Rowan's Journey to Manhood

by Hunknown

9 Feb 2020 685 readers Score 9.6 (30 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In the previous chapters…

Rowan, a pale guy with many sexual inhibitions due to the abuse he suffered in the past, embarks in a long journey to a mature sexuality, helped by the men and boys living in a big house named “The Cove”. Charlie, a 19 y.o. playful boy, teaches him the joyful side of sex. Barry, an oversexed worker who looks alike Rowan’s abusive stepfather, scares him. During a dramatic night, Rowan reveals his past to Kale, an Hawaiian school counselor, who shows him the tender, healing power of love. Beau, the blond leader of the Cove, experiments Rowan’s ‘power’ to block a man’s ejaculation until he begs to cum. Hendrick, the house young cook, lets Rowan discover how sweet and pleasurable can be anal sex when, after many years, the guy yields his ass to the redheaded boy. The wise Native American Wahkan teaches to Rowan how to trust another man. The man and the boys of the Cove talk about Rowan and think he seems to come from another century. Wahkan allows his boy Chayton to assert his manliness by offering him his virgin ass. Rowan discovers the pleasure of submission during a hot bondage session with Kale. In order to help Rick and Charlie to overcome their insecurities, the men of the Cove team up and enact two hot and dramatic scenes for the boys.

Synopsys (*** Spoiler Alert! ***)

Rowan senses Chayton's inner struggle to assert his manliness and offers himself to the Sioux boy. Then talks to Beau about the mysterious "Castle of Death" and realizes that the beautiful man, despite his extensive wealth and noble heritage, hides a painful secret in his heart. Hendrick explains to Rowan the true meaning of the Cove and reveals the (hot!) secret hidden in Stewart's past.

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~ A fair barter ~

The next morning, Charlie woke up excited, thinking about what happened yesterday: the men treating him as a waiter-boy, arguing to decide who would have fucked him, and then the unbelievable sex, where all the man had their pleasure over him, making him cum three times… And the double fuck! «I must tell this to Rowan!» – the boy thought, getting off from the bed.

He quickly put on his jeans and a T-shirt, ran down to the kitchen, where Rick was preparing the breakfast, and grabbed just some orange juice and a toast. Then, he rushed to the basement, hoping to find Rowan, but he still wasn’t home.

He ate his toast and drank his juice sitting on the bed. Rowan, as usual, had clearly run away in a hurry, judging from the unmade bed and the clothes scattered on the ground. He stood up and made the bed: he was the houseboy, after all! And then walked around the room, picking up the clothes and folding them neatly, like Rowan liked.

Under the bed there was a pair of worn-out briefs, and Charlie recognized it as the one Rowan was wearing the day he let the boys touch him in the gym [1]. What a hot morning it was! The houseboy instinctively brought the briefs to his nose and inhaled sharply; he could smell the musky odor of Rowan’s manhood, but no trace of stale sweat or anything: those briefs smelled… so good!

Charlie remembered the very first day he met Rowan, when he sucked the guy’s cock and commented that it smelled good [2]. Most men – as Charlie knew well from his days at the ‘Mighty Stud’ – didn’t care much personal hygiene, but Rowan was different, he always liked to be squeaky clean.

Without thinking twice, Charlie took away his pants and underwear and wore Rowan’s briefs. Knowing that his cock was resting in the very same spot that had held the guy’s meat gave the boy a hard on. He closed his eyes, fantasizing about being as flexible as Rowan and about cumming wildly doing the splits as he did that morning in the gym. His hand started moving rhythmically on the thin fabric, making him harder and harder.

“Oh, good morning Charlie!” – Rowan said, entering from the back door – “I’m afraid those briefs don’t fit you well… They wouldn’t fit well anyone, actually, worn out as they are…”

“Rowan!” – the boy exclaimed, blushing, feeling caught in the act – “I was… I was…”. “You’re wearing my dirty underwear” – Rowan giggled – “I can see it myself. But don’t worry: after what I’ve seen in this house, this won’t surprise me that much. I would gladly give them to you, but I only have three…”

“Ehm… would you like… to take mine in return, maybe?” – Charlie asked, with a conspiratorial grin. “Hmm… I’d say it’s a good bargain for me!” – the guy replied, picking the boy’s discarded boxer-briefs and smelling them – “They smell good!”


