Toby's Journal

by 138b

21 Feb 2024 664 readers Score 9.7 (17 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I tossed and turned while attempting to sleep.  I could not believe that I sent Jake a pic of my hard and jizzing cock, but I did so I gotta deal with the consequences of it. 

I may have outed myself to him but if I did I am fine with that.

I wake up to my usual set alarm time but instead of doing my usual pre-dawn run, I dressed for my workout at the school’s gym.

I had to wait a few minutes in my car until someone from the school staff let me in to the workout room.  While I was waiting, I saw another drive up to mine.  I looked to see who it was driving it and saw that it was Jake.

We both just sat in our cars until the someone from the school staff was walking towards the schools door to open it up for the day. 

Once someone showed up to unlock the school’s doors, I got out of my car to grab my gear.  As I was offloading it, I looked over to see that Jake was offloading his gear as well.  I said, “hey” to him but he just went about his business.

I then said, “look Jake, I am so sorry about last night.  You know.  . “

Jake replied, “just drop it Toby, okay.  It’s bad enough that I see your puny soft cock in the locker room and showers when I’m at school, but your boned up cumming cock spooging makes me think that you are queer.  If you are, I’m fine with that but just to set the record straight, I’m not.”

I was expecting Jake to say something like this so I replied back to him, “I’m no homo Jake. I fucking swear I’m not.  I was texting with a girl I knew a few years ago.  She is a couple of years older than me.  She drunk called me last night.  She broke up with her current boyfriend and was drunk.

“Our conversation then got a bit sexy and then one thing led to another. . .”

Jake then said, “you can spare me the details Toby, but I did see you leave school yesterday in Joey Bob’s ugly green sedan so I’m not sure if what you are telling me is on the level or not.”

I just replied, “he was taking me to the auto shop so that I could pick up my car Jake, and that’s all.”

Jake then grabs his gear and says to me, “yeah right Toby. Whatever.”

I then saw Jake just walking towards the school’s door.

Jake and I didn’t talk like we usually do either in the locker room or the gym in that we bought did our workouts separately.

Once we were done with them it was the same way the showers before class and this time Jake and I showered at opposite sides of it.

He left the shower before I did.

Once I got out of it, Jake was almost fully dressed when I arrived at my locker.  He just put on his tee shirt, grabbed his book bag out of it, slammed the door hard and left.

Jake is pissed off at me and he has every right to be, but I got myself into this situation, so this is the consequences of it.

Once lunch time came around, I stood in line for the slop they were serving us today, but Jake was nowhere to be seen.

Once I was served, I didn’t go back to the usual table where Jake, Monika, and Annette ate but to an out of the way spot to eat by myself.

I was midway through my meal when Monika came up to me and said, “Toby why are you not joining us today?”

I replied, “just wasn’t sure if I was welcomed, that’s all.”

Monika then says something in Finnish and says, “come. Eat with your friends.  To me you are always welcomed.”

I then grabbed my tray and as I was walking across the lunchroom someone shouted out, “ohh look guys, the ‘Pussy’ is walking towards is ‘Cock sucking’ lover’s table.”
I recognized that voice with the douche bag that said it.

At that point I slammed my food tray on the nearest table and immediately ran towards the table to where the voice came from. Once I got there I saw that Hank Davis was seated at it.

Once I got there, Hank was sitting with a few players of the JV lacrosse team.

He has had a chip on his shoulder in that he believed that he should have been on the varsity team but didn’t make the final cut: he was also good friend with Jeff.

I went up to Hank and said to him, “do you have a problem with me Hank?”

He replied, “yeah O’Malley I do.  You got Jeff suspended even though you punched him in the face. He told me. Also word has it that you were one of  the coach’s altar boys back when he was a priest so maybe that’s you were made captain and Jeff was demoted.

“So tell me ‘Pussy’, or is it ‘Captain Pussy’ now, did you like taking Callahan’s cock up your ass because all those Catholic priests are nothing but a bunch of repressed queers that love to sexually abuse boys like you?”

