A Chance Taken

by Everett Russell

22 Nov 2023 3506 readers Score 9.8 (29 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Chapter 4

I reached into the stall and turned the faucet to hot, letting the rain style shower head that descended from the ceiling sprinkle to life. I closed the clouded glass door and returned to the mirror, waiting for the water to run hot. I looked at myself, incredulously, as I still was having trouble accepting my situation as reality. A battered and used, yet happy little otter gazed back at me. My long blonde hair crowded my shoulders in a frizzy yet attractive mess. My face and body were covered in sweat from the intensity of Daddy’s oral onslaught. My lips, which were always naturally plump and pink, were swollen and bright red from being stretched out by Daddy’s massive dick. They now lay open and healing around the ball of a gag that Daddy had locked in my mouth.

The sound of clinking metal, the setting of heavy weights on a barbell, pulled me from my thoughts. The brutal throat fucking, which was more than enough workout for me, was not enough for Daddy. I knew I was meant to be showering and getting ready for him, but I couldn’t help but sneak a peek. I crept out of the bathroom and peered out the open bedroom door into the living room.

Daddy was again, working out in his boxers, a sight that I hoped would never leave my memory. The 7ft tall behemoth that had planned a kidnapping, brought me here bound, gagged, and stuffed inside a duffle bag in the trunk of his car, set the final 45lb plate on the barbell and prepared to do a set of squats. I counted five 45lb plates on each end of the bar. That’s 450lbs of plates, plus however much the bar weighs. Significantly more than my 122lbs. As if that weren’t impressive enough, that was just a warmup. About a dozen more 45lb plates waited on a rack to his side. I saw no plates of lesser weight. Obviously, Daddy doesn’t mess around.

With his back to me, I watched as he lowered his head underneath the bar, to center it across his shoulders and begin a series of squats. He shifted his weight back and forth before sucking in a sharp breath of air through his nose. He then almost effortlessly lifted the weight from the squat rack. At least, it seemed effortless. I saw him just last night squatting nearly twice that much. He lowered himself into a deep and perfectly executed squat, and I watched with intense awe and admiration. His legs flexed with the effort, his glutes and quads straining against the confines of his boxers. My eyes landed on his wide back which spread to his shoulders like a pair of muscled wings. His caramel-colored skin glistened with sweat and sporadically twitched over the strong muscles underneath. Of course, all of this was made more impressive by his height and width. Daddy had to be at least 7ft tall and carried around a generous mass of even fat which wrapped his strong muscles beautifully. He was certainly not overweight, with visible abs slapped onto his abdomen, but he was not rock-hard either. A hug from him had to feel like a hug from a great polar bear, I thought to myself. The loud clanking of the barbell being re-racked brought me back to my senses and I dipped back into the bathroom to start getting ready.

The shower water was definitely warm by now, with steam spreading from the corners of the mirror inwards. I grabbed the necessities from the sink, impressed and charmed that Daddy had new products here for me to use. Then, I slipped into the shower. The water was hot on my skin but I quickly acclimated to it. I set the toiletries on the tiled shelf and then straightened my posture, letting the water wash over me. I tilted my chin to the shower head, letting the water pour over my face. As water pooled around the insides of my spread lips and splattered off the polished ball of the gag in my mouth, it occurred to me that I had not had the chance to fully shower for two days now. Daddy kidnapped me at the beginning of my shower yesterday afternoon. After all of the stress Daddy put me through, as fun and exhilarating as it was, it felt good to relax in the shower. After letting the hot water warm my tired body, I set to work, preparing for what I most anticipated with Daddy, yet was equally nervous for.

