The Holy Fountain

by Hunknown

3 Feb 2023 1160 readers Score 9.4 (24 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


Who's Who in this chapter

Shay (a shy 18-y.o. novice) gets jealous when he spots his roommate and mentor Ewan (an oversexed young monk in his 20s) making love to Glen (a boyish-looking young monk). Shay seeks for support and guidance from Gaynor, a gigantic Older Cousin in his 40s.

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~ Worship ~

Since Shay had acknowledged his passion for men and his inclination for pleasuring them, he and Ewan had shared the same bed many times. For a long time, since Shay joined the Asylum, Shay’s ass had been off-limits for Ewan; but after the ‘Rosie affaire’ [1] Shay wanted to give himself to his loving roommate completely, without holding back anything.

That was a crucial moment in Shay’s life, and the bond that he forged with Ewan was the strongest he’d ever forged with anyone; from that day on, Shay felt that Ewan was no longer just a roommate and friend for him, but his lover; and this made Shay feel on cloud nine, as it was the first time for him to feel such strong feelings for anyone.

One day, Shay was at the Springs, the vast underground hall where the hot pool and the exercise grounds were located, and was making some light exercises in a dark corner; he didn’t like to be watched while exercising, because he reckoned that his body was still too slim and childish, compared to the other monks. From his secluded spot he had a nice view over almost the entire Springs, and while pausing between the exercises he scanned the ample hall admiring the other monks doing their activities.

Suddenly he spotted Ewan entering the Springs, wearing the customary skimpy loincloth that the monks used down there; with a tender smile, Shay looked at Ewan walking with confident steps to a bench, sit down on it and starting lifting some weights, first with one hand then the other, to work on his biceps. Shay felt his own crotch tingle, admiring Ewan’s hairy chest rhythmically expand, the bulging biceps swelling at each lift, the manly concentrated expression on his face.

After no more than a couple minutes, Shay noticed another monk, acting in a weird way. Shay recognized him, he was Glen, a Young Cousin whom Shay had only met at the dining table, but had never spoken to. Glen was in his mid-20s, but had hairless cheeks and big blue eyes that made him look like a boy, a very beautiful boy. Oddly enough, Glen was walking across the Springs with great caution, as if he didn’t want to be spotted. He silently moved close to where Ewan was lifting his weights and stood there, looking at him with adoring eyes.

But Glen’s efforts were not enough to prevent Ewan from spotting him; with a friendly smile, he nodded to Glen to come closer: “Hey, Glen! If you want to see how to lift weights, come closer and watch attentively, I’ll teach you!”

From his secluded viewpoint, Shay watched Glen walk in front of Ewan and sit on the ground; it was more than obvious that the Glen’s gaze wasn’t riveted to Ewan’s exercises, but rather to the hefty manhood dangling between his legs, under the skimpy loincloth: Ewan was sitting on a bench, with his legs apart for support during the weight-lifting, and therefore Glen, from his lower point of view, had Ewan’s graces in full display in front of him.

Shay smiled and shook his head: «Who could blame him?» – he thought, amused – «Ewan is such a stud… His hairy muscular body is a sight, especially glistening with sweat like now, and his cock… mmmhh!… his cock is pure perfection!»

For few minutes, Shay went on doing his own exercises, looking at Glen and Ewan, and noticed that Glen moved closer and closer to Ewan, until he was almost between Ewan’s splayed legs. Then, with a hesitant and shy move, Glen rose on his knees and placed his hands on Ewan’s hairy thighs, and started brushing them with his small hands. At each stroke, Glen’s hands moved a bit further, until they sneaked under Ewan’s loincloth.

Ewan stopped doing his exercises and gave to Glen a knowing smile: “Go on, my friend. Don’t be shy: we both follow the path to the Holy Fountain. And my own Fountain, imperfect as it is, is always ready to gush for a beautiful lad such as you…”

Glen smiled shyly and slowly lifted Ewan’s loincloth, revealing his now thickening manhood. The boy took it in his small hand, lowered his head and closed his trembling lips around the growing meat. Despite his shy attitude, the boy knew what to do, and Ewan inhaled sharply, when his entire body was washed by a wave of sudden pleasure.