At that point I lost it, so when I was about to punch someone else for the second time in two days but I felt a hand on my right shoulder and Jake’s voice saying, “stop Toby. Don’t fucking do it.  He is not worth it.”

I lowered my arm and then walked away towards the table that Monika and Annette were sitting at with Jake by my side.  As we walked away, Jake and I both heard Hank screaming out loud, “looks likes the varsity team lacrosse captain’s ‘Cock Sucker’ has to save is ‘Pussy’ ass again.”

I did my best to ignore Hank’s last comment as I sat at the table.  Jake took a seat across from me and had a pissed off look on his face.

He said to me, “what the fuck is wrong with you Toby, you were about to hit the guy, in the fucking lunchroom no less.”

I just said, “Hank went somewhere where he shouldn’t go.  I got pissed off, that’s all.”

Jake replied, “I hate to see you when you get really pissed off Toby, and welcome to public school.”

For the rest of the lunch hour, I did my best to be sociable with Annette, Monika, and even Jake but he wasn't exactly chatting chatting with me either.

We were all working out the arrangements for the prom tomorrow night, but that my mom still wants to meet Annette and so on but Jake still asked me and wanted to know if going to Ted’s Lake house was still on. 

I replied back to him now that he was kind of talking to me that it was still on as I it thought to myself that I had to snag the keys to it beforehand.

Jake then smiled at me and said, "way to go Church Boy, about time you do something that could get you into deep shit if caught.

I just replied back, "yeah we won't get caught.  My stepfather doesn't go there at this time of year."

WE finished up our slop of a lunchroom meal and as we were leaving it to back to class Jake yells out for all to hear, “the only balls that Hank Davis can hold onto are his own and even then, with great difficulty!!”, and then runs off.

I just stood back while Jake ran off but I could hear many of the students laughing at his comment about Hank.

Afternoon classes were boring as usual. As I sat through them, I’m starting to believe that should have just stuck with Catholic School in that the subject material were boring and unchallenging.

I noticed that several of the teachers got their lesson plans from a website rather than make their own by the copyright at the bottom of the page.

Once the last bell of the day rang. I went to the locker room to dress for practice.

When I got there, I saw that Jake was already there and changing into his gear, so I went to my locker and quickly did the same. We said “hey” to one another and assisted one another put on our pads.

I asked Jake if he had found the flowers for Monika yet.  He smiled and said, “yeah I found something Buddy, but while I liked your idea about her birth month flower, I went for something more exotic.  Monika will love it.”

I asked him if wanted to tell.  Jake just gave me his mischievous smile and said, “it’s a surprise.  I want tomorrow night to be the night we finally become ‘a couple’ if you catch my drift Church Boy”.

I got where Jake was coming from in that he plans on banging Monika sometime over the Prom weekend, and it would probably be at Ted’s Lake House but since Ted bangs young Latin men there on occasion, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if some heterosexual intercourse occurred there as well.

As we were all suited up for practice, Coach Callahan entered the locker room with two other guys behind him.  He shouted out in his Marine Drill Sergeant’s voice and said, “listen up ladies, tomorrow is going to be a tough game and with O’Malley being benched and Rogers out with an emergency appendectomy, I’ve had to borrow from the JV team, so for the duration Matt Diaz and Hank Davis will be your new teammates.”

Both Jake and I looked at one another in shock that Dirty Harry put Hank on the team and Coach Callahan caught on to that, so he got in my face and said, “do you have a fucking problem with that O’Malley?  Davis is here because of you so fucking deal with.”

I did my best to control my irate Irish temper and said, “no problem here Coach.  I fucked up.”

Callahan replied, “yes you did O’Malley, and for you Smith”, as he broke away from me and stared at Jake in his face and said, “you run the drills today, it’s your time to show us your full potential as a team leader.  If you fail then well then it tells me that your not fit for the captain’s position either.”

