The Walk Of Shame

by NeedyScorpio

22 Feb 2024 5939 readers Score 9.1 (34 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I was 19 years of age . I had moved to the South East side of the Island of Hawaii, called" Kapoho" by the Islanders. It meant the "Sunny Side" in the Hawaiian language. I wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of Orange County, California. I surfed a lot, so it was a natural move to go to this lush lava covered area of the Island with its secret surf spots, all along the coast.

To start my day, I would get up early in the mornings and ride my bike down the road for miles to check out the little hidden secret surf spots, but I usually ended up surfing at Poiki bay. The place was beautiful, with a junglee feel to it. For work I was a care taker on a family farm.

While on the farm I found I needed to find other work to make a little extra cash. This family was a bit greedy, so when I found out they were leaving town for three days, I made plans to make some side money for myself.

Opening up the newspaper to the classifieds, I called the first add I saw,  A general labor job. The man on the phone called himself John, He told me it was going to be heavy work. He then asked me what kind of shape I was in and how I was built. I told him My height, stature and my weight to cut off the small talk. I also told him I had a swimmers body from all of the surfing, which kept me in such good shape.

John said, "Perfect, there will be a lot of lifting and such and we would get very dirty." I agreed to his terms, Then He said, he could use me for the day for a trial run and since I did not have a car he would come to my place to pick me up.

He picked me up with a small red pickup truck, the next morning. We spoke to each other on the drive all the while getting to know one another. He was actually from a town not too far from the town I grew up in.

His property was a good twenty miles away from the farm up towards the volcano. Upon arrival, I noticed the tree out lined a large open area, with an old small travel trailer that was maybe Eight feet wide by twelve feet long on the cleared lot and an outline of a house foundation and there was another small structure made of plywood, down to the east side of the clearing.

I jumped out of the truck and he told me what I was to be doing and we started working right away. After about ten minutes, I took of my shirt wearing nothing but my shorts, it was so hot. An hour later he took off his shirt too. He had to be in his early fifties, but had a great body. He was tall and thin.

We worked our butts off for four hours. He was on a tractor and I moving and stacking the rocks by hand. The time went by very fast. We were exhausted, both of us filthy dirty with dried sweat and cinder dust sticking to our bodies. We were very dirty.

Then he called it a day. Getting off of the tractor he asked if I would like some more water and a change of attitude. We walked over to the small travel trailer. It was about fifteen foot long. John opened the door stepped in, pulled out a nice fat joint and asked if I partake? With a smile, I said, "yes" and lit the joint, Inhaled deeply. It tasted amazing. Handing it back to him, he put it to his lips and took a fake hit, which I noticed right away, then handed it back to me and I took another gracious toke.

Then asked me if I would like to use the shower? "Of course", I said. We were so dirty. Our bodies were covered in the red, thick cinder dirt that felt like it cut into my skin. I couldn't wait to get that dirt off of me!

John lead the way to the small wood shed, he called the Shower hut. As John opened the door I felt a strange kind of felling come over me, It wasn't a normal weed smoking buzz at all. I mentioned that the weed was strong and that I had a major buzz from it. John Laughed, and told me that it was some really good weed. At which I agreed.

Then turned and smiled asking if I was okay. I smiled back at him, and thought to myself, this was no normal high from weed.

John opened the door to the shed, telling me all about how he hooked up a hot water heater to the thermal heat coming up out of the rocks. It was intriguing to hear how he and his friend Howard did this. But I was so high, it really did not matter much to me.

Taking off his dirty shorts and hanging them on a peg on the back of the door. He stood naked for all to see. I turned to look around and thought to myself,  Why? We were out in the middle of nowhere. Then I saw some people about a quarter mile away climbing on some rocks. Oh well, I thought. Who cares? In the state of mind I was in, not much would bother me.

I didn't want to be rude, so I asked if it would be okay for me to take off my clothes too ? John said, Of course. I untied my shorts which dropped to the ground like a rock. I bent down to pick them up and to shake the dirt off of them with a whip and a pop of the shorts I hung them on a peg. I had on my small men's bikini underwear. I had forgotten that I was wearing them. My Step-Mother had washed my clothes not to long before and told me that she liked my tiny panties, they were so cute. I told her I loved them they were much more comfortable than Tighty Whities. She looked at me and smiled and said I know. Now here I was, standing in the wide open with only my dark blue panties on, without any cares. It felt lovely. I didn't do this kind of thing ever and it felt invigorating.

