Back in Miami

by Lee Obrien

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Chapter 3

Ollie and Andy walked out of Hard Rock Stadium after the Post Malone concert.

Ollie smiled at Andy, “thanks, that was a wonderful concert.”

Andy nodded, “yeah, he puts on a really good show, and that opening act was pretty good too.”

Ollie agreed, “I’ll have to download a few their songs later.”

They walked to their car and headed out of the parking lot. Andy asked, “you want to stop by the Pink Parrot for a drink before we go home?”

Ollie said, “sure, that sounds good.”

Just as they got down the street a few blocks, a car pulled out in front of them and sped away. Andy slammed on the brakes and swerved to miss hitting it. Andy cussed the driver and shook his head and they continued on their way. Ollie typed the license plate number into his phone, he would check on the owner of the car on Monday.

As they walked into the bar, Adam smiled, “hey guys, you want the usual?”

Andy said, “sounds good Adam, thanks.”

Adam set the drinks in front of Ollie and Andy, “so what are you guys up to tonight?"

Ollie grinned, “we just came from the Post Malone concert, it was great.”

Adam said, “that’s what I hear, we’ve had lots of customers in tonight that were there.”

Ollie and Andy had another drink and decided to call it a night. They got back to their apartment and Ollie pulled Andy in for a kiss, “thank you again for a great night.”

Andy smiled, “well, I like the way you say thank you.”

Ollie grinned, “then you are going to love this.”

Ollie started to pull Andy’s clothes off, a few seconds later they were both naked and kissing their way to the bedroom. They were tugging at each other’s dicks as they continued to force their tongues into the other’s mouth. Ollie broke their kiss and stared deep into Andy’s brown eyes, Ollie felt light headed every time he looked into those gorgeous eyes. Ollie gave him another kiss, then kissed his neck and kept going down his chest. He stopped to admire Andy’s olive complexion and the light coat of hair covering his chest. Andy’s body was almost the opposite of Ollie’s pale hairless torso, he wasn’t as hairy as Ollie imagined that Ridge was. Ollie ran his hands across Andy’s chest and smiled, he was just perfect, a nice lean frame with just the right amount of muscle in all the right places. Ollie kissed his way down to the large cock that took his breath away on the first night he and Andy were together. Over the last year he had been able to get about three quarters of the way down on that massive piece of meat with his mouth, tonight was no exception. Andy pulled Ollie’s legs as Ollie latched onto his dick, he took Ollies cock into his mouth, and they exchanged sloppy wet blow jobs. They sucked each other and Andy fondled Ollies nuts, Ollie worked a finger into Andy’s sweet manhole, this never failed to get Andy going. Ollie pulled Andy’s legs up, gave his nuts a good sucking, then moved down to tongue Andy’s hole. Even with Ollie’s cock down his throat, Andy let out a loud moan. After a few minutes of Ollie’s tongue action, Andy pushed Ollie off and got on his hands and knees. Ollie knew what that meant, he gave Andy’s pucker another lick and aimed his raging hardon and its target. Andy let out a deep breath and Ollie’s member slowly disappeared, filling Andy completely. Andy laid his head on the bed as Ollie held onto Andy’s hips and began to piston in and out. Andy was soon pushing back with each stroke as his huge cock flopped back and forth between his legs. Groans filled the room as the bed’s headboard slammed against the wall. Ollie felt the pressure starting to build, he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. He still didn’t know what Andy was doing with his ass muscles, but he was able to milk him like no one else had ever done before. Ollie pushed in far as he could and exploded, painting Andy’s love tunnel with his creamy seed. Ollie held on tight to Andy’s hips until his spasms finally subsided. Andy grinned as he looked over his shoulder at a spent Ollie. Andy remained on hands and knees as Ollie slowly pulled his deflating cock from his hole. Ollie gave Andy a love slap on his ass as he lay on the bed and wiggled his head between Andy’s legs. He tugged on Andy’s nuts as he took his cock into his mouth, running his tongue inside Andy’s foreskin. Once he had as much of Andy’s pole down his throat as he could, Ollie pushed a finger into Andy’s cum filled hole. Andy shuddered as he spewed out an “oh fuck”, then pumped what Ollie thought must have been a gallon of cum into his mouth, about half the cum escaped Ollies mouth and ran down his cheeks. Andy backed up with Ollie still lying beneath him, he chuckled when he saw his cum all over Ollies face. He leaned down and licked his cum out of one of Ollie’s dimples and fed it to Ollie. He finished licking Ollie’s face clean, sharing cum filled kisses.

