College bros

by tmac

15 Feb 2024 8687 readers Score 8.8 (58 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

EDIT: This is my first ever story and after reading it, I decided it needed a complete overhaul. I hope you all enjoy the new and improved sorry I’ve also change the names to better for my characters. Enjoy!

Tommy’s day started with his phone alarm going off for the 5th time, a hurried breakfast, and a near sprint into to school. He had always hated mornings and Coach Johnson’s late night practices were not helping. Thankfully he had minimum day so he didn’t have a first period. 

AP lit went off with out a hitch! Tommy loved lit, writing, and history and he shined in those subjects. Which is the only reason he even had a chance at making it into his #1 university. He knew his athletics wouldn’t be enough to get him into the best school in the state and his family definitely couldn’t help him out of state. The good news is that was just perfect for Tommy, and he would be just fine heading to UF - it was close to home, but more importantly last month a certain someone had been accepted there….

Tommy had a secret he was keeping close to the chest. He was gay…. It wasn’t a big deal to him but he had never told a soul. From an early age he decided that romance and sex could wait, he just wanted to enjoy his time in high school and enjoy his friends he was terrified to lose. However the math was getting more and more complicated every day he saw…. Him. 

He first noticed him in the hall way his junior year and his stomach had dropped. The schools newest transfer student was all Tommy had ever fantasized about. The wild part was it was like the rest of the school didn’t notice him even though he was one of the smartest, strongest, and sexiest guys in the school; he was incredibly shy and kept to a small group of friends, but that only made him even more alluring to Tommy…

Tommy was loud and social, this guys scowl in the hallways and naturally quiet demeanor made Tommy’s stomach flutter. His name was Amir and he was perfect in Tommy’s eyes. It took some doing, yet slowly but surely Tommy learned more about him. Amir was a “mutt” of sorts half Indian and half somewhere in Europe. He was just short of 6 feet, had tan dark brown skin, dark black spiked hair, and was well muscled…. Not in a buff way but in like a soccer player type of way. While Amir was not bulky he was incredibly strong and could keep up with guys that had 50lbs on him in the weight room. Maybe it was because he played soccer or maybe it was his genetics but Amir was sculpted. By senior year he’d play his way up to Caption as center back on the soccer team and had a tight not group of friends who also flew under the radar many were also foreign students who were shy or struggled with English. Amir was a man of few words outside of his friend group and English was definitely not his first langue so, maybe that’s why he wasn’t soaring in popularity. Not to mention soccer doesn’t exactly high school stadiums in the Deep South.

As for Tommy, he was a baseball kid; he had grown up in the same town his entire life and had tons of friends, but mainly stuck wit a tight nit group of friends that all played baseball with him. The baseball field was right next to the soccer field and he had a front row seat to watxh Amir at practice. Tommy was by no means the star of the team and shared starting duties at second base. He often had plenty of time to watch Amir at practice, which only made his feeling grow stronger. He loved watching him direct the team and th way he jogged and moved. Amir didn’t smile often at school, but Tommy found his smile appeared constantly around close friends at practice and damn when he did he had a smile to die for! He also had this cute quiet laugh that yearned to see and hear. It wasn’t all fairy tale magic the soccer players would often go shirtless at practice and Amir’s tan sweaty skin rippling over his muscles had Tommy in heat! Tommy had known form an early age that nothing turned him on more than the smell of sweat, musk, and man. Tommy would have given anything to get close to him during one those practices. 

Tommy was desperate to find an in with Amir and thankfully in their senior year Tommy got his chance. The collegiate teams decided to share their parties and include all varsity teams when someone had a house available. It was a great co-existence. The parties were wilder and everyone got a lot closer. Tommy was always one of the brighter flames at parties and had decent sway over who got invited and not. To someone paying attention they may have noticed how often Tommy mentioned inviting other teams to their parties to start this alliance.

However, Tommy, who usually was incredibly social took his time approaching Amir. Not only was he terrified to talk to the sulky shy boy but it was not like Amir every really gave him a chance. Sure they make eye contact but that was about it and even at these parties the soccer player would keep to themselves and only venture out to play beer pong, but the alliance heal strong and slowly but surely they started becoming more friendly as the year pushed on. In fall at  one particularly fun football party Tommy got his chance, just not in the way he expected.

