperance to hold his orgasm, even if I do to him… this!”

He grabbed Torrance’s cock and started stroking it furiously, gripping it tight, while with the other hand his played with the man’s balls, touched the weights hanging from his nipples and dug his fingers in his ribs. Torrance inhaled sharply, trying to cope with the sudden sensual overload; his body stiffened, the veins of his neck bulged, and he shut his eyes tight.

No man could possibly resist long to the wild, violent stimulation, but Torrance shook his head, pursing his lips, and commanded his orgasm to remain painfully trapped into his groin. But as the onslaught went on, his willpower weakened and he uttered: “I can’t… I can’t!! I’m cumming!!!”

Drake immediately withdrew his hand, took the riding crop and started lashing hard Torrance, all over his body and even on his cock, throbbing on the verge of the climax.

“AAAAARRGGHHH!!!” – Torrance screamed loud, while the evil crop painfully denied to him the blissful orgasm he was about to feel.

“Is this your Temperance?” – Drake asked disdainfully – “You should wear again the Novices’ red habit. But I’ll mercifully give you another chance to prove yourself. I’ll give your cock sixty strokes, and you must cum on the last one!”

Drake grabbed again Torrance’s cock and started stroking it slowly: “One… Two… Three…”. He kept a tight grip on the enflamed member, granting enough friction to let Torrance climb to his climax, but his hand moved viciously slowly, thus preventing the man to explode.

Torrance was heaving, keeping his eyes shut, fully concentrated in his task, and by the time Drake counted the fiftieth stroke, he seemed very close to achieve his goal, and started rocking his hips.

“Yess…” “Fifty-five…” “Oh, yessss…” “Fifty-six” “Mmmhhh… so close…!” “Fifty seven…” “Don’t stop! Nnngghh…” “Fifty-eight…” “Yeah! Here it cums…” “Fifty-nine…” “I’m about to cum! Don’t stop!!! Please!!”

“Sixty!” – Drake said aloud, taking his hand away from the throbbing cock and picking again the crop. “No! No, please!” – Torrance pleaded – “Just one more stroke!!!”

“I’ll give you ten strokes!” – Drake shouted, hitting Torrance with the riding crop, forcefully subduing once more his orgasm.

Shay had wet eyes: “This is not the Temperance the Holy Fountains wants from us…” – he whined – “This can’t be the way…!”

“Is a Novice going to teach an Uncle what the three Virtues are??” – Uncle Orren shouted, slamming his hand on a table – “Strip, boy!”

Chocking a whine, Shay tossed away his short red habit and stood naked in the middle of the room, looking at the floor, ashamed.

“Raise your gaze, the lesson is not over, boy” – Orren said curtly, and then looked at Drake: “Again.”

Drake took again possession of Torrance’s member and started wanking it in earnest, so fast that Torrance felt a sudden, almost unbearable sexual tension taking a grip on his whole body. The wild sensations coming from his cock, coupled with the erotic pain caused by the weights hanging from his balls and nipples were way too much to bear.

“Masturbate!” – Uncle Orren ordered to Shay, and the boy winced: “I… I can’t! Renunciation forbids…”

“Submission is stronger than Renunciation!” – Orren yelled – “Submit to my command, Novice! Masturbate! And I want you to quickly get hard and cum!”

Shay’s father had always been extremely strict about masturbation, and Shay, so far, had never even tried to touch himself. He felt sick, dirty, but he had no choice: he had taken a vow of Submission, and Uncle Orren had given him an order.


~ Down to Hell ~

Hesitantly, Shay grabbed his own limp dick and started stroking it, trying hard to have an erection. Looking at Cousin Torrance squirming and gasping under the merciless overstimulation administered by Cousin Drake didn’t help, but he did his best, he tried to think at the pressure Torrance was feeling in his groin, and how explosive and liberating would’ve been his orgasm when he was allowed to cum… and Shay’s dick, at last, came to life, stiffened and swelled in all its boyish glory.

The loud smacks of the riding crop on Torrance’s skin and the man’s howls of pain distracted him, but Uncle Orren urged him: “Don’t stop, keep stroking!”