~ Unscheduled meeting ~

In that moment, Hendrick entered the basement. “Am I interrupting something?” – he asked, with a smile, looking at Charlie in underwear. “Not at all!” – Charlie replied, putting his jeans back on – “I’m glad you’re here! You and Rowan won’t believe what happened to me!”

“And you won’t believe what happened to me!” – Rick replied, excited. The door opened and Chayton broke in: “Rowan, you won’t believe…” – the boy stopped and his voice trailed off.   “…what happened to you!” – the boys completed the sentence for him.

“Well, it seems there is an unscheduled meeting” – Rowan intervened – “and you all have many things to tell. Let’s take a seat! Charlie, you go first.”

The boys sat on the bed and on some empty crates lying in the room. It took Charlie more than half an hour to tell to his friends about his exciting adventure, the waiter-boy role, the men lusting after his ass, the glorious fuck, the exquisite post-orgasm torture… 

“And on top of it… brace yourself… I’ve been double-fucked by Alex and Kale! Can you believe it? Both their cock in my ass at the same time! It was something I won’t ever forget!”

The boys gasped in astonishment, feeling a bit envious, and assaulted him with questions: “Double fucked?”  “Man! It must’ve been hard!”  “Did it hurt?”

“It wasn’t easy… You know, Alex is so big himself, and when Kale entered me I felt a pang of pain, but believe me, after that it was an out-of-the-world experience! I had already came twice, but that made me cum again!”

Rowan was bewildered by the idea of being double-fucked and naïvely admitted: “I’m envious of you, Charlie! You enjoyed surrendering to two men at once, while I still struggle to surrender to one…”

“What you mean?” – Rick asked, frowning – “You didn’t like it when we… when I…”. Rowan stood up and rushed to hug him tight: “That was the most intense, sweet and loving moment in my life! I loved making love with you, and that was a very important moment for me [3]. But I was talking about completely surrender to an older man, putting myself in his hands, yield to him myself, body and soul. So far, I couldn’t even think of doing such a thing, but tonight I pondered… I think I can do that… with Beau!”

Once more, the boy’s mouths sagged open. “Beau?”  “Have you asked him?”  “Will he do it?”

“I really don’t know” – Rowan admitted – “I have no idea if he’d ever accept. For sure, I didn’t ask him: how could I? After all, I’m still… how would you say, Charlie?, ‘the new kid on the block’, here… But what about you, Rick?” – he continued, sitting back on the bed – “Tell us about your adventure!”

“It was more a nightmare than an adventure, actually…” – Rick said, turning around to look at everyone – “The day before yesterday, Alex, Barry and Kale… raped me. Or, at least, in that moment I was convinced they were raping me, but of course they weren’t, they were just helping me. Stewart asked them, so to help me overcome the trauma of the rape, the real rape, I suffered two years ago.”

“And… did it work?” – Rowan asked, wide-eyed.  “Yes, it worked. I can’t explain well, but this experience somehow purged my soul from all the bitterness, the fear, the shame. Stewart’s love was so overwhelming that could sweep away everything. Yes, Rowan, it can be done… if you do it with the right man!”

«The right man…» – Rowan thought, while once more images of Beau flashed in his mind. Little he knew, by then, that the ‘right man’ who would help him completely dispel his demons would be the last man in the world he could imagine…


~ Chayton’s surprise ~

Rowan roused from his thoughts and turned to Chayton: “You too had something to tell us, right? Something we wouldn’t believe…”

Rick and Charlie turned to him, both thinking that nothing really special could ever have happened to Chayton, surely nothing that could compare to what happened to them…

“I… I’ve fucked Wahkan in the ass…”

Rick and Charlie gasped loud, their mouths sagging open: “Impossible!”  “Unbelievable!”.  Rowan knew very little about the ageless Sioux, and didn’t understand the reason of the boy’s astonishment: “Why are you that surprised?”

