The Alex Chronicles

by Robert Halstead

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Chapter 15

1. The Flogging

On the way home, we chat.

“I used to work as a waiter during college,” Master tells me. “I remember how grungy I felt at the end of a shift and the stinky sweat that I couldn’t wait to wash off in the shower. I imagine Mitchell was in the same condition, no?”

“He was, Master. I could smell His sweat as soon as He took down his pants. His dick was kind of gross, but once this slave was able to get its mouth on Him, it wasn’t too bad. Besides, He was so damn cute, and He has a nice cock, so I was really enjoying the fact that I was the first person to get to know His cock. And He reacted so nicely, moaning and groaning in a kind of high voice.”

“It’s too bad that He didn’t have you lick Him clean down there, boi. It would have been good for you.”

“If You say so, Sir. Did You know any subs who would clean You off back then, Sir?”

“Not really. But sometimes Dad would make Hank lick Me clean and I know Hank wasn’t happy about it. He really hated it whenever Dad would make him do anything for me. I was glad when Dad got rid of him. crick is a much better slave, although kind of dumb like I told you. mindless service and never resisted or objected to having anything to do with Me. Some nights, when I didn’t get home too late and wake Dad up, He’d have crick give me a complete tongue bath. Every inch. Like you’re going to do to me after I work out sometimes, pig.”

“As You wish, Master.”

“And besides that, you’re going to get more opportunities to enjoy Mitchell’s body as well.”

“Really, Master?”

“yes. While you were servicing Him tonight, Mr. Romano and I had a nice conversation about the boy. Art—that’s Mr. Romano’s first name—Art told me that He really suspected that Mitchell was going to become a good Dom. He can tell that by the way Mitchell interacts with other members of the wait staff. “Even though He’s the youngest,” Art says,  “He already exerts a certain kind of authority and He is much respected by the others. He’s a natural born leader. Now that could mean He’ll end up being a sub, but I really don’t think so. It will be interesting to find out what is happening in my office with the two of them right now. I’ll bet anything that your boi is already getting a taste of Mitchell’s natural superiority. So what do you have to say about that, boi?”

“Definitely a Dom-to-be. Maybe even already, Master. He took total charge the minute we entered the room. It was like He became a different person. Ordered me to strip. Gave clear commands as to how I was to please Him. Talked hot when I was sucking Him, made me understand that He is a Superior Man. Even smacked me around a bit before leaving. Left Me alone in the room to get dressed after He left. Even told me that He realized there was no reason to thank me for doing what slaves are meant to do.”

“I’m pleased to hear that, alex. Especially that He succeeded in making you feel like the slave you are. No shyness, no awkwardness about getting His first bj.”

“None at all, Master. He took total charge and knew what He wanted and gave this slave orders as if He’d been a Master for years already.”

“Definitely good news. I’m going to enjoy watching Him dominate and humiliate you more in the future. Art asked me if I would mentor the boy, and I can’t see why not. It’s a perfect arrangement. I can have Him experience what a fucking slut pig slave you are first hand while I coach Him in the many skills He has to learn. You’ll be like crick was when Dad was coaching Me. I’ll even teach him how to handle a crop and flogger and whip, and you already know I really like watching other Doms work over

“Master, aren’t Michael and Robert coming over?”

“I’ve put a hold on that. I want some more time alone with you, and now with this arrangement with Mitchell, I think that’s going to be a priority. I can’t wait to see the look on the boy’s face the first time He feels you lick His asshole. So many very interesting possibilities. And I know what a dirty faggot you are, and how much you’re already in lust for the boy, so I know you’ll have a good time even while He’s driving you down into a world of erotic humiliation. This is going to be a lot of fun.”

“Can’t disagree with that, Master, and I promise to be the best slave for Him, under Your direction. May I ask if You’ve made any arrangements with Mitchell?”

“Tomorrow is going to be a special “safe day” for you and Me, although I guarantee you that you will be quite sore for perhaps the entire day. I have a couple of places I plan to take you, places that I hope you’ll enjoy. Enough about that for now. Mitchell has tomorrow evening and the day after off work and will be here to spend a good deal of time with us—or at least as much as you can handle. Just so you know what to expect, I asked Him to refrain from using deodorant for the two days and to bathe only from his waist down and especially His asshole the morning before He comes here. You will be eating His smelly armpits as a sign of how low you are, how much beneath Him, and what a fucking pig you are when your Master demands it. I expect you to eagerly dive in there, whether or not this is something you find pleasing. I do not like to have smelly armpits, so I have to find opportunities for you, and this is certainly a good one. Enough talk now. I want you to pull on your balls as much as you possibly can endure until we get home. That will keep you occupied.”

“Yes, Master.” I begin to work my balls as Master commanded. They don’t hang very low and obviously need a lot of work. This is the first time I have ever pulled on them.

Soon, thankfully, we are home. Master orders me to carry my clothes into the cabin and put them away and then to lie on the bed. I do so. Master strips to His black briefs and lies alongside me on the bed, takes me into His arms and begins to make out with me. I am in heaven, especially because we both have garlic on our breath, and I can actually taste it as Master salivates into my mouth the way He likes to. I settle into the wonderful loving experience and enjoy hearing His praises and His words of love, and, of course, I tell Him how much I love him and how much I appreciate the way He is training me in ways that I never would have imagined.

