Rowan's Journey to Manhood

by Hunknown

15 Jun 2020 535 readers Score 9.8 (22 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In the previous chapters…

Rowan, a pale guy with many sexual inhibitions due to the abuse he suffered in the past, embarks in a long journey to a mature sexuality, helped by the men and boys living in a big house named “The Cove”. Charlie, a 19 y.o. playful boy, teaches him the joyful side of sex. Barry, an oversexed worker who looks alike Rowan’s abusive stepfather, scares him. Kale, a Hawaiian school counselor, shows him the tender, healing power of love. Beau, the blond leader of the Cove, experiments Rowan’s ‘power’ to block a man’s ejaculation until he begs to cum. Hendrick, the house young cook, lets Rowan discover how sweet and pleasurable can be anal sex when, after many years, the guy yields his ass to the redheaded boy. The wise Native American Wahkan teaches to Rowan how to trust another man and senses that the guy holds a great power in him. Rowan seems to come from another century, and reveals to his friends that his only school had been the old movies showed at Paul’s cinema. He then discovers the pleasure of submission during a hot bondage session with Kale. Rick explains that the Cove is a sort of shelter for all the men and the boys, including Beau. The day after, Beau reveals to Rowan the tragedy he hides in his heart and talks about the young stableman Jordan, his first love, who took his life after being raped by Joe, the black gardener, as per Beau’s father order. One night, Beau, masterfully mixing love and dominance, helps Rowan overcome his greatest fears: surrendering to an older man and staying indoors after sunset. Kale’s jealousy explodes. In a restless night, the Hawaiian remembers the French Riviera and Paris, where Beau made him embrace his true nature. In a last, risky attempt to save their love, Beau flies with Kale to Scotland, to Applecross House; there, they rekindle their love, helped by Brennan, a young valet that inspires such a deep affection to Beau that he takes him as his boy. Rowan is offered the unexpected chance to take revenge on his hatred stepfather by giving a furious fuck to Barry, but his satisfaction is short-lived, as he's involved in a terrible accident that temporarily impairs his ability to speak. Through a mind connection, Chayton “meets” Rowan’s Daddy and understands how deeply Rowan craved for his love... and maybe for something else. Making love to Brennan, Rowan fights and wins the fear of having inherited his daddy’s cruelty. Later, in a pitch-dark room, Rowan has a special “now-or-never moment” with Barry, who talk about his past life as a married man and receives an excruciating act of devotion from the guy. Alex and Barry rescue Jorell, a black homeless, and his boy LaShawn from a gang of homophobic thugs and bring them to the Cove. Jorell is actually Joe, the former gardener who raped Jordan (Beau’s first love), causing his death. Beau and Joe, with a dramatic clarification, come to terms with their past. After getting in trouble with an evil cop, Rowan learns from Alex how to submit to authority, and then makes use of all he’s learned to undergo a harsh punishment from the cop. Back at home, Kale helps the guy to focus on his natural sexual inclinations. A disease threatens the Cove, forcing Doctor Jade to declare a general quarantine. Alone in his room, Rowan, who already learned to love himself, now learns another lesson: how to make love to himself. When the quarantine is over, Kale helps Rowan re-evaluate his past experiences, and then the guy lives an intense, dramatic and highly sexual moment with Jorell. Chayton argues with Wahkan and decides to move out of the Cove and live on his own, but things go bad for him and he asks for help.


Wahkan meets Chayton in the very same apartment where they first met. The guy reveals his misadventures and Wahkan remembers him their lifelong pact. Brennan has one last chance to be fucked by Barry, and in the end he gets what he craves for. LaShawn and Chayton have a difficult reconciliation.

Additional downloads (PDF)

Cast of Characters with SFW images
The Cove – Floor Plan
Book 01 (Chapters 1-10) with bookmarks and PictureBook01 with NSFW images
Book 02 (Chapter 11-20) with bookmarks and PictureBook02 with NSFW images
Book 03 (Chapter 21-30) with bookmarks and PictureBook03 with NSFW images
Book 04 (Chapter 31-40) with bookmarks and PictureBook04 with NSFW images
Book 05 (Chapter 41-50) with bookmarks and PictureBook05 with NSFW images



~ Past and Present ~

Wahkan stood for a moment staring at the old building, crossed by cracks and with a big red “Condemned” sign on it. When he left that building years before, he was sure he would have never come back. But there he was again.

It was odd, the man thought, that last time it was Chayton to come there to take him away; and now the roles were reversed: he was there to take Chayton away.

«If he lets me…» – Wahkan thought, heading upstairs. The door to the apartment was not closed, as all the locks had been removed. He pushed the door end entered the room; the air was hot and smelled with dirt and dampness.

Chayton was lying on the old mattress, asleep. He was wearing nothing more than a sort of short loincloth made from a torn bed sheet. The guy heard someone moving in the room and jumped on his feet, and his initial alarm faded into an indecipherable expression, a swirl of relief, joy, shame and pride…

“You’ve come” – Chayton stated, briefly. “Of course I’ve come” – Wahkan replied – “You’re my boy…”.

