The Hidden Chateau

by PCLatex

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New Beginning

The new bondage suits Flavis and Patin helped us into included external open ended sleeves for our ‘new’ tentacle arms, and similar open ended sheaths for our penises. We teased them about their having chosen to be dressed in identical outfits to ours. 

“Our upper appendages resemble yours, Jack, and have an important function in our mating. So do yours.” Patin paused and I sensed he was weighing up how to explain something. “Your tentacles, as you call them, give you the appearance of our physiognomy, but remember we are hermaphrodite. Our upper limbs have a function in reproduction, yours will simply increase your pleasure when sexually engaged.” He indicated his rather large and very prominent nipples, and then my chest. “Our nipples have a nurturing function, yours are also more than simply decoration.”

“Oh.” I had to think about this. My nipples were at least as big and prominent as his now. “So essentially we have them, because you have them, because  the hybridising process makes us develop them?”

“That is essentially correct.” I sensed his amusement. “As you will discover, they enhance any sexual contact considerably and are very useful in many other ways, besides their sexual function.” 

“Then we’ll have to explore them,” I stepped closer to him and extended my tentacles to touch his. “I am yours, Flavis. Teach me how to make love to you and your kind …”

“It will be a pleasure, Jack.” His hands cupped my face as his twin penis tentacles reached for my penis and scrotum as I released his arm tentacles. His lower pair of arm tentacles reached for my latex covered butt and drew me closer as his upper tentacles slid round my chest  to cover my nipples. “Copy my actions, Jack.”

Tentatively I did so, surprised to find small breasts and large nipples under my tentacle ‘hands’ and revelling in the sensations my penis tentacles were feeling as they embraced his genitals, seemingly independent of my control.

“That’s good …” he thought-spoke and I sensed his rising pleasure. “And now we kiss and exchange our tongues …” 

He drew my face to his and I felt my tongue extending as my oral sphincter relaxed. I saw his tongue extending, and then we entered each other’s mouths, and our mouths locked together.

“Relax, my little one. We will remain in this embrace until we are ready, then we will exchange our emissions …“

Time stopped. Sensations of unbelievable pleasure coursed through me as we stood locked together at the mouth, our genitals firmly gripped in each other’s genital tentacles and unbelievable sensations in my nipples. Slowly we made our way to the bed, and now we slowly changed positions until my head was embraced by his penis tentacles and his penis filled my oral opening. My genital organs copied this at his head, and our arm tentacles swopped positions.

In my head I ‘heard’ him say, “This is the first exchange, Jack. Do not rush, enjoy our coupling…”

It was an amazing experience. My mind cleared, my senses sharpened and we were sharing every sensation. I was aware of discharging my cum into his mouth and of receiving his, then we repositioned ourselves, never losing contact with our tentacles. One always gripping somewhere as we moved. It was as if we were a single being as we shifted. This time face to face again, our tongues engaged, savouring each other’s oral residues, while his genital tentacles gently moved my penis tentacle into place at his crotch, and mine did likewise. Something pliable and warm engulfed my cock even as his entered my anus, and once more our experiences merged …

For a very long time after this we lay wrapped in each other’s arms and tentacles, still joined by our penises and at the mouth by our tongues. 

“It is done, Jack.” Flavis thought-spoke as his tongue withdrew from my mouth and his penis tentacle slipped free from my butt and my own was released from his opening. “Thank you, I hope you have discovered pleasure in our coupling.”

“Pleasure, Flavis? More than that …”

I sensed his amusement. “Then we have done well.”  

“I hope it was as amazing for you …”

“Better. You and Rod will be an inspiration for others.” 

The three months we’d been in the hybridiser had seen a lot of development in our community. Rod and I were greeted like celebrities when we finally managed to get enough control over our new appendages individually to put on our own latex suits and walk to the waterfront. It was good to see a number of mixed groups walking or sitting sharing social time.

“You guys have started something,” Lavina greeted us. “Di says you owe her a session in our dungeon when you have a chance.” 

“Owe her …?” I asked in thought-speak. “Why?”

“You probably don’t remember.” She laughed. “But you’ve given her triplets — not that she’s actually carrying them, the Ligaran artificial womb is. Three boys.”

“What?” I was stunned. “But when did she …?” The memory of my visit to a Ligaran ‘cafe’ and a session with Josh stirred. “Oh.” I paused. “Tell her it will be my pleasure, and that I hope she will allow me to meet my sons when they are delivered.”

“I’ll do that.” She bent down and planted a kiss on my cheek, adding as she walked away, “You can count on a really good session with her and her husband, Harrison.”

There’d certainly been some real progress socially. The mood was much lighter in the community, and many now flaunted their fetish. We’d been told soon after emerging from the hybridiser that Sardar and the Council had decided to accept our plan and allow us to form relationships and to have sexual relations if we wished, the only proviso being that the community had to provide a daily number to ‘feed’ the Ligarans — and Tom and Josh were now officially members of the Council.