“And now,” H H says, “it’s time to continue your training and your journey into pain, alex.” I take a deep breath and suddenly have the courage to beg Him to whip me until I pass out.

He gets up off the bed and orders me to stand up.he wraps a soft cord around the top of my balls and pulls on it and leaves it hanging between my legs. Then He puts two pillows near the bottom of the bed, has me lie on my tummy with my groin on the pillows. Immediately, hands and feet are bound tightly to the sides of the bed. No blindfold this time. Then He takes the end of the cord He tied around my balls and pulls on it until my balls are stretched out between my legs and visible to Him, and He ties the end of the cord to a ring on the bottom of the bed. Damn! I’m really trussed up now. But that’s not all. He reaches around my neck and takes the chain which hangs from my collar, clips it to something and then pulls the chain also, fastening it to the top of the bed. Now I’m really helplessly bound. He says to me, “I’m going to leave youh ere for a few minutes. I want you to sink into your bondage and realize that you are completely at My mercy and if you try to struggle to escape you’ll really hurt yourself. Get used to being totally bound by your Master. He leave the room but keeps the lights on. During the time He’s gone, it starts to sink in how much I am under His power, how little freedom I now have, how I am a helpless slave and Master is going to whip me hard. Part of me wants to panic and scream to be let go, but the main part of me, my slave nature, which is taking over almost all of me, pulls me down deeply into a new space where I know that I am owned, a toy thing for Master, and will never ever have a chance to recover any dignity. my cock wants to get hard so badly and once again, I’m forced to surrender and realize that I have no manhood to express in this situation, and I haven’t had any for days now. Is this what I’ve always wanted? Yes and no. yes, ONLY because it is with Billy. With Billy I am able to experience my true inner nature. Billy keeps me safe, even if He is going to whip the shit out of me, and can do that whenever He wants.

I hear Him walk downstairs and then come back up. He still has His boots on, probably so I can hear where He is at all times, or at least I think that’s why. He comes to the bed waving something through the air and swishing it. He lays it at the head of the bed so I can see it since I can’t raise my head. it’s a flogger. Long and lethal looking and the strands of the flogger have knots at the end.

“I know that you pass out when pain overcomes you. It might happen now, boy. It’s like you have a natural safe word within you and I don’t ever have to worry about going too far with you. So cry, scream, sob and beg for mercy, but know that slaves usually don’t get the mercy they beg for.”

He picks it up and lets the ends of it touch my neck right below my collar, and then slowly runs the ends of the flogger down and around my back and I shiver with the thrills that go through me as it caresses my bare skin all the way down my back and around my ass and then He even lets the ends of the flogger touch my balls which are stretched between my legs. Holy shit! I think I’m going to be whipped there as well. I start to panic.

“Settle in, alex. Settle in, slaveboi. Your Master loves you and He knows what you need more than you do, and He’s going to give it to you. Cry like a baby if you have to. You know how much I enjoy hearing your pain.”

He starts striking me gently from my shoulders then down all around my back and down my ass again, and a light touch to my balls. I’m trying to rise up off the bed. my flesh is actually begging for me to be hit harder. He takes His time, and all of a sudden I find my self  crying already and begging Him to whip me. “Please, Master. Please, Daddy. Oh please, Sir, hit your property and make it hurt.” I cry out and I can’t stop crying.

“that’s a good boy. Get ready. Cry for Daddy. It’s okay. No one can see your humiliation. No one can hear you. Settle in, boy. It’s coming soon.”

And He hits harder. And faster. And harder. Everywhere. The strands of the flogger wrap around and strike me on my sides and I cry out loud. Now it seems like He is in a frenzy and I can’t keep up with trying to know where He is landing the whip. Back, sides, shoulders, arms even, my ass which is already sore from earlier and then, OMG, my BALLS! And I scream out so loud it frightens me. Back to my back, and the whipping continues and I cry out and sob and scream and yell and beg my Master to not hit me so hard but it does no good.

Suddenly He stops, and once again caresses my wounded flesh with the ends of the flogger and once again I want to raise my body to meet the lashes. This is almost worse than being lashed hard, this unexpected tenderness. Then I feel His fingers exploring my very sore flesh, and down between my legs, and He grabs the cord and pulls my balls out more and PUNCHES me right there and the pain is buried deep within my belly and I holler and the snot is coming out my nose now.

He begins again. “You are my property, alex. my total slave. I have wanted you all my life and now I have you, and tonight I punish you for keeping me waiting so long. I fucking own you, slave, and you have no hope of escaping my lash, boy. Take what you deserve from me. Take what you were running around like a fucking slut offering your miserable self to Doms who had no idea what you were or how low you were or how much you needed your Billy to claim you for Himself. But now I have you, slave, and now I am going to lay into you so hard you are going to end up in another dimension.”