Jake just said, “yes Coach.”

Callahan then said, “now get on the field ladies.”

Jake took his new leadership role like a champ in that he got the team going on the warm-up drills just as good if not better than better than some of the coaches I have had in the past.  He kept it light but fun.  Once we got down to the real scrimmage, where Jake had to pair off the players according to their best strengths and weaknesses, he did a pretty job at that as well.  He paired Davis and Diaz with a more seasoned players as we all ran the pre-planned drills.  On occasion Jake would look over at me and try to ask for some guidance, but Dirty Harry shot that down by shouting at Jake, “don't look to your ‘loverboy' O'Malley for help Smith, you’re the fucking team captain now, so fucking act like it.”

Jake just shouted, “yes Coach!” as I shrugged my shoulders and went along with Jake's lead.

For the next hour or so the players and I, practiced under Jake and the coaches lead.  It was not an intense workout but enough to have all of us sweating until Dirty Harry blew his whistle loud and said, “calling it a day ladies.  Hit the showers and get some rest.  We have an early game tomorrow.  Smith, O'Malley, and Davis in my office when you done.”

Jake, Hank, and I said, “yes Coach”, as we grabbed our gear and hit the locker room.  Davis and I went in but Jake hung back until the rest of the team was off the field before going in to shower.

Once Jake entered the showers I was just finishing up when he got to the shower head next to me and he said, “well looks like my post prom ‘plans’ with Monika just went to fuck and possibly you and Annette as well?”

I asked Jake what he meant by that, so he said, “well bro it seems that both Monika and Annette both just started their periods today.  Monika just texted me about it.”

I replied, “that sucks, so that means we won’t all be hanging out tonight then.”

Jake said, “I guess not.  Not sure how tomorrow night will go either.”

I asked Jake what he meant by that, so he replied, “I have no interest in ‘Riding the Crimson Wave', that shit is nasty and I hate Alabama football.”

I laughed, and replied, “it's ‘Crimson Tide' and yeah I can't do that either, Church rules.”

Jake replied, “your Church has some weird rules but that one I agree with.  Now I know why God gave men hands and a dick because such situations like this arise.”

I just said, “finish up quickly ‘Scoundrel’, Callahan is waiting for us and that newbie JV twat.”

Jake just said, “I'm done" as he shut off the shower and grabbed a towel to dry off as we both exited the showers.

As we exited it, the locker room was empty except for Hank.  He was dressed and, on a bench, checking his cell phone.  He just gave the both of us a mean look and said, “about fucking time? What took you two assholes so long?  I know why.  ‘Capt'n Jake’ just had to suck on his buddy’s cock like he usually does.”

Jake was about to go ballistic on Hank's ass when I stepped in and  calmly said, “hey Hank, we all probably got off on the wrong foot.  Yeah Jake and I are pissed that Jeff fucked up our cars, as we should be so I was within my right to slug him out but guess what if Jeff had an accomplice as well. I know because I have video of it.”

Hank then got really silent and said, “bullshit.  Jeff did it all alone.  I wasn't there.”

I just said, “are you sure Hank?”

Hank just said, “yeah, I'm fucking sure ‘Pussy', I wasn't fucking there.

I then pulled out my cell phone from my locker, took a seat by Hank and then said to Jake, “have a seat ‘Scoundrel’ your gonna want to see this as well.  It’s from out Scottish friends.  He sent this over to me during sixth period.”

Jake then took a seat on the other side of Hank and said, “do share what our Scottish friends have found ‘Crop-Boy’?”

And with that I turned on the video of what Joey Bob sent me and showed it to Hank.

The video showed Hank standing up but leaned over with his pants down to his ankles and Jeff breeding his ass hard from behind.

Jake watches it and says to Hank, “well I never knew that you two were a couple. I never would have expected Jeff was a homo.”

I just watched Hank just sit there nervously in silence  as the video played until it ended.

