The Satyr

by PCLatex

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Chapter 12

Eaden learns a lesson

Medoc brought Eaden and Glynn back at sunset of their second day, and, at Artur’s instruction, placed Eaden at his mouth and Glynn at his anus. 

“Enter me, Glynn. Insert yourself as deep as you can.” Smiling as he felt the penetration, he clenched his sphincter as soon as Glynn’s pubic bone touched his skin. “Now, Medoc, secure him to me so he cannot withdraw.” He waited while Medoc fitted the harness to Glynn and ensured it was firm, then secured his hands to Artur’s hips. “Good, now Glynn, we are bound together, with me as the bridge to your dearest desire.” He grinned. “Now Eaden, insert your gorgeous penis into my mouth and grip my horns. Secure him to me please Medoc. He must feed me three loads of cum, and then you may release them both.”

Eaden’s large glans, about half the size of Daffydd’s or his own, was a good mouthful. ‘Let me take complete control, Artur.’ The satyr’s voice in his head was gentle. “Glynn desires having a penis as large as Eaden’s, and the ability to have his lover penetrate him. We will give him his wish — and ensure Eaden puts aside any trace of the inhibitions he has developed because of his treatment in his youth …”

Artur let go, and the satyr began to use his mouth and his anal musculature to ‘milk’ both men’s organs. Glynn came first, followed soon after by a generous load from Eaden. Artur felt a strange glow pass though his body, and Glynn whimpered. The second cum shot took some time, but once again, Artur felt the passage of some force. This time Glynn writhed a little against the restraints. Again it was a while before either could shoot their third load and both were now panting and moaning as the satyr used Artur’s butt and mouth to give them the stimulation. 

Eaden’s third cum was a monumental one, and this time he was matched by Glynn’s discharge. The power surge through Artur caused him to shiver in his bonds, and Glynn to faint. Medoc worked quickly, releasing the young man and helping him recover, then he released Eaden, who immediately rushed to help his friend. Tearing off his protective breathing mask, he hugged him, then pulled Glynn’s mask free and crushed his mouth to his friend’s in a long and passionate kiss.

The End ... 

“Take them clear, please, Medoc.” The satyr said. “Put them to bed now. Eaden is now content and the anger and pain removed, and Glynn will soon see his dream fulfilled.” The laugh from the satyr was amused. “They are too exposed to my pheromones here … Return when you are ready, for you have earned a reward for aiding them. I will be exclusively yours tonight.”

Medoc’s night was pure pleasure for him and for Artur. The older man was gentle, loving and made up for all his years alone. He left tired, and satisfied, and now reassured that his nephew would find his place, and his peace here in Hilltop Farm among family, and with a devoted lover in Glynn. The remaining day in bondage passed swiftly and, as far as Artur’s satyr libido was concerned, very enjoyably. Released into their lair on the final day, he embraced his partner and fellow satyr passionately — and they released into each other’s mouths the stored product of three days of denied ejaculation. Then they took their time enjoying being free to be themselves, their satyr bodies and their insatiable desire for sex.


Artur returned to the task of commissioning the filtration plant to find Eaden already at work. The radiant smile and enthusiastic greeting with which he was welcomed told him everything he needed to know. The young man threw his arms around him and kissed him on the mouth, his codpiece pressed against Artur’s outsized crotch as he embraced him.

“Now that’s a greeting I could enjoy — but take care, a satyr, even in this form, can inflame your libido. Especially when in a physical embrace.” Artur laughed. “Are you now comfortable in yourself?”

“More than it is already?” Eaden laughed. “Medoc says he’s going to start chaining Glynn and I to our bed if it doesn’t calm down soon. Says we’re keeping him awake.” He released Artur and skipped back to where he’d been working. “I can’t thank you enough … all the shit that happened to me in those homes … and the way I treated Glynn … We’ve got so much now. All thanks to you …”

“And Medoc, and don’t forget Daffydd and especially this beast.” Transforming into his satyr form, Artur laughed, then, as quickly, transformed back to his human form. “We all owe the satyr our thanks.”

“Yeah. Especially for these.” Eaden cupped his codpiece and grinned. “Though a week or so ago, I wouldn’t have said so. I hated having a cock and balls like this.” Grinning cheekily, he bent and kissed the huge bulge that thrust from Artur’s crotch. “Now I’ve found how much fun it is … Especially with the right person enjoying it. I love being like this.”

“Good. Is Glynn happy with the arrangement?” Artur moved to begin work. “You may notice a change in him in a few more weeks. He’ll probably notice before then.”

“Is he …?” Eaden grinned. “He’s going to wind up with tackle like mine? Oh boy, he’ll love that!” He hesitated. “I wanted to ask … I mean … what exactly happened to me when …” The colour rose in his cheeks. “I don’t remember much after you used your tongue to lick my … Then I kissed you, and …” He smiled at the memory. “I remember my cock entering … and then the most fantastic sensations as I … and when I woke up, I was in my own bed, and Glynn was holding me, and then he gave me ‘head’ … the first time anyone’s done that for me, and then he let me fuck him …”

“I released your hurt and fear, Eaden. The hurt prevented you from allowing yourself to trust anyone or to love anyone. You were afraid of betrayal if you allowed yourself to trust anyone.” Artur watched the young man digest this. “The satyr that possesses me and Daffydd knows what betrayal is, and he removed the pain from you. What do you remember of your second visit to the cage?”