Shay’s gaze, watching the couple, instinctively hardened, as the passion Glen was putting in servicing Ewan felt somewhat disturbing; but he forced himself to put things in the right perspective: «It’s normal, we’re all monks, we seek the blessing of the Holy Fountain from other monks… Right? It’s just that, an exchange of blessings… Right?»

By now, Shay had totally forgotten his own exercises, and his attention was totally focused on Ewan and Glen. Ewan’s cock was now standing at attention, and rhythmically disappeared into Glen’s mouth, to the last inch; often the boy lowered his lips to Ewan’s pubes and kept them there, holding Ewan’s entire member down his throat, and Ewan gasped with pleasure, feeling the boy’s expert throat muscles massaging his sensitive cock.

Shay’s expression gradually morphed from the initial discomfort to a deep concern, as he couldn’t deny to himself that Glen was more expert than him, and was clearly granting to Ewan much greater a pleasure than Shay had ever provided him with his inexperienced and sloppy blowjobs. But then the concern on Shay’s face turned to sorrow, when he saw Ewan gently pushing Glen to the ground, on his back, ready to take the boy’s ass.

Once again, Shay tried hard to convince himself: «Monks do that all the time, they take each other’s ass to plant their blessed seed deep inside their partner, but they don’t love each other… Right? Ewan doesn’t love Glen, right? Ewan loves me, we love each other, he surely won’t hold Glen as tenderly as he holds me…»

But under Shay’s wide-open eyes something different was happening. Ewan was taking Glen with utmost respect and tenderness, easing his massive tool into Glen’s warm chute with slow, gentle strokes. Their eyes were locked and Glen watched at Ewan swaying above him with adoring eyes. They occasionally whispered to each other, but Shay couldn’t hear what they were saying.

«Now Ewan will cum into Glen’s ass and everything will be over» – Shay thought, desperately trying to believe to himself – «Look, Ewan’s pacing up, he’s not doing any effort to give pleasure to Glen, he’s just…”

“NNNNGGHH!!” – Glen moaned loud, lost in the extasy of his climax, while his own untouched dick swelled and shot with youthful vigor many jets of boyish cream; after few moments, Ewan stiffened and inundated Glen’s insides with his blessing manly seed.

«It’s over… It’s over…» – Shay thought, trying to keep a grip on himself – «Now Glen will thank him and will go away. He had what he wanted, after all! Sure enough Ewan won’t stay with him any longer, he won’t…”

Shay stifled a sob when Ewan, smiling to Glen, pulled out from his bubble butt and lay on his side, tenderly holding Glen in a spoon position, enjoying the afterglow of the satisfying climax. «That is our position!» – Shay thought, while his eyes veiled with tears, overwhelmed by a rush of jealousy – «It’s true, I’m not as beautiful as Glen, I can’t suck a cock like him, but this doesn’t grant to Ewan the right to cheat on me that way! And in public!»


~ Loving care ~

The stinging pain was too much for Shay to bear, and he silently moved away, hoping to throw behind his back the shame of feeling betrayed as easily as he was leaving behind the two lovebirds still sharing tender embraces and loving whispers. But the dismay and the shame didn’t disappear, and Shay tried to leave the Springs as quickly as his teary eyes let him. He turned a corner and almost bumped into a pillar of muscles and flesh: “Gaynor!” – Shay murmured with broken voice, looking up at the gigantic monk making his usual pull-ups, gripping a wooden bar hanging from the ceiling.

Gaynor instantly noticed Shay’s distress and let himself fall to the ground: “Shay! What happened?”

As only reply, Shay clung to Gaynor’s massive torso and flung his arms around him, holding on to him like a drowning man holds on to a lifeline. Gaynor reciprocated the tight hug and planted a kiss on top of Shay’s head; after a long moment of silence, he picked him up bodily, as if he weighed nothing, and whispered: “Do you remember our special spot in the hot pool? Where all your worries and pains can be soothed?”  [2]

Gaynor went to the pool, removed his own loincloth as well as Shay’s, and entered the shallow water, that welcomed them in its warm, comforting embrace. Shay felt hurt and ashamed, and he didn’t really feel to talk to Gaynor about Ewan’s cheating; so he pressed his back on Gaynor’s massive torso, silently asking for a soothing hug, and uttered a contented whine when Gaynor’s muscular arms closed around him, holding him tight.