Tommy wasn’t one to decline a drink and was often one of the more drunk and rowdier guys. At one particularly fun football party and very drunk Tommy was paired with Amir for beer pong. Even in his drunken state he could tell Amir was annoyed with him. Tommy could not make a cup to save his life. Between the booze and the nerves he never had a chance. Needless to say they were romped. Tommy retreated outside and Amir headed back to his friends in the kitchen. Tommy couldn’t believe he’d blown his shot with him and knew a competitive guy like Amir would hate him for how he played. After mentally mourning his folly he decided to say,”fuck it! I have nothing to gain or lose here so I’m going to just have a wild crazy night!”

little did Tommy know this was the best thing he could have done. Tommy in his apathetic and drunken world walked right up to Amir later in the night and apologized. Tommy suggested the only way to make it right was to pour Amir a few shot. 

It turns out Amir loved vodka and gave Tommy that grinned he had always craved. It also turned out that Amir was just as competitive as Tommy assumed and loved to drink. Amir seamed more and more amused by Tommy and how he could be this drunk but still keep going. The rest of the night constisted of Amir chasing Tommy with his own vodka bottle and insisting he could drink more knowing full well he’d get a ride out of red faced Tommy.

the night keeps on and before Tommy knew it he’d was fast alseep on the couch. Amir 1 Tommy 0

Early the next morning Tommy woke up to quite the sight standing over him giggling was none other than Amir. As he came too he immediately went beet red he realized why Amir was grinning… in his hand was a sharpie. Tommy had broken the first rule of a high school party. DONT FALL ASLEEP FIRST! 

After lots of name calling and scrubbing his skin bright red Tommy had the most offensive things off him and it was time to leave the party. Yes the night had ended in sharpies but it was a small price to pay to spend the whole night playing with Amir.

After that night they were thick as thieves and were always close if at the same party. Every party would turn in to so completion usually drinking but often times they play on opposite teams in beer pong, have chug offs, and every now and again have a good old brawl. When they went at each other would come for blood trying to pin the other all the while giggling and name calling each other.  One thing about Amir was he was good at everything crazy good grades, obviously solid at soccer, super fast, crazy strong, great coordination, Amir’s family was wealthy and Tommy’s was poor, and Amir could drink anyone under the table. Let’s just say that just say by the end of their party days Tommy was very used to losing these contest, but Tommy didn’t mind he always had fun, and surprisingly neither did Amir. Maybe it was Tommy’s persuasive shit-talking but Amir always had time. 

And to be clear it wasn’t like Amir bullied Tommy. Outside of their idiotic contests Tommy found Amir to be kind in his own way.  They were always giggling and being idiots at parties and when Amir’s friends would have smaller kick backs he would insist Tommy was allowed to come. His friend Hasan would tease him, “my bro Tommy, my bro Tommy!” In Amir’s accent and laugh and be like, “yes bro he can come!”

when Tommy tagged along Amir stuck by his side and usually made sure he had fun. It was small things… at one party there was a 4-wheeler and everyone was taking turns. It was pretty apparent Tommy(who had never rode one) was uncomfortable driving one. It didn’t help that he hardly knew the owner. Halfway through the night Amir rode up on Tommy and asked him coyly if he wanted a ride. After so weak protesting Tommy obliged. Tommy wanted nothing more to jump right on, but people were watching and sometimes Tommy swore Amir’s teammates would give them looks.

All that drifted away when Amir hit the gas and Tommy had no where to grab around Amir’s waist! Amir had put an arm around Tommy before, but to say this was the closest they had ever been was an understatement. That when Tommy realized something he’d never noticed before, something he had dreamed of…. He was getting a strong dose of Amir’s scent. It happened when Tommy  finally relaxed into the ride…he inhaled and it was like lighting ran though his spine. They had met after practice and it was clear Amir had sweated slightly past his cologne… the only way to describe it was musk! One of the most primal smells he’d ever experienced. One that he just couldn’t stop smelling. Tommy nee it took about 10 mins to go around the entire property but it felt like seconds and they were back at the party. Winded and exhilarated they walked back to the bonfire where everyone was hanging out! 

whiel they were gone the host and his girlfriend had started arguing and it was getting uncomfortable. 

after some nervous glances around a few of Amir’s friend huddled together and decided to push out. Surprisingly Amir volunteered his place. 

Tommy couldn’t believe it he was getting a chance to see where Amir lived… maybe even see his bedroom! Amir told them that he had a pool and hot tub everyone could go swimming in and his partner had a bar. His dad was of European decent and had no issue with drinking at 18.  The blessing just kept coming! 