“You don’t understand, Rowan!” – Rick exclaimed – “We’re talking about Wahkan! As far as we know, Wahkan had never yielded his ass to anyone!”.  Charlie had a sudden thought and asked to Chayton: “Was he… I mean…Was he virgin??”

The Sioux boy blushed: “I’m not that expert, you know… I have so few chances to fuck… But I believe he was. He was so tight! And despite my great care, it was quite painful for him, though he tried to conceal it.”

“He’s so brave!” – the boy continued, with dreamy eyes – “He offered to me his virgin ass, expecting me to penetrate him savagely without even using lube! I mean, it took him guts to decide to lose his virginity in such a violent, painful way, and he was ready to do it for me! Of course, I did use a lot of lube, and took the greatest care of him. Being the top man means taking care of the partner, you know…” – he concluded, beaming with proud and reasserted masculinity.

The assertive, dominant glance suddenly sparkling in Chayton’s eyes maybe got overlooked by the boys, but not by Rowan: “It must be hard, for a top man like you, being the boy of someone like Wahkan…”

“Oh, no!” – Chayton hastened to say – “He’s the best master I could ever dream to have! And he wouldn’t mind if I’d find… ehm… other ways to express my sexuality, but… you know… I’m just a boy…”

Rowan stood up and walked to the young Sioux. “Chayton, may I have your permission to look deep into your eyes?” – the guy said, seriously. He remembered the lesson Wahkan had taught him, about how to evaluate a man’s trustworthy and inner strength by looking into his eyes.

Chayton was a Sioux, and Wahkan’s boy, and perfectly knew what Rowan was asking for. He stood with confidence in front of the guy and locked eyes to him and replied with the ancient words Wahkan had taught him: “I’m devoted to you, Wi-Sapa”.

The boy opened his soul and his heart to the guy, letting him sink deep into his own eyes. In them, Rowan cold read a profound respect and an adamant honesty, but also the fire of a repressed masculinity and the struggle of keeping his unruly soul under the leash of an ancient heritage that he couldn’t fully understand.

And that was the key: his fierce, steely willpower, strong enough to put a lid on his inner struggles, no matter how strong they could be. “You are a brave, strong man, Chayton” – Rowan stated after a long moment of silence – “I can entrust you my own life. You won’t ever hurt me”.

“Of course I won’t!” – Chayton replied, puzzled – “Why should I? What you mean?”

Rowan smiled seductively. He had heard Chayton mention his lack of experience and the few chances he had to fuck, and he had seen the sparkle of pride when he revealed he had fucked Wahkan. And now he had seen in his eyes his deep desire to assert his manliness.

He  stepped back and started undressing with slow movements: “A raging fire burns into your loins, my friend, and you could hurt me real bad, when, in a few moments, you will lie with me. But I now know for sure that you’ll be able to restrain yourself and won’t hurt me”.

Chayton’s eyes widened: “You mean… You will…”.  He couldn’t believe a grown-up man, almost ten years older than him, with the troubled past he knew about, was about to offer him such a precious gift.

“I mean, and I will, of course…” – Rowan said calmly, now completely naked – “You’re such a stud, Chayton!”.  The boy rose to his full height, with a fierce glance in his eyes: “I’m a Falcon. That’s what my name means. And a falcon needs to go hunting!” – he exclaimed, quickly removing his clothes.


~ A willful prey for a fierce Falcon ~

Rowan lay on the bed, face down, smiling at him: “Then take your pray, fierce Falcon!”. Chayton moved toward the bed, but Charlie held him: “You’ll need this” – he whispered, putting a tube of lube into his friend’s hand.

The Sioux greased his cock, massaging it to a full hard-on, and positioned himself between Rowan’s legs. His hard cock pressed against the tight sphincter, and for a moment a greedy, lustful glimpse shone in his eyes. Chayton quivered, forcefully repressing, just like he did with Wahkan, the urge to sink his meat into the tender ass.

Instead, he waited for Rowan to relax and let him in. With his experience as a bottom, he knew that the first penetration was the most delicate moment, and it required a great care and respect.

