
by Boy Mercury X

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My sister’s wedding week was, as my mother described it, another Hurly-Burly. That was her name for all of my dad’s family gatherings. The Hurlys liked chaotic Irish American get-togethers that my mother said were too big, went on too long and involved too much drinking.
We gathered at my grandparents’ suburban home for a which had ample guest rooms, a vast back yard and garden, and even an inground swimming pool with its own little pool house for guests. That’s where my dad and his sisters grew up, and where they still convened, adding to the clan their own spouses, children and other strays. Even divorced exes like my mom often came too, because that’s just how it was with the Hurlys. Everyone was expected, and divorce was just an inconvenience best left unmentioned and ignored, like my Gram Hurly’s taste for wine.
In Hurly fashion, everyone was expected to stay for several days over a long weekend, and even though it was just a family wedding, there were so many Hurlys and hangers on that even the Hurly estate was maxed out. Some of the adults expected the rooms that had been theirs when they were kids, but Gram prioritized matching her guests and their needs with available rooms. She sorted out married couples as the first priority for bigger beds, little kids getting air mattresses, and was overall vexed by the single people who needed a whole bed to themselves when she had too few to go around.
“Oh I have it,” said Gram Hurly, looking over her notepad with satisfaction. “Everyone has a bed, and it’s all good. Dan and Trevor, you’re going to have to sleep together in the pool house.”
“The pool house?” asked Dad, on hearing his name. “What about my old room?”
“Well we have to put Joe and Peggy there because it’s on the ground level and Joe’s got a leg brace from his accident,” Gram explained.
“And the pool house only has one bed,” I said, suddenly feeling very awkward about the prospect of sleeping with my dad.
“Well you are just going to have to rough it,” said Gram. She poured a glass of chardonnay to signal that her work was done. “Every room is taken. All the marrieds are paired up, so I’m pairing off you single boys together. I tried every which way and this is the only way. The pool house is perfectly good. Trevor, your father used to have sleepovers there when he was young, so it’ll be just like old times.”
“Except I’m forty-five,” sighed Dad.
But Gram was done, and the plan was the plan.


As usual the big Hurly meal included fifteen simultaneous conversations and overlapping roars of laughter. Afterwards Grandpa wanted to show off his new hobby: slideshows of family photos he made on his Mac, broadcast on the flatscreen TV in the family room. In his day, he explained, you’d have to pay someone to make a slideshow but now anyone could do it.
His first creation was his and Grandma’s cross-country trip to the tune of Roam by the B-52s. This was followed by a slideshow of my sister, the first grandchild and the bride to be growing up, to Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison. Then came a slideshow of the first generation of kids – my dad and his sisters – as rowdy children and teens, to Our House by Madness.
I knew every song by name and artist because Dad was a huge 80’s and 90’s music guy. I grew up listening to everything from The English Beat to Talking Heads to Elvis Costello. It didn’t help my social cred to be totally out of tune with my peers, but it was better than singing purple dinosaurs.
Like everyone else I was only half paying attention to the show, but one photo caught my eye and I blurted out, “Who’s that?”
The photo was of two young guys, maybe 20 or so years old. One was a good looking redhead, the other a super hot guy with long hair and a biker mustache that ran down to his strong jaw. He wore a sleeveless black t-shirt that showed off his shoulders and biceps, and tight black jeans that covered an impressive bulge. He looked like a stud.
“Who’s who?” asked Gram.
“The guy,” I said. “In black. Who is that?”
Gram squealed, and jiggled so much in her laughter she had to put her glass down. “Trevor honey, that’s your father!”
Everyone laughed, except for me and Dad.
I thought he might be a cousin because he looked like a Hurly, with his blunt nose and thick hair. But looking again I could see he really was Dad. Looking back and forth between the photo and his present day self I could see the same features, just softened up. He even still had a mustache, but not the sexy biker kind, just a regular middle-aged dad mustache now.
“I gained some weight,” he said, looking a little embarrassed.
“You dad was wild then,” said Gram, refilling her glass. “That summer he and his best friend Rudy went motorcycling in Mexico, and some days I didn’t know if I’d ever see them again.”
“And he was in that God awful band,” said Grandpa.
“Is that a joint?” blurted my sister. “Dad, were you a POTHEAD?”
“I may have enjoyed a substance or two,” answered Dad, laughing.
“Or five!” added his sister, my Aunt Peggy.
“What happened?” my sister asked, oblivious to the insinuation of her question that he was so different now.
“You happened,” said my mom, wryly. She reached out and patted my sister’s head. “Your arrival was not exactly a plan.”
“Your dad came back when he got the word you were coming,” said Grandpa, affirming the honor of his only son. “He did the right thing. Got a job and settled down.”
Dad looked at my sister and nodded.
This was all a revelation to me. And I wanted to see more of the young stud-Dad, so I said “Great slideshows, Grandpa. Show us some more.”
My sister and cousins glared at me.


