The King of the Block

by Swallow Your Lightsaber

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Chapter 8

(Something Really Different) 

It was after lunch on Tuesday, and the slave Max was still caged. The Master was as unrelenting on this as the chastity cage was. He was currently on his knees in front of his Master, down on the floor between is legs, while he sat on the bottom bunk. He had worshipped his balls some and was now delivering the best blow job to his Master, Richard, he possibly could. The Master had him by, both sides of his head guiding him up and down his huge thick length. He was still gagging a bit from time to time. But was able to fight most of it back.

Oh, this felt good to his Master, who was giving the occasional moan. “Suck on that big cock bitch, keep those lips tight, stay busy with that tongue,”

His slave, Max, was on absolute fire, he wanted to cum so bad, wouldn’t have cared how his Master chose to make that happen. However, he was being punished, and as Master meant to see the full sentence of that carried out. Once a day, Master was making him get on the shower and soaking his face and hair with his piss. He got quite a thrill out of doing it but wanted his slave to learn not to do something foolish like that again.

The Master was not being overly rough, but just enough to let him know who was in charge here, He had his slave naked and handcuffed behind his back. He was getting close looking down at the slave, who went right along with his guidance it was powerful.

“Look up into my eyes bitch.”

His slave looked up and locked his pretty eyes onto his and was slowly getting more pleasure becoming present when he took control him. The Master leaned forward and fuck! There was a steady line alternating with drips, running of his slave’s cockhead, running own his shaft, pooling up on his balls and then dripping out onto the floor. This was enough to seal the deal, he was going to fill that handsome mouth with his cum and watch him swallow it.

“It’s about party time bitch, you Know what to do cocksucker.”

Hie eyes were now full of want and lust and he tightened his lips as far as he could and worked his magical tongue.

The master exclaimed. “Fuck, I so needed this!”

He used his strong hands and got the slave about halfway down his cock just as he began spurting a huge load into his mouth. Every spurt felt otherworldly.

“Down that hatch you fucking cum whore and let it get all in your mouth good.” He pumped a good load into it and the slave had gotten behind a little and a small amount had oozed out of the right corner of his lips. Not enough to leak down it had just kind of leaked out and stalled. His Master watched with delight as he worked to swallow it down. He just gave a beaming stare up at the big guy with his pretty blue eyes.

His Master thought, ‘I could get lost in those nice blue eyes’, no one had ever made him feel this way before. He slowly pulled the slave up from him, and slowly reached a hand forward. He ever so gently, scooped the tiny amount of his cum that had escaped with two fingers, and pushed them into his slave’s mouth. Who immediately began licking them clean. He let him take his time, when done he pulled his fingers free, and they just started at each other for a minute.

Both were breathing hard, the Master still held his head but did so tenderly, he loved the feel of his soft hair. He could stare and get lost in those eyes all day. There were just always things to do, best to get to them.

“First bitch, lick up what you dripped in the floor, then mop it good.”

The Master found when he was speaking it was low and he kept staring, “Something a little different today, just do what I tell you. Go clean your mouth well, make sure you get all of that off your mouth. Next, clean your cage well, and get on with it. Then head to that godawful calculus class of yours. Jonesy will be there to meet you once the class is over and taking you up to see Warden fuck-stick. I am not sure what he wants, but when you are away from the cell habitat, make sure you stay near the guards. Otherwise, you are risking getting me a life sentence.”

His slave’s eyes looked concerned, as he looked over from mopping.        “How so Master?”

Master Richard said, “Because if anyone else bothers you or was to dare go so far as to touch you. I will end them, very quickly. Now, you had better get ready and boogey, you don’t want to be late. You did a very nice job sucking my dick. I will be damned glad when the cage period is over so I can get up in that ass again.”

His slave rose and smiled at him, “Me too Master.”

He went and quickly got ready, put on a fresh uniform, got his stuff, and headed to Calculus 2010.

The topic of the class today, which was covering curvature expanses with matrices, he could have slept through it. For him it was ridiculously easy, the closer the time to the ending of the hour and a half class, the more nervous he got. Warden Stanton unnerved him for some reason. If you had ever seen someone that just unnerved you, for no apparent reason, as most people did from time to time, it was like that. Finally, the class ended, and he turned in his work which had been assigned the last class, after copying down the work that would be due at the next class.

Sure enough, the pleasantly portly Jonesy was waiting for him out in the hall. He smiled at Max, and they began walking along towards the administrative wing.

One of the last two survivors of the, Nostromo, “Have a good class Mr. Stapleton?” The guard might be a tad on the pervy side but otherwise he was always friendly.