Inch by inch, his cock made his way inside the tight passage, until it was fully in. Rowan sighed with pleasure and relief and then enjoyed the slow, steady rhythm of Chayton’s fuck. The pale guy turned to look at Hendrick, who was smiling back at him, and realized how different Rick and Chayton were: the former, sweet and loving, the latter, powerful and assertive.

And Rowan himself felt different! Back then, it was Rick who had helped him overcome his fears, but now it was Rowan who understood Chayton’s needs and helped him soothe his struggles. Taking care of someone else’s needs, showing empathy, made Rowan feel good, feel a man. And now he wanted to satisfy another of the boy’s desires.

The guy moved under his lover and turned to his side, inviting the boy into a spoon position. Rowan remembered that morning at the gym, when Chayton had finger-fucked him, while he suspected he wanted to do much more to his ass. And so, he wanted now to give him that thrill: while the Sioux drove his cock back and forth into him, he raised his straight leg and held it high in the air, offering to his lover an unobstructed, unprotected access to his most intimate parts.

He felt Chayton struggling to hold back, cautious not to hurt him in such an open and vulnerable position, and turned to look at him over his shoulder: “I’m grateful for you carefulness, Falcon. Now I’m ready for you to give free rein to your power. Drop your restraints and give me all you have to give!”

Chayton didn’t have to be told twice. His cock sped up, driving into Rowan’s ass like a piston. Over and over, the boy’s pubes slammed against Rowan’s back, while his rod sank deeper and deeper into his hot furnace. The boy’s hoarse pant told Rowan that he wouldn’t last long, and started to wank his own cock, so to share his pleasure. Charlie went closer and knelt beside the bed: “Let me suck you, Rowan, please!”

Charlie’s mouth closed around Rowan’s cock, and pumped hard over the rigid meat, sending the guy through the roof: “Ohh… It feels so good…! Faster…” – he groaned loudly, while Charlie did a number over his cock and balls in a tornado of lips, throat muscles, tongue and hands. Feeling his orgasm about to explode, Rowan looked at Rick, who was sitting away from them: “Come, Hendrick, please! Come here and look into my eyes… Ah! I’m so close…”

Rick knelt beside Charlie and held Rowan’s head, locking eyes to him. “I… I’m… Aaaahhh!!” – Rowan screamed, pumping his hot semen down Charlie’s eager throat. His eyes sparkled, while he shared his overwhelming climax with Rick, revealing to him, once more, all his love and affection.

The frantic contractions of his sphincter surprised Chayton, who felt like his cock was forcefully milked from his juice! “Oh! Oh, fuck! Owwww….!” – he exclaimed, ecstatic, spurting all his manly juice deep into Rowan’s bowels.

Rowan suddenly felt sinking into his usual torpor, and he gratefully welcomed Chayton’s arms hugging him tight from behind.


~ The Castle of Death ~

After a few minutes, the pale guy rose from the bed and smiled to his friends, always a bit nervous for his temporary unconsciousness; all the boys realized that they were late with their daily duties, and with many hugs they left Rowan alone. While showering, Rowan’s mind went to the shabby cinema ran by his old friend Paul and their last conversation about Beau and the mysterious “Castle of Death”.  

«I’ll go ask him» – Rowan thought, while dressing up with a particular care (which, in his case, meant using the clothes Rick had given him, being his own too worn-out). Of course Rowan knew well, deep inside, that the Castle of Death was more or less an excuse to see the beautiful, gorgeous, kind boss of the Cove, but who could ever blame him?

His heart was beating fast, when he arrived at the attic door, and it was not for the physical exertion… He knocked, and the melodious voice came from inside: “Entrez!”. He opened the door and Beau was there, leisurely sitting in front of the window, beautiful as a god in a lousy white shirt flowing over beltless brown slacks. He was barefoot, and for some strange reason this make Rowan’s cock twitch in his pants.

Beau looked at the guy, with a friendly smile, for quite a long time, waiting for the speechless Rowan to explain the reason of his visit, or at least say ‘hi’, but he just stood there, in the doorframe, looking at the man with adoring eyes.