“No, I’m not. Not any more, not after I’ve turned my back to you, sneaking away from your house and your life like a thief”.

“I remember quite vividly the last day we both spent here” – Wahkan insisted, assuming his usual authoritative attitude – “And when you asked me to be your master, you didn’t mention any condition or expire date. That day, on this very bed, we sealed a lifelong pact. I’m here to honor that pact…” – his voice trembled, and he lowered his gaze with modesty – “…and because I miss you very much…” – the tone became uncertain and shameful – “…and because I have to ask for your forgiveness”.

Chayton, who so far had tried to keep a manly, confident stance, was moved by Wahkan’s words and got closer to the man: “Why should you ever ask for my forgiveness?” – he asked under his breath. “Because I failed with you, I didn’t realize you had become a man, I didn’t give you the space and the respect you needed. I didn’t realize, until you ran away, how much you were important in my life”.

The boy was aghast, and his surprise grew even more when Wahkan knelt in front of him, lowered his head to the floor and kissed his bare feet. Chayton remembered well when he did the same to the wise Sioux [1], and remembered well the ancient words he spoke afterwards, the same words that his master was surely about to speak to him.

“No, sir…” – the boy stuttered – “Don’t do this… I don’t deserve it…”

“I am…”

“No sir… Don’t say it…”


“Please, sir…”

“ you, Chayton!” – Wahkan concluded, and kissed again the boy’s feet, but he didn’t stand up. Just like his boy years before, he went on kissing the hairy calf, the bony knee, the muscular thigh, until his head disappeared under the small loincloth.

Chayton was speechless, he silently gasped like a fish out of the water, while his master’s mouth, inexpertly but passionately, worked his cock, making it hard.

The boy didn’t dare to move away, nor to use his hands to push Wahkan’s head on his throbbing cock; and so he stood still, clenching and releasing his fists, enjoying the man lapping his balls, circling his knob and trying to engulf his entire shaft, resulting in muffled chocking sounds.

While the mouth worked feverishly the throbbing cock, the man’s hands eagerly ran across the back of the guy’s legs, until they clamped on the firm mounds of his ass. Chayton let out a chocked scream of pain, and Wahkan immediately stopped: “Are you hurt?”

The guy stepped back and looked around, uneasy, suddenly losing his erection: “I… don’t know, sir…”


~ False friends ~

“Yesterday, when I settled down here, I called my old friends…”

“And you still call them ‘friends’, after what they did to you and Charlie, leaving you drunk and helpless?” [2] –Wahkan interrupted, but soon added: – “I’m sorry, forget it, go on…”

“No, you’re right” – Chayton admitted – “They’re rattlesnakes, and when they came here they started mocking me: ‘You’ve become a city kid! Last time we met you couldn’t hold your liquor, and now look at you, with your fancy new jeans and your well-groomed hair!’

“I was hurt by their words, but I pretended they were joking, as I did want to regain their esteem… How stupid of me… But then Red told me with a derisive tone: ‘That Indian of yours knows how to take care of his bitch!’ and I lost my temper: I couldn’t let that filthy mouth say those horrible things of you, sir!”

“I yelled at him not to dare talking like that, and attacked him, throwing him a punch on his face, but Jim or Hal, I didn’t see him, hit me on the head with something hard, and everything went black”.

“When I woke up” – Chayton concluded– “I was lying on the floor, and my clothes, my backpack and my money were gone…”

“This explains why you told to Kale that you had money…” – Wahkan considered – “But why did you say that you don’t know if you’re fine?”

“Because when I woke up” – the boy revealed, deeply ashamed – “I was covered with jizz and my ass hurt like hell… But I don’t remember anything… I… I don’t know what they’ve done to me!”

Wahkan looked into the guy’s dry eyes and felt his own heart shrink: it was like Chayton had no more tears to cry, as if this experience had killed forever the child in him. The guy took a deep breath and said, with a serious tone: “Sir, I need you to look into my soul, into my unconscious. I know it will be hard, but I need to know”.

“Are you sure?” – Wahkan asked, and Chayton, as only answer, put his hands on his master’s face, looking straight at him and opening his soul to the powerful man.

And suddenly Wahkan, invisible witness, could see with his own eyes what happened in that very room some hours earlier…


~ A coward onslaught ~

“That Indian of yours knows how to take care of his bitch!” – Red laughed coarsely, pointing mockingly at Chayton – “Does he fuck you in the ass? Of course he does, and you like it! You like having your ass shred to pieces by a man’s hard meat! Does he have a cock bigger than this?” – he said, lowering his pants and showing a remarkable cock that looked even bigger, due to Red’s extremely thin frame.

“Don’t you dare talking about him, you piece of shit!” – Chayton yelled, and jumped forward, hitting Red’s face with his fist. Red’s friends, Hal and Jim, came to rescue their leader, and while one hit Chayton in his belly, the other one took a plank from the broken window and hit hard the boy on his head.

