Mikhail Dining out in London

by VladPete40

25 Jan 2024 615 readers Score 8.7 (10 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

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Lord Anthony's office was a testament to his opulence, with its gilded walls and floors of polished marble. Priceless artifacts from civilizations long gone lined the shelves, while masterful paintings hung on every wall. Alexander entered the room cautiously, immediately noticing

that on Anthony's ornate mahogany desk lay Lucas Bennett, a 22-year-old male model from Lord Anthony's agency. The model Lucas layed back on his back on lord Anthony's desk wearing only his red toga that fell to the sides as the vampire lord Anthony, fangs extended, held Lucas' bare foot aloft to his hungry mouth.

Lucas was a breathtaking sight: he had golden-tanned skin, toned muscles, and thick, wavy chestnut hair that framed his chiseled face perfectly. His large, emerald eyes stared blankly at the ceiling as Lord Anthony feasted upon him. The young man was completely naked, revealing his hard and throbbing cock, standing proudly at eight inches. His feet were also outstretched, displaying a size 12, which Lord Anthony seemed particularly fond of.

"Ah, Alexander, do join us," Lord Anthony said, his voice smooth as silk. He was worshipping Lucas' foot with his tongue, lavishing attention on the arch, where his fangs had punctured the tender flesh. As he did so, his other hand expertly stroked the model's erect cock. Lucas moaned softly, writhing in a mix of pleasure and pain. After a few more moments of exquisite torment, Lucas finally climaxed, his cum arcing through the air and splattering across his toned chest and abdomen.

Anthony let out a satisfied sigh before leaning down to lap up the warm, viscous fluid, savoring it like fine wine. "Absolutely delightful," he murmured, licking his lips clean.

"Would you care for a taste?" Anthony offered, gesturing to Lucas' other foot. "His blood is quite exquisite, a rare vintage indeed."

Alexander hesitated briefly before stepping forward, intrigued by the enticing scene before him. He took Lucas' other foot in his hands, admiring its elegant arch and the way the veins seemed to pulse with life. With a deep breath, he worshipped the foot with his tongue, tracing intricate patterns across the delicate skin before sinking his fangs into the tender flesh of Lucas' arch.

"Lucas has been with me for some time now," Anthony explained as Alexander continued his exploration. "His blood is sweet and rich, a testament to his youth and vitality." Encouraged by Anthony's words, Alexander sank his fangs into Lucas' arch, drinking deeply from the wellspring of crimson that flowed forth.

As Alexander fed, Lucas' arousal grew once more. Lord Anthony returned his attention to the young man's cock, stroking it with practiced skill. "You must try his semen, Alexander," he insisted. "It is a rare delicacy."

Alexander hesitated only a moment before Anthony guided Lucas' throbbing member to his lips. Just as Alexander wrapped his mouth around the swollen head, Lucas exploded, filling Alexander's mouth with his thick, rich seed. The taste was intoxicating, unlike anything Alexander had ever experienced before.

"Very good," Anthony praised as he gently pushed Lucas off the desk. "Now, my dear boy, you may retire to your chambers. I shall join you later tonight, and we shall continue our little feast. I do so love to eat out a tight, willing ass before fucking it until dawn."

With a lascivious grin, Lucas nodded and left the room, leaving Alexander alone with Lord Anthony. Their dark journey together had only just begun.

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After Lucas left the room, Alexander found himself both exhilarated and overwhelmed by what he had just experienced. He turned his gaze to Lord Anthony, who stood near a floor-to-ceiling window that overlooked the sprawling estate grounds.

"Alexander," Lord Anthony began, his voice deep and resonant, "you have now tasted the pleasures that my world has to offer. But this is merely the beginning."

He gestured for Alexander to join him by the window. As Alexander approached, he could see the reflection of the moonlight dancing on the water of an elegant fountain below.

"Within our ranks, we hold great power and influence. We are the puppet masters behind humanity's greatest triumphs and failures. You've only scratched the surface," Lord Anthony said, a hint of pride in his voice.

Alexander stared at the view, considering Lord Anthony's words. The taste of Lucas' blood and semen still lingered in his mouth, igniting a hunger within him that he had never before felt.

"By joining me, you will gain access to unlimited knowledge, wealth, and power. The very fabric of society will be yours to manipulate as you see fit," Lord Anthony continued, his eyes locked onto Alexander's.

The promise of such grandeur stirred a fire within Alexander. This was the opportunity he had been seeking his entire life – a chance to break free from the mundane existence that had always seemed to trap him.