They cleaned up and drifted off to sleep, holding each other tight.


Lucas and I were sound asleep on Sunday morning, it was 6:30 am and my phone started to ring, I saw it was from the department switchboard.

I groggily answered, “this is Ridgway.”

I was trying to focus, “who?”

I sat on the side of the bed, “are you sure? What does he want?”

Lucas sat up as I was now able to think a little bit clearer, “ok, I’ll be right there.”

I stood to start to get dressed, putting my phone on speaker, and dialing Ollie.

Lucas asked, “what’s going on?”

Ollie answered just as groggily as I did, “hey Ridge, what’s up?”

I said, “Tyler Pearson is at the station, he wants to talk to me, something about his missing boyfriend.”

I pulled my pants on, Ollie said, “I’ll meet you there.”

Lucas looked up at me as I pulled a shirt from my dresser, he asked, “is that the same Tyler we met in Key West?”

I nodded, “yep.”

He asked, “what’s he doing in Miami?”

I shrugged and stepped into my shoes, “I don’t know, but the desk sergeant said he is very upset and talking about a missing boyfriend.”

Lucas put on a pair of shorts and followed me out of the bedroom, I pulled my badge and gun out of my safe and leaned in to kiss him goodbye, “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

He gave me a smile, “be careful, I love you.”

I gave him one more kiss, “love you too.”

As I burst through the front door of the station, the officer at the desk said, “he’s in interview room #1.”

I nodded, “thanks, Ollie is on his way send him in as soon as he gets here.”

He waved, “sure thing Ridge.”

Tyler was pacing around the room as I walked in, he looked very upset.

I asked, “what’s going on Tyler, er or is it Skylar?”

He sighed, “it’s Tyler, Detective Ridgeway, I’m sorry to bother you on a Sunday, but I didn’t know what else to do.”

I motioned for him to sit down, “that’s ok, please just tell me what’s going on.”

I sat down, “My boyfriend and I came to Miami yesterday to go to a concert and after the concert, I think he was kidnapped.”

Just as I was going to ask my next question, Ollie came into the room, I said, “Ollie, this is Tyler Pearson, Tyler this detective Ollie Hempel.”

Ollie asked, “you mean Tyler Pearson, as in the Tyler that we were…”

I cut him off, “yes, but that’s not important right now, I’ll explain that later. Tyler believes his boyfriend was kidnapped last night.” I turned to Tyler, “ok Tyler, tell me everything that happened.”

Tyler took a deep breath, “Malik, my boyfriend, surprised me with tickets to the Post Malone concert last night. We drove up from Key West yesterday and after the concert, we walked down the street to get a late dinner. Well, I had to pee really bad, so I went down an alley and when I came back out to the street, I saw someone push Malik into a car and speed away.”

I asked, “do you know who it was?”

Tyler shook his head, “no, I don’t. I didn’t get a good look at the guy, he was wearing a cap and a black hoodie, with hood pulled up.”

“Do you know what kind of car it was?” I asked.

Again, he shook his head, “I don’t know what kind of car, but I think it was white or light blue.”

Ollie interrupted, “wait, was this right after the concert, and on 86th Ave. about 3 blocks from the stadium?”

Tyler nodded, wide eyed, “yes, yes it was.”

I turned to Ollie, “how do you know that, Ollie?”