Chayton fell on the floor, unconscious, while Red was massaging his face, where he got punched. “Fuckin’ faggot!” – he hissed to Chayton, who couldn’t hear him – “You’re not getting away with it! Hal, Jim! He must have money somewhere… Search around! No, better, let’s take the whole backpack and his clothes, we’ll search them later!”

In a couple minutes, Chayton’s few belongings were stacked near the door and the boy was lying naked on the floor. Before going away, Red looked at him and said: “It’s a pity, though… They say that a faggot’s ass is better than any cunt… Do you want to try?”

“Fuck yeah!” – Jim and Hal answered in unison, grabbing their own crotch; the three guys got naked and lined up to fuck the unconscious boy in the ass. The first was Red, of course, being the leader; he grabbed a condom from his pocket (“Who knows what diseases this slut can give us!”) and unceremoniously shoved his thick cock deep inside the boy.

Chayton, luckily, was unconscious, and this helped keeping his ass relaxed, but he was not used to such a treatment; sure enough, later on he would have suffered for the consequences of such a violent impalement, but neither Red nor his friends seemed to care at all about Chayton’s pain.

Red fucked the boy harshly, yelling obscenities at him: “How do you like it being filled by a real man’s meat, bottom boy? Open up, here comes the rest! You will regret attacking me!”

He was so furious that he quickly got to the point of no return: “Take my jizz up your ass! Yeah! Fuuuuck YEAH!!”.  Red’s cock, fully planted into Chayton’s ass, inundated it with copious seed, until Red pulled out, looking at the reddened hole and at the semen seeping out of him.

“Now your turn!” – Red said to his friends – “I want you to split his hole! Fuck him in the ass… together!”

Hal and Jim looked at each other, worried, and then at Red: “Come on, man, that’s way too gay!” “Yeah, I don’t want to feel Hal’s cock slide against mine!”

“You do what I tell you to!” – Red shouted, angry, and the two guys got naked in a flash, massaged their cock to erection and wore their condoms. Hal, the one with a longer cock, lay on the floor and pulled Chayton, still unconscious, over him, forcing him to straddle his hips; and then tried to penetrate him, but it was difficult without Chayton’s cooperation, so he had to accept a ‘helping hand’ by Jim. Then, Jim straddled Hal’s legs and positioned himself behind the lifeless Sioux and placed his hard cock against Hal’s.

“Shove it in!” – Red ordered – “All the way!”

Jim complied, and it was not easy, as Chayton’s ass was really tight; though unconscious, the boy uttered a feeble moan, when Jim’s cock broke open his sphincter and invaded his chute, already filled by Hal’s meat.

Jim and Hal started to pump their cock in and out the overstretched hole, and they frequently glanced to each other, as the feeling of their buddy’s cock against their own was unexpectedly pleasurable… more than pleasurable… it was hot!!

Hal looked at Jim and intensified his fuck, flashing a smirk of challenge; Jim frowned, realizing that his friend wanted him to be the first to cum, probably to then mock him. With a steely flash in his eyes, he accepted the challenge; his cock was not as long as Hal’s, but it was thicker, so his started to move his hips sideways, in a circular motion, so to give to Hal’s cock, trapped against his own, an excruciating massage.

A harsh battle of cock ensued, with each guy trying his best to make his buddy cum, speeding up the thrusts, slowing down, pulling almost out and then shoving all the way in… and this no-holds-barred fight was taking place into Chayton’s ass!


~ Eye for an eye ~

Red looked at his friends and regretted to have cum so fast. He couldn’t stand to be overshadowed by his friends. “Enough!” – he yelled – “You’re not splitting him open like I told you! I had a better idea, hold his legs wide and apart!”

Jim and Hal pulled out from Chayton’s ravaged ass, tore away the condom from their dicks and grabbed the legs of the barely conscious Sioux, holding them up and apart, forcing the boy’s ass to open up, unprotected and vulnerable, under their eyes.

“Eye for an eye, punch for a punch…” – he hissed evilly, closing his hand into a fist and moving it closer to the boy’s exposed anus.

Hal gasped: “Red, no! You’ll hurt him!”, but Red incinerated him with a fiery glance: “I don’t give a fuck!”

“Come on, dude, he was our friend, once…” – Jim pleaded, worried for Chayton’s fate.

“You’re two sissies!” – Red growled – “Probably I should do the same to you, to shape you up!”

“At least, use this…” – Hal said, handing to Red a tube of lubricant. “Please…” – Jim added. “OK, OK!! Damn you!” – Red replied, taking the lubricant and smearing it on his hand. “Now hold him tight, ‘cause this bitch is going to have his ass worked over like he deserves!”

And with that, he pushed his clenched fist against the young Sioux’ hole, and pushed harder and harder, rotating his fist, until the already loosened sphincter gave way and let the big intruder break in.

Chayton, still unable to react, but now partly conscious, felt a shattering pain coming from his ass, and slurred something unintelligible that sounded like “no… no… I beg you…”

Hal and Jim looked at Red and pleaded again: “Now stop it, dude, this is going too far! You’re hurting him!”