I always thought of my dad as just a dad.
I don’t know if he would have finished college or been a stoner or something else if my mother hadn’t gotten pregnant with my sister. But by the time I was born he was a married father working at a car dealership, the biggest personality killer possible in my opinion. It’s all fake smiles and small talk with customers, and obsessing over sales quotas in private. I couldn’t think of any real hobbies he had. And I thought about the years of boredom spent in his nondescript apartment on custody weekends.
But that photo of Dad looking like a young stud made me see him with new eyes. I’d never paid attention before, but I could see for the first time that he was actually pretty good looking. I could see his fluffy Irish brown and gold hair, his charming smile and manly jawline. He had filled out a lot and had a big belly now, but he was proportionate, I guess, with a big chest and shoulders that made it all work pretty well. My own dad was a handsome man, and somehow I’d never noticed till now. 
Going through Grandpa’s photos, I could see Dad’s life play out. Even after my sister was born, he was a hot guy. In fact being a young dad bro might have made him a little hotter. With every year he got a little thicker, and a little more conventional. His haircuts became more conservative, his mustache trimmed to look more like a suburban father than a biker. Photos of him with my sister, and later me, at the beach showed him with a manly body with golden brown hair that covered actual pecs and ran down a belly that grew over the years but used to be flat as a board.
It was as if I’d been blind my whole life.
Hungry for more, I asked my grandmother if she still had my dad’s high school yearbooks, and sure enough she did. They were still on a bookshelf in his old bedroom on the ground floor, probably untouched in decades. I poured through them, thinking how crazy it was to see him at my very age. He was so much more boyish then, but still seemed so much more of a man than I did at almost the same age. But he had a little bit of a wild glint in his eyes, and I could see how he might go on some crazy motorcycle trip to Mexico.
“Tracy,” I said to my sister, “is Dad, like, fat? I can’t tell.”
“I don’t know,” she replied. “He’s, like, built-fat. Who cares?”
“But look at how cute he was in high school,” I said, holding up the yearbook for her.
“Cute?” she asked, rolling her eyes. “You’re so weird.”
And she was right. She just didn’t know how weird I really was.


In the pool house, later that night, Dad and I tried to settle in. It was really just a bedroom with a bathroom and shower, for overnight guests when the house was full, that doubled as a changing room for pool use.
“Gram says you had a lot of sleepovers here,” I offered.
He told me Grandpa converted the pool house from a shack to an extra guest room when he was about twelve, Dad and his friends made use of it to get some boy space away from his army of sisters.       
“I didn’t bring pajamas,” he said to me. “I didn’t plan on sharing a bed.”
“I don’t care,” I replied, stripping down to my boxers. “I didn’t either.”
He pulled his polo shirt off, and dropped his cargo shorts, hanging them on hooks. I studied the broad expanse of his back, the white briefs pulled tight over his ass, his thick hairy legs, and thought about what my sister said: built-fat.
Sliding into bed I felt more boyish than usual compared to Dad’s proportions. I could feel his heat at my side, like he was a sun and I was just a planet.
“Look how my feet only come down just past your knees,” I said, pushing my toes up to indicate how short I was beside him.
“You take after your mom that way,” he said. “You always did.”
“Do you remember when I tried to play football?” I asked, prompting us both to laugh.
“You were so little,” he answered, lying back to look up to the skylight over the bed. “You were the littlest kid in your class.”
“And there were all those big Samoan kids on the other team. They were like twice my size.”