Hank was about to get up but I said to him, “but hold on there is another one that you have to see”, as I showed Hank and Jake the second video clip that Joey Bob sent me.

This time the video was of Hank, seated but leaning back in back in the flatbed of Jeff’s truck while Jeff was head was between Hank’s legs and was blowing his cock.

As Jake sees this he says, “wow, Jeff blows you also Hank?”

Hank then shouts, “turn it off!! Turn it the fuck off!”

I turned off the video, then I looked Hank in the eye and said, “Jeff confessed to fucking up our cars so if you had a part of it then you better come clean Hank because from the video it looks to Jake and I that you may be an accomplice.  The two of you are already fuck buddies.

Hank was visibly nervous and said, “look I had no idea Jeff was going to fuck up y’alls cars.  I fucking swear.  He was pissed off that Callahan made you captain Toby.  I got no idea why Jeff fucked up your car as well Jake. I fucking swear.  How did you guys get that video anyways, Jeff and I have only done it once.  We aren’t homos just bored and horny and experimenting and all."

Hank then rambled on by saying, “it was all Jeff’s idea.  He’s my buddy and all.  He wanted to know what it was like to fuck a guy and well I was curious as well so I let him fuck me but only if he would blow me afterwards.  So how the fuck did you get that video?”

While I’m not buying all of Hank’s story and when I looked over at Jake, I could tell that he was not buying it either, so I just said, “it was sent to me by a private investigator because I wanted to know who fucked up my car Hank and looks like Jeff did it but while they did some digging, they came across the video.  I don’t ask how they got it, but they found it.  One wouldn’t want this out in public, would they?  Jeff is already in a world of shit as it is.”

Jake interjected and added, Toby's right Hank, we don’t want this to come out either, but Jeff fucked with us but what you and he do is your personal business.  Toby and I won’t say anything if you don't, agree?”

Hank just said, “yeah sure guys, whatever.  I just don't want people to know that Jeff and I did.  It could ruin my chances of being on the varsity team.  I still have one more year to go before college and all.”

I said, “Jake and I won’t say anything if you don’t. We swear but we better be going now Callahan is waiting for us.  I am sure that he is pissed off at the three of us being so late.”

The three of us finished dressing and went to Dirty Harry's office door.  I knocked on it.  We all heard a loud voice say “enter.”  Jake, Hank, and I all went in and the first thing that Coach Callahan said to us was, “about fucking time, were you all having a circle jerk in the showers or something!  I expect better punctuality from my players, especially from my captains.”

Jake stepped in and said, “sorry Coach, it was all my fault for us being late.  O'Malley and I were just giving Davis here a quick orientation of the team and how we do things on the varsity team.”

Callahan said, “good Smith, time for you to be a team leader, I was just curious because I heard about an incident in the lunchroom earlier between the three of you boys.”

Hank spoke up and said, “it was just a misunderstanding Coach and that's all.  Jeff is a friend of mine but I had no idea that he fucked up Jake and Toby's cars.  I had nothing to do with it.”

I added, “Smith and I worked out our issues with Davis, Coach.  He will be a good addition to the team.  Your predecessor made the bad call of having  him on it.”

Dirty Harry just gave out a frustrated grunt and said, “well good thing that you boys managed to work out your personal differences but I will be the final judge on that, now get the fuck out of my office and you all better have your shit together for tomorrow’s game.  Dismissed.”

We all left Coach's office, gathered our gear from the locker room in silence.  As we were leaving it Hank said, “I still think that you guys are a couple of arrogant dicks that deserved what Jeff did to your cars, but since we have to be on a team with one another we might as well pretend to get along.”

Jake, being the new team captain replied to Hank, “yeah we better get the fuck along Davis, I don't want any issues with you but with what Toby and I know now about you and Jeff, it would be shame if word about that got out.  Something like that could ruin reputations and opportunities.”

