The Holy Fountain

by Hunknown

21 Oct 2022 3552 readers Score 9.3 (36 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


Who’s Who in this chapter

Shay is a straight, shy, virgin 17-y.o. novice, blond, slim but chiseled; he has just faced a hard sexual test and is now relaxing in his room with Ewan (his roommate and mentor, a hairy young monk in his late 20s); we’ll also meet again Uncle Roderick, the head of the monastery, a mature but fit monk in his 50s.

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~ Cousinhood ~

In his last trial, Shay proved to be strong in his Renunciation and, to a limited extent, in his Temperance; but the trial had taken a toll on his body and mind: he felt exhausted and totally drained  [1]. Uncle Roderick had granted him some spare time, to recharge his stamina, and he was lying on his bed with a relaxed, contented smile on his face.

A kind voice coming from the other bed of his cell roused him from his lazy torpor: “Your words really touched me, sweet Shay, when you rejected the Uncle’s promotion so to be still subjected to your Young Cousins’ command.”

“I confess that the only Cousin I was actually referring to was you, Ewan…” – Shay replied, turning his head to look at his roommate – “It is yours the guidance I ask for, yours the advice and the help I need. Do you think that the Cousins guessed that you… and I…”

“It was quite obvious” – Ewan giggled – “and that’s why I felt so touched. I’m glad we could create such a strong bond in such a short span of time. I can’t be happier to be your Cousin.”

Shay became thoughtful and turned again to look at the ceiling. “Why ‘Cousins’, Ewan? Why don’t we call each other ‘brothers’? In many communities the strong bond between the members is defined as a ‘brotherhood’, while we are a… ‘cousinhood’… I guess.”

“Nothing simpler:” – Ewan replied, wearing a rascal grin – “two brothers would never… touch each other like you and I did yesterday, or like the Older Cousins did to you this morning. A brotherhood is all about strength and mutual protection, while our Cousinhood is all about intimacy and mutual support”.

“Intimacy…” – Shay said with a tender smile, looking at his friend – “It’s so… heartwarming feeling so intimate with you, Ewan. I never experienced such a deep bond with anyone. But sometimes, here, I feel like I'm being… forced be intimate with the other monks. Staying naked in front of them while they’re clothed, being touched in my most private parts in public… It was thrilling, in a way, but it costs me a lot, I feel so embarrassed and ashamed…”

“Uhm…” – Ewan mumbled, pensive – “Sometimes you’ve been put in a hard situation on purpose, to let you prove how strong is your Submission. Like the forced nakedness, or even better, when you were asked to ‘impale’ yourself on the stool: had you known that there was no pain awaiting you, it would’ve been way too easy for you to obey. But those tricks are over, now: you proved yourself beyond any doubt.”

Shay smiled, proud, and rolled again on his back, feeling his eyes closing for the exhaustion. Ewan smiled with great tenderness and said softly: “Sleep, now, sweet Shay, and restore your strength. When you wake up, I’ll be here with you.”


~ The Holy Spring ~

Shay opened his eyes, woken up by the sound of the door opening; he was surprised to see Ewan coming in bringing a tray with some hot food for him.

“It’s late afternoon” – Ewan explained with a smile – “and you missed lunch. Usually the Novices sleep until lunchtime, after the trial, but I knew that for you it had been… particularly intense, being so new to physical pleasure. The Older Cousins didn’t hold back with you!”

“I felt like I was losing my mind…” – Shay giggled, but soon a tender smile appeared on his face – “But it wasn’t as intense and overwhelming as how you made me feel yesterday. I think… I will never forget that moment.”

Ewan smiled tenderly, put down the tray and let Shay eat the tasty food; he sat next to his friend and said, with a faraway look in his eyes: “I too remember that moment. My first orgasm. I felt a growing wave rising inside me, bigger and bigger, I never felt anything like that, and at some point I realized I couldn’t control it anymore: something was exploding in my groin and I couldn’t stop it, no matter what! I was scared shitless, realizing that something was happening inside me, something so powerful that I had no choice but succumb to it, helplessly. But the fear lasted few moments, because I soon was blown away by the most intense pleasure I’d ever felt. I think I spurted no less than a hundred shots… or anyway, I felt like that!”

They both giggled, and Shay quickly finished his meal. “What shall we do until dinner?” – Shay asked – “I feel born anew, I feel energized and ready for anything!”

“Then, it’s a good moment to visit the Holy Spring… or ‘the Springs’, as we call it” – Ewan suggested, standing up – “I talked you about it, there are some hot springs lying under the Asylum; in the basement there is a hot pool fed by their warm waters, and there’s an exercise ground, too, where monks keep themselves in good shape. Come, let’s go downstairs!”