“Oh they weren’t that big,” he said.

“Dad. They had mustaches. I thought I was going to die, for real.”
This prompted big belly laughs from both of us.
“We couldn’t make you keep doing it,” he said. “We let you try wrestling because we thought you’d be in your own weight class, but you quit that too.”
“Too many wrestler boners,” I said, laughing anew.
Dad kissed me on top of the head and said goodnight, and things went still everywhere but inside my head.


 After Gram kissed us goodbye, I climbed on the back of Dad’s motorcycle and wrapped my arms around him. I was glad he found his old sleeveless T-shirt, from his first trip to Mexico. I was surprised by how muscular his arms were.

He drove fast, which I guess was good because Mexico was very far away and I didn’t know exactly how we were going to get there, but he knew the way, so it was good.

Mostly I was just so happy to be on an adventure together, just the two of us, and I loved how my hands could fit through his sleeveless T to feel his furry belly and chest. He must have liked it too, because he turned and gave me a wink, looking so handsome with his biker mustache and long hair.

By then I had a real boner, and I was really into feeling under his shirt, feeling how firm he was, and even holding his pecs in my hands. I couldn’t help but grind up against his butt. At first I thought I could do it so he wouldn’t notice, but it was like an itch I couldn’t stop scratching. And the more I did it the more it itched, and I felt like I needed to pee. I thought I could just hold it all the way to Mexico, but then it got really bad, while I was rubbing my dick up and down against the crack of his ass, and then I started to pee even though I was trying to hold it, and…
I woke up suddenly with my hips grinding against Dad, a wet dream load oozing out of me, soaking through my boxers and into the white cotton briefs pulled tight on my dad’s ass.
“Ohmygod! Ohmygod!” I gasped in a panic.
“Trev, what is it?” Dad asked, lurching to wakefulness. Panicked, I tried to pat down the bed sheets on the wet spot under him. I considered saying nothing, hoping he wouldn’t notice, but he was already reaching his hand under his butt.
“Did you pee the bed?” he asked, then lifted his hand to his face to smell. “What the fuck? Trev, did you CUM on me?”
“IT WAS A DREAM!” I yelped, begging in my head for it to all go away, “Dad I don’t ever even do that! Not in my sleep!”
He absorbed everything I said, trying to make sense of it in his sleepy head.
Then he started to laugh. A little. Then a lot.
“Jesus,” he said. “Did you have a wet dream?”
I nodded yes, burying my face in my hands.
“Oh, to be a teenager again,” he said, laughing so much that it drew me like gravity to join in.
He pulled his underwear off to dab at any damp spots on the bed. I followed suit, pulling off my boxers, but I was focused on the sight of Dad’s exposed dick, nestled in his dark brown bush. He tossed his briefs in a corner of the room, and I tossed my boxers  on top of his. 
“Don’t worry,” he said, lying back in the polluted bed and pulling the sheets up over the treasure trove of dick and balls and pubes. “I’ll wash the sheets tomorrow.”
“Are we going to sleep naked?” I asked, absolutely unsure of family protocol for the unprecedented event of cumming on my dad.
“I’m not wasting another pair of underwear just to sleep in,” he said. “I only brought enough for the week.”
“Dad, I’m so embarrassed,” I whispered.
“Well pal, I hate to break it to you,” he said, “but you’re not the first teenage boy to have a wet dream at a sleepover in the pool house. Just go to sleep.”
I was on my back, next to him, both of us naked as could be, longing to wrap myself around him so I could rest my head on his furry chest and doze off to the beat of his luscious heart.


