Turning Chase

by Chase Huxley

25 Sep 2023 7527 readers Score 9.4 (96 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

For story updates, reader polls, and AI renderings of how characters might look (both SFW and NSFW), feel free to check out my Twitter: twitter.com/chasehuxley6

Chapter 7


At 22, Soren Dunne was at peak attractiveness. His blonde hair, reminiscent of sun-kissed fields on a warm summer's day, framed a perfectly balanced face that sat on the line between boyishness and manhood. His emerald-green eyes, deep as the ocean and just as captivating, held a world of youthful fantasies and dreams within their depths.

Soren's skin was soft and dewy, as if painted by the brushstrokes of an amorous muse. Having been a gymnast for 15 years, his lithe and sculpted physique moved with the grace and fluidity, each motion a serenade to the senses. His muscular physique, a harmonious symphony of strength and grace, held an undeniable allure. The ripple of muscles beneath his flawless skin was like poetry in motion, each sinew and curve invoking a sense of desire that was impossible to ignore. Despite only being 5’8” tall, he looked as if he had been chiseled from marble by an artist, with every line and contour igniting admiration (and often dirty fantasies).

Soren possessed a quiet calmness, and usually carried himself with a serenity that made him all the more attractive. The young man’s serious, tranquil disposition had an intoxicating effect on many, drawing the attention of not just his peers but also his coaches and professors. His genuine, unassuming personality was a magnetic force, an irresistible allure that stirred desires deep within. In the hallowed halls of academia and the demanding world of NCAA gymnastics, he was a beacon of innocent sex appeal that ignited desires in those who couldn't resist the allure of the purity he seemed to represent.


He had recently graduated from Stanford University with a degree in sociology and was a few weeks into his first full-time job: a legal secretary at a midsized law firm in Austin.  Soren felt a bit of regret over choosing to attend Stanford. For the first two-and-a-half years in college, he was a computer science major, but struggled to keep up with the intense workload. In high school, he was roughly in the top 25% of his class at a large public school in Texas, which was enough to get him into Stanford as a recruited athlete.  But most of the other CS majors were hardcore nerds: usually valedictorians, competitive mathletes, coding prodigies, and the like.

Soren failed to balance his coursework alongside 20 hours a week of gymnastics training, and he earned subpar grades throughout the first couple years of college. As a result, during his junior year, he caved and switched into the sociology major, where most of his peers were other varsity athletes and not geniuses. He earned mostly A’s and A-‘s in his sociology courses, but by the time of graduation, he only had a mediocre 3.39 cumulative GPA.

This, combined with unfortunate timing of his graduation during a stagnant global economy, meant that Soren had to accept a relatively low-paying legal assistant job in Austin. Furthermore, his law firm had to slash support-staff salaries because they over-hired during the previous couple of years; they only offered Soren $41,000 per year and a bare bones benefits package. As such, Soren moved back into his parents’ place, which was in the suburbs, about an hour drive from his downtown Austin office during rush hour.

It was a bit of a tough pill for Soren to swallow, given that most of his college classmates who stuck with the computer science major were collecting $200k+ paychecks and living in fancy apartments with nice gyms and other fine amenities. Nonetheless, the former elite gymnast managed to push most negative thoughts out of his head. He had managed to at least secure a full-time, salaried position straight out of college, and could quickly save enough money to pay the deposit on an apartment lease if he hustled. His dad was a high school teacher while his stepdad was a car mechanic. They did okay, but were too-cash strapped to help Soren out given that had already stretched themselves financially by purchasing an expensive house in an upper-middle class neighborhood several years back. Plus, they also had to fund their daughter Sara’s own gymnastics career until she graduated high school.

Soren kept a rigorous routine. He got up at around 5:30am each morning to work out for an hour or two before commuting to work. He was eager to make a good early impression on his bosses and usually stayed at the office until about 7pm. On the weekends, to earn extra cash, he drove Door Dash, which allowed him to save an extra $150 or so each week. If he kept this up, he could afford to move to Austin within a few months.

One fateful Saturday evening, Soren cursed quietly as his 2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee sat motionless on the freeway. There was an accident that backed traffic up, and the Carrabba’s to-go bag in the passenger seat was starting to go cold. He had picked up a particularly generous order with a $17 driver tip – this would allow him to meet his target for the day and head home a bit early. Now, he felt guilty about keeping the generous patron waiting for his food.