I reached into the top of my panties to take them off when I noticed John was watching me. It made me feel a bit sheepish. Why was he smirking?  I looked down to see. Was he smirking at my panties? Normally, I would not care, but because I was so high, I felt a little self-conscious, which then changed to, I had never done this before so fuck it and turned my ass to him and pulled my panties down, bending at the waist and stepped out of them, holding them up out of the dirt then turned to face him in all my one and a half inch glory, I smiled, then hung them over my dirty shorts on the door. It felt so good to be naked, outside and out of those dirty clothes.

John acted like nothing happened. Holding the door open for me as I walked past him showing me into the dark room. Boy it was dark, I felt his big hand on my shoulder guiding me to the couch, like seating, made of smooth cinder rocks After my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I looked at the stone. It was very nice. I did not want to lay down at first, so I sat with my feet on the floor, looking forward, waiting to shower.

As he rinsed himself off, he kept looking over at me insisting, that I lay across the rocks, reassuring me that it was very relaxing. And that I would be much more comfortable in that position, All I was thinking about at that moment was that I had an insane buzz from the weed. So I finally laid across the rocks. And he was so right, it was very comfortable. I was in my own little world, stoned out of my mind and very relaxed.

There I lay with my eyes closed relaxing, wondering what I had just smoked, I was so f#$% high. There had to be hash mixed in the weed. When all of the sudden he was on me. He was a bigger man of six feet five inches at least. I was five foot, nine inches, skinny and stoned out of my mind. With one of his hands on my chest and the other across my thighs, his head goes down to my crotch. This action caught me totally off guard. He had my little shriveled penis in his mouth and he sucked it in.

I was blown away, no pun intended. I had a very good looking Fifty year old man sucking me off. My little penis stayed limp, but between the bristling touch of his unshaven face and the masterful way he sucked so hard, that it hurt my tiny little penis, that was being stretched, shocking it to life, as the blood started to fill it. He stopped and said, " I knows you are straight, but I can't help myself. You are so sexy and I want to see how big your tiny little dick will get." Then a strange feeling started to happen in my groin. He put his mouth around my balls massaging them with his tongue. This put me over the top! Yes, I had a raging five inch, boner. My mind was all over the place. What was happening to me? Why was he sucking me. Then I thought about it for a second. Up until that moment of time, I hadn't had any kind of sex, not even masturbation, for the last three months, since being on island and my first ever blow job.

At this point, it felt so good, I let go, stopped caring about everything else, I went with what was happening to me. I had my hands gripped into his hair and I was moaning like a good little bitch, as he sucked my rock hard five inch cock, then he put my balls into his mouth, playing with them using his very magic tongue. Back and forth with these actions, rubbing his unshaven bristles on my sensitive cock, while his hand roamed my body.

One pinching my hard left nipple and the other exploring my tight rose bud. It all felt so good and the state of mind I was in anything was a go now.

All of this overloaded my senses. It was driving me crazy. I lay there moaning, my body being tortured by a new to me, pleasure, as I ordered him to keep sucking as I wriggled and squirmed underneath him in a state of pure ecstasy. This went on for fifteen minutes. What finally sent me over the top was the finger being inserted into my saliva covered rosebud. He pushed it in deep. I moaned from down in my stomach. Over and over, he finger banged me.

All of this was a sensory overload, suddenly my body went into full convulsions. I screamed out loud. "I am Cumming!", And I blew the biggest load of cum I had ever blown, into his mouth. I lay there shaking. I almost passed out. My mind and body were vibrating in waves that would start at my head and pulse all the way down to my toes, and he made sure to suck me dry. I couldn't move. I lay there shaking from the mind blowing orgasm I had just had, wondering what had just happened to me. When another wave hit me, Then another. John abruptly left my side, I turned my head quickly, following him with my eyes, not wanting him to leave me there in this state. I felt helpless. I needed him and I would do anything. As he walked away to the shower, his eyes watched me as my body lay shaking, as strange waves of vibrations emanated from deep inside my body all the way to my brain. I was helpless in a constant orgasm.