The next day I continued my inquiry into Dad’s youth. Having so many Hurlys around made it easy to ask a question here, a question there, assembling the puzzle pieces to join together in my head.
He was good enough to be a football star in high school, but not good enough to go pro, bad boy enough to party with the druggie kids but not bad enough to get in real trouble himself, rocker enough to play with his buds but not enough to be in a real band, handsome enough to have his choice of girls, but not player enough to have more than a just a few.
The one missing piece was the mysterious summer after sophomore year of college. That was the famous motorcycle trip in Mexico with his best friend Rudy, famously interrupted by the news that Mom was pregnant with my sister. All I knew was that call marked the end of stud-Dad, and the start of dad-Dad.
I wondered where all that hotness and lusty appetite goes when your life changes like that? It didn’t seem like it could just die. Maybe it was more like it shrank. Or maybe it was just asleep, and could be awakened with some attention.
That night in the pool house, after yet another massive meal and too much to drink, Dad stripped down and got into bed. This time he didn’t even wear underwear, which I guess made sense since we’d done well enough without.
“No wet dreams on me tonight, Trev,” he said, pulling the sheets up.
“Quit it Dad,” I said. “I’m embarrassed enough already.”
“I’m sorry,” he laughed softly. “I was your age once, I get it.”
“I almost never do that anyway,” I said. “Wet dreams I mean. The other kind I do all the time.”
“Well just take care of yourself in the bathroom if you need to,” he told me, making a jerking off motion with his hand.
I declined and said good night.
But of course my dick was hard, and I wasn’t ready to sleep. As I tossed and turned I thought about the glimpses of Dad I’d gotten, and how his nice belly and furry butt were right there next to me. I should have gone to the bathroom to jerk off, but instead I worked up as much spit as I could in my hand and reached down to my dick right there in bed, with Dad sleeping a foot or so away.
You never know how loud it is to jerk off until you need to do it silently. The smacking of my dick in my hand seemed ridiculously loud. And it went on a little longer than I expected because I always use lotion, and spit just wasn’t cutting it. But I couldn’t stop then.
I was shocked when Dad suddenly swung an arm and a leg to wrap around me. I froze, thinking I’d been caught in the act. But it seemed like he was still out, so I let myself rest, my back against his furry chest and belly, his fat erection tucked under my ass. Then he snuggled up tight, sliding one arm between me and the mattress, the other under my exposed arm, and wrapped them tight around my chest.

I very slowly started jerking my dick again so as to not wake him, wishing desperately I had some lotion. But the way his face nuzzled up against my shoulder, scratchy from his mustache and whiskers, was such a turn on. Then I felt his erection slide into the spot between my butt and thighs. It felt so big and stiff, I gasped. 

I kept working my dick, faster and more urgently, and then I felt his rough fingertips brush my nipples as he held me, and I thought he kissed my shoulder. Even with just spit for lube I shot my load, hard splattering the bed sheets. Dad pulled me against him tight, steadying my quaking body, and I knew he was awake, or awake enough..
“I’m sorry,” I whispered. I reached back around to try to get ahold of his erection, but he caught my hand with his, and pulled it away from his cock.
“Shhhh,” he whispered and hugged me tight. “Just guy stuff. Go to sleep.”
I felt Dad’s face against my back, his mustache scratching. As I drifted off, he planted a warm kiss goodnight on my shoulder blade. 

I dreamed a vine was growing out of the place he kissed. It started tiny, but it kept growing, and then it was all over Gram’s backyard, but pretty, like a vineyard. And there was a wedding, but I couldn’t see who was getting married, even though I actually was the vine then. And I was glad to be there, and I thought everyone would be so happy at the wedding.


Day three was a swim day in my grandparents’ pool. Naturally my eyes were drawn to dad. His nipples were quarter sized and brick colored, and his chest and belly hair was brown and looked surprisingly soft. I liked how he had a nice rounded belly thay tucked back in right over his trunks. His Irish cheeks went pink in the sun, his eyes were the color of honey, and I again wondered how I’d gone my whole life without seeing any of this until now.
“Mom,” I asked, “is it normal to not realize you like something, and then be crazy about it all of a sudden?”
She was lying in a lounge chair tanning, wearing her black sunglasses covering half her face.