“Well, what a pleasant surprise!” – Beau said eventually – “Please, take a seat!”.   Rowan sat at the table and took a deep breath. “Good morning, sir, I was wondering… Ehm… Do you now that old cinema near the mall? It’s run by a friend of mine, an old man named Paul, who claims to know you…”

Rowan could swear to have seen a fleeting shadow of sorrow darkening Beau’s eyes for a moment. “Yes, we know each other since I was a child. He worked for my family, back then, he was our chauffeur”.  “Oh! I didn’t know!” – the guy exclaimed – “He never talks about his past… Anyway, he suggested me to ask you about the Castle of Death”.

“The Castle of Death?” – Beau replied, puzzled – “I don’t think I’ve never heard of it…”.   “Yes, sir” – Rowan insisted – “that old abandoned mansion north of the town…”

Again, that fleeting shadow on Beau’s eyes, and a hint of frown on his forehead… But it was just an instant, and soon the usual serenity was back. The guy hesitated: “Er.. Paul said that they used to call it the Castle of Death…”

“Oh! Ah ah ah!” – the man laughed merrily, dispelling Rowan’s doubts – “I got it! ‘Castle of Death’, in French it’s “Château de la Morte’! But its name was ‘Château de la Motte’, not ‘de la Morte’! Ah ah ah! Yes, originally it was called ‘Château de la Motte’, an excessively grandiose name if you ask me, but then its name was changed to a more modest ‘Rice-Duncan Mansion’, when my mother and my father got married”.

“Your mother and your father…? You mean…?”

Beau rose from the chair and stood to his full height, with a comically noble expression on his face: “Beauregard Rice-Duncan de la Motte, Vicomte de Saint-Julien, at your service, sir…”

Rowan’s mouth sagged so wide that Beau couldn’t stop laughing: “Watch out, you could eat a fly!”.  Rowan regained his voice: “You are a Vic… Vinc…”.  “Vicomte. It’s French for ‘Viscount’. And before you ask, no, I don’t own a county in the South of France. A couple houses, one in Côte d'Azur and one in Paris, but no county. Nowadays it’s just an honorific title, nothing more.”

“And… ehm… How should I address you? Milord?” – Rowan asked, tentatively. The man burst again in laughter: “Ah ah ah! No, definitely not Milord! Beau is more than enough. Or Beauregard, if you feel adventurous!”. 


~ Hidden secrets ~

He sat back at the table and became suddenly serious: “No, really, Rowan, I was just playing with you, but now forget it. I constantly struggle to be treated just like one or the guys, here, and my endless tongue-twisting name and my stupid title are my personal nightmare. I wish I could be just Beau Rice, no title, no money and…”

“That’s not true” – Rowan interrupted the man, looking him straight in the face – “It’s not your name, nor your money, the root of your grief”. Rowan felt he couldn’t go any further; probably he had already gone too far. And surely he didn’t notice to have dropped the ‘sir’. But he had noticed Beau’s reaction when they were talking about Paul and that mansion: “It’s that old house, is it?”

“You go straight to the jugular, don’t you…” – Beau said in a low voice, his eyebrows quivering for a sudden intimate pain that he couldn’t conceal. Rowan winced, suddenly realizing he’d definitely gone too far. “I… I was unforgivable, sir, I shouldn’t have talked that way…” – he hastened to say, suddenly remembering he was talking to the boss of the house (not to mention the Viscount of St. Julien…).

The man didn’t reply and dismissed the heartfelt apologies with an elegant gesture of his hand, dismissing at the same time, but with a much greater effort, the gloomy memories that had resurface from the depths of his heart.

He looked at Rowan with a strange expression on his face: “It’s odd. I was about to talk you about that very mansion. I would like you to visit it. Oh, it’s been closed for so many years, and surely it has lost its grandeur, by now; but I think you can appreciate that old house, I think you’ll be able to feel its vibes. I mean, you know the usage of a butler’s room and a cloakroom, you know what a bosom is… I’m sure that that old house will reveal to you its secrets…” – he concluded, turning his eyes to the distant ocean. Then, under his breath, he added: “…as painful as they can be”. His last comment was barely audible, but it was clearly heard by the guy, who felt a pang of pain in his heart.