He pulled out his phone, “Andy and I went to that concert and a car pulled out in front of us as we drove down 86th, it nearly hit us. I got the license plate number.” He stood to leave, “I’ll go run the plates right now.”

I asked, “ok Tyler, let’s start from the beginning, what is Malik’s last name?

He said, “Reyes, Malik Reyes.”

I was writing notes as we talked, “how long have you known Malik?”

Tyler answered, “I met him on the bus a year ago when I left Miami. We both work at the bar that you saw me at when you told me you caught Mr. D.”

I asked, “was he the bartender I saw you talking to.”

He nodded, “yes, we’ve been together since we both left here last year. He got us the tickets as an anniversary present.”

“Who else knew you were going to be in Miami?”

Tyler shrugged, “the only one who knew was our boss at the bar, we told him when we asked for the weekend off.”

“And Malik didn’t tell any friends or family that he was going to be here.”

He shook his head, “no, he hasn’t talked to his family since we’ve been together, and he has never talked about any friends.”

I asked, “why did he move to Key West?”

Tyler said, “he just told me that he lost his job and broke up with his boyfriend and wanted a fresh start. When his family came here from the Philippines, Key West was their first stop and he liked the area, I guess that’s why we got along so well, that was the same reason I wanted to go there.”

I continued to take notes, “do you know who he worked for, or who his boyfriend was?”

He shook his head, “no, he didn’t seem to want to talk about either, so I never asked a lot of questions. I kind of understood, I told him I lost my job and boyfriend too, and I didn’t want to tell him my real story either.”

I asked, “so you didn’t tell anyone you were coming here either?”

He said, “no detective, you know about my family, and I sure don’t have anyone here that I would consider a friend, except maybe Dylan.”

I thought a few minutes, “did you have anything happen at the concert that was out of the ordinary?”

Tyler’s eyes went wide, “oh shit, I almost forgot about that.”

I asked, “forgot about what?”

He said, “there was a guy sitting a couple rows behind us, he saw us kiss and called us fags and said we were ruining the night for everyone. I had to stop Malik from going to fight him, when we left, I made sure to leave the stadium in the opposite direction, so we didn’t run into him again.”

“Do you think it was the same guy that shoved Malik into the car?” I asked.

Tyler sighed, “I don’t think so, but like I said, I didn’t get a good look at the guy.”

“But you would recognize the guy at the stadium that was giving you a hard time.”

He nodded, “yes, I would remember that jerk.”

I asked, “is there anything else that you can think of, at the stadium, or any place else?”

Tyler shook his head, “no detective, Malik and I live a fairly boring life. If we aren’t working at the bar, we are at our apartment or on the beach. We mostly keep to ourselves.”

I was still writing when Tyler said, “detective Ridgeway, I want to thank you for helping me last year. I know you could have arrested me for what I did to Joey.”

I gave him a smile, “I know, but I understood why you did what you did, since Joey was safe, I was sure you wouldn’t repeat your crime. Remember, you were a victim too.”

He said, “I know, and thanks to the $5000 I got from Mr. Edwards, the money you gave me from the Slocum fund and the $5000 that Malik had, we have enough money for a down payment to buy the bar from our boss when he retires later this year.”

I paused when I heard what he said, “the $5000 that Malik had? Where did Malik get $5000?”

Tyler looked at me, “I don’t know, when we got to Key West, we were talking about what we were going to do. I said I had some money, he said he did too, I just assumed he must have saved it up. He never asked where I got my money, so I didn’t ask where he got his.”

Before I could think about what all that meant, Ollie came back in the room, I asked, “what did you find out?”

He read from the sheet of paper he had in hand, “the plate was on a 2014 Chevy Impala, light gray, registered to Sylvia Olson.”

I said, “ok, do you have an address?”

He nodded, “I do, but I also have the police report, the car was reported stolen yesterday morning.”


To be continued…

by Lee Obrien

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024