The warmth of the water and the sweetness of Gaynor’s embrace quickly untied the knots of Shay’s soul, and with halting words the boy related to Gaynor what he’d seen, describing in detail Ewan making sweet love to Glen and showing him the tenderness that he should’ve given to Shay alone.

“Uhm…” – Gaynor mumbled when Shay stopped talking – “So, you feel cheated on, uh?”

“Of course I do!” – Shay replied, but his tone wasn’t totally convincing, as if Shay himself had some doubts about it – “After all, we’re lovers! We’re boyfriends… sort of…”

“Uhm…” – Gaynor repeated, and held Shay tighter, brushing one big hand on his hairless torso and letting the boy’s face rest on his massive bicep. Shay uttered a contented moan, enjoying Gaynor’s touch, and Gaynor smiled: “You like it, don’t you? Tell me, Shay, how do you feel when I hold you this way?”

Shay smiled and replied: “I feel safe in your arms, Gaynor, I feel loved and understood.”

“And tell me…” – Gaynor added, in a soothing tone – “How do you feel when Ewan holds you this very way?”

Shay felt his heart skip a beat and froze for a moment; and then, with uncertain voice he answered: “I feel safe, loved and understood.”

“So, are you now cheating on Ewan with me?”

“Am I…?” – Shay asked plaintively, suddenly afraid to have done exactly what he was accusing Ewan for.

“No, my sweet Shay. This is not cheating. Here at the Asylum we’re all bound to each other, in different ways. Sometimes the ties we create are strong, sometimes they’re weak; and once in a while a very special bond blossoms between two monks. This is, I believe, what happened to you and Ewan: am I wrong?”

“It’s definitely a very strong, special bond, the one that ties Ewan and me. Or at least, it is for me…”

“It’s the same for him, take it for granted. No matter how imaginative you are, such a strong bond can’t be one-way. You feel Ewan very close to you because he is very close to you.”

“And… is it… love, what we feel for each other?” – Shay asked cautiously, as if he was afraid to hear the answer.

“Love, of course, what else?” – Gaynor replied, smiling wide – “Love in its highest, purest form. But here is the main point: do you love me, Shay?”

Shay gave to Gaynor such a painful glance that he seemed to be about to burst in tears: “Y… Yes, I feel love for you, Gaynor… But if I love you then I don’t love Ewan! But I do love Ewan! I… I love both of you! Oh! I’m such an awful person!!”

“And who do you love more? Ewan or me?”

“How… How can you ask me that??” – Shay whined, feeling torn apart – “I love you and Ewan in different ways!”

“You’ve answered to your own question, Shay. There are different types of love, different ways of loving another person. If you love me, if you feel safe and loved when I hug you, you’re not cheating on Ewan. You and Ewan are tied by the strongest bond ever, a bond that can’t be jeopardized if you bask in my loving embrace or if Ewan makes sweet love to another Cousin. What ties you and Ewan is a bond that can’t be broken. Only one thing can break that bond…”

“W… What is it?” – Shay asked, under his breath.

“If you stop believing in it. That’s when even the strongest bond weakens and crumbles. Never doubt Ewan’s love. Never doubt Ewan.”

Shay smiled wide. Now that all the questions clouding his mind had been answered, he suddenly felt relieved, happy and full of love for Ewan and Gaynor. And Uncle Roderick, too! If a man can love in different ways many people, then Uncle Roderick definitely deserved his fair share of love! And Devin, and Torrance and…

«Better stop here…» – Shay inwardly warned himself, giggling – «or I’ll soon find myself professing my love to the entire Asylum!”


~ Sensual skirmish ~

Basking in the pleasure of his newly found serenity, Shay nestled deeper into Gaynor’s embrace, enjoying the feeling of the monk’s bulging pecs pressing on his back. He couldn’t repress a joyful moan when he felt Gaynor’s big hand roaming his torso, casually tickling his nipples and sliding down to his pubes.

Suddenly Shay felt Gaynor’s massive cock coming to life and finding its way between his ass cheeks, exploring the deep groove hiding his nether portal. The boy held his breath for a moment and then murmured, cautiously: “You… You’re getting hard…”

“Yes, I am…” – Gaynor replied with a sly tone – “Because I want you...”