Rowan never loved that man more than in that moment, now that the guy had seen the weakness hidden behind his exceptional beauty and his classy charm. It was just a tiny crack in the beautiful façade, but through that crack Rowan could glimpse an old pain, a thick web cob that still enveloped Beau’s heart. It was unfair, Rowan thought, that such a beautiful, generous, kind man had to suffer like that…

He stood up, and politely Beau stood up as well. “Sir… I…” – Rowan muttered, looking at those amazing deep blue eyes veiled with an unspoken sadness, while his heart played a frenzied rumba in his chest. He wanted to go away, respectfully leaving Beau alone with his memories, but instead, almost against his will, his body moved closer to the blond man, his hands rose to the handsome face and his lips sealed over his, in a sweet, tender kiss, that soon was reciprocated and flared up with fierce passion.

For endless seconds their tongues searched for each other and their heart beat in unison. When their lips parted, Rowan gasped, unsure and ashamed, and suddenly turned around and ran downstairs, leaving the door ajar.


~ The Cove ~

Rowan rushed to the first floor and was heading to the basement when he met Hendrick, going to the kitchen to prepare lunch. “Hey, buddy…” – the boy said, spotting an odd expression on Rowan’s face, a mix of elation and embarrassment – “come to the kitchen and eat something, before going to bed. It’s hard to force you to eat three meals a day, you know?”

The guy smiled uncertainly: “You take too much trouble for me…” – he said, gladly following the young chef. “Ha! What my ear must hear!” – Rick joked, laughing.

In a few minutes, they were sitting at the small kitchen table, and Rowan was  enjoying a bowl of hot pea soup. Rick noticed how gracefully the guy filled the spoon with soup, brought it to his mouth and sipped the soup without the faintest slurping sound.

The chef sat at the table facing his friend: “Come on, spill it. I’ve seen your excited expression, when we met…”. Rowan raised his eyes from the bowl and timidly confessed: “I have… kissed Beau”. Rick smiled wide and sighed: “Aah… That’s quite an experience! I know myself, it’s not something you forget easily. I bet it made you hard…”

“Well… no. It almost made me cry, actually… He was talking about his past and there was such a pain, such a hidden struggle in his voice! He didn’t explain, and I surely couldn’t ask him, but I know he, too, has some ghosts harboring in his heart”.

Harboring” – Rick repeated – “An odd choice of word. Have you ever wondered why we all refer to this house as a ‘Cove’? That’s because that’s exactly what it is, for all of us: a peaceful bay, a safe harbor where we all, for a reason or another, had found shelter from the stormy sea”.

“You know everything about my past” – Hendrick continued – “We could say I was being swept away by the dangerous waves of a stormy ocean, and I would soon be totally lost, if I couldn’t find shelter and protection into Stewart’s strong arms and within the protective walls of this house. Of course, it’s not the house itself, it’s the bunch of wonderful men who live here that could do the magic. They are the Cove.”

You all are the Cove” – Rowan corrected, smiling with affection – “If I remember well, you did your personal magic over me…”

“And you did your part with Charlie and Chayton” ­– the young redhead replied – “You sensed they had an inner struggle and helped them. I now understand why Kale and Alex, since they first met you, insisted to say your were one of us.”

Rowan was pensive. “You mean that all the men and the boys of the Cove have found here a… safe harbor against their past? All of them had demons they were… or are… running away from?”

“I believe that each of them was having a bad time, when they arrived here, including Beau, when he bought and remodeled this house. Whether it’s something rooted in their past or a serious casualty that shattered their life, I cannot say. For sure, this is how it happened to me and Charlie, who used to work in the backroom of a gay bar, giving head to strangers. Chayton is very discreet about his past, but I’m sure sooner or later he’ll reveal his secrets to us… or to you, more probably.”

“As for the men” – Rick continued – “they don’t talk with us boys about this subject. It’s too personal, I guess. But of course I’m Stewart’s boy, I already was when we moved here; and I know well why we had to move and how the Cove helped him.”