Hank got nervous and said, “you guy’s wouldn’t.”

I added, “no Hank,  Smith and I wouldn’t but who knows what the person who sent the videos would do, so I highly suggest that you keep your mouth shut and be a good team player.  Your just a call up from the JV team so you can earn a place on the varsity team or get bumped down to the JVs again.  You got that?”

Hank says, “I got it” as he gathered his gear and left. 

Jake and I went to our cars, packed them up and as we were about to leave the parking lot I asked Jake if he wanted to hang out later since his prom date is on the rag.  Jake said that he is going to pass and just hang out at home with his brothers and learn the playbook for tomorrow’s early game.  I said no worries and that I will see him tomorrow and reminded him about the flowers.

As I drove home my dick was getting hard in my shorts.  I was so horned up and watching those video clips that Joey Bob sent me of Hank and Jeff getting it on with one another that once I was in the driveway of my house, I sent Joey Bob a text to see if he was still free tonight.  He said that he was and that his da and brother just left for their fishing trip.  I texted him back that if was okay with me coming by in a couple of hours so that we could “hang out” for a bit.  Joey Bob replied back that he was looking forward to it and that he could not stop thinking about me since the last time that we saw one another as he texted me a pic of his gigantic boner.
When I read that last message and saw the pic of Joey Bob's hard cock my dick got really hard in my shorts.  I texted him back and said that I couldn’t wait to have that in my hand and possibly more.  Joey Bob then texted me back with a smiley face emoji and his address.

I went in the house to see Mom and Ted having their usual evening cocktails.  They seemed to be getting along better than they have over the past few days.  They asked me how my day went.  I told them the fluffy version of it.  Mom said that she could not wait to meet my prom date tomorrow night.  I just said that she is looking forward to it as well but that she was having “girl problems" tonight so that I was going to hang out with Jake tonight by going over to his place.

Ted asked me if that was a good idea considering that I have an early afternoon game tomorrow.  I reminded Ted that I was benched for the game so that I wasn’t playing because I punched the guy that fucked up my car.  Ted added that he is still pondering making criminal charges against Jeff but I told him to drop it in that Jeff was suspended from school and cannot graduate with his class so that was punishment enough.

I was also thinking that by now Hank has told Jeff about the video of him and Jeff having sex with one another and it what a mess that would be if it ever came to light.

Ted just said, “well looks like the boy is getting punished enough as it is but the cost of the repairs will still have to be covered.”

I just said to Ted, “I'll pay for it.  It’s time to move on.”

As I was going to my room to change clothes to meet up with Joey Bob, mom asked me if I was going to have dinner at home.  I told her that Jake and I will probably go out for burgers or something.  She said okay and that to have fun.

I went up to my room to shower and dress.  My cock was semi-hard and from what I could tell I was leaking some pre in my boxer shorts because I was so horned up about hooking up with Joey Bob.

Jake warned me about getting evolved with Joey Bob and his twin brother Bobby Joe but to me Joey Bob seemed like a nice and helpful guy and has done a lot for me so yeah this time I'm ignoring Jake’s advice/warning about getting involved with the Scottish twins.

Once I showered, I struggled to find the right clothes to wear.  I did put on some boxer briefs that my semi-hard dick can rest in comfortably as well as a white tee, polo shirt and some baggy khaki cargo shorts with pockets for my cell, wallet and just incase rubbers in that I had no idea if Joey Bob would take away my male virtue or not.  I was hoping not in that I am still hoping that one day Jake would be the one to do so.

Once I was dressed I left my room to leave the house.  I told mom and Ted that I was leaving but that I should be back in a couple of hours.  Mom said to have fun while Ted added to remember our agreement and not drink and drive.  I told them both that I won’t.

I drove to Joey Bob’s place.  As I did so my dick was getting really hard in my shorts.  Joey Bob turns me on so much and I so want to explore my true sexuality with him.  Don’t get me wrong in that I still love Jake but since I know that he is straight, I might as well explore with someone who has interest in me for once.