On the bright side, the delivery location was in the vicinity of Soren’s dads’ neighborhood, so it’d be a quick trip home after he completed the drop-off. It was actually right by the home of his childhood buddy, Brad Bennett. They’d been friends in Elementary school but drifted apart in high school; however, Soren been hanging out with Brad a few times on breaks from college ever since Brad’s brother Chase began dating Soren’s sister Sara. 

After Soren finally arrived at his delivery destination, he felt impressed by the home whose front porch he stood before. It was easily the nicest home in the neighborhood, complete with Spanish style balconies and a replica of the famous “Laocoon and his Son’s” sculpture placed elegantly over a circular fountain. A stately, white Rolls Royce was parked on the driveway.

A middle-aged man who somewhat resembled a younger Tom Ford answered the door. Soren promptly apologized for his tardiness, explaining the traffic situation. The man smiled warmly, and quickly dismissed Soren’s apology. The food only came 25 minutes late, and more importantly, the man was taken aback by the handsome gymnast’s good looks. He struck up some small talk with the boy and they chatted on the porch for several minutes.


“My old buddy Brad Bennett actually lives in the house right behind yours. I used to come over here a lot on playdates as a kid. I guess this must be a rebuild – I don’t remember a home like this being here.”

“You’ve got a keen eye, bud. Did a complete tear-down of previous house – too old for me to remodel on any reasonable budget. I had this one custom built – one of my buddies in New York designed it for me, and so far, I’ve got no regrets…what’s your name by the way?” 

“I’m Soren. And you?” 

“Atticus Vanderbilt. But most of my friends call me Vanders for short. Nice to meet you…Hey, I’m sorry you had to sit in traffic for half an hour on account of delivering my food. Why don’t you walk with me to the kitchen? I want to give you something to help you out…” 

Soren tried to decline, but Vanders insisted. He was so warm and gregarious, that Soren found him difficult to refuse. The interior of the home was stunning. Open floorplans tastefully decorated in white and neutral gray furniture and pottery. Vanders pulled out a Visa gift card and handed it to Soren, without telling him the hefty amount of value it contained, and continued their conversation.

Soren told him about his new job as a legal assistant, how he was trying to save up to get his own place closer to the office, and brought up that he had competed as a gymnast at Stanford but regretted majoring in sociology. Vanders was impressed with the boy; he carried himself with a quiet dignity. And he seemed humble and mature when disusing his nonideal financial situation and desire to move out of his parents’ place soon. Vanders asked Soren if he’d ever tried making social media content – with his uncommonly good looks, the boy should have a good shot at gaining a following large enough to earn at least a few thousand bucks a month through brand partnerships.  

Soren had indeed been making content on TikTok and Instagram with limited success over the past year. He’d gained 21k followers on TikTok and 9k on Instagram. The issue was that all his content was focused on promoting Christian values, positive thinking, and videos of his gymnastics skills. Soren was too modest to capitalize on his most monetizable assets: his sculpted abs and perky ass. If only the boy would just post some cheesy videos of himself dancing shirtless or even simply blabbering about what type of girls he was into, he could easily reach 100k followers within a year. But alas, Soren was an old soul who spent little time-consuming social media himself; on top of that, he also possessed little to no business sense.


 Soren texted Vanders a link to his IG, and upon seeing his profile, man was appalled. Virtually zero thirst traps! What was the boy thinking??? Four years at fucking Stanford University on top of a Greek-god physique and studding good lucks – just to squander it by being an idiot. What was this stupid himbo doing driving Door Dash on the weekends when he could easily wiggle his ass a bit and have brands lining up to send him piles of cash and free merchandise???

Vanders put on his best poker face when he spoke. “So your account’s only about a year old, huh…you know, I’m a professional photographer and I’ve worked with a quite few handsome young bucks like yourself before…I bet, with the right photos and strategy you just might be able to at least triple your current subscriber base within a couple months…”

Soren’s ears perked. Vanders continued, “here, let me show you a bit of my portfolio.” He scrolled on his phone a bit and pulled up an album of all “safe-for-work-ish” photos of his OnlyFans boys. They were all artistically done, with perfect studio lighting and creative concepts. Most were shirtless, swimwear, or underwear pics. A few were nudes, with the genital region artfully concealed with a football, hand, or some other prop. They were taken in various settings, like farms, abandoned buildings, beaches, and sports venues. Soren was impressed, the photos all looked stunning, and very professional.