“I will stop as soon as we all have cum over him!” – Red replied, taking is cock in his other hand and wanking it – “I want to humiliate this son of a bitch! You too! Jack off and cum over him!”

The two guys had no choice but to comply; and anyway their battle of the cocks had been interrupted abruptly, and they both felt horny as hell. It didn’t take long until the three guys started spurting their juice all over Chayton’s naked body… stifling their moans and pretending not to feel anything special, like any straight guy doing a circle-jerk is supposed to do, of course.

When done, Red abruptly pulled his fist out of Chayton’s tortured sphincter, that slowly closed down. “Let’s go away, this bitch had what he deserved!” – Red grunted, cleaning up his hand and getting dressed. In a minute or so, Chayton was alone, laying on the filthy room, covered with man seed and feeling his ass on fire…


~ A grown-up man ~

Chayton came back to himself and realized he was still gazing into Wahkan’s eyes, after letting his master read deep inside him. But there was something wrong, as Wahkan’s eyes, usually so wise and confident, were wet with tears.

“They fucked me, didn’t they?” – the boy asked, and again Wahkan heard the voice of a grown-up man, the voice of a man who lost any trace of his childhood, and this made Wahkan’s heart ache even more. The older Sioux nodded: “Yes, they did”.

“Bareback?” – Chayton inquired, worried for possible diseases: another sign of adult maturity that made Wahkan feel pain and pride at the same time: “No, they used condoms…”

“I feel too sore, there must be something else…”

There was no way to sugarcoat it: “Hal and Jim double-fucked you, and Red forced his fist into you…”

“Cowards!” – Chayton exclaimed, enraged, but when he looked at Wahkan staring at him with a resigned expression on his face, he thought that his master, as usual, was treating like a kid: “So what??” – the boy yelled – “What are you looking at?”

“I’m looking at a man” – Wahkan said, and though he tried hard to conceal the sadness in his voice, Chayton heard it clearly – “A grown-up man, a brave Sioux who doesn’t need any more a mentor or a guide. The hatchling that long ago, in this very room, asked me to show him the way through life has become a fierce Falcon, ready to leave the nest and fly high in the sky…”

It took a moment for Chayton to realize what Wahkan was implying, and when he understood he shook his head: “No… NO! what are you saying Wahkan? I still need you! Didn’t I asked for your help right know? Didn’t I rely once more on your wisdom, on your knowledge?”.

Chayton threw himself into Wahkan’s arms, placing his head over his chest; and though the guy had to bow his head, being now as tall as his master, Wahkan had one last glimpse of the kid that he met years before in that very room.

The guy recoiled a bit: “Tell me that I’m still your boy, Wahkan!” – he pleaded, while looking straight into the older Sioux’ eyes… and those eyes spoke to him as clearly as a stern voice: “You’re still my boy, and you will always be, as we sealed a lifelong pact…”

“A pact that must be renewed” – Chayton said, lying on the bed, in the very bed where he offered himself to Wahkan the first time, and raised his legs without a word, like that distant day.

“No, kid… I can’t…” – Wahkan objected, knowing how much that hole that the guy was offering him had already been abused.

“Please, sir… Wahkan!” – Chayton pleaded – “I don’t care about the pain, I need to feel again your boy, I need you to forgive me for my turning you down…”

How different looked Chayton, compared to that day when they met! Wahkan looked down, and he saw the same bed, and the guy in the very same position, lying on his back and offering his most guarded portal to him, just like that distant day. But the boy was now a man and exuded a virility, a confidence that he’d never seen before, though the courage, the resourcefulness, the resilience against the bad experiences were the same he already had as a kid.

Silently, the Sioux got naked and knelt on the bed, behind Chayton’s bent legs; he looked deeply into the boy’s eyes, and then moved his gaze down, along the lean, sculpted torso, the cock already hard in expectation, the hanging balls, and the puckered hole, in full display in front of him.

The man looked at that hole that endured so much and felt a rush of affection for his boy; he lowered his head and placed a tender kiss at the very center of the hole, enjoying the feeling of the puckered skin against his lips.

Tentatively, he stuck out his tongue and discovered for the first time in his life how a man’s ass tasted. A chocked squeal of pleasure and surprise coming from Chayton made him double his efforts, and started lapping the warm hole eagerly, aiming his tongue to the tight hole slowly relaxing and opening for him to penetrate it deeper and deeper.

“Oohh…” – Chayton murmured, unable to hold back his pleasure, and Wahkan looked at him: his eyes were full of lust, tenderness and surprise, as his master had never done that to him, and possibly in his own life!

The rimming went on for what seemed an eternity, and Chayton in the end had to plead his master to stop, lest to lose his load. Wahkan raised on his knees and positioned his cock against the well-lubricated and relaxed hole. He asked one last time, with his eyes, if Chayton really wanted it, and the guy whispered: “Please… Let me show you how devoted to you I am, Wahkan!”

