The Holy Fountain

by Hunknown

14 Oct 2022 3519 readers Score 9.3 (34 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Who’s Who in this chapter

Shay is a straight, shy, virgin 17-y.o. novice, blond, slim but chiseled; he has just discovered oral sex with his roommate and mentor, Ewan, a hairy young monk in his late 20s. We’ll also meet again Uncle Roderick, the head of the monastery, a mature but fit monk in his 50s.



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~ Exchange of glances ~

Shay and Ewan, after having enjoyed their tender and exciting acts of mutual love, refreshed themselves and wore again their habits: the rather short green one for Young Cousin Ewan and the embarrassingly short red one for Novice Shay.

They went to the dining room and soon realized that all the other Cousins, along with Uncle Roderick, were already seated at the long wooden table, waiting for them. “Please forgive me, Uncle, for having kept you waiting” – Ewan said stepping forward – “Don’t blame the Novice, it’s all my fault, I lost track of time.”

“You have a noble spirit, nephew” – the wise man replied, stifling a smile – “but we all can clearly see you both glowing for what must’ve been an… intense moment of communion with the Holy Fountain. And I applaud your sensibility, because you have found the right way to bring the Novice into the mysteries of the Truth… judging by the ecstatic glance I can clearly spot in his eyes. Now take a seat, you both, and share our meal.”

The two lads sat side by side at a corner of the table and helped themselves a moderate portion of roasted beef and vegetables; while eating, Shay glanced around the table, and met the eyes of Blain, the Young Cousin whom he masturbated at the trial, when he became a Novice. They exchanged a friendly smile and greeted each other with a nod of the head.

Next to Blain, there were two young monks wearing green habits, clearly other Young Cousins, and then four grown-up men wearing blue habits, the Older Cousins. All of them, occasionally, looked sideways at Shay, to then exchange whispers with the monks sitting next to them. “Ewan…” – Shay asked, a bit nervous, to his roommate – “I feel like everybody is talking about me…”

“They probably are” – Ewan replied, giggling – “but don’t be worried: sure enough they are appreciating the confidence and the Submission you showed at your trial, and maybe they’re… uhm… deciding what they might teach you to help you advance in the path to the Holy Fountain.”

“That’s what I was afraid of…” – Shay replied, realizing that his path was still long, and full of new, scaring sexual intercourses. Intercourses with men, that is. Even grown-up men. Then, suddenly a thought made him wince: “Ewan… Do you think that some of them… you know… will want to take my virginity?”

“Only Uncles can do that” – Ewan said in a low voice, not to be overheard – “It will happen when you are ready, but I grant you that Uncle Roderick will make you touch the sky with your fingers. He’s so gentle and experienced! He seems to read your mind, he can feel your tension and fears, and eases them in the sweetest way. I see you already have a great respect for him, but after he’s taken you for the first time, you’ll love him with all your heart.”

Shay blushed and lowered his eyes, smiling timidly; but soon his smile faded, when he raised his gaze and saw, from the opposite corner of the table, the three Lost Cousins silently eating their meal. The Novice felt a shiver down his spine, looking at them, especially the tallest one, Orren. His raven-black short hair, his neatly cut beard and his sharp features were definitely scaring… but also fascinating, in a way.

Shay remembered the warning Ewan gave him, to carefully steer away from the Lost Cousins, lest to be forced into… how did he say?... ‘unholy and depraved sexual acts’ [1]. The Novice dared to covertly glance at Orren, hoping that he was looking away, but their eyes locked; Shay held his breath, at first, expecting a lascivious glance from Orren, but was puzzled to see a dreaming look into his eyes, and a deep pain. Those were not the eyes of the sexual predator, the unholy monster Ewan told him. But unlike Orren, the two other Lost Cousin were definitely looking at him with lustful eyes and even an evil, lascivious grin.

“Ewan, the Lost Cousins are watching me, they scare me…!” – Shay whined softly at his friend’s ear, but he replied in a reassuring tone: “They can’t do anything while Uncle Roderick is here, as he’s the highest authority, and everyone must obey to him, including the Lost Cousins.”

“Including Orren, the Lost Uncle?”

“Including him. Everyone must submit to Uncle Roderick’s white habit, symbol of the Holy Fountain itself!”