"Teach me," Alexander finally said, his voice filled with determination. "Show me how to harness this power and make it my own."

Lord Anthony's lips curled into a sly smile. "Very well, my young apprentice. I will guide you on this dark journey and share with you the secrets that have been passed down through the centuries."

As they stood side by side, gazing out upon the moonlit estate, Alexander knew that his life would never be the same. He had made a pact with the enigmatic Lord Anthony, and there would be no turning back. The world was now at his fingertips, and he intended to seize it with both hands.

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Lord Anthony led Alexander into a dimly lit study, the walls lined with dusty tomes and ancient scrolls. "In order to truly understand our power, you must first learn our history," he began.

"Vampires have been the puppet masters of humanity for centuries. Banks, governments, royal families – all are controlled by us from behind the scenes. We trade humans like cattle, capturing those we desire without consequence." Anthony's voice was low and menacing, sending a shiver down Alexander's spine.

"Even royalty is not immune to our influence. I've fed on a young British duke, a redhead who moved to America. His ginger blood and flesh were particularly delectable." Anthony is aroused at thinking of harry's bare pale neck and chest, and large bare feet and reminds himself the duke is due to visit soon. Alexander couldn't help but think of Prince Harry as Lord Anthony spoke. The thought of such esteemed figures under the control of vampires both thrilled and terrified him.

"Remember, Alexander," Anthony continued, "we only feed on the flesh, blood, and semen of male humans. They're merely our sustenance, drained until they're no longer useful or we tire of them. Then, their remains become a feast for us. Women, on the other hand, are necessary for procreation. Without them, our food source would dwindle."

Alexander listened intently, his fascination growing. "What type of males do you prefer?"

Anthony's lips curved into a twisted grin, his eyes glinting with a hint of madness. "I have refined tastes," he purred, his voice dripping with malice as he spoke of his preferred prey. "Young and tall, untouched by the world - they are like fresh, succulent veal to me." As he leaned in closer, his breath carried the scent of blood and death. "But it is in Eastern Europe where I find the most delectable delicacies. Their strict diets and simple lifestyles infuse their flesh and blood with a unique savory flavor that I simply cannot resist."

As Alexander tried to process the shocking information, Lord Anthony slyly led him to a discreet door hidden behind a bookshelf in the lavish study. With a quick command, the door creaked open to reveal a massive chamber, reeking of sweat and lust, filled with the agonized screams and moans of young naked men. Some were willingly offering their bodies to their captors, while others were violently restrained and fighting against their restraints. The air was thick with arousal and depravity as Alexander's eyes took in the debauchery before him.

"Welcome to my playground," Anthony whispered into Alexander's ear, as they surveyed the room.

Alexander's eyes widened as he recognized famous celebrities and politicians indulging themselves in the carnage. A well-known actor was hungrily feeding on the neck of a young male model, while a powerful senator was frenziedly feasting on another man's inner thigh.

"Here, you can fully embrace your vampiric nature." Lord Anthony's voice was barely audible over the symphony of screams and moans.

"Learn from them, Alexander," he urged. "Soon, you will master these dark arts."

He watched attentively as the vampires fed on their victims, observing the details of each interaction. The scent of blood hung heavy in the air, intoxicating him with its metallic sweetness. He felt his own fangs lengthen in anticipation, eager to join in the revelry and indulge in his newfound power.

"Go on," Lord Anthony encouraged. "Feast, and become one with our kind."

The hunger within Alexander surged as he stepped forward, ready to embrace his destiny as a vampire under Lord Anthony's guidance.

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As Lord Anthony led Alexander deeper into the dimly-lit chamber, his eyes were immediately drawn to a scene of carnal pleasure. In the center of the room, a lavish velvet bed adorned with silk sheets and plush pillows was occupied by three figures lost in a world of intense desire. An internationally recognized businessman, with slicked back hair and a sharp jawline that screamed power, was locked in an intimate embrace with a famous athlete whose muscles rippled under his smooth, tanned skin. Between them lay a young male social media influencer, his body lithe and toned from hours spent at the gym, eagerly submitting to their every command.

The smell of sex filled the air as the man bearing a striking resemblance to the infamous Elon Musk drove his thick cock deep into the boy's tight asshole, sending shivers of pleasure and pain through his body. The sound of moans and gasps echoed off the walls as the businessman's fangs scraped and ravished the sensitive arch of the boy's foot, driving him wild with desire.