After fully showering and preparing myself to take Daddy’s monstrous cock, I luxuriated a bit longer, savoring the feeling of the hot water hitting my skin. My hair lay plastered to my back, freshly washed and conditioned from the products Daddy laid out on the sink. My skin felt smooth and moisturized, and smelled of pine, the scent that Daddy seemed to always smell of. It made me wildly horny. I closed my eyes and stretched my neck back as I gingerly reached around to finger my waiting ass. As I worked open my tight and excited hole, small moans escaped from behind the ball gag in my mouth. I swayed there, my feet spread slightly, my hair flowing freely, dripping water wherever it went, and my finger up my ass. A deep voice startled my eyes open. I turned my head sharply, whipping water on the shower doors from my drenched hair. I saw a figure darkening the shower doorway. My gaze drifted upwards and met Daddy’s as he smiled at me from above the glass. Once again, I was floored by how tall he was.

“I said, do you want some help with that?”

Daddy asked, with a smile in his eyes. I nodded my head in agreement. Daddy slid the shower door open and slowly ducked to fit inside. I had to back up against the wall of the shower to allow this giant man to join me. As Daddy rose to his full height it was clear why he had chosen a rain style shower head. A more typical style would be nowhere near high enough to wet his hair. Daddy smiled down at me and reached out to cup the back of my head. He moved me closer to him until our bodies met. I could feel the weight of his heavy dick pressed up against my stomach. I looked down to see the base of his shaft smushed right below my pecs. I looked back up, past his belly button, to my natural eye level. I was staring at his upper abdomen, right below his chest. I continued to look up, past his wonderful pecs and inviting nipples, past his manicured beard and soft lips, finally settling on his dark eyes. He was definitely past 7ft tall, I was sure of that now. Daddy looked back into my eyes, a smile still on his face.

“Daddy’s gonna need some help getting clean after his workout. Wash me baby. Now.”

I nodded my head, still unable to speak through the ball gag, and turned to grab the body wash. I squeezed a generous amount in to my hands and worked up a lather. Then I turned my eyes back to Daddy. It was difficult to not fixate on what lay right in front of me. His massive dick swung between his legs, looking as heavy and dominating as ever. I realized with immense satisfaction that I hardly had to lower my gaze to look at it. I could suck Daddy’s dick standing up without much trouble. Again, Daddy had to remind me of my task.

“Now baby. I won’t ask again.”

He chided in a stern voice. I immediately set to work. I began by scrubbing his abdomen, starting with his stomach. His skin was warm and I could feel strong abs underneath a thin layer of fat. I worked my way up to his chest and massaged the soap into his thick pecs. I punctuated my work by teasing each of his nipples, pinching and tugging on them slightly. Daddy expressed his comfort by grinding his hardening dick into my chest. The force nearly knocked me backwards. Again, the sheer gap in strength between us was shocking.

I regained my balance and reached higher to scrub his shoulders and neck. I was nearing the end of my reach and soon had to go up on my toes. Daddy grabbed my wrist and looked down into my eyes, water dripping from his hair. I got the message loud and clear. Now, the other side. I refilled my hands with body wash and then squeezed past him until I stood on the opposite side of the shower. I took a moment to take in the sight. Daddy’s head was so far above my own, sitting atop a pair of impossibly wide shoulders and a muscular back. I glanced down slightly to drink in the sight of his perfect ass, the ass I had gotten quite familiar with yesterday. His cheeks were prominent and round, begging to be played with and pulled apart. As if to invite me, Daddy flexed his glutes, causing the two globes to crash together and harden, before bouncing back to their relaxed state. Eagerly, I began lathering up his ass, enjoying the feeling of smushing his cheeks together and pulling them apart. His ass felt so large in my hands. I couldn’t imagine how small mine would feel in his. For a moment this was disheartening as I work hard to maintain a bubble butt that I am proud of. I quickly discarded this thought though as the comparison isn’t even remotely fair. Proportionally, my butt is something to be proud of and Daddy seemed to enjoy it.

After thoroughly scrubbing Daddy’s ass and crack, I continued up his back, working as hard and as high as I could. When I could not reach any higher up his neck, I switched directions, going down each of his legs. As I worked on cleaning his left, I couldn’t help but marvel at its size. Like everything else on him it was impressively thick and muscled and much larger than its counterpart on my body. I paused for a moment out of curiosity to compare the width of Daddy’s thigh to that of my chest. Unsurprisingly and attractively, his leg was wider around than my torso. Back to work, I scrubbed down his thigh and calf, landing on his giant left foot. I have never considered myself a foot guy, but again, the sheer size made me excited. If I had to guess, Daddy probably wore a US size 22 in shoes. I guess what they say about men with large feet is right. I finished up with Daddy’s foot and then went through the same motions on his other leg.