~ Stewart’s secret ~

“You already know he’s an airman and he works at the local Air Force base. He’s Chief Engineer, there, and he has several younger engineers and mechanics under his command. He’s always been a handsome stud, and back then his staff included several good-looking guys, and you know… sometimes a sparkle ignited up.”

“For years things went smoothly. When some hot guy showed a special interest for him, he was more than glad to oblige. He’s very… adaptable, if you know what I mean. But sometimes he happened to lust for someone who didn’t reciprocate, and in those cases, he used his authority over his staff members, to bend them to his desires.”

“They were all guys definitely into man-sex, mind you, though maybe they had a partner, or just didn’t like Stewart; but in the end he always got what he wanted, and if he got any complaints, he just made the guy be transferred to a different base.”

“Then, a couple years ago, a new engineer, Hank, was assigned to his staff. He wasn’t a young rookie, he was a grown-up man, muscular and sexy, a real alpha-man. Stewart lusted for him, but he was happily straight and married, definitely not into man-on-man sex. Stewart tried to approach him, but he always refused him resolutely. Stewart is not that good at… restraining his lust, you know, and that man became an obsession for him: he had to have him!”

“One day, Hank made a serious mistake, on the job, and fucked up a project they all were working on. He could be degraded for that. That was the chance Stewart was greedily waiting for. He offered him to cover up his fault, if he would willingly submitted to him. The man had no choice but accept.”

“They met at Stewart’s place, that night, and Stewart, who already had to wait too long, didn’t go easy with him. The guy was stripped naked, ordered to stand at attention, and masturbated. He pleaded Stewart to stop, saying he was married, that he felt disgusted by a man forcing him to feel sexual pleasure, but his pleads fell on deaf ears.”

“Stewart ordered him to stand with his legs apart and his hands behind his head, in shameful display. He sucked him, ran his hands over his hairy chest and played with his nipples. A man’s body always responds to the right stimulation, and his cock was hard as steel, in spite of his mind reeling with disgust. Hank tried hard to hold back his orgasm, unwilling to give in, and Stewart, apparently, had mercy on him and stopped before he could explode.”

“But he did so only to inflict to Hank the ultimate humiliation, being fucked in his virgin ass. Stewart ordered him to lie on the bed and raise his legs. Hank obeyed, bracing himself for a painful, harsh fuck. But Stewart had other plans for him.”


~ The ultimate humiliation ~

 “He greased his cock with plenty of lubricant, and gently massaged Hank’s anus with his greasy fingers, loosening up his virgin ass. And then penetrated him with utmost gentleness, causing very little pain to Hank. Stewart fucked the muscular man for a long time, relentlessly stimulating his prostate and playing with his tits and abs.”

“Hank fought as hard as he could the sweet, excruciating pleasure Stewart was forcing him to feel. He didn’t want it, he still felt disgusted by seeing a man satisfying his own lust over him, and was horrified by the orgasm that, against his will, was forcefully building up into his groin. Hank’s prostate was being battered mercilessly by Stewart’s cock and his most sensitive spots were being titillated in the most exquisite way, and though his mind was screaming with abhorrence, he couldn’t stop his body responding enthusiastically to such an expert stimulation.”

“Soon Hank was writhing with guilty pleasure, and Stewart curled his fist around the man’s fat cock, pumping it in earnest. Hank couldn’t hold much longer, and cried out, desperately trying to fight back the impending orgasm: “Please, sir! At least, don’t make me cum with a cock in my ass! I beg you, sir! Don’t humiliate me this way!”

“For Stewart, nothing was more sexy than seeing that muscular alpha-man totally in his power, begging him to stop and degraded to the point of crying; so, instead of stopping, he started pounding his ass and cock faster and faster, making Hank toss his head from side to side: “Sir, no! Please! Ah! Don’t do it! Shit! AAAAGH!!”

Hank’s climax exploded, and Stewart himself couldn’t hold anymore. Two hefty cock spurted at the same time thick streaks of semen and Hank felt his chest and his ass bathed with man juice. “No… No…” – he sobbed, while the wild, mortifying orgasm shook his body and made his mind scream.

