A Husband's Legal Consent

by Amorifer Xi

8 Apr 2024 3999 readers Score 9.0 (54 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

 Brett was working on his husband’s beer-can-size of a cock for two minutes. He was expecting for this schlong to be inside his ass, but the 7-5 incher didn’t even last for three minutes. It spurt out cum after cum, driving his husband towards orgasmic bliss. He managed to get most of the sperm down his throat but still a few dribbles left from his mouth.

“Thanks, babe. Ahh.. That was awesome.” After that, he witnessed his husband’s eyes closing down after a brief acknowledgement for a job well done by means of a loving gaze directed towards Brett. 

For three days, he had not been able to catch intimate sessions with his husband after winning another case. He only learned that he got another big case, a sort of a reward after a stellar performance. They did have a celebratory fuck after the victory though but then his husband wanted him to understand of his circumstances. After all, it was for their family. And as a lawyer husband, he must be the main provider, not that Brett would be unable to do that. But to his husband, Todd, his pride as a working husband was the main motivator for his love of the job. To Brett though, he felt that his husband became more workaholic after the latter earned the Senior Partner position three years ago. 

And at that moment, Brett experienced another disappointment as he watched his husband and heard him snore. It was not a loud snore though. There was a sexiness to it considering his husband could still be deemed a sexy alpha male with 6-feet-one-inch in height and a muscular physique maintained through exercise and diet. However, the recent ingestion of innumerable amounts of beer resulted in a start of a padding around the midsection. But the washboard abs could still be seen. Its definition more visible when Brett was at the bottom while his husband was working towards their mutual orgasm when they fucked.

But that would not happen on that night though after Todd returned home late again but had to perform his husband duties as he promised Brett that morning.

Brett, at 30, understood his husband’s situation. They could still have sex on the weekends as his husband promised. Todd would always make sure of that. But even during the start of the 4th year of their married lives, the intensity of their sex was waning.

Todd, having an alpha male physique should pride himself to have loads of testosterone to pump out. It should have not mattered with his age at 42. However, his workaholic attitude slowly became a wedge to a supposedly active sex life with his husband.   

So Brett being a loving husband had to do what he must. He tucked in his husband for the night. After doing that, he went to the nightstand and pulled a drawer to retrieve his ever-reliant vibrating dildo. The 10-inch pole with 8.5 inch girth became his reliable tool to temporarily satiate his sexual needs. 

Now naked in their bed, he slowly manipulated the tool towards the entrance of his hole. He could move and writhe whenever he wanted, knowing that his husband would sleep like a log and would only wake up after he got the 6 or 7 hour-sleep cycle. 

Brett loved his husband so much as he imagined himself getting fucked until he pistoned his 7.5-inch dick while eventually cumming with the vibrating dildo inside his ass. 

For others knowing his predicament, he could be seen as pathetic. But his love for his husband won out whatever prejudices others might have about their recent activities in bed. 

He cleaned up, not wanting a trace of his self-indulgence to be tracked by his husband. But knowing his husband’s hawk-eyed ability, he knew he might have to have a talk about this. For now, he was satiated. His emotions tired him out. He returned to the bed, reaching for his husband’s naked body, who automatically turned to receive Brett in a warm embrace. 

Before he closed his eyes, he looked for signs that would indicate his husband having knowledge about his recent sexual excursion. But what he saw was a handsome face, clean-shaven with very few stress lines underneath the eyes. His husband still looked youthful even in his 40’s. The dark blonde hair, now unkempt, had a hint of a pompadour hairstyle Todd sported while he worked on his case in the law firm he was employed for seven years. The steady breathing of a healthy man lulled Brett to sleep.

For now, their marriage was great. 

Brett might have complaints but they were too trivial for his husband to pay attention to or so he thought. But at one point in the future, he would need to talk to his husband if this would become a normal occurrence in their marriage and sex lives. He tried to expect for the worst but he prayed it would not come.


Todd Morrison prided himself to be a high-powered attorney winning cases after cases, proving his worth as a Senior Partner in one of the city’s reputable law firms. His charismatic persona drew many people in including adversaries inside the courts as he pointed arguments, interrogated witnesses and parties of the cases and convinced the juries why the case he was working must win. Most of the time though, he could sway the judges to side with him. Though he could be flirty inside the court, every movement from the words chosen to his expressions must be controlled professionally. And he aced in doing that. 

After winning a row of cases, another big case was thrown at him from the law firm he considered a part of his home, considering most of his waking time was spent inside his office and the firm’s library. 

Despite his career success, he realized that he might be making some mistakes especially with his marriage to Brett, his husband for 5 years. They had been together for ten years now, with two years in an on-and-off relationship with Brett studying in college while Todd was busy in lifting off his career. After Brett’s college graduation, the two decided to move in together.

Notwithstanding the big age gap, people would always see the couple to be a great-looking pair. 

Brett’s lanky build in college with his 6’3 frame was gradually turning into a muscular hunk. The younger man was motivated in pursuing a build similar to his husband. Though he was two inches taller compared to Todd, the height difference was negligible, particularly when they wore the matching tuxedos during their wedding day. 

Brett’s road to muscle fitness, though with inspiration from his husband, started when he was booked as a client by his husband’s best friend, a personal trainer who also dabbled as a fitness model and fitness online influencer.

Even during their wedding day, Brett already sported traces of muscles beneath the suit, though Todd was bulkier in muscle frame. His face had a resemblance of a gay porn star. With dark brown hair styled in natural medium length waves and dark blue eyes, his visage easily attracted Todd, when the lawyer was still working on his legal career.

While Todd often shaved his beard, Brett’s 2-day stubble went along with his hair style. This became his trademark look since then, though sometimes he went clean-shaven to go along with Todd during certain occasions. That seemed to be the look Brett was working on that morning as he helped his husband in preparing the usual before Todd went to work. 