The following test, the sixty strokes, helped Shay more with keeping his erection and building sexual vibes, because Torrance now was squirming with repressed pleasure, trying hard to reach the orgasm.

“Fifty-six…” “Keep going!” “Fifty-seven” “God help me…!” “Fifty-eight…” “I’m so fucking cloooose!!” “Fifty nine…” “Nnnnggghh…”

“Cousin Torrance, cum! Cum!” – Shay shouted, almost sharing the bound man’s desperation.

“YEEEAAAHHHHH!!!!” – Torrance screamed out of his lungs, his entire body bucking wildly for the unbearable force of his orgasm. Drake, with an evil smirk, let go of Torrance’s cock, leaving it unattended and watching it bobbing crazily up and down, while the man’s precious semen fell to the floor, mixing with the dust and the dirt.

But despite the discomfort of the ruined orgasm, Torrance at least had finally cum, and Shay inhaled sharply, reaching himself a forced, unpleasant climax: “Oohhh… UGGHH…!!” – he moaned, almost hoping that Uncle Orren didn’t hear him, but the man instantly came close and put his palm under Shay’s spurting cock, to harvest the fruit of his loins.

When his cock stopped throbbing, Shay felt sick, thinking at Torrance’s essence lost on the dirty floor and his own seed robbed from him from Uncle Orren’s greedy hand. He turned to Uncle Orren and looked him with a great sadness: “A man’s semen comes from his inner Fountain, it shouldn’t be wasted like this…”

“Oh, but your seed is not going to be wasted…” – Orren replied with an evil grin, and moved close to Torrance: “Here’s a gift from your young friend!”

Orren swiftly grabbed Torrance’s still rigid cock and started smearing Shay’s cream on the man’s now ultra-sensitive cock head, polishing it with vicious determination. “AAAAAARRGGHH!!!” – Torrance screamed, taken aback from the additional torture – “Holy Fucking Fountain, STOOOOP!!! Have mercy, Uncle, stop! NOOO!!!”

Shay felt his guts churning, and tears stung behind his eyes: “This is not the way, Uncle Orren! The Holy Fountain doesn’t teach this! STOP!!”

Much to Shay’s surprise, Uncle Orren actually stopped and turned to the boy, shooting at him an irate gaze. With a frightening low voice, he said, without breaking eye contact with Shay: “Drake, set Torrance free and go to your cells. I have something to explain to the Novice, here…”

Drake quickly untied Torrance, and the two Cousins quickly went away; but Torrance, before closing the door, shot to Shay an intense glance, full of surprise and thankfulness for what the boy had done, and a deep sorrow for what he was about to get.

“You’re a Novice” – Orren said when they were alone, and his tone was bitter, more than angry – “You may think that the Holy Fountain and the monks in the odor of sanctity that worship it are beautiful, honest, forgiving. Well, it’s not like this. Look at me! Look at what they’ve done to me, to Torrance and Drake! And to countless monks that lived their grievous lives here in the West wing! Forgiveness? Uh!”

“W… Why, have you been punished… unjustly?” – Shay asked, trying hard to get a grip on himself; looking at Uncle Orren, wearing his black cassock open all the way to the front, with his muscular body and substantial manhood in full view, did not help at all.

“Oh, no, my punishment was not unjust” – Orren replied – “I really caused great pain with my acts. And I wanted to make amend… but I was not given a chance. I had been a revered Uncle for years, and then suddenly I was a monster, someone to steer away from, to throw in the darkest wing of this damn Asylum!”

“But… Maybe…” – Shay said, cautiously – “Maybe things can change… I’m sure that if you talk to Uncle Roderick he will…”

Uncle Roderick sent me here!!!” – Orren yelled, pointing a finger to the scared boy – “And he will pay for that! I’ll take away from him what he most cherishes, the innocent soul so dear to his heart, the delicate flower he dearly longs to pick… you!!”

Shay’s face became as white as a ghost. He looked around, but there was no escape. He hoped, he prayed that Ewan would come and rescue him, but it was the middle of the night and Ewan was soundly asleep, just like all the other monks.

All except himself and Uncle Orren…


In the next chapter: Shay will pay terribly hard his mistake, but sometimes even from the most heinous acts can come out something good.

Footnotes and references:


by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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