“I did officer Jonesy, any ideal what this is about, Sir.”

Jonesy grinned at him again, “They never fucking tell me anything, and please just call me Jonesy. I don’t give one flying flit about all the formality shit.”

Soon they came to the main door of the administrative wing and Jonesy spoke into his radio. A moment later the door buzzed, and he opened it.

“Mr. Stapleton, you know your way to his office, just check in with the secretary, when it is time to go back one of us will be here to take you back. We know you are not a threat in here, so you don’t need me anymore. See you later Max, shall I put it.”

“Thank you, Jonesy, tell Ellen Ripley I said hello.”

The big man was laughing as he went through, and the door closed and locked. He entered the secretary’s office, to the Wardens suite and no one was there. He wondered for a moment what he was supposed to do, he finally decided to walk over and knocked on Stanton’s office door.

From inside he heard, “Come on in.”

He entered and Kenneth Stanton was on the phone and pointed to the seat on the opposite side of his desk. Max went and sat down opposite the man. He was talking to someone about some sort of meeting, then finally told them they would talk about it at church tomorrow. He hung the phone up and looked at Max.

“I like promptness Mr. Stapleton, so that is appreciated, June my secretary is out, for a doctor’s appointment this evening. I wondered what you would do upon entering her empty office. You have a very good decision-making matrix, well except for, the business regarding the accident that put you here. We all foul up from time to time. You really were not driving that car, were you?”

Max held his gaze steadily and replied, “No sir, I was not, I had gone to school with those guys my whole life. When a man’s life was hanging in the balance, they were too busy to discuss how to get out of and avoid trouble. I covered the man with my coat.”

Warden Stanton smiled and said, “I absolutely know that is the truth, which leads to our business. You are an honest person without flaw one in it aren’t you?”

Max thought, “I am sure Sir, I have told people things that were not correct because I was given misleading information or lied to by someone else. Yet, my parents raised me to tell me the truth sir, so I do to the best of my ability.”

The Warden grinned and asked, “Is you word as ironclad, I would guess it would have to be, as breaking your word would be linked with dishonesty?”

Max said, “My dad has a saying for that, two in fact; 1.) A man is only good as his word and 2.) A quality of a man is only measured by how well he can keep his word. I have added one myself, if you tell someone you will do something, you are not much if you don’t.”

The warden got up and handed the inmate a cold can of coca cola.

“Follow me please Mr. Stapleton, I am afraid I need your word on a couple of things. I believe everything you just told me. If fact so much I would take it to Vegas and be even wealthier than I am when I left.”

Max followed him out into the hall and down towards the end of it.

“Mr. Stapleton, firstly I want you to swear to me that what you do up here, stays completely between you and I. That would be a period on that, no one else must ever know. Please give me your word on that.”

Max did not like dealing with men like this on things such as this.

“I give you my word sir.”

The Warden went on as they reached a door, and he unlocked it.

“Two I have work for you, I need your word that you will follow my instructions and do your best. Mistakes are fine we all make them I would say you far less than the average person. I must hear it before you enter this room.”

Max hated this, “You have my word, as I always try my best and have a good work ethic Sir.”

The Warden grinned at him and opened the door and allowed him to enter first. It was a good-sized room, there was a desk that had a MacBook Pro sitting on it. There was a desktop computer on the desk that had a good-sized set of speakers on it. There were rows and rows of white boxes that were marked by date and year, on the outside with a sharpie. Over on the side there was a document incinerator, with the exhaust was piped out the side of the wall.

The Warden sat down and turned the MacBook away from him and logged into it. Then he signed onto the computer. There was also a small refrigerator beside another door that led to a bathroom.

The Warden walked over to the document incinerator, indicated for Max to join him, and showed him how it worked. It was very simplistic it had a drawer that slid out. One simply filled it with documents pushed it sealed, and a light on it turned green. Then you just pressed a red button, and it cycled burning up whatever paper was inside the drawer.

Between the desktop and the MacBook Pro was a big stack of legal tablets. There was a box of already sharpened pencils and an electric pencil sharpener.

The Warden said, “Sit down in front of the MacBook Pro please.”

He did and they walked him through the process of adding his ocular pattern to the device so he could unlock it if it sat idle too long. They did the same process for the desktop. For about a half an hour the Warden showed him how to make use of an accounting program on the MacBook where information contained in the ledgers could be entered.

What he wanted him to do was very simple, go by date, enter the data out of the invoices out of the boxes. He was also to keep a weekly total, labeled only by the week and year and write those legibly on the legal pads. When he finished entering the data and the incinerator drawer was full, he was to incinerate the documents. Just make doubly sure it had been saved on the MacBook and saved before doing so. It took Max no time at all to learn how to do it.