Meanwhile, the athlete, who could easily pass for Cristiano Ronaldo with his chiseled abs and defined biceps, forced his throbbing member into the boy's mouth. Passion and lust burned in his eyes as he eagerly sucked and bit at the boy's soft lips.

As if that weren't enough, the social media influencer, whose features were a mirror image of handsome actor Cameron Dallas, cried out in ecstasy as he was dominated by both men. Their rough hands explored every inch of his trembling body, leaving trails of heat and desire in their wake.

In this moment, all three were consumed by their primal desires and surrendered completely to each other's intense touch. As Lord Anthony looked on with approval, he knew that this was just one small part of what made life worth living - indulging in forbidden pleasures without regret or shame.

"Ah, the art of seduction and feeding," Lord Anthony said, admiration lacing his voice. "Observe their technique, Alexander. They are masters at maximizing pleasure for both themselves and their prey."

Alexander couldn't take his eyes off the scene unfolding before him. He felt his fangs lengthen as arousal coursed through his body, quickening his heartbeat.

"Join them, Alexander. Experience the thrill firsthand," Lord Anthony encouraged.

With a nod, Alexander approached the trio. As he neared the young social media influencer, his senses heightened. He could hear every panting breath, smell the intoxicating mix of sweat and lust, and feel the heat emanating from their entwined bodies. His cock throbbed in anticipation.

"May I?" Alexander asked, extending a hand towards the young man's wrist.

"By all means," Cristiano replied, his voice husky with desire as he prepared to come all over Cameron's face.

Alexander firmly grasped Camaron's wrist, pressing his sharp fangs into the delicate flesh. The taste of blood filled his mouth, thick and intoxicating. The social media influencer moaned and writhed beneath him, caught in a whirlwind of agony and ecstasy as three dominant beings ravaged him with insatiable lust. Alexander fed greedily, while Elon and Cristiano reached climax with primal intensity, coating the trembling star in their release before moving on to their next indulgence.

As they continued through the room, Alexander marveled at the sensations and pleasures that came with being a vampire under Lord Anthony's guidance. He fed on various restrained young men, each one adding to his growing understanding of the art of feeding. Among them was a young aspiring actor named Tyler, 21, from California with sun-kissed skin and a toned surfer's body; an Italian model named Matteo, 19, with smoldering eyes and a sculpted physique; and a British musician named Liam, 23, who had just begun making a name for himself in the industry, with tattoos adorning his pale skin.

"Remember," Lord Anthony whispered into Alexander's ear as they moved between victims, "each person has their own unique essence. Savor it, appreciate it, and learn from it."

And so, Alexander did just that – savoring, appreciating, and learning with every taste of flesh and blood he consumed.

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Alexander's senses were heightened, his body thrumming with the energy of the young men he had fed upon. He listened intently as Lord Anthony began to share stories of his experiences and the history of their kind.

"Over the centuries, our kind has evolved into various races," Lord Anthony explained, "each with their own methods of hunting and feeding. For example, the Strigoi favor brute force, while the Moroi rely on seduction and manipulation."

As they continued their walk through the chamber, Alexander observed different vampires engaging in their own particular methods of feeding, each one a study in dark elegance. His mind raced with questions, eager to deepen his understanding of his place within this new world.

"Tell me more about these races," Alexander implored, his voice filled with curiosity and desire for knowledge.

Alexander listened intently, his mind expanding with each new piece of information. He had always been a curious person, eager to learn about the world and its mysteries. And now, as he delved deeper into the secrets of vampire society, he felt more alive than ever before.

"But there are also other races," Lord Anthony continued, "such as the Dhamphir, who are born from the union of a human and a vampire. They possess enhanced strength and senses, but they do not require blood to survive."

Alexander's interest was piqued. He had never heard of such creatures before.

"Yes," Lord Anthony nodded, sensing Alexander's curiosity. "They live among humans, blending in without anyone suspecting their true nature. They often serve our kind as protectors or enforcers."

As they walked through the chambers, Alexander observed several Dhamphir engaged in various tasks – some were guarding entrances while others were practicing martial arts in an open space.

"Is there anything else I should know about?" Alexander asked eagerly.

Lord Anthony smiled knowingly. "Ah yes, there is one more race – the Strigoii Morti. They are undead vampires who have lost their humanity completely and exist only to feed on and terrorize humans."

Alexander shuddered at the thought of these monstrous beings.

"They are rare nowadays," Lord Anthony assured him. "Most have been destroyed by our kind or driven away by the fear and hatred of humans."

As they continued their tour of the chambers, Alexander couldn't help but feel both exhilarated and overwhelmed by all he was learning about this secret world within his own.