“Bye, babe!” Todd greeted as he met his husband with a deep kiss. The lawyer husband knew he had to make up this weekend after last night for Brett. He searched for uncertainties from his husband’s eyes and look but what he got was a loving gaze after that kiss.

“See you later! I will be meeting with David this afternoon after a morning meeting with my team on a case.” Todd didn’t move yet as he searched for something while holding his husband around his arms. 

“Sure, babe! I look forward to it.” Brett initiated the soft kiss. “I love you!” 

“I love you too, sweetheart!” Todd said in reply, lingering his eyes to his husband’s. “I am sorry about last night. I will make it up to you this weekend.”

He hugged Brett as he smelled his husband’s scent. He knew his husband would not cheat on him. He detected no signs ever since their marriage. Although they had an arrangement on being open, seeing other guys during their first three years in their relationship while Brett was studying and Todd was starting to focus on his career, they decided to be exclusive during their fourth year. Todd popped the question in the fifth year and ever since, they vowed to become monogamous. 

Both knew the emotional exhaustion that went along with sleeping with other guys outside of their relationship. Brett also felt satisfaction, not just the love Todd had for him but the kind of sexual satisfaction he often experienced with his husband. Also, the younger man was a jealous type. He told Todd outrightly that he didn’t want to share his husband with others.

That possessive declaration though sprung a certain insecurity within Brett whenever he saw his husband leave their doorsteps for work. But his trust for his husband surpassed whatever negativities he might have within him. As he watched his husband drive a luxurious electric vehicle, he could not help but look forward to that day, the start of the weekend. 


At nine on that day, Brett drove to his parent’s mansion to see their one-year-old child under his mother’s custody.

The married couple didn’t want their child away from their family home. Brett even decided to become a stay-at-home dad, though this arrangement was not too different with his career choice as a freelance software and mobile app developer. 

After years working in an office of a tech company for a high-paying job, he made a conscious decision to resign and trudged the freelance path two years after their wedding. Since then, he made a considerable sum from the licenses and earnings from mobile apps he had with his team.  The residual income from those apps guaranteed him with less work and became a work-at-home entrepreneur.

As Brett arrived in the driveway of a sprawling property now owned by his parents, he could not help reminiscing about the time when his family was still living in the suburbs. That changed though after college when he learned of his father’s business with his associates gaining ground and then taking off after an IPO. His father was a co-founder of the business while his mother was working as the Director of the HR department of the company, a manufacturer of construction materials.

Now semi-retired, his parents left their respective positions in that company. His father still maintained a Director position as an incorporator and major stockholder though his focus was now on making more investments. 

It was recently that he learned of his father’s billionaire status.

His mother, however, decided to become a stay-at-home wife, somewhat similar to his after leaving the company a year ago. She relegated herself to be a custodian of his son’s child, a one-year-old son with the help of two nannies. That arrangement was borne out after Todd agreed a few weeks ago, much to Brett’s disappointment.  He eventually acquiesced though after he figured he wanted to write a book, related to his work. But that would be a one-year project after he felt that he needed to watch over Todd more closely.

“Hi mom!” Brett greeted after he saw his mom who was carrying a bright little boy in her arms. “Hi Scotty!” As he kissed the boy while he accepted him to be carried. He missed his son despite seeing him just yesterday.

Scotty Morrison became a fixture of their family home over a year ago after they decided to have a child through surrogacy using Todd’s sperm. They had the money for that so it was not really a burden to them financially. 

Brett was seeing a toddler version of Todd in his arms. When he saw the baby pictures of Todd, he could not help but be in awe of the uncanny resemblance. That made his love for the child stronger.

“How is everything son?” Brenda Carlson released a breathy air, asking her son. She saw the happiness on his handsome son’s face. But she knew deep within, she felt the aura of turmoil and insecurities. Perhaps, it was due to a mother’s instinct that she could detect it. Also, her previous character as a psychologist working in a private company as an HR Director meant that she could also pinpoint the signs when she saw it. 

“Everything’s fine mom. I have a handsome husband and a very cute son. There’s nothing I could ask for.” Brett replied while his attention was focused on his son. He then turned his gaze when he felt his mother’s gaze bore on him. “Thank you for the cash transfer. But I think that is too much.”

“Of course, Brett. You are our son. To whom we could splurge our money aside from those charities?” Brenda beamed a motherly smile as he looked at her son and their grandson. “We also set up a trust fund for Scotty.” 

“Thanks mom but there’s no need…” Brett’s words were cut off when he heard mother’s scornful tone.

“If you decline our heartfelt gift, Brett Carlson, it would be a great insult to us as your parents.”

Brett sighed and eventually acquiesced. 

“I know Mom. I am sorry.” He stopped. He could not form the right words to continue whatever he wanted to express. He knew he had to accept it, fully. But he was hoping that his husband would be okay with it. 

Perhaps, if Brett told him about what his parents bestowed, his husband might be more compelled to become more workaholic to surpass whatever he and their son had received. That would not be a good turnout for him as he was craving for his husband.

His recent increase in libido was surprising to him. He attributed it to the intense fitness sessions, supplement and diet. He achieved the body that he dreamed years ago when he first saw Todd. That brought him more appreciation and admiration from other people including his parents. But what resulted was him craving for sex. Perhaps, the Yang energy as he learned from Traditional Oriental medicine might have been too much. That might lead him to think of sex more than what he wanted.

Hence, his plan to write a book aside from taking care of their son could be the solution to his predicament. But constant exposure to attractive men including his husband would always result in a rising sex drive. 

For Brenda, his son’s current physique seemed to match with Todd, her son-in-law. She couldn’t help admiring his son being paired equally with another muscle hunk with a successful career. 

