Wrong recipient?

by Karcamel

9 Sep 2023 6155 readers Score 8.3 (52 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Wilson, my neighbor, backed his car into his parking space as I watched from the window. It wasn't the same rusty Volkswagen he'd been driving for the entire time our family had lived in that townhouse. Wilson had a brand-new BMW. The black vehicle gleaming in the sunlight was clearly not the smallest model available, but a full-size SUV. It barely fits into the parking space.

Wilson leaned back with an arrogant expression on his face as the other men in the house approached the man's penis extension one by one. Hendricks was kicking tires; he was sixty years old, a hothead, and he loathed children because he had never had any.

Wilson must have a small dick, Hendricks said, eyes still on the rims. "I mean, because he bought this," Hendricks' remarks were ignored by everyone, including Wilson.

Hendricks was the oldest of the six men in the backyard. Sam Crane was the youngest, with two children under 30, and the others were in between. I was in my fifties, and the rest of the people in the house were about the same age.

The backyards of the townhouses were long and narrow, and I had bought a rechargeable lawnmower that I occasionally lent to some of the neighbors. My neighbor Brian brought it up again while we were looking at the vehicle.

"Would you mind if I borrowed your lawn mower for a while?" Brian asked. "Our Tom is lazy, and neither he nor I feel like pushing an antique propeller."

"When would you need it?" I asked.

"Whenever it suits you,"

I said, "Well, why don't we go get it?"

I invited Brian in. My wife was making coffee and asked if the neighbor wanted a cup. We were relaxing in the backyard on a warm summer afternoon.

"My wife has tickets for a stadium concert this weekend. She has also booked a hotel room. But Joanna can't go because she's at the school's pre-semester student assembly. I mean, would you let your wife go to the big city?

My wife overheard the conversation and was overjoyed. She immediately went to the neighbor's house to make travel arrangements.

"This came at the perfect time because Sally is also cycling in the archipelago, which means I can be totally alone in the peace of my own company." Sally was our daughter, 19 years old at the time.

"I have the same intentions; a short break from the family will do me good." Brian chuckled.

The neighbor tucked the clippers under his arm and said he'd bring them back soon. My own lawn had just been mowed, so I said there was no rush.

The concert was on Saturday, but the ladies had been busy since Friday. I was sitting in an armchair watching sports on TV when my phone chirped to alert me to a message. It was a message from Brian and what I read was very confusing. It said:

- What's up, Marty? My wife's going away on Saturday, so I've got time for some fun. Would you like a taste of it? -

The message was accompanied by a photo of a rock-hard dick, and the background of the photo was clearly the neighbor's living room. I immediately realized that Brian had accidentally sent me a message instead of Marty. There was an unexpected revelation about the neighbor's man that he probably wouldn't have come up with on his own.

The stiff dick in the picture wasn't longer than average, but it was thick; the lady would have had every reason to be pleased. However, it was obvious that Brian also had desires in the opposite direction. I was curious how many times Marty had eaten Brian's fatty flesh. For some reason, I felt a tingle in my stomach.

Saturday morning I took the women to the train station and picked up a case of beer from the supermarket. It was going to be a quieter evening than a quiet evening at home with beer and bench sports. I went out for pizza and jogged a few miles. I lay on the bed, surfed the internet on my phone, and took a little nap. At five o'clock I opened the beer and poured it into a glass.

I had just finished three beers when the doorbell rang.

"Hey, here's your lawn mower. What I'm holding out here is just a handy machine," Brian said.

I asked the young man after he put the mower in the little shed by the front door.

"Beer?" I asked.

"Not sure what my parents will think..."

"Don't worry, I won't tell," I said with a grin.

Soon we both had pints of ice-cold Frosty. I couldn't help but think that Marty might have wanted to taste Brian's meaty pole. Whoever that man might have been.

"So now that your parents are gone, you didn't have any plans for the weekend?" I asked, curious to see what kind of answer I would get.

"Well, there weren't really any big plans. A little fun with someone, but that didn't happen." Brian replied.

"A nice lady maybe? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

"Something like that, yes."

"But not exactly?"

Brian seemed pensive. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and I could see he was checking his WhatsApp messages. But he remained silent.

We drank some beer and started to get a little tipsy. The thought of what Brian's dick had looked like in the photo made me feel that old familiar tingle again. How would it look in real life? We had empty glasses again. Brian stood up and grabbed my beer.

"I'll take care of this," he said.

I said, "I might have something a little more spirited," and followed him into the kitchen. I took the whiskey glasses out of the cupboard. I put them on the counter. "Grab a bottle from over there and fill our glasses. Two fingers."

Brian grabbed a bottle from the cabinet and stood behind me. I was between the bar and the young man as he poured the golden yellow liquid into the glasses. If I didn't know what I knew, I wouldn't have paid any attention to the fact that I could feel him pressing himself against my bottom.

As Brian set the bottle down on the table, I pressed my ass against his hip and he put his hand on my shoulder. As crazy as it sounds, my cock started to harden. I turned around and our hips were facing each other. Brian made no attempt to escape.

"Cheers," he toasted as he raised the glass to his lips. Brian would definitely notice that I already had a full hard-on.

"Cheers," I said, moving my hips slightly against him. We were both wearing thin shorts, so I could feel the stiffness of Brian's cock against my own. Brian licked his lips after taking another drink. We just stood there, staring at each other in silence.

"I accidentally sent the wrong number." He said and I nodded. Brian reached over and ran his hand over my butt. Since we were both the same size, our noses almost touched.

He pulled me even closer. I drank the whiskey in one gulp and put the glass down behind me. I noticed Brian's hand shaking as he tried to set the glass down on the table. The glass broke as it fell to the floor, but neither Brian nor I cared.

I made the decision to act on my own and do what we both clearly expected. Brian's lips touched mine as I licked them wet. Our tongues touched as Brian opened his mouth.

"I sent the wrong number by mistake." He said and I nodded. Brian reached over and ran his hand over my bottom. Since we were the same size, our noses almost touched.

He pulled me even closer. I drank the whiskey in one gulp and put the glass down behind me. I noticed Brian's hand shaking as he tried to set the glass down on the table. The glass broke as it fell to the floor, but neither Brian nor I cared.

I made the decision to act on my own and do what we both clearly expected. Brian's lips touched mine as I licked them wet. Our tongues met as Brian opened his mouth. Two guys sharing wet kisses. Sexy. Our hands traveled around each other's bodies as we rotated our stiff organs, separated by thin fabric, against each other.

Brian grabbed the hem of my T-shirt and pulled it off in one swift motion. I did the same to him, and our breasts met, and I heard my chest hairs crackle as they pressed against each other. In the yard next door, Sanderson and Randolph were discussing the upcoming football season. Little do they know what happened at my house.

I let go of Brian and turned him around. I nudged him from behind to move. He must have had some idea of what I was thinking because the trip ended in the bed I shared with my wife. We both lay on our sides facing each other and kissed passionately. Brian reached between my legs and grasped the stiff pole with his hand.

"We have a very eager guy," he said as he slid his hand under the rubber of my pants. I pushed myself up a little and Brian pulled them to my knees. I kicked them off, leaving me completely naked in the arms of my horny neighbor. I felt more passionate than ever as we licked each other all over. Then Brian took off his shorts and sat up. After he pulled me close, I was able to cross my legs over his waist and sit between his legs. Our cocks were touching and we could see each other's fucking toys.


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by Karcamel

Email: [email protected]

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