“I don’t know what’s normal. I guess so. When you were little you insisted you didn’t like anything but cheese pizza, and then one day you tried something more interesting and loved it. Thank God.”
“I guess. I did that with old Star Trek too. Remember?”
“Oh honey, I don’t keep track of your shows.” I couldn’t tell if she was even looking at me behind her black plate sunglasses.
I glanced again at Dad, underwater up to his chest, resting his elbows on the edge. He was squinting in the sunlight, as the light danced around him on the water like flashing diamonds.
“Mom, but did you ever do that? Like something all of a sudden after barely noticing it before? Or, like, someone?”
“Hm, sounds intriguing,” she said, pursing her lips. She had a keen sense for gossip, and was always hungry for a little quiet side discussion after too much with the boisterous Hurlys. “What’s the story, morning glory?”
She went quiet, a little disappointed when I didn’t bite. But after a little while she said quietly, “You could say Ezra was like that. After your dad and I divorced I was NOT looking to fall in love again. And I had worked with Ezra and never thought of him in any romantic way. Good lord, I would have laughed in your face at one point if you told me I’d be married to him.”
“Didn’t you think he was hot?”
“Not hot like you probably think of it. Not in an obvious way.”
“Well what way?” I asked.
“You’re going to laugh. One morning he brought me an Egg McMuffin. The thing is that after your dad and I split up I had some bad days and my treat to myself to get me through was an Egg McMuffin. And on this day I was feeling, oh, blue. I guess he saw that I was a little weepy. So he went out and came back with two Egg McMuffins. He put one on my desk and said maybe I’d like one. And my heart just opened to him.”
“So he seduced you with McDonald’s? You totally hate junk food.”
“Mock if you must, little man. I do love an Egg McMuffin. But what mattered was that Ezra had observed this one little thing about me that no one else in the whole wide world even knew. And when I needed it, he was there. You’ll see someday, but that matters. I just fell for him, a little retroactively, you could say.”
The spell of our shared secret broke, and she said, “Well now I’m embarrassed.”

As if waking up I could suddenly hear and see the Hurlys chattering and laughed all around us as if the volume slowly turned back up.
Mom turned to me, lowering her sunglasses to make eye contact. In her most conspiratorial tone she asked, “Trevor, do you have a crush on someone? Who is she?”
I thought of all the ways I could answer that I could never say out loud, and finally said simply “Someone unexpected.”

I don’t know why I hadn’t come out to her before. I was pretty sure she wouldn’t care. But she knew everyone’s secrets so well, I couldn’t understand how the one she missed was mine, right there under her nose.


In bed I curled up behind Dad who was on his side, and asked, “Can I be the big spoon?”
“Sure,” he said, and raised an arm so I could wrap one under it, around his chest to hug him, and then he let it rest over mine. My dick sort of fit into the hot crevice under his butt, and I tried to not get a boner but couldn’t help it.
I said “Dad, remember when I was a kid and we’d go for long drives and listen to old music and talk?”
“And I would talk the whole time and tell you everything, and I guess it was because we were both looking forward, not at each other?”
“That was kind of the point.”
“I’m going to talk now and you need to stay facing forward not looking at me or I won’t be able to finish.”
He just said, “Okay.”
“When I said I quit wrestling because of too many wrestling boners, I really meant I had too many. Because I liked wrestling with boys. A lot. I liked being with them and I wanted to do things with them - like sex things. And I still want to, with other guys, I mean. And do do sex things by myself. not with anyone else yet. But things that would shock you. And I look at porn and stuff. A lot.”
He still said nothing, but pulled my arms tighter around him.
Curled up against his broad warm back, my dick snug between his ass and thighs, I didn’t even mind having an erection, and he didn’t say anything about it either.

I held onto him, and whispered all my secrets against his skin until I fell asleep, with one last unspoken confession under my breath.