Her son before was tall and lanky. Though handsome, his previous physique was that of a mix of a basketball player and of a computer geek whose slouch posture was due to hours of sitting before a computer screen, writing codes and building websites. In other words, his son was a tall nerd. She knew her son played basketball in high school with his height but he learned that his son spent more on the screen than actually spending on fitness. That changed though when she learned of her son’s relationship with Todd, who was 12 years older. 

As she eyed her son, her instinct drew her to another person whose physique resembled Brett’s rather than Todd’s.

“How is David doing now after the crematorium service?” Brenda asked. They were now inside a salon of their mansion whose decor accentuated white and blue in modern design. Brett admired the design whenever he stayed here.

“He is still coping with the loss. Mourning, as expected. It was three days ago when he had his husband’s remains cremated.” Brett started. “We asked him to take the time to mourn but he was adamant to be back on the grind. After all, I am his only client.”

“How often is your session with him?” Brenda followed up. 

Brett, though surprised, remained nonchalant. “Five times a week except on weekends. Sometimes, we have Saturdays when Todd is up for it. He came over to our home gym yesterday for our session after a break of one day.”

Brett put down Scotty from his embrace. He watched his son play around with a nanny.

He looked at his mother, seemingly wanting him to continue.

“I talked to him yesterday. I think it would be better for him to do something than wallow alone in bereavement.” Brett paused. “What do you think of it, Mom?”

“I think it would be good if he did something. People in mourning have a hard time dealing with depression. Being around with friends would help him. I guess, you need to be there, being his best friend. He needs his friend’s company as he copes with the loss. Dealing it alone may lead to inner demons unleashing from within and that might not be healthy for him.”

Spoken like a psychologist, well his mom truly was. But he found it reassuring to hear advice from an expert in dealing with people. 

“Todd and I are looking out for him. But with me as his company in our home gym, I think I can monitor him better. We also thought about it. Todd even decided to offer a room for David to stay in temporarily together with us.” Brett informed more to his benefit considering David’s company would help in his plan to investigate his husband’s activities, if there were others he should learn and that his husband failed to report to him.

“Well, you should also need company in your big house. Being alone while Todd is at work can be boring. At least, you have a home gym complete with the necessary equipment to do workouts at your own home.” Brenda remarked, as her intention now led to finding out Brett’s underlying insecurities. 

“Yeah, the home gym is the best. That would help keep some prying eyes away from my husband. I suggested it with Todd’s instant approval.” Brett’s tone of sarcasm spittled at that moment. 

Brenda chuckled. “You’re still that jealous husband even after you got married.” 

“Todd and I are jealous-type. With Todd’s appearance though, my insecurity would always come out. I even fended off advances, not just from the gay men but also several women, and even those cougars. Like hell! One of them was even a client.”

Brett’s bile rose up as he remembered those times. Thankfully, Todd remained professional. Also, he trusted his husband to remain ethical with his clients. 

That earned a laugh from his mother and even from the nanny who was close by. 

Brenda admired her son’s retention of masculinity. Finding a hint of her son’s gayness would seem futile not that there was anything wrong if her son would act femme. But at that moment, she knew her son’s gayer side though the baritone voice remained. His outburst though seemed somewhat similar to the clips she saw in those reality shows where women outdo each other in dramatic ways. 

“Certainly, you have the right to be jealous. But I think there is more to that though. Right, son? Brenda threw another inquisitive remark, which put Brett in alarm. He didn’t want his parents to know of his husband’s suspicion of infidelity. 

Even though Brett assured himself by trusting his husband, he could not trust the people around Todd. 

After the situation with the cougar client, Todd became more selective in choosing clients, especially divorce cases. By vetting the clients, he could accept or decline them. His senior position in the law firm and the number of winning cases he struck afforded him that privilege in choosing and accepting cases to work on. He told Brett about the development. An angry husband like Brett might affect his performance in court. Though he learned to separate personal matters from the professional. But he still demanded that privilege, which the law firm granted him.

“Well, Dad has his people around Todd so I can be assured of that. Other than that, there is no big matter that I should be concerned about.” Brett cagily responded.

Brenda sensed it.

“So, how is your sex life?” 

His mother seemed to detect the inevitable.

“Good.” And then a pause. “So far, we always make sure to have weekends as the time for that activity.” Brett’s gaze was somewhere other than his mom. “I feel uncomfortable talking about that, considering you are my mom. Hehe…”

“I don’t want to be privy about that matter though. But it might be a cause of concern later on, Perhaps, it might lead you to think again somewhat negatively striking your trust issues with Todd.”

Brenda was on mother mode as she detected her son’s discomfort and somewhat cagy responses and erratic gestures.

“I am working on it, mom. I will discuss it with Todd if something blows up. So far, there is no cause of concern that we should be wary of. We still have sex, like last night.”

Omitting other facts would not mean he lied to his mom. He just had to be careful in not blurting out more, bringing the matter a grave concern even if it was not as it appeared to be or so he surmised. His sex life could be resolved. 

After a visit to his parent’s house, he returned home for a personal fitness session with David, his personal trainer that afternoon.


After months of witnessing his husband’s body succumb to leukemia, David Reagan experienced a kind of relief though it made him mourn for the loss of a loving husband, Colin Sims. 

They had thirteen years together as a married couple with three years being boyfriends after their mutual interest in fitness. Both were personal trainers during their 20’s but Colin transitioned to fitness modeling and even to fashion and in print. 

David Reagan became a household name in fitness. Being a fitness model was a thing he branched out until he opened online accounts where he shared his fitness success in videos and in books.

The couple made considerable income from their gigs, something of a rarity in their chosen industry. They have their home with a courtyard where David could record videos relating to fitness and upload them online. He became a popular online fitness influencer with a sizable following. Hence, he managed to earn from sponsorships, affiliates and even from copies of books, printed and digital he published. 