At the end of the meal, the Lost Cousins were the first to stand up and go away, and everyone seemed to take a sigh of relief. Shay, for sure, did, standing up and following again Ewan along the maze of corridors leading to their cell, trying to memorize the intricate layout of the Asylum.


~ A peaceful night ~

When they were in their room, Ewan smiled: “Time to get ready for bed. Your sleepwear is in the first drawer.”

Shay was happy to finally be able to replace the embarrassing red habit with something more comfortable and modest, and eagerly opened the drawer. Inside there was a sort of tiny loincloth, made by just two identical rectangles of fabric held by a thin cord.

“Is… this my sleepwear?” – he whined, shooting a pleading glance at Ewan, who shrugged his shoulders: “That’s the customary sleepwear for all of us, not just you. You must have realized that there is a constant warm temperature in the entire Asylum, and that’s because it’s built on a hot spring, that keeps us warm and provides an endless supply of hot water.”

The explanation didn’t seem to dispel Shay’s doubts, not in the least. “Alright, I know what makes you uneasy…” – Ewan added, with a knowing tone – “Know that we wear that piece of clothing only when in our own cells. No one can ever look at you wearing that. No one… but me, of course. Do you feel embarrassed in front of me?”

Shay smiled tenderly: “I could never feel embarrassed in front of you. You made me feel comfortable doing things that… gosh… I blush just thinking about!”

With a confident move, Shay took away his habit, folded it neatly and put it in the drawer; and then wore the tiny loincloth and faced Ewan, smiling. His friend had changed into his sleepwear, too, and Shay looked at him with a bit of envy: with his handsome features, his muscular frame and his hairy body, Ewan was an… ode to male beauty, an icon of masculinity. Shay, on the other hand, felt a bit self-conscious about his own body: despite his chiseled physique, he was almost hairless and had quite a thin frame. Whenever he looked at himself, he saw more a boy than a seventeen-year-old young man.

Ewan and Shay lay on their own beds, in silence, but they didn’t feel sleepy. Shay turned his head to look at his handsome roommate, scanning his body in the dim light and fixating his gaze on the small loincloth, that couldn’t possibly cover Ewan’s massive manhood in its entirety, and allowed enticing glimpses of his hefty hairy balls.

Ewan looked back at Shay and smiled, shaking his head: “No, my friend, don’t even think what you’re thinking. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I told you about my… turbulent cravings: I’d make love to you all night long, until you’d beg me to stop; but you had enough for one day, and you have to spare your energies for tomorrow’s test. You will need to stay strong and concentrated, to prove your Renunciation and Temperance.”

Shay blushed when he realized that Ewan had easily guess his thoughts, and smiled timidly. He rolled on his back, looking up at the ceiling, and said: “I noticed that all the Cousins are in a very good physical shape, including the older ones. Even Uncle Roderick has a massive frame that would be the envy of many younger lads. Is it because of the… err… activities you perform following your path to the Holy Fountain?”

Ewan laughed heartily: “Ha ha! Well, that helps, too, I guess! As a matter of fact sometimes I need to retire in my cell just to… let my inner reservoir refill, if you know what I mean! But we exercise, too. In the basement there are a hot pool and many exercise tools to keep the Cousins in shape. Though not mandatory, we all try and keep our body strong and in good health, as a sign of thankfulness for the gifts the Holy Fountain bestowed on us.”

“When you think I’m ready, please bring me there, Ewan, as I want to make my body look better, I’m so thin, so… childish! I sometimes feel ashamed of my body, especially compared to you all. I want to look… like you.”

“My sweet Shay,” – Ewan replied, touched – “you’re perfect as you are. Perfect, I’m not joking or exaggerating. You’re… beautiful, with your lithe body, your fair hair and your big blue eyes. Haven’t you noticed how everybody looked at you, at dinner?”

Shay blushed and smiled, and Ewan said with a brotherly tone: “Now let’s sleep. We need to get up at the crack of dawn.”


~ Irresistible teasing ~

The next day, at mid-morning, Shay and Ewan were in their cells, wearing their habits, waiting to be summoned to the Chapter house. Shay was nervous, in anticipation of his trial, but Ewan soothed his fears: “It’s not a trial, my friend, it’s just a test. You are a Novice, you have already taken the vow of Submission, but you still have a long path ahead of you: the Cousins must know how much you know about the virtues of Renunciation and Temperance, in order to better guide you to the Truth. Just do your best, there is no goal to achieve.”