And He isn’t kidding. The lashes land with a vital force and I realize that yes, indeed, Master Billy is punishing me for keeping Him waiting. A strange thing begins to happen. It seems like each lash of the whip is laying pleasure on my flesh. No pain. Only the pleasure of knowing the Master I adore so much is giving His boy pleasure. It continues and now I am moaning the must lust-filled sound I have ever heard coming from my lips. Lash after lash falls on me, and then, once again, the flogger lands on my balls and I scream and all grows dark as I pass out.

When I come to myself I discover that I am no longer bound, that the lights are out and that my body is being cooled by something Master is gently applying to the marks and welts He laid on me. I choke on my own snot and Master takes a warm cloth and wipes my face and then He lays down alongside me and slowly, painfully, I work my way over to Him and lay my head on His chest and press it into the side of His neck and He feels so good, this Man Who has just taken total charge of me. And I sob into His flesh, I the whipped slave, He the Master who did it to me because it is His right. He takes my hand into His and kisses it, and that is all the contact we have. He doesn’t dare touch me; He doesn’t want to hurt me any more than Je already has with His whip.

“SSHHH!”he says quietly, and kisses my hand again. I have you, alex. You are Mine and I love you because you are Mine. Right where you have always needed to be. Let go, slave, Let go. Sink down into your special space. Sleep now. I will not leave you alone. You are mine. Sleep, sweet boy, sleep.”

And I obey.

2. Daytripping

I slept so well! Only woke up two times because I moved in a way that hurt me where I was most sore from Master’s whipping. But I was drunk on endorphins and I was lying with my head buried in Master’s neck and He held my hand throughout the night and if I woke Him up when I moved from pain, He whispered to me, “Settle down, pup, settle down,” and kissed my hand again but wouldn’t let go. When finally I awoke in the morning, H e kissed my cheek and said, “You’re such a very good boy. I enjoyed whipping you like a real slave boy.”

“Thank You, Master, for taking me deep. After a while, Your lashes felt like strokes of pleasure. I love You for always knowing just what your slave needs to be a good slave.”

“How are you back and ass, alex?”

“Very sore but not to the point where I don’t’ want to move, Master.”

“then get your ass out of bed and go get your Master’s coffee, then you may have yours.”

“Yes, Billy,” I said. I struggled a bit to get up but He helped me and then made me stand still for a bit while He inspected the signs of His whipping and even decided to take a picture of it and handed my His phone and told me to send it to Phil. Eek.

As I walked to the kitchen I was so very aware that I had been whipped good and hard by my Master, and the thunks of pain up and down my torso were actually kind of arousing. I was just so happy to realize that I have a Master who isn’t afraid of laying on the lash, but who is always looking out for my safety. Also, in my own perverse way, I found that the statement “Master whipped my until I passed out” was a statement of honor. Some would think there is no honor allowed for a whipped slave, but they just didn’t understand and I’m not sure I’d be able to explain it, at least right now just hours after I was writhing and crying and screaming into Master’s pillows. I am so happy that Billy took the trouble to find me and that He stole me away from everything I knew and claimed me for Himself. I know there are still things to be worked out, but I also know that I don’t have to worry about how that will happen. Master works things out. I just surrender. Being an owned slave is very freeing to a boy like me.

I bring Master His coffee. “Get your own and bring it in here,” He orders.

When I get back, Master is lying nude on top of the covers and His cock is obviously waiting for my mouth. I take a couple sips of coffee and lay it to the side and climb up on the bed and position myself  on hands and knees over Him and, looking into His face, I drool over the tip of His cock and then lean forward to lick it off Him.

“Ah, yes, slave. Do what you’re here to do. Give me gentle sweet morning pleasure, Lots of tongue play. Open your throat and make it pussy for your Master so I can slide into wet heat and find my way all the way into your throat. I want to  hear you gag for me, boy, so I know that YOU know what you are.”

I am so eager to obey Him. By all rights, I should have been servicing his cock while the pain of the whipping was still biting into me, but, that didn’t happy because I passed out. So I want to do an especially good job now for Him. His sighs and groans and the incoherent mumbling from His mouth along wiith His hand pressing on the back of my head tell me that I’ve achieved a rhythm which He is enjoying. I use all the techniques He taught me. I am simply a hole that exists for His pleasure. And when He cums, my tongue is at His tip, and I can feel all of His seed flying out of His dick and into my mouth and I swallow what He gives me with gratitude. Most Doms usually want a boy to get right off the dick after they cum, but not my Master. He enjoys my mouth even after His climax, and enjoys the feeling of Himself softening in my mouth before He finally allows me to withdraw, licking the last few drops of His out of the slit on the top of His cock. Sometimes, He sticks around to give me His piss, but usually not in the morning, and this morning is no different and, to be honest, this slave is relieved because it is so vile, that first flow of morning piss. my friend Barry tries never to sleep over with a Dom so He can avoid having to taste the acrid morning load most men have. It’s not an issue for me any more. I am an obedient pig slave. Morning piss or no? That’s not up to me. Billy decides if He wants to degrade me that way or not. All I do is accept, submit, and drink if required, trying not to taste the vile liquid.