I sucked on my Ligaran drinking flask, and thought-spoke to Rod, “Josh hinted that Tom is working with the Ligarans to find out exactly what it is in our ejaculations that they need in their diet.” I put the empty flask on the table. “He says they’re quite excited about it because the process he’s using and the equipment he persuaded them to provide wasn’t known to them — or available when they first arrived here.”

“It’ll make a hell of a difference for them I should think,” Rod replied. “None of us ever gave their situation much thought. We just thought they enjoyed having us at their mercy so to speak …” He watched the water for a while. “Some did, and others found it awkward.” I sensed his amusement. “Others just thought we liked it and enjoyed being used by them.”

“Patin mentioned it. They’re not very different from our own in that — we take a lot for granted and never think to ask.” I stayed silent as I considered the implications. “I suppose if they do find the answer it’ll mean we’ll have done this hybridising for nothing …”

“Hadn’t thought of that.” He looked at me. “Do you know, now that you mention it, I like being like this, and wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. I know it has some drawbacks.” He extended an arm tentacle and wrapped it round my waist. “But they’re definitely outweighed by the advantages.”

“I’m glad you think so, Rod.” I extended one of my tentacles and held his waist. “Somehow though, I don’t think we’ll be the last to go this route, and I think we, and others, will be needed for quite a long time yet.”

Waking up holding Rod in my tentacles had become one of my most treasured pleasures. “Good morning, beloved,” I greeted him as I sensed his waking thoughts. I extended my twin ‘extra’ penis tentacles to entwine themselves around his morning erection, and pressed my face to his neck. Extending my tongue, I licked his cheek gently with the spatulate tip, our version of a kiss. “I think this is one of the highlights of my day …”

His pair of genital tentacles gripped my penis and drew the ‘head’ into position against his opening. “And mine, my love. Especially when you fill me …”

“My pleasure, my love.” I extended my main penis, feeling it overcome the tightness of his anal sphincter and enter him. “Yes, my dear, our morning and evening ritual.” My swollen ‘head’ filled his passage and he gripped my stiff tentacle with his muscle. “Have I told you I love you this morning?”

“Not in words, but I think some exotic parts of you are trying to tell me …” He flexed his hips as I released my stimulant fluid into him. “Thank you, my dear. Yes, I can feel your stimulant working …”

“Then relax and enjoy, my darling.” I felt my pleasure endorphins surging. “I’m still filled with your ejaculation from last night and I plan to reciprocate this morning.”

He clenched his sphincter and I felt his amusement. “That’s what I hoped you do …”

We fell silent and concentrated on giving each other the release and pleasure we craved. It was a long and very enjoyable session, confirming for us at least, that having tentacles as well as arms and hands definitely a major plus. Eventually I released my sperm causing Rod to shudder in ecstasy. Taking our time, we separated slowly, and Rod rolled in my arms to wrap his tentacles around me. Our mouths met and we exchanged tongues until the need to get up became irresistible.

Standing side by side we studied our reflections in the huge antique mirror, arms and tentacles round each other. It was hard to believe that it was now over six months since we’d emerged from the hybridiser.

“Do you still think you would choose to be like this?” I asked.

“What do you think?” He shot back. “Look at that reflection. There we stand, a pair of wet dreams for fetishists everywhere. Cocks we can extend, retract, make rigid, tongues and mouths made to give head and as for the extra arms … Are you saying you’d like to go back to what we were?”

“Now you put it like that …” I turned him to face me, shot my peripheral penis tentacles around his hips and pulled our crotches together. “No. And now we’d better get ‘dressed’. There’s a ton of stuff Tom’s dumped on us to deal with, Flavis and Patin will be here soon with breakfast, and there’s a Council meeting later …”

“Get showered, I’ll prepare our suits.” Rod applied his tongue to my cheek. “Hurry up, because if I finish before you’re out of the shower, I’ll join you, and you know what happens then …”

I stared at the three small bundles of humanity so carefully wrapped and bundled into the wide baby carriage. “These are my sons?”

“Oh yes,” Diana grinned like a Cheshire Cat. “Harri says if they don’t let him get some sleep he’ll deliver them to you and Rod and to hell with their having to grow up in a human environment.” 

“Harri ..” Her partner went by the name Harrison and was Trans. “You have my sympathies, but I suspect they will get a far better upbringing with you guys than with Rod and I.”

“I’m not so sure, Jack. I think you and Rod would make fabulous parents as you are.” Harrison stepped forward. “Come on, get to know them while you can, all too soon we’ll have to take them to live in a human world and get an education.”

I nodded, a human trait. “You’re right, Harri. Di, may I hold them?”

“Thought you’d never ask. Take a seat and I’ll pass them to you one at a time.” Di laughed and indicated a bench. “Sit there.” She waited while I seated myself then gathered the first baby, and settled him in the crook of my arm. “There’s no doubt at all they’re yours. Born without foreskins which we know is a mark of all males born here, and already looking like you, poor buggers.”

