The Alex Chronicles

by Robert Halstead

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He shows me how to make oatmeal. It’s simple: just follow the directions on the box. But He says He likes His thicker, so He shows me how He uses cream instead of water. Awkwardly in my chains I stir it. He shows me at what point it’s ready. “Now go back to the corner and wait for your Master to feed you.”

I go back and sit. And watch.

He spoons the mixture into two bowls, adds cream and sugar and puts some cinnamon on top. He takes one bowl and a spoon, makes Himself another cup of coffee, then sits at the table and eats. “Watch your Master eat,” I’m commanded, and so I watch. Nothing difficult about that. He is so fucking hot no matter what He orders turns me on. I just wish I could be up there and feed Him.

He plays with his phone and then puts it down. A news program He likes is on. We listen. He eats. I watch. At one point, He says, “I think it’s cool enough now,” gets up and picks up the other bowl, walks over to me. “Take this bowl into your hands,” he tells me. “Yes, Master.” I reach up and take the bowl from Him. “Eat it all,” He commands. “it will counteract the piss in your belly.” I look at Him, puzzled.

He walks back to the table and sits down and watches me. “Well,” He says, “eat, slave. Put your fucking face in the bowl and eat. You’re lucky I didn’t put the bowl on the floor and dog train you, bitch!”

I have at it quickly. it’s so good, but this is so, so, ….what?   . . . . so HOT! Damn. Can’t believe I thought that. I make a real mess on my face while trying to eat it all. He keeps watching. Most likely enjoying it.

“Damn, I wish I could have made you eat like that in sixth grade when you came over my house.” Wow. I didn’t remember that. Yes. He said that if I tutored Him in Math He would bring me home and I could spend the night with him. Of course, I eagerly agreed.

We rode in a really nice car, sitting in the back. He had a chauffeur he called Hank. Hank called Him Sir. Wow. How many signals I missed! He told me we should start working on the Math. I liked teaching Him, and He caught on pretty good. Only now, as I look back, I realized that He really didn’t need any help.

We got to his house. It was awesome. And big. “Kind of a big house, considering it’s just me and Dad and the cook and Hank,” He explained. “So you can have your own room and there’s even a bathroom attached. You’ll be really comfortable.” I couldn’t believe how nice He was being to me. We played cards until supper. “After supper, we’ll play strip poker,” He told me, winking. I was really embarrassed. Supper was wonderful. Like Sunday dinner at my home. I met His Father, who just looked like an older Him and I was very attracted to Him. He was nice, too, but I found it strange that Hank waited on us at table and “Dad” kept telling him things to do but never ever said ‘thank you.’ It was like He just expected Hank to obey Him. Well, maybe He was paying the guy a large salary.

After supper, when we went upstairs, Billy told me to come into His room. It was really nice. Lots of posters of good looking stars, and a couple guys I never saw before. “Like it in here?” he asked me.

I nodded, too bewitched by the room to say anything. “Hey, let’s play a game. Make believe. Let’s make believe that I’m my Father and you are Hank. And you gotta do everything I tell you to do. That’s what I want to play.” “Okay, Billy, I guess.” “Good, alex. It will be fun. You’ll see.”

After that He played at giving me all sorts of things to do, mostly to just straighten out His room because it was messy and there were a lot of clothes hanging all over the place. He made me pick up things one at time and either put it away or put it into the laundry. He ordered me to go downstairs and get us Cokes from the fridge. When I got downstairs, Hank was there and he asked me what I needed and he got me the Cokes to bring upstairs. On my way upstairs I realized I forgot to say ‘thank you,’ but then I remembered that Billy isn’t saying ‘thank you’ to me either, so it’s part of what it must mean to be Hank. Billy was being real nice about it and He made me laugh a couple times. Then it started getting a little weird. He told me to go to my room and take off my shirt and pants and come back to Him in just my underpants. I did it but was very uncomfortable. When I walked back into His room, He was sitting in a chair with His Legs spread out. He laughed at me. “Good boy, alex. I was wondering if you would actually have the guts to do it. You make a good Hank, dude. Wanna watch some television or do school work?”

I told Him I had work to do because I just wanted to get away for a bit. He told me okay but to take a shower first and then just put the towel around me and sit at the desk like that. For some reason I didn’t understand, I was actually excited to do that, but that was so strange. Anyway, I did take a shower and got a boner while doing it. Dried off, put the towel around me, and went to the desk to do some reading. I didn’t really have any homework to do but I had brought a book with me to read. I liked to read a lot.

Billy calls me out of the memory. “Earth to alex!” Billy cried out. “You spacing out, boy. Are you freaked out about eating your breakfast that way?”

“no, Sir, this slave was just recalling the time You had me over to Your House in sixth grade and You started giving me all sort of orders and stuff.”

Billy chuckles. “Yeah. My first time acting like a Dom. Actually, all I was doing was copying My Father’s way of acting towards Hank. And it was cool that I could get you to do all that stuff, especially when I made you come into my room to say goodnight and all you had on was a towel around your naked body. First time I had you strip for Me, boy.”

“Yes, Sir. I was confused, worried and excited, all at the same time.”

“That was a good idea, to play ‘Dad and Hank’ so I could get to feel what it would be like to make you obey Me. I was turned on. In fact, I jerked off that night after you left.”

“I hadn’t started doing that yet,” I admitted to Him.

“You all finished up with your food, boy?”