Shay looked at the floor, a bit ashamed: “I’m not that good at Temperance, I’m afraid…”

“Neither am I” – Ewan replied – “as I’m just a Young Cousin, and only Older Cousins master the virtue of Temperance; but here’s a trick: when someone caresses you sensually, trying to awake your manhood, you must abstract your mind, pretend that they’re performing those delightful acts on someone else’s body, not yours. Stay as much relaxed as you can and abstract your mind. It requires concentration, but you can do it… up to a point, anyway.”

Shay was about to reply, when the door opened and Blain came in and announced, formally: “Novice Shay, Uncle Roderick called for you in the Chapter house. The Cousins are ready for your test.”

The three lads moved to the Chapter house, where Shay saw all the Cousins waiting for them, including the Lost Cousins, who stood aside as usual. In the middle of the hall there was a padded bench, and Uncle Roderick was standing next to it.

“Come, Novice!” – he said aloud – “Submit to my command, take away your habit and come here!”

Shay quickly complied, trying to ignore the embarrassment of being naked again, in front of all the clothed Cousins. Uncle Roderick shot him a fatherly glance and then assumed a more formal tone: “What is Renunciation, Novice?”

“It’s the virtue of rejecting pleasure for its own sake” – Shay replied confidently – “A man shall never seek solitary pleasure, but will only accept it from others, sharing it with them.”

“Good. And what is Temperance?”

“It’s the virtue of restraining our carnal instincts and subjugate them to our mind. A man shall keep his member limp and shall restrain his seed until he’s allowed to release it.”

“Very well.” – Uncle Roderick said, satisfied – “Now lie on the bench, Novice, as now your Temperance and your Renunciation will be put to the test. Obey my command, Novice, and keep your member limp.”

As soon as Shay lay down, three Older Cousins, still clothed in their blue habits, took position at the sides of the bench. Uncle Roderick nodded his consent, and six gentle hands started brushing Shay’s exposed skin, exploring his pecs, his abdomen, his legs and his arms. A finger intruded in his belly button, and two hands caressed his inner thighs, slightly brushing his balls.

Shay knew that his task was to accept those sensual caresses without having an erection, exerting his Temperance, but he didn’t have to put a great effort in it: not only he felt utterly embarrassed by his current situation, exposed to the eyes of all the Cousins, but his strict education made him feel a sense of revulsion, having three grown-up men fondling his body.

But then something changed, as one man leaned over his chest and darted the very tip of his tongue at his pointy nipple, again and again, titillating the sensitive skin with consummate skill. Shay inhaled sharply, feeling a sudden surge of pleasure radiating from his nipple and hitting his groin like a lightning. The man looked up at Shay and smiled sensually: “You’re very sensitive… I’ll make your Temperance crumble, boy…”

«They’re doing it to someone else… They’re doing it to someone else…!» – Shay repeated in his mind like a mantra, trying to do what Ewan had suggested him, and with a great effort managed to keep his member limp. The Cousin had taken him by surprise, but now he was ready to resist.

Two expert mouths clung to Shay’s man tits, sucking them hard and titillating them in the most exquisite way, and the third Cousin started brushing his hands on his torso, from the ribs to the groin, but without ever touching the cock, again and again, and the sensual massage forced Shay to focus on his crotch, as if his cock was the very center of his being.

Shay frowned and concentrated deeper, trying hard to ignore the pleasurable caresses and keeping, with a great effort, his cock limp. He groaned when a caring hand started fondling his balls, gently rolling his gonads between the expert fingers. When the hand opened up and took a good handful of his entire manhood, Shay whined, tilting his head back, in the supreme effort to avoid a forbidden erection. He pretended that weren’t his nipples that were sucked and stimulated so masterfully, that weren’t his thighs that were caressed so sensually, that weren’t his cock and balls that were manhandled so skillfully… and he succeeded, incredible as it seemed: despite the fire that burned inside his body, his cock stayed almost perfectly limp.