A similar result occurred with Colin though his focus was more in fashion. He became a staple in runway shows with his tall, muscular physique and symmetrical, handsome visage, earning him a title of a muse from a few fashion designers he worked on. Before he reached 30, he had walked over a hundred fashion shows from several designers. 

Colin’s life being a cancer survivor became a good publicity in his rise to fashion stardom. He also earned much from writing an autobiographical book with his husband as his co-writer. His millions of followers on different social media accounts garnered him more reputation compared to his husband though this issue was shelved as trivial between them despite the pressure from the press. 

After reaching 35, the couple decided to retire from the modeling industry and opted for a quieter life. The glitters and silver linings in front of the camera was a phase of their lives that they chose not to revisit. They made a lot of money to last a lifetime from their gigs. They also had residual income from investments. 

Being of the same age, David and Colin felt that they were in sync in many things as they believed that their longevity in marriage was a rarity in their industry. Perhaps, it had something to do with their mutual decision to retire and live a quiet life. But in David’s case, he still posted fitness videos once a month in his accounts. 

But the uploading stopped when his husband’s case of cancer flared again for the third time. 

Despite the advanced medical technology, the sudden recurrence of leukemia became a crisis the couple could not escape. In just two months after learning of the recurrence, Colin’s health plummeted. 

It was also a surprise for both Todd and Brett when they learned of their close friend’s situations. 

The lovely couple that they witnessed filled with love and positivity months ago ended with one leaving permanently while the other one succumbed to loneliness after 15 years of romantic partnership.

David had witnessed his life turned upside down after his husband’s ill-health. And more so when he cremated his husband’s remains. A medium-sized urn filled with ashes was added to a living room beside a table with their pictures in their home.

The loss had numbed David of all his emotions. 

After the crematorium service, he spent the next day drinking, trying to erase his sorrows. But during the afternoon, he asked his best friend, Brett, to let him use their home gym. 

Despite being inebriated, he pushed his body to the limits so he could not feel the internal pain. Brett witnessed that as he volunteered to be his spotter. 

Brett became the person David subconsciously leaned on as he sobbed after the grueling workout. 

David then decided to resume the fitness session with Brett, in which the latter immediately agreed on despite certain concerns. Brett surmised that for David to recoup for his loss, it would be wise to do something to occupy his thoughts.

And so they met the next day with a morning session. 

David informed Brett during their session that he would like to get tested, just to check.  Even though Brett wanted to decline as he and Todd made an agreement to be tested together during two days before their anniversary day, he also mentioned his desire to be tested. Perhaps, his paranoia at that time set in after the gradual change in their sex lives.

After his visit from his parents, Brett was now lifting kilos of weights targeting his glutes. It was a leg day on his fitness session with David.

“That’s it man. More! You can do it!” 

Brett heard David alright being his cheerleader but more like a commander demanding for that workout to finish with proper stance and effective targeting of muscles. 

After three hours of workout during that afternoon, David called it a day for them. 

“Results?” David then asked.

“Oh!” Momentarily dumb for that question, Brett then replied. “Clean so far.”

“Same!” David chuckled. 

Brett gazed at his friend whose depression was eclipsed momentarily. Perhaps, David managed to control his emotions better than what he expected. His 6’5” frame as he looked on while David standing made his friend like a mountain of a man with muscles but a handsome face that reminded him of a fashion model. Knowing the size in between David’s legs, he couldn’t help but define his friend as a stallion. That used to be the butt of their jokes between him, Todd and Colin when their friend was alive.

“Stand up, Brett!” David commanded though with a friendly tone. “Let me see you flex those muscles, man!”

Stunned, Brett rose up from the bench, hesitant. He was hoping for a better outcome after experiencing a plateau on his workout regimen. His result at the beginning of this year seemed similar the previous year. Only the legs had a bit of a gain from last year. 

As David took a measuring tape to check and gauge each major group, he also jotted them down in his notebook. After a few minutes of flexing, in the case of Brett and then recording of muscle sizes done by David, the inevitable result was expected to ensue right after.

“You got big gains, this time man. I mean, an average of 3 inches in each muscle group including your arms.” David started. He then proceeded to inform Brett about the big gains in the quads and hamstrings as well in the lower legs. For years, the chicken legs were Brett’s problem when he started working out. Thankfully, the pains from lifting those big damn weights  and also those cardio workouts targeting the legs paid off.

“Watching you man, you are now a certified fucking stud.” David then chuckled as he observed his friend who was checking out his legs. “Your glutes though, they got considerable gains, like your butt is standing out at the back. When you flex, indentations on your back muscles become more defined.”

David would have commented that Brett had now a bigger, fuckable round ass. But that would make it seem flirty, so he discarded it. Thankfully, his decision to forego that remark was the right one as he detected the presence of his other best friend, Todd, who was standing in the corner at one of the doors leading to the recreation room of the house.

“Hey, Todd! How is it going there man?” David called out with a grimace.

When Brett heard David, he then turned his eyes sideways to check his husband. 

“Hi babe!”


After hours of meeting in his workplace for a new case, he had the time to relay to his superior about Colin’s will. 

He informed David about the best day to read the will but his best friend wanted to give him three days to sort out his emotions and to have a time to mourn. 

And so they set the date and time at his home office. He informed his office about the setup so everything must be in line with legalities and all those ethics requirements.

When he arrived at his home, he immediately went to the home gym knowing that David would be there together with his husband. 

When he arrived at the home gym, it pleased him that his husband and his best friend were working professionally. He thought he might witness something that might lead to his arousal. 

But then, watching his husband together with his best friend in revealing clothes ignited something in him. 


His expectation when he arrived did not materialize but the thought of his husband and best friend getting it on made him aroused. What the fuck!