The long cock gently entered the hot furnace, deeper and deeper, soothing with his loving touch the enflamed linings so roughly violated few hours before. The wise Sioux made love to his boy in such a tender way that the guy didn’t feel pain, but a sweet, tender caress that healed both his hurting ass and his hurting soul.

And when they both came, after a long loving fuck, there was no sound, except their heavy breathing; but their locked eyes spoke millions of words, making them both feel bound, body and soul, in a way that only they could understand.


~ An explosion of affection ~

“We’re coming back home” – was the brief text that Kale read on his phone, and before doing anything, he stared at the few words, grateful that Wahkan had texted him, and not Beau. Since their first night together, Kale felt a special bond with Wahkan, and was glad to realize that for the Sioux was the same.

Kale sent out a general call, to spread the news, and immediately the Cove came alive, and many feet stomped down the staircase, as the men and the boys all gathered in the living room to wait for the Sioux to come back home.

When finally Wahkan opened the door and came in with Chayton, everyone spotted a glimpse of pride and affection into the older man’s eyes, and a frown of embarrassment on the young man’s face.

“Gentlemen” – Wahkan said, looking around at the faces staring at them – “Six days ago, Chayton went away from the Cove as a kid, and now he’s back as a man. But he didn’t change in six days: I did. Probably I was the last one to realize that Chayton was no longer a kid, that he had grown up to a powerful man, a proud Sioux… and a handsome stud”.

Chayton blushed, and Kale nodded and smiled at Wahkan, as he’d already noticed that the young man was no longer a kid! [3]

LaShawn, too, remembered his first night with the young Sioux and that he was anything but a kid… [4]  He shot a loving, lustful glance at Chayton… who turned his head away, still angry with him for spotting him walking down the alley, in the middle of the night, hugging a cowboy. [5]

Chayton took a deep breath and said: “Listen everybody, I’ve been so unforgiveable with you all, and I’ve…” – but he couldn’t end the sentence, as all the men and the boys crowded around him, welcoming him back home. Some shook his hand, some other squeezed his arms and the most daring gave him a tender kiss on the lips. All the men and boys welcomed him back, except LaShawn, who had sadly left the living room, despairing to win again Chayton’s heart.


~ The last chance for a valet ~

When the greetings ended, everyone went back to his room, including Barry, whose hands were still locked into a cast; it was the seventh day since the accident [6], so it was the last day he had to be immobilized… and it was the last day for Brennan to serve Barry as a personal valet.

“It’s so damn hot today!” – Barry commented to Brennan as soon as they were alone – “Will you help me taking off these jeans?”

“Of course, sir!” – was the eager reply. As a matter of fact, Brennan always looked forward to the moment when Barry needed to be undressed, because usually it leaded to… some hot game!

With expert hands, Brennan unbuttoned the jeans and helped Barry step out of them; and then, though unsolicited, helped the man taking off the tank-top, leaving him stripped to his underwear.

Barry stifled a smile, noticing how eagerly Brennan glanced at his package, but didn’t want to force the boy in any way, so he patiently waited… and soon the question he expected came: “Maybe it’s too hot to keep the underwear, too, don’t you think so, sir?”

“Yeah, you’re right, kid. Will you help me, please?”

Brennan moved behind the man and made him turn to face the wall mirror; then took the elastic waist from the sides and pulled the briefs down, slowly, making the hefty cock and the huge balls come out one by one.

Much to Barry’s surprise, Brennan’s hands stopped halfway down the thighs; and then he reached around to the man’s balls… and gave them a long, delightful scratch, sinking the fingers deep behind the scrotum, and scratching with his fingers also the sides.

“Aaahh…. Wonderful…” – Barry sighed, enjoying the young fingers soothing the itches that always come when keeping the underwear up for long – “How did you guess that I needed a ball scratch, kid?”

“I’m a man, too, sir.” – Brennan replied with a knowing smile – “Which man doesn’t like to scratch his balls when taking away his underwear?”.  With that, the boy knelt down, pulling the briefs all the way to the feet, and waited Barry to step out of them.

And then, he didn’t stand up: having Barry’s ass at eye level, he planted a trembling kiss on his left cheek, while his hand reached around the big cock and the balls, and started massaging them… in a much more sensual way than before, but still hesitantly, in such a shy manner that moved Barry.

“What do you have in mind, kid?” – the man asked. “Well, sir…” – he replied, looking up – “Today is the last day you have to wear the cast on your hands…”

“Yeah, thank god it’s over!” – Barry exclaimed, but he soon realized that Brennan was hurt by his comment and added: “What a pity though, that I have to give up on your services!”

Brennan smiled, his confidence boosted by Barry’s words, and said: “You know, sir... My master told me I could anything with you…”

“And we had a lot of fun, didn’t we, kid?”

“Uh-uh…” – the boy said, pensively, and then remained silent for a while, still knelt behind Barry. He caressed Barry’s muscular left leg, then embraced it, pressing his right cheek to the man’s left buttock, and looking at his naked body in the wall mirror. “Sir… Do you think… I’d be able to take a big cock such as yours?”