“When the orgasm subsided and Stewart got off the bed, Hank quickly got dressed and ran out without a word, throwing a vengeful glance at his superior. Stewart was sure that Hank couldn’t do any harm to him, being under his command. But he was wrong, he’d gone too far with that man, he’d humiliated him too deeply.”

“The day after Hank, overcoming his shame, reported him to the disciplinary commission. This time Stewart couldn’t cover up the accident, the problem had escalated too quickly and an official investigation was initiated.”

“Stewart was temporarily suspended from work and his right to live in a military house was revoked. Overnight, we found ourselves with very little money and without a home. No one at the base would want to help him and he had almost no friends outside the Air Force, and anyway he was too proud to ask for help.”

“We slept in his car for a few days, and Stewart, stubborn as he is, could go on like that indefinitely, but he realized it was tough for me to live that way. So, god bless him, he gulped down his pride and called a friend he once dated, years before. That friend was Beau.”


~ Stewart and Hendrick arrive at the Cove ~

 “I still remember perfectly the first time I entered this house. Beau opened the door, and I saw Kale (who I didn’t know by then) behind him. Beau looked at Stewart with contemptuous disdain: ‘You have guts to show up this way, after what you’ve done to me…’. My heart skipped a beat. Two beats, actually: one for the glorious man standing in the doorframe, and the second realizing that he wouldn’t help us.”

“Stewart has always been a proud man, even too proud, but his reply surprised me: ‘Beau, I know I don’t deserve your help, I made you suffer too much. But, as you see, I’m not alone anymore, this is my boy Hendrick. He’s my boy, Beau! I swore to protect and nurture him, and I… can’t do it. I failed with him as a master, as I failed with you as a man. But my boy doesn’t have to pay the price of my errors. Take him with you, Beau. I beg you, if you ever loved me, give him what I can’t give him anymore’.”

“His voice was trembling for the tension and the humiliation, but he was doing it all for me. For me, Rowan! How on earth could I even think to stay with Beau and let my master, my brave, loving master sleep in a car and live on the streets! I hugged Stewart so tight that he couldn’t breathe. ‘I don’t care to sleep in a car, as long as you are with me, sir!’ – I said with broken voice. Stewart tried to say something to convince me, but he couldn’t speak.”

“We heard Kale on the background say: ‘Beau, he’s one of us’. It was just a short sentence, few words, but hit Beau like a ton of bricks. Beau’s eyes brimmed with tears and replied. ‘I know. I’ve always known’. He stepped back, opening the door wider and said: ‘Come inside, both of you. Welcome to the Cove’.”

“Beau gave us much more than a roof on our heads and food to eat. He moved all his contacts and asked many favors, and in the end Stewart was admitted again in the Air Force, on probation but keeping his grade. The probation wasn’t a great problem, because since then Stewart has carefully avoided less-than-professional relationships on the job.”

“And here we still are, Stewart and I, safely… harbored in the Cove. And Beau… I adore him. He has a heart as big as this house…”

Hendrick stood silent, looking at Rowan, who had been listening to him wide-eyed.
“Blimey! What a story!” – the guy said softly, catching his breath.

Blimey?” – Rick laughed out – “Where have you read this word, in a children book?”.   The two friends laughed merrily, and then Rick said: “OK, buddy, I’ve told you everything, now it’s your turn: I want to know where have you learned to talk this way! Oh, don’t get me wrong, you know I love your old-fashioned style, but I’m sure there’s an interesting story behind it. So…” – Rick concluded, with an affectionate smile – “…where have you learned to talk that way?”

Rowan reciprocated the friendly smile, stood silent for a moment and then answered with a question: “Where have you learned to talk, Hendrick?”

Footnotes and references:
[1] See Chapter 14, ~ Lustful curiosity ~
[2] See Chapter 2, ~ A gifted mouth ~
[3] See Chapter 9, ~ The moment has come ~


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(End of chapter 20 – Please proceed to Chapter 21)

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024