This morning I’m off the hook. Master said today would be a gentle day. But humiliation doesn’t have to brutal to be very effective, and this morning proves the point. Master brings me into the bathroom and opens the cabinet beneath the sink and pulls out some metal thing that looks a little bit like a hospital bed pan, only bigger and taller.

“Hands and knees, pup!” Master orders. As soon as I’m down He orders me to lift my right leg and He places the pan under my cage and orders me to let go and piss in the pan like His puppy. This really tickles Him and He tells me how adorable I look pissing like a puppy. I hang my head in shame but I’m happy to be giving Him such pleasure as a way of thanking Him for what happened last night and how hard He worked to cover me with good old-fashioned slave pain and punishment. I remember that one time as we were riding in the care, He explained to me that “Slaves always deserve to be punished, no matter what. They deserve to be punished because they have become slaves. That’s all there is to it, so never be surprised and definitely never resentful when your Master says you need to be punished.” Last night He made up a reason for my punishment—that I had kept Him waiting for ten years---even though I never realized He wanted me and He was waiting. Had I known that, I would have been begging naked at His doorstep a long, long time ago.

“Can’t shower you this morning, alex. It would hurt too much. After my shower I want you to clean your armpits, your balls and your asshole. Then I’ll put more crème on you before I feed you your breakfast. Lots of CBD in it this morning, baby.

“Thank you, Master.” And I figured I was getting baby food again. But that stuff tastes good. Better than oatmeal even. And He enjoys feeding it me like I’m a toddler while I’m kneeling on the cushion alongside His seat. And I call Him “Daddy,” and His face lights up even more than usual. I love Him so much.

He orders me to make Him oatmeal, which I’m pretty good at now, while He prepares my food from the box with the Gerber Baby on it. There should be a box with my picture on it, in my chain collar, naked on my knees, with welts up and down my torso and ass.

Finally everything is ready. He fills my sippy cup with orange juice and pours some for Himself. I place cream and sugar on the table. He sits there with two bowls, His glace of juice, my sippy cup, a man-sized spoon, and a little one for me with a picture of a goose on it. I breathe deeply and remain motionless as He enjoys His breakfast and occasionally reaches to my mouth with the little boy spoon and He praises me if I eat it all without spilling any of it. (I’ve gotten a lot better at this now.)

I’m getting excited about the trip we’re taking today even though He hasn’t told me where we’re going. I’ll be happy anywhere with Him, as long as it isn’t the ranch!

He does some things on His computer while I do the dishes and clean the kitchen. Once I’m done, He closes his laptop and brings me into the bedroom. He takes a big, bulky, grey t-shirt and helps me into it trying not to set off any more pain. He decides that jeans will hurt, so He digs through His things and comes up with a pair of khaki carpenter shorts and a leather belt to fasten them so they don’t fall down. No underpants. Backwards baseball cap.

He dresses quite nicely and together we give the impression of a successful big brother who is dragging round His snarky little brother. We stand before a big mirror. “Yes, I like this look, and I bet no one where we’re going would be the least bit surprised if I sat down, pulled down your pants and laid you over my lap for a good sound spanking. Definitely a good look.’ And you know what? I really do feel like His little brother, or at least like His inferior boy.

He tells me to fill up a cooler with ice and water bottles and to carry it to the car. He lets me in and we’re off!

Damn! Still don’t know where we’re going. And I’m not going to risk asking again. Especially when He’s got more spanking on His mind.

We drive silently for a while, enjoying the music and our camaraderie, but I want to tell Master about what I experienced last night.

“Master, may I tell You something?”

“what, babe?”

“Last night something happened that has never happened to me before. I crossed a line from pain to pleasure.”

“What do you mean, alex?”

“At one point, while You were whipping me, all of a sudden it felt like each lash You gave me was not painful but rather was like You were touching me with pleasure. Each lash was actually pleasurable.”

“That’s wonderful, boy! I’ve heard of that happening before, and I guess that for some people who are really into it and get beaten a lot, that happens more and more. But a masochist has to get to that point. I suspect that last night you got a more intense whipping than you’ve ever had before.”

“Yes, Master, that is true. And no one has ever hit my balls the way You did.”

Master chuckles. “And now I know the quickest way to get you to pass out, pup.” He picks up my hand and kisses it.

“do You like it when that happens?”

“Not necessarily. What I do like is that it puts an end to our activity before anything goes too far. It functions like a safe word in that sense. And I also like that I’m able to do things like untie you, put lotion on you, basically take care of you before you even snap out of it.”

“Yes, Master. it was amazing to come to my senses again and realize what You’ve done for me. You’re such a good Master, taking care of Your slave like that.”

“You’re precious to me, even in your helpless and humiliation, and it’s important that you always remember that. I’ve had experiences where I have had no feelings towards a sub other than a certain lack of respect. I don’t like being like that or feeling like that. it’s all so much better with you, boy. That’s why you’re My boy. That’s why I choose to own you. That’s why I plan to marry you.”

“Master, we’ve never talked much about that before.”