~ Not-so-hidden desire ~

“So, this is what you had in mind, uh?” – Barry giggled, pulling Brennan on his feet and looking at him – “Small or big, accepting a man into you is always a matter of trust. Do you trust me, Brennan?”

“Totally, sir!” – was the stern reply. “OK then!” – Barry said with a smile, a frank and affectionate smile that had no hint of lust in it – “But I need your help. Strip naked and get on the bed!”

Following Barry’s instructions, the boy took the lubricant from the nightstand and smeared a huge amount all over Barry’s huge cock, massaging it from the base to the head, until it was rock hard; Brennan gulped down, looking at such a frightful vision: it was not the first time he saw Barry naked, but now, the mere idea of letting that monster enter his tiny hole made him anxious.

“Don’t be afraid” – Barry said in a soothing voice – “We can stop whenever you want. Now lubricate your hole, use plenty of gel, yeah, that way… Now push a couple fingers inside yourself… Do you remember when you checked my prostate? Do the same with yourself, add as many fingers as you can and push as far as you can”.

The boy concentrated on his own ass, and played with it, slowly loosening his hole to accommodate three fingers, and then four. He was lying on his back, with one leg bent over and his hand pushing hard into his own boy hole. The show was so hot that Barry damned his cast that didn’t let him to jack off.

By now, Brennan was trying to shove his entire hand into his ass, and Barry realized it was becoming painful for the kid: “Hey, you don’t have to go all the way like you did with me. You can stop, if it hurts…”

Brennan stopped for a moment and looked straight at Barry: “I’m a Scotsman” – the boy said proudly, and then, without breaking the eye contact, pushed hard his fist into the protesting hole, passing the sphincter and breaking in into his tender insides. Apart a small wince, there was no other visible sign of the pang of pain he surely felt.

“You may look like a child, but damn you are all man…!” – Barry breathed, admiring the kid’s bravery. “That’s what my master told me the first time we met [7]” – Brennan replied with a confident smile, while withdrawing his hand and showing off his gaping hole – “Do you think I’m ready, sir?”

“I’d call that a big yes, kid” – Barry giggled, leaning over the boy and bracing on the mattress with his elbows. His cock, hard as steel, was pointed to the tender, well-lubricated hole. “You’ve been very clever, but my cock is thick” – the man said, looking at the boy – “But don’t worry, I’ll be gentle…”

“Please don’t, sir” – Brennan said, and Barry immediately recoiled: “Don’t you want me to fuck you anymore?”


~ The perfect bottom-boy ~

“Oh, no, sir! I want it! I meant, don’t be gentle, sir” – the boy quizzically replied, and then explained: “Sir, I want to be a perfect gille-tòine, a bottom boy, ready to provide even the most demanding services to my man. I want to give the greatest pleasure to Beau, Kale, you and any other man I will service in the future… with my master’s permission, of course”

“So, please sir, don’t be gentle” – Brennan pleaded with passion – “Open me up, let me feel I’m you’re gille-tòine! Go ahead, sir, give me it all, I won’t scream.”

“You’re a Scotsman, eh?” – Barry said with hoarse voice; the boy’s last words sounded so hot in Barry’s ears that they crumbled his resistance. “Then brace yourself, bottom boy!” – he growled, pushing his cock inside the overstretched chute, inch by inch, without ever pausing or letting the boy catch his breath. He didn’t shove it in, of course, but the steady, unstoppable motion of the thick member decidedly took a great effort for Brennan to take it. The long, hard rod painfully crawled its way into the boy’s depths, breaking open one by one his inner defenses. Brennan opened his mouth in a silent gasp, but soldiered on and didn’t utter a single word.

The monster cock moved deeper and deeper, and when it arrived to the inner sphincter it didn’t stop, but forced it open, reaching the boy’s innermost sanctuary. Brennan winced, feeling that last pang of pain, and then realized that Barry was fully inside him: “Thank you, sir…” – he murmured, lost into the laser-blue eyes of the powerful man.

From that moment on, Brennan was in a blissful state: the huge cock started moving back and forth inside him, slowly at first, and then with greater passion; the wide glans brushed over his sensitive joy nut over and over, every time making him involuntarily tighten his legs around the man’s torso.

“Oh, sir… Oh, sir…” – he moaned, feeling totally overwhelmed by the sensual jolts crossing his body like electric shocks – “I’m your gille-tòine, sir! Oww… I’m here… aaahh.. to service you… AH! Yes! Oh, yes! Nnngghh… Please, sir… Please…”

“Please what, bottom boy?” – Barry asked, already knowing the answer. He lowered his torso until the young cock was trapped under his hairy belly, so to give to the throbbing member an excruciating massage at each thrust of his hips.

“Gawd…!!” – Brennan exclaimed, trying to hold back despite the additional, irresistible stimulation – “Let me cum, sir… Please… Ah!! But only if you want me to, sir!”