He told Warden Stanton, “I feel like that guy out of, King’s, ‘The Shawshank Redemption.’”

The Warden said, “Hardly, he was a criminal, and you are not, different result. You cannot connect the MacBook to the internet without the appropriate password, which you do not need. Nor can you connect it to any printers. The Dell computer is very limited on what you can access, I put that in here so you can use a service such as Apple Music, or Spotify, to listen to music. It has a credit card associated with it so feel free to order music or get a premium service. There are plenty of cokes and snacks in the refrigerator. Just work at your own pace, you will eventually catch up.”

“Your word again Mr. Stapleton you will not hatch any plans to try and use this against me, it would be difficult anyway. What we do and say up here stays up here, swear.”

Again, Max hated this, “I promise sir, you have my word.”

The corrupt Warden said, “Stand and face me.”

Maxwell Stapleton wanted to be anywhere on this planet now but here. He slowly stood and faced the man.

“Now, drop your pants and shorts to your ankles.”

What that guy had grumbled in the shower that day his Master had shown him off had been essentially true. ‘There was no justice in this universe.’ The slave grudgingly obeyed him and stood there feeling completely exposed.

The Warden, who was about the same height as him, leaned in and began to kiss him. He saw he was inside a chastity cage and went, “Hum.” He did this for a minute and rubbed his hands all over the young man’s body.

Finally, he stopped and pulled away, “You are a very good-looking young man Mr. Stapleton. It’s a real shame you are not four or five years younger than you are. I would really like that. You can pull your clothing back up.”

Max’s blood turned to ice, and for one fleeting moment he found himself questioning his nonviolence policy. He was only eighteen. The thing in the room with him was not even a man, it was a thing at best and probably worse. That had been given a great deal of power over many other people. He simply reached down and pulled his pants back up and got them fastened good.

The Warden said, “You are free to come out if you need a break or the like, there is a breakroom right past my office door. Most of your time up here I expect you to be working and in here. Find some time for this daily, minimal two hours, it has really gotten backed up.”

He handed the inmate a key on a chain style necklace. “Key to this room, when the incinerator needs to be emptied, there is a custodian named Steven that will deal with that. Be as accurate as you can with the numbers. You got all this Mr. Stapleton, any questions?”

“No, Sir, I think I can handle it.”

The Warden grinned, patted him on the shoulder and left.

Max sat down and rolled over to the laptop and began downloading Spotify. There was no doubt, and he did not know how yet, but he had to bring that motherfucker down. He went and located the first box, by the oldest date sat down to the group Oasis’s song, ‘Morning Glory.’

Two and a half hours later he walked back into his cell in the habitat. His Master was reading, an interesting book set in the Appalachian Mountains called, ‘Little Women.’ He walked in kind of staring down and put his stuff on the schoolwork desk. He sat down and began solving Calculus 2010 problems and was angry.

He did not hear the Master come up behind him but suddenly felt his powerful hands massaging his shoulders.

Master Richard said, “You know, once again one does not need Sherlock Holmes to pop his head in the door, to explain something is afoot. I don’t think I have ever seen that look on your face, since you have been here. What is wrong with you, and what did that fuck-stick want that took over two hours?”

His slave took one of his hands and put in on top of one of his big hands that was rubbing his shoulders.

“Master, I am afraid it will make you mad at me, but I gave my word and swore I would discuss it with no one.”

The Master continued to rub, “Not in the least, I call you bitch all the time, but you are an honorable man. For a cocksucker whore who his addicted to my cum.”

They both laughed a bit at this, and Max felt better.

His master leaned down and nipped his ear, and quietly said, “There is only one thing for it. Lose the clothes and get down on the floor doggie style so I can fuck you while you are cuffed to the ring on the floor. Your Master, Dr, Richard is prescribing a hot beef injection.”

As his slave got up and was undressing, the Master got the handcuffs and snapped them on one his right wrist snugly. His slave got down in position, and his Master leaned down on one knee, and fed the cuffs through the steel ring and put the other one snugly on his left wrist. He walked back and leaned down and took the key from his necklace and unlocked and removed the cage, then threw it onto the bottom bunk.

He removed his clothing quickly and got some of the lube and got himself good and slick. He got down behind his slave again, with one knee between his legs. He had the other leg set up just above his slave’s ass with that foot flat on the floor. He wanted a good angle to hit that prostate, they both wanted this. It had been two days for the slave, and he would finish out the seven days with the cage, but he was the Master and could make exceptions. Something had upset his slave, and one thing Richard had learned was that above all things, Max was good. It had to be significant, he could make him tell him but wouldn’t. He might humiliate his slave at times, but he deserved his honor, intact, it was an integral part of him.