“It’s not time, boy. hey, we’re almost where we’re going. I hope you like looking at art.”

“Very much, Master.”

“well then this will be a special retreat.” We come to a paved driveway and at the entrance the signs says “The Fournier Gallery of Art.”

I get excited. “the Fournier?” I’ve heard so much about it but have never had the chance to get here. this is awesome, Master.”

“Start calling me Billy again, kid. You’re going to love this place. Wonderful collection and it doesn’t overwhelm you. The entire collection can be viewed in under two hours. And the building and grounds are beautiful. Just look at the landscaping as we’re driving to the parking area.”

“It’s like being surrounded by beauty.”

“Precisely. And being bathed in beauty is a good way to recover from a stern whipping. You’ll see, alex.”

“Feeling better already, Billy. Thanks for bringing me here.”

“So let me tell you about it: There are 19 rooms, each numbered, and one room leads to the other until you end up where you started. You don’t have to stick right by me. Feel free to spend as much time as you want with any particular painting that touches you. I’ll be doing the same. I’ve been here several times and it always surprises me with things I never noticed before. I’m really happy to have a chance to bring you here, sweetheart.”

I rub my hand on His thigh and then He takes my hand and kisses it again.

. . . The time went by so quickly. Before I knew it I was back at the beginning and I saw my Master sitting on a bench in the lounge area reading a brochure. I wanted to much to run to Him and kneel before him . . . I know! I’ll untie my sneaker!


I stand before Him. He looks at me and says, “Your sneaker is untied.”

“Oh” I say. “I didn’t notice. Good thing I didn’t trip over it!” And so I knelt down, right before him, and tied my laces again and then looked up at Him and He winked at me and understood exactly what I had managed to do.

“Very clever, alex, to find a way to worship your Master with no one else knowing what is going on.”

“I do worship you, Billy. You know that.”

“Let’s go get some lunch.” He stands up and heads for the cafeteria and I follow behind, happy to be able to show Him the respect He deserves. . . . Lovely cafeteria with a wide selection. Master nods towards the pile of trays and I pick one up, and as we walk through the line,he selects things and puts them on the tray I’m carrying. Even here, He decides what I will be allowed to eat and drink.

He pays for the food (I’m not allowed to ever have any money on me) and walks outside to a table on a nice patio. I follow, put the food down, and sit on a plastic chair and damn! my ass hurts.Hhe sees me wince and winks at me.

“I like seeing you wince the day after I whip you. Makes me know I did a good job.”

“You always do a good job, Billy.”

“So did you like the exhibit?”

“It was awesome. I didn’t realize they had kinky stuff in their collection.”

“I wanted to surprise you, you little pervert.”

“Now I’m horny. Do You have any poppers on You?”

“No, but we’re going somewhere next where we can buy you some.”


“Yes. I know a guy makes some awesome stuff. Wood, leather and metal. Gonna buy you a present for being such a good boy last night.”


“you’ll love it, boy, don’t worry?”

“Like what?”

“You’ll see. Be patient, alex. Or I’ll try out a new whip on you when we’re there.”

I just lower my eyes and eat my sandwich. “Look up,” He says, and holds out a potato chip. I snatch it from His fingers. “Good boy. There’s one thing I don’t like about being  here in public.”

“What’s that, Billy?”

“The face that you get to drink your water from a bottle and not from Me.”

I groan in a sexy way that I know turns Him on.

“Shit, boy. I think I’m gonna want road head when we leave here.”

“Bring a bottle of water with You too, please, Sir, so I can drink from You the way You taught me.”

“Good idea. Here, take this stuff and throw it in the trash. And get a couple bottles of water.” He hands me His credit card and I go to do what I’m told.

“This was really nice, Billy. Thank You for bringing me here.”

“You can show your appreciation when I drive over to my buddy’s shop. Think I’m gonna buy a humbler for you, boy. Know what that is?”

“I’ve seen them on Twitter in some videos I used to watch.”

“Wait till Mitchell sees it on you and I teach him how to smack your balls.”

“He might make me pass out, Sir.”

“that’s fine. When you wake up, you’ll be in chains for Him and we’ll spit roast you.”

“Careful, Billy. I’m still pretty sore.”

“Come stand over here and lift your shirt a bit. I want to see what your back looks like.”

I do what He tells me to do.

“You have some nice stripes from the flogger. I should take a picture and offer it to them here for their ‘black room’ exhibit.” Let’s get going. my dick needs attention.”

We get in the car and Je drives away from the parking area. Before He leaves the grounds, He opens a water bottle and tells me to lean down. He takes a big gulp of the water then fills His mouth again. I open my mouth and He dribbles the water into my mouth. He does it three times and the last time He deliberately lets the water splash all over my face and chuckles when I look surprised. He takes His hand and wipes it all over my face. Then Je opens his pants and orders me to take out His cock. It’s almost hard already.

“Get down, slave, and pleasure my dick. That’s the only thing You’re good for. Get some practice cause you’re going to service my buddy when we get to the shop. Don’t choke now, just sweet gentle sucking and licking. I don’t want to cause an accident by slamming my foot down on the gas pedal.”