I went up to the front door of Joey Bob's house and before I was about to knock on the door Joey Bob opens it.  He said to me, “I’ve been expecting you Toby, come on in.”|

I was shocked to see Joey Bob answer the door so suddenly.  There he was wearing just a white “wife beater” tank top that was matted with his upper body sweat and a pair of some tight-fitting compression shorts that accented his enormous Scottish manhood.  I could smell his intense body sweat and in made me start to chub up in my boxer briefs.

Joey Bob then said, “I was having a quick workout Toby but do come on in.  Can I get you a drink or something.”

I just stared at Joey Bob’s bulging muscles and crotch and replied back, “I don’t drink and drive so a soft drink will do.”

Joey Bob then said, “okay.  Da doesn’t keep those around but he may have some low alcohol beer around.  Come on in.”

As I walked into Joey Bob's house I am amazed on how it is decorated in that it is full of Scottish history.

I stopped and looked at some battle shields and swords for with Joey Bob said, “me Da is a history nut. Those swords are from the Battle of Culloden.  Many of my kinsman died there.  Da has this as a reminder of our family history but that was in the past so come on in.”

I followed Joey Bob into the living room and checked out his fine and muscular bubble butt entrapped in his compression shorts until he said to me, “have a seat Toby.  I'll be right back.”

I took a seat on a couch and as I did so my dick was harder in my underwear and shorts.  I spent a few moments try to casually adjust it under them until Joey Bob returns with a full glass of Scotch for him and a very light alcohol brand of American beer for me. 

Joey Bob then takes a seat right next me, hands me my beer and says “’Slàinte Mhath’”, for what I replied back, “’Sláinte’" back because it is almost same word in Irish and Scottish for “cheers.”

Joey Bob and I toasted one another and as I was sipping on my light beer Joey Bob slammed his Scotch, placed his glass on the table and said, “I find you so fucking sexy Toby.”

I just took another swig of my beer and replied back to Joey Bob, “fuck so do I Joey.  I’m just nervous.  All of this is kinda new to me.”

Joey Bob then said, “well let me calm your nerves some Toby” as he then wrapped his big and long right arm around my neck and started to kiss me hard on the lips.

I was so turned on by Joey Bob kissing me that I kissed him hard back.  As I was doing so, I was rubbing my hand all of his fine muscular body and feeling his sweaty chest through his wife beater. While I did so my cock was getting hard in my boxer shorts.

Joey Bob was also running his hands all over my body as well from shoulders to my groin.  Once he felt my hard cock he said, “I so fucking want your cock in my mouth.  Let me have it again.”

I was so turned on by Joey Bob, kissing me and rubbing his big hands all over my body and hard cock that I said, “you already blew me twice stud, so let me try your big Scottish cock in my mouth for once.

When I said that I saw a big smile on Joey Bob’s face and he said, “are your sure.  You’re a virgin and new to this and all.”

I replied back, “I might as well start somewhere.  I so wanted to know what’s its like to blow another guy.”

Joey Bob then smiled at me again and gave me a deep kiss on the mouth.  I did the same back and this time I was rubbing my hand all over his crotch and when I did so I could feel that Joey Bob was fully hard in his shorts.

Joey Bob broke off the kissing and then quickly pulled off his tank top and then started to take off my shirt.  As he did so I helped him take it off as well.  He then stood up and quickly pulled off his gym shorts.

After Joey Bob did so I checked out the gigantic bulge of his cock that was entrapped in his jock strap.  I saw that Joey Bob was like me in that he was wearing a rather rank and sweaty jock that was more yellowish-brown than white; it was also damp with nut sweat from work out and also had a big wet spot of his leaking pre in it.

I lustfully said to him, “ I so fucking want that in my mouth.”  

Joey Bob then said, “so Toby, it’s for your taking. That’s if your mouth can handle all of it.”
I said to Joey Bob, “I do. I know I’m gay and I want to learn how to give a guy great head.”