Life with his husband, Brett, was great. Todd seemed to have that impression after five years of marriage. But lately, he also noticed the changes in their tempo, particularly their sex life. He attributed it to his workaholic attitude. 

The main cause, as he wanted to analyze it, was his ego to be the main provider of his family. He learned of his husband’s family’s wealth. He didn’t want to give his in-laws the impression that he would want to ride with what Brett was earning and might be receiving from an inheritance. He wanted to prove that he also had his worth in making sizable income from a noble profession. 


After checking Brett and David out for more than ten minutes with them not even noticing his presence, he began to ponder the latest issue brewing with his husband.

He had a discussion with Brett about this in which his husband understood or so what he thought after opening that subject. Days after that, nothing changed or that seemed to be the impression he was getting. But after winning cases after cases, he felt the desire to work more. That flare ignited in him. He told Brett about it including the repercussions of longer hours during work days.

So, they planned that during weekends, they would consummate their marriage for two days regardless of the number of hours. But even during weekends, Todd was invited to the parties from clients that he became acquainted with and had gotten close with. That would mean less time for sex with Brett during weekends. 

He tried to make Brett understand about his situations, which his husband eventually acquiesced to with a condition that during the night time, they should make love. And so Todd religiously followed this condition for he also wanted to have sex with his husband. One of the husband’s duties was to make his spouse satisfied in bed.

But lately, that responsibility seemed to lead to a transgression with him being at fault. When Brett mentioned about the condition, he knew that if he fucked it up, he might lose his husband. The biggest fear that he didn’t want to experience again was losing a husband, especially to a husband as dedicated as Brett. 

Seeing them now almost intimate in revealing clothes, that fear of losing his husband materialized. 

For months, that fear slowly surfaced, making him less interested in sex during weekdays which he decided to allocate his time being a workaholic, working the legal cases for hours including overtime.


Brett Carlson was his second husband after a failed marriage with a man five years older than him. And he lost it to a woman. Damn!

That was the most traumatic experience of his life, watching his man fucking a woman in their own bed. And that worst part was his previous husband’s offer to have a woman in their marriage so they could have a family and then have children the natural way.  The fag hag, his first husband’s friend offered that proposal, which Todd vehemently declined leading to their divorce. His impulsive decision was a result of cheating. He was never informed beforehand. And even if he was informed before witnessing the cheating act, he would obviously decline for he was not ready to start a family. He was finishing his law degree and did not have time to raise a family. 

That experience traumatized him, making him unable to bring flood flow to his phallus for a time ever since witnessing that repulsive act of cheating. He would have wanted vengeance by fucking other men, but it ended him up being impotent. That was the most embarrassing experience he had. It also made him decide not to trust women. He used to consider himself bisexual but more into men. 

After that experience, it made him decide to seek men younger than him. Someone he could control. Someone he could form a loving relationship that he could fully control.  He knew he was fully gay because his attraction to women could not even materialize anymore.

It was a drop from heaven when he met Brett. It was in a gym that they met. It became kind of cliche for gay men to form relationships inside the gym. But it happened several times since then, especially when both parties had similar interests in fitness. 

Brett was in his fourth year in college when they met. What impressed Todd about Brett was his genius side. Todd’s husband went to college earlier than the typical age of most young people when they entered a university. And with his present age of 30, Brett could be said to be semi-retired with considerable income from his work as a software and mobile app developer.

Though the younger man was taller than him by two inches, Todd made it up with his build. And so when they first met in the gym, Brett was still working on bulking up while looking lanky. His build from playing basketball during high school was retained but the “chicken legs” were his problem. Todd helped him in that department leading them to arrange several gym dates after that. Both, however, believed they were just having fun though it took many gym dates and then two romantic nights for the real spark to materialize. 

For Todd, Brett was his cure for his temporary impotence. It also helped when Todd learned about Brett being a power bottom. It seemed height was not a proper indicator to know a gay’s preference in bed. But that would just be a misnomer as he learned that Brett could also be versatile. 

But Todd’s dick made Brett lean more to be the bottom of their relationship. However, there were times that they flip-flopped. This, however, seldom occurred, mostly during their anniversary nights.


He married Brett, not because of the younger man being his cure, which he admitted that he was, but because of the love they shared together. For ten years being in a relationship with five years in marriage, both maintained the vow of fidelity. Even during their previous arrangement in their first three years, they both admitted that no one could give them the spark that they sought. 

Todd was already in his early 30s when he met Brett. He had gone being a slut prior to his first marriage. He wanted to be faithful with his spouse once he got married. He still had that vow even after the first marriage. 

Considering Brett being his cure, he didn’t have sex with anyone other than Brett aside from his first husband. His conscious decision to allow Brett to be open to the playing field of dating was his attempt to challenge Brett’s fidelity. So far, he was not disappointed when he learned that Brett did not go to certain dates despite receiving invitations and had not had sex with anyone other than Todd.

Now seeing his husband working out and then flexing for his personal trainer, who happened to be his best friend, he could not help but feel the hurt and pain of losing Brett. 

Brett, as he heard from David, was indeed a fucking stud. He knew he was no slouch. But witnessing his husband transition from lanky ectomorph to a hunky mesomorph was a major turn on. 

He needed solutions to keep Brett for him and with him. They planned to build a family and now they had a son. He did not realize before that he could build something that he used to loathe before and that changed because of his husband. 

Hence, he had to make sure, by hook or by crook, not to lose his husband. Violence, however, just to make Brett forcefully around him was never an option.


Finally, David noticed him.

“Hey man, looking good. How is it hanging?” 

Todd opened a conversation. 

“Coping man. So far, working out is my drug to make myself out from this mourning period.”  David grinned.

Todd approached the bench where they were close by, meeting his husband with a deep kiss, which surprised Brett and made David chuckle. “Good to see you babe. Dave is right. You are one hot fucking stud.” 