“Yes, Master. thank You for giving this slave some nice breakfast.”

“Stand up, boy, and bring the bowl over here.”

I did. He took a couple of paper towels and wiped my face and my chest where oatmeal had gotten all over the place. “Damn, boy, you’re going to have to learn to eat neater or I won’t give you any food next time. But enough of that. Come into the bedroom for a second.”

I followed Him in, and He went into the closet and got what looked like a chain leash. Yup. that’s what it was. He attached it to the collar, so now the collar, my wrists and the leash were all clipped together. He started walking and pulled on the leash. He took me out the front door of the cabin, out into the open air. Right away I looked around, afraid someone might see me. He noticed.

“No one’s gonna freak to see I have a fucking slave. You’re not the first faggot I ever trained. Keep up with me, or I’ll cut a switch and whip you with it.” And we walked quickly through the woods on what turned out to be a well-kept path. We got to a small clearing with big trees on two sides across from each other. “When the boys are here, we’re gonna tie you between these trees and I’m gonna watch the guys use a couple whips on you. I wanted to collar you after they whipped you, but it won’t be ready in time, so we’ll have to it when we get back down to CT. Don’t worry about it now. You’ll be ready for it when the time comes, alex, I assure you, boy.” Now kneel down in the dirt and lick My Boots, slave.” Holy shit! It seemed like anything and everything I ever imagined was going to happen to me!

I licked His Boots for a good long while, losing myself in the activity again as I had read one time in a book by a 24/7 slave, and thinking about nothing. Finally, He told me to stand and let me back home and into the living room. There was a door on the side I never noticed before. He opened the door, turned on some lights and told me to walk down a flight of carpeted stairs while he held me tightly by the leash so I wouldn’t fall forward. It was a finished basement. It smelled of leather and some kind of oil, and I couldn’t believe the things I saw there. A fully equipped dungeon with different tables and walls with big hooks in them, and a hook in the ceiling on a pulley, and when I got all the way down there I also saw a kind of dog cage made of heavy iron bars and painted black, and there were some things in the cage but I had to stop looking around because Master ordered me DOWN. I fell and hid my eyes.

“Just get used to what it feels like to be in here,” He says to me. “You are here as a slave who needs to be trained and disciplined and taught the deepest meanings of submission. Nothing truly harmful will be done to you here. You will not bleed. You will not get burnt. There will be no permanent marks on you, or broken bones, or any kind of harm that would need a trip to an emergency room. Don’t forget, alex: you are Mine. I own you. I love you, and no harm will ever come to you. Lots of pain, but no harm. Slaves need pain. It helps them remain focused and the soreness in their bodies helps them remember what they are. Slaves should never be without welts.”

He opened the door of a closet and dug around, making a lot of noise, and when He backed out of the closet, He was dragging a whole bunch of heavy chains and iron manacles.

“No pain down here today. Just heavy bondage to train you that you have no freedom, sometimes not even freedom to move.” He picks up one of the iron rings about 10 inches wide and He wraps it around my neck and then seals it with a big screw. It was heavy and pulled me down.

By the time He was done I my neck and wrists and ankles were all bound together with these heavy chains.

“You look so hot, so fucking hot, alex.” He took pictures of me with his phone. “Okay, slave, get on your feet as best you can.” It was a struggle and I was all bent over. He walked over to the cage and opened the door. “Get your fucking ass in this cage! I don’t care how you manage, just fucking do it. You’ve had too goddamn much freedom around here so far. You need to be better controlled. He kind of kicked me a little with his boot while I was slowly managing to make my way to the cage and finally was able to get myself inside of it. There was a thick comfortable mat on the floor, and I was happy about that. There was a nozzle on one side of the cage with a bottle over it, kind of like you give a hamster something to drink. He takes the bottle and goes over to a sink and fills it with water and puts the bottle in place. “Suck on the nozzle and make sure nothing is clogged.” He orders me. Again, a hard struggle to get to how I could do it, and He chuckles at my efforts. Why the hell, I wonder, is this turning me on? It’s so fucking uncomfortable and I feel like I’m being pushed down below the ground.

“Before I lock you in here, slave, notice that there are three red buttons in the cage. If you need Me, or have something to ask, or if you ever panic, just lean up against any button and you’ll hear a ding. That means you’re connected by intercom to Me and we can communicate. But you will be punished if you have to use a button, so realize that you are bound slave who isn’t worthy to move in the free man’s world. Your Master is locking you in here for as long as He wants. You Master has work to do upstairs and you would be a distraction, so I’m locking you away in here like a discarded tool. You know where the water is, and if you have to piss, just do it. The mat is waterproof and it won’t do you any harm to be sitting in your own piss if you’re too weak to hold it.

“Master, may this slave have permission to ask a question?”

“No. You know everything you need to know. Water, intercom, piss. So shut your mouth and understand what it means to be a slave under lock and key.” With that, He bangs the door closed and fastens a big lock on it and closes the lock. With that, He walks away from the cage and goes back up the stairs. When He gets to the top He flicks a switch and the lights go off, all except a purple light shining from somewhere in the room, making the entire room dark but purple. And I hear the door shut at the top of the stairs. And I have never been more afraid in my life. Then I hear His voice. “Learn from the fear, slave.” And then . . . silence. I begin to tremble, and weep, and I slowly begin to understand.

by Robert Halstead

Email: [email protected]

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