The smirk on his face was telling as he stepped back under the shower to rinse off. John knew he had blown my mind and taken me into an entire new sexual paradigm, I had no idea what had just happened. As I stared at him, watching in awe, as the back lit water splashing off of him made him look so angelic, he was beautiful.

I laid stationary watching him rub himself down with soap. My body still orgasming and useless, with my head turned to the left side, I watched as he grabbed his cock. That is the first time I noticed his cock! It was huge! Limp as it was he used a long downward stroking motion and had to bend over a bit to reach the end of his cock. I watched in Awe. Amazed, just staring at the outline of his cock as the water splashed around its girth. When he had taken off his trunks his cock didn't look that big compared to his body. Yes, compared to mine it was huge.

As he stroked it, it grew and grow it did. it grew to hang down between his knees. It was huge and for some reason I wanted to touch it. I wanted to make him hard as a rock. I wanted him to cum on me or inside of me! I was so enthralled with its majestic beauty.

John was watching me as he stroked it slowly in the long downward motion. He knew I was lost in amazement. Walking over to me with his cock bouncing from knee to knee. I gasped in awe. He was gorgeous, as he walked to my side, he stroked his cock masterfully and put the growing tip to my lips and told me to kiss it. I being very high still, did as I was told. But I did not just want to kiss it, I wanted to suck it into my mouth and let my tongue rub along the soft skin under his mushroom tip. I wanted to make love to it with my mouth. So to my surprise, when I opened my eyes, his cock head was somehow in my mouth and I was moaning with pleasure.

He was loving my first time blow job. I felt amazing as I lay rubbing my body. Feeling all tingly with the touch of my hands, as they explored my upper body. By the time I got to my nipples they were hard as rocks and so sensitive. Fixated on them John started to push in and out with very short thrusts, which was causing me to moan with pleasure. My tongue really loved the feeling his soft skin. It was such a surreal state of mind I was lost in. He pulled it out of my mouth and put his ball sack on my face. I could only fit one in at a time, rolling it around, moaning with pleasure then putting the other in. He switched back and forth from the balls to the cock a few more times. Then came a sharp pain to my left nipple and he had me gagging. He had thrust his cock to the back of my mouth so fast, I was in a panic for I could not breath. When he finally retracted it enough, I took a huge gasping breathe and called out his name in a pouty, whiny voice. He then he pushed it to the back of my throat and told me to, "Shut The Fuck Up and take it like the little bitch that you are." I tried to get away, but his strong right hand on my forehead, holding it down against the stone couch like a vise. And his left hand pushing down on my chest wasn't letting me move an inch.

I could feel my throat expanding, stretching wider with every gagging action I had, a little more of that huge mushroom tip made some headway. When he pinched my nose shut, I instinctually tried to breathe and he forced his cock deep into my throat. It was so big. Then he sunk it balls deep somehow. I was fucking in shock! His big balls were resting against my face, tears running down my face, gagging on it so hard, fluid came shooting out of my nose. I could feel every vein pulsing in my throat, his cock was getting even bigger, Then he let it all go, filling me full of his man juice, he was Cumming in my stomach. As he emptied himself into me, he moaned like a bear, telling me that I was a good little bitch for taking him in like that. 

After he finished he slid his meat all the way out of my mouth leaving a giant void and allowing me to take in a big breath of fresh air as I choked on all the saliva and cum in my mouth. I lay there in my own hot mess, coughing and choking, feeling so used. It was daunting. How did that even happen? I laid prone for a couple of minutes, motionless in body but my mind was going crazy.

In the meantime, John swaggered back over to the shower and rinsed off again, then came to my side, took my right hand and pulled me up to a seated position, I felt like a limp pile of meat. He picked me up and took me to the shower. All the while telling me that I was a good little sissy and that there would be more to come. So I thanked him and stood under the water.