Vanders could tell he’d piqued Soren’s interest. “You know, I’d be happy to do a session with you for free…it’s common practice in our industry to give free photoshoots to promising young talent…of course, I’d own the rights to the photos but I’d let you post as many of them as you like at no cost.”  Soren couldn’t believe how serendipitous this meeting was. If he were born a couple decades earlier, someone as handsome as Soren would have surely been scouted by an agent at a shopping mall or some other public space; but now the modeling industry had changed to rely more on digital scouting, and this chance encounter with an experienced photographer like Vanders could be life-changing.  Soren replied, “Man, oh my gosh, I mean, I’d love to do a sesh with you…I’d even be happy to pay you back for it later on once I’ve got the money to.”

Vanders thought to himself mischievously, ‘Oh honey, there are plenty of ways you can pay me back later…’ He handed a business card to Soren as the grateful young man thanked him profusely for his gift and his offer. Soren entered his number into Vander’s phone and the older man promised he’d text Soren about scheduling a time for him within the next week. As Soren headed out the door and back to his door, Vanders could finally ogle the boy openly from behind. Soren wore a tight black tank, putting his thick gymnast arms fully on display. His tight ass was barely contained in his pants which looked about a size too small.

As soon as Soren got back home, he went online to register the Visa gift card Vanders gave him as an extra tip. It had $250 on it! That was easily more than a day’s worth of pay for the young legal assistant. This put him much closer to finally affording an apartment security deposit. He texted Vanders, “Hey man, thank you so much for the gift card! I didn’t really do anything to deserve it, but I’m beyond grateful for your generosity.”

A minute later he received a reply, “It’s my pleasure, bud. Just chatted with my assistant – think you can swing by this Weds around 7pm?”

Soren wrote back, “You bet! I’ll ask to get off work a bit early. 99% sure they’ll let me.”

Vanders: “Great. Btw, you mentioned you were looking to find an apt in Austin. I’ve got a 1bd condo in Zilker near Bouldin Creek, 5 mins drive to downtown. Vacant and available to rent by next month. Really just looking for a reliable tenant. Willing to rent it to you cheap…$1100 per month, $500 security deposit. Lmk if interested”

Vanders put down his phone and turned back to the Zillow page on his laptop, looking at a for-sale condo. He copied the link to email to his agent, instructing him to purchase the unit and close the deal ASAP, even if it required overbidding by up to 50%. He wanted Soren that badly.


Chase and Sara broke up shortly after their cucky threeway with Brad. The fact that they both committed some form of infidelity was just too much to overcome. Plus, for the past several months, when all the initial excitement and butterflies of being a couple faded, their relationship became heavily predicated on sex, or for Chase, the want thereof. The truth was, they weren’t fully compatible, and Brad’s actions had exposed that.

They had a long, heartfelt conversation about it and agreed to remain close friends. Surprisingly, neither Sara nor Chase felt too sad about the end of their relationship. They both shed a few tears at first, but emotionally rebounded with relative ease. On Sara’s end, she had already been having conversations for a couple of months now with several attractive men who’d slid into her DM’s. She was excited to finally pursue them.

As for Chase, he’d become infatuated with Brad. They had been stepbrothers for about a decade now, and have always been unusually close. But ever since Brad came home for this recent summer break, he’d been blowing Chase’s mind with so many intense sexual maneuvers. It was the first time Chase let another man completely dominate him, and despite his efforts, it entirely turned him on. Summer wasn’t halfway over yet and Chase had given his first blowjob, worn lingerie, gotten his anal cherry popped, sucked a man’s feet on camera, licked cum off the ground, and even fucked a girl for the first time - all due to Brad’s manipulation.