As I stood up, Daddy rumbled in his low voice,

“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

I squeezed past Daddy to an exciting display. His impressive penis had ballooned to full erectness at likely above 12 inches long. If my jaw had been free, it would have been on the floor. Of course, Over the last two days I had seen and sucked that dick, but you don’t see many of its size and thickness in your lifetime, even as an out gay man. I expect I could see that dick a thousand times and still be shocked at the sight of its full boner. I again went for some more body wash and soaped it up in my hands. I turned back to the giant dick before me. Even at full hardness, it didn’t stand up straight but was leveled at my chest. Its angry tip seemed to point through me. I slowly and carefully took it into my hands and immediately understood why it didn’t point higher while hard. The weight of the damn thing was pulling it down. My eyes went wide as I felt how heavy it was in my hands. I passed it from one palm to another, enjoying how soft and velvety its skin felt. As I began to work the shaft, smearing it with the pine scented body wash, I noticed the veins pulsing underneath its surface. I outlined each one with my finger, enjoying the beauty and ruggedness of the organ in my hands. I then began washing and squeezing the mushroom shaped head, feeling every urge to place it between my lips. If the ball gag were not strapped and locked to my face, I surely would have. Then, with my left hand I raised the giant dick up to get a glimpse of the balls hanging underneath. With my right hand, I cradled the two balls, which felt near the size of limes or lemons. They hung incredibly low and begged me to suck them into my mouth. Again, this damn ball gag prevented it. Instead, I just skillfully washed them before stepping back to admire my work. Glancing up, I could see that Daddy looked please.

“Good job baby.”

Daddy complimented. I then watched as he stretched his head backward, letting the hot water pour down the front of his body, washing the soap away with it. He rubbed his chest and stomach, hefted his heavy dick in his hands and scrubbed his balls, making sure every last suds of soap was carried down into the drain. He then turned around and did the same with his back. I again was amazed at how close in height his ass was to my face. Incredible.

Finished rinsing all the soap off, he turned to face me and reached over my shoulder to turn up the water’s temperature. The water, already hot, splattered off of Daddy onto me. I recoiled from its new heat as it burned my skin, but I didn’t make it far. Daddy had reached out to my shoulders and pulled me to his body, leaning over my head to block most of the water with his back. I sucked in air around the ball gag as the water still found a way to my skin, stinging as it did. I struggled against Daddy’s embrace, but there was no way I could break it. He was just too strong, with too big a wing span. As I still struggled with the new heat of the shower, Daddy rubbed my back with his hands. I began to feel soothed by the heat rather than burned. The stinging went away and was replaced by relaxation. It was the same feeling as jumping into a hot tub. I was appreciative of Daddy for helping me grow accustomed to the heat and simultaneously curious how he hadn’t felt burned at all. As if he needed to appear any more masculine. When Daddy felt that I stopped struggling, he released me, meeting my eyes with a hungry look.

“Trust me baby, you’ll be glad for the heat in a moment.”

I was not sure what he meant by that, but I was pretty sure I knew where this was going. I instinctively tried to smile, which I’m sure looked awkward through the ball gag. Daddy then slid the shower door open enough to reach through and grab something off of the sink.

“Turn around.”

He instructed. I did as I was told. I felt Daddy insert the key into the heart shaped padlock that held my gag in place. He removed the lock followed by the gag and then tossed the items onto the counter of the sink. Still facing the knobs of the shower, I heard the door slide shut. Then a large palm on my shoulder slowly turned me around.

“Alright baby, I can’t wait any longer to use your tight little body Get this nice and wet for me.”