Joey Bob then said to me, “good thing that you have a good teacher and jus remember, no teeth. Use your lips.  Now get to it stud because after this there is no turning back.”

I replied back, “I know”, as I dropped down to my knees and started off by sucking on Joey Bob’s hard cock through his rank and sweaty jock strap.

His jock had a pretty big cock pouch that could accommodate his huge manhood so I started by sucking on his big balls that were entrapped by it.

As I got my nose close to it I could smell the male musk that was emanating from them as well as seeing that Joey Bob sweats a lot through his nuts.

I sucked on his big sweaty balls through his jock strap and heard Joey Bob moan slightly as he did so.  He also placed a hand on the back of my head to ensure that my nose and mouth was right up and against his hard cock and sweaty nads.

Sucking on Joey Bob’s cock through his rank jock strap was getting me hard in that I was now pulling out my own cock from my shorts and underwear so I could jerk it as I sucked on his.

Joey Bob kept on moaning as I sucked on his cock shaft as I slowly worked my mouth up to his pre leaking cock head.

Once I got to the tip of it I was sucking the pre from his cock through his jock strap.
Joey Bob then said to me, “you’re a fucking pro Toby, no one has sucked on my cock like that before but are you ready for all of it.”

I stopped jacking myself and sucked on Joey Bob’s cock to say, “I am.  I so want it in my mouth.
Joey Bob then said, “nice” as he then pulled back a bit and stripped off his jock.

When I saw Joey Bob’s full hard and leaking cock in person I was totally amazed by its true size.  He was uncut with I’m guessing about 10” long and and around 7” thick; I was totally intimated by its size and girth especially since when he sent me pics of it before.  I knew that his cock was big but just not that big.

I was reluctant at first to even attempt to blow it but Joey Bob then said to me, “yeah I know it’s big. It intimates a lot of girls and guys when they first see it.  They can’t take it all in and since you are a newbie I don’t expect you to be, that’s if you still want to.”

I just stared at Joey Bob’s fully hard and leaking cock then took a hand to it to stroke it slowly  some from his well trimmed red pubes, then all up his thick beer can thick cock shaft, then up to his foreskin and stroked it some so that it was pulling over his cock head.  As I did so Joey Bob’s piss slit was dripping out even more pre-cum.  I then opened my mouth and extended my tongue to lick the pre from Joey Bob’s piss slit.

Joey Bob was moaning hard as I did so.

Once I was done, I said to Joey Bob, “fuck, I want as much of you as I can take in my mouth” as I then attempted to totally deep throat Joey Bob’s cock.

I then opened my mouth and attempted to take as much of Joey Bob’s hard cock in my mouth and boy it was fucking big and thick in that I probably had just a few inches of it in my mouth before I was gagging on it.

Joey Bob then said to me as I blew him, “you’re doing great stud.  I know it’s big but try breathing through your nose and relax your mouth and throat some.”

I took Joey Bob’s advice and tried to breath through my nose as I attempted to take more of his cock in my mouth but still found myself still gagging on it.

I pulled my mouth out and gave Joey Bob’s cock a few quick strokes to keep it hard while saying to him, “fuck it’s so big but I fucking love sucking on it.  I’ll do what I can”, as I went back down on it.

It took me several attempts and a lot of relaxing of my throat, but I was eventually able to take all of Joey Bob’s enormous cock in my mouth.  As I struggled and swallowed it I was jacking my own cock hard as I did so because Joey Bob’s cock was so fine but I was thinking about what it would be like to be blowing Jake if and when it ever happened.

It took a few more minutes but I was by now nose deep in Joey Bob’s trimmed pubes.  He was moaning and saying to me “aww fuck stud.  You are natural at this.  No babe or guy has taken in all in on their first try.”