“I want you to cum like never before, kid! Cum for me! Now!”

Brennan’s cock shuddered wildly and exploded, lubricating with slick boy juice the two shifting abdomens. He was totally lost in his climax that he barely felt Barry’s cock grow even thicker inside him and flood his boy hole with hot man cream.

For few minutes, the only sounds in the room were the heavy panting of the boy and the man. After a pause, Brennan asked: “Have I serviced you well, sir?”

Barry flashed a wide, tender smile and replied: “What’s the word, gil-tone?”Gille-tòine, sir…” “Well, you’ve been the best gille-tòine around! Granted, no other boy in the Cove… or man for what it matters… took my cock so bravely and gracefully, the first time”.

“Thank you, sir” – Brennan replied, smiling proudly – “I’m glad that tomorrow you’ll be able to use your hands again, but I’m sorry you won’t need me any more… I liked being your valet, sir”.

“I liked it, too” – Barry replied – “Anyway, I guess that in that big country house of yours, up in Scotland, you didn’t serve only disabled and crippled old man, right? Now that I’ve discovered how important and useful valets are, I think that, with your master’s permission, I’ll request your services more and more!”

“Oh, thank you sir!!” – Brennan exclaimed, excited, and gave to the man a passionate, wet kiss that left Barry pleasantly surprised.


~ A hard fence to mend ~

In their rooms, Chayton and LaShawn were not as happy and contented as Brennan. The young Sioux couldn’t forget to have spotted his lover, in the middle of the night, while being intimate with a cowboy. And he didn’t even know what really LaShawn did that night! [8]

He was pacing his room, nervously, when the knock on his door hit on his nerves: “Come in!” – he grunted. “Oh, it’s you…!” – he added, looking disdainfully at LaShawn entering the door – “If you’re here to beg for forgiveness, you’re wasting your time!”

LaShawn entered the room, looking at the floor with a contrite expression, and almost bumped into Wahkan, who was standing behind the door. “Oh! Sorry sir! I… I didn’t…” – his voice trailed off, realizing that Wahkan, too, was looking at him with a disdainful and angry expression.

“Sir… please.. don’t look at me that way…” – LaShawn said in a low voice, saddened by Wahkan’s attitude towards him – “I know I did wrong, but…”

The Sioux, as only reply, turned his gaze away from the boy, making him feel even worse. Truth to be told, Wahkan blamed LaShawn’s bad influence on Chayton, convinced as he was that Chayton’s runaway was mostly connected with his recent mating with the black boy.

«And by the way, he could definitely choose better!» – the older Sioux pondered, thinking of the “several men” LaShawn had sex with during the same night, as he himself confessed during breakfast.

“Please buddy…” – LaShawn said turning to Chayton and searching for his eyes – “Just listen to me for a moment. I want you to tell everything…”

Chayton reluctantly gazed into the boy’s dark brown eyes… and saw something, a dull pain covering like a black veil the rickety table of the old inn that he knew so well. He gasped, as he didn’t understand what was happening, and glanced at Wahkan.

The man smiled fatherly at him and nodded: “You’re a man, now. You’re a Sioux. I’ve taught you and you’ve learned.”

Chayton turned again to LaShawn and placed a hand on his face: “Talk to me” – he said ruefully, ready to witness his lover’s abject betrayal – “Tell me everything. Push the knife deep in my heart…”

LaShawn didn’t understand exactly what was going on, nor the obscure words spoken by Wahkan, but Chayton’s hand on his face was so warm… almost loving…


~ The truth behind the words ~

“I stupidly got drunk…” – the boy began, and Chayton could clearly see him, sitting at the squeaky table, gulping down shot after shot of vodka...

“…and when that cowboy started flirting with me I didn’t think twice, and gave him what he wanted…”.  Chayton heard the words that LaShawn was speaking, but the scene developing under his eyes told a different story: he could see the sorrow in the boy’s eyes, the anger and the disappointment for being abruptly set aside by his lover. «It was my fault!» – Chayton thought, feeling a pang of pain in his heart – «I turned LaShawn down!»

“…and when his friend, a redneck, joined us, I enjoyed being spit-roasted” – the boy continued, and Chayton felt his heart shrink, realizing how desperately alone LaShawn was feeling in that moment; he wasn’t enjoying being spit-roasted, he was unsuccessfully trying to forget his lover by yielding himself to those men!

“When done, a muscular stranger came closer and I gave my ass to him, too…” – LaShawn said with his mouth, but in Chayton’s heart his words sounded like a feeble ‘W…What? N… No…!’ covered by the coarse laughter of the rude laborer looking down on a drunk and desperate boy unable to come out from the situation he had put himself into.

“I… I enjoyed so much the fuck that I came hard…”

Chayton was not listening any more to LaShawn’s words, as he was confessing his guilt, but without revealing the shame for feeling a pleasure that he didn’t want to feel, the sense of defeat for not being able to resist to the wicked, expert anal stimulation.

