A Sonnet for Steven Lee Roberts

by B. N. M.

9 Mar 2024 521 readers Score 9.8 (27 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Upon a campus, bathed in youthful light,

Two men did meet, their hearts in quick accord.

In lecture halls by day, in dreams by night,

A bond was formed that neither could ignore.


Their eyes, like stars, bespoke a secret fire,

Their whispered words a symphony of grace.

In shadows cast by ancient oaks, desire

Ignited flames that time could not erase.


But college days, like summer sun, do wane,

And so too did their love, once bright and new.

One heart moved on, the other bore the pain,

A loss as deep as any love they knew.


Now one lies cold beneath the earth's embrace,

The other yearns for one last tender trace.

by B. N. M.

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