“You want me?” – Shay gasped, in disbelief – “I’m just a thin and short lad, I’m so… boyish, while you’re so sexy, you’re a mass of muscles, you could have anyone!”

“I want you…” – Gaynor repeated, roaming Shay’s entire body with his big hands – “I want these defined pecs, these tight abs, these sinewy thighs, this young, powerful manhood!”

Shay was hyperventilating and blurted out: “But… But you’re so much older than me!”

“Ha!” – Gaynor exclaimed, feigning to feel insulted – “Well, this decrepit old geezer has still a few bullets in the barrel, you’ll see!”

Out of the blue, Shay felt Gaynor’s stiff cock intrude between his buttocks and crawl further between his closed thighs, sensually brushing against his perineum and finally rest, pressing against the back of his balls. Instinctively, Shay tightened his thighs, eliciting a moan of pleasure from Gaynor, who was clearly enjoying feeling his thick manhood squeezed between the boy’s nervous thighs.

The hot rod started shifting back and forth, between Shay’s thighs lubricated by the warm mineral water, and the engorged mushroom head rhythmically pressed against Shay’s balls. Shay felt like Gaynor was… fucking him without actually fucking him! And if the sensation wasn’t arousing enough, Shay felt Gaynor’s hand enveloping his entire manhood, kneading on it like it was a sex toy. And then he felt a shiver of sexual tension when he heard Gaynor’s deep voice growl into his ear: “I want to make love to you, I want to take you. I want you to cheat on Ewan with me!”

“You… You said it wasn’t cheating, what we’re doing!!” – Shay cried out, but soon realized that Gaynor was just playing with him: “How naughty of you! Stop pulling my leg!”

“This is not your leg…” – Gaynor sensually replied, curling his beefy fingers around Shay’s now fully hard dick. The monk then caressed with his hand Shay’s ass, underwater, searching for his secluded portal with his fingers. He wanted to prepare the tight hole for the penetration, but Shay stopped him: “Wait… Can you… don’t know… just use your cock?”

“You don’t want me to loosen your hole a little bit? It would ease the penetration. I don’t want to hurt you…”

“I’m a novice and I need to learn, I need to train my ass…” – Shay replied, uncertain – “I want to learn how to be ready for my man, even when there’s no time to get ready, even if my man… can’t restrain himself.”

“You’re talking about Ewan, right?” – Gaynor inquired – “You want to be able to give him what he needs even when his inner fire consumes him. Talk about sheer love…! Alright, I’ll help you. What you ask can be done, but you need to learn how to relax your ass muscles, in any conditions, even if you’re nervous or scared. If anything fails, pretend you’re taking a poop and push hard: don’t think about the cock pressing on your ass, just concentrate on your task: push and relax. Let’s try. I’ll go easy on you, don’t worry: I won’t hurt you.”

Gaynor, helping himself with a hand, explored with his cock Shay’s groove and pressed his glans on the boy’s puckered hole. “Concentrate. Breath and relax. And push out.”

“Nnngghh…” – Shay groaned, striving to relax his own ass muscles; he pretended to take a poop, as Gaynor suggested, and was rewarded by the monk’s praise: “Good. Yes, that’s it, you’re doing good. Now take a deep breath and try again… Yes! Do you feel how your hole is opening up? I’m almost in, you’re beckoning me inside you, your tender chute longs to be filled by my cock, doesn’t it?”

“Yes… nnngghh… Yes, I want you…” – Shay murmured, frowning in the effort of opening up and give way to the exceptionally thick intruder – “I’m opening wide for you… I want… Oh! Holy Sprinnnnnggggs!”

With one last push, Shay managed to open his own ass wide enough, and suddenly Gaynor was into him, all the way, to the hilt: no pain, no struggle, only the wonderful feeling of being filled completely. The sudden moan of pleasure coming from Gaynor was music to Shay’s ears, he felt so proud of himself!


~ A man’s man ~

Gaynor eased his big cock in and out of Shay’s chute a few times and then pulled out. “The first time is harder, and I gave you more time. Now get ready, boy, because I’m going to impale you! I won’t take any care this time: as soon as you feel my cock at your entrance, open up quickly, because I’m going to shove it in, whether you’re ready or not!”