I go down, literally, and it’s so good to have Him in my mouth again and to taste His pre-cum.he always pre-cums a lot. I’m gladhe does, because everything that comes from His dick is like medicine for a cocksucking slave like me. So anyway, I have no idea of where He’s driving, except it’s on country roads and there’s no traffic sohe’s driving pretty slowly and say all sorts of humiliating things to me while I’m sucking His cock. Never gave road head before. Damn, I love this guy!

3. Shopping


Master pulls into a parking lot, stops the car, and tells me to put His cock away. He didn’t cum. He tells me, “I’ll cum in the shop when you blow the both of us like the slut slave you are.”

“Yes, Master. This slave is sorry if it disappointed You by not getting You to cum.”

“No harm done, boy, and it wasn’t your fault. In fact, I’m glad, because now I’m dreaming up a real hot scene in the shop.”he chuckles ominously.

We walk up to what just looks like an ordinary house and Master knocks on the door. A man comes and looks through the window and then opens the door and greets Master as he lets Him in, me following as usual. “Billy, how nice to see you. Your Dad told me that you’ve taken a slave so I’ve been wondering if I’d ever get to view it.”

“Wellh ere it is, Spike.” Master doesn’t even turn to me, He just gives a command “Strip and get DOWN, slave.” Spike tells Master He is impressed with how immediately the slave began to obey. No hesitation. No sluggishness. He walks over to take a closer look at me.”

“I can see that it’s had a good thrashing not too long ago.”

“Last night, to be specific. Flogger. Everywhere. Slave, raise that ass higher!”

I adjust myself and feel fingers running over my ass and hole and then down to my balls.

“Nicely done, Billy. And no bleeding. How long do you think the marks will last?” he asks Master.

“Not really sure. This was the most severe whipping I’ve given it so far. In fact, I only stopped when it passed out. Interestingly enough, it does have safe words, but never used them. So passing out is a natural safe word for this boy. Unless it toughens up.”

“My experience, Billy, is that it doesn’t happen. I’ve worked on subs and slaves who would pass out. Nothing ever changed over time.”

“Good to hear, Spike. So tell me, what new creations have you come up with?”

“A number of things. Everything is displayed in the next room if you’d like to peruse things. And do you have anything specific in mind, Billy?”

“A humbler, definitely. But let me look around. I always get ideas when I’m here, my friend.”

He walks into the other room and Spike follows. They leave me where I am, groveling on the floor with my whipped ass in the air. I’m not complaining! Just telling you how much I’m being treated like just a piece of property. After several minutes, I hear Master whistle for me. Quickly I get up and go to the other room.

“Stay standing, arms behind back.” I get into position. Spike walks all around me, touching here and there as He wishes. Yes, indeed, I AM a piece of property. And just as I’m thinking that, I hear Spike say to Master,”

“A splendid piece of property you’ve acquired, Billy. my congratulations.”

“Thanks, buddy. I’ve wanted this one ever since high school. Finally decided it was ready for some serious training and discipline. I’m very pleased. We’re doing well.”

“You mean you and the slave?”

“Yes. Both of us.”

Spike chuckles. “A lot of Masters never refer to the relationship collectively, using “we” and “us”

“Hmmmm.  Will have to give it some thought.”

“It’s not really a big thing, Billy. I imagine you picked up your way of speaking from your Father.”

“Undoubtedly, even in some ways I’m probably not aware.”

“He’s a very wise man, Billy, and I suspect you are taking after him in that sense.”

“Wow. thank you so much for saying that, Spike. Yeah, I’m working hard on this situation. I want it to be right for both umm…Master and slave.”

Spike chuckles again and pats Billy on the back. So would you like to begin with the humbler, or have you seen something else that you’re interested in?

“No, that’s fine. Let’s start with the humbler. Wooden, please.”

Spike goes and brings Billy a possible piece He’d like. Billy says, “Down! Ass up!” and I respond.

Spike walks behind me and grabs my balls and pulls on them slightly. “They’re a good distance away from the cage. This will work fine,” H     e snaps me into this thing and OMG I can’t believe how humiliating it is—but I guess that’s why they call it the Humbler---to be put into this position, my cage bursting out front, my balls in their new world in the back and so goddamn exposed to the air, to people’s views, and to whatever the Master wants to do to them.

“It’s always best to keep the slave bent over when this is on so you don’t do any damage. But it sure does give us a nice clear shot at those balls if we want to have at them.”

“That’s damn sure, Spike. I’ll take it. But I guess we’d better take it off for now.”

Spike removes it. I breathe a sigh of relief, which is completely ignored.

Spike asks Master to have me stand up. He’d like to take a close look at the cage and the slave’s balls.

So there I am. He has the cage in His hand now and looks carefully in it and also sniffs it. Shit!

“From what I can tell,” He says to Master, “its dicklit is resting pretty well in this cage.”

Diklit!!! What planet did this guy come from?  Master speaks up. “Dicklit. Never heard that before, Spike.”