While showering my mind started to come out of the trance. The hot water felt so good as I slowly lathered up with the soap, washing the cinder dirt, spit, and cum off of myself. I stood staring at the wall in front of me, relaxing under the hot water for quite a while as john watched. I still feeling a bit high. Wondering to myself what the hell did I smoke. I could feel the water cascading down my body like everything was in slow motion. I had so many questions. Why was my body trembling out of control? Who has a cock that big? It didn't get hard as he stroked it while showering, but it hung down to his knees. Damn! Somehow he got it into my small mouth, down my throat and into my stomach. "What The Fuck!"

John, "What the fuck is in that weed?" I asked him. He smiled, Why do you ask? Well, you just turned me into a orgasming pile of limpness, then used my face as a pin cushion. I am still having random orgasms and I have never felt that high from weed. He assured me it was just good weed. Then I shut the water off and we walked to the door.

Opening the door, we walked out into the blinding brightness of the day. We both stood naked for all to see. Trying to get my bearings to where I was at. Blinking my eyes to get used to the brightness, I wondered what time it was? Thinking to myself, It must have been about Two Thirty to Three in the afternoon. The day was so bright. Then John led the way to the small trailer which was thirty feet away.

Upon John opening the entry door of the trailer, I was asked to step in first. He wanted me to sit at the table, he was going to stand. He lit the joint again and took another hit and handed it to me. I don’t know what I was thinking, I took a deep hit, Sat back against the seat and then took another gracious toke. Setting it back on the tray, John noticed me, checking out the poster of a sexy German woman in a dirndl dress with her boobs hanging out in white lingerie holding some beer, And asked me if I wanted a cold beer?

I told him that I would love a couple of beers, He pulled two out of the little ice cooler and popped the tops off then handed me one. I pounded mine so he got me one more. I was still looking at the poster again and I mentioned to him that I loved the poster. He asked me if I liked the woman or the sexy lingerie? A bit embarrassed, I blurted out, "The sexy lingerie of course!" He smiled, and said "That’s what I thought. I knew you were a sissy as soon as I saw those cute tight panties you were wearing." With an ass like yours, you should have to wear women's lingerie at all times. I blushed at the comment and said, thank you. Then he told me that he had some lingerie in the drawer under the seat I was sitting on. He suggested I pull out the drawer and put it on. I asked him why would I do that? John looked at me and lit the Joint up again taking a little puff and handing it over to me. I took another hit and handed it to him for another but he faked the second hit and it was in my hands again and this time I hit it hard. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Look nobody is around and you can dress as you like, I don’t care. We are done working and drinking some beer, smoking some good weed." He reached down between my bare legs and opened the drawer. 

My eyes sparkled with happiness. Then I asked him why he has a bunch of lingerie in here. He smile and said that his last helper loved dressing up too. I was kind of blown away at what he had just said. Then I asked him to pick something out that he thought that I would look good in. " and finished the second beer.

"Okay." Before I knew it there was mascara and lipstick on the table.  Put this on first. He said. Then he pulled out a pair of black nylons and a garter belt, next some stilettos that fit. He said, "Don’t worry about any panties put on this dress." I put the lingerie on, then the dress. I couldn't believe this was happening. I was so excited. I finished dressing and sat back down and asked for another beer. My penis was dripping pre-cum like never before. After putting everything on I modeled for John. I looked hot! And I knew it! It was great then I turned to face him as he handed me a beer. I asked him what he thought? He couldn't control himself. John pushed me over the seat backwards and held me down at my throat. I was laid down on my back, my ass and long legs covered in sexy black nylons, were straight up against his burley, hairy chest one on either side of his face, sat a sexy stiletto. In my sexiest voice, I said MY, my, you handsome man wouldn't you like to talk more so as we can get to know one another better? I reached up, grabbed my beer and pounded it all at once. John turned me on to no end.

I smiled , thinking about how I have wanted to be properly fucked by his huge cock. He stuck a tube of lube to my rosebud and squeezed. I could feel the cold fluid fill me. Then smeared it all around my ass cheeks. At that moment I knew I was going to get what I wanted. His huge cock deep inside me!