That made David laugh more.

Brett only blushed in reply as he embraced his husband despite his sweaty body. He knew his husband’s major turn on and one of which was to be close to Brett while inhaling the sweat from his body after or even during a workout.

Todd turned back to David.

“Yeah Dave. Are we on now to discuss Colin’s will?”

“Yeah, man. Give me a minute. I just complimented your husband and his success here.” David informed though out of something to explain to David about the time when he was touching his best friend's husband. He didn’t want to give Todd an impression that he was flirting with Brett while the husband was watching in the corner unbeknownst to him, doing the measuring and even the feeling of muscles and even to Brett.

Todd laughed at the situation. He witnessed his best friend become reddened after that. Well, one of the things he witnessed while watching them was when David was groping his husband’s ass, albeit briefly.

“No problem man. I know it’s part of the job.” Todd assured his best friend while he was trying to hide his smirk. “Let’s head to my office.”

“Sure.” David agreed.

“Heading to the shower babe. Then I will work something for an early dinner.” Brett informed his husband while waving to David to see him later. “Stay for dinner, Dave.”

“Sure, man. Later then.”


In Todd’s home office…

After reading Colin’s will, it was when David learned that a hundred million dollars was added to his assets. It was a surprise to learn of the secret income-generating investments his husband managed to obtain to augment his income. But he felt that this wealth would be meaningless without his husband.

Sure, he would be secured for life, not anymore working. Heck, Brett was his only client. He never accepted another knowing his dead husband’s jealousy. They made an exception to Brett, their best friend who was loyal to their other best friend Todd.

“I want to know your response if you accept the will, Dave.” 

Todd questioned, professionally.

“Yes, Todd. But I hope you can help me find charities that might  put a portion of those assets into use.”

“Certainly, Dave. Let me know when you make the decision.”

“That would be it, then?”


For a minute, David wanted to internalize the content of the will. Thankfully, he had his best friend to help with the process.

“I think we are done with the legal process of the will.” Todd informed with professional conviction afforded to him as a lawyer and executor of the will. “Care for a drink? Whiskey?”

“Sure. Just straight up.”

“Coming right up.”

After handing the glass of whiskey, David immediately downed the contents to his throat. He ignored the burning sensation that permeated from his tongue to his esophagus. “I needed that.”

Todd watched his best friend’s action. He knew his friend was still mourning. Understanding him would be the wise action during the period of bereavement. 

But then Todd had another thing in mind which he wanted his best friend’s help. He was hoping that his friend would be up for it despite being in mourning. Perhaps, this might be also a solution for his friend to cope with his current state of loneliness after the loss.

“When I looked at you now, I remember the time when we had our first date in college.” David started as he gazed at his best friend seated on an executive chair inside a posh room that told any guest that this room was occupied by a lawyer. A library of law books was positioned behind Todd’s chair and even in another corner of the room. 

“And then that thing that happened.” David continued which earned a boisterous laugh from Todd.

David and Todd went back to being best friends in their senior year in high school. Then they managed to land in the same university,  though with different majors. They even became a couple for six months. But their incompatibility in bed made them decide to become friends despite the initial bad breakup which they mended during their senior year.

‘Well, we mended during our senior year and went to the army together. It didn’t end up with what we expected though.” Todd seemed to continue a narrative that tracked their journey of friendship.

Even after college, they decided to register for military reserve hoping that they would be in the same corps. But reality was too far from their expectation. They were assigned to different bases. After their training and experiences in the military, they communicated and then decided to leave the army. 

“I was aghast when I learned about your divorce though. I was in a different part of the world when I learned that though it was late. Still, it made me concerned about your situation.” David recalled that time when he learned of Todd’s first husband being a cheater.

“You know with our looks we could be flaunting our ego and fuck anyone we wanted to bed with. It happened to me during my 20’s with guys and ladies. But that ended when I said ‘my first I do’ to Seth. And then everything changed after that. It made me decide to be faithful in relationships despite my desire for revenge by fucking around.”

Todd downed his whiskey while he was narrating that memory lane. The pain was slowly rising on the surface as he was now facing another crisis with his current husband.

“At least, we decided to become sworn brothers eventually. And that it entails us to be there for each other.” David continued as he eyed his best friend who seemed to be lost in thought. The Todd he saw at that moment wore a vulnerable expression.

They decided to become sworn brothers after meeting in their early 30’s again with David being married to Colin and Todd in a steady relationship with Brett. Colin and David even became their best men during Todd and Brett’s wedding.

The former fitness model decided to lighten the mood or so he attempted. “You know, when the four of us were out on a group date, I always got the impression from onlookers and even from my friends if we engaged in private swinger parties, just the four of us, two married couples with hot-looking husbands.”

Todd sniggered when he heard that, coming from David. He also heard but he didn’t pay attention to it. Meanwhile, his best friend was full of laughter after he said that. It became infectious and so the room, that used to be morose, became lively with laughter. 

Though there were impressions of them that they engaged in a sex orgy, that possibility never happened considering the four of them are jealous-types. To determine who would be the most possessive would be futile. They all had insecurities with their relationship citing their great looks being the main factor. But then each respective couple worked it out that’s why they stayed closer as friends, defying the notion about good-looking gay friends being close as fuckbuddies while displaying the facade of being happy gay couples separately in public. 

Todd and Brett also didn’t want to be too involved when David and Colin were active as models. That changed during their mutual retirement from the limelight in the modeling industry.

The room became filled with laughter as both friends reminisced different moments of their lives together and even separately. 

For thirty minutes after reading the content, two best friends were looking for each other as they recalled different events of their lives. There was a shift in their conversation when David started a subject. 