Amir, Tommy, and 4 other of Amir’s friends(Hasan, Han, Joe, Victor) headed on over. It was a bit chilly so the guys opted for the hot tube and being that it was only guys they opted to swim in their underwear. Tommy was a classic boxers guy and as was Han, Joe, and Hasan, but as for Amir and Victor they wore trunks. Tommy… well Tommy was very happy for the hot tube and Alchol because his face was red. Amir was stunning in trunks the cling to his sculpted thighs and surprisingly nice ass! Per usually Amir was nothing shit of impressive with his bulge! Tommy was delighted to see Amir was surprisingly hairly. From the field all he could see was his ridiculous V and sculpted abs or his well built back but up close Tommy noticed a light dusting of hair on his chest and it led to a happy trail that of thick black hair. Amir truest was not that gaiety but the hair he did have gave him a wolfish look.

It’s probably a good time to talk about Tommy’s attributes. He was of Irish decent on both sides of his family. He had Black brownish hair, light freckles on his face, pale white skin, and green eyes. He stood 5’9 and weighed 165lbs. He had a light dusting of black hair on his arms, legs, pits and pubes but was hairless everywhere else. From an early age Tommy had always had one very noticeable attribute and years of baseball had only helped it become more prominent. He had a big ass! That has now become quite the bubble but thanks to his legs days.

His baseball buddies loved it and tortured him for years! Endless butt slapping and snyde comments always made Tommy’s face red which only delighted his teammates. While he had a light tan on most of his body his butt was milk white.

It will come as no surprise than none of Amir’s teammates were unattractive, most of them were studs and Hasan clearly was packing, but Tommy was locked in. 

per usual there was the typical Amir and Tommy rough housing which devolved in th drinking contest, but the night was late and Amir’s teammates were ready to head home. Tommy was too drunk to drive and Amir was too drunk to fight his pleas to let him stay the night. So as the rest filed out Amir told him there were shorts Tommy could bottom in the closet and he could sleep on the couch. 

Tommy went in to the  closet and quickly changed and headed out into the room. Only to find a very NAKED Amir! They both screamed, “WOAH!” And for the first time every Tommy saw Amir blush. 

For the first time ever it appeared Amir was slightly more drunk or at least even with Tommy. He had completely forgot Tommy was changing in the closet and opted to change thinking he was alone in his room. It was only a second and it was blurry but Tommy saw it! Floppy dark brown uncut cock with a pink head poking out and very tasteful bush and sizable balls! 

Both of them laughed it off and sat down to play video games. 

after multiple losses in Halo Tommy got up and plopped down on Amir’s bed. Amir laughed and said, “oh no Tommy, there’s a couch in the other room no one sleeps in my bed but me!” 

Tommy was not having it,” I’m too tired to move you can sleep on the couch but I’m not moving!” 

“Seriously” grumbled Amir before relenting dropping his shorts, turning off the lights, and climbing in next to him. 

Here Tommy was in Amir’s comfortable bed listening to him breathe. It was only a queen and he could feel the heat of Amir only inches away. Amir’s sheets weren’t dirty but Amir’s smell was all over the bed it was intoxicating and some how very relaxing…. 

Tommy's transe of happiness was broken by a snide retort from Amir about how pathetic of a drinker he was. After a quick back and forth of trash talk Tommy punched him… Amir laid very sill for a second and then kicked Tommy hard with his leg. Tommy laughed and shoved Amir a little too hard and sent him flying of the bed, but not before Amir could grab his wrist and drag him down with him! Boom! They crashed onto the floor with both Tommy landing on Amir’s bare chest! Tommy was laughing and talking smack til he made eye contact with Amir.

Amir was giving him a look under him he’d never seen… a hungry look… Tommy paused and then met his gaze…. The world stopped. Tommy slowly and uncertainly leaned forward… so did Amir they paused inches from each other face. Right as Tommy was ready to risk all, he chickened out and laughed and hopped back up on the bed and offered his hand to help Amir up. 

Amir didn’t get up immediately he just kind of laid there. Til Tommy told him he was being weird and Amir got up and returned. They exchanged a couple more plots word but then Amir rolled over and that was that. 

Tommy went over the moment in his head for weeks after. What it meant and if he really experienced the moment as it remembered it. Amir didn’t give any hints he was normal when he interacted with Tommy, but it felt like Tommy was seeing Amir less and less. It was a busy time of year for sure but still it something was different. 

As the year had progressed the two had steadily grown closer and recently they had learned Amir was headed to UF and Tommy had been sweating it ever since. He knew his athletics weren’t getting him over the hump - he played 2nd base well enough but he knew UF was not calling him up anytime soon. Plus he was ready to be done with collegiate life.