"I want to learn everything I can," he declared to Lord Anthony.

"That is good," Lord Anthony replied with a proud smile. "Knowledge is power in our world." 

The two of them then settled down in a more secluded corner of the chamber as Lord Anthony began to teach Alexander about the basics of being a vampire – from controlling his hunger to harnessing his

"Which race do you belong to?" Alexander asked, his eyes locked onto Lord Anthony's, searching for answers.

Lord Anthony chuckled softly. "I am a Moroi, my dear Alexander. Our ways are refined, elegant, and oh-so effective. We can draw humans to us like moths to a flame."

"Is that how you captured these young men?" Alexander inquired, gesturing around the room.

"Indeed," Lord Anthony replied, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Some came willingly, drawn by the promise of pleasure and wealth. Others were taken by force, their beauty too irresistible to be left untasted."

As Alexander took in the scene around him, he felt a dark hunger stirring within him. He yearned to embrace his darker instincts, to indulge in the sensual pleasures that were now within his grasp. Sensing Alexander's growing desires, Lord Anthony leaned in close, his voice low and seductive.

"Explore your desires, my young apprentice. Embrace your nature, and you will become a force to be reckoned with."

With Lord Anthony's persuasive words echoing in his mind, Alexander could no longer deny the pulsing hunger within him. His hungry eyes devoured every inch of the helpless young man before him. The boy's name was Jake, a 19-year-old with tousled brown hair and piercing blue eyes. His body trembled as he lay tied up on the bed, his chest rising and falling rapidly in fear. His skin was smooth and pale, marred only by a few scattered freckles that made him look innocent and pure. But to the man standing over him, he was nothing but a deliciously tempting prey, begging to be taken.

The pale skin seemed to glow in the dimly lit room, accentuated by the intricate patterns of rope binding his hands and feet. Every breath the man took was shaky and strained, heightening the tension in the room. The faint scent of fear and anticipation lingered in the air, making his mouth water with desire. It was a tantalizing display of power and submission, an irresistible temptation that he couldn't resist.

A thrill shot through his body as he leaned in, savoring the anticipation of sinking his fangs into that smooth skin. The restrained man trembled beneath him, unable to resist as Alexander claimed him as his prey. He reveled in the exquisite mix of pain and pleasure that erupted from the puncture wounds he left behind, marking the man as his own. In this moment, Alexander embraced his true nature as a creature of the night, indulging in forbidden desires with an insatiable hunger.

As blood flowed into Alexander's mouth, he reveled in the power coursing through his veins. This was who he was meant to be – a vampire, unapologetic and insatiable. And under Lord Anthony's tutelage, Alexander knew he would only grow stronger.

11 - 12

Lord Anthony escorted Alexander out of the room, leading him down a dimly lit corridor adorned with ostentatious paintings and expensive artifacts. They arrived at a heavy iron door, which Lord Anthony unlocked with an ornate key. The door creaked open, revealing a vast room filled with glass pens built into the four walls.

"Welcome to my collection," Lord Anthony announced with pride as they stepped inside. Alexander's eyes widened at the sight before him. toga clad, young men from 18-30, most skinny and lanky were held captive behind the glass enclosures, each displaying an array of physical attributes. some sat, some stood and paced, Some appeared resigned to their fate, while others pounded their fists against the glass, desperate for escape.

In the center of the room, suspension bars hung from the ceiling, where new captives were brought in, cleaned, and prepared before being penned.

"Each glass pen has a card detailing the young man's information," Lord Anthony explained, motioning to the cards affixed to the glass. "Name, age, height, weight, shoe size, virgin status, ethnicity, place of origin, method of capture, and blood type."

Standing in front of a few glass pens housing the toga clad young men, He read a few of the cards aloud to Alexander: "Erik, 21, six-foot-one, 170 pounds, size 11 shoes, virgin, Caucasian, Sweden, abducted during a night out, B positive." He moved on to the next: "Carlos, 19, five-foot-eight, 150 pounds, size nine shoes, non-virgin, Hispanic, Brazil, lured by promises of wealth, O negative."

As Lord Anthony continued reading the cards, Alexander felt a mixture of fascination and repulsion. These people, stripped of their dignity and freedom, were reduced to mere commodities for the vampires' twisted desires.