“I am still in mourning but you know, it’s great to have friends around while coping with this damned depression.” David initiated which didn’t initially pique Tood’s interest. “Brett has been here with me for the past few days after the service. Working out is my drug. But lately, all the pent up emotions even the horniness began to surface. Hehehe…” 

That last statement put Todd out from a momentary reverie. What he heard next surprised him.

“Because of that, I decided to go on a test just to check if I maintain my clean bill of health. Brett was with me yesterday. And then we received our test this morning. Thank the universe, I am clean!” David chuckled as he reached for the bottle to refill his glass.” And so does, Brett.”

“Oh.” A brief expression from Todd prompted a questioning look from David.


“Kinda. But it is all good. I guess Brett helped you with that.”

“I really thought you took the test together. But I think Brett was there to make the process less awkward though. When we went there together, they expected that we would take the test separately at the same time.” David smirked. “But it was hilarious though.”

“They thought you were a couple?”


Things had become awkward between the two of them after that.

“I apologize for that Todd. I mean I didn’t have any idea though.” David tried to form words to make his explanation believable. But he felt it was failing.

“It’s okay Dave. Though surprised, I understand the situation.”

“What do you mean?” David gave a startled look. “Are you and Brett okay, right?”

“Yeah, on the surface. But I know he has been feeling dissatisfaction lately with my longer hours at work in the law firm. I don’t know, man. There is this pressure building that I want to control but it seems it has started to get out of hand. My biggest fear is losing Brett.”

Todd wore a pained expression as he shared those. 

David just waited. He attempted to find the right words to relay to his best friend as a word of advice. But at the moment, with his current situation, becoming a wise sage was not part of his job description being a best friend to a wonderful person as Todd, successful in his own way to the point that he sometimes envied.

“You look happy though.”

“Yeah.” And then a pause. “I know this is not the right time to be sharing this with your current situation. But I also need you as my best friend to help me find a solution. But I'm okay if you feel you’re not up to it yet.” Todd remarked with a morose expression though he ended it with a smile.

“It’s alright bud. I am here. You have been helping me so far with Brett and you, being here with me as I cope with the loss.”

“I understand your situation Dave. We are mourning the loss of our best friend, too. It was like losing a brother to us.” Todd reassured his best friend trying to console him.

A pregnant pause ensued where both friends tried to seep in as they learned of the situation.

“You can try couple’s therapy though. I had it with Colin during one of our trials in our relationship. This was when we became close as best friends.”

“That is part of my solution but the situation right now is tight.”

“What do you mean exactly, Todd?”

“I have accepted this case. It’s a big case. But it requires me to go on many trips.” Todd tried to look at his friend who seemed to wear a baffled look.

“Are you required to become a mercenary, that kind of thing?”

“Partly, but it is more data-gathering and also collating circumstantial sets of evidence for the case.” Todd answered while trying to explain. Before he tried to continue, he was cut off.

“But why will you be out of the country? Isn’t there a separate team for that?” David, confused, continued to ask.

Todd understood David’s row of questions. He even asked himself why he had to go through this case when he had a family. But he assured himself that going on a trip for this case would last only for two months. He hoped his husband would also understand. After two months, he would return to his family. 

The one thing that made him stick with this case was its scale. Perhaps, his dream to be recognized by the media to be a high-powered attorney handling this case was still set on his mind. He didn’t want to become a sensationalized celebrity though. 

But then there was also Brett with his sex drive. He noticed it. He could not ignore it. Being younger somehow afforded him to have that libido. 

“As the one handling the case, I am also required to lead the investigation by the client. I don’t necessarily have to do all the dirty work. But I need to be in places to get the gist of the case. I have to witness it first hand.” Todd explained, sensing David’s clarity as he glanced at this friend’s face.

“But what about Brett?” David scowled. Didn’t his friend share about his situation with Brett? Why took the case when his relationship was in limbo?

“This is where I need your help.” Todd attempted to continue while being careful to form his words. His friend was also a smart one, that he knew. So he wanted to formulate a solution that would entice David but would also make his husband happy though a great risk would be involved.

“Go on.” Instead of questioning his friend, he decided to hear him out. David was still baffled by his friend’s current predicament and on how he could derive a solution.

“I don’t want to lose Brett, David. I will make sure to bring him back and make him love me again, if he felt that he was losing his love for me. But I am in a dilemma currently. And I feel that a part of the problem where I already thought of a solution is my husband’s sex drive.”

David’s frown became deep. But he understood his best friend. 

Perhaps, the supplement he prescribed might be one of the reasons for the increase in Brett’s libido. The traditional medicine was legit though after he also tested it. It became part of his supplement for years now. But he also needed to do quarterly medical checkups to determine his organs and systems to be working properly. So far, everything was fine.

When he prescribed that herbal medicine to Brett, he noticed the changes of his friend’s body including his aura. He became more attractive. When he did the measurement that afternoon, his conjecture about Brett’s gains was attributed to that herbal medicine. It has been six months since he gave those herbal pills to Brett. 

“Are you worried that Brett might be cheating on you? Or you fear that he will?” David suddenly asked out of curiosity as he also tried to form another solution in mind. The couple’s therapy was the most feasible. But knowing his friend’s dilemma, that might not be the best solution at that moment. “When are you going to leave for that case?”

“Next week, Monday. Dave, what do you think?” Todd’s thoughts became incoherent that moment. 

“You have to clear, bud. Breathe.” David quipped. He wanted to help his friend badly now. “I can watch your husband while you are away.” 

Todd’s hearing piqued after knowing David’s suggestion.

“Thanks, bud. I want to say, you are the best. But I know you are.” Todd desired to bring the tension away from his body by chuckling. And so he did. That put a grin to David’s face also.

“But what about Brett’s rise in libido. My fear is that he might find someone without me knowing. Two months is very long.”