Chase simply had too much stimulation and excitement setting his mind abuzz this summer, such that he almost didn’t have capacity to feel much grief for the loss of Sara. If this breakup had occurred two months ago, Chase would have been inconsolable, pining after the love of his life and grieving for at least a year over losing the woman he hoped to marry. But now, the top thoughts on his mind all seemed to revolve around Brad...and sex…with Brad.

Brad had been especially kind to Chase for the entire week following the breakup. Brad knew the breakup was completely on him, even if he believed he was acting for the greater good and saving Chase from ruining his own life by simping for a basic, self-centered chick. Regardless of all that, he knew it would be a huge blow for any man to get cucked by his own stepbro and lose the girl he was willing to sacrifice everything for. That week, Brad hung out with his little bro almost every day whenever Chase wasn’t working or out volunteering. They played a ton of FIFA, basketball, worked out together some, and even jokingly made Hinge and Tinder accounts for Chase. 

Brad was well-rewarded for his kindness. Chase would sneak over to Brad’s bedroom nightly and suck his cock like a champ. The 18-year-old learned quick, and soon could deepthroat and massage Brad’s 9-inch destroyer like a seasoned pro. The blowjobs were so good, in fact, that Brad only fucked Chase’s ass once that week, having cum straight in his little bro’s mouth all the other times. The one time he topped Chase was when Chase surprised him by stopping the blowjob early, crawling up over his brother’s chest and riding him like a cowboy. It felt somewhat romantic to both brothers, with Chase staring straight into his idol big bro’s eyes as he used his own boycunt to squeeze and massage the giant cock throbbing inside him. It made Brad slightly uncomfortable to make love to his younger brother in this more romantic, intimate way, but he could not deny it felt amazing.


Ryan also paid special attention to Chase. A couple of weeks after hearing of Chase’s breakup, Ryan took Chase and Brad on a short trip to Colorado to go base camping for three nights. The doting stepdad was always especially concerned about Chase, the more sensitive of his two boys. He expected that Chase would be devastated by the breakup, and wanted to invest in some quality family time, maybe even pass on some words of wisdom. They flew to Denver, rented some fishing gear and headed up to a cabin in the Rocky Mountains. Brad would spend the first night with them, but after that, he’d peel off to hang out with a buddy in Boulder.

During the first day in Colorado, around sunset, Chase and Brad walked about a half mile from the cabin to go swim in the lake for a bit. Ryan had offered to stay back to prepare dinner and read his book for a bit. As the shirtless boys walked back from their swim to the cabin, Chase stopped on the side of the trail to take a leak. As he pissed on a tree several feet off-trail, he jolted with surprise: Brad had snook up from behind, smacked his ass cheeks and fondled them as the surprised jock pissed.

Chase looked over his shoulder and said somewhat playfully, “Fuck off, perv...can’t a man have a minute of privacy out here?” Brad ignored him and continued to squeeze and massage the firm bubble butt. He teased, “but do you really consider yourself a man around me? …when I’ve already rammed my rod balls deep in your pussy and made you my little bitch…” Chase felt his cheeks get warm. As his piss stream died down, his cock rapidly engorged, sprouting a boner in mere seconds as Chase remembered a slew of hot, dirty moments with Brad.

Brad looked around and then quickly dropped his shorts. “On your knees, girl. Come help your man out.” Chase protested, “What the fuck, bro! We’re barely ten feet from the trail, people are gonna walk by-“ Brad roughly pushed him down by the shoulders, “If you don’t want people to find us, then shut the fuck up…come on, I’ll be quick…” Brad gripped his younger stepbro by the head and rammed his cock into his throat. He barely gave Chase any time to adjust to his girth before he started pumping his stepbro’s head up and down, fucking his throat like a pussy.

The 18-year-old rugby jock pulled away for a second. “Brad, come on, Dad’s waiting for us. Let’s not keep him waiting for dinne-“ Brad yanked Chase’s head and shoved his cock back down his boy bitch’s throat. He lightly slapped the handsome boy a couple times and said, “Come on, just be a good girl for Daddy. The better you service me, the quicker I cum and we get back.” Chase gave in and redoubled his efforts on massaging the sexy quarterback’s cock the best he could with his throat. Within three minutes, Brad felt close to cumming. He pulled out of Chase’s throat.