They scampered along the corridors, took a dark stone staircase and emerged in a very wide subterranean hall, pleasantly lit up by numerous oil lamps. On one side there was a big pool filled with fuming water; the pool had an irregular shape, resembling a natural pool, but it was obviously man-made. On the opposite sides Shay saw wooden bars hanging from the ceiling, stone weights for weightlifting and wooden trellises attached to the walls.

Three monks were working out, but Shay couldn’t look at them, because Ewan called him: “Come, the water is wonderful, can’t wait to get in!”. He quickly tossed his habit away and entered the hot pool, under Shay’s uncertain gaze: “Are we going to bathe… naked?”

“Unless you want to bathe fully dressed!” – Ewan laughed – “Come on! Anyone here has already taken several good looks at your graces… especially me!”

Shay smiled, took away his habit and quickly rushed into the pool, always a bit self-conscious about his own body. He relaxed in the pool, glancing at a very muscular, almost gigantic monk making pull-ups on the wooden bar nearby. He recognized him as the Older Cousins who sucked him off, at the trial; now he wasn’t wearing his blue habit, but a small loincloth like the one Shay used as sleepwear. His powerful muscles glistened with sweat, in the trembling light, and his massive biceps bulged out every time he pulled up his body, until his chin touched the suspended bar.

“What a sight, uh?” – Ewan said in a low voice, nudging Shay – “His name is Gaynor, and he has the most muscular and sculpted physique in the entire Asylum. I can understand why you can’t get your eyes off of him…”

“I’m not looking at him!” – Shay lied, keeping his gaze riveted on the muscled body going up and down – “I was just… admiring his physique, that’s all…”


~ Devin ~

“Uhm, yeah” – Ewan mocked his friend, winking – “And the guy over there, lifting stone weights, is Devin, he’s an Older Cousin, too. Rumor has it that he will soon undergo the trial to become Uncle, and I think he’ll pass the test, because he’s very strong in his Temperance: once, I saw him holding his orgasm for almost an hour, while three men fucked and sucked him savagely!”

“I… I hope that no one will ever fuck me ‘savagely’…” – Shay replied, and then added: “I hope that no one will ever fuck me at all!”

“Being fucked by the right man is the most exquisite feeling you can ever experience. Ask Quinn, over there” – Ewan said pointing to a Young Cousin doing yoga a bit afar – “He just loves being fucked, he can’t get enough!”

Devin heard the voices coming from the pool and stood up, placing the weights on the floor: “Oh, who do we have here? Fresh meat! Yummy!” – he joked, tossing away the loincloth he was wearing and sitting in the pool, next to Shay – “I’m Devin, and you are… irresistible!”

Devin placed a hand on Shay’s thigh, under the water surface, and brushed it hard on the soft skin, until it closed around the boy’s limp manhood. “Ni… Nice to meet you, O… Older Cousin Devin” – Shay stuttered, embarrassed by Devin’s daring move; but he was an Older Cousin, and he thought better than stop him.

“Leave him alone, you pervert!” – Ewan intervened, laughing – “The younger the better, for you, right, Devin? Sorry to disrupt your sex dream, but this particular ass is off limits for you, until Uncle Roderick breaks him in. If you’re in heat, ask your right hand to provide you some relief!”

“Ewan!!” – Shay exclaimed, shocked by his friend’s utterly disrespectful behavior and his hint to masturbation, forbidden by the vow of Renunciation – “He’s an Older Cousin!!”

“No, it’s alright, Shay” – Devin said, amused by Ewan’s dirty talk – “No ‘Older Cousin’ or anything here. This is a very special place: the Springs have only one rule, that is… no rules at all. There aren’t older cousins, uncles or novices, at the Springs, and we all are temporarily relieved from our vows of Submission, Renunciation and Temperance. Monks are men, they need a place where to truly feel free to do anything, now and then: here you don’t have to obey to anyone, you can flirt with anyone and feel free to get an erection, no need to restrain yourself; you could even masturbate, if you really want… though it would be silly, as many lads would be more than glad to give you the pleasure you crave. Here at the Springs you can truly relax, be yourself and do whatever you want… even badmouthing me!”

Shay looked up at Devin, at his handsome features and his defined chest, and smiled shyly: “I can’t possibly say anything bad to you…”

“And I heartily thank you for that” – Devin replied, smiling, and then pointed a menacing finger at Ewan: “But your friend, here, will have to pay a hard price for what he said! I can’t use my prerogatives, here, but I always can use… this!”

Devin stood up, standing out of the water, sporting a stiff erection; his cock wasn’t as thick as Ewan’s, but a bit longer, and curved upright. He walked around Shay with a sly grin on his face and got closer to Ewan, looking at him with penetrating eyes. With his hands, he forcefully parted Ewan’s legs and knelt between them.