~ Merciless edging ~

 “Good boy…” – Uncle Roderick murmured, leaning on Shay and locking their mouths in a sensual, churning kiss. Shay felt the Uncle’s imperious tongue taking possession of his mouth, exploring every hidden recess of it, and knew he was lost: his cock immediately sprang up to attention, erected and proud, pulsing with unrestrained desire.

When Uncle Roderick recoiled, Shay looked up at him and whined: “I failed, Uncle…”

“No, you didn’t, Novice” – he replied, smiling – “On the contrary, you did very well. But the test is not over. Your member is now eager to feel pleasure, and your Fountain will soon be ready to gush for your Cousins, but I command you to restrain yourself.”

The three Older Cousins assaulted again Shay’s body, titillating every inch of his skin, with great mastery; they seemed to know where the most sensitive spots of Shay’s body were, and assaulted them relentlessly, licking, kissing, sucking and tickling them all at once. One Cousin pulled down Shay’s foreskin and started licking the sensitive glans all around; he then closed his lips around it, vacuuming hard the throbbing cock, that grew even stiffer than before. With his other hand, the man massaged sensually Shay’s balls, and made his finger sneak behind them, to press hard on the perineum.

Shay felt like his cock was about to explode: it was so hard it almost hurt, but he bravely fought the tidal wave of pleasure that was about to make him succumb. When he realized he was not strong enough to resist, he groaned loud and arched his back, ready to surrender to the pleasure, but the men slowed down, bringing him to the safe shore. Shay thought they had mercy on him, but he soon realized how wrong he was: after he could catch his breath, the men started assaulting him with renewed vigor, bringing him again on the verge of a mind-blowing orgasm… only to stop a moment before he could explode.

The sexual frustration coalesced in a dull pain in Shay’s abdomen, while the men began another onslaught on his now ultra-sensitive body, making him climb once more up to the peak of his pleasure.

“Please… I beg you…” – Shay said with a voice broken by the sexual tension, feverishly squirming on the bench – “Stop torturing me… Nnngghh…!! Finish me off, let me cum! By the Holy Springs, let me cum!!”

The skilled Cousins kept Shay on the very verge of the climax for what seemed an eternity, without ever letting him fall into the abyss, and Shay’s mind started to waver, while he uttered incoherent words. For Shay, the entire universe was his throbbing cock, the only thing that counted was his need to cum.

Suddenly, all the hands and lips where withdrawn from his body, and Shay half-opened his eyes, panting hard. The Cousins had stepped back and stood a bit afar from the bench, looking at him in silence.

Shay felt the orgasm trying to explode in his groin, but the men had left him there, on the unstable peak of his pleasure, without giving him the last, little push. Shay looked around, in a sexual desperation, silently asking someone, anyone, to help him, but all the Cousins stood still, in silence, staring at him.

When the boy felt the huge orgasm slowly and painfully retracting for the umpteenth time in his groin, his hand moved toward his cock, to give it that stroke, even half a stroke that would’ve made him cum, at long last. The pleasure he was craving with every fiber of his being was there, at an inch from his fingers, that were already curling, ready to grip the throbbing cock and finally finish it off.

But his hand trembled, while Shay, resorting to all the spirit of Renunciation he had inside him, fought a harsh battle against himself. He didn’t want to do it, he didn’t want to seek a solitary, selfish pleasure, but his body screamed for release with desperate intensity.

Shay’s hand slowly moved away and pressed firmly on the bench, and the Novice turned to look at Uncle Roderick, shamelessly showing him the burning desire he was feeling. “Have mercy on me…!” – he whined with wet eyes – “Have a little mercy on me…”

Uncle Roderick smiled tenderly and gestured to the Older Cousin, who instantly were again at the Novice’s sides. All Shay needed to finally reach the climax was a tiny touch, even a single finger brushing his engorged glans, but the men gave him much more than that: an expert mouth assaulted his throbbing cock, skilled fingertips pinched his nipples, and a single, well-lubricated finger intruded into his virgin ass, wiggling in the most delightful way.

Shay stiffened as if a lightning had hit him, his body arched on the bench and his scream echoed on the walls of the Chapter house: “AAAAARRGGGHHHH!!!”

