Kinky Cops Police Dept.

Miserable at his current department dealing with a tyrant Chief, Rookie cop Mark is recruited to join a secret underground Police Dept. With the help of specialized tech, All they have to do is name their perp and justice will be served…in the most kinky ways imaginable!

  • Score 8.5 (29 votes)
  • 3551 Readers
  • 2302 Words
  • 10 Min Read

The Chief always made him feel so small.

25 year old rookie cop Mark sat staring blankly at his chief. The lecture had been going on for what felt like an hour now. Chief Hardy felt he wasn’t writing enough tickets. Wasn’t making enough arrests. Cutting to many breaks.

“Sorry Chief, It’s not work avoidance. Honestly, I would prefer to spend my time going after bugger fish. Not giving a hard time to people over petty stuff” Mark shot back, hoping the chief would understand.

“Mark, this is your last chance. Pick up your stats or I would suggest you start looking for another job! Plently of loser potheads roaming aroind for an easy bust, plently of homeless crackheads you could toss in a cage. Could go scoop some whore or john off the street. In this city it isnt that hard to find something.” The heavy set, older Chief barked back at him.

Mark left the office with his head down, heavily contemplating if maybe finding a new job would be best fit.

While on patrol the next day Mark was involved in a pursuit. A man fleeing an armed robbery in a stolen vehicle. The perps name was Brandon James. He was a repeat offender that was constantly being let out of lockup even after committing very serious crimes.

Brandon’s car was hit with a spike strip. He fled the car on foot. Mark was athletic and liked to keep in good shape. He hopped put of his car and was quickly able to catch up to Brandon and take him into custody.

“It’s all good, I’ll be back out in no time” Brandon bragged.

As much as Mark likely wanted to rebutted it was probably true.

Going after dangerous and violent people like Brandon is what Mark prided himself in. He wishes he was given more credit for that by his Chief and supervisors, but no.

A month passed and Chief Hardy called him in asking him to turn in his badge and gun. He had not picked up his stats in the way his chief wanted.

“Were letting you go. Your stats are simply to low. What are you doing most shifts? You haven’t written a ticket in months. You hardly make arrests.”

“I don’t wanna give a hard time to struggling people or make busts on people that need help. I wanna feel good about locking up bad people. People who get away with things. I’m not trying to be a road pirate.”

“Well then you’re in the wrong profession. I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors” Hardy said.

Ugh Mark thought. His ex boss watching him walk out with a pompous smirk on his face.

Days later at night Mark heard a knock at the door. Who could be at his home this late? It was past midnight.

He opened to see a few men before him. They were all in Police uniforms, but not the ones local to the area they were in…not the department Mark worked for. Were they impersonators? Mark did notice they were all pretty in shape, attractive men.

One of the men stuck his hand out.

“Nice to meet you, my names Chris”

A confused Mark shook his hand. The man continued.

“I’m the head of a private underground police force, The Kinky Cops Police Department. We are recruiting more men we think would be a good fit. Men who are serious about wanting to fight real crime and dole out real justice. Not the petty shit you probably spend most of your shift focused on. We have been secretly observing you and think you would make a good fit”

Mark laughed at first. Kinky cops? But the description did sound appealing. And he was pretty miserable with his current department. Why not be a little spontaneous he though.

“You know what? I’m open to exploring this” Mark replied.

He got fully dressed and met the men at their hidden station.

They fit him with his own outfit, badge, and tools. The main one being a special I pad looking device.

“This is the Warrant Pad. All you have to do is enter the name of ANY suspect you are searching for and it will transport them here into one of our specialized cells. You can detail exactly how you want them positioned/restrained and from there you can dole out some justice. We always try to make the punishment fit the crime.”

They walked to a cell block.

“This suspect is 19 year old Jaden. In and out of jail for a variety of offenses from assualt to burglary. He boasts to everyone that he enjoys I’m his own words, being a pain in the ass…so we decided to make him live up to that phrase.”

Mark peaked in the cell. Jaden was leaned bare assed over a chair bolted to the floor. His wrists and ankles also cuffed to the ground. An officer sat near his bottom with a paddle.

“Keep counting, were not stopping until we hit 500 today. Then we continue with another 500 tomorrow and the next day. You’ll be out when we finish all 10 sets.”

Jaden failed and screamed out in between hits.

“120! Ahhhh 121!”

They motioned him to walk over towards the next cell.

A man was stood in the middle of the cell. His arms were chained raised up in the air and his legs spread and shackled to the ground.

“His names Gavin Myers. He is a serial groper. Never learns his lesson to keep his hands to himself.”

The officer in the cell with him proceeded to dig into his under arms.

Gavin jerked and pulled but he was going nowhere. He began laughing and begging hysterically.

The officer kept it up sometimes going for his sides, drilling his finger into his bellybutton, and tickling his neck and ears.

Gavin bounced back and forth from laughing and trying to catch his breath to cursing at the officer and demanding to be let out.

“You’re not going anywhere for a while Gavin, just take it. Don’t like it when someone puts their hands on you without your approval do you? At least you’re getting a good laugh out of it and in that case I’ll keep it up a long time. I like to put a smile on someone’s face.”

Gavins laughs turned into a hybrid and desperate laughter, gasps for air, and angry screaming.

“Those guys were already mid session. Here is an officer just starting. You can see how the program works from the start.”