“Oh, pardon my French. I always call a slave’s unit a “dicklit.” Unimportant and mostly useless. But what I’m saying is that what you haveh ere is reasonably comfortable at this point, and I assume that the slave can’t get hard.”

“True,” says Master.

“Billy, some Masters like to gradually use smaller cages, and what happens is that the slave’s unit begins to shrink after time. Some Masters like to reduce the slave’s dicklit to nothing more than a stump. Some men, of course, are always like that when soft but there is an amazing increase in size then they get hard. This is different. Because the slave by this point can’t get hard anyway and only cums anally. And the cage is just a metal hub to cover the nub,” He shows something to Billy who says, “I see.”

Billy is silent for a while, I know He is thinking over what Spike just told him. Finally, He says to Spike, “That’s interesting to know, Spike, that some Masters want to do that to their subs; I’ve heard it mentioned from time to time but never thought much of it. I don’t really think I want to do that to this sub, Spike.”

“I’m not surprised, Billy. That’s fine. But I do recommend that you get something to keep its balls stretched down and then maybe even step up to a wider one. Let me check it again.”

“Spread those legs, bitch. Sore or not, you can still get the strap or maybe one of the paddles here.”

I stretch and surrender my sac into Spike’s hands. He pulls a bit and then goes into his cabinets and gets a piece of black leather with snaps on it. “This would do. Would you like to try it on the slave?”


He hands the thing to Billy. Billy takes it, pulls on my balls with one hand and puts the thing in place with the other, legs go of my balls and manages to get it all the way around me and snaps it closed. Wow. It’s like I’m constantly being pulled, just a little. Constantly conscious of my balls and who they belong to.

“Right size,” says Spike.

“Leave it on the slave. Will do it good,” says Billy.

“Concerning the balls, Billy, it’s always good to have special implements for them, little straps and floggers and even a couple paddles. Safer. Sometimes one can be too severe using the usual stuff.”

“You’re not kidding,” I say to my self .

“Let’s see, Master says, and Spike opens up another drawer in a display case. “Can I try a couple of them?”

“Certainly. It would be best if we put the humbler back on. Better access.”

“Good idea. All Fours, Boy!” Now I really feel my balls hanging down between my legs. And, holy shit! The humbler fits right over the leather band pushing my balls out. And He pushes my head down to the ground. I sink lower into slavehood.

“Which of these four is the lightest?”

“Billy, if I may make a suggestion, it is easier to compare if I apply the implements because I can do it with exactly the same force each time.”

“Great idea, Spike! Besides, I like watching guys beat my slave.”

“Okay, them. I’ll use these four in order of severity.” They both walk behind me to look at my balls exposed up in the air for them.

WHOSH! comes down the first. Not bad. Feels like a light flogger. I just tighten my jaw and take it.

WHOSH! 2: Yelp from this one. Some kind of strap, I think.

WHOSH! 3: Oh shit! I cry out good and strong. A fucking paddle.

WHOSH! 4: “RED RED RED” I holler. This is like the punishment strap at home! Billy reaches down and massages the back of my neck. “Settle, boy, settle. Look at how low you are for me, boy! Having a strange man beat your outstretched balls until you cry out for mercy, while I just stand back and watch! Do you have any idea how much that turns me on?

I dare not answer because I’ll burst out in tears. “Spike, please take off the humbler and the stretcher for now.” Spike acts immediately. Then goes over and shows a bottle to Master and then pours something into his hands and He massages my balls. Oh wow. That feels so good. Master notices

and says to Spike, “Please give me three bottles of that lotion and I’ll take the flogger, the paddle and the strap, but not this fourth item. This slave passes out too easily. Slave, I’m going to help you to stand up now. Move with me, boy.” And together we get me back up on my feet. I’m sweating a lot. Billy askes for a towel and then wipes my head and face and neck. It’s very soft. This is so nice.

Master speaks again once He knows I’m okay. “Now for the most important thing, Spike. The collar.”

“Do you have any ideas? Leather? Metal?”

“Spike, probably some kind of metal. This is what I’m trying to accomplish. This slave will sometimes be laboring in the business world and with professional colleagues of mine in some capacity. I’d like to collar it with something that will be permanent—not something it will be able to take it off---but at the same time, it has to be something attractive enough that it could pass for a fine piece of jewelry if seen by outsiders. Make any sense?”

“Absolutely, Billy. Good thinking on your part. And, of course, when the slave is in the public, it will always be aware that it is collared and owned, while other people will think it has interesting taste in necklaces.”


“This is easily done, because I’ve had other recent requests, even from various out-of-state customers. I’ve narrowed it down to three particular things I could use to make such a collar. Either goId or silver or platinum. I can show you right over here because I still have the prototypes.” They walk to another place in this amazing storage room.

“I would recommend silver for this slave, not gold, because of its coloring and because its head is shaved.”

“I’m going to let the hair grow in. I’ve changed my minds. It has long, flowing hair, pitch black.”

“then definitely silver. I’m going to take these three different styles of chains and wrap them around its neck from the back so you can see what the effect is.”

“Excellent.” And so that is what happens. Finally, Master makes His choice. I have no idea what any of the shit looks like. Amazing. His decisions. Always. Why does that thrill me so much?

