What is male corporal punishment in gay porn?

What is Corporal Punishment?

Inflicting a graduating amount of pain, in order to maintain discipline or authority in a relation, or in a BDSM role playing scenario.


A deliberate act of inflicting pain to a subject, for a perceived transgression of the rules. In sexual terms, it is used during various role playing activities associated with the BDSM community. However, it can take 'milder forms' in normal sexual situations, such as in the spanking of a buttocks.

All forms of punishment are basically corporal punishment, where the infraction may determine the amount of pain administered such as spanking, flogging or CBT.

It is also a form of establishing one's authority over another, such as in SM culture, or BD role playing.


As old as history, where society has 'punished' members of its society for rules infractions. It has ranged from caning (still practiced in some countries, such as Singapore)

Ancient Sparta was considered to have an extreme use of 'corporal punishment' which was used for toughening and strengthening. Rome would use 'flogging' as a form of public punishment. In addition it was limited to 40 lashes, actually 39 so as to insure not breaking the law.

Medieval Europe saw an increase in Corporal Punishment, especially in schools, due to the influence of the Church and it's concept of the human body. This included the 'religious' practice of 'self flagellation' during one's solitary prayers.

Some believed it was to help drive out the evil spirits, others thought it was to accept punishment for one's mortal sins. It is rumored to still be a part of some obscure secular believers rituals.

It was also commonly used by the British Navy and Army in colonial times, for those who breached rules of conduct. Generally such punishments were supervised by medical personnel. They would stop such 'flogging' if the offender was incapable of receiving the full scope of punishment.

It has been used in some form or another, to enforce discipline in schools, and though mostly no longer allowed, some States in the USA still use 'paddling' as a form of punishment in its schools.

In some areas, corporal punishment was outlawed for girls, while still being allowed for males. In other regions, administration of corporal punishment is considered 'abuse of a minor' no matter the level of pain being inflicted.

In 1784, Poland was the first to ban spanking or corporal punishment in schools. The United States refused to sign the United Nations charter of the 'Rights of Children' (in 2004) because of the provision banning parents from 'using excessive discipline' though it didn't specifically mention Corporal Punishment.

History (Legend): Noted German psychologist Richard von Krafft-Ebing claimed that there was a link between a child who experienced corporal punishment at home, later sadist and masochist behavior in their adult life., though Sigmund Freud disputed that correlation.


Can take various forms. It can be as mild as a few brief whacks across the bare buttocks of a partner, or can be more intensive, where a great deal of pain is inflicted.

It can include the use of various implements, like whips, paddles, hair brushes, and other firm objects. It can also cause damage if applied to more sensitive parts of the body. Usually such measures are applied to the more fleshy body parts, such as the buttocks.

The most used are the open ended palm of a hand, or a paddle.

Some BDSM role playing involved the 'bottom' deliberately creating a situation for the 'top' that various forms of 'corporal punishment' are administered. This can include whipping, paddling, and such.

During 'impact play' or other associated BDSM activities, corporal punishment takes on many forms. It can include any means of inflicting pain on a 'submissive/bottom'. It is usually instigated by the 'bottom/submissive'.

Being bound or to be in bondage is not a requirement, though is generally accepted as being part of the whole 'game'. Care has to be used, when using Corporal Punishment techniques, in order to avoid possible permanent injury to the 'bottom'.

During any BDSM role playing, the USE OF A SAFEWORD will end the administration of the punishment.

In many instances various apparatuses are used, where the 'bottom' is forced to lay across or bent over, so that the 'top' can administer the punishment with an assorted variety of tools. The 'bottom' can be bound as well to these apparatuses, such as a 'X' type cross, trestle, bench, or other similar items.

Spanking or Paddling are more traditional during 'age play' scenes, and can be very painful. Flagellation is generally not involved in such scenes, but is left to the more 'extreme' role playing scenarios.

Most forms of Corporal Punishment are directed towards the buttocks, the back, the back of the upper legs, and the soles of the feet. Other body areas are far more riskier, in that very serious injury can be inflicted without being noticed.

There is also the 'humiliation' factor to be taken into account in this type of fetishism. While hitting the soles of one's feet isn't necessarily considered 'humiliating' it is extremely painful and the effects (pain) can last for lengthy periods of time.

The force of the blow can be a factor, but generally is administered in a less intense manner, but can be repeated over a lengthy time frame, increasing the sensitivity of the area being struck, thus increasing the pain being administered.

Noteworthy: In some countries, Corporal Punishment of Children is considered a form of abuse, though not some of the more 'western' countries (notably the United States, that defends the rights of parents to discipline their children as they see fit.). Most psychiatric experts note that such 'punishment' does not produce long term benefits, but actually the opposite effect. They claim it leads to more aggression from grown children who were subjected to regular corporal punishment.