Of course, Gaynor didn’t have the slightest intention to hurt Shay, and was prepared to patiently wait until the boy was ready, but he wanted to put a pressure on Shay, make him feel nervous and tense. And Shay did feel tense and scared by Gaynor’s threatening tone, and concentrated hard, ready to open wide his own ass as fast as possible. After few moments, he felt the wide cock head pressing against his hole and pushed out as hard as he could, ignoring the cock knocking at his back door and concentrating only on his task: push out, breathe, relax, push out!

After an initial resistance, the stiff meat plunged halfway into Shay’s ass, and the boy didn’t get distracted, but kept on pushing out and opening up until he felt Gaynor’s pubes slam against his buttocks.

“Damn, you’re a natural, boy!” – Gaynor praised Shay, letting him catch his breath – “You let me literally impale you, no joke!”

Shay turned his head to look at Gaynor, flashed a proud smile and said: “Now fuck me…! No more lessons, no more waiting: I’m ready!”

Gaynor’s muscled arms tightened around Shay, immobilizing him, and his cock speared the boy’s tender hole with growing intensity. Each thrust pushed the massive cock all the way in, stretching Shay’s loosened hole to its limit and battering his sensitive joy button with a barrage of perfectly aimed shots. Shay stiffened into Gaynor’s steely grip and a squeal of pleasure escaped his lips.

“You asked for it and here it is, boy!” – Gaynor growled; he was still playing the role of the rough daddy, but the truth was that Shay’s innocent and spontaneous sexiness was almost irresistible. With powerful thrusts of his hips, Gaynor started shoving his man tool deeper and deeper into the slick canal, making Shay moan almost uncontrollably.

The warm mineral water offered all the lubrication they needed, and Gaynor, though always attentive to Shay’s reaction, acted like he really wasn’t taking any care. His hips slammed hard on Shay’s buttocks, making the water splash all around, and with a hand he reached around to Shay’s cock, only to find it as stiff as marble and throbbing as if it had a life of his own. “My sexy boy is ready to shoot, uh? Then shoot, Shay! Cum for me, let me see how much you love me… Oohh… Yeah… I’m close… I’m so damn close… YESSSS!!!!”

Shay, totally under Gaynor’s erotic spell, couldn’t resist a moment longer and let himself drown into the wave of pleasure submerging him. He heard Gaynor grunt and heave, felt his thick cock pump its sweet essence deep inside him and shot with abandon all the juice his young balls could provide, and then some. The feeling was so overwhelming that he was about to actually let his head go underwater, but Gaynor held him tighter and kept him safe.

Slowly, Gaynor and Shay came down from the orgasmic high and looked at each other, panting and wearing joyful, satisfied grins on their faces. Shay felt a bit sore, but he didn’t care: Gaynor’s fuck had been epic!

Something caught Shay’s attention, and he turned around, while his smile faded on his face: standing on the border of the pool there was Ewan, now freshly showered and wearing his blue habit, looking at them with wide eyes.

Shay’s initial doubts exploded again in his heart, and he felt like he had done something bad with Gaynor; looking up at Ewan, Shay murmured, hesitantly: “Ewan…! I… Gaynor and I… Don’t think bad of me…! Please don’t think bad of me!”

Ewan’s eyes lit up with infinite love and he replied, softly: “What I think of you is that you’re irresistible…”. And then, fully clothed as he was, he climbed down into the pool, held tight Shay and gave him a long, passionate kiss that took their breath away.


In the next chapter: Shay starts training, willing to undergo his Trial of Renunciation and become a Young Cousin; many monks help Shay strengthening his virtues, but the task will prove to be harder than Shay thought.

Footnotes and references:

[1] On his 18th birthday, Shay received from his father a special ‘gift, a girl named Rosie, who supposedly should’ve made Shay turn from a boy to a man; that experience made Shay realize that he wasn’t into women, and that very day Shay offered his ass to Ewan. See Ch. 16.
[2] After Shay was raped by Orren, Gaynor brought him bodily to the hot pool and there, half-immersed in the warm water, Gaynor had a heart-to-heart with Shay and made sweet love to him, managing to soothe Shay’s trauma before it was too late. See Ch. 7.

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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