 The next day was the worst.
It was the day after I told him almost everything. Dad was unusually distant, constantly asking his own disorganized parents what else needed to be done for the big dinner that night. He carried chairs and moved tables, and of course I noticed the damp of his armpits as he worked up a sweat. I tried to tell myself it was about the wedding and not about what I told him.

And it was the day my sister’s new in-laws arrived. At dinner, Frank and Evie, the bride’s parents, tried to understand our family structure.
“So, you’re the car salesman,” Frank asked Dad, but then he turned to Mom and said, “but your dad owns the dealership where he works. But you’re divorced. Do I have that right?”
Everyone laughed. “Yeah,” said my dad, “that’s pretty much it.”
“We need an org chart,” said Mom. “It’s all a little incestuous.”
Oh mom, I thought, half choking on my iced tea. Choice of words, please.
At dinner Dad made a toast and everyone cheered. He looked a little self-conscious being the center of attention even for a few minutes. I thought to everyone else there but me he was just another middle aged dad. But I knew how it felt to press up against his back and shoulders. And I knew under that manly belly was a big cock, and I wanted to see it and touch it. I could see it in my mind’s eye even then.
After the meal and chatter, Mom asked me to go keep an eye on Gram. “The last thing we need is for her to be hung over tomorrow.”
I found Gram in her kitchen, topping off her glass with a bottle from the refrigerator.
“Isn’t this FUN?” she chirped to me. She sat at a kitchen barstool, her feet dancing in place, her joy increasing with the sounds of chaos just outside, thrilled to have all her people back home.
“It is, Gram.”
She leaned in close to me and whispered, “Did your mother send you to monitor me?”
I shrugged, and said “Maybe a little.”
Gram laughed out loud. “Well then you have to help me.” 

She held out her wine glass to me. I took it and had a sip. It was more acidic tasting than I expected, but sweet too. I had another sip.
“Trevor,” she said, “you’re the next oldest grandchild. So you’ll probably get married next. I’m already excited about it.”
“Oh I don’t know about that,” I said, and my heart panged for my dad.
“I know not yet,” she said. “College first. But….” she put her hand on mine, “since it’s legal now. For you to get married.”
“Gram?” I asked.
“I know I’m daft and silly,” she said, “but I see things. When I was your age I had a special friend. He was so sweet. Just the most precious thing. And then your father’s friend Rudy, he was a special boy too. He liked to come over for a soda even when your father wasn’t home, so we could gab. And then you. So darling. I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for my special boys. You know what I mean.”
She kissed my cheek hard, and my eyes stung with unexpected tears.


Dad settled in on his back in bed, but placed his pillow between us.
“Need a little distance?” I asked, mock offended, but not entirely in jest.
“It’s just hot tonight is all,” he said.
“I like snuggling,” I said.
“Yeah Trev, I’m aware that you like snuggling.”
“I’m sorry I grossed you out,” I said, feeling stupid.
“You didn’t gross me out,” he said. “Trev, you never gross me out.” He paused. “You’re just making this a little hard for me.”
“Well for one thing – Jesus – I have not had, you know – sex – for a long time. And I’m sharing a bed with a teenager with a non-stop boner, and it’s not like I don’t have one too, and I can’t you know with my kid right there, and it’s just, Jesus, Trevor, y’know?”
“How long is a long time?” I asked, and pulled up close next to him despite the pillow between us.
“A long time. Except for a couple of, uh, things I guess, since your mom and I divorced, basically.” He thought for a moment. “Well and even before the divorce not for a while.”
“Dad, that's years! That’s literally years. You could have had a – a girlfriend or something.”
He stared up at the skylight and sighed. “At first I thought your mom and I would get back together. So I wasn’t going to be with someone else while I waited for that to happen. I just worked a lot, killed time at the gym, watched TV. I had dinner with your Gram and Grandpa every week. Had you guys on weekends.”
I slowly slid the pillow between us away and he let me, getting closer.

