
Alphabetical list of sex & porn terms starting with C, from Cabbage to Cybersex.

CNN Approach

An approach to educate and achieve a more safe sex approach among sexually active persons, that is different than the ABC strategy.


Considered a vulgar expression used to describe the penis. Though today is quite an accepted term for the male sex organ.

Cock Cage

The device used to prohibit sexual activity or to limit the sexual activity of an individual.

Cock Pumping

Cock pumping is using a suction device on the penis.

Cock Restraints

The devices used to restraint the male penis, and testicles, during sexual activity, and afterwards, during sex role playing.

Cock Sucker

A person who performs Fellatio on a male, in that they orally stimulate the penis, to the point of ejaculation, and orgasm.


Term referring to where a party is formally made the slave to another, in a total power exchange situation.

College Guys

gay frat boys are college guys who belong to a fraternity or live in a frathouse.

Coming Out

The voluntary announcement to friends, family, or others that they are a homosexual.

Condom Fatigue

The state of mind, where one is tired or less adherent in using condoms during sex.


The device used to cover the penis, during intercourse, to prevent the spread of semen, or the contraction of various diseases.

Conversion Therapy

The various methods used, in an attempt to change one person from being a homosexual, to becoming heterosexual.


Uncontrolled or obsessive use of language, mostly vulgar in nature, in reference to scat practices. To speak about poop, in a constant erotic sense, without concern or inhibition in any setting, an uncontrollable urge that can occur at any time.


Scientific term, used to denote those who enjoy the actual digestion of feces / excrement.


Fascination of men who are in law enforcement, such as Police, Prison Guards, and other law related agencies.


The act of two people engaging in sexual intercourse, in which penetration occurs.

Corporal Punishment

Inflicting a graduating amount of pain, in order to maintain discipline or authority in a relation, or in a BDSM role playing scenario.


The use of a corset garment, which can be tightened to restrict the upper body of the wearer, making them experience a shortness of breath.


Dressing up in costume, where one takes on the identity of a different gender.


A British slang term used to describe sex between men, in a public restroom. Mainly used to refer to men who cruise a public restroom, for casual sexual encounters.

Courtship Disorder

An underlying disorder, that impacts one's ability to form a lasting relationship, due to specific breakdown in the standard phases of courtship.


The sex position where the person sitting or laying on their back is the penetrating partner in intercourse.

Cowboy Position

Traditionally a heterosexual sex position, this is one that Lesbians, with a strap on dildo, can better perform, than any man on man scenario.

Cream of the Crop

Camp or humorous gay slang term, referring to a slim, lanky male.


In porn, a gay creampie is an internal cumshot.

Crimes Against Nature

Legal term referring to a form of sexual behavior that is legally considered to be unacceptable, or at odds with the accepted sexual practices of society.


The wearing of clothing that is for a different gender, than the person wearing it is.


Dressing up in costume, to portray a different gender or sex of the person wearing the costumer.

Crotch Rope

A form of bondage that uses a rope to secure the groin area of a person, most usually a woman, though a male version exists.

Crotch Strap

Usually a piece of leather, that is attached to the waist, that runs down and under, covering the scrotum, running between the buttocks.