He commanded, swinging his dick side to side. I gleefully did as I was told. As I placed the tip of his dick into my mouth, hardly bending over to reach it, I felt Daddy grab the back of my head with his huge hand. In one swift motion he bucked his hips and shoved my head down the length of his cock on the first thrust. Unprepared, I coughed and sputtered, truly choking on his dick for the first time. I tried to pull off of it but Daddy’s hand on the back of my head kept me firmly in place, with my nose scrunched up against his pubes, my chin hitting his balls. As I continued to choke, I could feel his dick twitching in my throat, stimulated by the walls of my esophagus which restricted on the invader. I gagged and coughed and nearly threw up while Daddy just moaned in satisfaction. I meekly tried to pull off of his dick again, placing my hands on his sides, pushing as I tried to toss my head backwards. Daddy didn’t even seem to care and instead of removing my hands, just reached under my chin to maintain the deepthroat I was giving him. Even through my excessive retching, I found this dominance extremely attractive and worked harder to regain control. I held onto the same breath until I felt my heart stop beating so fast and the need to gag subside. Daddy noticed this and stroked my head with his hand.

“That’s right baby. I’m using you. Get used to it.”

He then began thrusting in and out of my throat, still holding onto the back of my head to keep me under his control. With his other hand, Daddy leaned over my back and began massaging my ass. Pausing to hold me down on his dick, he spanked me, hard and unforgiving. I wailed through the dick in my mouth at the pain he had caused me. Yet, he just shivered at the sensation of my scream vibrating through his cock. He slapped me again. And then again. Until my ass felt stung and raw and I was again choking on his cock. I felt tears forming in my eyes. Yet, even through the pain I still found this attractive.

Daddy, still with his dick buried down my throat, rubbed the redness of my ass before standing to his full height, trailing my back with his nails as he did. It was my turn to shiver at the sensation. Then, he grabbed my chin before slowly pulling out of my throat. A wet, sticky mix of saliva and precum stretched from my lips to his piss slit. With a large thumb, Daddy rubbed my lips, gathering the sticky solution, and worked it up and down the length of his impressively long dick. I stood there mesmerized, weak in the knees and furiously drinking in the humid air. Daddy looked down on me with a humor in his eyes. Suddenly, I felt a heavy thud on my right cheek and my face was knocked to the left. Shocked by the sudden beating, I tried to gather my bearings, and noticed that Daddy had raised himself onto his toes. I then felt my face pulled back to center by my chin. In his other hand, Daddy hefted his cock like a weapon, slapping it up and down in his fingers. I realized what was happening and braced myself for the next hit, which knocked me squarely in the already sore jaw. I opened and closed my mouth, working to relax the, at this point abused, muscle before again looking up into Daddy’s eyes. He smiled down with a mischievous grin, obviously enjoying the power he held over me. He then pushed down on my shoulder so that I was again at the perfect height for him to beat me with his heavy cock. He struck me with it, and the impact of the hit jarred my face to the right. Daddy went on beating me with his dick for a minute or two, which seemed to give him great pleasure. I’m sure me and him both were very satisfied with the fact that he could do this to me while we both stood. I only had a slight bend in my posture, yet he leveled his dick at my face. Shocked, dazed, and horny as hell, I had trouble focusing my eyes on the coming attacks.

“Don’t tell me you're surprised honey! I told you; I play rough. I already showed you some care, but not for this next part.”

He then knelt low and gathered me in his arms. He rose back to his full height, lifting me with him. I held my arms around his neck and attempted to lock my legs around his torso, but he is so wide, that all I could do was squeeze. Daddy definitely didn’t need help from me though. He held me against his chest with one arm and paddled my ass with his hard dick with the other. He leaned toward my face; lips puckered. I pulled myself forward to kiss the tall man. Our tongues once again met in a passionate dance. Kissing Daddy was like how they portray kissing in the movies. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and fireworks exploded behind my closed eyes. We stayed like that for some time, passionately making out with hot water running down our bodies. Then, without much warning, Daddy began pressing the tip of his dick against my hole. Naturally, I had already loosened myself through preparation and fingering, but his dick was longer than a ruler and thicker than a beer can. Without any lube or loosening on his part, this would be rough. As if sensing my fear, Daddy released his dick and began pushing his fingers into me, first his index, then his index and middle. His fingers alone were so big that I groaned out loud. As excited as I was, I wasn’t sure if I could handle what was about to happen.