“You had it coming, lad” – Devin growled, with a fake menacing tone – “Ready or not, this cock will now impale your ass…”

“But I don’t want…” – Ewan replied with a sensual tone, shifting his hips toward Devin in the fuming water – “I don’t want to be fucked by you…”

“Tell me again…” – the man said, pressing his cock on Ewan’s ass, relaxed and lubricated by the hot water.

Ewan looked deep into Devin’s eyes, revealing his irrepressible desire to feel his cock inside him, filling him to the brim: “I don’t… oohh… don’t want… aww…”

The more Ewan feigned his refusal, the deeper Devin’s cock crawled into him, until he felt stuffed like a turkey: “Damn you, why are you so good at fucking people?” – Ewan groaned, tilting his head back – “Give it to me, man… I’ve been a nasty boy… nnngghh… Ah! Yes! YES!”

Devin held tight Ewan’s hips, and shoved his cock deeper and deeper into his tender hole. Shay, sitting in the water beside them, watched with wide eyes Devin’s rigid member rhythmically disappear into his friend’s hole and listened to his groans and moans of pleasure. Devin seemed to be a master at his art, and Shay admired the manly confidence he showed, rocking his hips back and forth and slamming his groin on Ewan’s buttocks, but always checking his partner to spot possible signs of distress.


~ Feeling Devin’s feelings ~

Shay had never fucked anyone in his young life, woman or (God forbid!) man, and felt fascinated by Devin, who clearly had a great experience. What impressed Shay most was the sexy way the man swayed his hips, back and forth, driving his cock into Ewan with powerful thrusts, but almost without moving his torso: his head was perfectly still, and his penetrant gaze pierced Ewan’s as if he was fucking the lad with his eyes, too.

Devin spotted Shay looking at him with adoring eyes and said: “You can join in, lad, if you like. This is the Spring, do what you feel…”

Shay cautiously raised a hand and placed it on Devin’s thigh, following its movements and feeling under his fingers the powerful muscles twitching; the erotic aura that emanated by those thighs, by those hips rhythmically slamming on Ewan’s bottom captured Shay, who stood up and moved closer to Devin. He reverently brushed his hands on the man’s firm buttocks, his sinewy back, to then move to the front, exploring the chest and the chiseled abs that tightened and relaxed at each thrust of the hips.

His hand moved along with Devin’s thrusts, and Shay felt through his fingers the sexual tension, the desire, the unrestrained lust that Devin was feeling, sinking his manly tool into Ewan’s tender depths. With his fingers he gently pinched Devin’s nipple, making him groan for the pleasure.

Shay glanced at Devin, to be sure he wasn’t annoying him, but he shot at the boy a turbid glare and growled: “Yeah, wait for Uncle Roderick to pick your flower, and then you’ll be next, boy. What you felt at your trial is nothing, compared to what you’ll feel under my cock… Look at your friend, squirming under my blows, look at his ecstatic face, his eyes rolling back… He’s in heaven, but we can make him go insane, if you help me. Grab his big cock, his wonderful fat manhood, and stroke it, brush your fingers around the head, and you’ll make him scream for the pleasure…”

Shay was caught into the cobweb of pure lust that Devin so masterfully had woven around him, and curled his hand around Ewan’s cock; it was as hard as wooden pole, and Shay started stroking it sensually, under the warm water, brushing his thumb on the ridge of his glans and on the sensitive frenulum. True to Devin’s word, Ewan gasped loud and chocked a scream of pleasure: “Holy Fountain and all the Holy Springs!!” – he said with coarse voice – “You’re killing me… NNNGGHH… I can’t resist! Damn it’s so gooood…!!”

Devin, by now, was pounding Ewan with such a potency that the water splashed everywhere and Ewan shuddered at each thrust of the expert cock into his ass; Shay doubled his efforts and started stroking his friend’s cock in earnest, kneeling in the water to better see what he was doing. He almost worried for Ewan’s sanity when he stiffened and held his breath, his eyes open wide. And then… “AAAAARRGGHH!!!”

Shay felt the cock throb hard in his hands and saw it shoot white globs of creamy seed that floated in the water; he suddenly felt an urgency rise inside him, he didn’t want that precious seed to be wasted and get lost in the wide pool, and dove his face underwater, taking the spurting cock into his mouth.

Under the surface, Shay suddenly found himself immersed in a world of warmth and silence; the rest of the world was outside, it didn’t exist anymore: below the surface there was only Ewan’s pulsing cock and its precious seed filling his mouth. Each and every shot of manly juice was eagerly gulped down. Shay went on sucking and swallowing with passion, without feeling short of air, without feeling the need to resurface; he sucked and sucked, and would’ve gone on forever… but a strong hand abruptly grabbed his hair and pulled his head up. “Are you going to chew me up to my bones?” – Ewan exclaimed, laughing; his face revealed the bliss and the exhaustion of the powerful climax, as well as the discomfort caused by Shay’s intense sucking after the orgasm was over.