His cock was hard and scary big. He put it to my ass pushing it through my cheeks directly to my hole. It was big! I tried not to cry as he forced it in slowly. My hard little penis shriveled and shrunk back into itself. My legs weren't so sexy anymore, they were shaking. The pain was immense, as he forced his cock into me. It was too much. I started crying. It was a strange feeling to cry from pain, but also from the need to fulfill this man's needs.

Finally, I felt his mushroom tip pop in. He finally broke the threshold of my hole, popping my cherry. I screamed from the pain, but John kept pushing, driving his cock in and out. Deeper inside of me, feeling my insides being moved around to make room for his monster cock as he fucked me, I loved this new feeling. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him into me and I screamed "Oh My God"!

I could feel his cock get harder. His member was touching something deep inside of me. I did not know what it was but it made me scream.

Slowly he pulled himself all the way out of me with a loud pop, he inserted the cock back in slowly till his hips lay against my ass. I was screaming, "Yes" and moaning "Oh My God" out loud. I could feel his manhood deep inside of me. I crunched my stomach trying to clinch onto his cock so as to hold him deep inside of me, but to no avail, he would pull it back, then bless me with a jolting bolt of electricity as his long cock found it way home deep inside of me where it belonged.

Over and over he pounded me. I felt like a woman should, succumbing to this man's needs, I rocked with his movements instinctively knowing what needed to be done. We Fucked for a long time.

John's cock was getting bigger inside of me and he was moaning loudly. I could feel it was almost his time to fill me with his seed. He started to fuck me hard, pounding with long driving strokes, he tortured me with the pleasure of this new found pain. I was screaming "Fuck Me" at the same time orgasming. Pre-cum and cum was spurting out of my limp clitty and then it happened he came hard. I could feel his seed spraying my insides.

With my long legs holding him deep inside of me I keggeled his cock with my loving rosebud. I did not want him to pull out of me. Then the door swung opened, and another man walked in, John pulled out with a wet sounding "pop". I tried holding him inside of me but it was futile. John and this other man stood over me staring at me. I could see the lust in this new man's eyes and I knew what was coming as he ripped his shorts down and grabbed his cock and started stroking it, asking John if he minded sharing?

He did not miss a beat as he filled me with his fat cock it wasn't as long as John's but it was lovely, he fucked me so hard. I did not know who this new man was but he was fucking me and full of blind lust. Then out of the blue, he stopped turned me over belly down, spread my legs and rammed his cock  back into me, over and over. I loved this new me. I loved being taken advantage of. I was crying, moaning and before I knew what was going on, I came all over my nylons. This seemed to make him more excited as he looked over to John who was looking at me and me looking at John.

He slammed his cock into me one last time. Driving it balls deep and fully emptying himself into my love hole, pulled out, turned me around and pushed me to my knees to clean him up. He tasted of cum and my ass. After I cleaned him up real good he grabbed a beer for himself and John, and walked over to John and sat down.

He and John talked for quite a while as I composed myself and lit the joint, took a hit and got another beer. Pulled my dress down and sat by myself, feeling like a slut. I loved that these two men were so into fucking me. I reached back and felt my love hole. It was gaping open and cum dripped out. I used two finger to get a taste of it. My clitty got hard in an instant. The taste of these two men turned me on to no end. I loved being a slut. I loved hearing them talk about my new future with them. They were naughty.

John then stood, walking up behind me. He told me to get used to being this new you and put his now hard cock back into me and shoved it all the way in, balls to the wall in one motioned. I gasped then let out a little whimper and took it like I knew I was supposed to.

He fucked me in this new position which allowed him to grab my wrists from behind and pull me off of the seat I was laid over. I wasn't able to stand on my own anymore John held me up by my wrist as he fucked me from behind all the while number two man jacked himself off. He was hard and ready for round two after watching John and I fuck.

He then stepped in front of me lifting my chin up to look at him. He told me to open up my mouth. His fat cock tasted so good. Feeling these two cocks inside of me at the same time felt so good. Then they both fucked me in perfect unison. I had to breath when they both were backing out of me. I wasn't getting enough oxygen and started to get a bit weary they took full advantage of this.