Eaden frowned. “You had me put my cock in your mouth, and Medoc fitted a sort of harness that kept me there. I think Glynn was at your butt and strapped to you as well.” Colouring up again, he gave an embarrassed laugh. “Um, what you were doing to my cock with your mouth … sort of blew my mind a bit, and I sort of lost focus …” Pausing he tried to remember. “After I blew my second load, I sort of heard Glynn saying he loved me and would do anything to stay with me, only I wasn’t ‘hearing’ him, it was like I was ‘feeling’ I was hearing him … It got a bit hazy when I blew a third load … and Medoc took us home.” He shook his head. “We were still in the rubber suits — just took off the breather packs — and Glynn gave me head, I gave him head, then he insisted I fuck him face to face …” He smiled. “It was beautiful. Even better, we did it again in the morning, and it was better …”

“That makes me very happy, Eaden.” Artur gave him a hug. “Look after Glynn, I can tell you that when his cock and his balls start to develop he’s going to need a little help to cope with it. Now we better get to work, the farm needs this plant up and running! Daffydd and I are going swimming this evening, if you and Glynn would like to join us, you’ll be more than welcome.” 

Daffydd held Artur’s hand as they walked down the tunnel to ‘their’ swimming hole and found Eaden and Glynn already there, both naked, their clothes, including their rubber suits neatly folded on a convenient ledge. Both sported erections, Eaden’s the muscular organ of his ‘family’ and Glynn’s somewhat smaller, but evidently already becoming more like his lover’s. Daffydd laughed.

“So eager to swim with us? To be at the mercy of the satyrs?” Kissing Artur, he smiled. “I don’t think we can raise your desires any further, but we will be careful.” Nodding to Artur, he asked, “Together?”

“Together,” Artur replied, and they both assumed the form of the satyr.

Eaden and Glynn stared. This was the first time they’d seen their companions without their usual chastity belts, their huge genitals on full display. The satyrs laughed as they raised their truly monstrous organs to an ‘erect’ position.

“O gods,” Glynn breathed, staring at the thick, foot long monsters rearing from the satyr’s crotches, and the swollen scrota that hung almost a third of the way down their thighs. “You’re …”

“Magnificent,” finished Eaden.

“And now you can see why we have to wear our special belts,” Daffydd told them. “Even in our human form, this part of us is always the satyr.” He laughed. “It can be difficult when we are trying to be human. Trying to control our libido.” 

“O gods …” Glynn sighed again. Lifting his eyes, he asked, “What would happen if I — we — gave you … head?”

“You’d probably get half drowned in the cum.” Daffydd said, “And you’d end up being tied to serving us at every Dark of the Moon:”

They exchanged glances, and Eaden smiled.

“We’d like that.” They both nodded. “Yes, please make us your servants …” 

“Not without the agreement of the others,” Daffydd said. “And definitely not without your giving it a lot of thought.” Seeing their disappointed looks, he smiled. “Cheer up, we’re not going anywhere anytime soon, and neither are you. So, let’s have a swim, and we can talk about the future — and what your being tied to our sexual service would mean for you both — later.”

“We don’t need permission from anyone …” Eaden began.

“You do. From us.” Daffydd was firm. “And we have promised my father and the others that we would do nothing without their approval in consultation. You think it’s great being like this? You don’t know what it’s like being a hundred percent wanting sex with everyone and everything all the time, and trying to control it.” Gripping his erection, he caressed it. “Sometimes I can barely control myself, especially at times like this.” He softened his tone. “You have each other, and I have Artur, between the four of us, we can make the best of it. Artur and I don’t want anyone enslaved to us, and there are other ways you can serve us.”

“Like what?” Eaden demanded sulkily.

Daffydd hesitated, then smiled. “Stand back to back with Glynn, and place your hands on his thighs, and you Glynn do the same for Eaden.” He waited until they obeyed, then he gestured, and they were wrapped in rubber bandage from neck to feet, bound together in a rigid upright position, their erections exposed. Glancing at Artur, he said, “I fancy a little fellatio. Will you join me in enjoying them?”

“With, pleasure.” Artur moved forward to stand before Eaden. “May I take this one? He’s been so helpful, a little reward seems in order.”

“What does he think?” Daffydd teased, “I think he’s rather annoyed with me.”

The teasing worked, and Eaden relaxed.

“Help yourself, Artur.” He smiled. “And thanks for putting up with all my shit these last weeks … I’ve been a pain, I know.”

“I think we noticed, but let’s put it behind us …” Kneeling, Artur gave his erection a preliminary exploration with his satyr tongue, sending a shiver through the bound youth. “Let’s make a new start. No rush for anything …” Setting to work on Eaden’s cock Artur took his time. After all, why rush when you have years ahead of you? And right now, they had nothing else to do.