Single Tail Lashing

by Baltcumcump

29 Jul 2023 1446 readers Score 8.1 (22 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Master David checked in on me daily via text to see how I was feeling emotionally and physically after our intense encounter last week. 

I honestly was feeling spectacular , like a great weight had been lifted out of my body. Master David had flogged and beaten me to a breaking point. When I had let it all release; the screaming and crying, I felt renewed. The endorphins and adrenaline rushes are unparalleled. It’s a full-body experience to be beaten so severely; emotionally and physically. 

I found myself wanting to do it again and wasn’t expecting to want or need so soon after this initial session. Master David was cautious with me, he wasn’t agreeable to another meeting so soon, but I used my charm and wit, and wore him down. 

I once again walked up the cement path leading up to his front door with my heart racing and sweat under my pits. It’s summer, it’s hot, I wore only a pair of shorts and a jock, shirtless, still proudly wearing some of the welts from five days ago. 

When I came through the front door I stripped to my jock, put on the leather collar and leash, dropped to my knees, hands behind my back and stared at the floor. I waited for Master David in anticipation of what would happen next and for the next few hours. 

Master David thundered down the stairs and I made sure to keep my eyes to the floor. I wanted so badly to see Him, to see that powerful Alpha body, but I resisted temptation.

”Good slave!”, he growled as he grabbed the leash and I leapt forward to follow him down the stairs to the basement. He didn’t say anything at all.

”Kneel, fucker!” He yelled as he removed the leash in the room’s center. 

“You may look at me now, faggot!”

I looked up at him.

”I’ve met a few pain pigs in my life, but didn’t expect you to be one of them. You’ve really given me no choice by begging me for more. I promise you the next hour will not be easy on you. No flogger for you today.”

Master David stopped speaking and brought a cinder block near me. 

“Get up! Move!”

Then he brought over a cinder block.  He tied up my balls and attached the string to a metal loop in the cinder block, and pushed it away to stretch my balls. He pulled on the sting and I began to yell. He slapped my face and told me to shut up.

He placed a ball gag in my mouth then had me stretch my arms out wide at each side and tied them to a bar which was attached to the ceiling. It was raised so I was standing on my tippy toes. Then he tied one ankle to my thigh so I was standing only on my left foot. Any movement caused the string on my balls to yank. I began to groan. I was reminded “I asked for this”, several times, and that I’d better stop my whining. 

Master David looked me over back and front and stopped to place clamps on each tit. Then, he placed a hood over my head and everything was dark. 

And then it happened. I was struck with a single tail whip right across my butt. I had the most difficult time maintaining my balance and I thought my balls were going to rip off! Master David struck my back and ass several times. Hearing the sound of that whip snapping on my flesh was overwhelming. My skin felt like it was bursting and stinging like crazy. I could hear Master David grunting as he struck me, putting his muscles into each strike. 

Maybe 15 or 20 lashes hit me before Master took a pause. I felt my balls being pulled lower by some weights, now the stretch was unbelievable and the cinder block was moved further away. Suddenly, I felt clothes pins being clamped to my shrunken shaft and balls. I shrieked like a motherfucker through the ball gag, and tears began to fall down my face, but I was still wanting more!

Master David yelled into my ears very loudly, “I already told you to quit your whining, boy. You wanted this, now you’re getting it. Take it like a man you fucking pussy!”

He began to strike my chest with the single tail and hit the clamps until they fell off. Once again I let out a loud yell through the ball gag, my eyes bulging, my balls tortured I was barely in my toes now on one foot dancing like a ballerina. The tail moved down to my abs and down to my thigh and ankles. I couldn’t stand any longer all of my body weight in my arms, my balls excruciating. 

Master David began to whip me front and back circling around me now and striking me in different time intervals so I could never anticipate when it would come, just living with the certainty that it would. 

When the ordeal was over. Master David released my balls and slapped them in his hands, then let them dangle. Then he untucked my right ankle and I was standing on my feet. Then came off the wrist ropes, the hood, and the ball gag. It was a dark room but I could see the entire front of my body lashed, a little blood, but mostly red, elevated lash wounds. It looked like I’d been through a war. I cried like a baby releasing all of my emotions and Master David hugged me and stroked my head telling to let it all out. 

Master David attached the leash once again to the collar and brought me to an elevated gym mat covered in a black vinyl sheet. He tied me down with ropes on my front, arms and legs spread, my neck fixed so I couldn’t move my head. 

“I’ll be back. I’m letting these candles burn for a few minutes. You just stay right there, slave.”

My mind was going nuts. I’d had my chest waxed once a long time ago, and didn’t like it. I was once again in a helpless position and began to question my judgment. What the hell was going to happen? It was all part of the mind fuck that Master David was putting me through. 

He returned just wearing a black jockstrap. I could see him walking above me as my eyes followed his movements. Then he reached his arm out and picked up one of the burning candles and just tipped it slightly so the first drips of wax hit my upper chest. It was very painful and I screamed again. 

Master David put the candle down and came back with a bite grip which he placed over my head and I was now biting down in a bar and couldn’t open my mouth.

”Much better now. I can focus on what I’m doing and not be distracted by a worthless slave.”

He picked up the candle again and poured more hot wax all over my torso, coating it generously with this black wax. Then he dripped some down my left leg, all the way down to the tops of my feet! Then the right leg, and then, he paused and I was out of my mind bracing  for what was coming, screaming into the gag to no avail as he dripped slowly one little drop at a time, my balls and my shaft. And then he laughed at me for being such a baby. 
After that, he poured more under each armpit, getting some into the hairs, dripping all the way down to my open fingertips.  The entire front of my body covered in black wax. 

Master David undid the ropes entirely and I thought we were done. 

“Flip over, faggot!”

”Don’t you fucking move. Don’t even think about it!”

He had me spread eagle on my back. The front of my body hot and burning under me. Then he struck my backside with a wooden paddle over and over again, just wailing out on me. 

The finale was more hot wax, all over the back of my body, my back, my ass, the crack of my ass, the underside of my balks, arms and legs, etc. 

when we finished, Master David told me I could shower or not he didn’t care, but he wanted me out of his house in 15 minutes or I’d never be welcomed back as he walked upstairs and away from me. 

I decided I’d figure out how to take care of the wax problem at home and ran upstairs to pull on my shorts, grab my keys, and get out of there. 

I soaked in the tub at home scrubbing wax off my body but knew I couldn’t reach all of it on my back. I called Jace and told him what happened. He said I could come over and he’d help me but it would come at a price. The price was putting my dick back in the cage. I was willing to do it…I always honor, obey and respect my Superiors. 

by Baltcumcump

Email: [email protected]

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