Chris then motioned to another cell, this time empty.

An handsome officer stood inside the cell with his own warrant pad. He typed in the name Marvin Hicks. A teens face popped up. He was smirking in his mugshot. The officer hit confirm. Then the prompt let him fill in how he wanted Marvin positioned.

The officer typed only Marvin’s head sticking out of the floor with a spider gag in his mouth, as if the rest of his body was solidified in the concrete. Only his head sticking out. He hit confirm.

Suddenly like magic a punk looking young man’s head with sticking out of the floor looking angry and confused.

“That’s 19 year old Marvin Hicks. Can never keep this punk locked up. He recently got taken in here because he thought it would be funny to film a homeless man eating a sandwich he gave him that he had recorded himself rubbing his feet all over. Some pricks do anything for clicks.”

The officer in the cell explained why he was there and what he was under arrest for.

The officer kicked off his shoes and peeled his socks off. He stuffed both socks in Marvin’s mouth and then used a bandana to tie around his head to make sure his tounge could not push them out. He set his smelly boots on either side of his head. He pulled up a chair and gently planted one of his feet in Marvis face.

The officer put his hands behind his head and kicked back.

“Sometimes this is the most relaxing and rewarding job ever” He joked.

“I think you get the idea at this point. You ready to get started?” Chris asked.

“Absolutely!” Mark responded. This was exactly what he always wanted his job to be. Going after real bad guys and getting to make sure fitting justice would be made for them to face.

Mark knew that Brandon already had another warrant out for him. Of course he was out again already on bond and violated that.

Mark typed in Brandon’s name.

Brandon’s mugshot popped up and Mark hit confirm.

In the next prompt Mark typed that he wanted Mark to be laying down on a table with his arms and legs bolted to the sides. His cock would be hanging down through a small hole in the center. So he was restrained in a milking chair. He would have estimated hooked up to his cock.

Mark hit confirm and before yoy know it Brandon and the table were in the cell before him.

Mark explained he was under arrest and how he got there.

“You know, for all the frustration you cause I think it’s time you learn some discipline. You are in and out of lockup after very brief sections of time. Sadly for you, this will not be quick. It will be long and frustrating.”

Mark set a tall glass under the table below where his hard cock was dangling.

“Once this glass is filled to the brim with pre cum your jail sentence will be over. The estim hooked to you is set to go at random frequencies. I also fixated a vibrating bullet wrong around your balls. That also will frequently be very high or frustratingly low vibrations. Pre cum only. If you let out an orgasm, ruined or full, I will have the glass dumped and you’ll be starting from scratch so it’s on you to control yourself. You’re being watched and recorded on camera. Good luck.”

Mark left to clock out leaving Brandon flailing and buckling on the table and begging him to come back and let him out.

A satisfied smile grew on Mark’s face as Brandon’s angry and frustrated yells grew more distant as he got further away and left for the day.

Mark came in the next day greeted by some very excited co workers.

“You will not believe who has a warrant out for their arrest!” One of the Officers said.


The Officee handed his phone over to Mark. An article was opened up on the screen.


Pictured was his ex police chief Hardy.

Marks jaw was on the floor.

Shock and disbelief suddenly turned to excitement. A mischievous smile grew on Mark’s face. He glanced up and saw his fellow officers knew exactly what he was thinking and all had the same grins.

“Just thought you especially might like to see that” the officer said with a wink, taking back his phone.

With Chief Hardy having a warrant out for his arrest, this meant he would be able to be brought into them with the warrant pad. All they had to do was type his name!

Mark didn’t waste a second. He went to an empty unused cell.

He entered Hardys name and selected his photo.

Once he got to the next prompt he had to think a bit. He kept coming back to how small the chief made him feel all the time.

Mark typed that he wanted to have Chief shrunken to half a foot tall, naked with a chastity cage on and that his body other than his face was fully rubberized. Like a living toy in a way. Mark also type to have a tiny butt plug appear. He hit submit.

The Chief appeared in his rubber form standing on the ground.

“Chief Hardy, nice to see you again. You’re under arrest. Welcome to our jail. We wanna make sure justice is delivered in a clear and direct way.”

“You bastard! What have you done! Why can’t I move! I’m made of rubber! Free me at once! NOW!” He yelled.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. I’m just doing my job sir.”

Mark picked him up and jammed the butt plug into the rubber butt cheeks. He jammed a tiny rubber dildo unto the chiefs mouth as well before typing into the warrant pad to freeze his face now as well.

Mark unlocked the chiefs cage only once a month. Holding the rubber toy man in his hand he used a feather end gently flicked and grazed the leaking rubber dick. A super frustrating feeling for the immobile but conscious Hardy. Eventually the cock would reach a boiling point and at the same time Mark would pull back the feather. Cum seemed and shot out hands free. But in a sad way. All stimulation (what little of it their was with the feather) stopped.

Ruined orgasm always. Every month when his cock would be unlocked. The cock was locked back up and Hardy was placed inside an old smelly shoe until the next round.

As Mark was leaving he peeked in at Brandon. Only a third of the way there. That man was losing his mind at the slow teasing process. Strings of precum went from the cockhead to the glass.

Mark headed out the door. Excited to return to work and dole out more justice to those who deserve it.

“Man I have the best fucking job ever, and all it takes is the power of using one of these bad guy’s names”.

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