“You know, I haven’t had any release since knowing Colin’s case for over a month now. I am backed up, actually. But I managed it.” David tried to make his friend understand about abstinence. But he knew that was a futile attempt.

“Your situation is different though. Mine might happen when Brett would get mad about my leaving out of the country for this case. It will ruin my reputation if I cancel this case without even making 50 percent progress.”

Todd sorrowfully conveyed the situation. 

David started to feel torn for his best friend. But then, it made him realize that helping his friend would also account to helping himself deal properly with the loss.

“I have a solution though. But please, hear me out first before making a reaction.” Todd then thought of the plan, a plan that would involve his friend to become something of a fixture in his home.

“Go on, bud. I hear you.”

“My plan may seem ridiculous but I could not find the right way to formulate another one that will benefit my husband. So here it goes…” Todd looked first at his best friend. 

Despite the state of mourning, his friend still looked good. At 6’5”, his towering height attracted more admirers. His model chiseled face was also an asset. Brett mentioned a model named, who seemed to be looking similarly with David. That model was also a stud. And so was David. His best friend was literally a fucking stallion, noting his best friend’s 10-incher. And the beer-can sized girth was the reason for his eventual break-up with David when they were a couple in college.

The big dick energy that David possessed was a turn on. He had that moment before. But as of the recent, what he felt for his friend was admiration, not the desire to fuck him. If he still had that desire, that would fuck his relationship with Brett and even Colin when their friend was alive. But now David was alone, he needed someone to be there with him. He was sure his best friend was now looking for someone to fuck after knowing about the test and also his admittance to horniness after Colin’s passing.

Hence, his plan could be a solution, not just for him and David’s, but also his husband.  

“What do you think about Brett?” Todd started.

“Well, your husband is very attractive, handsome. As you heard me, he is a fucking stud.” David innocently answered first until realization hit him of his friend’s implication. “What the fuck, Todd!”

Todd grinned when he glanced at his best friend’s face. 

“You know I would never do that to you. Especially now. I am still mourning all right.” David’s voice raised in decibel. “Just what the fuck are you thinking, Todd?”

“I think you have an inkling of my solution. You see, I can’t lose Brett, Dave. I don’t know what I would do if it wasn’t for him. He is the cure for my impotence.”

David was more surprised when he learned of that seemingly dreadful word from his friend. “Impotence?”

“Yes, I had that after catching my cheating first husband. I have become completely gay, thanks to him though. But my erection only works for Brett. That’s why I remain monogamous.”

Todd’s revelation made David angry with Sam who thought that he was the best choice for a husband for Todd’s. That made him depressed when he realized he was also part of making that marriage happen that turned into a sham.

That feeling though made him partly consider Todd’s implied offer. But he needed to hear his best friend’s words fully for any caveat. He didn’t want to betray his best friend. They made a pact to become sworn brothers.

“I don’t have anyone who I feel I trust fully to be my husband’s…” He could not continue the term. So he left it hanging.

Todd continued, “I learned about cuckolding about three months ago after handling a case. Though I made the case win, the result was that of the cougar who was pining over me. That irked Brett badly. So, I am very careful in accepting cases. This recent case though could not be handled by anyone except for me.”

Todd felt he was digressing. 

“Okay, yeah… the cuckold. I am willing to do that if it would mean I could still keep Brett. But I want a Bull I can trust.” The lawyer friend paused. “When I watched you hours ago inside the home gym, I could not help but feel that nagging feeling about you and Brett being a good-looking couple if paired up. Instead of getting jealous, I was aroused. It is surprising though because of my case and that only Brett is my cure. But when I think of others with Brett  when I was in my momentary reverie heading to this office, I was filled with rage.”


Todd didn’t fail to note the sarcasm. He chuckled in response.

“Yes, man. I am actually imagining you right now with Brett and you see…” Todd stood up and exposed the outline of his bulge from his khaki. “I am horned up now.”

David’s only response was laughter. But after hearing that and briefly picturing an image with Brett in it, his erection began to rise. His gym shorts failed to hide his big bulge, which was caught by Todd’s gaze.

“You see, you are even aroused, my friend.” A sarcastic chuckle came out from Todd’s mouth. “But wait, this is just the beginning.”

“Damn you, Todd!  Are you really serious with your plan letting me fuck your handsome husband?” 

“Yes, Dave. You seem to be the only and the best candidate for this task.”

“How about bringing Brett with you?” David now asked with mild amusement on his face. His friend seemed to be pranking him. Or so he thought. Perhaps, this was his friend’s test of loyalty, knowing he was his husband’s personal trainer and they would be spending hours together in the home gym, just them alone while Todd would be away.

“It’s dangerous. I can’t risk my husband’s life. He might become a target.” Todd answered, now his mind was swayed elsewhere.

“But do you think he would also be safe here?” David’s inquiry gave a hint of annoyance.

“His father can better protect him. He can call bodyguards to protect his youngest son.” Todd already considered this factor. 

‘I guess, the best solution would be me fucking your husband while I would be protecting him, right? Are you afraid I will snatch him and will not return him to you?”

“I know you will not do that to a sworn brother. Betrayal would only lead to your demise and me also experiencing the same fate.” Todd grinned, knowing he outsmarted his friend.

“Shit. You really considered that.” 

Another pause seemed to be impregnating the air in the room.

David already began to imagine Brett and his new fucking studly body. That made him more aroused.

“You know, I am already imagining your husband being under me now. But I am also thinking about you, bud. Are you really okay with this?”

“100 percent. But I have many conditions and that include no humiliation that would affect me. I will go through that when Brett is here.” Todd checked his watch as he also observed his friend. A grin formed on his face making him chuckle. Any concern about David and Brett betraying him was thrown out of his mind’s window frame. He just had to properly lay out the ground rules.

by Amorifer Xi

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024