Taking the infant, I carefully balanced him against my lower arm tentacle and then gently wrapped it to hold him. “Who is this?”

“We named them Jack, Adam and Callum. You’ve got Callum, and here’s Jack.” She deposited the little tyke in my right side tentacle. “And Adam can ride that codpiece of yours, but you’ll have to hold him …”

Using my upper tentacles I accepted the third child and stared at them in wonder. My feelings were mixed at this point. I knew that all three would be Gay, and all of them bondage fetishists, but I also knew what I’d been through as I grew up with those labels. Then I looked at the happy faces of Di and Harri and knew ‘my’ boys would never suffer the same upbringing I’d survived.

“I’ve talked to the Council,” I told them, “and they agree that if the boys show promise we can delay their return here while they further their education, though once they are of mature age they can return to learn about our community. It must be carefully managed, as Tom’s was.”

  “I think that’s a decision the boys must make for themselves when they reach that age.” Di retorted. “Now then, until we have to leave the chateau park, we think they should have plenty of contact with you.” She smiled. “They will remember you as a funny chap who was fun to be around, but a bit disabled until they return, then their real memories will be restored and they’ll recognise you.”

“How’d your ‘meet the babies’ go?” Rod asked as I entered our sitting room. “My little Jay is cute, and Anne and Alexa love him to bits.”

“I’m in love with them.” I collected one of our drinking containers and filled it with my favourite drink. “It’s going to be damned hard being separated from them while they mature, but we have the next couple of years to get to know them I guess.”

“That’s it.” He grinned. “And we get them back once they’re grown up and unlikely to be alarmed by us or the Ligarans.” 

“That’s true.” Taking a drink I paused. “I remember how you introduced me to the Ligarans with that ‘dare’ and all the mysterious tunnel, bondage suit and …” I took a drink. “If I’d known I’d end up like this … No, I think I’d still have done it.

“I remember. You sure you’d still have gone along with it?”

“What do you think?” Striking a pose that showed off my tentacles and thrust my huge codpiece toward him, I added. “Of course I would. What about you?”

“Wild horses wouldn’t stop me.” Rod paused. “Have you spoken to Flavis today?”

“No. What’s happened?”

Rod put his drinking flask down, walked over to me, and slipped his four arm tentacles round my waist. “Remember our session with them just after being released from the hybridiser?”

“Could I forget?” 

“Patin was here not long ago. He seemed quite excited and says he and Flavis have some news for us.” He put his mouth to mine. “I think he and Flavis are expecting hatchlings.”

“Hatchlings? Oh.” I returned his tongue kiss. “That’s great news.” A thought struck me. “I wonder … You know when we emerged from the hybridiser? Is it possible ?”

“I was thinking the same thing.” Rod steered me to the sofa. “I expect they’ll tell us if it is …”

“Congratulations to the four of you.” Dr Tom straightened up. “You’ve certainly made history.” He grinned. “The first human-ligaran offspring since … have hatched, as expected more ligaran than human physically, but genetically fifty-fifty. Raising them is going to be a challenge.”

“They will be cared for in the nursery, with their ligaran siblings.” Flavis interjected. “We will, of course, be a part of that, but our offspring develop quite rapidly physically and intellectually, though it will be twenty years before they reach maturity.”

“Their human genes may change that,” Tom warned. “And we don’t know how it will affect their feeding requirements.”

I cradled my and Flavis’ child, twice the size of any of my three sons, as I listened. “What does he feed on? How will we know whether his diet is adequate?”

“How does a human child feed, my friend?” Flavis indicated his nipples and the way his chest seemed swollen. “He will suckle as your children do.” I sensed his amusement at my surprise. “Our species are perhaps closer in your biology than you think.”

I looked at the small Ligaran asleep in my arm and tentacle and marvelled. “So it seems. I guess we’ll have to share the parenting now, but you’ll have to explain how it works.”

His amusement communicated itself. “How do your nipples feel, Jack? Swollen? They appear to be.”

“Swollen and sensitive …” Light dawned. For some days I’d been feeling rather ‘heavy’ around the chest, and as if my nipples were exuding something beneath my rubber. 

“Yes.” Flavis said. “Let me open your suit and you can feed him. But beware, the experience can be extremely erotic.”

My exposed nipples were leaking, and the teats elongated and very sensitive.. Little Sennet lost no time in attaching himself — and the sensation was electric! I flooded my codpiece with the first spontaneous ejaculation I’d had since I was a teen. 

“Ah.” Fulda purred. “It seems you’ve discovered the link.” He knelt quickly. “Allow me to feed …” 

“Go ahead,” I managed, the sensations in my chest and in my crotch almost preventing me forming the thought-speak response. My tentacle erupted again as he took it into his mouth. My head in a whirl I surrendered to the sensations in my teats and my cock as my human-Ligaran son suckled the one, and his Ligaran parent feasted on the other.