“And then I gave myself to the barman, too…”

“No!!” – Chayton screamed with chocked voice, witnessing the ugly man forcing himself over LaShawn, hurting and degrading him. He saw the many strong hands holding the boy in position, like a sacrificial offer to a blaspheme deity, and the boy’s feeble plead ‘No… No more… Please…

“No… no…” – the young Sioux repeated, his eyes brimming with tears, feeling the same disgust felt by LaShawn when the barman, grunting like a beast, unloaded his balls into him. And then he saw the kind cowboy taking care of LaShawn: and he was not hugging him, when Chayton spotted them in the alley, he was just helping the boy walk on his unsteady feet after the harsh onslaught!

“Stop! Stop talking! Say no more!” – Chayton exclaimed, sobbing and throwing his arms around an astonished LaShawn, who couldn’t understand Chayton’s passionate, loving reaction to his shameful confession.

When the boys recoiled and parted, Wahkan got closer; like Chayton, he too could see the truth behind LaShawn’s self-accusing words: “Whatever you guilt, your penance was much worse” – the wise man said with a grave tone – “You’ve been reckless and hasty, but you’re not the only one to blame. I’m sorry for having judged you too strictly and… for having unjustly blamed you for Chayton’s runaway”.

“I… uhm… well, thank you for your words, but I don’t understand…” – LaShawn murmured, uncertain, as he knew nothing about Wahkan’s -and now, Chayton’s- ability to read deep into a man’s heart, behind the useless spoken words.

“Your soul speaks louder and clearer than your voice” – Chayton explained – “and I, too, have to apologize. I didn’t mean to stay away from you for an entire week, but I was ashamed to show you how I was living…”

The young Sioux couldn’t finish his sentence, as he couldn’t speak any more with LaShawn’s mouth devouring his lips and his tongue, bathing his cheeks with warm tears of relief and renewed love.


~ Restored harmony ~

That night, the Cove was a magic realm of peace, love and restored harmony...

In Jorell’s suite, Chayton, after LaShawn had been confirmed clean by the doctors, made love to the black boy in such and intense way that, when done, their glow could lit the room. And when the black boy spotted his lover fleetingly glance at Jorell’s incredibly huge cock through the connecting door, he flashed a knowing smile and whispered: “It can shred you to pieces, you know… It takes guts to take all of it inside you…”

“Have you ever done it? Taking all that… beast up your ass to the hilt?” – Chayton asked, suddenly feeling inadequate, compared to the man’s humongous club. “Oh, I did it, I did it… And it was a special moment of intimacy between me and my master. But it hurt… Man, it hurt a lot! Why should anyone suffer such a great pain” – the black boy concluded with a seductive smile, straddling his lover’s hips – “when a cock… one your size, for example.. can give such an exquisite pleasure with no hint of pain?”

He smiled when he felt the young Sioux cock stiffen into the deep crack of his ass, starting to knock to his nether portal once more…

Meanwhile, in Beau’s attic, Kale was lost into his lover’s deep blue eyes. “I know I’ve neglected you, lately” – Beau said – “but having a boy of my own is still such a novelty for me, and he’s so eager to learn everything about love and sex…”

“It’s perfectly normal, I understand… I love that beautiful boy as much as you” – Kale replied, turning around and pressing his naked back against Beau’s powerful torso and enjoying the warmth of the blond man’s thick cock against his bottom.

“I love you so much!” – Beau whispered into Kale’s ear, holding him tight from behind and gently biting his lobe; Kale melted into his lover’s strong arms, and almost cried out when he felt Beau’s long cock entering him with utmost tenderness…

In the basement, Rowan was lying in his bed, staring excited to the ceiling. In few days it would be the Equinox of Autumn, and the renewed Rice-Duncan mansion – or better, Maison de la Motte – was about to live its grand opening, and the guy was justifiable proud of his work on the renovation of the old house… and his stable.

Rowan felt a bit anxious about the stable, as he’d decided to go against Beau’s requests, and not to tear down the old wooden structure. But he was quite confident that Beau would appreciate the special modifications he and the architect had done to the stable…

Two floors above, Brennan was sleeping one last night into Barry’s bed… and into Barry’s strong arms. He had some trouble falling asleep, excited as he was for what expected him the next morning: the interviews with the personnel to be hired for Rice-Duncan mansion («No, Maison de la Motte!» – the boy corrected himself).

In the last days, he had reviewed many résumés and had selected the candidates with the best experience… and the most gorgeous physical appearance! And they were all males, ça va sans dire

Footnotes and references:
[1] See Chapter 35, ~ A bitter man ~
[2] See Chapter 23, ~ Good start, bad ending ~
[3] See Chapter 38, ~ A bathing stud ~
[4] See Chapter 43, ~ Adulthood ~
[5] See Chapter 49, ~ Used and abused ~
[6] See Chapter 47, ~ Dangerous anger ~
[7] See Chapter 28, ~ A very hot bath ~
[8] See Chapter 49, ~ A reckless move ~

* * * * * * * *

(End of Chapter 49 – Please proceed to Chapter 50)

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024