The sensation from John being so deep up my ass and the other man deep inside of my throat at the same time over and over they pounded me hard, having that thumping feeling as they rammed it home at the, same time sent me over the top and I started to orgasm into full convulsions again. This went on for a long time, as they had already cum before.

I loved it this new attention I was getting. I felt so needed. I felt an innate sense to fulfill these men's needs. I wanted nothing else but to make them cum again.

The man in my mouth finished first, shooting a load deep in my throat. As he pulled out I squeezed my lips tight around his cock so as not to lose a drip. with a pop his cock came out of my mouth. Then John pulled out without warning which caused me to fall to my knees. He walked around to the front of me and held his cock in hand and told me to suck him off again. John finished off another load deep inside of my throat. I lay there motionless. Used and a mess, I had a lot of cum in me.

We all drank another beer and I smoked the rest of the joint for the ride home. The men decided it was time to go, but not in the little truck, It was the Red Convertible Cadillac with the top down. John had me clean up a bit and reapply my make-up. I still had on the dress with the lingerie and heals, I was feeling great as John carried me to the back seat of the car. The sun was shining and of course, we stopped in Pahoa to get some drinks at the store. John paid me for the day and bought us a six pack to share for the slow ride home. We took the long way around for all to see as we also finished up the beer.

This was done on purpose. I was a trophy for them to show off. It was a small town and everyone knew about their practices with teenage boy and young men. Everyone knew what these two men had done with me, they knew these two men had done this many times before. As we drove off the people would look at me, then turn in disgust.

After the long drive, and the warm wind flowing around me I started to feel better. I think I has started to lose my high. When we finally arrived at the property I lived at. I opened the back door of the Caddy and stepped out from the back seat, not caring if any of the neighbors were watching.

I started the walk of shame down the three hundred yard long driveway in a sexy dress, heels and lingerie with cum coming out of my ass. About half way there I wondered why the big watch dog had not met me at the gate. I whistled for him and he came out of the bushes happy to see me. He was a big uncut male hound. I patted him on the head thankful to see him. Then he started sniffing me.

I was too tired to play with him. I just pushed his muzzle away when he buried it deep in my ass. I tried to keep walking but he was persistent and fast. He actually tripped me to my hands and knees. I swore at the dog. Telling him he was bad. He growled at me and I froze. There I was on my hands and knees and the dog was bearing it shiny white teeth at me.

My first thought wasn't a good thought. I realized then and there that he was going to fuck me. He walked behind me and mounted me. I felt his little sharp boney cock poke me a few times and it hurt really bad. Then he found his mark and drove it home.

Boy, he went nuts fucking me so fast. What was strange was that his dick got bigger and bigger and then he drove it deeper and I could feel a mound building. He kept fucking me and the mound kept growing as it passed in and out. Soon it was the size of a golf ball. He pumped it in and out of me and it still grew. God what the fuck, It felt great, until it grew too big to pump it back in so he crammed it in and we were stuck.

It must have grown to the size of a baseball ball inside of me, I felt very full. He still tried to pump and it kept growing. Then I felt my insides warm up and I knew he was filling me with his seed. He turned around and we were truly knotted up. I couldn't believe my luck. I was so worn out from the day. I just wanted to get in my bed. Then I heard a familiar voice tell me to open up my mouth as man number two filled my mouth with his cock. He came quick, then it was John's turn. He was fucking turned on from seeing the dog and I stuck together. He put his cock in my mouth and drove it straight down my throat.

His big cock fucked my throat until the dogs knot popped out and he lost his load. I had so much cum in me. The men left me in the dirt on the driveway. I laid asleep in that spot till it was after dark.  I woke up to another voice asking me if I was okay. I told the person yes and thank you for checking on me. I found it strange that he was in the yard. He was the old Neighbor from next door.

He Shined his flashlight at me and told me to suck him. I couldn't believe it. I wasn't going to suck him. I was too tired. He told me to suck his cock right now. Pulling it out of his pants seemed to be a chore for him. He was seventy two years old and he wanted a blow job. His dick was long and he slapped me in the face with it. I said WTF? And he shoved it in my mouth. What else could I do.

The End.

by NeedyScorpio

Email: [email protected]

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