He parted his butt cheeks open and spit on the hole liberally. Then began to work his way inside. This time he would not be rough, he wanted it to feel good for them both. He let his slave stretch out good for a few moments and began to work him at a steady pace. He kept a steady rhythm and always ran about the same amount of his big cock in and out of him. Not too hard and yet not softly either.

His slave went, “Uhm, yes.”

The big guy grinned and worked right on, this journey had one destination for them both. He had a good notion for a little variety, and it was something he wanted to add to his arsenal anyway. He steadily fucked his slave till he knew he was good and hot. He pulled out and walked around and sat down on one leg in front of his slave’s head.

He pushed his cock in his mouth and started mouthfucking him.

“Okay my little bitch, I am going to lean over and put a couple of fingers up your ass. When it starts to feel good to you, take your teeth and give my cock a couple of little nips with them.”

He angled up a little and leaned back to where he could reach easily. It was not uncomfortable for either of them. He was fucking his slave’s mouth going all the way down, and then pulling back up. When in position he began to work his fingers in. He had a good notion of where to seek. It didn’t take long till he got the acknowledgment nips from the teeth and he was using his two fingers to slide over the surface area of the prostate.

Even with his mouthful of his Master’s big cock he went, “Mm-Mihm.”

Master Richard fucked his mouth and throat steadily and continued to work those fingers in and out. He had a pleasant grin on his face, he was so in control here, even dishing out the good feelings. He could stop that at any moment he wanted to or do it and make his slave bust one and blast two days’ worth of cum everywhere. This bitch was going to shoot his cum, he was going to make him do it. And for the second time that day, he was going to swallow his load.

He didn’t know what had upset his slave, this might not cure things, but it would make him feel better. Plus, now he was like a smart bomb and had the precise coordinates to do this to his slave anytime he liked. He had complete ownership of this one, even if he wasn’t handcuffed, he would not resist and always obey. Just the thought of that sent pleasure rippling all through his body. And that honor of this one he would not challenge was all really to him. He was pumping his mouth a bit faster and getting into his throat more often, he knew his slave well now, and he could not resist much longer.


The Master kept right on working and leaned over to look at his slave’s nice cock hanging down a bit by gravity. His body was so perfect, for his body type, and his cock was moving up and down a little every time the Master pumped.

Then he began shooting, as the pressure on the prostate he was unable to resist. His Master didn’t stop as he was shooting. He had been so horny because he was always being used by the Master and it kept him charged. The leg his master was kind of leaning up on had had been sitting as if it were crossed in front of him, he felt some of the warm blasts landing on. Oh dear, quite a mess to lick up, for this slave. That was part of it, being a slave to an alpha such as he was.

This was one of his favorite parts, and his grin broadened as he got ready for it. In most guys about 10-30 seconds after they ejaculated the head, perineum and prostate became supersensitive, as every neuron in them was working overtime. He slave had finished so he took his free hand and wrapped it solidly around his cock and began to work it like crazy. He continued massaging his prostate and fucking his mouth and throat. He no longer strained against his bonds as he did this, surrendering to his Master for it. He worked him all over till he knew it had passed, and then he began to burn.

He sped his fucking his mouth up, and was soon shooting his mouth full again, which the slave didn’t lose a drop of.

“Son of a-Fuck!”

His cock pumped and pumped, and his slave swallowed and swallowed. When he was done, Master took a moment to get some deep breaths. He then unlocked the cuffs and took the fingers he had been working him with and stuffed them in his slave’s mouth to lick clean. He was thorough and did a good job.

“Where you squirted some on my leg, lick that clean.”

His slave obediently licked it all off and took his time making sure not to miss any. When done his Master rose and went towards the bathroom.

“Lick all of that off the floor then mop it good.”

His master cleaned his privates in the restroom with warm soap and water, got his fingers and his leg as well. It took a bit, but the slave got it all licked up and mopped. The Master sit on his bunk, in the middle of it.

“Come over here.”

“Yes Master.” His slave walked right up to him, and the big man took wet wipes and cleaned him. Then got him tightly secured back in his chastity cage. Made it even tighter than it had been, he needed to get used to it when he was in one.

His slave asked, “May I speak?”

“Of course.”

His slave said, “I don’t know how yet or when, but that fucking Warden, is coming down. The man does not know it yet, but he is fucking doomed.”

His Master looked at him, “I knew that from the look on your face when you came back into the cell. You will always have my support.”