“And then when I knew we weren’t getting back together, then I really didn’t know what to do about it, because I’d have to figure out how to start all over again. But I wasn’t a kid. I had kids. And responsibilities.”
“You could date, Dad. You’re still really good looking. Like really good looking. And fit. You could get a girlfriend no problem. You’re a himbo.”
“I don’t even know how to date. I only did a little before I married your mom. And it’s not like high school where everyone knows each other already. You have to go meet people, and how to dress and what to talk about. What’s a himbo?”


“It’s not like I had a plan for everything,” he continued.”It just happened.”
“Well, is this the life you wanted?” I asked, feeling like it was a hundred different questions wrapped up in one.
“I don’t know what I wanted,” he said. “I was just a kid in high school and then one thing happened and then another and they all piled up.”
The night seemed so quiet, and I had no adequate response, so I propped up on my elbow and Dad turned to face me. I leaned in and kissed him on the mouth, and then again, and then our tongues brushed up against each other.
“I don’t want to gross you out,” I said “But I really like being here in bed with you. And if you have a boner, instead of pretending you don’t, maybe we could just jerk off together? Like just a couple of guys just doing guy stuff?”
He looked in my face and I tried to say with my eyes I really really want to

“Dad, are you going to tell me that’s never happened in the pool house before?” I asked. “With all the sleepovers?”

He had to laugh. “Once, Trevor. Just this one time.”
I dropped to my back and fought the urge to say “YES!”.

We both reached under the sheets to stroke our dicks, and I gradually kicked the sheets off of my legs, pulling them from him too, both of our hard-ons exposed.

“You have kind of a big dick,” I said. I guessed it was seven inches, and fat and just kind of juicy looking.

He ignored me for a minute, but then looked down at his and my erections in our hands. “You look like you’re doing just fine. They’re like the same.”

I couldn’t even believe we were lying there complimenting each other’s dicks. And I was so turned on by being next to Dad, with his furry chest and manly belly. I loved seeing how his hand pumped the shaft of his dick in long strokes and swirled the head, smearing precum as he did. 

I couldn’t take being so close and not even touching it and his eyes were closed as he got more into it, so I drew up even closer, reached down and slid my hand in next to his on his cock. He didn’t look at me, but he sighed and very slowly let go, so I could work it for him. 

I kept stroking him, trying to do it the same way he did, listening to his breathing for cues. And he let me do it, grinding his hips up to let his erection slide in and out of my grip. As he started pumping I worked my hand faster, taking my hand back to spit in it and stroke him some more. That big dick needed a lot of spit.

On one of my releases to get saliva on my palm, he took his cock back in his own hand and started pumping even faster, in shorter strokes and thrusting too. His cheeks were flushed and he was dewy all over, and he was really fucking his own hand hard, and I’d never seen him like this before, like he wasn’t even Dad at all anymore, just a big cocked stud. 

“Oh fuck,” he huffed. He groaned out loud and his cock spewed a jetstream of cum. First just one short white streak, then a huge stream that landed on his belly and my arm, then smaller arcs, again and again. It was more cum than I’d ever shot myself, and I was mesmerized as he pumped it out and exhaled hot breath from his nostrils. 

As soon as Dad started cooling down I nudged myself into the crook between his chest and arm and started jerking myself fast.

I was doing everything I could as fast as I could, but I just couldn’t get myself to cum, not even cozied up right against my dad, not even after seeing him do it.
“Fuck,” I gasped, yanking furiously. After wet dreaming on Dad’s ass and jerking off in his arms, the one time I was supposed to blow a load and I couldn’t. “I usually use lotion or something.

Dad gave it a minute, and reached down to his belly to scoop up some of his cum.

“Want some help?” he asked, and I let go.

He wrapped his hand around my dick, lubing it with his own cum so he could stroke my shaft in smooth glides and run his palm over the sensitive head.
“Oh fuck,” I gasped, quivering as he triggered spasms of pleasure in my whole body. 

I could see him smiling, as my dick went even stiffer in his grip. “There you go,” he said. “It’s not a race.”

Even more than the motion on my dick was the idea that it was covered with Dad’s cum he was sharing with me that got me off. I just suddenly start shooting. My whole body tensed and I felt like I couldn’t even see, but I could feel Dad’s measured strokes pumping it out of me until the load ran out onto his fist. Then he ran a thumb up the underside of my dick to squeeze out the last of it. “Good boy, Trev. Good boy,” he said.