Then, he pulled Chase up by the armpits, turned him around and said, “Hold on to this Aspen tree, bro. You’ve got my cock nice and lubed up with your slobber… I’m just about ready to blow my load up your sweet pussy.” Chase felt nervousness grip his heart for a second. Only spit as lube. With a cock as thick as Brad’s, this could hurt. But deep down he knew he wanted it, so he bent over and put his hands on the tree trunk for support.

Brad spent a full minute slowly easing himself into the still-somewhat-inexperienced, 18-year-old boycunt. The whole time, he sensually kissed Chase’s neck and tweaked his nipples. He ran his hands all over the high school jocks muscled torso, feeling every crevice and groove while sending pleasurable tingles up the boy’s spine. To Chase, it felt like no time had passed when Brad was already three-quarters of the way inside him.

At that point, Brad abruptly changed his pace from sensual lovemaking to quick, rough strokes. He wrapped a hand over Chase’s soft lips to muffle the loud moans. Brad fucked his stepbro using rapid, carnal strokes. Right now, he didn’t care about Chase’s pleasure, he needed to get his own rocks off as quick as possible. Before two minutes of rough, animalistic fucking passed, Brad shot his load deep into the barely-loosened fuck chute.

Brad pulled out and quickly put his shorts back on, not even taking the time to wipe his cock clean – he’d brought a few extra pairs of underwear with him, so sacrificing this pair was no problem. Chase collapsed onto one knee to catch his breath. His cock was leaking copious amounts of precum, with a thick line of precum dripping all the way to the forest floor. After a short moment, he also quickly pulled his shorts back on, thankful that no one had walked by during their quick romp. Chase would have blue balls throughout dinner, but there was little he could do about it now. 

Brad reached out a hand to help Chase up. “Thanks, dude, I needed that. You took it like a champ.” Chase knew he should be telling his stepbro to fuck off, but he could not deny that the situation turned him on. It felt so hot being roughly taken in public by a true alpha male. The brothers quickly made their way back to the cabin.


Ryan Bennett put his book down and looked off into the distance. Still no sign of his stepsons. He’d already finished cooking a simple dinner of beans, rice, and grilled chicken thighs; the food had been sitting there for almost ten minutes now, and would get cold if it took the boys much longer to get back. Feeling slightly restless, Ryan threw on a loose muscle tank, sealed the food in giant ziplock bags, and walked to the trail that led to the lake where the boys said they’d be swimming. The lake was only about half a mile away.

A couple minutes into his walk, Ryan saw an unusual sight far off in the distance. Two humanoid figures stood 20 yards off the side of the trail. Ryan walked a bit further up the trail to get a better view. It was two men, one of them standing while the other knelt before him. Ryan walked a few steps forward and stood furtively behind a tree as he peeked at the men.

Shit! Is that Brad??? It was, no doubt about it. Even the side profile, Ryan could easily recognize his son’s muscular 6’4” body and strong jaw. Fewer than 0.1% of men were as tall and muscular as Brad, and there was virtually no chance that someone who looked like that would be just standing naked in the forest near their cabin. So…then the man on his knees must be Chase!

Ryan could scarcely believe what he was seeing. He was so shocked that he didn’t even notice that his 8” cock had grown to full mast and a wet spot was quickly forming on the front of his stretched athletic shorts. He was watching his own son was face-fuck his stepson near the middle of a fucking hiking trail! Panic quickly swept over the 37-year-old dad.

What would he say to his sons if they turned around and saw him? He needed time to think and process. Ryan quickly turned around and rushed back to the cabin.

End of Chapter 7.

Thank you all for reading and continuing to send your thoughts my way through email or leaving a comment! Much of the feedback has been very helpful and your encouragement is what keeps me motivated to continue writing.

Many thanks to everyone who’s been voting in the Twitter polls. The final results of the first poll are in – it’s a tie between wanting to read more about Ryan and about Brad, with Soren coming in third place and Matty in last.

For those of you who are into Soren, you can find a multiverse version of him in my fantasy side story, Avorus Stone.

It’s a bit more hardcore than Turning Chase, so it could be wise to check the tags and exercise discretion before deciding to read it.

For story updates, reader polls, and AI renderings of how characters might look (both SFW and NSFW), feel free to check out my Twitter:



by Chase Huxley

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024