Spike comes back to take a measurement. “This cannot be worn tightly around the neck because that would not pass for real jewelry. Look at what is around my neck.”

“I didn’t realize you were collared, Spike!”

“No, Billy, not at all. I just wear this so I can show customers what it looks like.” They both laugh.

“Looks good, dude. Go ahead and measure what you need.” This is done quickly.

“I’ll have it for you in three weeks.”

“Excellent. So I can play accordingly. Spike, let’s settle up for everything right now, because then I have a little surprise for you.”

They do their business pretty quietly so I have no idea what all this stuff costs. But then again, I’m a penniless slave. And oh Shit! I forgot about the bank!.

Once they’re finished, Master orders me to my knees and says, “Spike, I would like to offer you a chance to experience how well this slave sucks cock. I’m hard after all this myself , so I propose I have the slave work on both of us at once.”

“I was hoping something like that would happen,” Spike laughs. “Damn, you do take after your father!”

I hear pants and zippers opening. Master fucks my mouth quickly to get my juices flowing and then withdraws, and next thing I know, another cock, thicker but not as long is invading my mouth and I use every trick I know to make it feel as good as I possibly can. It’s not as desirable as Master’s to be sure, but this man has been very nice to my Master and has not in any way shown even an ounce of respect to this slave since He is so formal about things, but that doesn’t matter. If anything, it doesmatter. This is an incredibly humiliating, to work to please Someone who just views me as a wet hole for Him to take pleasure from. Just as I really start getting into it, it’s withdrawn and Master is back, covered with pre-cum so I lick Him all over and suck up what He has been dripping before I take Him to the place in my throat where He can hear me gag. Master is pleased and gives me a couple hits of poppers and I go out of my mind. I keep going back and forth over the gag spot and tears start coming out of my eyes, and all of a sudden Master pulls out of my mouth and Spike shoves Himself into me and Master yells out “Fuck the shit out of that face!” and Spike does. No gagging---He isn’t that long---but I feel so completely filled up with dick and there’s no end to what He’s doing to me until all of a sudden He grunts a couple times and a flood of cum shoots down my throat and THAT makes me gag! Spike backs out and Master tells me to clean him. No surprise there. Then Master takes me and seems to be in a real hurry to cum because He fucks faster than He ever has before, and sure enough, in just several strokes He spills Himself all over my tongue ash H pants like a maniac. I suck the last drops from His cock and swallow everything then lick Him clean and just lay my head against His groin because I am so exhausted.He pats me on theh ead; I don’t think He would feel comfortable praising me in front of Spike, but fortunately I know what it means when He touches me like this.

“Put me away, boy,” He says, and I do. Then H ehelps me stand and tells me to go to the door and get dressed. Meanwhile, the two of them speak quietly to one another. Spike goes to his desk and writes something down for Master and they say goodbye. Master comes to the door with a very nice nondescript shopping bag and hands it to me to carry. “Take this to the car and wait there.”

Ih ead down the stairs. All the time I was there, Spike did not say a single word to me. But I got to know His cock, and it definitely does not make my top ten list.

Master comes to the car, beeps it to unlock my door and tells me to get in. I do so and set the shopping bag on the floor between my legs.

Master starts the car, and as we drive off, He says to me, “So, alex, give me one word to describe what that was like for you. Just one word, so think.”

I think for a bit, but it is an easy question to answer. “Intense,” I say.

Master looks surprised. “Wow! I didn’t expect that.”

“What did you expect?”

“Something like maybe ‘rude’ or ‘insulting’ or ‘humiliating. Why did you say ‘intense’?”

“Because it was all so many things. Kind of fun that You were being so correct with me and not using words that Spike would think were too wishy-washy. But also very humiliating, definitely, but I didn’t think He was rude. I just thought He was strict and very formal and followed kind of an old-fashioned set of rules and regulations. And a lot of the things that He was doing to me were very hot, especially all that stuff about my balls. And the way He never spoke to me or gave me a command. All His attention was on You as not only a customer but someone for whom He has a great deal of affection. He was so helpful to you, and with such class. And me, I was just an object to be moved around and tested out and all that stuff.”

“You are such a fucking slave, alex!”

“So isn’t that what you wanted?”

“Absofuckingutely! But I never dreamed how much I’d want you back when I used to tease you, But damn, you are exactly what I’ve always wanted but never thought I could have because I wanted you and I didn’t think you could really stoop as low as you’re willing to stoop for me.”

“I’m just so fucking in love with You, Billy, that being Your slave is the best thing I could ever have in this life and I never thought it would happen any way. Ever.

“So if we had an occasion to go back to that studio, you “

“…would be looking forward to it.” We both laugh.

“Interesting, becausehe just informed me thathe is adding me to a list of Masters who gather together with their slaves from time to time at someone’s estate, usually for an entire weekend, Friday night-Sunday afternoon. And there’s something coming up next month and He’s hoping I could be there to be welcomed into the group---along with my property, of course.”

I stick out my tongue at Him and that’s enough for now.

by Robert Halstead

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024