He pressed his lips to mine and our tongues darted into each other’s mouth and heated air from our lungs exchanged between us.
After wiping off, we snuggled up together, feeling some euphoria in each other’s closeness.
“That was great, Dad,” I said. “First time you ever used that as lube in the pool house?”

He snorted a laugh. “It’s a guy thing.”

“I love you Dad.”
“I love you Trev,” he answered, and I could hear the sleepiness in his voice.
I stayed awake as long as I could to enjoy the moment, watching the stars overhead through the skylight. 

And then I dreamt.


The wedding day was as chaotic as any Hurly-Burly gathering ever. The whole thing took place in Gram’s yard, decorated with gauzy white fabric and lanterns, just the way she wanted.
Dad was happy and proud, and handsome in a suit. I wore a crisp white shirt and a black and gold vest Mom bought for the occasion. I hoped Dad would notice, because I wanted to look good for him.
Even though it was foremost in my mind, there was nothing I could say about the night before. I just knew I wanted to do it again, and I wanted more than that too. But it wasn’t the right time or place, and there was no language made for that purpose.  

My sister and her husband exchanged vows, and when the priest asked them if they took each other and so on, I repeated the words in near silent whispers, looking only at Dad. 
Later, when it was time for formal family photos, we gathered in various family configurations that must have been dizzying for the photographer. When it was time for just the immediate family, Mom reapplied her red lipstick and turned to me saying “Grill check!”
That was our cue before being photographed to bare our teeth to each other in exaggerated grins, to inspect each other’s smiles for errant bits of food or, in Mom’s case, traces of lipstick.
I told her she was perfect. And she was.
My sister and her new husband had their first dance, and then others joined in.
Gram dragged Grandpa out to dance. Mom and Ezra danced. All the aunts and their husbands danced and the new in-laws did too. The little cousins danced in bunches, jumping and spinning, and the old people danced slowly in their pairs. Everyone danced, except me and Dad.
The wedding band played the 80’s music my sister and I grew up hearing, thanks to Dad. Every Little Thing She Does is Magic and Hold Me Now and Tenderness. I could see Dad gazing from a distance, looking a little wistful, unnoticed by anyone but me.
I made my way to the manager of the wedding band, and whispered in his ear. I watched and waited for him to in turn tap the arm of the tuxedoed wedding singer and whisper to him, and only then did I dash away.
I had just reached the spot where Dad was sitting, when the wedding singer took the mic, cleared his throat and said “We have a special request for another classic. So let’s give it a try.”

“Sir,” I said, my heart racing. “May I have the honor of this dance?” 

I made an exaggerated courtly bow as the wedding singer began "Don't tell me you don't know what love is, When you're old enough to know better…"
“My favorite,” Dad said, lighting up. His smile filled my heart to bursting.
“Duh,” I said. Of course I knew that.
He stood up and we clumsily joined hands as the singer crooned “Chapter One: We didn't really get along, Chapter Two: I think I fell in love with you.”
I knew the lyrics even better than the wedding singer, but he managed, as Dad and I got our bearings. “You said you'd stand by me in the middle of Chapter Three, But you were up to your old tricks in Chapters Four, Five and Six.”
We moved into the dance floor, and I could feel the other couples make space for us, as if it was our wedding. We were surrounded by everyone I loved and they could see me and my date, whether they knew what that meant or not.
I'm giving you a longing look, Everyday, Everyday, Everyday I write the book.”
Everyone laughed as Dad spun me, and I landed back against him. He pulled me into a bear hug and I stayed there, slowly rocking side to side as his song played on. 

In the soft glow of the wedding lanterns, I pressed my face to his chest, hoping to hear his heart beat to me the answer to the vow I’d whispered earlier, I do, I do.


- END -

Thanks for reading. Please send your comments, suggestions, questions and ideas to [email protected].

by Boy Mercury X

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024