Then, with as much warning as an earthquake, Daddy removed his fingers and thrusted upward, while at the same time pulling my body down onto his dick. The sudden assault on my hole shook my body with pain and caused me to throw my head back, moaning loudly. It was unlike anything I’ve ever felt. If I had to describe it, I’d say it was like losing your virginity to a damn horse. The pain and the pleasure were indiscernible. I squirmed against Daddy’s tight grip, pushing upwards on his shoulders in an attempt to remove the gigantic member from my protesting ass. Daddy of course wasn’t having any of it. Holding me up with one arm, he took the other and gathered my wrists behind my back. He quickly gripped them together between his massive fingers and then pulled me further downward, deepening his invasion of my hole. There was nothing I could do except try and take it. I again threw my head back and groaned through the pain, attempting to relax the muscles in my hole to make this more pleasurable. Then, suddenly, it was.

Daddy had leaned forward and began kissing me, deeply and tenderly. As we made out, he retracted his dick completely, allowing my hole to recover for a moment before driving his member back inside. This was enough of a reprieve from the pain for me to compose myself and enjoy what was happening. I began to understand what Daddy had meant about me being glad for the hot water. The increased temperature relaxed my muscles to the point where I was able to withstand this anal abuse without more extreme consequences. As challenging as it was to take his first thrust, it would have been much more difficult without the hot steam floating through the stall. I was also grateful for the extreme throat fucking he gave me as the wads of saliva and precum acted like a natural lubricant.  

As Daddy continued to brutally fuck me, I realized again that unbound, with no gag or restraints, I was still entirely helpless. Daddy was in total control. He backed me into the wall of the shower until my shoulders rested on the cold tiles. He still gripped my wrists together in one hand while supporting my weight with the other. As he continued to suck on my tongue and my lips, he bucked in and out of my ass, reaching my G-spot more effortlessly than any other man I’d been with. It was all I could do to continue to make out with him as he was reaching my prostate and continuously stimulating it to the point of orgasm. It felt as though I was being edged in the best way possible. Waves of pleasure rolled up my spine, over my head and to the tip of my nose, causing me to gape my mouth wide open, to Daddy’s delight as he continued to stick his tongue down my throat. It went like this for a long while. I found myself impressed at my ability to last alongside Daddy. I think it was the making out that allowed me not to cum on the spot. It was just enough of a distraction that I remained under control. Whatever control I thought that I found though, Daddy was about to take away.

Pulling me off the shower wall, Daddy began driving his dick deeper into my ass than I thought possible, using my wrists that he still held behind my back to pull me further onto his massive cock. The shock to my prostate arched my back involuntarily and Daddy used this opportunity to push in even further. A load groan escaped me. I met Daddy’s eyes where a clear warning was waiting. Careful. Not too loud. He continued to piston into me with a force that I had never experienced. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and my body quaked. I began shaking and trying to free my arms from Daddy’s grip because the prolonged pleasure was too much to bear. It felt like someone refusing to stop tickling you, or a persistent sneeze that just won’t come out. Of course, it was no use straining against Daddy’s strength. If anything, my struggling prompted Daddy to go even deeper and faster. I felt my toes curling and my hands clenching into fists. My much smaller dick was rock hard against Daddy’s stomach and couldn’t hold back any longer. With Daddy mercilessly fucking my hole I came all over his and my chest, shooting the biggest load I’ve ever had.

“Good idea baby!”

Daddy said between breaths. He buried into me, every inch of his foot long cock in my ass, and shot rope after rope of hot cum into me. Immediately, my body felt warm and at peace. Daddy held me on his dick for a moment longer, making certain every drop of his man spunk was deposited into my opened ass. He then slowly retracted from me, and the feeling of the giant cock leaving me was again, indescribable. It was as if a part of my body had been removed, and now I had phantom limb syndrome, a feeling that something should be there, but wasn’t.