Guiding Alexander up the grand staircase, Lord Anthony's hand trailed over his lower back, igniting a fire within. He led him to a lavish dining chamber, adorned with opulent furnishings and exotic rugs. There, in the center of the room, was a marble altar holding a trembling Eastern European boy laying on his back on the table like a platter of food, completely exposed, ankles and wrists restrained to each corner of the altar. His fear-stricken eyes darted between Lord Anthony and Alexander as they approached, hungry for pleasure.

"Meet Stefan," Lord Anthony said, reading from a card. "Age 18, height five-foot-ten, weight 145 pounds, cock size six inches, shoe size ten, from Romania, blood type A negative, virgin."

Lord Anthony's hands glided over the boy's skin, tracing each muscle and curve with a possessive yet gentle touch. His voice was like a seductive whisper as he spoke, his low tones lulling the boy into a trance. "Allow me to show you the most efficient veins to feed from," he instructed, his words dripping with centuries of experience. "The foot offers the dorsal venous arch, while the inner thigh hides the great saphenous vein. And let us not forget the cock, with its tempting dorsal penile vein. The wrists hold the radial and ulnar veins, and lastly, the neck is home to the pulsing carotid artery and jugular vein." Lord Anthony's fingers lingered on each mentioned spot, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

As Lord Anthony recited the names of each vein, he ran his fingers along them on Stefan's body, causing them to bulge and pulsate beneath the young man's skin. Alexander couldn't take his eyes off the mesmerizing blue lines that snaked across Stefan's flesh, feeling a primal urge surging through him. He needed to taste every inch of that beautiful, marked body, to revel in the pleasure and pain it would offer under his touch.

"Let's start with the foot, my eager apprentice," Lord Anthony purred. "Human lore always depicts us feeding from the neck, but the feet hold a special power in drawing blood downwards. And the soft flesh of the arches is a delicacy among our kind, especially when tinged with arousal."

Alexander knelt by Stefan's feet, his tongue tentatively lapping at the boy's arch before he sank his fangs into the vein. As he fed, Stefan moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure, his chest heaving with each labored breath.

"Very good," Lord Anthony praised. "Now, move up to the nipples."

Alexander obliged, licking Stefan's nipple, feeling it harden beneath his touch before he bit down. Stefan cried out, his body writhing as Alexander continued to feast upon him. The room filled with the gory sounds of the boy's torment and the vampires' insatiable feeding, a symphony of darkness and depravity that marked the beginning of Alexander's descent into the world of vampires.


Alexander wiped the last traces of blood from his lips, feeling a newfound strength course through him. He looked at Stefan's pale and weakened body, still bound to the altar, and felt a strange mix of pity and satisfaction.

"Bravo, Alexander," Lord Anthony praised, clapping his hands together with delight. "You've taken your first true step toward embracing our way of life."

Alexander couldn't deny the intoxicating power he felt from feeding on Stefan. He glanced over at Lord Anthony, who stood tall and regal, his eyes gleaming with pride.

"Thank you for guiding me, Lord Anthony," Alexander said, his voice laced with gratitude. "I am eager to learn more from you."

"Good," Lord Anthony replied, placing a hand on Alexander's shoulder. "There is much for you to discover, my young apprentice. We shall delve deeply into the dark arts and unlock your full potential as a vampire."

As they left the dining chamber, Alexander's mind raced with thoughts of the future. He imagined the power and influence he'd gain under Lord Anthony's tutelage, and how he would use it to reshape the world in their image. He felt a thrill at the thought of the sensual pleasures that awaited him – the blood, the flesh, the cries of ecstasy and pain.

"Lord Anthony," Alexander murmured, unable to contain his excitement, "what awaits us now?"

"Ah, Alexander," Lord Anthony smiled, a wicked glint in his eyes. "Now we begin to explore the depths of your desires, your darkest instincts. We will test the limits of your vampiric nature, honing your skills and abilities until you are a force to be reckoned with."

"Let us not tarry then," Alexander urged, feeling a hunger awaken within him. "I am ready to embrace all that you have to teach me."

"Patience, my dear boy," Lord Anthony cautioned, leading Alexander through the grand halls of his estate. "The night is long, and our journey has only just begun. You have much to learn, and I will guide you every step of the way."

As they walked side by side into the shadows, Alexander felt a fierce determination take root within him. He would not squander this opportunity – he would embrace his vampiric nature fully and rise to power under Lord Anthony's guidance.

From this moment on, he was committed to his training, eager to continue learning from his mentor and ready to embark on their future endeavors together. As the darkness enveloped them, Alexander knew that there was no turning back – this was his new path, and he would walk it without fear.

by VladPete40

Email: [email protected]

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