Tommy had busted his butt after messing up his freshman year and now he sat in a waitlist preying he would get in.

First period was Ap lit, but second was the best period of the day Weight Training. Tommy loved to workout. The weight room was great, the coaches were awesome, relentless, and hot… plus he loved his workout partner Han! Han was also on the soccer team and sometimesTommy could swear Han would give him these grins like he knew something. Then again Han was always grinning and teasing Tommy about something. They had met freshman year and Han knew just how to get under his skin. He was great at making Tommy look stupid or weak and It didn’t help that he was great at all the subject Tommy wasn’t and was just a hair stronger. Plus he would always air hump or poke his finger in Tommy’s butt during squats. They had had like every class together since freshman year. 

Han was a good looking guy as well. He was Korean with light tan skin, black hair, and stood about 5’11. He was very well muscled and always had an annoyingly good pump. He was hairy than Tommy expected with a light dusting of wirey hair and a thick happy trail. Han was always grinning and had a great smile he usually had what could only be referred to and Goku like hair or a buzz cut. 

While lifting Han told him the news that he’d been accepted to UF and he was rooming with his friend Joe. The alarm bells were ringing! “Wait!!! People are already signing up for roommates?” “Yep,” replied Han with a knowing grin “Joe, Hasan, Amir, and myself all got in from the soccer team so They’ll be rooming together!”

Tommy’s heart sank he had dreamed of asking Amir to be roommates if he got in and just like that he was done. On top of that all his baseball buddies were headed to FSU, UCF, and Miami so Tommy has no idea what he’d do if he got in.

Quickly Tommy  calmed himself and retorted that that made sense in his calmest tone. Han grinned and spent the rest of the period suggesting awful roommates to Tommy. By lunch Tommy was fighting to keep up his usually upbeat attitude and he just wanted this day to be over and it didn’t help seeing Amir sitting across the class room in AP gov. He had tried to broach the subject with Amir but he’d been distant and they were interrupted by his project partner Sarah. Tommy went back to his desk and spent the rest of the period smile and giggle with Sarah. They had chatted frequent enough but Tommy had never seen him smile at her, the smile he so rarely shared, but there it was. When class ended Tommy rushed out. He was sick to his stomach and it only got worse on the bus ride home…. Sarah’s had posted a pic with Amir and she claimed they were dating!

When he got home he threw himself in his bed and sulked. How could this happen he was right there! Amir had become his world and now Amir had stabbed him in the heart. Maybe Amir never even realized, maybe he had, maybe he’d hurt Amir that night. It was all so confusing! It had just been one moment!

However, He wasn’t sulking for long. His mom called him to the kitchen. He gathered himself and headed down. He  came into the kitchen find his mom holding a letter that would very much change is mood!

Tommy had made it in! For a brief moment in the kitchen with his mom he was happy! He had worked so damn had to get here and he did it! After celebrating with ice cream Tommy headed to bed. 

As he laid in bed his mind wondered from the thrill of college to the dread of seeing Amir tomorrow. His stomach was in knots but as is natural at 18and with thoughts of Amir. He allowed his fantasies to take over. 

He thought about catching Amir shirtless in a dorm room. He imagined himself catching him after practice and some how being able to rub him down still sweaty from practice. He didn’t know how it could happen now that Amir had already been claimed as a roommate and now that he was dating someone, but the fantasy was too hot and soon he was groping his own cock and lost in his own pleasure thinking about his body. It wasn’t hard to imagine he’d spent the last year ogling him across the field. They often played shirts and skins on the soccer field and the image of Amir’s carved body dripping sweat over his light dusting of chest hair and dark happy trail had him leaking. Then his mind wandered as he stroked… Tommy pictured his dick  it’s print in his short shorts clinging to his strong thick chiseled thighs was almost enough to push him over… then he was thinking about his  thick calves and lastly his big tan muscular and vascular feet.

The thought was too much for Tommy and he exploded all over his bed.

He was covered in his own cum from his bellybutton to his hair. Tommy had always been a horn dog and usually jerked off a least three a day. I guess what they say about the Irish fucking like rabbits was true.  If he skipped in the morning he’d usually have an explosion like this one. He still wasn’t  sure how he would mange in a dorm room with a roommate but that wasn’t a problem for right now. 

He grabbed his briefs wiped himself down and had the pleasure faded the dread returned and Tommy knew it was going to be a tough few months. 

by tmac

Email: [email protected]

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