I pulled my mouth off Joey Bob’s cock, then sucked on his balls some as I jacked it off some more and said to him as I did so, “I’m a persistent guy: I never give up” as I went back down to take all of Joey Bob’s hard cock in my mouth.

As I sucked and stroked on it Joey Bob was moaning louder and saying “aww fuck stud,  I’ve never been blown like this before are you sure that this is your first time blowing a guy?”

I pulled my mouth off of Joey Bob's cock again then licked around his cock head some and used my tongue to probe his piss slit to lick up more of his constantly flowing pre while slowly massaging his big balls as I did so then replied back to him, “I've watched a few gay pornos and have practiced my mouth on a few bananas.” 

Joey Bob replied back, “seems to me that using bananas worked.  I so want to eat your ass stud while you keep blowing me.”

I then stood up and then gave Joey Bob a deep long kiss on the mouth while both our hard cocks were frotting and grinding on each other and as they did so my cock head was rubbing along Joey Bob's foreskin.

Joey Bob then said to me as he broke off our kiss, “have you been docked stud?”
I looked at Joey Bob with a curious look on my face and replied back to him, “no.  What's that?”

Joey Bob just said to me, “your gonna love it stud.  The cut guys that I have docked with in the past love it” as he then lined up his hard cock with mine and with one hand took a hold of my hard cock while using his other to pull his foreskin over my cock head.  
Joey Bob then slowly stretched out his foreskin over my cockhead and used it to stroke it some.

When I felt Joey Bob's foreskin running along my cock head I was so turned on by the feeling of it that my cock was leaking pre hard in that I have never had that sensation on my cock head before.

I moaned with pleasure as Joey Bob kept rubbing his foreskin along my cockhead some and we both kissed hard and deep as we did so.

Joey Bob then broke off our hard kissing and then said, “I so want to eat your fine ass stud, make you nut on me while you keep on sucking on my cock.  That's if you are up to it stud?”

I replied back, “fuck, you have done so much for me Joey Bob so let's fucking do it.”

Joey Bob then said, “atta boy stud. So should we do this here or go back to my bedroom?”

I just said, “let's do it here.”

Joey Bob replied, “fuck yeah, Da won't mind that we have some fun in here” as he then started to move the coffee table that was in the living room to a side.  I then jumped in and helped him move the other side.  It was one heavy coffee table but once a spot was cleared up, Joey Bob then laid down on the shaggy rug that was under it, stroked on his hard cock some more and said to me, “blow me stud while I eat your fine ass.”

When Joey Bob said that, I immediately got in the sixty-nine position on top of him and started to feast on Joey Bob’s hard cock again by slowing sucking and stroking on it again.

In the mean time I could feel Joey Bob’s mouth and tongue all over my ass crack and hole.  He spat on my manhole, ran his tongue around it some and once he got it all nice and wet he started to probe my asshole with his fingers. Once it was all nice and loose his fingers were deep in my bung hole and was rubbing along my male “love gland".
This was the closest thing to being to experiencing being fucked by a guy and I felt it as I could feet my hard cock leaking pre and at times getting close to nutting.
As Joey Bob kept on doing this to me as I struggled to keep on sucking, stroking, and attempting to deep throat his big and thick cock until I had almost his full hard and thick cock in my mouth.

I kept on sucking and stroking it while Joey Bob probed and massage my prostate some more when I suddenly heard a voice say, “hey there lil bro.  Who is that faggot blowing you?”

The next thing I remember was Joey Bob saying, “aww fuck Bobby.  Why are you here?” as I then suddenly felt a big stream of Joey Bob’s hot jizz shooting from his cock and into my mouth.  His load was so big that I was gagging as his cum filled up my mouth.  

I then immediately pulled my mouth of Joey Bob's cock and spat out his enormous cum load from his cock and into an empty glass that Joey Bob drank his Scotch from.

Once I got all of most Joey Bob's cum out of my mouth, I just said, “I better go.”. . 

by 138b

Email: [email protected]

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