His cock started shooting thick plumes of seed so fast that it almost seemed to gush a continuous stream of boyish juice, while his body convulsed on the bench. The Older Cousin, exchanging knowing grins, went on caressing and titillating his most sensitive spots, prolonging his pleasure and rejoicing in the boy’s loud moans. Shay felt submerged by waves after waves of sexual pleasure and he gratefully drowned under them, tossing his head from side to side, delirious.

All the Cousins in the hall watched Shay squirming and trembling, but the only one who could really guess the overwhelming intensity of Shay’s sensations was Ewan, as he knew that the boy had discovered the joy of the orgasm only last night, with him.


~ A gifted mouth ~

At long last, Shay’s screams toned down to soft moans and his body stopped shaking and bucking, to give way to an exhausted relaxation. Heaving hard, Shay looked up at Uncle Roderick, who flashed an embarrassed grin at him: an obvious erection was making his long white robe bulge out in an unmistakable way.

“Even my great Temperance had to bow to your infectious pleasure” – the wise man said, smiling – “Looking at you was so delightful and sensual that I couldn’t restrain myself. Forgive me.”

Shay manage to sit up on the bench, with his feet on the floor, but didn’t dare to stand up, as he felt his head spin too much. “F… Forgive you?” – he said, between the heavy breaths – “I can’t possibly forgive you, my Uncle and mentor, for anything. I’m only a Novice, and not even a trustworthy one, as I miserably failed in exerting my virtues. You have seen me, I was about to give pleasure to myself, and then couldn’t restrain my orgasm, giving… an embarrassing show of myself.”

“My wonderful boy!” – Uncle Roderick exclaimed, helping Shay on his feet and holding him in a tight, fatherly embrace – “You are right, I saw you, we all did: your mind was weakened by the expert ministrations of your Older Cousins, and yet you could find into yourself enough Renunciation to stop your hand. And you masterfully controlled yourself, keeping your erection restrained until I kissed you: all of us have been on that bench, before, and we shamefully lost control at the first touch of our Cousin. Not a single Novice, including myself, ever had a hint of Temperance in themselves, so far, and few of us forced their hands away from their demanding members. I’m sincerely impressed, Shay.”

Uncle Roderick seemed suddenly concentrated on a thought that crossed his mind, and frowned. After a long pause, he said aloud: “Shay, today you proved to master the virtue of Renunciation as much as your Young Cousins. But I can’t give you a green habit, this early in your path to the Truth. And yet, I want you to be a Cousin, a Little Cousin, if you want, and relieve you from your bond of Submission toward the Young Cousins.”

Many comments of agreement came from the monks, as they all had been surprised to see Shay exert such a strong Renunciation during the test. Shay looked around, at the happy faces around him, and his eyes focused on Ewan, the one lad that in such a short span of time had become his best friend and his mentor.

After a long pause, still keeping his affectionate gaze on Ewan, Shay said: “But I do want to submit to my Young Cousins’ command…”

Shay turned to Uncle Roderick and added: “I’m honored, truly honored, Uncle, but… may I remain a simple Novice? I still have too much to learn, I don’t even know exactly where my cell is, in this huge Asylum! I still need the tender guidance of Cousin Ewan… and all the other Young Cousins, of course!” – he added, blushing for having naively revealed his affection to his roommate – “…and of the Older Cousins, and yours, Uncle Roderick!”

“Mmmhh…” – Uncle Roderick mumbled, stifling a chuckle – “Then, so be it. I’m not used to see my offers rejected, but you did it in such a graceful and tender way that you became even dearer to my heart, my boy. You sure have a… gifted mouth!”

The last not-so-subtle double entendre caused many giggles around the hall, making Shay blush crimson red. When they trailed off, Uncle Roderick gestured to Ewan to come closer: “Help your loyal friend, here, getting dressed and then teach him the correct path to your cell. He won’t ever reach the Holy Fountain, if he can’t reach his room! Ha ha ha!”


In the next chapter: Shay will be shown ‘the Springs’, the Asylum’s basement where the exercise ground and the hot springs are located. Bathing in the hot pool, Shay will have a glimpse at what being fucked by an experienced man means.

Footnotes and references:

[1] The Lost Cousins are monks who betrayed their vows and now live a secluded sinful life. They are rejected by the other monks, but they still retain their status, and can therefore command the younger monks at will. See Ch. 2.

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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