Daddy released my wrists and hugged me close to his chest. I wrapped my hands around his neck, burying my nose into his hairline, inhaling deeply to smell his enticing scent. I felt some of his cum leak out of my ass and heard it fall to the floor of the shower. I could’ve stayed like that forever. Held in the air in a tight embrace by this gigantic man, full of his cum, with hot water running down my back, soothing my aching muscles. It was again, heaven.

But Daddy lowered me to the floor and reached to turn the shower off. As my weight returned to my responsibility, I felt my knees buckle, the effort of the fucking I received too great for me to be able to stand, let alone walk. I grunted as I was about to fall but Daddy caught me.

“Oh baby!”

Daddy laughed, holding me close to his body.

“Come back here.”

He lifted me again, this time cradling me, and the warmth of his care seeped into my bones. I looked up at his face as Daddy opened the shower stall and carefully extracted himself and me. He carried me to the bedroom and laid me down on his massive mattress. He then walked back into the bathroom and grabbed two towels. He stood before me, drying off his magnificent body before tossing the used towel aside and using the other to dry me. He rubbed me up and down, drying my limbs and my stomach. Then he gently rolled me over and did the same with my backside, taking some extra care on my ass which was still red from his spankings. When he was done, I attempted to roll back over but was pushed back onto my stomach. I turned my head to look at Daddy questioningly, but he just gave me a stern look as he climbed up on the bed, straddling my legs. I felt his large hands come to rest on my shoulders before he began giving me a deep tissue massage. He worked my back, releasing any tension that managed to linger through the excellent fucking he just gave me. I could feel his heavy, limp dick resting in the valley made by my ass cheeks. I was in heaven.

When I was more relaxed than I’d been in a very long time, Daddy stood from the bed and walked around to my left side. He reached for something hanging from the head board and brought out a thick, plaited strap with padded wrist cuffs. As I lay their relaxed, he cuffed my hand to the corner of the bed and then proceeded to the same with all my other limbs. Before I truly came back to my senses and realized what was happening, I was strapped to the bed, on my stomach, splayed like a giant X. As I lifted my head, struggling against my new restraints, I felt a heavy palm push me into the bed. Then Daddy passed the ball gag over my head and secured it into my mouth. Once again, I heard the clink of the little pad lock snap shut, locking the gag in place. I shouldn’t have been surprised at that point by the swift change in my circumstances but it still caught me off guard. I groaned through my gag which was met by a firm slap to my ass. I bit into the firm rubber of the ball gag, clenching through the initial sting of the spanking. I fell the bed sag under Daddy’s weight and then a blunt pinching on my ass where it had been slapped. I realized Daddy was biting me. He chewed down hard enough to where I had to keep myself from groaning, but relented before he caused any real pain. Then, Daddy stood and began opening and closing drawers. I leaned onto one side the best I could and watched him get dressed. My eyebrows raised in alarm. Daddy saw this and laughed.

“Don’t worry baby. I’ll be back soon. Just have to run out and finish a couple errands.”

With that, Daddy walked back to the side of the bed, gave my ass one more hard slap for good measure, and then turned and left the room, shutting the bedroom door behind him. I listened for the sound of him coming back. Reentering the room, telling me he was kidding before stripping down to fuck me again. But no, I heard the sound of keys jangling and then the front door opening and closing. I was alone in the apartment, strapped to a bed with a ball gag in my mouth. At this point I was beginning to grow familiar with this feeling. I rolled my eyes and grunted through the gag, but truly I was not annoyed. I’d just had probably the best sex of my life and now I was strapped to a cushy bed with good pillows and the scent of Daddy’s pine bodywash and man musk lingering in the sheets. What else could I have possibly wanted in this moment. I exhaled through the gag and closed my eyes, eagerly waiting to be woken up by Daddy when he returns. Then I drifted off into the deepest sleep of my adult life.