Shay’s insecure expression was priceless: “Did… Did I do it wrong?”

Devin grabbed Shay’s hair and forced him to tilt his head back: “Do you still have Ewan’s semen lingering in your mouth?”

“Y… Yes…” – Shay replied with some difficulty, straining his neck. “Then you did it right” – Devin growled, and locked his mouth on Shay’s, in a passionate, lustful kiss that took the boy’s breath away. When their lips, at long last, parted, Devin pierced Shay with a turbid glance: “Remember my promise, lad. You’re the next.”

“I… I don’t…” – Shay stuttered, standing up, but his stiff cock answered on his behalf, rousing many knowing chuckles and brazen comments by Ewan and Devin. Then, under Shay’s and Ewan’s admired gaze, Devin climbed out of the pool… giving to the excited lads one last glimpse of his beautiful cock, now spent and dripping water.


~ The Boss is in the house ~

“Man, it was insane…” – Ewan said, relaxing in the water, when they were alone – “Devin is a sex machine, he’s the living proof that you don’t need a mighty club between your legs to make someone go crazy with pleasure: he maneuvers his tool in such a skillful way that you feel fucked in your ass and in your soul… He’s so commanding, a true alpha-man!”

“I’m sorry if I’ve been… a bit too passionate, underwater…” – Shay murmured, unsure – “The silence, the warmth of the water, your cock pulsing between my lips… made me lose track of time.”

“It’s alright, I loved it, don’t worry. A passion such as yours can never be wrong. Too bad that staying underwater you missed Devin’s climax: he was a real sight, with his head tilted back, all his muscles flexed… Man, he pumped something like a gallon of seed up my ass!”

Shay rolled on his side and placed his head on Ewan’s furry chest: “Is… uhm… is being fucked really this mind-blowing? I’m a bit scared, knowing that sooner or later Uncle Roderick will come and… pick my flower, as Devin said. When will it happen?”

“When you are ready, and I see that you’re not, yet. So, don’t worry, live your life, learn about the ways of the Holy Fountain, know your fellow monks and… smile. I hate to see that frown on your face, sweet Shay…”

Shay smiled wide and gave a tender kiss on Ewan’s chest, before standing up: “We’ll become two dried prunes, if we stay in the water any longer!”

Laughing, the two lads got out of the pool and dried off using some of the linen towels stacked nearby; but then they didn’t put on their habits, as neither of them felt uneasy, walking naked around the Springs.

They walked around lazily, looking at the many exercise tools scattered around, and Ewan explained to Shay what was their usage and what benefits they granted to a man’s physique. Then, they heard some grunts coming from behind a corner of the ample hall and went to check who was there.

Shay gasped, recognizing Uncle Roderick lying on a carpet, on his back, doing crunches. He was naked, except for a small loincloth lying on his groin, and Shay admired with wide eyes the Uncle’s muscular frame, the chiseled abs straining at each crunch, the bulging pecs crowned by two wide and meaty nipples. The silver streaks in his short beard and hair were visible in the thin layer of body hair, too, but they only added to the overall sense of solid masculinity he exuded. And what Shay could spot peeking under the small loincloth definitely enforced the overall look.

“Aahh… Look at him, Shay” – Ewan sighed – “As old as Methuselah, and still gorgeous as ever…”

“That impertinent mouth of yours will get you in troubles, sooner or later” – Uncle Roderick chuckled – “Sooner, more likely than later! Ha ha! I may actually revoke the Springs’ special status, so that you’ll have to finally shut up and submit to my command here, too!”

“Don’t you dare, old man, or the monks will mutiny! Oh, come on, Shay, don’t make that scared face, Uncle Roderick is the first who needs to relieve himself from the burden of the white habit, now and then.”

“I… I like him without his habit…” – Shay said under his breath to Ewan, rousing more chuckles. Uncle Roderick took a towel and replied: “You’ll be a wonderful Uncle, when you’re ready, Shay. The Holy Fountain flows strong through you.”

The wise man went away, leaving the two lads alone. “Come!” – Ewan said, taking his friend by hand – “Let’s go meet Quinn and Gaynor: you’ll love them!”


In the next chapter: Shay will meet the flexible Quinn, a yoga expert who reveals to the young Novice the gem hidden in every man’s ass; they will be joined by the bulky Gaynor, who will teach to Shay something about Submission… and will get something in exchange!

Footnotes and references:

[1] In his trial, Shay was teased and then merciless edged, but he found the strength not to masturbate; the Cousin then granted him a mind-blowing orgasm, that felt even stronger to Shay, who is new to physical pleasure. See Ch. 3.

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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